Teaching Leadership Personal Statement

Example Teaching Leadership Personal Statement

Like many people who are passionate about their career, I find that I work at my best when faced with a fresh and exciting challenge. Having spent almost twenty years as a primary school teacher, during which time I have held several positions of increasing responsibility, culminating in my current position of Assistant Headteacher, I am highly motivated to take on a position of greater leadership in a school that corresponds to my core teaching values of inclusion, openness and continually striving to improve its pupils’ learning experience.

Since attaining Qualified Teacher Status in 1994, I have been eager throughout my career to be as closely involved with continuing professional development initiatives as possible. In addition to gaining expertise in qualitative analysis of data and overseeing SEN initiatives through the different positions of responsibility that I have held, I also regularly participate in training programmes to develop my skillset. Recently, for example, I completed the Barnet’s Deputy Heads Course, and in the past have attended courses on subject leader and senior management training. Furthermore, in the leadership positions that I have held to date I have placed significant emphasis on encouraging staff to become more closely involved with CPD initiatives.

I have always prided myself on my commitment to teaching excellence, something which is corroborated by the high levels of positive feedback that I have received from assessments of my lessons. I have a very broad range of primary teaching experience. I have been involved in teaching children at all years within the primary range, and in the past have also held co-ordinator positions for numeracy, physical education and Key Stage Two. My lesson delivery is based on a pedagogical philosophy of taking a hands-on and enthusiastic approach to teaching and creating a learning environment that is characterized by empathy, mutual support and, above all, an inclusion of all pupils. Wherever possible I have sought both the feedback and input of colleagues to help to continually improve my own teaching skills, as well as enthusiastically share my own teaching techniques and experiences with my colleagues.

Over the course of my career I have been involved with monitoring pupils’ achievements with a view to improving pupil attainment levels. During my time at Sacred Heart RC Primary School I completed a Foundation Stage Profile on all of the children in my care. Doing so gave me an insight into how the collection of such data can be used to chart pupils’ progress and to set future targets, which in this case were based around the achievement of Early Learning goals. In my current position I have created an assessment tracking system that reflects the changing pupil population of our school. The system has produced highly satisfying results, with the average point progress of our pupils increasing to 3.5 APS.

I have always performed my teaching and leadership duties in a way that has placed emphasis on the latest educational developments. Whilst working as a numeracy co-ordinator, for example, I spearheaded training initiatives to bring my colleagues up to speed on the national numeracy strategy, and was involved in similar training initiatives whilst working as Key Stage 2 co-ordinator. My current role has been very much shaped by responding to the new budgetary demands under which all schools are now operating. This positionalso offered me a unique opportunity to reflect on all aspects of current primary educational needs in the form of the move that our school made in 2009 to a new building. The process of the move gave me a much greater appreciation of the overall impact of learning areas – not just classrooms, but communal and outside areas – on the wellbeing of the school’s children, and it was rewarding to be able to be involved in focusing on these matters with a view to ensuring the new premises offered an optimal learning environment.

Having spent my professional life so far working in primary schools within London, I am acutely sensitive to the need for primary schools to cut across the social and cultural diversity of the city to provide an inclusive educational experience for all pupils. In my classroom I have always sought to foster an open environment that embraces the rich breadth of my pupils’ backgrounds. As an Assistant Headteacher, I have been at the forefront of tracking initiatives that have ensured that the school can respond to the challenges of a changing pupil demographic. Above all, however, I have tried to maintain a positive dialogue with parents with the goal of ensuring that they understand the objectives of the school. This has included giving presentations to parents on matters such as sex education and safeguarding of pupils, this latter topic being within my remit of overseeing child protection at the school.

Seeking to encourage inclusion at my current school has also entailed making the effort to work with groups within the school that require special attention, such as EAL and SEN pupils. For example, I have become increasingly involved with the implementation of pupil progress meetings with the parents of SEN pupils to help focus on pupil attainment, an initiative that over the last three years has delivered excellent results for our SEN pupils. In my current role I have also spent a significant amount of time examining the links between the social background of pupils and their levels of attainment in the classroom, with the goal of ensuring that pupils are not left behind and are offered support when they need it. This is an aspect of school leadership that I think is essential, and I will be firmly committed to developing other such initiatives in my future professional roles.

Through my current role as Assistant Headteacher and in my past co-ordinator positions I have acquired considerable experience in staff leadership and in managing teams of staff. To me it is essential to include staff members in consultation processes and make as much use as possible of their personal insights when leading a team. Having risen through the different grades of responsibility, I am attuned to the expertise of middle-level leaders, and as a consequence I am always eager for middle leaders to be closely involved in initiatives that are aimed at improving the school’s performance. At the heart of my teaching and leadership style is a focus on excellent communication skills. I ensure that in communications with colleagues and parents, whether in spoken or written form, are clear, concise and sensitively written.

I have been involved in leading teams for specific, short-term projects such as school sports days, as well as more complex, longer-term challenges, such as leading preparations for an OFSTED inspection whilst working as acting Deputy Head. My current position at Parkfield Primary School has offered me several opportunities to make use of my leadership skills for the betterment of the school. Amongst other initiatives, I led the school away from the QCA framework and towards a more creative curriculum. This process was made possible through the positive relationships I had forged with colleagues, who were able to assist me in developing a curriculum that met the needs of our diverse community of pupils. More recently I oversaw the introduction of a new behavioural policy at the school, which was drawn up and implemented with the full collaboration of staff and pupils. Because of the close involvement of all stakeholders in this policy, we have found that the new code has been adopted efficiently and enthusiastically, with behavioural standards at the school increasing significantly as a result.

I have also taken a leading role in helping to mentor newly qualified teachers and student teachers, as I believe that a positive mentoring experience can have a crucial impact on the development of new teachers. My approach to date has been based on assessing the individual needs of each trainee, implementing a structured timetable of classroom observations and offering feedback sessions that are open and democratic, in which the students can express their perspectives on the training experience as well as receiving insights from experienced teachers.

Throughout my career I have taken special efforts to gain professional qualitative skills in order to be able to be able to correctly interpret data and therefore make informed management decisions. Whilst working at Sacred Heart, for example, I played a key role in making use of Early Years Foundation Stage data to create attainment profiles for Year 1 students. I have found that developing these data analysis skills has paid off as it has allowed me in my current position to make effective use of pupil data to help develop strategies for pupil inclusion based on the changing profiles of our pupil intake.

For me, the most satisfying aspect of my transition into an increasingly leadership-based role has been the opportunities that it has given me to help my schools become an integral part of their local community. Through being an Assistant Headteacher I have gained an overall appreciation of how, through elements such as its curriculum, its physical environment, its approach to the diverse needs of its pupils and the relations it maintains with parents, a primary school can – and should – provide a nurturing environment, in which pupils from all backgrounds feel included and able to take part in an enriching learning experience, and where local parents can feel confident about sending their children. This overall vision guides my current work, and will continue to do so as I seek new professional challenges.

We hope that this Teaching Leadership Personal Statement will be a good point of reference for those looking for help with writing their own statement.

To help with your application, please visit Personal Statement Service .

Personal Statement

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Special Education and Inclusive Learning

A Quick Guide to Completing a School Leadership Application & Personal Statement

Writing a school leadership application that will get you an interview.

Completing a school leadership personal statement and application form can be a daunting task. With time invested in preparation and attention to detail, you can increase your chances of being selected for the role. I recommend signing up to the Key for School Leaders for insights into leadership responsibilities. Investing time in purposefully clarifying why you want to apply for a school leadership position will not be wasted. If you are stuck for ideas on your achievements read through the DfE Headteachers standards and try and come up with an example of how you meet each one.

Peoples arms on a desk looking at some paper. Representing a school leadership application form.

5 top tips for completing Headteacher application forms & Personal Statements:

  • Follow the instructions carefully: Make sure to read the instructions and requirements for the application thoroughly and follow them closely. This includes following any formatting or word count guidelines.
  • Use concrete examples: When answering questions or writing your statement, use specific examples to illustrate your points. This helps the shortlisting team better understand your skills and experiences and how they relate to the role. Were possible link the points in your personal statement with the person specification – in order.
  • Proofread and edit: Make sure to proofread your application for spelling and grammar errors. Ask a friend or colleague review your application as well.
  • Tailor your application to the role: Customise your application to the specific school and leadership role you are applying for. Research the school and consider how your skills and experiences align with their needs and goals. Quote their values .
  • Be honest and authentic: Be genuine in your responses and don’t exaggerate or fabricate experiences. It is better to focus on a key accomplishments in depth rather than trying to cover too much ground.

Secret Tip 1: It will be the school governors/academy trustees leading on this process. Even a deputy headteacher position will have governor involvement.

Secret Tip 2: If you can find the school development plan on the website include any of your strengths or previous projects that could support this.

For more information on school leadership recruitment take a look at our post on Headteacher and SLT interview questions . We have also written about how to approach the challenge of a student panel interview.

Example Personal Statements.

Brevity and clarity are key here. Hit those person specification points within the restrictions set. Some jobs ask for 1 page of A4 for example. I suggest a maximum of 4 sides carefully spaced and formatted to ease reading. The personal statement examples below are to prompt your ideas only. The more senior the position the more detail will need adding. For each paragraph I recommend adding at least 1 example from your own experience.

Leadership Personal Statement Example 1:

As an experienced educator with a passion for inclusion, I am excited to apply for the position of Special School Headteacher. I have dedicated my career to supporting students with autism and other special educational needs, and I am committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment where all students can thrive.

Throughout my career, I have developed a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by students with autism , including sensory sensitivities, communication difficulties , and struggles with emotional regulation . I believe that creating a safe and supportive environment is essential for helping students to succeed, and I have worked hard to develop strategies and programs that support their specific needs.

I am committed to safeguarding and have a thorough understanding of “ Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 “. My mission has been to build a culture of vigilance and proactive measures to safeguard students from harm, abuse, and exploitation. I am committed to ensuring that all staff members are trained and equipped with the knowledge and skills to safeguard and protect our students.

I am particularly proud of my inclusive ethos , which emphasises the importance of creating an environment where all students feel valued, respected, and supported. It is essential to believe that inclusion is not just about meeting the needs of students with special educational needs, but about creating a school culture that celebrates diversity and promotes equity for all.

In my previous roles, I have developed strong budget management skills and strategic level management of large staff teams. I am confident in my ability to lead and manage a team of educators, creating a positive and supportive work environment that encourages professional growth and development.

While I have achieved many successes in my career, I recognise that there is always room for growth and improvement. That is why I value the opportunity to work with a coach to help me identify areas for development and improve my leadership skills. I believe that coaching can help me to become a more effective leader, better equipped to meet the needs of my students and staff.

Overall, I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and to continue making a positive impact in the lives of students with special educational needs. I am confident that my experience, skills, and commitment to inclusion and safeguarding make me an excellent fit for the position of Special School Headteacher. Thank you for considering my application.

Leadership Personal Statement Example 2:

As an Assistant Headteacher with 14 years of experience as a special school teacher, I am motivated to take on a leadership role in a school that aligns with my values of inclusivity and continual improvement. My commitment to teaching excellence is evidenced by positive feedback and a broad range of teaching experience with a hands-on and empathetic approach to creating a learning environment .

Throughout my career, I have been involved with continuing professional development (CPD) initiatives and have placed significant emphasis on encouraging staff to participate. I have also monitored pupil achievement and have created assessment tracking systems to improve attainment levels. Responding to budgetary demands as a middle leader, I have focused on maximising value to invest in my areas of responsibility, including communal and outside areas, to ensure an optimal learning environment.

My sensitivity to social and cultural diversity has led me to foster an open and inclusive environment that embraces my pupils’ backgrounds. I work to maintain positive dialogue with parents and to support groups such as EAL and SEN pupils. I believe that developing initiatives to address the links between social background and attainment is essential for school leadership. To achieve this I believe in making strong links with the local community .

As a leader of a large staff team, I value consultation processes and personal insights of staff members when leading a team. I am eager to involve middle leaders in initiatives aimed at improving the school’s performance. As per the DFE policy, I prioritise the safeguarding of pupils and have overseen child protection in my current role.

Leadership Personal Statement Example 3:

As an educator, I firmly believe that setting high expectations for pupils is essential to their success. In my experience, when students are challenged and held to a high standard, they rise to the occasion and achieve more than they ever thought possible. As a teacher, I strive to be an excellent practitioner by embodying this belief and consistently setting high expectations for my pupils.

One way that I have demonstrated my commitment to high expectations is through my work as a Middle Leader. Over the years, I have led both year groups and core subjects, and in both roles, I have been able to make a significant impact on the school community. Through my leadership, I have worked to ensure that my team of teachers shares my belief in high expectations, and that they are equipped with the tools and support they need to deliver challenging and engaging lessons. By working collaboratively with my team, I have been able to ensure that our pupils are consistently challenged, inspired, and motivated to achieve their very best.

Another area where I have excelled as an educator is in my approaches to curriculum implementation. I believe that every subject is essential and that every subject deserves to be championed. To this end, I have worked to ensure that my subject area is given the time, resources, and attention it deserves. By collaborating with other teachers and leaders, I have been able to share my passion for my subject and help others to see its value and importance. Through this approach, I have been able to champion my subject area effectively, ensuring that it is seen as an essential part of the school curriculum.

Being flexible and resilient are also key attributes for any successful educator. In my experience, the ability to adapt and respond to changing circumstances is essential to providing a high-quality education. Whether it’s adjusting to new teaching methods, dealing with unexpected challenges, or accommodating the diverse needs of pupils, being flexible and resilient is essential to success. I have developed these skills over time, and I am always willing to embrace change and try new approaches to teaching and learning.

Finally, I believe that a successful educator should make a contribution to the wider life of the school and community. As an educator, I am committed to going the “extra mile” for my pupils and their families, and I believe that this extends beyond the classroom. Whether it’s participating in extracurricular activities, attending school events, or volunteering in the community, I am always willing to do what it takes to support my pupils and their families.

In conclusion, as an educator, I strive to be an excellent practitioner with high expectations of my pupils. Through my work as a Middle Leader, my successful approaches to curriculum implementation, and my flexibility and resilience, I have demonstrated my commitment to providing a high-quality education. Furthermore, by making a contribution to the wider life of the school and community, I believe that I can make a positive difference in the lives of my pupils and their families. I am excited about the opportunity to continue growing and developing as an educator and to make a positive impact on the lives of my pupils.

Final Points

Remember a personal statement is – Personal to you! It is a chance to tell the panel shortlisting about yourself. If you want to gain an insight into their values try to look up the current headteacher and any governors on LinkedIn. There may be interests you have in common. The personal statement forms part of your application and may tick boxes that the interview doesn’t cover. The panel will also most likely ask questions based on what you have said in the form so be ready with examples.

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teaching leadership personal statement

teaching leadership personal statement

Educational Leadership Personal Statement Examples

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Educational Leadership Personal Statement Example

I am pleased to submit this educational leadership personal statement to gain admission into your highly-valued university.

Educational leadership has a pivotal role in shaping a nation’s human capital. Because it is now simpler to export low-skilled employment, the value of education has only increased with globalisation. While it would make sense to expect countries to invest more in education to boost their competitiveness, the reality is quite the opposite.

Many things, including bureaucracy, decreased public education financing, and a general lack of urgency on the part of elected leaders, contribute to the education sector’s glacial pace of development around the world.

Furthermore, there is reluctance towards altering the framework of local educational systems because of the unknown outcomes resulting from such an alteration and because the sheer magnitude of the challenge deters many from even trying. This is true in developed countries with some of the world’s most outstanding universities.

Education sectors worldwide need leaders who are not scared of thinking outside the box and questioning the status quo, as I have come to believe via my work experience in the academic sector and after considerable research on the matter.

To this end, I have decided to earn a master’s degree in educational leadership in the hopes that I can use my education to effect constructive change in the Saudi educational system.

Early in my career, I developed a deep interest in bringing positive change to my community. This prompted me to research alternative educational models to see if there could be ways to improve the quality of education in my community using the resources at hand.

I have learned a lot from my readings and discussions with other educators, and I’d like to pass along what I’ve learned to my fellow Educational Leadership Program students and get their feedback, too.

One of the most surprising things I have learned is that the value of available tools to educators is sometimes overstated. The ability of various stakeholders, such as educators, parents, and government officials, to collaborate to identify problems and implement effective remedies may be more crucial.

I have held several positions during my academic career, including instructor, administrator, accountant, and trainer. With the insight I’ve gained, I now believe that the education systems of developing economies can learn from other countries. In reality, the nonprofit sector in advanced economies is a great case study of the benefits of borrowing ideas from other fields.

There is a growing trend of non-profits operating more like for-profit businesses, with a heavy focus on effective financial and human capital management and greater accountability for results. I predict that the public school systems of developed countries will eventually have to operate more like corporations.

Similarly, my experience with international businesses has taught me the importance of monitoring the forces and tendencies beyond our borders. Because technology has altered the educational landscape, the conventional teaching model is coming under fire for the first time.

I look forward to learning from my classmates and contributing my perspectives to the Educational Leadership program. By applying what I have learned in the program, I hope to improve my educational leadership philosophy and ultimately make a difference in the public education sector in my community and beyond.

Kindly accept my educational leadership personal statement for admission to study for a postgraduate degree at your university.

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Teaching personal statement examples

Giving you the chance to show why you'd be a great teacher, your personal statement is an important part of your application and worth taking the time over

What is a teaching personal statement?

Your personal statement is used to explain why you want to become a teacher and your suitability for the role. While your application form briefly outlines your qualifications, skills and work experience, your teaching personal statement is where your personality shines through.

Take your time with it. Many candidates often spend a few weeks on this part of the application as you don't have to write it all at once. You should get someone to read over it and be prepared to receive constructive feedback and write a few drafts before you send it off.

It's important to:

  • use examples based on your recent teaching experience
  • tailor your personal statement according to the school/age group
  • use good, clear, written English, using first person terms such as 'my' and 'I'
  • be original and honest
  • avoid clichés and general statements, such as 'I've always wanted to teach'
  • demonstrate a passion for teaching.

While it's crucial to get it right, your teaching personal statement is only a small part of the application process. Find out how else you'll need to prepare to  get a teaching job .

How to write a personal statement for teaching

Your personal statement should be between 500 and 1,000 words. It's crucial that you  don't copy  and that the statement you provide is  your own work .

This is your opportunity to:

  • write about any relevant skills and experience you have
  • explain your understanding of why teaching is important
  • detail why you want to become a teacher
  • list any extra skills or experience you have, such as volunteering or first aid.

See  personal statements for postgraduate applications  for more guidance.

The nature of your personal statement will vary, depending on the type of teaching you'd like to pursue. Take a look at some of our example personal statements to get an idea of how they differ.

Personal statement for PGCE primary

As well as focusing on roles in which you've gained experience with primary-age children, a PGCE primary personal statement should demonstrate your well-rounded personality and any skills that could be useful for the range of extra-curricular activities primary schools provide (such as the ability to read music for recorder lessons, or drama experience to help with school plays).

Personal statement for PGCE secondary

Many good PGCE secondary personal statements acknowledge the challenges involved in teaching older pupils and provide examples of where the candidate has worked to overcome these problems. As secondary teaching roles are geared towards teaching a specific subject, training providers are looking for more evidence of your subject and degree knowledge.

Personal statement for School Direct

If you're applying for the salaried School Direct route, you should discuss the experience you've gained in the classroom prior to your application. One of your references will need to be from an employer, or someone who can comment on your work ethic and suitability for teaching. Don't worry if your degree is unrelated to the subject you'd like to teach - you may still be able to apply by completing a subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) course .

Find out more

  • Discover how to structure a teaching CV .
  • Find out what it's really like to be a primary or secondary school teacher .
  • Search postgraduate courses in teaching .

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  • Jan 16, 2021

Writing a Personal Statement

teaching leadership personal statement

Going for your first NQT post can be a daunting prospect... especially when in teaching, you need to write a personal statement to support your application form.

Schools use your personal statement to help short list candidates for a position by checking off the criteria of the person specification that they can see in your statement. It is always a good idea to write your personal statement alongside the person specification, ensuring that you have included all the "essential" criteria and as much of the "desirable" criteria you can that are assessed through the application.

Where possible, you should also use the language of the school you are applying to - their vision, values, mission and ethos statements will help you here and should be available on the school's website. You will also sometimes find these in the application pack. Read this carefully and then read it again, reading between the lines of what they might be looking for.

Here is an example of the structure of a personal statement for a trainee teacher applying for their first NQT job:

Begin with an impact statement that summarises your philosophy on teaching or that refers to the mission/vision/values/ethos of the school you are applying to:

I believe that it is, as Einstein said, the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. As a passionate teacher, dedicated to ensuring the very best outcomes for all students I teach, this statement resonates with me as I endeavour to awaken joy in all of the learners within my classroom. It was your belief all young people have the right to a transformational educational experience, that will enable them, no matter what their starting point, to fulfil their potential and realise their ambitions that first attracted me to your school as it aligns with my own personal and professional philosophy on education.

Throughout my practice, I constantly encourage pupils to participate and contribute in an atmosphere highly conducive to learning. I have consistently set high expectations of pupils in different training contexts. There are high levels of mutual respect between me and pupils. I am very effective in promoting learners’ resilience, confidence and independence when tackling challenging activities. In my lesson, I generate high levels of enthusiasm, participation and commitment to learning.

Back this up with an example from your training.

I have also assumed a high level of responsibility for the attainment progress and outcomes of the pupils I have taught. I have demonstrated confident judgement in planning for pupil progression both within individual lessons and over time and I am able to articulate a clear and well-justified rationale as to how I am building on prior achievement. Within my lessons, I seek to actively promote engaging and effective methods that support pupils in reflecting on their learning. I have demonstrated that I am able to set appropriately challenging tasks, drawing on a sound knowledge of the pupils’ prior attainment, which has been obtained through systematic and accurate assessment. I regularly create opportunities for independent and autonomous learning. As a result the majority of pupils make very good progress.

In order to plan effective lessons, I draw on my in-depth subject and curriculum knowledge of [your subject or phase] to plan confidently for progression and to stimulate and capture pupils’ interest. Throughout my training, I have demonstrated very well-developed pedagogical subject knowledge, by anticipating common errors and misconceptions in my planning. I am astutely aware of my own development needs in relation to extending and updating my subject, curriculum and pedagogical knowledge in my early career and have been proactive in developing these effectively during my training. I always model very high standards of written and spoken communication in all professional activities. I also successfully identify and exploit opportunities to develop learners’ skills, in communication, reading and writing.

I plan lessons that often use well-chosen, imaginative and creative strategies, and that match individuals’ needs and interests. I am highly reflective in critically evaluating my practice. I am able to accurately judge the impact of my practice on individual and groups of learners and can use my evaluation to inform future planning, teaching and learning. During my training, I have shown initiative in contributing to curriculum planning and developing and producing effective learning resources in my placement settings.

I have been able to quickly and accurately discern my learners’ strengths and needs and I have been proactive in differentiating and employing a range of effective intervention strategies to secure progression for individuals and groups. I have an astute understanding of how effective different teaching approaches are in relation to impact on learning and engagement of learners

I can confidently and accurately assess pupils’ attainment against national benchmarks. I use a range of assessment strategies very effectively in my day-to-day practice to monitor progress and to inform future planning. In my practice, I systematically and effectively check learners’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where intervention may be needed and do so with notable impact on the quality of learning. I have shown that I am able to assess learners’ progress regularly and work with them to accurately target further improvement and secure rapid progress.

I have been able to rapidly adapt to the different circumstances in which I have trained, working confidently within the frameworks established in different settings and applying rules and routines consistently and fairly. I have also demonstrated an ability to adapt to remote working and remote delivery in response to the Global Pandemic. I consistently have high expectations and understand a range of strategies that experienced teachers use to promote positive behaviour and apply these very effectively, including use of school sanctions and rewards, and use of praise, in order to create an environment highly supportive of learning. I am able to manage pupil behaviour with ease so that learners display very high levels of engagement, courtesy, collaboration and co-operation. Where it is needed, I actively seek additional support in addressing the needs of pupils where significantly challenging behaviour is demonstrated.

During my training, I have been proactive in seeking out opportunities to contribute in a significant way to the wider life and ethos of the school. I have built strong professional relationships and have demonstrated that I am able to work collaboratively with colleagues on a regular basis. I have taken responsibility for deploying support staff in my lessons and for seeking advice from relevant professionals in relation to pupils with individual needs. I deliberately seek out opportunities to develop my own professional learning and respond positively to all the feedback I receive. I have also demonstrated that I can communicate very effectively, both verbally and in writing, with parents and carers in relation to pupils’ achievements and well-being when required to do so formally, but I am also proactive in communicating in relation to individual pupils’ emergent needs.

I always treat pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher's professional position. I realise the need to safeguard pupils' well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions. I show tolerance of and respect for the rights of others. I do not undermine fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. I always ensure that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils' vulnerability or might lead them to break the law. I am always punctual and have good attendance. I have attended numerous CPD sessions and will continue to do so. I have also completed a weekly duty (before school and at break} and attends daily briefings (whole school, subject or pastoral). I have taken on board the policies of the school and maintain a high standard in all my practices. I have a good understanding of the framework within which I work and my professional duties

End with a statement that implies/assumes you will be invited for interview:

I would relish the opportunity to work at your school and look forward to discussing this further with you at interview.

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Teaching Personal Statement Advice

21 August 2023

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What is a Teaching Personal Statement?

A teaching personal statement explains why you, as a candidate, have a desire to become a teacher and how suitable you are for the role you have applied for. 

The teaching personal statement is where your personality is given the opportunity to shine through and help you stand out from your competitors. Having qualifications is good, but on top of them, employers want to feel your charisma and passion for teaching.

Why is a Teaching Personal Statement Important?

Teaching personal statements enhance the opportunity to be selected for your ideal teaching role. By outlining your suitability for the position, employers can gather an overview of your performance and character and make advanced decisions on your hiring process. 

If you can deliver a well-curated and professional teaching personal statement, you will be able to impress employers and advance your chances of success in your application. 

Tips for Creating the Perfect Teaching Personal Statement

We have put together five of our top tips for creating the perfect teaching personal statement that will assist you in landing your ideal role.

Use Examples

Employers want real-life examples of when you made a difference in your teaching career to prove you would make the same difference in their establishment. Make sure each experience, if giving more than one, is evident in its approach to conveying the skills you want to show and don’t make each example too long. Short and snappy is the best way to briefly deliver your best experiences.

Be sure to tailor your statement in a way that caters to the job role you would like to fulfil. This includes being mindful of the type of school and age of pupils you will meet the needs of. 

Visit a Library

Though they are becoming quieter each year, libraries are still a brilliant way to encourage reading within your communities. Librarians are incredibly knowledgeable about different genres of books and can help you to choose the best book for your interests. Libraries pave the way for improved reading skills and encourage more regular reading.

Be Original and Honest

You need your teaching personal statement needs to reflect you as an individual. To do so, avoid clichés and general statements that have been used thousands of times. 

Instead, use words and phrases that naturally flow in your mind, giving more of a personal touch to the statement and standing out to the employer as something they have never seen before. 

Use Good, Clear, Written English

Good English is an absolute must when writing your teaching personal statement. Ensure you are always speaking in the first person, which includes using terms such as ‘my’ and ‘I’. 

As you will be seeking a path into the education of children and young adults, you must demonstrate you have the ability to teach them the basics of the English language by first showing this to the employer.

Explain Why Teaching is Important to You

Adding the personal touch is a must; hence it’s called a teaching personal statement. 

Passion and enthusiasm should go above and beyond throughout your statement, but take a subtle approach to avoid coming across as over the top. A few gentle phrases recognising your love for teaching mixed with experience to back it up is the perfect recipe. 

Details of Your Previous Education or Job Roles

As with any job role, an employer would like to see details of any previous education or educational job roles that would help strengthen your application. This means including previous teaching experiences to demonstrate you have acquired all the skills needed to fill the role appropriately.

Find your ideal teaching role with Always Flourishing.

Always Flourishing is a professional education agency specialising in education recruitment and offering teaching agency jobs. If you want to become a teacher, teaching assistant, supply teacher or any other role within the education sector, please get in touch today . We would be happy to help kickstart your career in teaching. 

AUTHOR: Vicky Snee EMAIL: [email protected]

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teaching leadership personal statement

Writing the perfect personal statement

teaching leadership personal statement

Written by Emma Johnston

Thinking about applying for a new teaching position? With so many roles available on Eteach , there are sometimes hundreds of applications for each post. So how can you make sure that your personal statement (or cover letter) stands out from the crowd?

Showcase your strengths

Probably the most important part of any job application (particularly those relating to teaching roles) is the personal statement. Most schools require applicants to fill in forms rather than include a CV, so this is your chance to show off just how suitable you are for the position. Make sure that you match your skills and experiences to the job specification closely - include any year groups or subjects you have taught that are relevant to the role advertised, as well as general teaching areas that you feel are strengths, such as deployment of additional adults, creativity, or behaviour management.

Be creative

An effective way to ensure that your personal statement stands out from the outset is to include an interesting opening sentence. This could be expressing your excitement about finding the vacancy, a reference to a particular accomplishment of yours or even something humorous or surprising. Once you have caught the reader’s attention, you need to maintain it, so it is a good idea to vary your sentence structure and keep the content interesting and relevant.

Do your research

The school staff advertising the position will be looking for somebody who will fit in with the school’s ethos and environment. This means that you must tailor your personal statement closely to the school. Explain why you are attracted to the school and why you think you would be a good fit. Flattery gets you everywhere, so do your best to highlight the school’s strengths and positive aspects. If possible, I would always recommend trying to plan a visit to the school in advance, or even an informal telephone call with the headteacher, so that you can ask questions and get a feel for the place.

Do your research and have a look at their website and Ofsted report, then try to quote aspects from these in your letter, along with how your skills and experience fit in. Headteachers are looking for staff who can bring something extra to the school and meet their needs. For example, if the school is known for having quite challenging students, write about your behaviour management skills and how you have developed positive relationships with pupils in the past.

Express to impress

Headteachers also want to know that you are going to be enthusiastic and committed, so it is important to express through your cover letter just how much you love teaching. Provide real-life examples of when you have really made a difference to your pupils and added value to the lesson. You need to demonstrate that you are willing to go the extra mile for the students in your class. If this is going to be your first teaching role since completing your teacher training, then use examples from your placements or even non-teaching experiences that may be relevant.

Extra-curricular experience

Additional experiences all count towards making your application stand out. If you provide tuition (which you can do through our very own Education Boutique ) or take part in volunteering in your spare time, be sure to include this. Likewise, if you have any specific skills, such as knowledge of working with learners with special educational needs or experience preparing pupils for national assessments, do not forget to add this in. Include any extracurricular hobbies, interests or skills that you have – if you are fluent in Mandarin or an expert chess player, you could run an after-school club. Schools are keen to employ anybody who can expand their staff’s skillset.

End on a high note

When completing your personal statement, try to end on a positive note and thank your potential employer for taking the time to consider you. Don’t forget to proofread and ask somebody else to have a read if you can - a fresh pair of eyes is always useful.

Whichever role you are applying for, do not be disheartened if you aren’t successful. Eteach makes it easy to submit your details using our ‘Fast Apply’ tool, so you have the opportunity to apply for any vacancies that look like they might be a good match for you. With so many teaching jobs at your fingertips both in the UK and overseas, the world is your oyster. Search jobs

About the author

Emma johnston.

After graduating with a BA in Communications from Bournemouth University, Emma worked in public relations and marketing before deciding to undertake a PGCE at Kingston University and begin her journey as a primary school teacher. Emma taught for 15 years in schools around London and Surrey, in a variety of roles including lead practitioner and assistant headteacher. Emma now works for Eteach as Education Partnerships Coordinator, where she can share her knowledge of the education sector and support those beginning their teaching career.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vitae turpis sed magna pretium gravida quis vel sapien. Nunc malesuada ornare aliquam. Nulla rutrum tellus et dolor auctor suscipit. Curabitur a elit vehicula, maximus est non, fringilla urna. Sed vel lacus sit amet nibh auctor lobortis. Duis suscipit, metus id aliquet sodales, augue turpis congue magna, vel sagittis sapien lorem accumsan sem. Nulla tincidunt felis non sapien pulvinar fermentum

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teaching leadership personal statement

Writing an Educational Leadership Philosophy Statement

Your educational leadership philosophy statement invites the reader to learn about you in a more personal way in that it shares with readers how and why you came to work in schools. This is your chance to illuminate your ideas and values as they relate to education. It’s a creative opportunity, in contrast to the chronological listing of cold, hard facts in your resume, or the specific evidence for why you are someone the school needs right now that you presented in your cover letter. Your educational leadership philosophy statement is the window through which a reader gets to first view the way you think about schools and education, to first learn about life experiences that have influenced your own education and/or leadership journey, and to first see how you write. 

As with all writing, strong opening paragraphs engage the audience, making them want to read more and get to know you better. For that reason, make sure whoever is proofing your statement gives you feedback on how they felt when they first started reading it. Was their interest piqued or did they keep reading because you are a friend and they said they would look it over for you?  And keep in mind that, like a good essay, at the end, your statement should bring back some of the points you make in the introduction. Tie it all together.

Unless a specific length is required as in, “Please share a one-page statement of your educational philosophy and leadership practice,” the general rule of thumb is one-page at a minimum and two-pages maximum. But, if you have a lot to say and your writing is really good, feel free to go longer. Just be careful not to get repetitive or to let the essay lose focus. Shorter than a page would be unusual but I’ve seen it done with decent success.  

While humor is good if that’s within your writing and speaking style, you should steer clear of sarcasm and jokes. They won’t translate well. You want to sound like yourself, and if you have a sense of humor, feel free to show it; if not, don’t pretend you do.

“I think there are probably as many opinions out there about educational leadership philosophy statements as there are search consultants. I tend to be less prescriptive, in part because I feel that one can learn a lot about a candidate by their decisions about what to include and how to write.”

– Co-managing partner Nat Conard

When pressed for more specific guidance he shared, “I tend to prefer statements with a little humor, a light at best dose of jargon, at least a nod to educational theory or research (mostly to signal that you are versed in such things), a connection to personal experience (what has shaped this person), and a narrative flow.” 

Not all senior administrator candidates such as CFO’s, Directors of Development, and Directors of Annual Funds need to have an educational philosophy. But, leadership skill in their areas of expertise is an important quality to explain. If you are not sure you should have an educational philosophy, talk it through with your search consultant. They will know what makes the most sense for your situation.

Lastly, don’t be fooled by the many different ways schools, search committees, candidates, and even search consultants refer to this document. From “personal statement” to “statement of leadership philosophy,” at the end of the day you are writing a statement of educational leadership philosophy if you are applying for a senior administrator position that has students as part or all of its focus. Of course, when in doubt, ask the search consultant which parts of the Venn diagram you need.

Interested in learning more about how we can help? 

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Initial teaching degrees require students to submit a Personal Teaching Statement alongside their application. The statement consists of four questions to demonstrate your suitability to teach.

How you provide your response to these questions will depend on how you are applying, which are outlined below. You can apply through our How to Apply page.

The four questions are:

  • Tell us what has inspired you to become a teacher and tell us why you think teaching is a good career choice for you. In your response, describe who and what has inspired you to become a teacher and describe the types of skills and abilities you will bring to teaching.
  • Describe one or two leadership, community and/or learning & development activities that you have engaged in. In your response describe how these leadership, community and/or learning & development activities demonstrate your conscientiousness and coping strategies when you are faced with challenges.
  • Describe how you manage your time when you are both planning and coordinating activities in your personal schedule. In your response provide examples of how you have put both your planning and coordinating skills to use.
  • Tell us about one or two times where you have utilised your problem solving skills to achieve an outcome. In your response explain what you learned, regardless of whether the outcome you achieved was positive or undesirable.

The Future Students Team is happy to help you if you have any questions, and you can contact us on 1800 818 865 or through AskUNE .

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Writing The Perfect Leadership Statement: Effective Guide

Table of Contents

Leaders are important in every aspect of life, whether in high school, the workplace, or elsewhere. Leaders are constantly available to help their followers set and reach a goal.

Leadership entails guiding and directing a group of people toward a common goal. When applying for jobs and specific leadership roles, a personal leadership statement can showcase your unique leadership skills. It can also set you apart as a standout leader. If you’re wondering  how to write a leadership personal statement , you’ve come to the right place.

A personal statement can help communicate your values and beliefs and demonstrate how you lead others. A leader must have effective communication, decision-making, strategic planning, strategic thinking, adaptability, inspiration, and emotional intelligence skills. These are some of the values to include in your personal statement.

This article will teach you how to write a perfect leadership personal statement .

What is a Leadership Personal Statement?

A leadership personal statement expresses the values, beliefs, and principles that guide your leadership style and behavior. It is a tool to help leaders identify their personal and professional goals and communicate them to others. 

A personal statement helps the reader understand your expectations and the standards of behavior you expect to see in your team . It also outlines an individual’s goals, skills, and experiences that relate to leadership. This statement is typically written as part of a job application, university application. Or as a way to demonstrate leadership ability for a professional development program.

Importance of a Leadership Personal Statement

  • A leadership statement clarifies an individual’s personal values and beliefs.
  • It guides a leader in decision-making.
  • A leadership statement communicates your leadership style and helps build trust and understanding within a team or organization.
  • It demonstrates your leadership experience and achievements in previous leadership roles.
  • A leadership statement sets an expectation for the leader’s behavior and for the behavior of those you’ll lead.
  • It helps to create a positive and productive work environment.
  • It inspires others, especially those seeking guidance and direction, to develop their leadership skills.

What to Include in a Leadership Personal Statement

A personal statement gives you an avenue to highlight personal and professional goals and to communicate those goals to the readers. Below are key pieces of information to include in a leadership statement.

silhouette of people on hill

1. Your values

Your personal statement should reflect your values and beliefs about leadership. This might include values like honesty, integrity, collaboration, and inclusivity.

2. Your goals

A leadership personal statement should include your professional goals and objectives. These could be specific goals for your team or organization or more general goals related to your leadership style or approach.

3. Your expectations

 It’s important to communicate your expectations to the readers. Also, include information about the standards of behavior and performance that you expect from yourself and others.

4. Your leadership approach

Your leadership statement must include information about your leadership style and approach. This might include things like your preferred communication method, decision-making process, and problem-solving approach.

5. Your leadership achievements

Your personal statement should include past accomplishments and successes. This may include leading your team to achieve a specific goal or improving a process or system through your leadership efforts.

6. Your personal qualities

A leadership statement should include attributes and characteristics that make you a strong leader. This may include your communication skills, ability to adapt and problem-solve, or commitment to continuous learning and personal growth.

7. Other relevant leadership information

You can also include any relevant coursework, skills, degree, or training you have completed in leadership.

How to Write a Leadership Personal Statement

A good leadership personal statement must effectively highlight your values, goals, and vision as a leader. It should also reflect your unique style and approach to leading and inspiring others. 

Here are some steps on how to write a leadership personal statement .

1. Define your values

Your leadership personal statement should reflect your core values and the principles that guide your actions and decisions as a leader. You should consider what matters most to you, such as honesty, integrity, compassion, or excellence, and incorporate these values into your statement.

2. Identify your goals

Your leadership personal statement should also include your goals as a leader. These may be specific objectives that you hope to achieve, such as increasing productivity or improving team morale. Alternatively, your goals may be more broadly focused on creating a positive impact or making a difference in the lives of others.

3. Clarify your vision

The next step is to include a clear vision for the future that inspires and motivates others to follow your leadership. This may involve envisioning a specific outcome or creating a shared vision for your team or organization.

4. Describe your approach

Your leadership personal statement should outline your unique style and approach to leading and inspiring others. This may include your decision-making, communication, delegation, or problem-solving philosophy. An effective approach in your statement is the  SMART  approach.

The SMART approach is a framework that can be used to develop clear, specific, and achievable objectives. It represents Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

Here’s how to use the SMART approach to develop a concrete approach for a leadership personal statement:

Specific : Your approach should be clear and specific so that it is easy to understand and focus on. Consider what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it.

Measurable : Your leadership approach should be measurable so that you can track your progress and determine whether or not you have achieved it. Consider how you will measure your progress by using specific metrics or benchmarks.

Attainable : Your approach should be attainable, meaning that it is realistic and feasible, given your resources and constraints. Write about your ability to accomplish your goals and the resources you need to achieve your objective.

Relevant : It must be relevant, meaning that it aligns with your values, goals, and vision as a leader. You can consider how your approach aligns with your overall mission and purpose as a leader.

Time-bound : Your leadership approach must also be time-bound, meaning it has a specific deadline for completion. This will help you stay focused and motivated and ensure that you are making progress toward your goal as a leader.

5. Proofread and Edit

After writing about your goals, vision, and approach, the final thing to do is to proofread and edit your leadership personal statement. This step is vital to ensure that the personal statement is error-free, clear, direct, and catchy enough to grab the reader’s attention.

Examples of Leadership Personal Statement

I am a leader with integrity and a servant’s heart. I have always been one to put the needs of others before my own. This has led me to become successful in many areas of life. My ability to lead by example and work collaboratively comes from my years of experience serving in the military. Whether leading a team through difficult terrain or accomplishing common goals, I have learned to create an environment where success is attainable for all.

I am a natural leader with the ability to motivate and inspire people. I have a track record of success in leading teams and achieving results. My goal is always to create an environment where people can excel, reach their full potential, and contribute to team success. I pride myself on being open-minded, innovative, and forward-thinking; my goal is always to find ways to improve outcomes for everyone involved. With strong communication skills combined with integrity and accountability, I can be an effective leader. That is, a leader who builds trust among team members while motivating them toward common goals.

Leaders are born, not made .

Throughout my life, I have been determined to be a leader and set an example for those around me. Whether it was captaining my high school soccer team or working as a project manager, I have always strived to lead by example. I continuously develop my skills and personal brand to serve best those who look up to me. Whether through mentorship, coaching, or simply providing support during difficult times, I am committed to leading with integrity. This is while inspiring others to reach their full potential.

My core values are honesty, integrity, and compassion as a leader. I aim to create a positive impact and make a difference in the lives of others. My vision is to build a team that is collaborative, innovative, and committed to excellence. I believe in empowering my team members to take ownership of their work and fostering a culture of open communication and mutual respect. My approach to leadership is centered on collaboration, transparency, and continuous learning.

Leadership involves setting a vision for a team, communicating that vision to others, and inspiring and motivating others to work towards that goal. 

As a leader, you are key in every organization, and because of this, only the best leaders are required. Your personal leadership statement is the opportunity to sell your leadership know-how to readers , especially employers, to convince them of your leadership capabilities.

Use  Hey INK  to generate your unique leadership personal statement, just like the ones above.

Writing The Perfect Leadership Statement: Effective Guide

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Teacher Education Personal Statement

What is a personal statement.

Ranked 22nd in the world for the discipline of Education,* we are committed to creating a learning community where you are provided with the best environment and academic opportunities to excel in your chosen field of study. From 2018, we have required a personal statement with all applications to the University of Sydney’s teacher-education degrees (excluding early childhood). The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership responded to the Federal Government's request to create selection guidelines for all universities to assess both the academic and non-academic qualities of all students applying for entry into a teaching degree. The personal statement applied by the University allows you to demonstrate your suitability for teaching through the right combination of qualities to enable you to become an effective teacher.

* 2024 QS World University Rankings by Subject

How do I submit my statement?

Undergraduate uac applicants.

If you are applying through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) to study a teacher education degree at the University of Sydney (excluding early childhood), you will be prompted to complete a personal statement questionnaire during the application process. Please refer to UAC’s guidelines and the relevant UAC form when submitting your personal statement. More information is available on the  UAC website .

Undergraduate direct applicants

Because the number of applications from qualified applicants for many Teaching Areas exceeds the quota of places available, you are required to submit a statement, not exceeding 1000 words, addressing the following four questions about your motivation and suitability for teaching. You must answer all four questions to be considered for selection to the course.  Your responses will be used in the selection process.

  • Tell us what has inspired you to become a teacher and tell us why you think teaching is a good career choice for you. Describe who and what has inspired you to become a teacher and describe the types of skills and abilities you will bring to teaching.
  • Describe one or two leadership, community and/or learning and development activities that you have engaged in. Describe how these leadership, community and/or learning and development activities demonstrate your conscientiousness and coping strategies when you are faced with challenges.
  • Describe how you manage your time when you are both planning and coordinating activities in your personal schedule. Provide examples of how you have put both your planning and coordinating skills to use.
  • Tell us about one or two times where you have utilised your problem-solving skills to achieve an outcome. Explain what you learned, regardless of whether the outcome you achieved was positive or undesirable.

You need to submit your answers to these questions in a Word document or a PDF. It is recommended, for your own ease, to answer these questions as four separate items.

Postgraduate applicants

If you are applying for one of our Master of Teaching degrees, you will be required to fill out our Master of Teaching supplementary form and upload it to your online application.

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Head Teachers / Senior Leaders Job Application Letter and Personal Statement

Head Teachers / Senior Leaders Job Application Letter and Personal Statement

Subject: Pedagogy and professional development

Age range: Age not applicable

Resource type: Other


Last updated

24 January 2021

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This covering letter and personal statement supports the application process to headship or application for a senior leadership post. This example provided help me gain an interview and successful application for the post of Headship.

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Writing an Educational Leadership Philosophy Statement

Dr. natasha kenny, phd, & dr. carol berenson, phd, taylor institute for teaching and learning .

December 2016

We often support instructors in creating teaching philosophy statements, and various resources exist to support their development (e.g. Chism, 1998; Kenny, Jeffs, and Berenson, 2015; Schonwetter et al., 2002).  However, few resources are available to help faculty in preparing educational leadership philosophy statements.

We recently created a resource to help faculty preparing educational leadership philosophy statements as part of their nomination dossiers for institutional and national awards, such as the University of Calgary Teaching Award for Educational Leadership and the  3M National Teaching Fellowship .

Similar in format to a teaching philosophy statement, an educational leadership philosophy statement “clearly communicate[s] what our beliefs are about educational leadership, why we hold these beliefs and how we translate our beliefs into practice” (Berenson and Kenny, 2015).  An example structure for an educational leadership philosophy statement and guiding questions to help those preparing a statement are presented in Table 1 below.  While every statement will uniquely articulate the educational leadership beliefs and practices of each author, these questions provide a foundational guide for helping to support faculty in creating an educational leadership philosophy statement.

Dr. Ken MacMillan, 3M National Teaching Fellow, and the 2015 recipient of the UCalgary Award for Educational Leadership has shared an  example educational leadership philosophy statement here .

Philosophy statement components

Developing an educational leadership philosophy statement provides an opportunity for individuals to reflect on their own leadership beliefs and activities. This process also makes visible the many ways in which leadership is formally and informally enacted by individuals on our campus.

Beliefs about educational leadership

What are my beliefs about educational leadership in post-secondary education? Why do I hold these beliefs?   Who or what has most informed my leadership approaches? How have my beliefs been influenced by my experiences postsecondary educator and/or scholarly literature related to leadership? What difference do I hope to make as a leader? What does it mean to be a good leader in a post-secondary context?

Educational leadership activities and initiatives

What educational leadership activities, practices and initiatives have I implemented? How do these align with my beliefs? When have I felt most engaged and affirmed as an educational leader? What are my key strengths and skills as a leader? What am I most proud of? What sets me apart? What are some of my accomplishments as a post-secondary leader?

Impact and influence

What difference have I made, and how do I know? What has been the impact and influence of my educational leadership (on me, on students, on colleagues, on my department, on my faculty, on the institution and beyond)? What have others learned from my leadership approaches?

Future aspirations

How will I continue to develop, grow, and improve as a leader? What interests me most about teaching and learning in post-secondary education? What changes do I most hope to see and inspire? What are my future goals and aspirations as a leader in post-secondary education?

Guiding questions adapted from: Kearns, K.D. & Sullivan, C.S. (2011); Kenny, Jeffs & Berenson (2015); Stavros & Hinrichs (2011); Schonwetter et al. (2002); Seldin, P., Miller, J. E., & Seldin, C. A. (2010).

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Sample teaching philosophy statements .


What Makes a Great Teaching Award Nomination Dossier? 

Berenson, C. & Kenny, N.A. (2016).  Preparing an Educational Leadership Philosophy Statement . Calgary, AB: Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning.

Chism, Nancy. (1998). Developing a philosophy of teaching statement.  Essays on Teaching Excellence: Toward the Best in the Academy, 9,  1-3.  Retrieved from http://podnetwork.org/content/uploads/V9-N3-Chism.pdf

Kearns, K.D. and Sullivan, C.S. (2011). Resources and practices to help graduate students and postdoctoral fellows write statements of teaching philosophy.  Advances in Physiology Education , 35, 136-145.

Kenny, N.A., Jeffs, C., & Berenson, C. (2015).  Preparing a Teaching Philosophy Statement.  Calgary, AB: Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning.

Schonwetter, D.J., Sokal, L., Friesen, M., & Taylor, L.K. (2002). Teaching philosophies reconsidered: A conceptual model for the development and evaluation of teaching philosophy statements.  International Journal for Academic Development,  7(1), 83-97

Seldin, P., Miller, J. E., & Seldin, C. A. (2010). The teaching portfolio: A practical guide to improved performance and promotion/tenure decisions. John Wiley & Sons.

Stavros, Jacqueline M, & Hinrichs, Gina. (2011). The Thin Book Of SOAR: Building Strengths-Based Strategy: Thin Book Publishing.

All Articles Leadership Development The lesson in leadership that we must learn and teach

The lesson in leadership that we must learn and teach

Leadership should be about becoming a teacher and enabling others to do the same, writes Lighthouse Consulting founder Larry Robertson.

By Larry Robertson 06/05/24

Development Leadership


MoMo Productions/Getty Images

The world has forever changed in this now nearly 25-year-old century and, with it, the world of work. Volatility and the need for constant adaptation are dominant themes. They make leadership beyond challenging. No leader is immune. Even the leader of seemingly immovable Walmart, Doug McMillon, has said that where strategy was once an annual, maybe quarterly, exercise, it’s now a daily, at times even hourly, exercise in leadership. It’s not just strategy or structure. The human dynamic of business and leadership has changed, too.

Consider the waves in this rising tide of change. One of the greatest is the unequaled voice and power in both direct and indirect ways that employees have now, a voice they are using to demand a seat at the leadership table.  They want and expect to take part in determining how the organization operates — from how work is structured and carried out to defining, shaping and giving priority to workplace culture. Be it the Great Resignation, quiet quitting or the seemingly ubiquitous demand to strike a balance between personal priorities and workplace ones, the signs are many and strong that workers can no longer be expected to just show up to a workplace designed by a handful of senior leaders. 

The broad awareness and pursuit of diversity, equity and inclusion is yet another powerful reflection of this demand for a leadership voice. Lately, there has been some blowback on DEI by some organizational leaders — a blowback that, by and large, aims to narrow definitions and assumptions about the much-headlined acronym. Yet, remarkably, what’s far too often under-valued in conversations around DEI is this: While employees are rightfully demanding equity and inclusion, it is the diversity of their experiences, skills and intelligence upon which the future of successful leadership will depend. Translation: Diversity is an ingredient that not only many want to add but one we collectively need if we are to thrive in these uncertain times. 

The theory of multiple intelligences

In 1983, Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner proposed an at-the-time groundbreaking idea that there is more than one way in which human beings were intelligent, sensed things, ideated and, most important of all, innovated and adapted to an ever-changing world. He called it the theory of multiple intelligences . For decades before Gardner proposed his theory, intelligence was defined narrowly. Gardner argued that human intelligence isn’t limited to, for example, just the logical or linguistic forms that schools, intelligence tests and many workplaces tend to emphasize, but also includes intelligence in areas such as inter- and intrapersonal intelligence, spatial awareness and smarts ,and even bodily kinesthetic intelligence.

In hindsight, Gardner was only stating what we all instinctively know: that humans find their way and find their advantage through a much more complex set of aptitudes and abilities. According to Gardner, we sometimes think of intelligence more narrowly because, in practice, we often end up favoring one or a few forms of intelligence over others or, as in the case of most organizations, because of an overemphasis on specific intelligences over others. What the research around these ideas tells us clearly — as does our own experience — is that everything from problem-solving and innovation to empathy and emotional intelligence relies on not just one but a diversity of intelligences to thrive. The business success record of the past two decades is equally clear: The more leaders encourage and empower diversity and its accompanying intelligences, the higher the likelihood of their organization’s success, not to mention their own. Even with what we know, Gardner suggests there is more, and here’s where leaders ought to take note.

The pivotal intelligence: teaching

Gardner originally proposed eight forms of human intelligence. In recent years, though, he has suggested that more core intelligences exist, including one that may be the most pivotal of all: teaching intelligence. Gardner describes this as our human ability to impart ideas to others, in turn empowering their diverse skills. The relevance to today’s leaders is this: Though more traditionally emphasized forms of intelligence matter a great deal, teaching is the connector intelligence. Both by their elevated position and the very nature of their role in organizations, senior leaders have the greatest opportunity to both teach and enable others to do the same.

It’s something we don’t really talk about enough — not just how we might add diversity to our workforces but leverage it, person-to-person, to learn from each other how to adapt, lead and thrive in an ever-changing world. Many argue (myself included) that leadership should be cultural and collective. We make the case that expecting and empowering every person to step up to their unique abilities to lead is the difference maker in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world. Yet we stop just short of reminding those in the lead that they have a vital role to play beyond these things — being a teacher, not just a leader, and enabling others to do the same. That’s what truly frees the inherent power of diversity. It also allows leadership to take its most potent form: becoming cultural. If the ability to constantly adapt is what you need — and you do — and if competitive advantage is what you seek, this is where you find it.

Opinions expressed by SmartBrief contributors are their own.


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