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Writing your dissertation - making an action plan

Posted in: dissertations

how to make action plan for thesis

Action stations!

Every successful route to completion of a dissertation begins with a practical and workable action plan. Your action plan is a vital tool to help you stay focused, on track and motivated throughout your journey. It is highly likely your supervisor will ask you to make a plan, so that she/he can advise on time frames, targets and goals, and so on.

Before you begin to plot your write-up plan, you need to know when, where, how, and with what or whom you will do your research, and how you will collect and analyse your data.

You need to think about how long it will take you to collect and collate your data and research, and then build that into overall time frames.

Planning your write-up

how to make action plan for thesis

Then, once you have worked out how much time you will need for data collection, you can then devise your write-up plan.

Use the following rules to help you:

  • Write about a page a day.
  • Work backwards from at least two weeks before the submission date to calculate when you need to start your writing. (A page is about 500 words, so, for example, if your dissertation is 15,000 words long, you will need at least 30 days to do the writing.)
  • Leave two or more weeks at the end for editing and proofreading.
  • Include interim achievable targets to help you stay focused and on track.
  • Work on different sections - and if you get bogged down switch from one to another.
  • Ask a close friend to read it bit by bit and provide feedback on clarity, accuracy and appropriacy.
  • Build in meetings slots with your supervisor. Make sure these are strategically placed to catch possible problems at different stages of the write up, or sections of your dissertation.
  • Use time-management tools to help you stay on track, e.g. a Gantt chart, or a planning app on your phone.
  • Once you have devised your plan, stick to it... It's there for a reason!

Remember it may take you up to three times longer than you expect to write up your dissertation, so build this contingency into your schedule.

Hopkins, D. and Reid, T., 2018. The Academic Skills Handbook: Your Guid e to Success in Writing, Thinking and Communicating at University . Sage.

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How to Write an Action Plan: Step-by-Step (Examples)

By Editorial Team on November 9, 2023 — 9 minutes to read

An action plan is a detailed roadmap of the necessary steps you need to take to achieve a specific goal or objective. It’s like a GPS that guides you from your starting point to your desired destination. Creating an action plan helps you break down a large goal into smaller, more manageable tasks, which makes the goal feel less overwhelming.

To start, you should first identify your end goal and be as specific as possible. For example, if you want to increase sales for your business, set a target like “Increase sales by 20% within the next six months.” This will give you a clear vision of what you want to achieve and make it easier to measure your progress.

Next, list the necessary actions or tasks required to reach your goal. These can be further divided into smaller tasks that are easy to understand and implement. For example, to increase sales, you could:

  • Improve your online presence by revamping your website, optimizing it for search engines, and posting regularly on social media platforms.
  • Reach out to potential clients through email campaigns and cold calls.
  • Offer promotions or discounts to incentivize new customers to try your product or service.

Now, it’s time to set a timeline for each task. Deadlines will enable you to monitor your progress and stay on track. Assign realistic due dates for each task, and if needed, break them down into smaller milestones.

To ensure your action plan’s success, make sure to assign responsibility for each task. If you’re working with a team, delegate tasks according to each team member’s strengths, skills, and workload. This will help ensure everyone knows what their responsibilities are, and they are held accountable.

Lastly, always monitor your progress and evaluate your action plan’s effectiveness. Regularly review the tasks you’ve accomplished, and make note of the tasks that were challenging or required more time than anticipated. This self-assessment will help you improve your action plan and make necessary adjustments as you work towards your goal.

Example Action Plan

Goal : Increase sales by 20% within the next 6 months (By January 1st, 2025)

Actions : 1. Improve online presence a) Revamp website design – Due October 15th b) Optimize website for SEO – Due November 1st c) Post regularly on social media (1x/week min) – Ongoing

2. Reach out to potential clients a) Create email marketing campaign – Due September 15th b) Start cold calling campaign (10 calls/day) – Start October 1st

3. Offer promotions a) Design promotion flyers – Due September 1st b) Run month-long 20% off sale – October 1-31st

Monitoring : – Check website analytics weekly – Track new clients monthly – Evaluate sales figures monthly – Adjust plan as needed at monthly meetings

Responsibilities : – John to revamp website – Susan to handle social media – Michael to create promotions – Jennifer to manage outreach campaigns

Steps to Creating a Powerhouse Action Plan

First, identify your goal . Be specific about what you want to achieve and set a time frame for accomplishing it. This will help keep your efforts focused and prevent you from getting overwhelmed by smaller tasks. For example, instead of “increase sales”, choose “increase sales by 20% in the next six months”.

Next, break your goal down into smaller, manageable tasks . Create a list of activities or steps that must be completed in order to reach your goal. If your goal is to Increase sales by 20%, some tasks might be:

  • Research your target market
  • Develop a marketing strategy
  • Improve product offerings
  • Train your sales team

Assign a deadline and responsible party for each task on your list. This will help ensure that all tasks are completed on time and that everyone knows their role in achieving the goal. Make sure to set realistic timelines for each task, taking into consideration the resources and time available.

Here’s an example:

  • Research your target market – due in one week – assigned to Jane (marketing specialist)
  • Develop a marketing strategy – due in two weeks – assigned to marketing team

Monitor your progress regularly. Keep track of your progress by using tools such as calendars, project management software, or a simple spreadsheet. Regularly assess whether you’re on track to meet your goal and adjust your action plan if needed. For example, if a task is taking longer than expected, you may need to reassign resources or revise the deadline.

Celebrate your milestones and learn from setbacks . Along the way, take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your successes, as well as learn from any setbacks or challenges. This will help maintain motivation and encourage continuous improvement.

Finally, communicate your action plan to all stakeholders involved, such as employees, investors, or clients. Clear communication ensures everyone understands the goal, their responsibilities, and the expectations for the project.

Defining Clear and Smart Goals

Specific goals.

When creating your action plan, start by setting specific goals. These are clear, well-defined goals that leave no room for ambiguity. You should know exactly what needs to be accomplished and how you plan to achieve it. For example, instead of aiming for “increasing sales,” set a goal like “increase sales by 15% over the next six months.”

Measurable Goals

Your goals should be measurable so that you can track your progress and know when you’ve achieved them. This involves identifying quantifiable indicators that will help you determine your progress. For instance, if your goal is to increase sales, a measurable component can be the number of units sold or the amount of revenue generated within a specific timeframe.

Achievable Goals

When setting goals, make sure they are achievable and realistic based on your current resources and constraints. Consider your team’s capabilities, time, and budget. Unattainable goals may negatively impact your motivation and morale. For example, if you have a small team with limited resources, setting a goal to double your company’s size within a month might be unrealistic. Instead, aim for a modest yet challenging growth rate that can be achieved with your available resources.

Relevant Goals

Your action plan goals should also be relevant to your organization’s mission and vision. These are goals that align with your overall strategic plan and contribute to its long-term success. Relevant goals ensure that your efforts are focused on high-impact areas and avoid unnecessary distractions. For example, if your business is focused on sustainability, a relevant goal might be to reduce your company’s carbon footprint by 20% in the next year.

Time-bound Goals

Finally, ensure that your goals are time-bound, meaning they have a deadline for completion. Deadlines keep your team accountable and help maintain a sense of urgency, which is crucial for staying on track and achieving your objectives. A clear timeframe also allows you to measure your progress and adjust your plans as needed. For instance, you could set a goal to expand your customer base by 10% within the next quarter.

Assigning Roles and Responsibilities

When creating an action plan, it’s important to assign roles and responsibilities to your team members. This helps ensure tasks are completed efficiently and everyone is clear about their duties. Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • First, identify the necessary tasks to achieve your goal. Be specific about what needs to be done and break it down into smaller steps if needed. For example, if your action plan involves promoting a new product, tasks could include designing promotional materials, creating social media posts, and reaching out to potential partners.
  • Next, evaluate the skills and expertise of your team members. Consider their strengths, weaknesses, and past experiences with similar projects. This will help you match team members with tasks that best suit their abilities. For instance, someone with graphic design expertise should be responsible for creating promotional materials.
  • Once you’ve determined which team members are best suited for each task, clearly communicate their roles and responsibilities. This can be done through a project management tool, an email, or a team meeting. Make sure everyone is aware of their duties and the deadlines for each task.
  • Keep track of everyone’s progress, and hold regular check-ins to see how each team member is doing with their assigned tasks.
  • Be open to adjusting your action plan and roles as necessary. Sometimes, unforeseen challenges can arise and require you to modify your plan.

Creating a Time Frame

When working on your action plan, it’s important to establish a realistic time frame for achieving your goals. This helps you stay on track and prioritize tasks effectively. We will walk you through the process of creating a time frame for your action plan.

  • First, break down your primary goal into smaller, manageable tasks. Think of these tasks as stepping stones that will lead you toward your overall objective. For example, if your goal is to start a new business, your tasks might include researching your target market, establishing a budget, and developing a marketing strategy.
  • Next, assign a deadline to each task. Deadlines should be specific and set in stone but make sure to be flexible enough to adjust as necessary. Use a calendar or planner to visualize your timeline, marking important dates and milestones. For example, you could set a four-month deadline for completing market research and a six-month deadline for securing initial funding.
  • To keep yourself accountable, set reminders or notifications for important deadlines. This can be done using digital tools like smartphone apps or traditional methods, such as sticky notes on your workspace. Regularly reviewing your progress and adjusting your time frame when needed will help you stay on track.
  • Lastly, consider any external factors that might impact your time frame. Are there seasonal events, holidays, or industry-specific deadlines that could affect your ability to complete tasks? Factor in these considerations as you build your timeline.

Resource Allocation

When creating an action plan, resource allocation plays a major role. You’ll need to determine the resources required for each task and how they’ll be distributed among team members. This usually includes time, budget, and human resources.

  • Start by estimating the time each task will take. Break tasks down into smaller chunks and allocate a specific deadline to each. This will help you prioritize tasks and balance workloads for your team members. For example, if designing a marketing campaign takes four weeks, divide it into weekly tasks like conducting market research, creating promotional materials, and setting up advertisements.
  • Next, determine the budget needed to complete your project. Identify any expenses such as salaries, equipment, software, and project-related costs like travel. Create a budget for each task to avoid overspending, and allocate funds accordingly. Using our marketing campaign example, allocate separate budgets for market research tools, graphic design tools, and advertising platforms.
  • Lastly, allocate human resources to tasks based on their skills and expertise. Delegate responsibilities to your team members, ensuring that everyone has a clear understanding of their role in the project. If needed, identify additional hires or outside consultants to fill gaps in your team’s expertise. For instance, if your team lacks graphic design experience, consider hiring a graphic designer or outsourcing the work to a design agency.
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Action Plan Template for Dissertation

  • Great for beginners
  • Ready-to-use, fully customizable Subcategory
  • Get started in seconds

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  • Keep track of key timelines and milestones
  • Develop a clear roadmap for completion
  • Set achievable goals at every step of the way

Benefits of a Dissertation Action Plan Template

  • A more streamlined process, which reduces the amount of time and effort required
  • More confidence in your ability to complete the dissertation on time
  • Increased clarity and organization when writing the dissertation
  • Easier access to helpful resources, such as online sources or past papers

Main Elements of a Action Plan Template for Dissertation

  • Dissertation proposal
  • Titles of chapters
  • Outline of the book
  • Bibliography
  • Acknowledgments

How to Use a Dissertation Action Plan Template

1. research and brainstorm ideas., 2. develop a structure., 3. outline topics and arguments., 4. set deadlines for tasks and milestones., 5. collect feedback regularly., related action plan templates.

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Action Plan

Create an action plan for your dissertation project

What is Action Plan For Dissertation Template?

Planning and organizing your dissertation project can be overwhelming, especially when there are multiple tasks and deadlines to manage. That's why we've created this action plan template specifically for dissertation projects. With Lark's user-friendly features, you can easily create and customize your action plan, track progress, assign responsibilities, and ensure that your project stays on track. Whether you're a student working on your dissertation or an academic professional managing multiple research projects, this template will help you stay organized and meet your goals.

how to make action plan for thesis

Try this template now

Who is this Action Plan For Dissertation Template for?

This action plan template is designed for students, researchers, and academic professionals who are working on a dissertation project. It's suitable for individuals or teams who need a comprehensive tool to plan, track, and manage their dissertation projects effectively. Whether you're in the early stages of research or nearing the completion of your dissertation, this template will provide you with the structure and organization you need to succeed.

Why use this Action Plan For Dissertation Template?

1. Stay organized. With this action plan template, you can break down your dissertation project into manageable tasks, set deadlines, and assign responsibilities. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you're making progress towards your goals.

2. Track progress. Lark's features allow you to track the progress of each task in real-time. You can easily see which tasks are completed, which are in progress, and which are overdue. This will help you stay on top of your project and make adjustments as needed.

3. Collaborate effectively. If you're working on your dissertation as part of a team, Lark's collaboration features will enable seamless communication and coordination. You can assign tasks to team members, share documents and resources, and collaborate in real-time.

4. Meet deadlines. Meeting deadlines is crucial for a successful dissertation project. With this template, you can set deadlines for each task and receive reminders to ensure that you're staying on track.

5. Stay focused. Lark's user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy to stay focused on your dissertation project. You can customize your action plan, prioritize tasks, and filter information to focus on what's most important.

6. Access from anywhere. Lark is a cloud-based platform, which means you can access your action plan from anywhere, whether you're working on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. This flexibility allows you to work on your dissertation project anytime, anywhere.

Get Started with Action Plan For Dissertation Template.

Follow these few steps to get started with Lark templates:

1. Click 'Use this template' on the top right corner to sign up for Lark

2. After signing up for Lark, you will be directed to the Action Plan For Dissertation Template on Lark Base. Click 'Use This Template' on the top right corner of Lark Base to copy a version of the Action Plan For Dissertation Template to your workspace.

3. Change fields of the template to fit your needs

4. Take advantage of the full potential of this Action Plan For Dissertation Template.

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Read more on productivity and collaboration

Why Lark is the best work collaboration tool

How customers use Lark to empower their employees

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How to write a thesis proposal in 5 simple steps

Bethany Fagan

Bethany Fagan Head of Content Marketing at PandaDoc

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Hanna Stechenko

Hanna Stechenko Manager, SEO Management

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For most grad students, preparing a thesis proposal is the first major step when writing a master’s thesis.

A strong thesis proposal:

  • Acts as a project roadmap before major work begins.
  • Outlines the research you plan to complete.
  • Provides background, context, and qualifications.
  • Limits and narrows the scope of the project.
  • Highlights the frameworks and methodologies to be used.
  • Establishes timelines, budgets, and resources.

But, while the concept of a thesis proposal is easy to understand, these documents can be difficult to write due to both their complexity and the need for students to limit their scope of coverage on their chosen topic.

It’s a lot to manage.

Fortunately, with the right templates and strategies, it is entirely doable.

This article will explain how to write a preliminary thesis, and how to overcome some of the hurdles most graduate students encounter along the way.

Key takeaways

  • A thesis proposal covers what topics you plan to research and write about as part of your master’s thesis.
  • Your proposal should properly define the scope of your research, as well as the questions you intend to explore and the methodology used to answer those questions.
  • A thesis can act as a project outline, going so far as to define the project structure, including proposed chapters, research sources, and more.


Step 1. Outlining

While your thesis proposal is critical during the earliest stages of your project, producing this document isn’t the first thing you should do.

Before you begin writing a thesis proposal, you’ll need to do some preliminary research and establish the basic premise of your content.

Writing a proposal will help to condense your research and narrow the scope of the project even further.

Your thesis proposal starts with outlining the materials you’ve gathered.

This is important, because the proposal is as much for your benefit as it is for the advisors and administrators overseeing your project.

Here are the items you’ll need before you try to create a thesis proposal:

  • Aim, scope, and basic questions. What is the goal of your thesis? What question, hypothesis, theme, or idea do you intend to test or examine?
  • Resources . Do you have the information you need in order to successfully complete this project? Is the body of research substantial enough to dive into your desired topic? Do you have access to the data, assets, or equipment you will need for this project to be viable?
  • Approach and methodology. How do you intend to answer your question or test your hypothesis? What methods will you use? What steps will you take? How will you accomplish your goals?
  • Timelines and costs. How long will it take to complete this project? How much will it cost? Who will cover the expenses?

Step 2. Defining a structure

In order to write your proposal, you need to understand the common structure of the document.

The typical parts of a thesis proposal are as follows.

1. Abstract

This is the outline or the summary of your work and research methodology.

2. Introduction

An introduction is what sets the stage for the rest of your paper. It puts the rest of your research and ideas in the correct context.

3. Existing literature/significant prior research

All of your ideas will be supported with research and other well-known literature.

This gives your work credibility, and helps you avoid accusations of plagiarism.

4. Thesis or project statement

Your thesis statement is a concise explanation of the argument made in your paper.

5. Approach

In this section, you’ll include a brief overview of how you plan to approach the topic and the research method used for your work.

Depending on your approach, you may also need to include information regarding costs, budget , and timelines.

6. Potential outcomes

In this section, you’ll outline what you expect to find through your research project .

7. Limitations

Every study comes with its own unique limitations or constraints which impact the results.

Outline these limitations, and explain how they could impact the findings in your proposal.

8. Contributions to knowledge

This is your opportunity to explain how your work will contribute to your field of study.

9. Proposed dissertation chapters

This section will include an outline of how you plan to write and format your dissertation .

While most thesis proposals follow this basic outline, be sure to check with your advisor and administrative team before you begin your draft.

Many schools offer templates for thesis proposals, and they may expect you to adhere to their predetermined formats.

If no such guidelines exist or you’re free to deviate any prescribed template, take the opportunity to tailor the format in a way that highlights the benefits of your proposal.

It’s also worth noting that every proposal may not require each item listed above.

For example, a proposal for a close review of bestselling literature from the early 2000s with a focus on race and culture may not require much explanation in the way of budgeting and cost.

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Thesis Proposal Template

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Reviewed by Yauhen Zaremba

Step 3. Planning your writing

The best way to put together an organized thesis proposal is to determine how you will write it before you get started.

Many thesis proposals are rejected simply because students fail to plan their writing and instead try to hack everything together in a piecemeal approach.

Don’t let that happen to you.

Gather all the necessary information before you start writing, and stick to formats that highlight the value of your proposal.

The usual flow of writing a thesis proposal is as follows.

Start by coming up with a detailed description of the major points you’ll be making in your thesis.

2. Prepare visuals (if required)

If your thesis includes any visuals, like charts or tables, it can help to prepare these ahead of time.

This will help support the arguments made in your thesis.

3. Establish a methodology

In the methodology chapter, you’ll explain the approach you took while compiling your work.

This should explain the validity of your research and add credibility to your research.

4. Explanation of data

In this section, you’ll include an overview of the data you uncovered.

5. Draw conclusions

You’ll also include a brief explanation of the conclusions you’re drawing from the data, and how you believe the data supports your thesis.

6. Write an introduction

Again, the introduction sets the stage for the rest of the paper.

7. Write an abstract

Your abstract is a concise summary of the paper.

8. List your references

The reference list is a complete list of the resources you used to create your thesis. This is also known as a literature review, and it shows how your work fits within the larger field of study.

Note that the writing of the thesis proposal will not follow the actual structure of the proposal .

It’s often best to write some elements out of order — particularly the introductory matter that is designed to condense the proposal to just a few lines.

Without first writing the outline and extrapolating the data to its fullest, these components can become very difficult to write.

Step 4. Writing the thesis proposal

Once you’ve planned your writing, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get it done!

Thesis proposals are often written in a formal style, which is what sets them apart from many other types of proposals. However, despite any formalities, be sure to keep things simple.

Stay concise and practical while maintaining academic objectivity and leveraging readability.

A word on points of view

A thesis proposal (just like a thesis) is a formal document steeped in history and tradition. Often, with such documents, it’s common to avoid writing from a first person point of view in order to maintain a sense of objectivity and scientific impartiality toward the subject.

These rules have become more relaxed in recent years . Writing in the first person is more accepted in formal situations, particularly where the author’s point of view may have some impact on the outcome of the work.

This is also more common in some abstracts and introductory sections that are aimed at explaining the author’s goal rather than the nature of the project itself.

However, there is still a lot of debate around this topic.

Take the time to clarify formalities with your administrators and advisors before selecting a specific writing style. The rules surrounding this will vary depending on your institution — perhaps even from department to department.

Step 5. Proofreading your proposal

A thesis proposal is no place for typos or poor readability.

If you show your proposal to a fellow student or friend and they have a hard time understanding what you are trying to say, even though they are in your field, you will want to revise.

The best practices for thoroughly proofreading a thesis proposal are as follows.

1. Read the proposal aloud to yourself

Reading aloud will help you spot problems with grammar and sentence structure more easily.

You can also use text-to-speech software to listen for errors, but be sure you read along with the text during playback.

2. Do not proofread immediately after writing

Any writer will tell you that the best thing you can do when you complete a draft is to walk away from it for a while.

Giving yourself distance allows you to review your text with better impartiality.

3. Consult with colleagues first

Have peers and colleagues you trust review your material for errors and inconsistencies.

Try to find individuals who have a strong grasp of the material and solicit their feedback before you submit your proposal for review.

4. Use multiple spellcheckers and grammatical tools

Grammarly , ProWritingAid , and Hemmingway are three popular options.

Using several tools will help you identify any hard-to-spot errors.

Some errors might be overlooked by one tool but spotted in another.

Remember : Before you’ll be able to move forward with your thesis, your proposal will need to be approved.

To give it the best possible chance, make sure it’s error-free and that grammatical inconsistencies aren’t interfering with the reader’s ability to understand your main ideas.

5 helpful tips to write a better thesis

Knowing how to write other long-form documents like business plans can be a major help when writing your thesis.

While thesis proposals aren’t particularly long, they can be complex.

The thesis itself is both long and complex!

Most master’s theses are several hundred pages long.

They are a full extrapolation of the ideas put forward in your thesis outline, broken down to a fundamental level that demonstrates your deep knowledge of your chosen topic.

At the time most students write their thesis, it is easily the longest and most extensive document they’ve ever written.

With that in mind, it’s no wonder that thesis writing is such a daunting task!

Fortunately, the skills and tips you learn from writing one can also be helpful in other academic documents, like a PhD dissertation proposal.

Before you start writing, here are five extra tips that can help to speed you on your way to a solid thesis.

1. Know the requirements

We mentioned this earlier regarding proposals, but the same rule applies for your actual thesis: Before you start writing your thesis, make sure you have all the necessary requirements in hand.

Review all the requirements for your thesis project with your advisors before you get started. Determine if there are any restrictions, minimum lengths, or formatting requirements that may have been overlooked.

There is a tremendous difference between a 200-page thesis formatted in a proportional font like Times New Roman or Calibri compared to a monospaced font like Courier or Courier New.

The same is true for spacing requirements and font sizes. Reaching 200 pages with a double-spaced layout is half the work compared to writing a single spaced document.

Make sure you have a firm grasp on the requirements before you start writing.

2. Constantly check your work

Much of your thesis work will entail editing and rewriting.

As you write, the editorial work will begin to pile up.

You can alleviate some of this pressure by handling some of the editorial work in between working on major sections of your thesis.

However, don’t fret too much over this. No matter how you plan everything out, you won’t have an exact understanding of how to implement some literary techniques (foreshadowing, allusion, etc.) and reference points (anchors, footnotes) until things are written down and you can look at everything collectively.

3. Don’t deviate from your primary goal

By design, your thesis has a theme or a focal point.

Even theses that are designed to explore a given theme or topic do so with a specific purpose in mind.

During your research, you may discover additional questions that should be answered.

Take a considered approach to those questions and discoveries. If this new information directly impacts your research or can be answered in tandem with your main goal, it may make sense to fold those observations and new objectives into your work.

However, you’ll never be able to answer every single question.

While those discoveries may provide you with a base for a separate body of work, what you find may have no bearing on the purpose of your thesis.

It’s usually best not to deviate from the primary goal of your paper.

But, if you choose to open up a new line of questioning, make every attempt to resolve it within the scope of your document.

4. Keep a list of references from the start

If you aren’t keeping track, it is very easy to accidentally omit a citation from your reference list.

The solution to this is simple: Keep a list of references and update it as you work. You can choose to format the list to your specific style guide (MLA, APA, etc.) immediately, or you can just keep a running list of sources and format everything at the end.

The important thing is that you have an always-updated list so that you know what sources are in your document and where those references are located.

Once you complete your final edits. Before you submit your thesis, triple check each and every reference on your list to ensure that your citations are accurate before you submit.

5. Take advantage of useful apps

There’s a lot that goes into writing a thesis proposal, and you need a way to stay organized and keep track of the various due dates.

Using a Gantt chart or a kanban board can help you organize the details of your project and manage the various due dates.

Several online platforms exist to help you track, manage, and organize your time. Apps that provide this functionality are also helpful when working as part of a research team.

Are you ready to write a thesis proposal?

Is it “that time” for you? Is it time to apply yourself to make your first substantial contribution to research in your field?

The first part of the deal is a rock-solid thesis proposal and we think you’ll be off to a good start with the tips from this how-to.

If you need a little additional guidance, feel free to use our free thesis proposal template .

This template lays out the basic outline of how your thesis proposal should look, which will save you valuable time.

Need more proposal tools for work and business?

Sign up for a 14-day trial with PandaDoc and see how our in-house proposal platform can help you build incredible documents for your next big project.

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Originally published May 9, 2014, updated March 1, 2024

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Free Download

Dissertation/Thesis Template

The fastest (and smartest) way to craft a winning dissertation that showcases your study and earns you marks. 

Available in Google Doc, Word & PDF format 4.9 star rating, 5000 + downloads

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Step-by-step instructions

Tried & tested academic format

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Pro tips, tricks and resources

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What’s Covered In The Template?

This dissertation template is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research projects. The template structure reflects the overall research process, ensuring your document has a smooth, logical flow. Here’s how it’s structured:

  • The title page/cover page
  • Abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary)
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures /list of tables
  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Literature review
  • Chapter 3: Methodology
  • Chapter 4: Research findings /results 
  • Chapter 5: Discussion /analysis of findings
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion
  • Reference list

Each section is explained in plain, straightforward language , followed by an overview of the key elements that you need to cover within each section. We’ve also included practical examples to help you understand exactly what’s required in each section.

Download The Template

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FAQs: Dissertation & Thesis Template

Faqs: dissertation template, what format is the template (doc, pdf, ppt, etc.).

The dissertation template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

What types of dissertations/theses can this template be used for?

The template follows the standard best-practice structure for formal academic research projects such as dissertations or theses, so it is suitable for the vast majority of degrees, particularly those within the sciences.

Some universities may have some additional requirements, but these are typically minor, with the core structure remaining the same. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalise your structure.

Will this work for a research paper?

A research paper follows a similar format, but there are a few differences. You can find our research paper template here .

Is this template for an undergrad, Masters or PhD-level thesis?

This template can be used for a dissertation, thesis or research project at any level of study. It may be slight overkill for an undergraduate-level study, but it certainly won’t be missing anything.

How long should my dissertation/thesis be?

This depends entirely on your university’s specific requirements, so it’s best to check with them. As a general ballpark, Masters-level projects are usually 15,000 – 20,000 words in length, while Doctoral-level projects are often in excess of 60,000 words.

What about the research proposal?

If you’re still working on your research proposal, we’ve got a template for that here .

We’ve also got loads of proposal-related guides and videos over on the Grad Coach blog .

How do I write a literature review?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack how to write a literature review from scratch. You can check out the literature review section of the blog here.

How do I create a research methodology?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack research methodology, both qualitative and quantitative. You can check out the methodology section of the blog here.

Can I share this dissertation template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template. If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, all we ask is that you reference this page as your source.

Can Grad Coach help me with my dissertation/thesis?

Within the template, you’ll find plain-language explanations of each section, which should give you a fair amount of guidance. However, you’re also welcome to consider our dissertation and thesis coaching services .

Additional Resources

If you’re working on a dissertation or thesis, be sure to also check these resources out…

1-On-1 Private Coaching

The Grad Coach Resource Center

The Grad Coach YouTube Channel

The Grad Coach Podcast

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  • Reserve a study room
  • Library Account
  • Undergraduate Students
  • Graduate Students
  • Faculty & Staff

Create a Research Dissemination Plan

  • Research Dissemination
  • Dissemination Plan Examples
  • Dissemination Plan Template
  • Guide Background
  • Does your research contain sensitive or protected data? Will you need to place conditions or restrictions on the recipient? Which parts of your research are you allowing your recipient to use for publication?
  • How will you share with other academic researchers, and how will you share with any community members involved in the research?
  • How will you share with other end users and stakeholders for your research?
  • What does utilization of your research look like for each of these audiences? Or, what are the outcomes you want your research to produce?
  • What are your shared mission or goals?
  • How can you build relationships with these partners?
  • What resources are available for dissemination (people, fundings, skills, etc.)?
  • Face-to-face or online?
  • How will you “package” your research for different audiences?
  • Where and how do each of your audiences get their information?
  • What potential difficulties are there in communicating with your audiences? For example, do they see you as a trusted source of information? Are there barriers to their receiving or finding your research or to their ability to utilize it?
  • How will you know/measure success? Impact on researchers? Impact for community?
  • What kind of indicators or assessment measures can you use?
  • Is your dissemination an ongoing conversation? For how long will you continue to share information, and are you concerned about sustainability of your project outcomes?
  • What actions and strategies will you take to disseminate your research?
  • When and how frequently will you share your data and findings, including preliminary findings, your research process and methodology, and any lessons learned? When is it most valuable for each of your audiences to receive your research findings?
  • Who is responsible for each step in your plan?
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  • Last Updated: Nov 20, 2023 11:33 AM
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What is an Action Plan? Learn with Templates and Examples


Planning on turning your vision into reality? And what’s your best way to avoid challenges and problems during this journey? A solid action plan.

We have outlined 6 steps explaining how to write an action plan. Once you familiarize yourself with them, go ahead and use the editable templates below to start planning right away.

What is an Action Plan?

Why you need an action plan, how to write an action plan, action plan templates.

An action plan is a specific list of tasks in order to achieve a particular goal. It can be regarded as a proposed strategy to execute a specific project to achieve a specific or general goal effectively and efficiently. It outlines steps to take and helps stay focused and organized, whether it’s personal or work-related. Breaking down the goal into smaller, manageable steps, makes it easier to stay motivated and track progress.

It’s an essential part of the strategic planning process and helps with improving teamwork planning Not only in project management, but action plans can be used by individuals to prepare a strategy to achieve their own personal goals as well.

Components of an action plan include

  • A well-defined description of the goal to be achieved
  • Tasks/ steps that need to be carried out to reach the goal
  • People who will be in charge of carrying out each task
  • When will these tasks be completed (deadlines and milestones)
  • Resources needed to complete the tasks
  • Measures to evaluate progress

What’s great about having everything listed down on one location is that it makes it easier to track progress and effectively plan things out.

An action plan is not something set in stone. As your organization grows, and surrounding circumstances change, you will have to revisit and make adjustments to meet the latest needs.

Sometimes businesses don’t spend much time on developing an action plan before an initiative, which, in most cases, leads to failure. If you haven’t heard, “failing to plan is planning to fail” said Benjamin Franklin supposedly once.

Planning helps you prepare for the obstacles ahead and keep you on track. And with an effective action plan, you can boost your productivity and keep yourself focused.  

Here are some benefits of an action plan you should know;

  • It gives you a clear direction. As an action plan highlights exactly what steps to be taken and when they should be completed, you will know exactly what you need to do.
  • Having your goals written down and planned out in steps will give you a reason to stay motivated and committed throughout the project.  
  • With an action plan, you can track your progress toward your goal.
  • Since you are listing down all the steps you need to complete in your action plan, it will help you prioritize your tasks based on effort and impact.

From the looks of it, creating an action plan seems fairly easy. But there are several important steps you need to follow with caution in order to get the best out of it. Here’s how to write an action plan explained in 6 easy steps.

Step 1: Define your end goal

If you are not clear about what you want to do and what you want to achieve, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Planning a new initiative? Start by defining where you are and where you want to be.

Solving a problem? Analyze the situation and explore possible solutions before prioritizing them.

Then write down your goal. And before you move on to the next step, run your goal through the SMART criteria . Or in other words, make sure that it is

  • Specific – well-defined and clear
  • Measurable – include measurable indicators to track progress  
  • Attainable – realistic and achievable within the resources, time, money, experience, etc. you have
  • Relevant – align with your other goals
  • Timely – has a finishing date

Use this SMART goal worksheet to simplify this process. Share it with others to get their input as well.  

  • Ready to use
  • Fully customizable template
  • Get Started in seconds

exit full-screen

And refer to our easy guide to the goal-setting process to learn more about setting and planning your goals.

Step 2: List down the steps to be followed

The goal is clear. What exactly should you do to realize it?

Create a rough template to list down all the tasks to be performed, due dates and people responsible.

It’s important that you make sure that the entire team is involved in this process and has access to the document. This way everyone will be aware of their roles and responsibilities in the project.

Make sure that each task is clearly defined and is attainable. If you come across larger and more complex tasks, break them down to smaller ones that are easier to execute and manage.

Tips: Use a RACI Matrix template to clarify project roles and responsibilities, and plan projects

Step 3: Prioritize tasks and add deadlines

It’s time to reorganize the list by prioritizing the tasks . Some steps, you may need to prioritize as they can be blocking other sub-steps.

Add deadlines, and make sure that they are realistic. Consult with the person responsible for carrying it out to understand his or her capacity before deciding on deadlines.

Step 4: Set milestones

Milestones can be considered mini goals leading up to the main goal at the end. The advantage of adding milestones is that they give the team members to look forward to something and help them stay motivated even though the final due date is far away.

Start from the end goal and work your way back as you set milestones . Remember not to keep too little or too much time in between the milestone you set. It’s a best practice to space milestones two weeks apart.  

Step 5: Identify the resources needed

Before you start your project, it’s crucial to ensure that you have all the necessary resources at hand to complete the tasks. And if they are not currently available, you need to first make a plan to acquire them.

This should also include your budget. You can assign a column of your action plan to mark the cost of each task if there are any.  

Step 6: Visualize your action plan

The point of this step is to create something that everyone can understand at a glance and that can be shared with everyone.

Whether your action plan comes in the shape of a flowchart , Gantt chart , or table , make sure that it clearly communicates the elements we have identified so far – tasks, task owners, deadlines, resources, etc.

This document should be easily accessible to everyone and should be editable.

Step 7: Monitor, evaluate and update

Allocate some time to evaluate the progress you’ve made with your team.

You can mark tasks that are completed as done on this final action plan, bringing attention to how you’ve progressed toward the goal.

This will also bring out the tasks that are pending or delayed, in which case you need to figure out why and find suitable solutions. And then update the action plan accordingly.

Business action plan

You may like to read: The Easy Guide to Making a Business Plan for Presentations

Marketing action plan

Strategic action plan, corrective action plan template.

Learn more about: Corrective Action Plan template .

Additional resources: The Easy Guide to Creating a Business Contingency Plan

Simple action plan template

Any more tips on creating an action plan.

An action plan is designed to guide your way to accomplishing your goals. It turns your vision into actionable goals and steps. And it helps you stay focused and motivated.

From an individual employee in an organization to larger departments can make use of action plans to steer their way towards completing their goals.

Maybe you are about to create your very first action plan, or you are already a pro at writing them. Either way, we’d like to hear your opinions on how to write an action plan. Do share them with us in the comments section below.

Join over thousands of organizations that use Creately to brainstorm, plan, analyze, and execute their projects successfully.

FAQs About Action Plan

What are the common mistakes to avoid when collaborating on creating an action plan.

Lack of clarity on goals: Make sure the team understands the goals and objectives of the action plan. The goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Unclear responsibilities: Assign clear roles and responsibilities for each team member to avoid confusion and ensure accountability.

Overcomplicating the plan: Keep the action plan simple and easy to understand. Avoid adding unnecessary complexity or detail that may confuse the team.

Failure to prioritize tasks: Prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. This will ensure that the team focuses on the most critical tasks first.

Inadequate resources: Ensure that the team has access to the necessary resources such as time, budget, and equipment, to carry out the action plan successfully.

Lack of communication: Effective communication is crucial to the success of any action plan. Ensure that team members are regularly updated on progress and any changes to the plan.

Failure to monitor progress: Regularly monitor progress and adjust the action plan as needed to ensure that it stays on track and achieves its goals.

What are the different types of action plans?

Strategic action plan: This type of plan outlines the long-term goals and objectives of an organization, and the actions that will be taken to achieve them. It typically covers a period of several years and includes high-level strategies and initiatives.

Operational action plan: This plan focuses on the day-to-day operations of an organization, outlining the actions that will be taken to achieve short-term goals and objectives. It typically covers a period of one year or less and includes specific actions and timelines.

Project action plan: This type of plan is used for individual projects and outlines the actions that will be taken to achieve specific project goals and objectives. It includes a detailed breakdown of tasks, timelines, and responsibilities.

Sales action plan: This plan focuses on the actions that will be taken to increase sales and revenue. It includes specific strategies for marketing, sales, and customer service.

Marketing action plan: This plan outlines the actions that will be taken to promote a product or service and increase brand awareness. It includes strategies for advertising, social media, public relations, and other marketing initiatives.

Crisis management action plan: This type of plan outlines the actions that will be taken in the event of a crisis, such as a natural disaster or security breach. It includes specific protocols for communication, evacuation, and other emergency procedures.

Who can use an action plan?

An action plan can be used by anyone who wants to achieve specific goals or objectives. It is a useful tool for individuals, teams, and organizations in a variety of contexts. Here are some examples:

Individuals: An individual can use an action plan to achieve personal goals such as losing weight, completing a degree, or starting a business.

Teams: A team can use an action plan to achieve goals related to a specific project or initiative. For example, a marketing team may use an action plan to launch a new product.

Small businesses: Small businesses can use an action plan to achieve goals related to sales, marketing, operations, or finance.

Non-profit organizations: Non-profit organizations can use an action plan to achieve goals related to fundraising, volunteer recruitment, or program implementation.

Government agencies: Government agencies can use an action plan to achieve goals related to policy implementation, disaster response, or public safety.

Educational institutions: Educational institutions can use an action plan to achieve goals related to improving student outcomes, increasing enrollment, or expanding programs.

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Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.

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How to make an action plan for your studies and achieve your goals

how to make action plan for thesis

Everyone has goals, be that for lifestyle, health, work or study. These goals give you focus, generate new habits and keep you moving forward in life. However, life is tough, particularly at the moment, so the thought of setting goals can sometimes feel overwhelming. This post will take you through how creating an action plan will help you clarify your goal journey; exploring what your goal is and why you’re setting it, what it will take to achieve, and how you will motivate yourself to reach your destination.

The examples we will focus on will be for study goals, however you can apply this method of goal setting to any aspect of your life.

1. Start with reflection

Before embarking on your shiny new goals, take some time to reflect on your previous goals. Which goals have you successfully achieved? Why were they a success? Is there anything you would do differently this time? Is there a common theme in the goals that you didn’t achieve, such as a lack of purpose?

Ask yourself ‘why’ you are setting this new goal, doing so will help you stay focused and give you meaning and purpose for this potentially challenging journey that you are embarking on.

2. Make them SMART

Your goals need to be SMART:

  • S pecific – a specific and focused goal to allow for effective planning
  • M easurable – how will you measure the success of your goal? 
  • A chievable  – a goal that you will realistically accomplish within a time frame
  • R elevant  – a goal that is important and benefits you
  • T ime bound – a goal that has a realistic deadline

What is your goal and how can you make it SMART?

EXAMPLE : Your goal is to hand in your dissertation early this summer. This goal, as it is, may feel daunting and unachievable, so how can we make it SMART?

  • S pecific – You want to hand in your dissertation two weeks early because you are going on holiday.
  • M easurable – You will set measurable targets daily/weekly, such as X amount of words written by X.
  • A chievable – You have 10 weeks to complete your goal, so you feel it is very attainable if you plan your time carefully (if you only had 2 weeks, you might want to reconsider your goal).
  • R elevant – This goal is very relevant as you need to do well in your dissertation so you can pass your degree, but you also need to complete it early so you can go on your booked holiday.
  • T ime bound – You have a clear ideal deadline of two weeks before hand-in.

Use our Goal Setting Template to get you started on your SMART goal:

3. Put your goal into action

An action plan is a flexible checklist or document for the steps or tasks that you need to complete in order to successfully achieve the goal(s) you have set yourself.

This could be written in a notebook, diary or using the Action Plan Template we have created that you can print off and use. It’s important that you get out your pen and actually write your goals down on paper. Research has shown that this will engage the left-hand, logical, side of the brain – basically telling your brain that you mean business!

Use our Action Plan Template to put your SMART goal(s) into action:

4. Plan for obstacles

There are always going to be challenges and events that may disrupt your goal, but instead of letting that obstacle derail you, plan for it.

Look at your study goal and identify what the obstacle(s) will be.

EXAMPLE : You want to submit your dissertation in early, but there’s a big family birthday coming up and a Uni field trip planned. So, get your action plan out and make sure these events are accounted for and plan your studies around them.

5. Check it off

There is nothing more satisfying in life (well apart from popping bubble wrap) than crossing or checking items off a to-do list – it’s that sense of accomplishment, feeling like you are finally getting there, which in turn reduces stress. So remember to break down your goal into small attainable actions and checklists, and for big projects, such as a dissertation or research project, you might have multiple checklists on the go. Just think of the satisfaction you will feel when it’s all done!

6. Reward yourself

This a very personal aspect of goal setting, but an important one.

To boost your motivation we recommend that you choose a reward for all your successful hard work, but select something that’s in relation to the size of the goal – maybe a piece of cake for getting a First Class degree is a bit out of proportion! Add this reward to your action plan and remind yourself of your incentive on a regular basis. It will keep you motivated when you feel like giving up.

EXAMPLE : If you hand-in your dissertation early you will treat yourself to a night out with your friends before you go on holiday.

7. A bit more reflection

You made this goal for a reason – it’s something that you really, REALLY want to achieve, so if your plan isn’t working, change it! Take some time to reflect on what’s working or not working in your action plan, be that daily, weekly, or monthly. Consider – How are you progressing? What changes can you make to bring you closer to your goals? It hard to keep on track when you feel like you aren’t getting anywhere, so are there any quick wins to give you a sense of accomplishment?

EXAMPLE : It’s late at night, you’re tired and struggling to write your dissertation conclusion. Your self-given deadline is in a days time and you are starting to doubt that your goal is achievable – maybe you need to postpone the holiday?

What you need to do is pivot your method – this isn’t working, so what can you change to still achieve your goal? Maybe leave the conclusion for the morning when you feel more awake, but spend the next hour focusing on your reference list so you can tick that off your action plan instead.

Final thoughts

Your SMART goals can be about anything and should be quite simple to plan. There’s lots of help online on using SMART goals, but working your way through the acronym for your particular goal is an excellent start. Don’t forget to use our Goal Setting Template and our Action Plan Template to help keep your goals manageable and reduce that feeling of overwhelm with your studies.

  • Explore our Academic Skills Kit website for more study skills help and tips
  • Goal Setting Template
  • Action Plan Template

P.S. I had to set myself a SMART goal for writing this blog post and my reward was a very tasty lunch ❤

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Action plan

Creating a strategy for success.

A multi-year research project such as a PhD or MPhil is a huge undertaking. It’s important to develop an action plan to stay on track.

When you commence your graduate research student at Macquarie University, you will have a date for thesis submission, which you and your supervisor should use to plot out your milestones.

The plan should take into account:

  • the duration of your degree
  • the specific requirements of your discipline
  • the requirements of your scholarship (if applicable).

Every thesis is different, so it's important to craft an action plan that works for you. To see what an action plan looks like, take a look at the samples below.

Note: Students enrolled in a Bachelor of Philosophy or Master of Research do not need an action plan like the samples below, as their programs are already structured.

PhD: 3-year action plan


  • Final draft of the research proposal and timeline completed
  • Graduate Research Induction completed at the earliest opportunity
  • Faculty commencement program completed at the earliest opportunity
  • International orientation (for international students) completed at the earliest opportunity

3 months – full-time equivalent enrolment

  • Final research proposal confirmed
  • Completion of commencement report (Faculty)
  • Ethics committee application submitted

6 months – full-time equivalent enrolment

(No Leave of Absence permitted before this point)

  • Formal Faculty Review and Confirmation of Candidature (Process determined by faculty)
  • Student to check Research Student Profile details through eStudent
  • Thesis completion timetable finalised
  • Publication and financial expenditure plan finalised
  • Design of research methodology completed
  • Ethics committee application approved
  • Data collection commenced

12 months – full-time equivalent enrolment

  • Completion of Annual Report and MUSEQ-R
  • SCHOLARSHIP HOLDER: No LOA/Scholarship suspension normally permitted in the first year
  • Main Literature Review or equivalent completed
  • Data collection underway
  • Commencement of data analysis
  • Thesis completion timetable revised

18 months – full-time equivalent enrolment

  • Data analysis underway
  • Preparation of early draft chapters/papers
  • Postgraduate Research Fund application submitted

24 months – full-time equivalent enrolment

  • Data collection complete
  • Data Analysis near complete
  • Continuation of draft chapters

30 months – full-time equivalent enrolment

  • Literature Review or equivalent updated
  • Final chapters/papers in progress for supervisor approval
  • Preliminary discussion about examiners between student and supervisor
  • Appointment of examiners form to be submitted three months prior to submission
  • Pre-submission review (by faculty)

36 months - full-time equivalent enrolment

  • Submission of Completion report (Faculty)
  • Submission of Thesis by due date
  • Student completes MUSEQ-R

MPhil: 2-year candidature plan

  • Completion of Graduate Research Induction
  • Completion of Faculty Commencement Program
  • First draft of Research proposal submitted
  • Completion of Commencement report (Faculty)
  • Candidature confirmed by Faculty and Graduate Research Academy
  • No Leave of Absence or Scholarship suspension permitted at this point
  • Thesis completion timetable developed

12 months - full-time equivalent enrolment

  • No Scholarship suspension permitted up until this point
  • Final draft of Research proposal approved
  • Ethics Committee application submitted and approved
  • First opportunity for PhD transfer application

18 months - full-time equivalent enrolment

  • Data Analysis completed
  • Final opportunity for PhD transfer application

24 months - full-time equivalent enrolment

  • Thesis examiners submitted for approval by RRTC
  • Submission of thesis by due date
  • Graduate Research Academy
  • Level 2, 16 Wally's Walk
  • Macquarie University NSW 2109
  • T: +61 (2) 9850 4741
  • E: [email protected]

Related links

  • Progression and support
  • Peer mentors

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Blog Beginner Guides What is an Action Plan & How to Write One [With Examples]

What is an Action Plan & How to Write One [With Examples]

Written by: Danesh Ramuthi Oct 26, 2023

action plan

An action plan is a meticulously structured strategy that pinpoints specific steps, tasks and resources vital to turning a goal into reality. It is extremely useful in any project management. 

Crafting an action plan is like plotting a route for a cross-country journey. It’s the strategic map that outlines every step, decision and pitstop needed to reach your ultimate destination.

With a well-thought-out action plan, you’re not just shooting in the dark; you’re making informed, purposeful strides towards your goals. Dive deep with our guide and witness real-world examples that will inspire and guide you.

Need a tool to kickstart your planning? Try out the Venngage business plan maker and explore their extensive collection of action plan templates .

Click to jump ahead: 

What is the purpose of an action plan?

When to develop an action plan, 7 components of a actions plan, 15 action plan examples.

  • How to Write an action plan?

Final thoughts

An action plan serves as a strategic tool designed to outline specific steps, tasks and goals necessary to achieve a particular objective.

Its primary purpose is to provide a clear roadmap and direction for individuals, teams or organizations to follow in order to efficiently and effectively accomplish their goals. 

Action plans break down complex projects into manageable, actionable components, making it easier to track progress and stay on course.

Moreover, action plans play a crucial role in fostering accountability and coordination among team members. By assigning responsibilities and deadlines for each task or milestone, they ensure that everyone involved is aware of their roles and the overall timeline, reducing confusion and enhancing teamwork. 

Additionally, action plans help in resource allocation, budgeting and risk management by enabling stakeholders to identify potential challenges and plan for contingencies. 

Overall, the purpose of an action plan is to transform abstract goals into concrete actions, making them more achievable and measurable while ensuring that the resources and efforts are aligned with the desired outcomes.

Developing an action plan is crucial when you’re looking to achieve a specific goal or outcome. Here are instances when you should consider developing an action plan:

  • Start of an organization : Ideally, an action plan should be developed within the first six months to one year of the start of an organization. This initial plan lays the groundwork for the future direction and growth of the entity.
  • Project initiation : At the start of any project, an action plan helps to clearly define the tasks, responsibilities, and timelines.
  • Goal setting : Whenever you or your organization sets a new goal. Action plans transform these goals from abstract ideas into concrete steps.
  • Strategic planning : For long-term visions and missions, action plans break down the journey into manageable pieces, each with its timeline and responsible parties.
  • Performance improvement : If there are areas where performance is lacking, whether it’s personal or organizational, an action plan can outline the steps needed to elevate performance.

An action plan is a detailed outline that breaks down the steps necessary to achieve a specific goal. Here are the typical components of an action plan.

1. Objective or Goal

The cornerstone of your action plan is the objective or goal. This should be a clear and concise statement outlining the desired outcome or result. Having a well-defined objective provides a direction and purpose to the entire plan, ensuring all tasks and actions are aligned towards achieving this singular aim.

2. Tasks or Actions

Once the objective is set, the next step is to list down the specific tasks or actions required to achieve this goal. These tasks should be broken down into detailed steps, ensuring no essential activity is overlooked. The granularity of these tasks can vary based on the complexity of the goal.

3. Set deadline

For each task or action, set a realistic and achievable deadline. This timeline ensures that the plan stays on track and that momentum is maintained throughout the execution. It also allows for monitoring progress and identifying potential delays early.

4. Resources needed to complete the project

It’s crucial to recognize and list the resources you’ll need to complete the tasks. This can encompass financial resources, human resources, equipment, technological tool, marketing planning software or any other assets. Identifying these early ensures that there are no bottlenecks during execution due to a lack of necessary resources.

5. Person responsible

Assign a person or a team for each task. This designation ensures accountability and clarity. When individuals are aware of their responsibilities, it reduces overlap, confusion and ensures that every task has someone overseeing its completion.

6. Potential barriers or challenges

Every plan will face challenges. By anticipating potential barriers or obstacles, you can be better prepared to address them. This proactive approach ensures smoother execution and less reactionary problem-solving.

7. Measurement of key performance indicators (KPIs)

Determine how you’ll measure the success of each task or the plan overall. KPIs are tangible metrics that allow you to gauge progress and determine whether you’re moving closer to your goals and objectives. They offer a quantifiable means to evaluate success.

Action plans serve as blueprints, guiding the steps and resources needed to achieve a specific goal. 

They come in various formats, tailored to different scenarios and objectives. Here, we present a range of action plan examples that cater to diverse purposes and situations. 

From business strategies to simple task lists, these examples illustrate the versatility and importance of well-structured planning.

Business action plan example

A business action plan is essentially a strategy roadmap, meticulously tailored for realizing broader business objectives. By crafting a solid action plan, businesses can channel their resources, manpower and strategies in a direction that harmonizes with their larger vision.

Purple Business Action Plan Template

Key to this plan is the identification and alignment of steps that resonate with the company’s comprehensive strategy, ambitions of growth and aspirations for operational enhancements. 

While this might entail a myriad of specific steps based on unique business goals, some common elements include setting clear key performance indicators (KPIs), undertaking a thorough SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to grasp the current business landscape and establishing a timeline to keep track of progress.

Business Action Plan Template

Furthermore, allocating responsibilities to team members or individuals ensures that every aspect of the strategy has a dedicated focus. Budgeting, essential to the success of the action plan, ensures that every initiative is financially viable and sustainable. 

Red Business Action Plan Template

Regular reviews and iterations based on feedback and changing market dynamics keep the action plan agile and relevant.

Related: 5 Steps to Create an Actionable Employee Development Plan [with Templates & Examples]

Company action plan example

A comprehensive company action plan serves as the strategic linchpin, ensuring a coherent and coordinated approach to realizing organizational goals. Central to this plan is the incorporation of rigorous market research and analysis, which provides insights into consumer behaviors, market trends and potential opportunities. 

Clean Green And Gray Action Plan

Equally vital is the focus on product development and procurement, ensuring that the offerings align with market demands and stand out in terms of quality and relevance. 

Alongside, adept legal and financial management safeguards the company’s interests, ensuring compliance with regulations and prudent fiscal oversight.

Simple Green And Orange Company Action Plan

Moreover, the essence of any successful company action plan lies in its sales and marketing strategies. These define how the products or services are positioned and promoted in the market, ensuring visibility and engagement with the target audience. 

Navy And Yellow Modern Minimalist Action Plan

However, while acquisition is crucial, retention plays an equally significant role. Hence, impeccable customer service and nurturing relationships become indispensable components, fostering loyalty and ensuring that clients remain ambassadors for the brand long after the initial transaction.

Related: 30+ Project Plan Examples to Visualize Your Strategy (2023)

Sales action plan example

A well-structured sales action plan serves as the backbone for systematic and efficient progress. Central to this plan is the identification and utilization of the most effective sales channels, whether they are direct, online or through third-party avenues. 

Strategic Food Sales Action Plan Template

Clarity on the products and services on offer, combined with their unique selling propositions, facilitates tailored and resonant sales pitches. 

Budget considerations ensure that resources are judiciously allocated, balancing the act between expenditures and potential returns. This financial prudence is complemented by setting realistic sales projections, which act as both a motivational target and a yardstick for success.

Timelines, or proposed deadlines, infuse the process with a sense of urgency, ensuring that the momentum of the sales drive is maintained. 

how to make action plan for thesis

However, the true measure of the action plan’s efficacy lies in its key performance indicators (KPIs). These metrics, be it lead conversion rates or customer retention figures, serve as tangible markers, highlighting the plan’s strengths and signaling areas that might require recalibration to increase sales.

Food Retailer Sales Action Plan Template

Corrective action plan example

The essence of a corrective action plan lies in its meticulous structure, tailored to address and rectify deviations or inefficiencies identified within an organization. At its core, each action item serves as a focal point, detailing specific areas or processes that require intervention. 

Black and Green Corrective Action Plan

Accompanying each action item is a clear description that provides a comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand. 

However, merely identifying a problem isn’t enough; delving deep into its origins through root cause analysis ensures that solutions target the fundamental issues, rather than just addressing superficial symptoms. 

Green Minimalist Corrective Action Plan

This analysis then paves the way for defining the corrective action, a tangible step or series of steps designed to mitigate the identified problem and prevent its recurrence.

Besides, to ensure the plan’s effectiveness, assigning a responsible person to each action item is paramount. This individual or team is entrusted with the task’s execution, ensuring accountability and focus. 

how to make action plan for thesis

The status of each action keeps stakeholders informed about the progress, be it in the planning phase, ongoing, or completed. 

Lastly, setting a due date for each corrective action introduces a sense of urgency and purpose, ensuring that issues are addressed in a timely manner, minimizing disruptions and maximizing operational efficiency.

Simple action plan example

A simple action plan strips away the layers of complexity, offering a concise and direct approach to achieving a goal or addressing an issue. This type of plan is characterized by its straightforward structure, devoid of extraneous details, yet powerfully effective in its clarity. 

It is specifically designed for tasks or objectives that don’t necessitate elaborate strategies or multi-layered approaches.

White and Red Simple Corrective Action Plan

The core components of a simple action plan usually include a clear statement of the task or objective at hand, followed by a sequence of actions or steps to be taken. 

Each step is described succinctly, ensuring that anyone involved has a clear understanding of what is expected. Responsibilities are defined clearly, with each task allocated to an individual or a team, ensuring accountability. Timelines might be integrated, providing a clear framework for completion, even if they’re just broad milestones. 

Simple Yellow And Black Action Plan

Regular check-ins or assessments, although minimal, might be incorporated to monitor progress. 

The beauty of a simple action plan lies in its agility and adaptability, making it particularly suited for individual projects, short-term tasks or situations where a rapid response is required.

Simple Action Plan Flow Chart Template

How to write an action plan?

Creating an effective action plan is a foundational step towards turning aspirations into tangible results. It provides a clear roadmap, ensuring that each step taken aligns with the overall objective.

Whether you’re aiming to enhance a business process or achieve a personal goal, a well-drafted action plan can be your guiding light. Here’s key steps on how you can craft one:

  • Step 1: Establish SMART goals: Initiating with a goal that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound ensures you have a clear and focused endpoint in sight. Smart goals serves as the cornerstone for your entire strategic blueprint.
  • Step 2: Determine necessary tasks: Decompose your overarching objective into smaller, actionable tasks. This modular approach not only makes the mission less daunting but also provides a sequential pathway to goal attainment.
  • Step 3: Assign essential resources: Depending on the tasks at hand, designate necessary resources, be they human, financial or technological. This ensures that every activity has the backing it needs for successful execution.
  • Step 4: Prioritize tasks by importance: Not all tasks hold equal weight. Determine the hierarchy of tasks based on their impact on the goal and their time sensitivity. This allows for a systematic progression.
  • Step 5: Outline timelines and key markers: With tasks in hand, set clear deadlines for each. Introduce milestones, which act as periodic check-ins, ensuring you’re on track and allowing for celebrations of smaller victories.
  • Step 6: Oversee and modify your strategy blueprint: As you progress, there will invariably be learnings and challenges. Regularly review your plan to make necessary adjustments, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness.
  • Step 7: Consider ready-to-use templates: If starting from scratch feels overwhelming, lean on structured templates to guide your planning. There’s plenty of business plan softwares and platforms such as  Venngage that offer a plethora of action plan templates , tailored to various needs, which can significantly streamline the process.

An action plan is more than just an action steps, it’s a strategic blueprint that bridges the gap between aspirations and realizations. 

Through this comprehensive guide, I’ve walked you through the purpose, ideal timings, core components, and practical examples of action plans across various domains. 

Leveraging tools of project management , you can track progress, assign tasks and ensure every team member stays on the same page. 

It’s not just about setting goals, but about strategically planning every step, ensuring tasks completed align with the larger project goals. 

Remember, success isn’t just about having goals but about charting the right course to achieve them

And if you’re looking to supercharge your planning efforts, don’t miss out on the Venngage business plan maker. 

Dive into their extensive collection of action plan templates and make your strategic planning both efficient and effective. 

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  • Knowledge Base
  • How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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See an example

how to make action plan for thesis

The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 18, 2024, from

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Research Action Plan

how to make action plan for thesis

It is a fact that a research action plan is needed not only to provide a solution for an existing problem but also to provide detailed information for a new study. Research action plans are conducted by numerous individuals and groups on different fields (i.e., business, science, academe, government, technology, etc.).

Research Action Plan Template

Research Action Plan Template

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To guide you in creating a research action plan, we have provided some examples (in PDF format) as well as tips on how to create a research action plan.

Action Plan Template

Action Plan Template1

  • Apple Pages

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Action Plan Template to Print

Action Plan Template to Print

User Research Action Plan Example

User Research Action Plan Example

Size: 71 KB

New Research Plan Outline Example

New Research Plan Outline Example

Size: 273 KB

Research Action Proposal Outline Example

Research Action Proposal Outline Example

Size: 40 KB

The Importance of Creating a Research Action Plan

The importance of research action plans cannot be understated. As previously mentioned, they are conducted by various individuals and groups on various fields. Although they are commonly used by business entities and scientific organizations, they are also used by academe (by both professors and students alike), government, technology, sports, and social welfare groups. You may also see quality plan examples & samples .

We will be discussing below the importance of research action plans to each sector that was mentioned.

1. Business

This is where research action plans are constantly created and used. Business entities, specifically companies, conduct research for various reasons. Some do research to develop a new product or improve an existing one, some do research to analyze a new market, some do it for investment analysis , while some companies do it to improve their competitive advantage.

The reasons are not limited to the ones mentioned above, as they are other numerous reasons why companies conduct research. But despite the reason, business research is always aimed toward two things: profitability and sustainability.

Similar to business entities, scientific organizations also do heavy research. Scientific research is always aimed to provide better living conditions for not only humans but all the organisms living on this planet. Additionally, scientific research also centers on discovering things that were not deemed possible before (for example: evolution, relativity, space travel, etc.). You may also like company plan examples & samples .

3. Technology

Science and technology are always intertwined. Technology uses scientific processes to discover new objects and possibilities, while science uses technology to do the same thing. Since the dawn of the digital age, technology has been moving at a breakneck speed. Research has resulted in the most groundbreaking technological discoveries in the 21st century, and more is yet it to come in the next few years. You may also check out advertising plan examples & samples .

The images you see in movies (for example, the Iron Man or Black Panther suit, hologram interaction, nanotechnology) will all be possible sooner than you think.

4. Government

The most advanced and progressive countries rely on their government to do research. Either research to develop new infrastructure, improve transportation and utility systems, eradicate poverty, or to increase foreign and domestic investors, research has been key to improve a country’s economic standing and decrease national debt. You might be interested in sales plan examples .

Similar to science and technology, government and academe are also intertwined in which both sectors benefit each other. In most countries, government asks the assistance of academic institutions to create a research action plan, especially in studies relating to education. You may have also noticed that various educators have taken government positions to extend their expertise to the government. You may also see event plan examples & samples .

Playing sports is both a great pastime and a great money earner. There is money in sports, which is why numerous organizations turn it into a business. Sports-centered research do not only focus on increasing physical abilities and skills but also on marketing. Sports apparel companies like Adidas and Nike, as well as sports personalities like Michael Jordan and Lionel Messi, have all benefited not only from sports health and wellness research but also from sports marketing research. You may also like daily plan examples & samples .

7. Social Welfare

Social welfare is a subcategory of government, but this focuses on human resource specifically the improving of living conditions of individuals and communities.

Social welfare is very important as human resource provides the backbone of every country. If individuals are struggling to meet their daily needs, they become unhealthy and unfocused, thus reducing their effectiveness as being part of the country’s workforce. An unproductive workforce cannot support the government in any way possible. You may also check out management plan examples .

That is why research based on social welfare helps government identify and solve issues in regards to their citizens, aiding them to improve their financial standing to become more effective and efficient in their respective industries.

Market Research Action Plan Example

Market Research Action Plan Example

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Research Plan Proposal Example

Research Plan Proposal Example

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Research Proposal Template Example

Research Proposal Template Example

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Research Action Plan Outline Example

Research Action Plan Outline Example

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Basic Research Action Plan Outline

There is no standard outline in creating a research action plan. But there are sections in which are found in most research action plans. Listed below is a basic research action plan outline which is highly recommended when you will be making your own research plan in the future. You may also see annual plan examples and samples .

Feel free to edit and add sections from the PDF research action plan examples we provided if you think some sections are relevant to your research.

1. Introduction

Sometimes, researchers tend to overlook the introduction as it does not contain the meat of the study. But the introduction is as important as the other sections of the research action plan.

The introduction contains information on why the research is being conducted, and also provides info on how the research will affect the industry or sector it was based on. Remember that the introduction is not a summary of the research . That section is called “abstract.” The abstract is written once the study has been accomplished, and is usually inserted after the introduction.

2. Statement of the Problem

The general statement of the problem identifies the problems or issues that need to be solved in the research. The statement of the problem is usually formulated using WH and H questions, but those questions need to be very specific. Providing general questions will be difficult for the researcher especially when he reaches the data-gathering stage.

Here is an example of a “how” question in a problem statement for a research focusing on hologram smartphone development in 2018:

Incorrect (general): How can smartphone companies develop hologram technology in their products in 2018?

Correct (specific): How can the leading smartphone manufacturers Apple, Samsung, and Vivo implement hologram technology in their high-end phones when they have functions and features lined up for their models in the next two years? You may also like audit plan examples & samples .

Based on the examples above, it will be easier for the researcher to conduct the research as he will be focused on three smartphone companies Apple, Samsung, and Vivo instead of all the smartphone manufacturers as stated in the first problem. Additionally, the second problem centers in on the hologram’s impact to the company’s current portfolio of products, while the first problem does not even recognize the current products of the companies. You may also check out work plan examples & samples .

3. Methodology

The methodology identifies the research’s respondents, locale, research design, and data-gathering procedure. This section basically lists down the methods and procedures the researcher will use in his study. The methodology tremendously aids the researcher as he focuses on the methods and procedures he previously chose, creating a more streamlined study that does not stray away from the problems the researcher wants to solve. You might be interested in weekly plan examples & samples .

4. Analysis of Data

Data analysis is basically the meat of the entire study or research. Data analysis is conducted after all the data have been compiled. There are numerous data analysis methods that researchers use, but the one that is actually used depends on the data that was gathered (number of respondents, type of study, research topic, etc.). You may also see implementation plan examples & samples .

Most of the time, a statistician assists the researcher on tabulating the data and also assists in identifying what analysis method to use. Data analysis will help the researcher determine what recommendations to use, so it is crucial that the data should be analyzed carefully. You may also like job plan examples & samples .

5. Recommendation

Recommendations are the result of data analysis. This section answers the statement of the problem through the data that was gathered and analyzed. Make sure each question in the statement of the problem has a corresponding recommendation. Recommendations are basically the solutions to the problems you presented, so again be specific in how you present your recommendations. You may also check out business plan examples .

Here is an example on a recommendation based on the problem listed above. How can the leading smartphone manufacturers Apple, Samsung, and Vivo implement hologram technology in their high-end phones when they have functions and features lined up for their models in the next two years? You might be interested in transition plan examples & samples .

Incorrect (general): The three smartphone companies should have a separate department to produce a new line of products that will implement hologram technology. (No further analysis is discussed).

Correct (specific): Based on 70% of the responses, the three smartphone companies should have a separate department to produce a new line of products that will implement hologram technology. This will create a more smooth production process as two departments will be working on different products, but still under the same company. (Detailed analysis to follow.) You may also see project plan examples .

6. Conclusion

The research conclusion is the last part of the research and serves a similar purpose to the introduction. The conclusion basically reiterates the information that was previously mentioned in the data analysis and recommendation, but it is not the summary of the entire research. The conclusion also agrees on what recommendations were made by the researcher. No further analysis is conducted in the conclusion. You may also like evaluation plan examples & samples .

Doctoral Thesis Research Plan Example

Doctoral Thesis Research Plan Example

Size: 219 KB

Executive Summary for Research Plan Example

Executive Summary for Research Plan Example

Size: 186 KB

Abstract Research Plan Example

Abstract Research Plan Example

Size: 92 KB

We hope you found this article to be informative as well as helpful when you will be making your own research action plan. We also included some examples in PDF to assist you (they are all free to download). Doing research requires long hours of hard work and patience, and sometimes the results do not even go the way you planned them to. The quality of data you compile and your eventual analysis of the said data are not the only determinants on creating a successful research study, as you also need to have a good research action plan .


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How to Write an Action Plan (Example Included)


You’re likely eager to meet your goals, whether they’re personal or professional. Without an action plan, however, there’s no roadmap on how to get there. This is where a well-designed plan can make it easier to track and meet your goals.

What Is an Action Plan?

In project management , an action plan is a document that lists the action steps needed to achieve project goals and objectives. Therefore, it clarifies what resources you’ll need to reach those goals, makes a timeline for the action items and determines what team members are required. We’ll define what project goals, project objectives, action items and action steps are later in this guide.

An action plan is similar to a project implementation plan, and it’s very helpful during the project planning and project execution phases. That’s because an action plan documents the execution of the project plan; it’s a detailed list of the work that must be done to complete the project goals, from the start of the project to the finish.

Not only are you figuring out the action steps and timeline, but you’ll also determine who you’ll assemble for your project team to work on those tasks. This requires robust project management software like ProjectManager . ProjectManager offers multiple planning tools such as Gantt charts, kanban boards, project calendars and more. Best of all, these project planning views sync with project dashboards, timesheets and workload charts to keep track of progress, project resources and costs.

Action plan on a Gantt chart in ProjectManager

What Is the Purpose of an Action Plan?

The main goal of an action plan is to outline the resources and timeline needed to reach the project’s goals. It helps clarify objectives and provides a clear vision of the desired outcome. As the name suggests, it breaks down the goal into actionable steps and assigns responsibilities, so everyone on the team understands the key deadlines and how resources will be used.

Beyond the logistics, an action plan also provides a framework to track progress and adjust to stay on track. For example, if the goal is to launch a new product by Nov. 1 but market research isn’t finished until Oct. 25th, the plan will need to be adjusted accordingly. If risks develop along the way, contingency plans can mitigate any adverse outcomes. Finally, it provides a basis for measuring success once the goals are achieved.

Who Should Make Action Plans?

While project managers use action plans, other team leaders and business managers who execute a project or a process can also use them. Action plans can be used alone or with a team; in scenarios where the team is involved, the leader will assemble the plan and gather everyone’s input.

Here’s an overview of who should be involved in creation and implementation:

  • Project Management Professionals: Project, program and project portfolio managers and project management offices ( PMOs )
  • Business Operations Management Teams: Department heads, functional managers and supervisors
  • Organizational Planning Teams: Top management team, executives, board of directors and project sponsors

For example, the project manager will develop the action plan to oversee the project from start to finish. This ensures the project is executed on track and within scope. Project sponsors will look over the plan to confirm that it aligns with strategic goals, and stakeholders will use it to stay informed on the overall progress and how it impacts their interests.

Action Plan vs. Project Plan

While action plans and project plans are two important project management tools, they’re used differently. An action plan narrows the steps needed to achieve a particular goal. It’s often used for small tasks or project initiatives. Components of an action plan include tasks, responsibilities, deadlines, resources and status. For example, an action plan for launching a new product includes market research, product development and a plan to launch the product into the market.

A project plan , on the other hand, is an overarching framework of how to manage a project from beginning to end. It‘s broader in scope and covers all areas of the project. Components of the project plan include objectives, scope statement, work breakdown structure (WBS), schedule, budget, risk management plan, communication plan and quality plan.

Action Plan Components

An action plan answers the who, what and when of what you’re proposing. Those questions are answered by the various components that make up the plan. The following are the basic building blocks of a successful plan.

  • Goals and Objectives: Before you make any plan, set goals and objectives. It’s key to understand what you are trying to achieve before you start defining steps to get there.
  • Action Steps: These steps are the answer to the question of what. They’re the activities that’ll lead to achieving your goal. Steps detail what will happen, and the more detail, the better.
  • Action Items: The action items are the specific, small tasks that make up the action plan steps. These are the tasks that, when executed, lead to the next  step. It’s important to define the priority level of these action items as well as the deliverables expected from them.
  • Timeline: A  timeline is the whole action plan laid out from start to finish. It shows the full duration and every step and task is also plotted on this timeline, including their start and end dates.
  • Resources: Resources are anything needed to execute the action plan. That includes labor, materials, equipment, etc. You’ll want to identify the resources you’ll need and attach them to the tasks to which they’ll be applied.
  • Costs: Resources, such as people and equipment, are going to cost money. Be sure to identify the costs that are obvious or hidden deep within your action plan.
  • Action Plan Matrix: A matrix is just a tool to help you determine which tasks you need to complete and in what order. Use our free action plan template to outline the steps, items, timeline and resources you’ll need to get the plan done right.
  • Action Plan Report: You’ll need to ensure your actual progress matches your planned progress. To track progress, you’ll want to use an action plan report, which is a snapshot of your time, costs and more over a specific period.

how to make action plan for thesis

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Action Plan Template

Use this free Action Plan Template for Excel to manage your projects better.

Types of Action Plans

There are many different types of action plans that are used on various kinds of strategic initiatives. Each is similar in makeup but differs in their goals. Here are a few of the varieties.

Business Action Plan

A business action plan is used to set goals and tasks when you want to start a business or grow an existing business. It outlines the vision for the business and the actions you’ll take to achieve that vision.

Project Action Plan

An action plan for a project is really no different from a general action plan. The only difference is that it’s about producing a deliverable at the end of the plan, whether that be a product or service.

Personal Action Plan

Again, a personal action plan differs little from any other, except for the goal. For example, a personal action plan might be for an individual to exercise more. Therefore, the goal might be to walk for a half-hour a day, say, during lunchtime.

How to Write an Action Plan for Project Management in 10 Steps

The benefits of an action plan are simple: you’ve now outlined what action steps and what resources are needed to reach your stated project goals. By having this collected in a single project management document, you can more successfully plan out how to execute your project plan.

People get overwhelmed by project management jargon when having to plan out a project, but the word “action” everyone can understand. The fundamentals to getting an action plan together for any project follow these four project planning basic steps:

1. Define Your Project Goals

There’s a difference between project goals and project objectives. Project goals refer to the high-level goals that the project will achieve. Those generally align with the strategic planning and business objectives of organizations.

2. Define Your Project Objectives

The project objectives are much more specific than the project goals. Project objectives refer to the deliverables and milestones that need to be completed to achieve your project goals.

3. Define Action Steps

The action steps are a group of related tasks or action items that must be executed to produce project deliverables.

4. Identify and Prioritize Action Items

Action items are small, individual tasks that make up the action steps that are outlined in your action plan. First, you need to identify task dependencies among them, and then assign those action items a priority level so that they’re executed sequentially.

5. Define Roles & Responsibilities

Now that you’ve divided the work required to accomplish your action plan, you’ll need to assign action items to your project team members and define their roles and responsibilities.

RACI chart example in ProjectManager

6. Allocate Resources

As with your project plan, your action plan has resource requirements. Having identified your action steps and action items will help you understand what resources are needed for each task and allocate them accordingly.

7. Set SMART Goals

Your action plan needs to be monitored and controlled to measure its performance. That’s why it’s important that you set SMART goals for your action items, action steps and your project objectives. SMART goals stand for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely.

8. Set a Timeline for Your Action Plan

As a project manager, you’ll need to do your best to estimate how long it’ll take to complete your action items and action steps. Once you do so, you’ll have a timeline. You can use project management techniques like PERT charts or the critical path method to better estimate the duration of your project action plan.

Gantt Chart template for Microsoft Excel

9. Write an Action Plan Template

Create or use a simple action plan template to collect tasks, deadlines and assignments. This is the place where everything task-related goes in your project action plan, so you have a place for all this crucial information.

Writing an action plan template it’s a great idea because you’ll need to use that format throughout the project. That’s why we’ve created a free action plan template that you can download. There are also dozens of other free project management templates for Excel and Word that can help you with every phase of your project.

10. Use a Project Management Tool

Use a project management tool to keep you on task. ProjectManager has project planning features that help you monitor and report on project progress and performance. Get a high-level view of the action plan with our live dashboards. Unlike other tools, we don’t make you set up the dashboard.

Once you’ve mapped out your action plan, you can use project planning tools to zoom into all the details about your action steps and action items. With ProjectManager, you can calculate various metrics, such as project variance, workload and more. They’re displayed in easy-to-read charts and graphs. Share them with stakeholders to give them updates on action steps whenever they want.

Track an action plan with ProjectManager's dashboard

Action Plan Example

We’ve been talking a lot about action plans, but the best way to learn how they work is to review an action plan example. Below, you’ll see our free action plan template . It’s set up for the development of a website.

Example Goals & Objectives

The first thing to do when making an action plan is to clearly define its goals and objectives. Objectives are the specific accomplishments or outcomes that are needed to achieve the larger goals, as shown in the image below.

Goals and objectives in an action plan example

Example Action Steps

Then, once these have been defined, the action plan is broken down into four action steps: market research, website development, site launch and site maintenance. You’ll see that specific tasks or action items are outlined for each action step, including a description of that task, who’s assigned to execute it, its priority level and even the status of its completion.

Action plan example with key action steps

Example Action Plan Timeline

There’s also a timeline to define the start dates of each of the tasks in the action steps, including the planned hours. This allows you to determine the length of each task and the duration of the entire action plan, from start to finish.

Action plan example with timeline and planned hours

Example Resources

Finally, there’s a place to add your resources. They’re broken down into departments, for example, marketing, web development, etc. Then the materials that are required for each task are listed, including their costs. This allows you to estimate the cost of the plan.

Action plan example with resources

How to Make An Action Plan With ProjectManager

See how action plans are typically laid out using project planning software .

1. Plan with Multiple Project Views

ProjectManager can help you build your action plan and then execute it. Collect all your action steps tasks on our list view, which does more than light-weight to-do list apps because it allows you to then map your plan with Gantt charts , project calendars and kanban boards. These robust project management tools allow you to prioritize action items, customize tags and show the percentage complete for each task. Our online project management software gives you real-time data to help you create an action plan and stick to it.

ProjectManager list view for collaboration

2. Assign Action Items to Your Team Members

Once you’ve mapped out your action plan steps with ProjectManager’s project planning tools , you can assign tasks to your team members and indicate what resources are needed for the completion of each action item. Indicate their roles and responsibilities and set priority levels for each task to ensure the work is carried out properly.

3. Set Action Plan Steps and Deliverables

It’s important to note all the phases of the project timeline to know what action steps and tasks will take place and when. In addition, ProjectManager’s Gantt chart allows you to identify project phases, find the critical path, and set due dates for project milestones and deliverables

4. Track Progress With Real-Time Dashboards

Once you start the project, you’ll need to chart the progress of the work being done. This leads us to the real-time project dashboard , where you’ll check whether your action plan is on schedule and under budget.

Manage Your Project With an Action Plan

Getting a plan together is only the first part of managing a project . Remember, it’s not something to write and put away, but rather it’s a living document that should follow you throughout the project life cycle. Jennifer Bridges, PMP, offers more tips on how to write an action plan in the video below.

Here’s a screenshot for your reference:

project planning fundamentals

ProjectManager gives you all the tools you need to create and implement a successful plan. Regardless of the type of action plan that you need to create, our award-winning project management software makes it easy to do so. Get started with a free 30-day trial today. 

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Climate Action Plan

two students looking at a binder outdoors with green trees

UNLV launched its comprehensive Climate Action Plan in September. The plan – which will encompasses academic courses, research, and campus operations – will have a lasting impact on our community for years to come. The stakes have never been higher and we all need to do our part. Being sustainability-minded is not new to UNLV, as we have worked hard for years to reduce our carbon footprint and create a more sustainable campus. The CAP moves us to the next level by giving us a clear, strategic roadmap for the future. 

More From Forbes

11 supply chain strategies to mitigate the risks of underdelivering.

Forbes Business Development Council

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To launch and maintain any successful establishment, business leaders must ensure they are able to deliver on what they promised their customers if they plan to grow the business much further. A diversified supply chain is the name of the game if you want to prevent or manage gaps in the delivery of your products to the end users effectively.

In the new normal of work, experts from Forbes Business Development Council know how to navigate a supply chain breakdown and come out on top. Here, they each provide one best practice to manage and mitigate the risks that are associated with global supply chain disruptions.

1. Use Data Analytics To Stay Ahead

You can manage supply risk by creating analytics that identify potential risks before they happen, provide alerts and enable planning. To build this capability, start by getting all supply chain data in one place. Next, build “digital twin” models of your plants and shipping networks. Combining these two gets quick insights into and early notice of supply issues. - Doug Fuehne , Pricefx

2. Strengthen Your Regional Network

Network with regional suppliers to sustain your ongoing needs, especially during times of disruption. This is especially true for retailers that are sourcing raw products to provide apparel for their customers. While disruptions will happen, your business can stay ahead of the curve by networking and sourcing alternative suppliers. - Brandon Batchelor , ReadyCloud

3. Remain Transparent And Strive To Solve Issues Together

Build flexible supplier networks in different regions to avoid relying on just one source. Use data to predict problems and act quickly. Work closely with suppliers, staying transparent and solving issues together. This way, the biz dev teams can turn risks into chances to grow and stay strong. - Marek Niedzwiedz , aeXea Group

Today’s NYT Mini Crossword Clues And Answers For Friday, September 20th

Google chrome says goodbye to passwords on windows, mac, linux, android, trump says if he loses in november jewish voters will ‘have a lot to do’ with it, 4. explain your ability to handle risks through value-added sales.

Lean into it. If your industry is facing supply chain issues, make this a value-add in your sales process. Work with your supply chain and operations team on how you are mitigating risks (e.g., nearshoring, holding additional inventory days or more). Arm yourself with this knowledge and use it as a selling tool. - Andrew Davidson , Fastenal

5. Ensure Products Are Being Monitored Effectively To Prevent Delays

Improving the visibility of the supply chain is a tactic for business development teams to handle and minimize disruptions in the global supply chain effectively. By utilizing technologies such as blockchain, IoT and RFID (radio frequency identification), firms can monitor products in time to detect possible disruptions promptly and react swiftly. This transparency guarantees operations and lessens the effects of unforeseen obstacles. - Thasha Batts , Pinnacle Global Network

Forbes Business Development Council is an invitation-only community for sales and biz dev executives. Do I qualify?

6. Create Your Own Simple Parts Through Technology

Depending on what risk you are referring to, I suggest spreading your product across various warehouse locations and partners. Regionalized issues often prevent your ability to move quickly. Another area is investment in technology that would allow you to create simple parts if needed. We leveraged 3D printers to create simple parts that met specifications quickly when in a pinch. - Curtis Brinkerhoff , Impartner, Inc.

7. Source Backup Supplies Through A Multitier Inventory System

The one strategy for mitigating supply chain disruptions is to adopt a just-in-case inventory. implement a multitier inventory system, where key parts are held in reserve at different supply chain levels, like central depots, local delivery centers and onsite inventory. AI-based inventory management systems can monitor stock levels across all tiers and ensure optimal inventory distribution. - Salice Thomas , Wipro Limited

8. Be Privy To Your Suppliers' Connections

Know your suppliers and their suppliers. In addition, always have more than one supplier. Have your main supplier as well as a secondary supplier that makes a small percentage of your product. That way they can ramp up quickly if your main supplier has any type of issues or challenges with their supply chain. - David Strausser , Fonseca Advisers

9. Seek Counsel From An Industry-Specialized Insurance Company

There are many types of contracts, from the procurement activities to the logistics stages. To minimize and transfer the negative risks, specific industry-specialized insurance companies can help to deal with the risks. Having dual vendors can spread the risk of handling sudden issues. - Gyehyon Andrea Jo , MVLASF

10. Build On Local Community Resources

Diversify, diversify, diversify. From suppliers of raw materials and production regions to manufacturing processes, make sure you build a buffer across your value chain to maintain bargaining power. This gives you room to negotiate prices and resources. Pilot and build on local, closer-to-home value chain players to boost the local economy, gain tax breaks and build goodwill in your own backyard. - Archana Rao , Innova Solutions

11. Deal Only With Ethical Suppliers

Adhering to ethical sourcing globally is essential. This will ensure that suppliers follow ethical practices, such as environmental sustainability, fair workforce practices and corporate social responsibility, thus avoiding disruptions caused by labor disputes, regulatory violations, or negative business perceptions. It will also enhance brand reputation and result in sustainable long-term relationships. - Praneeth Kudithipudi , Sacumen

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  1. Research Action Plan

    how to make action plan for thesis

  2. FREE 10+ Research Action Plan Samples in PDF

    how to make action plan for thesis

  3. FREE 10+ Research Action Plan Samples in PDF

    how to make action plan for thesis

  4. Thesis Action Plan Template in Word, PDF, Google Docs

    how to make action plan for thesis

  5. Action Research: The 411: Action Research Template/ Plan

    how to make action plan for thesis

  6. Strategic Timeline For Dissertation Project With Tasks Summary

    how to make action plan for thesis


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  1. Writing your dissertation

    Write about a page a day. Work backwards from at least two weeks before the submission date to calculate when you need to start your writing. (A page is about 500 words, so, for example, if your dissertation is 15,000 words long, you will need at least 30 days to do the writing.) Leave two or more weeks at the end for editing and proofreading.

  2. How to Write an Action Plan: Step-by-Step (Examples)

    Example Action Plan. Goal: Increase sales by 20% within the next 6 months (By January 1st, 2025) Actions: 1. Improve online presence a) Revamp website design - Due October 15th b) Optimize website for SEO - Due November 1st c) Post regularly on social media (1x/week min) - Ongoing. 2.

  3. PDF Dissertation Planner: step-by-step

    This planner is designed to help you through all the stages of your dissertation, from starting to think about your question through to final submission. At each stage there are useful prompts to help you plan your work and manage your time. Throughout the planner there are also blank spaces that you can use to plan your dissertation.

  4. How To Write A Research Proposal (With Examples)

    Make sure you can ask the critical what, who, and how questions of your research before you put pen to paper. Your research proposal should include (at least) 5 essential components: Title - provides the first taste of your research, in broad terms. Introduction - explains what you'll be researching in more detail.

  5. How To Write A Dissertation Or Thesis

    Craft a convincing dissertation or thesis research proposal. Write a clear, compelling introduction chapter. Undertake a thorough review of the existing research and write up a literature review. Undertake your own research. Present and interpret your findings. Draw a conclusion and discuss the implications.

  6. Action Plan Template for Dissertation

    Writing a dissertation can be an overwhelming task. To make the process easier, use the following steps to create a dissertation action plan: 1. Research and brainstorm ideas. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with your chosen topic and gathering related material from journal articles, dissertations, or other resources.

  7. How to Write a Research Proposal

    Research proposal examples. Writing a research proposal can be quite challenging, but a good starting point could be to look at some examples. We've included a few for you below. Example research proposal #1: "A Conceptual Framework for Scheduling Constraint Management".

  8. Dissertation & Thesis Outline

    Example 1: Passive construction. The passive voice is a common choice for outlines and overviews because the context makes it clear who is carrying out the action (e.g., you are conducting the research). However, overuse of the passive voice can make your text vague and imprecise. Example: Passive construction.

  9. Action Plan For Dissertation Template

    1. Stay organized. With this action plan template, you can break down your dissertation project into manageable tasks, set deadlines, and assign responsibilities. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you're making progress towards your goals. 2. Track progress. Lark's features allow you to track the progress of each task in real-time.

  10. How to write a thesis proposal in 5 simple steps

    Gather all the necessary information before you start writing, and stick to formats that highlight the value of your proposal. The usual flow of writing a thesis proposal is as follows. 1. Outline. Start by coming up with a detailed description of the major points you'll be making in your thesis. 2.

  11. Free Dissertation & Thesis Template (Word Doc & PDF)

    This dissertation template is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research projects. The template structure reflects the overall research process, ensuring your document has a smooth, logical flow. Here's how it's structured: The title page/cover page. Abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary)

  12. PDF Developing a Research Action Plan for Your Organization

    Introduction. The Action Plan is a guide to planning for change, and it describes: A clear picture of where you are currently, where you are going, and where you want to be in 3-5 years. How you are going to get there. Who and what are involved. Elements of the Action Plan. Goal(s)

  13. Create a Research Dissemination Plan

    How will you execute this plan? What actions and strategies will you take to disseminate your research? When and how frequently will you share your data and findings, including preliminary findings, your research process and methodology, and any lessons learned? When is it most valuable for each of your audiences to receive your research findings?

  14. What is an Action Plan? Learn with Templates and Examples

    Strategic action plan: This type of plan outlines the long-term goals and objectives of an organization, and the actions that will be taken to achieve them. It typically covers a period of several years and includes high-level strategies and initiatives. Operational action plan: This plan focuses on the day-to-day operations of an organization, outlining the actions that will be taken to ...

  15. How to make an action plan for your studies and achieve your goals

    Use our Action Plan Template to put your SMART goal (s) into action: 4. Plan for obstacles. There are always going to be challenges and events that may disrupt your goal, but instead of letting that obstacle derail you, plan for it. Look at your study goal and identify what the obstacle (s) will be.

  16. Action Plan

    The plan should take into account: the duration of your degree; the specific requirements of your discipline; the requirements of your scholarship (if applicable). Every thesis is different, so it's important to craft an action plan that works for you. To see what an action plan looks like, take a look at the samples below.

  17. What is an Action Plan & How to Write One [With Examples]

    An action plan is a detailed outline that breaks down the steps necessary to achieve a specific goal. Here are the typical components of an action plan. 1. Objective or Goal. The cornerstone of your action plan is the objective or goal. This should be a clear and concise statement outlining the desired outcome or result.

  18. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Step 2: Write your initial answer. After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process. The internet has had more of a positive than a negative effect on education.

  19. How To Write a Research Plan (With Template and Examples)

    How to write a research plan. If you want to learn how to write your own plan for your research project, consider the following seven steps: 1. Define the project purpose. The first step to creating a research plan for your project is to define why and what you're researching. Regardless of whether you're working with a team or alone ...

  20. How To Write an Action Plan (With Template and Example)

    How to write an action plan in 5 easy steps. While action plans may differ in terms of tasks and timelines, they generally conform to the following steps: 1. Set SMART goals. Image description. Before you start writing your action plan, consider using the SMART method. Your goal should be:

  21. A Practical Guide in Writing Your Action Research

    Evaluation of the success of the action is done through reflection of what is happening. The cycle is complete with a plan to modify the action and move in new and improved directions. ...

  22. Research Action Plan

    You may also see quality plan examples & samples. We will be discussing below the importance of research action plans to each sector that was mentioned. 1. Business. This is where research action plans are constantly created and used. Business entities, specifically companies, conduct research for various reasons.

  23. How to Write an Action Plan (Example Included)

    The fundamentals to getting an action plan together for any project follow these four project planning basic steps: 1. Define Your Project Goals. There's a difference between project goals and project objectives. Project goals refer to the high-level goals that the project will achieve.

  24. How to make a marketing plan in five steps

    Once you have set up a strategy, it's essential that you develop a concrete action plan to implement your marketing initiatives. Make a detailed calendar with the marketing activities you plan to engage in. Define the specific tasks to perform for each action, the people responsible for each task, and specific deadlines. Having a well ...

  25. Climate Action Plan

    UNLV launched its comprehensive Climate Action Plan in September. The plan - which will encompasses academic courses, research, and campus operations - will have a lasting impact on our community for years to come. The stakes have never been higher and we all need to do our part. Being sustainability-minded is not new to UNLV, as we have worked hard for years to reduce our carbon footprint ...

  26. 11 Supply Chain Strategies To Mitigate The Risks Of ...

    Getty. To launch and maintain any successful establishment, business leaders must ensure they are able to deliver on what they promised their customers if they plan to grow the business much further.