29 Great Ways to Make Money Writing Online in 2024

Lauren McManus

  • Updated: 04/30/24
  • Comments: 0

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Are you looking for a way to get paid to write? Do you want to make money by writing articles, blog posts, stories, or maybe something else entirely?

There are so many different ways to make money from writing, depending on your skill set and desires.

Whether you want to write for magazines, blogs, or other outlets, you can get paid to write from the comfort of your own home.

It’s often a very flexible job with flexible rates and hours.

Writing can be a great side business to start or even a full-time gig, depending on what you’re looking for.

With the right approach and some tips from this guide on how to make money writing, you’ll be able to turn your passion into a lucrative career!

We’ll cover everything from finding clients to understanding different payment methods, and more.

What Skills Do You Need to Get Paid to Write?

The good news is that you don’t need much at all to start a writing career – just a few basics.

  • Writing Skills: Of course, you should have some experience with writing. But the cool thing is that you can be a self-taught writer. You don’t need any special credentials or qualifications to get started.
  • Grammar Skills: Of course, you’ll need to have a good understanding of grammar and punctuation. Your work shouldn’t need any additional proofreading.
  • Research Skills: Being able to research topics quickly and accurately is essential for any kind of writing job. You may be required to cite your sources.
  • Time Management Skills: As with any job, managing your time well will help ensure that you meet deadlines and keep clients happy.
  • Marketing Skills: Promoting yourself as a writer is key in order to get new clients and maintain existing ones. You don’t have to be an expert in marketing but it helps! It also helps to have marketing experience to include in your writing to help your clients reach their audiences better.
  • Communication Skills: This is important to communicate submission deadlines and negotiate your rates.

29 Ways to Get Paid to Write Online

Making money online is the ultimate dream for many people and why wouldn’t it be? Work when you want and often for how much you want.

The world of writing can open up your career to so many different opportunities.

Let’s explore those opportunities in more depth below.

1. Blogging

blogger working late at her computer

Why rely on others to pay you money for writing when you can be your own boss? One of the best ways to make money writing is to start blogging .

There are a lot of ways to monetize blog content , including affiliate programs , sponsored posts, display ads, or selling your own products and services.

It takes time and effort to build an audience for your blog but it can be a much more rewarding way to get paid for writing.

Once your own blog becomes successful, you can also accept guest posts from other writers to help you save time and focus on other areas of your business.

It’s also very common for many bloggers to also have freelance writing gigs on the side while they are working on building their blogging business.

2. Freelance Writing

If you don’t have the time or desire to maintain a blog, freelance writing may be a better option for you. Freelance writers are hired by individuals, companies, websites, and publications to produce content on their behalf.

You’ll need to market yourself in order to land jobs as a freelance writer but once you do, you can start making money from home while writing about topics that interest you.

Plus, there are so many options for where to find freelance work — from job boards to social media groups—so it’s easy to find gigs that fit your skillset.

There are freelance writing opportunities in almost every area that we will discuss on this list.

3. Content Writing

man writing blog content in WordPress on a laptop

A lot of companies, websites, and publications hire content writers to produce blog posts for them.

As a content writer, you are responsible for researching topics, creating engaging content, and optimizing it for SEO.

This is an excellent way to get paid to write because you can find jobs in almost any industry.

Consider your writing niche and whether you want to be known for one particular niche or a variety of niches.

It’s also helpful to have experience with content marketing.

Many companies also offer regular updates so you won’t have to worry about finding new work once the first assignment is complete.

This type of online writing can be either a freelance or a full-time writing career, depending on the needs of the client.

4. Copywriting

Copywriters write persuasive messages that aim to convince readers into taking action (e.g., making a purchase).

They typically specialize in marketing copy for sales pages, emails, and more.

Copywriters need strong research skills, creativity, and an understanding of consumer psychology in order to craft effective copy that will resonate with their target audience.

Because copywriting is a more specialized form of writing, you can often get paid more in this industry.

5. SEO Writing

graphic showing SEO optimization concept

Search engine optimization (SEO) is key if you want people to find your content online.

SEO writers write articles that follow SEO best practices to ensure their content can easily found by search engines like Google or Bing.

In order to be an SEO writer, you should have an understanding of how blogs use SEO to drive traffic.

SEO writers typically get paid more than other types of writers because it’s considered a specialized skill.

If you’re familiar with keyword research and SEO, this is a great way to get paid to write.

Related: 17 Best SEO Content Writing Services

6. Technical Writing

Technical writers create documents such as instructions, manuals, and tutorials for products or services.

You need to be able to explain complex information in an accessible, concise way.

It can be a lucrative and stable career since it often requires long-term contracts with clients. Plus, you don’t have to worry about finding new work as often as freelance writers do.

That said, technical writers must have strong writing skills as well as an understanding of the subject matter they’re writing about.

7. eBook Writing

woman reading an eBook

Writing eBooks is another popular way to make money from writing online. You’ll need to come up with a unique concept and construct compelling sales copy in order to attract readers — but if done right, it can be a great source of income.

The best eBooks are usually around 20,000 words and will cost you anywhere from $2-$10 per eBook.

Plus, once your book is published, it’ll be available for sale indefinitely — so you can continue to make money even after the initial launch!

8. Ghostwriting

Ghostwriters write content for other people without taking credit for it.

This type of writing requires discretion as you will often be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before your start the project.

It’s a great option if you’re looking for regular work, but just keep in mind that you won’t get any recognition or public acknowledgement for your efforts.

Ghostwriting is usually done for celebrities or high-profile clients who want to write books but don’t have the time or expertise to do so themselves.

The ghostwriter does all the work and then hands over the finished product to the client.

9. Proofreader or Editor

person sitting at a table with a computer proofreading a document

If you’re an experienced writer or editor, you may be able to make money by proofreading or editing documents for other people.

You’ll need a sharp eye for detail and the ability to catch any errors that may have been missed.

Proofreading is usually paid on a per-hour basis but it’s also possible to negotiate flat rate fees with clients as well.

Plus, if you become known as a reliable and accurate proofreader, you can start charging more for your services over time.

10. Essay Writing

If you have a background in academia or research, you may be able to get paid to write essays.

There are websites that provide essay-writing services to others that hire talented writers.

They usually charge per word or page so it’s important to be aware of how much you’ll get paid before committing to any project.

You’ll need some research skills as well as the ability to create an engaging story in order to succeed in this area — but if you have both, it can be a great way to make money online.

11. Resume Writing

woman waiting in a chair with a resume in her hand

If you have an eye for detail and a knack for distilling complex information into easily digestible chunks, resume writing may be the perfect job for you.

People often hire resume writers to help them create compelling resumes that will help them stand out among other applicants.

Resume writers typically charge by the project rather than hourly so it’s important to price your services accordingly.

Plus, once you establish yourself as a reliable service provider, you can start charging more over time.

12. Journalism

If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a professional journalist, there are plenty of opportunities available.

Journalists write news stories for magazines, newspapers, and websites.

You’ll need to have strong research skills and the ability to write compelling stories in an engaging way.

Many publications also require their journalists to have some experience with photography or video production.

Journalism can be a rewarding career — but it’s important to understand that writing for a living can be quite demanding at times.

13. Social Media Copywriting

woman typing on her phone as a social media manager

Social media copywriting involves writing copy for social media posts.

Bloggers and other online publications pay writers to write social media copy for ads and organic posts.

This type of writing requires a unique blend of creativity, knowledge of the platform used, and an understanding of how to craft compelling messages that engage the target audience.

You should have at least a basic understanding of copywriting and know how to produce high-quality copy that resonates with the client’s audience.

14. Sales Page Copywriting

Sales page copywriting is one of the most lucrative areas of copywriting.

This type of writing requires you to craft persuasive sales messages that will entice potential customers to purchase a product or service.

You’ll need to understand how to structure an effective sales page and create copy that engages readers and convinces them to take action.

Sales page copywriters are often paid well for their services — but they also have a significant responsibility in terms of helping businesses meet their revenue goals.

So make sure you have the necessary skills before taking on this type of work!

This is a great job for a freelance writer because people don’t necessarily need sales page work on an ongoing basis.

15. Email Marketing Copywriting

course sale email example

As a copywriter that focuses on emails, you generally need to write emails and newsletters that build relationships with customers and keep them engaged.

Because email marketing is also often geared towards sales, you generally also should have experience with persuasive writing that drives conversions.

You should be familiar with email marketing best practices such as using personalization, segmentation, automated workflows, and A/B testing.

These skills will help you create content that resonates with your audience and drives desired action.

16. Grant Writing

Grant writing involves researching and applying for grants from governments, foundations, corporations, trusts, and other organizations.

As a grant writer, you’ll need to be able to research and identify potential funding sources, write compelling applications that demonstrate a clear need for the requested funds, and develop a thorough budget outlining how the money will be used.

Grant writing is an important part of many businesses — but it can also be very lucrative if you’re successful in securing grants for your clients.

Plus, once you become established as a reliable grant writer, you can start charging more for your services over time.

17. Teach Others to Write

Course recording and setup example

If you have a lot of experience in professional writing, you may be able to make money by teaching others how to write.

You could set up courses on Skillshare , Udemy , other online learning platforms and help people learn the basics of copywriting, blogging, SEO, and more.

You’ll need to do some research into your target audience before creating any course content — but once you get started, it can be a great way to make money while helping others become better writers!

18. White Papers

White papers are in-depth research documents that provide detailed information about a specific topic.

They are often used as promotional materials by companies and organizations to inform potential customers and attract new business.

As a white paper writer, your job will be to write compelling content that is both informative and persuasive — so you’ll need excellent writing skills as well as some knowledge of the industry or topic you’re writing about.

It’s not an easy task but it can be very rewarding if done correctly — both in terms of money and recognition!

19. Start a YouTube Channel About Writing

recording audio

Another great way to write for money is to create a YouTube channel to teach others how to do what you do!

You could create videos about copywriting, blogging, SEO, and other topics related to writing and then monetize your channel with ads.

You’ll need to have an engaging personality as well as the ability to produce high-quality content in order to draw in viewers — but if you put in the effort, it can be a great source of income.

So if you’re passionate about writing and want to share your knowledge with others, why not give it a try?

20. Short Stories

Writing short stories can be a great way to flex your creative muscles and make some money in the process.

You can submit your stories to literary journals and magazines, or even self-publish them on platforms like Amazon Kindle.

It takes an immense amount of work to create a compelling short story, but if you have the skills it can be a great way to make some extra income while doing something you love.

And who knows — maybe one day you’ll become the next JK Rowling!

21. Podcast Show Notes


If you’re an experienced writer who enjoys listening to podcasts, you may be able to make money as a podcast show notes writer.

This involves writing up summaries of the content discussed in each episode of a podcast and posting them on the show’s website or blog.

Most podcasters require this type of service and it’s a great way to network and build relationships in your industry.

You’ll need excellent summarizing skills as well as the ability to write concisely and accurately — but if you have both, this can be a great way to make some extra money from home.

22. Fiction Writing

For those who prefer longer works of fiction, writing novels can be a great way to make money from your writing.

You can self-publish your book or try to find an agent and traditional publisher — but either way, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication in order to get your novel out there.

If you have the willingness and ability to put in the time and effort required, though, it’s a great way to create something that will last forever!

So if you’re passionate about storytelling and believe that you have what it takes, why not try your skills as a fiction writer?

23. Transcribe Audio Files

Woman listening to headphones to provide transcription services

Another great way to earn money for writing is by transcribing audio files.

Transcriptionists listen to audio recordings and type out what is said in the form of a written document.

You can find transcription jobs on freelance websites like Upwork and Fiverr, or you can reach out directly to podcasts and other audio-related services that are looking for transcribers. Transcribing audio files may not be as glamorous as other typing jobs , but it’s a great way to put your writing skills to use while making some extra cash!

24. YouTube Scripts

If you have a knack for writing engaging scripts, you may be able to get paid to write YouTube scripts.

Many YouTubers hire writers to create scripts for their videos that include the words they will say on camera and any other text they need to appear on the screen.

You’ll need to have an understanding of video production as well as some experience with scripting — but if you do, this can be a great way to get paid for writing while helping others get their messages across!

25. Copywriting Consultant

woman doing online coaching on her computer at home

If you’re an experienced writer with a strong understanding of copywriting principles, you may want to consider becoming a copywriting consultant.

Copywriting consultants provide advice and guidance to clients who are looking for help improving their copywriting.

You’ll need to have a thorough understanding of marketing principles, web design trends, and SEO techniques in order to be successful in this role.

Plus, you’ll need strong communication skills in order to effectively consult with clients and provide them with useful feedback.

It can be an incredibly rewarding job — but it’s important to be prepared for the challenges that come along with it.

26. Writing Contests

Writing contests are a great way for experienced writers to showcase their skills and make some money at the same time.

You can find writing contests in various genres such as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, personal essays, and more — and you can often win cash prizes that can range from $50-$1000 or more.

By participating in these types of contests, you can also gain recognition from other writers who may be able to help open doors for new opportunities down the line.

A writing contest a great way to get your writing out there while also earning some extra cash — so be sure to keep an eye out for any upcoming writing competitions you may be interested in entering!

27. Product Review Writer

girl showing products to camera

If you have an interest in technology or other consumer products, you may be able to make money writing product reviews.

Product review writers are responsible for researching and testing products, then writing detailed reviews of them that can help inform potential customers about the pros and cons of various models.

When writing reviews, you should have knowledge and experience with the products you’re reviewing.

This type of writing may be better as a side hustle because you may find it hard to earn enough income to do this full-time.

28. Paid Writing Internships

If you’re just getting started in the world of writing, a paid internship can be a great way to gain valuable experience and make some money at the same time.

Many companies, organizations, media outlets, and other businesses offer internships for writers who are interested in learning more about the industry.

These internships usually involve working closely with experienced writers and editors on various projects — so it’s a great opportunity to learn from the best!

Plus, many internships are paid — so you can also make some cash while gaining valuable experience.

29. Press Releases

press release meeting in an office

Writing press releases is another great way to get paid for writing if you have a background in marketing.

Press releases are statements sent out to news outlets in an attempt to draw attention to a certain event, product, or business.

A good press release should be concise, clear, and informative — so you’ll need excellent writing abilities as well as some knowledge of how the media works in order to craft effective press releases that get noticed.

10 Best Websites to Find Writing Jobs

Now that you know the many ways you can write for money, let’s look at some of the best places to find writing jobs.

Many of the following websites have job boards that will help you find work as a freelance writer or part-time or full-time positions with companies.

You’ll also find many remote work opportunities with the job boards below.

  • Upwork – Upwork is a great resource for finding freelance writing jobs of all kinds. You can find one-time projects, long-term contracts, and even full-time positions.
  • Freelancer.com – Freelancer.com is another popular job board for finding freelance writing gigs, website designers, and other remote work.
  • Fl exJobs – FlexJobs is a great site with for finding legitimate remote writing jobs with job boards in every industry you can think of.
  • ProBlogger Job Board – ProBlogger is a great place to find freelance writing opportunities with a job board related to blogging and content creation.
  • Guru – Guru is a platform designed specifically for connecting freelancers with remote job opportunities in a variety of industries, including writing.
  • Indeed – Indeed is an online job board with millions of listings from all over the world. You can find a variety of writing jobs in different industries and locations.
  • LinkedIn – LinkedIn is a great place to network with potential clients and search for freelance writing opportunities on their online job boards.
  • Fiverr – Fiverr is a popular platform for finding one-time writing gigs and short-term projects.
  • PeoplePerHour – PeoplePerHour is an online job board for finding short-term and long-term freelance writing gigs.
  • WriterAccess – WriterAccess is a great platform for finding freelance writing jobs with companies that need content written on a regular basis.

How to Get Started Writing for Money

Let’s talk about some steps to consider when you’re getting started.

woman typing on a computer at her desk

1. Explore Opportunities

The first thing you need to do if you want to get paid for your writing is to figure out what kind of writing you’d like to do.

The purpose of this article is to help you understand what opportunities exist, so take another look at the list above and do some additional research into any opportunities that interest you.

Explore some of the job boards to get a better idea of how much individual gigs pay and what is expected of you for each type of work.

2. Develop Your Writing Style and Process

Developing a consistent writing process is key when it comes to becoming a successful freelance writer.

Having a clear plan for how you create your content will help you stay organized and keep track of deadlines.

It’s also important to know your strengths and weaknesses so you can focus your time on what works best for you, whether it’s planning, researching, or writing itself.

Having a routine that works for you and sticking to it will help increase your productivity and efficiency as a writer.

Remember that every writing niche is different. Do some research into whatever niche(s) you choose to get ideas of what successful writing looks like.

3. Create a High-Quality Portfolio

Creating a portfolio of your work is essential if you want to make money online with writing.

The best place to showcase your portfolio is on your own website or blog.

High-quality examples of your work are always helpful because they provide potential clients with an idea of what you can do for them.

Make sure to include samples from different topics and genres, as this will show potential clients that you’re capable of writing on a variety of subjects.

4. Network with Other Writers

Building relationships with other writers is a great way to increase your chances of finding more and better writing opportunities.

You can network with other writers in person or online through social media sites like Twitter and LinkedIn.

You can also join online writer communities such as the Writer’s Guild or Freelance Writers Network.

There are also a lot of Facebook groups specifically for freelance writers that are great places to find leads as well as tips and advice from experienced professionals.

Networking with other writers is one of the best ways to learn more about the industry, find new opportunities, and get your work seen by more people.

5. Negotiate and Know Your Worth

When you’re looking to get paid to write, you want to make sure that you know your worth and negotiate for it.

This may be a little harder when you start writing because you may lack the experience or the credentials to charge premium rates.

It may make sense to start out with competitive rates and work your way up.

If you’re a professional writer and know that your work is worth a premium rate, never be afraid to ask for it or negotiate better terms.

It’s important that you value your own work and stand firm on what you think it’s worth.

6. Have a Contract in Place

freelance contract featured image

Before you start any writing gig, it’s important to have a contract in place.

A good freelance contract will include the payment terms, communication expectations, submission guidelines, and other elements of the job.

You should have some kind of contract even if you’re not freelancing, but companies will often write this for you if you’re looking into a regular part-time or full-time position.

If you’re a freelancer, it may be up to you to create the contract.

Understanding the legalities behind the writing job is essential if you want to stay safe and avoid any potential issues down the road.

7. Consider Starting as a Freelancer

If you’re just starting out as a writer, it may be best to start as a freelancer.

This way, you can explore different types of writing and get experience without the commitments that come with a full-time position.

Freelance writing also gives you the flexibility to work on your own schedule and establish yourself as an expert in whatever topic or genre interests you the most.

Overall, freelance writing is one of the best ways to get started making money online through your writing.

7. Promote Your Services

Once you have some writing samples, it’s time to start promoting your writing services online.

The best way to do this is by creating a website where potential clients can view your portfolio of writing samples, read testimonials from previous clients, and contact you directly for freelance work.

You should also create social media accounts for your writing business and start building an online following by sharing useful content related to the topics you write about.

Having a presence on multiple platforms makes it easier for potential clients to find you online.

If you’re interested in longer-form writing, pitching stories to magazines is a great way to make money. Magazines are always looking for new content, so approach them with an interesting idea that you think they’d be interested in.

5 Tips on How to Make Money Writing Online

Whether you’re a freelance writer or someone looking for a full-time gig, these tips are going to be really important before you start writing or promoting your writing services.

1. Use AI Writing Tools

screenshot of Jasper AI templates

AI writing tools are an absolute must in the world of writing. What many people don’t understand is that they aren’t a complete replacement for professional writing.

The best way to use AI with your writing is a supplemental tool to help you generate ideas and improve your writing speed.

You will still need to add your own unique writing style and personal stories to your content to set it aside from the rest.

Jasper is our favorite AI tool for writing and what we use in our own business.

2. Focus on Quality Over Quantity

In the world of writing, it’s easy to get caught up in trying to write as much content for as many people as possible.

While this may seem like a good idea in theory, it could actually be damaging your reputation and hurting your income potential.

Instead of focusing on churning out massive amounts of content, focus on creating high-quality pieces that will impress clients and help you build a name for yourself as a professional writer.

High-quality work is more likely to be seen by more people, which can lead to better rates and increase your chances of landing bigger projects.

You’ll also find that clients are willing to pay more for top-notch work because they value quality over quantity.

This will also help you build better relationships and get repeat clients.

3. Stay Informed on Industry Trends

It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the writing industry, as this can help you determine what type of content is popular and what opportunities that are available.

Reading industry publications and newsletters, attending writing conferences, joining webinars, or taking online courses will give you insight into what’s trending in the field.

Knowing what types of topics and content formats are popular right now can also help you come up with ideas for articles, blog posts, and other pieces that clients may be interested in.

5. Invest in Learning SEO and Marketing

surfer seo user interface

As a content writer, you can usually earn a lot more with a background in SEO and/or marketing.

This will make your skills more valuable and marketable and help you land more gigs with better rates.

You can use SEO tools like Surfer SEO to optimize your content so it can be seen by more people, as well as how to create compelling copy that will drive conversions.

Investing in courses about digital marketing and SEO is a great way to learn the basics of these topics and start applying them to your work.

Google is always updating its algorithms, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in SEO.

5. Offer Additional Services

One way to stand out from others is by offering additional services such as editing, proofreading, SEO, or content strategy advice.

This can help you make more money as a writer and give clients another reason to hire you.

Adding extra services like this also shows clients that you’re an expert in the field and have a lot of experience.

It can be a great way to boost your income without having to take on more writing clients.

FAQs About How to Make Money Writing

There are many ways to make money writing. You can do freelance work, write for blogs or magazines, create content for websites and companies, write books, and even teach writing classes. Depending on the project, you can get paid per word or per hour. With a bit of research and dedication, anyone can start making money through writing!

Yes, it’s entirely possible to make up to $1000 a month or more with freelance writing. There are plenty of ways you can get paid for writing. You could look for remote jobs on job boards, write articles and content for websites, or start your own blog and use it as a platform to find clients. You’ll need to create a portfolio of your work and promote yourself as much as possible to gain more clients and increase your earnings. With the right skill set and dedication, you can make money writing in no time!

If you’re looking to make some money from your writing skills, there are lots of different ways to write for money. From blogging and content creation to freelance gigs and even full-time jobs – there’s no shortage of options when it comes to getting paid for writing. To get started, check out websites like Upwork , Fiverr , and Freelancer – they all offer opportunities to connect with businesses that are looking for writers to help create content.

Absolutely! Writing can be a great career option if you have the creative flair for it. Freelance writing, copywriting, and blogging are just some of the ways you can get paid to write online. You can also find traditional jobs that require writing skills in fields like journalism, marketing, and public relations. So don’t worry – there’s plenty of opportunity to earn a living from writing.

Writing is a profession like any other, and with the right skills and determination, anyone can get paid to write. In fact, while you need to have sufficient grammar skills, writing is also often a self-taught skill. From content marketers to copywriters, from freelance bloggers to ghostwriters – there are a wide variety of writing gigs that pay well if you’re willing to put in the hard work. Plus, the work is often remote and very flexible.

Yes, it is possible to make a six-figure salary as a writer. You’ll need to have the right combination of skills, connections, and determination to achieve this kind of success. You may also want to specialize in an area such as copywriting, content marketing, or SEO writing so you can charge higher rates. Having repeat clients can help you achieve this goal so that you don’t have to search for new work on a month-to-month basis.

Key Takeaways for How to Make Money Writing

No matter which type of online writing job you’re considering, there are plenty of ways to get paid to write from the comfort of your own home.

Whether it’s blogging, copywriting, SEO writing, or something else entirely, you’ll find that there are plenty of opportunities out there for you to earn a living writing.

One of the best ways for new writers to get started is to try freelancing to get some experience and build up a portfolio of samples.

As an experienced writer, you can easily earn a full-time income online.

Check job boards regularly for openings and network whenever possible.

How to Make Money Writing: 29 Tactics (With Examples)

Kristin Hitchcock

Table of Contents

In today’s digital age, there are tons of ways writers can make money with their skills online. While just about everyone can string together a few sentences, quality writing skills are still at a premium today. 

Whether you’re a seasoned wordsmith or just starting, there are numerous avenues you can explore to turn your passion for writing into a profitable venture.

Keep reading for 29 tactics you can use to help make money writing online, complete with real-life examples to inspire and guide you. I’ve organized this blog article into six broad sections with specific tips underneath each one. 

Many writers make money in several ways, so don’t feel you have to pick only one thing to pursue. 

Craft Content and Copy for the Marketing Industry

Much of today’s marketing is done online, providing plenty of opportunities for writers to work remotely. Skilled writers who can create compelling content are still in high demand, even as more and more people try to make money remotely. 

Whether you’re looking to freelance or want to work full-time in the marketing sector, here are several strategies to consider:

1. Start SEO Writing for Small Businesses

Small businesses, individual creators, and emerging publications can be excellent starting points for a new freelance writer. These businesses need writing, but they are often run by individuals who aren’t confident enough to write articles themselves. You can take advantage of this to make money writing. 

Affiliate site owners require tons of content to promote services and products in their niche. Many site owners outsource work; some may even have over a hundred writers working for them. 

SEO writing is crucial in this case, as that’s how many affiliate sites get their traffic.

Smaller publications like newspapers, magazines, and online publications may also outsource some of their writing. If you have experience in a sought-after writing niche, you can often make a lot of money writing for niche publications. 

You may also want to look at opportunities with bloggers and social media influencers. While many of these individuals produce their content, they may also outsource some to ramp up production. 

Most of these companies post writing jobs on popular job boards. Keep an eye on websites like Problogger, which is a very popular job board for those in need of an SEO writer. If you land the right client, SEO writing can easily be a full-time job. 

2. Create Content for Brands

After specializing in a niche and gaining experience with SEO writing, you may be able to write for more prominent brands within your niche, allowing you to make money writing. 

Brands often prefer writers who are knowledgeable about their industry and can produce content that resonates with their target audience. Therefore, this isn’t an easy place to start, but it can be a very lucrative place to end. Try making a guest post of two in your niche before landing a paid writing opportunity at a larger website.

Red Bull is an excellent example of a larger company that runs a blog and a magazine:

tips for making money essay

3. Offer Thought Leadership Writing

Thought leadership content is one step above SEO. It typically involves in-depth, well-researched articles that showcase a brand’s expertise in a particular field. It’s something that brands are willing to pay a lot of money for, as very few writers can do it well. 

Given how competitive the internet is, thought leadership writing will likely only grow over the next decade. It’s a great time to make yourself known in this field and start making money before everyone starts doing it. 

One of the hardest parts of thought leadership content is figuring out a topic. Luckily, Animalz goes over this pretty well. Simply put, it’s important to have an opinion . It’s this opinion that will drive the content of the article. 

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4. Write Website Copy

Everyone with a website needs words to put on it. Many people are willing to pay for a great content writer who can make their online presence stand out. Small businesses, dropshippers, and larger corporations hire people to write their web content. This may encompass everything from homepage content to product descriptions. 

You can specialize in several different types of website copy, as well. Just take inspiration from Michal Eisikowitz , who commands thousands for a single webpage. She also has a complete pricing guide for copywriters, which can help you figure out just how much to charge for all this!

Website copy services include creating product descriptions, designing landing pages, and writing About Us sections. You can make money writing a whole website or just a few pages.

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5. Offer Email Copywriting

Many companies rely heavily on email marketing to connect with their audience and drive conversions. Skilled email copywriters can help companies create engaging email campaigns that drive open rate and click-through rates. 

For many people, writing a good email newsletter is akin to magic. Finding high-paying work can be pretty easy if you can do this well. 

Just look at the prices Val Geisler is charging:

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$8,500 per customer isn’t anything to scoff at. She also has a stunning website, so I recommend clicking around for a bit if you have the time. 

6. Write Scripts for Video Creators

It’s no secret that most video creators work off of a script. However, did you know that many don’t write the video script themselves? When you’re producing a vast quantity of videos, it’s practically impossible to do all the script writing yourself – and that’s where you can come in. 

Even if you don’t want to ever show your face on a camera, you can take advantage of the growing popularity of podcasts and YouTube by writing for those who do. 

While scriptwriting is a bit of an art, it isn’t hard to learn the basics. However, it is important to structure these video scripts correctly, providing the main points in brackets with some sub points underneath. Most professionals also recommend only having around five main points. 

7. Craft Social Media Copy

Social media platforms are a big part of how brands reach their customers. However, all companies need someone to update and write copy for their social platforms. 

This sort of freelance writing often pays a lot per word since most social media sites have minimal character capacities. That said, you may spend more time researching and editing the post. Therefore, it’s important to price your services properly to make money writing. 

That said, lots of people are starting to realize how lucrative this niche is. Just look at this Business Insider article , which explains how one ghostwriter made over $200,000 a year in freelance writing gigs. 

For some inspiration, you can check out Pete Codes’s website . He primarily ghostwrites for clients on Twitter and LinkedIn. 

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8. Draft White Papers and Technical Manuals

White papers and technical manuals are highly specialized forms of freelance writing. They often require in-depth research and a strong understanding of complex subjects—businesses in technology, finance, healthcare, and other industries often commission technical writers to create these documents.

White papers can be exceptionally lucrative if you’re a fan of in-depth research or have experience in an expert-lead field. 

Sadly, this is a tough content writing niche to break into, though. You often need particular technical experience and a high-level college degree. This niche is lucrative mainly because so few writers can do it. 

9. Make Compelling Product Descriptions

E-commerce is a massive part of the internet today. With the rise of drop shipping, more and more people need compelling product descriptions. Effective product descriptions directly impact sales, so companies are often willing to pay quite a bit for this service. 

However, with the rise of AI like ChatGPT, some companies may opt for automated product descriptions, which could impact this niche. 

Furthermore, this niche can get quite dull . Once upon a time, I wrote many product descriptions for a hardware store. You can only write so many descriptions of slightly different hinges before the world looks slightly gloomier. While you can get paid to write product descriptions, it may not be exactly what you had in mind. 

Plus, this isn’t something that will make for a solid portfolio, either. 

Write Articles for Newspapers and Magazines

Good ole’ fashion journalism may not be nearly as lucrative as it once was. Still, traditional magazines and newspapers hold a significant place in media. Getting paid to write for these larger publications is more about making a name for yourself and building a business – rather than getting paid. 

However, in some cases, the payout can be huge . Plus, they can make for a solid portfolio.

If you aspire to contribute to these respected publications, there are several strategies to help you break into this field and make money as a writer.

10. Pitch Established Publications

Contributing to established newspapers and magazines is a goal many writers strive for. While competition can be fierce, securing a byline in a prestigious publication can significantly boost your content writing career.

Even if you aren’t using this as your primary source of income, bylines in respected niche publications can be worth thousands in revenue down the line. 

These publications get tons of pitches, so it’s essential to do it well. Study the publications you want to write for, understanding their style, tone, and articles they publish. The last thing you want to do is pitch an off-topic article. 

Unique angles or story ideas often have a better chance of being picked up. Consider what experience or ideas you have that others don’t. Can someone else write the piece you’re pitching? If so, you may want to come up with something else. 

Most publications have specific submission guidelines for pitches, as well. Be sure to follow these. If you don’t, your pitch may not even be looked at. Just look at the New York Times’s requirements for opinion essays:

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Even if you don’t get paid to write for these publications, even a guest post can be helpful to improve your standing. A guest post is simply a post you do for free, typically for “exposure.” 

11. Contribute to Magazines

Magazines come in tons of different shapes and sizes. You can find big and small publications on many topics, from lifestyle to fashion to science. Many of these magazines welcome freelance contributors if you can provide fresh, engaging content. 

Many of the principles I discussed above apply here, too. Choose something very few people could write about, pay attention to the publication’s requirements, and research the magazine. Pay attention to the writing style they typically use and try to mirror it. 

Often, this works best if you already have some expertise in a niche with sources to prove it. Once you get paid to write in a niche, other companies tend to take you more seriously. 

Many magazines also accept guest posts, which can be another way to get your name out there. 

12. Participate in Writing Contests

Writing contests can be an exciting way to showcase your skills and earn recognition and prizes. However, it’s crucial to research the credibility and legitimacy of contests before entering.

Furthermore, you won’t make a full income from writing contests. Often, the payout is low, and the chance of winning is even lower. However, if you do win, that’s something you can put on your resume to make money elsewhere. 

Caution : Be wary of contests that require an entry fee or have vague terms and conditions. Stick to well-known and reputable contests to ensure your work is judged fairly. Online writing is always a bit sketchy, but writing contests tend to be even more so.

Often, these companies will use the content as guest posts on their website, so be sure you’re okay with them. 

Establish Your Influence By Writing

While these methods won’t pay much money initially, they can help you establish yourself as an authority, which can help you get money. Building up an audience of like-minded people can open you up to new job opportunities you wouldn’t have otherwise. 

There are several ways to do this, but you should preferably play on your strengths. Guest posts are a solid way to go about this, but there are some paid opportunities, too. 

13. Create Your Own Niche Blog Around Products You Use Already

You can start by establishing a niche blog if you already have a niche. While aiming to write for someone else’s blog is a money-oriented goal, this is more of a passion project. You probably won’t make much money writing articles for yourself(at least not right away), but you can use it as an example of your work. 

Ideally, choose a niche you already plan on content writing in. While you can technically make your blog about anything, it’s much easier to use to attract clients if it’s about a similar subject. It does matter whether it is creative or technical writing. 

You can use this blog as a portfolio site. A writing portfolio is exceptionally important for landing higher paying gigs. 

As you build your blog, you can sign up as an affiliate for relevant products and services. This allows you to earn commissions by promoting these products to your readers. Be transparent about your affiliate relationships to maintain trust with your audience.

You can use affiliate offers from day one of your website (in most cases). However, you may only be able to sign up for some companies once you start getting some traffic. 

14. Establish a Social Media Audience Around a Niche

Alternatively, you can start a social media account instead of a blog (or you can always do both). Choose a social media platform or two that are relevant to your niche. For instance, B2B topics are probably more appropriate to LinkedIn, but Twitter is a common place for this information, too. 

It’s essential to have a content strategy. You can’t just create and publish content like you do for your social media. Consider using a content matrix, as demonstrated by Justin Welsh in his Content Matrix , to plan and publish regular posts.

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You should also interact and respond to your audience. Social media is about being social. You can’t just publish posts and expect to get very far. Some amount of community engagement is essential. 

You can monetize your social media presence, as well. Sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and creating your products can all help you make some money. 

15. Create Sponsored Content

Sponsored content involves working with brands to create promotional material that aligns with your niche and appeals to your audience. Brands are often willing to pay for this because it taps into your already-built audience (and that probably trusts you). 

However, you must already have a sizeable audience on your own blog or social media account to sell sponsored content. No company will pay for sponsored content if you don’t have an audience! Building influence can take years, so this isn’t a way to get rich quickly. 

Some established blogs like ShoutMeLoud offer sponsored content packages starting at $1,200. Use this as a reference point when setting your rates. Your rates depend on your niche and audience size. Blogs in the finance niche can often charge more, for instance. 

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16. Sell Your Own Informational Products

If you can write, you can create and sell your own information products. This is an easy way to get paid to write if you have a following and are already established. You can start with something simple, like an eBook, one of the most popular ways to sell information content. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing make it easy to self-publish eBooks. 

You can also create and sell online courses or digital membership products. While these are harder to make, they can often be sold for more, so there is a trade-off. 

17. Become a Writing Coach or Consultant

If you’ve established yourself as a professional writer, you can consider offering coaching or consulting services to aspiring writers or businesses. Paid mentorships can be very lucrative, especially if you’re considered an expert. 

For instance, Elize Dopson offers one-on-one freelance coaching to help freelancers make more money and scale their businesses. You can offer similar coaching options. 

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You can also consult with businesses on content strategy. Sometimes, companies need help figuring out where to go with their content, but they may not want to hire someone to fix the problem directly. Instead, they may need a quick consult with an SEO expert. You could be this expert. 

Take inspiration from professionals like Elise Dopson, who offers coaching services to writers and businesses seeking content marketing expertise.

18. Get a Book Deal and Get Royalties

If you have unique inspiration to share, you can write a book. While this is often considered lucrative, most book authors make less than you think. However, a well-received book can establish you as an authority in your niche. 

You must decide whether to pursue traditional publishing through literary agents or self-publish your book. Each path has its advantages, but they can be challenging in their ways, too. 

Look at writers like Mark Manson and Scott Young, who started as bloggers and went on to establish large audiences and sell many books. Their success showcases the potential for writers to transition from online content to traditional publishing.

Get Paid for Creative Writing

Creative writing is typically what most people think when you say you’re a “writer.” However, it is often hard to make money from writing imaginative stories. That said, if you have a passion for creative writing, there are several ways to make money from your craft. 

19. Monetize Your Poetry

Poetry isn’t the most mainstream form of writing. However, if you consider yourself a poet, there are ways to make money off of it. One of the most common ways is to self-publish poetry books. Typically, this involves compiling your poems into a collection and publishing them. 

Of course, someone has to want to purchase your poetry books, so it often works best if you already have an audience. 

You can also enter poetry contests, which may offer cash prizes. Be sure to only submit to credible sources, though. 

Consider a Patreon or Ko-fi account, where fans can support your creative work by making regular contributions. 

20. Write and Sell Your Songs

You could make money from your songs if you have a knack for songwriting. 

The best way to do this is to license your songs to musicians, bands, or production companies for use in albums, films, commercials, or other media. Royalties from song licensing can provide a steady income stream.

You should also join a performance rights organization, which will collect royalties whenever your songs are played on the radio, performed live, or used in public spaces. 

Alternatively, you can also sell sheet music online or in physical formats. However, this method is often less lucrative, as a single person is not paying for the sole use of a song. 

In today’s world, you can also create a YouTube channel to share your music and monetize it through ads and channel membership. You can also distribute your music on Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. 

Nashville Songwriters Association is an all-in-one platform for songwriters to create and publish their songs. They also host events (both online and offline). With their membership plan, you can gain access to information on how to pitch your songs, pricing guides, and more. 

Liz Rose is a prime example of someone who makes a living writing songs. She’s written music for some serious professional artists, like Taylor Swift. She also works with Nashville Songwriters Association. 

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21. Self-Publish Your Books on Kindle

Self-publishing has revolutionized the world of literature, offering writers an accessible way to get their work in front of readers. Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) allows authors to publish ebooks and earn royalties.

However, a lot goes into publishing a book, even on KDP. Having a realistic expectation for the platform is essential, as it isn’t all unicorns and rainbows. Eventually, it can help a creative writer make some passive income, though. Once the books are there, they will always be there. 

Furthermore, the average freelance writer likely won’t sell many books without some substantial promotion. You must use social media and email marketing to reach potential readers. Part of the appeal of using a traditional publishing company is that they do all this for you. If you’re self-publishing, you’ll have to do it yourself.

That said, you aren’t going to make tons of money self-publishing on Kindle. Project Rich Mom on YouTube shares how much she made in this video to help keep your expectations realistic. This isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. 

There are many ways to go about publishing on KDP. You can publish a series or a collection of short stories, for instance. Kara Lockharte is a great creative writer who successfully self-published creative writing on this platform and does very well. 

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Evolve Into an AI Content Marketer

The field of content marketing is evolving, and creative and technical writers can adapt by specializing in creating AI-assisted content.

22. Specialize in Creating AI Assisted Content

Slowly, AI generators are becoming more and more popular. AI writers can specialize in using these tools to create better writing (or simply write faster). You’ll need to learn how to use precise prompts for AI models to generate content that aligns with your needs. You’ll also need to review and fine-tune the content to ensure it meets quality standards. 

We aren’t 100% sure how this field will change and grow in the next decade, but now may be a good time to specialize in this new possibility. Either way, this is a writing skill you probably want to learn. 

23. Repurpose Content for Different Platforms

In an era of content saturation, the ability to repurpose content for various platforms and mediums is a valuable skill. Creative and technical writers can leverage AI tools to tailor content for social media platforms, email campaigns, blog posts, and more.

This idea can give you a massive boost in content production. You can turn a single blog post into several social media posts or email campaigns. However, because you wrote the original content, the output would still be unique to you. 

Other General Ways to Make Money Writing

There are other ways to make money writing, too. However, these tactics aren’t as specialized or lucrative, so they typically only offer side income. You won’t be making a full time income out of these options, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t explore them. 

24. Do Book Reviews

Occasionally, a freelance writer can make some extra cash by writing book reviews. Some websites and publications will pay for book reviews and may even offer free copies of the books. 

Even if you don’t sell book reviews to another website, you can create a blog or YouTube where you review books. Over time, you could monetize this platform through ads and affiliate marketing. 

Kirkus Reviews is a very popular website for submitting book reviews. They have a whole writer’s center with information on writing and publishing. Check their careers page for information on applying as a writer. However, they do always have an open application for English and Spanish titles. 

Of course, this isn’t a full time job for most writers, but it can be a way to get your feet wet before diving into job boards.

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25. Create Video Game Guidebooks

If you like playing video games, consider writing video game guidebooks. Often, this works best for very open-world games (think Skyrim or Baldur’s Gate). Usually, players are willing to pay to unlock secrets about the game that they may not discover themselves. 

You can self-publish your guide digitally. Alternatively, you could design your guides as video tutorials on platforms like YouTube and monetize through ads. You can even host them on your own website if you want to put the background work in. 

27. Produce Travel Guides

If you have experience traveling, consider writing travel guides. Aspiring adventurers often rely on guides written by people who have gone there. Self-publish travel guides of places you have gone to promote them through social media or travel forums. 

You must have real-world experience here. Pretending you have expertise likely won’t work in this field. 

Alternatively, you can pitch travel articles to magazines, websites, and similar publications. Most travel publications pay for their content from freelance writers, as they cannot pay to send their staff everywhere .

Apeksha Bhateja is a great example of a writer who travels while writing. She currently writes for Fodor’s Travel , which publishes a range of articles and guides on travel. 

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28. Offer Resume and Cover Writing Services

Job seekers occasionally turn to professionals for help with their resumes and cover letters. If you can do this successfully, you can make a lot of money to help clients stand out from the rest of the competition. 

While this can be lucrative, breaking into this niche can take a lot of work. Often, it is overwhelmed by larger companies (which you could also write for). 

29. Write for Revenue Sharing Websites

While revenue-sharing sites may provide little income upfront, they can be a way to earn passive income over time. These platforms pay writers based on the performance of their articles and personal essays.

You may receive a small income in exchange if your content does well. Usually, this works better for those in a lifestyle niche – not so much for technical writers. Of course, this isn’t going to be a full-time job, either. However, it can make you some passive income. Once a published article is online, it stays there. 

Several websites work in this way, such as Medium. If you participate in the Medium Partner Program, you can earn money based on your stories’ engagement and reading time. 

It can be incredibly challenging to make significant income through revenue-sharing websites. Kristina Pulford explains that Medium isn’t a lucrative place to make money. She publishes on Medium regulation and has thousands of followers, so she knows what she’s talking about.

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However, it can be a way to dip your toes into monetization and get paid to write while also making a name for yourself. You can also use the article published through these platforms to attract other clients. 

Final Thoughts

Often, getting paid to write isn’t about going down one specific path. Instead, many writers get their income via a few different routes. Some even do both creative and technical writing. You’ll likely need to try a few before you settle in and develop your career. 

Many options above also help you make a name for yourself and develop your writing skills, precisely what you need to land higher-paying writing jobs. 

It’s important to realize that making money writing online isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. Making money online has never been easier with today’s technology, but it is still work . Eventually, some of these writing jobs should help you replace your full-time income. Everyone wants to be their own boss, but being a full-time writer is still a lot of work. 

Kristin Hitchcock

I'm Kristin, a seasoned freelance writer, specializing in SEO writing and niche websites, and I have been in this field for nearly a decade. My expertise in content marketing has been instrumental in establishing several thriving websites in several different niches. When I’m not writing, I’m hiking, homeschooling the kids, or *trying* to crochet.

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Elite Content Marketer offers education and software reviews to help beginner creators graduate into the middle class (and beyond) sustainably. Learn more about us here .

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  • Best Lifetime AI Software Deals
  • What is a B2B Writer (+ How to Start B2B Freelance Writing?)

How to Make Money: 21 Tips Every Student Needs to Know

tips for making money essay

I think you’ll agree when I say that money can’t buy happiness – but it’s certainly difficult to enjoy life without it. After all, we’re not hermits who live in caves and eat only what scraps nature throws our way, right?

Well, there are ways to make more money. You can earn extra income by doing what you love, by sitting on the couch at home using the internet, or even by doing absolutely nothing.


In this post I have all sorts of ideas for you. Just pick one you like and get a little (or maybe a lot) richer.

Here are 21 actionable tips that will help you make more money. Apart from reading this article, you can also check out essay samples on the topic of increasing your personal income.

  • Always hated office work? Here is a way out
  • Teach a course online: earn money by helping others
  • Market trading is not only for the rich anymore
  • Make money doing nothing and without investment
  • Design an app
  • Become a critic
  • You still don’t have a blog? That’s how to make money on the internet
  • Have you ever participated in court? You can get paid for that
  • Do what you always do – but for money
  • Work hard, play hard: and all at the same time
  • Focus groups
  • Some other ways to get extra cash for a little effort
  • Tutor or coach
  • Turn your hobby into money
  • Guide for money
  • Become a chef
  • Be a Photographer
  • Make money playing
  • Publish a book
  • Sale unnecessary things. The most ancient way to make money – but it still works!
  • Part time jobs. The most obvious money source for students

Now it’s time to put these tips into action

1. always hated office work here is a way out.

If you think freelancing is only for journalists and IT workers, you are wrong. I’m 75% sure that YOU can do it. Even if your major is medicine or engineering, it doesn’t mean you can’t work and make decent money from home.

Don’t know where to start?

There are many websites that will connect you with potential employers and make the process easier for you.

Think of what you can do well:

  • editing audio, photo or video
  • programming
  • art and design
  • advertising and marketing
  • architecture
  • translating
  • creating games.

Every 5th American is Working from Home.

Is there nothing on this list you are good at?

Don’t worry. Maybe you’ve always wanted to do some of these things but don’t know how. Spend a month exploring your passion and then you’ll be able to do what you love for money. Sounds good, right?

2. Teach a course online: earn money by helping others

If you are about to skip this option because you think you can’t teach, wait a sec!

You are wrong.

You can talk, right? There are thousands of people in other countries who want to learn your language (whether that’s English, Spanish, Russian or Chemehuevi). There are also tons of other things you can do that other people don’t. Use your skills and your unique perspective. Just go online and look for students yourself or use special sites like Skillshare or Italki.

3. Market trading is not only for the rich anymore

Not so long ago, stocks and shares were something from the world of Wall Street: nice suits, yachts and posh whiskey. Today, you can just go online to trade on the stock market.

Day Success Rate For Professional Traders 5%.

I have to warn you that this one is a bit risky. But if you have a little money to spare it’s worth trying. Just don’t get too involved. Here’s a video on some basics if you want to do it.

The two biggest platforms for online market trading are Plus500 and eToro .

4. Make money doing nothing and without investment

Sounds perfect, right? But wait, this tip will work only if:

  • you have a car or your own place
  • you can do without them for a while.

Got both those? Rent them out. You can lease your flat when you go on vacation, for example. Or, if you have a spare room in your house, get a roommate. It’s actually fun living with someone. Just be sure to pick a person you like, so that your life doesn’t get complicated.

5. Design an app

Have you ever had a great idea for an app? Maybe you’ve been looking for an app for a particular purpose, and you can’t find one. For example, I’ve been looking for ages for a good app that tracks my walks – and I haven’t found one yet. (If you know of one, please let me know in the comments section – I’d be grateful!)

Over 1000 New Apps In Apple Store.

But back to the point.

It takes skill and time to design a successful app. However, if you can do it, the money is very good. First, you can charge for the app itself. Second, you can charge advertisers to get involved. Third, you can offer users special features or upgrades in exchange for extra charges.

6. Become a critic

Are you the kind of person who always finds something wrong with things?

Get money for it!

You could review all kinds of things: websites, programmes, apps, music etc.

Here are a couple of sites that invite user reviews, just to give you an idea: SoftwareJudge , UserTesting .

And here’s a link to a big list if you are serious about it.

7. You still don’t have a blog? That’s how to make money on the internet

What is your favorite thing? What topic can you talk about for hours on end? Even if the answer is as boring as birdwatching (my apologies to anyone who actually finds birdwatching interesting) – then that’s the thing that will bring you money!

There Is No Such Thing as 100% Passive Income.

Create a blog. If you don’t know how to make a website, your Instagram or Facebook page will do. Even if you hate writing, it’s not a problem. You can make YouTube videos with your phone.

OK, let’s say you’ve created a blog. Now what? Make money from:

  • affiliate links
  • selling your own products or services
  • sponsored posts.

These are the ways to profit from it.

Thousands of people are already making money on YouTube because you watch their videos, or on Instagram because you read their posts. You can do it too.

Here are 10 tips from Pat Flynn, who has already earned $3 million blogging.

10 Tips From Pat Flynn.

8. Have you ever participated in court? You can get paid for that

eJury will pay you for reviewing cases. It helps lawyers prepare for real trials by testing how people react to the case. Unfortunately, this site only works if you are in the USA.

9. Do what you always do – but for money

How many times a day do you search for something on the internet? How about getting paid for doing it?

Install Qmee and choose the search results it suggests to pick up some spare change. It won’t make you rich, but a penny on another penny all adds up, right?

10. Work hard, play hard: and all at the same time

Cool, right? Of course, it would be strange to start gaming just for money. But if you are already good at it, why not turn it to your benefit?

After all, the prize pool for the 6 th Annual Dota 2 eSports Tournament consisted of $20 million !

11. Focus groups

We’ve already mentioned reviewing websites and software. These are not the only things you can give your opinion on. You can become a part of a focus group online or in real life and help companies determine whether their products will sell.

12. Some other ways to get extra cash for a little effort

  • There are websites where you can do surveys for money. Just look it up.
  • Have you heard that there is a way to make money online just by clicking? Clickworker is for those who aren’t looking for a challenge or big money but can handle boring routine tasks. Check it out.
  • Another popular way to make money online fast is Fiverr , which hooks up people who want to work with people who want to pay. All kinds of tasks are on offer. If you don’t like doing things for others, use it the other way: ask people to do things for you for a little money while you can make more freelancing or some other way

13. Tutor or coach

If you are reading this then you are at least at college. So, you know other students, either at school or at college. If you’re good with people, teach them what you know.

Some parents think that their kids will connect better with tutors who are closer to their kid’s age; others just want to save money by hiring students instead of professional teachers.

I did it when I was at college, so I can tell you from experience that this is a good way to get some cash.

14. Turn your hobby into money

Handmade is in fashion now. Everyone wants something unique and top-quality. Whether you can knit or make jewelry, create children toys or design clothes, offer it for sale.

The opportunities here are limitless!

Use every chance you have to sell your craft. Participate in local fairs or go online to Etsy , Cargoh , Craft Foxes and other such sites.

Here is a good tip:

Create an exciting story to go with the items, like entrepreneurs Rob Walker and Joshua Glen . They bought hundreds of cheap items from thrift stores, added fictional stories to them and received 2,700% profit!

15. Guide for money

Everyone loves their county or city, right? Tell foreigners about it and earn money in the process.

Become a guide. Of course, this is a job where you need to be around people a lot, so if you’re not a people person I wouldn’t recommend it.

But if you like communicating then this is a great opportunity not only to make money but to learn more about your city or country. Also, when you’re giving tours you get the chance to travel to places you might not otherwise have gone.

16. Become a chef

  • Can you cook?
  • Do other people enjoy your culinary creations?
  • Do you like hosting dinner parties?
  • Do you have a nice place?

Then Eatwith is for you. You set a price and invite people for dinner. Usually your guests will be foreigners who want to experience real native cuisine, not what the restaurants have to offer. Besides, it’s cheaper for them. And by hosting a party of, let’s say, six people you will:

  • earn more than $100
  • meet new people
  • learn about a different country
  • gain valuable cooking experience
  • have a lot of fun.

17. Be a Photographer

I’ve already mentioned hobbies and selling what you make. You might be asking, “But what if I don’t make anything?”

If you like taking pictures and own a good camera, be a photographer! Offer your services at weddings and other special events, or create customized photo sessions.

18. Make money playing

I mean playing music, not Lego, of course.

You can play music at events like weddings and parties. Another option is busking, which will not only help to bring in some more money but also help you to overcome stage fright and give you the chance to practice your skill. Many popular musicians started off as buskers.

19. Publish a book

If you like writing but you don’t like sticking to a set topic or a number of words, and you’re even less fond of deadlines, then copywriting is not for you. Instead, try publishing your own book.

Too expensive? Not anymore.

Thanks to the internet, you can just use Amazon Kindle and publish your ebook for free.

Who knows? Maybe your book will one day be a classic.

20. Sale unnecessary things. The most ancient way to make money – but it still works!

If you’re at home, look around.

What do you see? I bet there are tons of things that can bring you money: old cellphones and other electronics, clothes and shoes you bought on a whim but have never worn, books that you’ve read and DVDs that you’ve seen. The list is endless. Who knows what other strange stuff you’ve got that you just don’t need anymore?

Sell it all! Not only will you make money, but minimizing the amount of stuff you have in your life is recognized as being great psychological therapy that will make your life better.

You can organise a yard sale, sell via second-hand shops or take good pictures of your things and post them on eBay.

And you know what? $74,423 is made on eBay every 30 seconds!

Here are some other things you can sell:

  • Just post them on Shutterstock , Photoshelter , Fotolia , DreamsTime or iStock .
  • You can also paint or draw portraits if you are good at it.
  • study notes. If you write them when you study anyway and some other students don’t, why not sell them? There is even a special website for that.

21. Part time jobs. The most obvious money source for students

If none of the above appeal to you, go for classics and find a typical part-time job:

  • call center operator…

… this list is endless. It even includes dog walker and charity collector. Just go out, buy a local newspaper and see what the options are. And, of course, don`t forget about a resume .

You’ve read about 20 different ways you can make money.

Now all you have to do is choose the one – or maybe more – that suit you best. Base your choice on these questions:

  • How much money do you need?
  • Do you need a one-off amount or a permanent source of income?
  • What abilities and skills do you already have?

After you answer these 3 simple questions, you’ll probably have about 5 options left. Follow one lead or pursue all of them – it’s up to you.

And good luck with getting rich!

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The Ultimate Guide For Making Money from Writing

Are you looking for ways to make money from writing? If so, you’ve come to the right place! This ultimate guide is filled with tips, tricks, and strategies that will help you start earning money by writing.

Whether you want to become a freelance writer, a published author, or anything in between, this guide will provide you with the information you need to get started.

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about making money from writing, from honing your writing skills to finding the best clients. So, if you’re ready to start making money from writing, let’s get started!

Different ways to make money from writing

tips for making money essay

Writing can be an excellent source of income if you know where to look. Whether you’re a full-time writer or looking to supplement your income, there are various ways to make money from writing.

Some of the most popular methods include freelance writing , self-publishing, blogging and affiliate marketing , writing for content mills, writing for companies and businesses, and entering writing contests and grants.

Freelance writing involves writing for various clients on a project basis. You can find clients through job boards, networking, or pitching directly to businesses and publications.

Self-publishing involves writing your own books and selling them online through platforms like Amazon. Blogging and affiliate marketing involve creating a blog and partnering with companies to promote their products for a commission.

Writing for content mills involves writing for websites that pay per article, while writing for companies and businesses involves writing for marketing materials, social media posts, and website content. Writing contests and grants provide opportunities for writers to win prizes and receive funding for their work.

With so many options, it’s important to find the right fit for your skills and interests. Additionally, building a strong portfolio and networking with other writers can help you land more opportunities.

Remember, making money from writing takes time and effort, but it’s a rewarding career that can lead to financial stability and creative fulfillment.

Freelance writing

Freelance writing is one of the most popular ways to make money from writing. Freelance writers can work from home, choose their own schedule and set their own rates.

Freelance writing involves writing articles, blog posts, social media posts, copywriting, content creation and more for clients who are looking for quality content.

To get started with freelance writing, you can create a portfolio of your writing samples and pitch to potential clients. There are various platforms like Upwork , Freelancer and Fiverr where you can create a profile and find freelance writing opportunities.

It’s important to know your niche and target audience to be able to offer the right services to clients. Having a website or a blog can also help to showcase your writing skills and attract potential clients.

Building a network of contacts and reaching out to potential clients on social media or via email can also increase your chances of finding freelance writing jobs.

Pricing your services can be a challenge as a beginner freelance writer. It’s important to research the average rates in your niche and set your prices accordingly. Over time, you can increase your rates as you gain more experience and build a reputation as a reliable freelance writer.

Self-publishing your own books

tips for making money essay

Self-publishing has become an increasingly popular way for writers to make money and gain recognition. With the advent of online publishing platforms like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and IngramSpark, anyone can become a published author.

This means that you can sell your books directly to readers, bypassing traditional publishing channels, and keeping most of the profits.

Self-publishing your own books involves writing, editing, designing and publishing your own book. With the availability of print-on-demand services, there’s no need to spend money on printing and distribution costs upfront.

Instead, the book is printed only when someone orders it. This also allows you to test out different pricing strategies and market to specific niches.

However, it’s important to remember that self-publishing requires a lot of work. You’ll need to learn about formatting, cover design, editing, marketing and distribution.

One way to make the process easier is to hire professionals for some of these tasks. For instance, you can hire an editor or cover designer to give your book a more professional look and feel.

Ultimately, the success of self-publishing depends on the quality of your writing and your ability to market your book effectively. If you can produce high-quality work, and effectively reach your target audience, you can earn a living through self-publishing.

Blogging and affiliate marketing

One of the most popular ways to make money from writing is by starting your own blog. With a blog, you have the freedom to write about any topic you’re passionate about.

The key is to build up a loyal following, which can take time, patience, and dedication. Once you have a substantial audience, you can start making money through affiliate marketing. 

Affiliate marketing involves promoting a product or service to your readers and earning a commission for each sale made through your unique affiliate link.

There are countless affiliate programs available, from Amazon Associates to Commission Junction. The key is to only promote products that are relevant to your readers and align with your values. 

To be successful with affiliate marketing, you’ll need to create quality content that engages your readers and builds trust. You’ll also need to have a strong call-to-action that encourages readers to click on your affiliate links.

It’s important to disclose to your readers that you’ll earn a commission if they make a purchase through your links. This builds transparency and honesty with your audience. 

Blogging and affiliate marketing can be a lucrative way to make money from writing, but it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time and effort to build a successful blog and grow your audience.

If you’re passionate about writing and have a topic you’re excited to share with the world, then blogging and affiliate marketing could be a great option for you.

Writing for content mills

tips for making money essay

Another way to make money from writing is by working for content mills. Content mills are websites that hire freelance writers to create articles, blog posts, and other types of content for clients. These websites typically pay writers per word or per article, but the rates can vary greatly depending on the platform.

While writing for content mills may not pay as much as other types of writing jobs, it can be a great way to build your portfolio and gain experience. Some popular content mills include Textbroker, iWriter, and HireWriters.

One of the biggest advantages of working for content mills is the abundance of available work. Since these websites have a large pool of clients, there is usually a steady stream of work available.

However, the downside is that the pay can be low, with some sites paying as little as $0.01 per word.

If you do decide to write for a content mill, it’s important to choose a platform that aligns with your writing style and interests. You should also be prepared to work quickly and efficiently in order to make the most money possible.

Overall, while writing for content mills may not be the most lucrative option, it can be a good starting point for those just getting started in the writing world.

Writing for companies and businesses

Another way to make money from writing is by writing for companies and businesses. Many businesses need writers to create content for their websites, social media, and other marketing materials. Writing for businesses can be a lucrative gig, as companies often pay well for quality writing.

To find writing opportunities with businesses, you can start by searching for job postings on job boards such as Indeed or LinkedIn. You can also reach out to businesses directly and pitch your writing services to them.

Networking with professionals in your industry can also lead to writing opportunities with businesses.

When writing for businesses, it’s important to understand their target audience and brand voice. You may need to adapt your writing style to fit their needs and guidelines. It’s also important to communicate clearly with the business about expectations, deadlines, and payment.

Overall, writing for businesses can be a great way to earn money as a writer, especially if you specialize in a particular niche or industry.

Just make sure to provide high-quality writing and communication to build long-lasting relationships with your clients.

Writing contests and grants

tips for making money essay

Another great way to make money from writing is through writing contests and grants. Writing contests can offer a significant cash prize, as well as a chance to get your work recognized by publishers and literary agents.

Grants, on the other hand, can provide you with the financial support needed to work on a long-term writing project.

Before entering a writing contest, it is important to read and understand the guidelines carefully. Make sure you meet all the criteria and requirements for entry, and that you submit your work before the deadline.

Some popular writing contests include the New Yorker Short Story Contest, the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, and the James Jones First Novel Fellowship.

Grants for writers are also widely available, and they can provide significant financial support for writing projects. Grants are usually awarded on a competitive basis, so it is important to develop a strong proposal and apply early.

Some popular grants for writers include the NEA Literature Fellowships, the Whiting Writers’ Award, and the Elizabeth George Foundation Grant.

Entering writing contests and applying for grants can be a great way to gain recognition and financial support for your writing. With careful research and preparation, you can increase your chances of success and take your writing career to the next level.

Tips for success in making money from writing

Making money from writing can be a fulfilling and lucrative career, but it takes time and effort to achieve success.

Here are some tips to help you increase your chances of making money from your writing:

  • Hone your writing skills: Continuously improve your writing skills by reading books, taking courses, and practicing writing regularly. The more you refine your craft, the more marketable you become as a writer.
  • Find your niche: Discover your unique writing style and specialize in a particular genre or industry. This will help you stand out and attract clients who are specifically looking for your expertise.
  • Build a strong portfolio: Create a portfolio of your best writing samples to showcase your skills and experience. This will demonstrate your capabilities to potential clients and increase your chances of landing writing gigs.
  • Network with other writers: Connect with fellow writers, attend writing conferences, and join writing communities. Networking can lead to valuable connections, collaborations, and job opportunities.
  • Market yourself: Develop a strong personal brand and market yourself effectively. Create a professional website, engage with your target audience on social media, and leverage content marketing strategies to attract clients.
  • Meet deadlines and exceed expectations: Be reliable, professional, and punctual in delivering your writing projects. Meeting deadlines and exceeding client expectations will help you build a reputation as a dependable and high-quality writer.
  • Diversify your income streams: Don’t rely solely on one method of making money from writing. Explore different avenues such as freelance writing, self-publishing, blogging, and affiliate marketing to maximize your earning potential.

Remember, success in making money from writing requires perseverance, patience, and a willingness to continuously learn and adapt. Stay dedicated to your craft, be open to feedback, and embrace new opportunities that come your way.

Final Thoughts

Making money from writing can be a challenging journey, but it is not impossible. With the right skills and knowledge, you can turn your passion for writing into a full-time career or side hustle.

The key to success is to be persistent, hone your skills, and never give up on your dream. Remember, writing is a craft that takes time and practice to perfect, so keep learning and exploring new opportunities.

And always believe in yourself and your abilities as a writer. Good luck on your journey!

Become a Writer Today

Get Paid to Write Essays: 21 Great Sites For Making Money

In a rush? Writers Work is a great place for getting paid to write essays. Our guide to the top essay-writing companies from academic to personal essays.

Academic writing can be an excellent way to make money. Students will pay writers to create example research papers or assist them in writing their school essays and papers. Learning how to write a 5 paragraph essay  will open the door to more income potential. There are two primary methods to make money writing essays, and the first is to write academic essays.

How To Get Paid to Write Essays Online

Essay writing companies look for writers who can create high-quality English essays and academic-style papers, and you can make a good income as a freelance writer. The second method is to write personal essays and pitch them to online and print magazines. Either way, the income potential is quite good. The key is finding the right essay writing service company to write for so you can avoid any scams; these 18 are a good starting point.

Writers Work contains freelance writing opportunities for writers who want to start their career

Writers Work

1. Writers Work

2. academic writers online, 3. paperhelp, 4. speedypaper, 5. advancedwriters, 6. writing creek, 7. essaypro, 8. iwritessays.com, 9. essayshark, 10. bluecorp, 11. lancerhop, 12. writers lab, 13. dame magazine, 14. the change agent, 15. buzzfeed, 16. narratively, 17. new york times modern love, 18. the smart set, 19. vox first person, 20. practical wanderlust, what are the advantages of getting paid to write essays, what is the best essay writing site.

tips for making money essay

Writers Work is a popular platform for new freelance writers. It connects writers, including aspiring essayists, with online clientele, enabling you to fulfill tasks and earn income, all from the comfort of your office or library. You’ll need to pay a fee to sign up. Once inside, Writers Work aggregates dozens of writing jobs and opportunities across various niches and magazines. If you want to spend more time writing essays and less time pitching, it’s worth checking out. Read our Writers Work review to learn more. 

Academic Writers Online

Academic Writers Online has a free application process for potential freelancers. This site has a small pool of writers, so you have a better chance of getting quality freelance writing work here. They pay between $9 and $15 per page, and writers are paid on their credit card via wire transfer two times per month. You can also check out our guide on how to get paid to write a blog .


PaperHelp is an academic essay page that takes ghostwriters. You must submit a resume via email, then take a writing test. Understanding MLA and APA formatting is helpful for this page. After the initial test, they then put writers on probation for lower pay, and eventually, you can work your way up the writer ladder if you publish flawless work, opening the door to higher-paid work.

SpeedyPaper is a large essay and paper writing company that provides excellent customer support for its paying customers. To write for them, you will need to email them or use the live chat feature to access the writer application. They pay a minimum of $8 per page, but the pay range varies depending on the length and type of paper.


AdvancedWriters has a large team of writers who write everything from case studies to research papers. They do not advertise their rates or application process, but you can email them directly to get the application. They have a writing test and sample essay process you will need to go through to write for them. You may also be interested in our guide on the best ways to get paid to write poetry .

Writing Creek

Writing Creek has a constant workload of academic writing projects. They pay between $4 and $12 a page, depending on experience, via Payoneer or PayPal. You will need proficiency in your area of study and good use of the English language. You will need to take a test and submit a sample essay to write essays for money for this site.


Essaypro offers payment on the 15th of each month and then again on the last day of the month. They don’t use PayPal but Payoneer, so writers must be comfortable with that. Customers will place orders; then, writers bid on those orders. Turning in papers on time and following directions will increase the pay rate.


iWriteEssays advertises itself as a student homework help and essay writing service. Students use an order form to input the instructions and deadline for their paper, and then they get matched to a writer with the correct writing style. As a writer, you’ll interact directly with the student to ensure the final project meets their needs well. You must upload a writing sample and pass a grammar test on writing for them. They don’t publish their writing rates.


EssayShark is a unique essay writing service. They allow freelance writers to register as writers and then bid on writing projects. They have a high work volume, and writers who deliver excellent work can get bonuses, but there can be a lot of competition for available jobs. If you feel like taking on the competition of bidding for jobs, consider registering here.


Bluecorp is a top-notch writing website for essay writers. They are very strict about their formatting, so you will need to know how to make a title page, references page, citations, and similar structural elements of academic papers. They also offer proofreading and editing services for students. Work is paid per page with a range of $3.50 to $9 a page for writers with an undergraduate degree, and all work must be plagiarism free.


LancerHop is a unique site in that it offers both academic writers and writers for web content and general copywriting. They also have review writers. If you are looking for freelance writing jobs that cover a wide range of topics and are interested in adding essay writing to your skillset, apply for LancerHop. You will need to take a writing test for this site. The rate of pay will vary depending on the type of work you do.

Writers Lab

Writers Lab offers academic essay and personal essay writing jobs and general article writing. This is a one-stop shop for freelance writers, and they pay between $5 and $26 per page with bonuses if you are very efficient with your work. Writers Lab hires both native English writers and ESL writers for their writing projects.

Dame Magazine

Dame Magazine takes personal essays on subjects that interest women. The current pay rate is around 13 cents per word, with an average of $350 to $750 per piece. This particular magazine is looking for edgy, unexpected topics. You will have to pitch a topic to the site to get your writing published.

The Change Agent

The Change Agent accepts essays on social justice and changes topics. This magazine focuses on adult education, paying $50 for essays between 200 and 1,000 words. However, payment is made in the form of a gift card, not actual money. Also, they only take articles a few times per year, and they will publish a topic to write on.


If you want to write personal and argumentative essays and get a lot of exposure for your work, then Buzzfeed is your site. You can pitch topics on culturally hot topics. They are looking for argumentative essays that connect to culture in some way, and they pay well. The average pay rate is between 13 and 27 cents per word for accepted essays.


If you have a personal story, consider pitching it to Narratively . They are looking for essays with click-bait titles that will gather traffic from social media. All essays for this site need a takeaway, which is a lesson for the reader. Expect between $200 and $300 for accepted essays between 2,000 and 2,500 in length.

The New York Times is a prestigious publication, and you may be able to get a piece posted through the Modern Love column . Your essay will need to cover marriage, dating, and relationships in some way. They also accept parenting articles. The pay is $300 per essay of 1,500 to 1,700 words.

The Smart Set

The Smart Set is an established print magazine for the literary world. It is published through Drexel University in Pennsylvania and is regularly on the lookout for personal essays. The rate of pay is 7 cents per word. This magazine prefers long essays between 1,000 and 3,000 words.

Vox First Person

Vox First Person takes first-person essays or thoughtful discourses on hot political and cultural topics. You will need to email the First Person Editor to pitch your topic, but you will earn between 19 and 41 cents per word for essays up to 3,000 words.

Practical Wanderlust

If you want to become a travel writer and make money on essays, consider writing for Practical Wanderlust . They pay $300 a piece for essays of around 3,000 words and require pitches. You will need an essay that makes people stop and think or laugh, and it must be travel related.

FAQs About Ways to Get Paid to Write Essays

Learning to write essays for pay can help you add to your freelance writing income. You will be able to write on various topics and have steady work. There is a high demand and great flexibility to write for this niche.

EssayPro is considered one of the top essay-writing sites. It pays consistently and has steady work. Customers know they can count on EssayPro to deliver plagiarism-free high-quality work.

To learn more, check out our tips on blogging for writers !

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Writing Essays for Money: A Guide for Aspiring Freelance Writers

Are you looking to make money from your writing skills? One of the most popular—and increasingly in-demand—ways to do so is by writing essays for money. With online writing services on the rise and more students and professionals turning to them for help with their work, there has never been a better time to become a freelance essay writer.

Table of Contents

Are you looking to make money from your writing skills? One of the most popular—and increasingly in-demand—ways to do so is by writing essays for money. With online writing services on the rise and more students and professionals turning to them for help with their work, there has never been a better time to become a freelance essay writer. But before you jump into this career path, it’s important to understand what it entails—including the challenges and ethical considerations. 

The Essay Writing Market: An Overview 

The essay writing market is a unique and ever-growing sector. As students, professors, and professionals alike become increasingly aware of the range of online services, so does the demand for these services.

In this section, we’ll look at the different types of online writing services, discuss the demand for academic writing services, outline the demographics of people who use these services, and explain the factors that drive the demand for essay writing services. 

Types of Writing Services Available Online 

There are many different varieties of online essay-writing services available today. These include custom essay writing services (where a customer can provide specific instructions and have a paper written specifically to their needs), editing/proofreading services (for those who need help with formatting or spelling/grammatical errors in an existing document), research paper writing services (which provide essays based on individual research topics), copywriting or rewriting services (where customers can submit existing documents which will then be rewritten for them), and resume/CV writing service (which provide job seekers with tailored resumes or CVs). 

Demand for Academic Writing Services 

The demand for academic writing has grown considerably over the past decade as students have become more aware of the availability of such services. This is especially true among college students seeking assistance with their coursework.

In addition to students, there is also growing demand from professionals looking to outsource their written assignments due to lack of time or expertise. As a result, this market has seen exponential growth over recent years. 

Demographics of People Who Use These Services 

The demographic makeup of those using essay writing services is quite varied. On one hand, you have college and university students who turn to these companies when they need help with their coursework; on the other hand, there are also professionals from all walks of life who are looking to outsource their written assignments due to a lack of time or expertise.

Most customers tend to be from countries where English is not their first language; however, there has been an increasing number of US-based customers over recent years. 

Factors that Drive Demand for Essay Writing Services 

One major factor driving demand for these types of essay-writing services is convenience – customers can easily find what they need without having to do all the work themselves.

Additionally, many customers feel more comfortable entrusting their assignment with a company than tackling it alone due to a lack of knowledge or experience in certain subject areas. Finally, affordability plays an important role in this market – customers want quality work but at affordable prices, which many companies are able to offer them through competitive pricing models and discounts. 

With so many different types available, ranging from custom essay writing to resume/CV service providers, it’s easy to see why this industry continues to expand each year as more people realize just how convenient it can be when they need help with written assignments!

Writing Essays for Money: A Path to Both Flexibility and Financial Security 

Are you looking for a way to make money that provides you with both flexibility and financial security? Writing essays for money may be the perfect job opportunity for you. This blog post will explore the pros of writing essays for money and how it can help you reach your career goals. 

Flexibility in Work Schedule 

One of the biggest advantages of writing essays for money is that it allows you to work when and where it’s convenient. Since you’re working remotely, there’s no need to worry about commuting or taking time off from a traditional job.

You can write essays whenever it suits your schedule, whether early in the morning, late at night, or even on weekends. Plus, being able to work from anywhere means that you don’t have to be tied down to one location; if you want to take a vacation or travel for any other reason, all you have to do is pack up your laptop and go! 

Ability to Earn a High Income 

Another great advantage of writing essays for money is that it allows you to earn a very good income. Depending on how much experience and expertise you bring to the table and how much demand there is in your chosen field, you can significantly increase your earning potential.

Plus, since most projects are paid per word or page written (or sometimes both), it is easy to track your income and ensure that you’re getting paid what you deserve. 

Opportunities for Professional Growth 

Finally, writing essays for money can also provide great professional growth opportunities. As an essay writer, you will be expanding your knowledge base through research and practice and working with new clients from various backgrounds who might have different perspectives on certain topics.

You’ll also get exposure to different writing styles, which can help improve the quality of your own work over time. And if the client has requested revisions on their project, this is another chance for you to hone your skills while still getting paid!  

By taking advantage of this unique job opportunity now, you will be able to open up new doors professionally and financially secure yourself in the process. Thanks so much for reading!

Making Money Writing Essays: The Pros and Cons 

Making money by writing essays sounds like a great way to earn an income. It can be an enjoyable, flexible job with the potential for a good return on your investment. But is it really worth it? Let’s look at the pros and cons of writing essays for money so that you can decide whether this type of work is right for you. 

Unclear Ethical Considerations 

When you write essays for money, you must consider whether this type of work is ethically sound. It can be difficult to decide whether or not you are doing something wrong by helping someone else cheat their way through school.

At the same time, some argue that if students are willing to pay for essays, why should they be prevented from doing so? Ultimately, it’s up to each writer to decide if they are comfortable writing essays for money. 

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty 

One of the most serious issues associated with writing essays for money is the potential for plagiarism and academic dishonesty. When students turn in work that isn’t their own, they lie about their capabilities and cheat themselves out of learning experiences.

This can lead to serious consequences such as expulsion or loss of scholarship opportunities. As a writer, it’s important to ensure that all papers are written from scratch to avoid potential plagiarism or dishonesty problems. 

Pressure To Meet Tight Deadlines & Produce High-Quality Work 

Another drawback of writing essays for money is the pressure writers face when it comes to meeting tight deadlines and producing high-quality work on short notice. While some writers may thrive under such intense conditions, others may find them overwhelming and stressful.

If deadlines and high-pressure situations aren’t something you feel you can handle consistently, then this type of work may not be right for you. 

Possibility Of Dealing With Difficult Clients

Although there are many benefits associated with working as an essay writer, there is also the possibility that some clients may be difficult or unresponsive when it comes time to pay up or provide feedback on a project.

In these cases, it pays to take proactive measures such as setting clear expectations upfront to avoid any misunderstandings. Additionally, having a strong contract in place can help protect both parties in case something goes wrong during the course of a project.                  

Ultimately, only you can decide if this type of work suits your lifestyle; however, understanding both sides will help inform your decision-making process before committing one way or another!

How to Write Essays for Money with Confidence 

Writing essays for money can be a rewarding and lucrative way to make a living. When you take on the challenge of writing essays for money, you take on the responsibility of delivering quality work that will satisfy your client’s needs. You should keep certain best practices in mind to ensure success in this endeavor. Let’s explore four key areas for success in writing essays for money. 

Ethical Considerations and Avoiding Plagiarism 

As a writer being paid to write essays, you must understand how important ethics are in any professional venture. As a paid writer, your job is to write words and create original ideas and content that reflects your client’s unique perspective.

You must avoid plagiarizing other people’s work at all costs, even if it means taking extra time or research to gather the information needed to complete an essay assignment. Not only is plagiarism illegal and unethical, but it can also ruin your reputation as a writer if discovered by your clients! 

Time Management and Staying Organized 

Time management skills are essential when writing essays for money because oftentimes, deadlines must be met quickly and efficiently.

That said, good time management skills should never come at the expense of quality work. So you must have systems that help you stay organized and plan ahead for any potential roadblocks or problems you may face while completing projects on time.

One great way to do this is by creating lists of tasks that need completing and breaking them down into smaller chunks so they can be completed quickly without sacrificing quality or accuracy. 

Maintaining Quality While Meeting Tight Deadlines 

When writing essays for money, meeting tight deadlines while still creating quality work can seem daunting; however, there are ways around this problem!

By researching topics thoroughly before beginning an essay assignment – such as gathering facts, relevant quotes, or statistics –you will save time during the actual writing process since much of the material will already be gathered beforehand.

Additionally, having someone else proofread your work before submitting it can also help catch errors or typos before they become issues with your client! Lastly, always make sure to double-check all sources cited within the essay against the original source material (if available), so accuracy remains paramount throughout the entire project from start to finish.  

Building a Positive Relationship With Clients 

Writing essays for money requires more than technical know-how; it also requires maintaining positive relationships with clients over time so they can trust your abilities as a reliable writer who consistently produces high-quality work.

To build strong working relationships with clients over time, stay communicative throughout each project—from initial contact through completion—and provide regular updates whenever necessary so everyone stays on track toward meeting deadlines without sacrificing the quality of output in the process.

Additionally, having open lines of communication allows both parties involved in an essay assignment to discuss any revisions or changes needed before submitting final drafts, which helps ensure total satisfaction with each project! 

Where to Write Essays to Make Money

Writing essays for money is a great way to make extra income. Many websites offer freelance writing services where you can write essays and other types of content for clients who need them. You can also find opportunities to write essays for money on job boards and freelance marketplaces. Before taking on any project, it is important to research the client and make sure they are legitimate.

Are you looking for places to sell essays?

Here are 10 great options:

  • Fiverr : Fiverr is a great platform for freelancers to offer their services, including essay writing.
  • Upwork : Upwork is another popular freelance platform where you can find clients who need essays written.
  • Guru : Guru is a freelance marketplace that connects businesses with professionals, including those who write essays.
  • Freelancer : Freelancer is an online job board that allows freelancers to bid on jobs, including essay writing projects.
  • PeoplePerHour : PeoplePerHour is a website where freelancers can find work, including essay writing jobs.
  • iWriter : iWriter is a content creation platform that allows writers to create and sell essays online.
  • Textbroker : Textbroker is an online marketplace for writers to create and sell content, including essays and other academic papers
  • EssayShark : EssayShark is an online platform where students can get help with their essays from professional writers
  • StudySolver : StudySolver offers students the opportunity to get help with their essays from experienced writers
  • WritersDepartment : WritersDepartment provides freelance writers with the opportunity to write and sell essays online

Finding legitimate freelance essay writing jobs can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are a number of websites that offer opportunities for writers to find work and make money.

The future of the market for online writing services is looking bright. With more businesses and individuals turning to the internet for their content needs, the demand for quality writers will only increase. As technology continues to advance, so will the opportunities available to freelance writers willing to put in the time and effort necessary to create high-quality essays for money.

Therefore, if you want to make some extra cash with your writing skills, consider joining the growing market of freelance essay writers who are seeing success and making money through their work!

What Does It Mean To Take Inspired Action?

Is writing for a living possible exploring the reality.

Willow Tenny

When it comes to writing, Willow Tenny is a true pro. She has a wealth of experience in SEO copywriting and creative writing, and she knows exactly what it takes to produce quality content. On her blog, Willow Writes, Willow shares top writing strategies with both beginners and experienced writers.

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tips for making money essay

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Every Penny Counts.

How to Make Money Writing: Proven Strategies for Success

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The allure of making money through writing has fascinated many, and it’s more achievable than ever. Whether you’re an aspiring novelist, a skilled freelancer, or a seasoned content creator, there are myriad opportunities to monetize your writing skills. Freelance writing, blogging, and self-publishing are some of the most lucrative paths to explore.

The amount you can earn varies greatly depending on factors like experience, niche, and the type of writing you do. Some writers make a comfortable living earning hundreds to thousands of dollars a month , while others supplement their income through part-time gigs. It’s essential to understand that success often hinges on finding the right opportunities and continuously honing your craft.

Exploring different avenues such as copywriting, creating e-books, and contributing to magazines can diversify your income streams. Building a robust portfolio and networking with potential clients are key steps in establishing a successful writing career.

  • Key Takeaways
  • Writing offers various ways to earn, including freelance projects and self-publishing.
  • Earnings can range widely, from supplemental income to a full-time living.
  • A diverse portfolio and strong networking are crucial for success.

Table of contents

Guest posting, ghost writing, copywriting, technical writing, social media writing, self-publish on amazon kindle, how much money can you make by writing, bottom line, frequently asked questions, ways to make money writing.

Making money from writing involves tapping into different niches such as blogging, guest posting, ghost writing, copywriting, technical writing, social media writing, and self-publishing on Amazon Kindle. Each niche offers unique opportunities and requires specific skills.

Blogging can be a lucrative way to earn money through advertising, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing. Creating engaging and valuable content helps attract a dedicated readership. Writers can monetize their blogs using platforms like Google AdSense or through direct partnerships with brands.

Success in blogging often depends on niche selection. Focused niches like personal finance, health, and technology can attract more targeted audiences. Regularly updating content and utilizing SEO techniques are also critical to maintain and grow traffic.

Guest posting involves contributing articles to other blogs or websites. Many sites pay for high-quality, well-researched content. This can also build a writer’s reputation and lead to other opportunities. Guest posting typically requires pitching ideas to site editors and adhering to specific guidelines.

Writers need to compile a list of sites that accept guest posts and understand their pay rates. Crafting compelling pitches and delivering polished drafts are essential for success in this area. Networking with editors can lead to repeat opportunities.

Ghost writing means writing content that will be published under someone else’s name. This can include books, articles, speeches, and more. It’s often well-compensated due to the confidential nature and skill required. Clients range from busy professionals to celebrities.

Understanding the client’s voice and maintaining confidentiality are crucial. Ghostwriters often sign non-disclosure agreements and may require extensive interviews with the client. Building a portfolio of previous work can help in securing high-paying ghostwriting gigs.

Copywriting entails creating persuasive text for advertisements, websites, emails, and other marketing materials. Effective copywriting can significantly boost a business’s sales and branding efforts. This skill is highly sought after and often commands high rates.

Knowledge of marketing principles and consumer psychology benefits copywriters. They must craft messages that engage and convert readers. Different niches within copywriting include direct response, email marketing, and content marketing, each with its own nuances and demands.

Technical writing involves producing manuals, how-to guides, and other documents that explain complex topics in a clear and concise way. It’s essential in industries like IT, engineering, and healthcare. Writers need both strong writing skills and technical knowledge in the relevant field.

Technical writers often work closely with engineers and developers to accurately convey information. They use software like Adobe FrameMaker and MadCap Flare to create documentation. Specialized knowledge in subjects like programming or medical devices enhances job prospects.

Social media writing focuses on creating content for platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. It includes crafting posts, captions, and ads that engage followers and promote brands. Understanding each platform’s tone and audience is vital for effective social media writing.

Writers must stay updated on social media trends and algorithms. Creating visually appealing and engaging content helps boost engagement rates. Tools like Canva for graphics, and scheduling tools like Hootsuite assist in managing multiple accounts and tracking performance.

Self-publishing on Amazon Kindle allows writers to publish and sell their books directly to a global audience. This platform offers royalties of up to 70% depending on pricing strategy and region. Writers retain full control over their content, pricing, and marketing.

Successful self-publishing requires a combination of quality writing, effective cover design, and strategic marketing. Utilizing Amazon’s promotional tools like Kindle Countdown Deals or Kindle Unlimited can increase visibility and sales. Engaging with readers through social media and author websites can also enhance a book’s success.

The amount of money a writer can make varies widely. Income depends on factors such as the type of writing, experience, and market demand.

Freelance Writing: Freelance writers often charge per word, per article, or per hour. Rates can range from $0.05 to $1 per word or $15 to $100 per hour. There apps that pay $100 a day for freelance writing.

Blogging: Bloggers can earn through ad revenue, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing. Earnings can range from a few dollars per month to thousands, depending on traffic and niche.

Book Writing: Authors may earn advances and royalties. Advances can be $1,000 to $100,000, while royalties generally range from 5% to 15% of the book’s sale price.

Technical Writing: This specialized field often offers higher pay. Technical writers may earn between $50,000 and $100,000 annually.

Content Mills: Sites like Textbroker pay low rates, often $0.01 to $0.05 per word. These can be a starting point but typically do not provide substantial income.

Copywriting: Copywriters create marketing materials and can command higher fees. Rates might range from $50 to $200 per hour or $100 to $10,000 per project.

Ghostwriting: Ghostwriters often earn significant sums, especially for high-profile projects. Fees can be $5,000 to $50,000 for a book.

Journalism: Journalists’ salaries vary by medium and location. Print, online, and broadcast journalists might earn from $30,000 to $80,000 per year.

Entry-level writers should expect lower rates initially. Earnings generally increase with experience, specialization, and reputation.

Writing AvenuePotential Earnings
Freelance Writing$10-$100 per hour
Blogging$100-$2000+ per month
Copywriting$50-$150 per hour
Self-PublishingVaries broadly; potential for royalties

Making money as a writer requires a blend of creativity, persistence, and strategy. Writers can explore various avenues to earn, such as freelance writing, blogging, copywriting, and self-publishing books. Persistence, quality content, and self-promotion are key. While income may vary, those with dedication and a clear strategy can find financial success in writing.

Beginners should start by building a portfolio of writing samples. They can also consider guest posting for blogs or websites to gain exposure. Networking with other writers and potential clients on social media platforms such as LinkedIn is essential.

Writers can create content for blogs, websites, or social media platforms. Joining freelancing sites like Upwork and Fiverr can help in finding paid gigs. Writing sponsored content and affiliate marketing are also popular methods.

Writers can offer services like copywriting, ghostwriting, and content creation. They can also create and sell eBooks or online courses. Setting up a personal blog with monetization strategies like ads and sponsored posts is another viable option.

Writers can either self-publish or go through a traditional publishing route. Self-publishing involves writing, editing, designing, and marketing the book independently. This often includes selling through platforms like Amazon. Traditional publishing involves submitting manuscripts to publishers and negotiating contracts, but it often requires an agent.

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From the Heart to Higher Education: The 2021 College Essays on Money

Each year, we ask high school seniors to send us college application essays that touch on money, work or social class. Here are five from this year’s incoming college freshmen.

Credit... Robert Neubecker

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Ron Lieber

By Ron Lieber

  • June 18, 2021

When the most selective — or, even better, rejective — schools in the United States are accepting under 10 percent of the people pleading for a spot in the next freshman class, it eventually becomes impossible to know why any one person receives an offer, or why a student chooses a particular school.

So in this particularly unpredictable season — as we publish a selection of application essays about money, work or social class for the ninth time — we’ve made one small but permanent change: We (and they) are going to tell you where the writers come from, but not where they are headed.

Our overarching point in publishing their essays isn’t to crack the code on writing one’s way into Yale or Michigan, as if that were even possible. Instead, it’s to celebrate how meaningful it can be to talk openly about money and write about it in a way that makes a reader stop and wonder about someone else’s life and, just maybe, offers a momentary bit of enlightenment and delight.

One writer this year helps her mother find a new way of bringing joy into the world, while another discovers the cost of merely showing up if you’re a female employee. A young man reflects on his own thrift, while a young woman accepts a gift of ice cream and pays a price for it. Finally, caregiving becomes a source of pride for someone young enough to need supervision herself.

Each of the writers will make you smile, eventually. And this year in particular, we — and they — deserve to.

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How to Make Money Writing (I Made $15 Million)

by Jon Morrow

on Aug 30, 2024

There are tons of articles about how to make money writing, but here’s what makes this one different: I’ve made over $15 million from my writing.

Over 200 million people have read my work, my copy has sold hundreds of thousands of products, my self-published books have sold tens of thousands of copies, and now I’m building up my social media profiles, already writing a post with over 1 million impressions.

But I wasn’t always so successful.

I used to write for other people’s blogs for free, dreaming of the day my words would pay the bills. I was thrilled just to see my name in print, even if it was on some small blog no one had heard of.

Gradually, my popularity grew. 

My articles would get a few thousand visitors. A few months later, tens of thousands became the new norm. 

That’s when I knew I was getting good. Other sites took notice too, offering to pay me to write for them. 

At first it was only like $100 an article but it eventually grew to $500, $1,000, $3,000, and – can you believe it? – $5,000 per article. I was making six figures, writing just a blog post or two a week.

But one day it occurred to me… why was I writing for everyone else and not myself?

So I started this blog on the side. It took off like a rocket, getting hundreds of thousands of visitors the first year and eventually becoming the most popular writing website in the world. It’s made me millions of dollars. 

So do I know how to make money writing?

Yeah, I think it’s fair to say I do.

Here, I’m going to tell you exactly what I would do if I was starting over. This guide is step-by-step, brutally honest, and also completely realistic if you’re willing to put in the work.

Let’s dive in.

Phase 1: How to Get Paid to Write

So you’ve always dreamed of being a writer. 

Maybe you always got good grades in English class. Maybe you kept a diary or blog, pouring your heart onto the page. You know you’ve got a way with words – and you’re ready to make a living from your talent.

There’s just one problem: 

The world is full of people like you.

The harsh truth is, the market is utterly saturated with people who have a basic grasp of writing. If you can string together coherent sentences, organize your thoughts logically, and empathize with a reader – congratulations, you have the same skills as a gazillion other wannabe writers.

But here’s the rub – those skills alone typically translate to a paltry $100-$1000 per month. There are just too many writers out there with that baseline level of competence. 

I should know. When I was starting out, armed with a shiny new English degree, I assumed my clever turns of phrase and knack for crafting compelling arguments would have editors clamoring for my byline. 

What a wake-up call to realize nobody in the publishing world gave a hoot. I was just another starry-eyed liberal arts major trying to break into the brutally crowded field of freelance writing.

So what did I do? 

I added a few more basic skills to the mix that most aspiring writers DON’T have.

Networking to Build Relationships

Most writers are introverts, so you know what they really suck at?


I should know, I’m also an introvert, but I couldn’t help noticing that most editors give work to writers they know. 

So, despite the discomfort, I made it my mission to become a known quantity.

  • I followed other writers and editors on X (once called Twitter) and responded to every tweet. 
  • I sent friendly follow-up emails after turning in assignments. I asked about their kids, congratulated them on successful projects, and sent birthday gifts
  • I met up with writers and editors at conferences, looking for my next writing opportunity. My bait for gathering a crowd? A box full of doughnuts. 

Slowly but surely, everybody knew who I was and gave me a chance.

Which brings me to…

Don’t Be a Neurotic Writer

Having managed literally thousands of writers, I can tell you with absolute confidence that 90% are neurotic.

  • They procrastinate until the last minute.
  • They get upset when you edit their work.
  • They never proofread their work, because that’s the editors job.

So if you want to stand out, here’s a simple tip: do the OPPOSITE of everything I said above.

Turn in your work early, never get upset about edits or rewrites, and proofread your work to make the editor’s life as easy as possible.

They will love you and invite you to write again and again and again.

That’s how I clawed my way up from content mill serfdom to better-paying gigs. It wasn’t my innate writing talent that did it (although that certainly didn’t hurt). It was my willingness to hustle, connect, and prove my reliability and professionalism at every turn.

The Bad News?

While everything I’ve said here works to get you paying freelance writing jobs, it doesn’t really mean you’ll be paid well.

 $1,000 a month of extra cash on the side? Sure.

Maybe even $3,000 a month if you really hustle and work full-time.

But if you want to make a GOOD living writing, you need to seriously level up your skills, which brings us to…

Phase 2: Delivering Outcomes

Want to earn real money as a writer? 

Then you need to stop thinking about writing in terms of words and start thinking in terms of results. 

Clients don’t really care how pretty your prose is. They care about tangible outcomes like:

  • Ranking at the top of Google
  • Generating sales
  • Building a social media following

If you can deliver on those, you can command fees that would make your average freelance writer weep. I’m talking $50,000 – $90,000 per year and up. 

But to get to that level, you need to develop some key specialties:

SEO Writing

SEO writing is all about creating content that ranks highly in search engines. It requires:

  • Understanding search intent – what people are actually looking for when they type in a query
  • Optimizing internal link profiles – linking to other relevant pages on the same site
  • Strategies for external link building – getting other sites to link back to your content


Let’s say you’re writing an article about the best running shoes. 

An SEO content writer would make sure to include terms people actually search for, like “best running shoes for flat feet”. They’d link to other articles on the site about related topics like running form or race training. And they’d reach out to other running bloggers and publications to try to get them to link to the article.

The result?

If they do everything right, the article would rank, their client would get traffic, and they would get a testimonial proving they got results. This would then allow them to raise their rates.


Copywriting is content writing that’s designed to drive a specific action, like making a purchase or signing up for an email list. Key types of copywriting include:

  • Email marketing copy
  • Sales pages
  • Opt-in pages
  • Checkout pages

The goal is always to persuade the reader to take the next step in the sales process.

A freelance copywriter might craft an email series that gradually builds trust with the reader and warms them up to buy a product. They’d use proven techniques like storytelling, social proof, and scarcity to nudge the reader towards a sale.

With copywriting, you are basically a salesperson, but you use the written word as your sales tool. It’s the highest paid type of writing there is, because the outcome is literally money.

From your email campaign, your client might make $100,000 and pay you $5,000. They got a 20X return.

Think a successful writer like that has a tough time getting clients?

Further Reading:   Copywriting 101: How to Become a Copywriter

And copywriting isn’t the only type of online writing. Here’s another:

Social Media Writing

With social media writing, the aim is to create written content that gets shared and goes viral. That means:

  • Crafting engaging hooks that stop the scroll
  • Using storytelling techniques to draw readers in
  • Following content frameworks that are proven to get engagement
  • Employing strategies for getting more shares and followers

A social media writer might share a shocking statistic or counterintuitive idea to grab attention, then weave a relatable story around it. They’d end with a clear call-to-action, like asking a question or suggesting readers comment with their own experience.

The outcome? Followers. You literally make your client famous.

 And people are vain. The world is full of people who want to be famous. So you will never be out of work.

Which Type of Writing Should You Learn?

Lots of people will tell you to pick one and specialize, but I’ll be honest with you…

All the writers I see making bank know the basics of them all. They develop a well-rounded writing portfolio and then go deep to achieve true mastery in the area that resonates most with them.

That’s been my own approach. I began by mastering SEO, learning how to optimize content for both readers and search engines. Then I developed my copywriting chops so I could write persuasive emails, sales pages, ads – you name it. Now I’m diving into the world of social media writing and content marketing.

By becoming a triple threat – an SEO expert, sales copywriter, and viral content creator all rolled into one – I’ve been able to consistently drive huge results for both myself and clients.

I’m not just a professional writer; I’m a one-man traffic and revenue-generating machine.

You can do the same. 

Focus on developing outcome-oriented skills, not just writing for writing’s sake. Choose one specialty to master, whether it’s SEO, copywriting, or social media writing. Learn the frameworks, practice your craft, and get results.

Then, when you pitch your services, you won’t just be selling your time or your words. You’ll be selling your proven ability to rank content, convert customers, and build buzz. 

And that, my friend, is how you crack into the  big leagues of freelance writing .

Of course, even with an impressive skill set, you’ll hit an earnings ceiling if you’re always trading time for money. To really break through to the next level of income, you need to start managing projects and leading teams…

The Big Leagues: Project Management and Team Leadership

The most successful writers I know aren’t just scribes – they’re project managers and team leaders. They coordinate large-scale content production, juggling multiple writers, editors, and stakeholders. 

It requires a whole different skill set:

  • Project management – keeping everything on track and on budget
  • Team leadership – motivating and guiding a group to do their best work
  • Strategic planning – developing content strategies to achieve big-picture goals

It’s a lot more responsibility – but it also comes with a lot more earning potential. Top-level content managers and strategists can easily pull in $100,000+ per year.

I made this transition myself when I became an editor at Copyblogger. Suddenly I was overseeing up to 100 writers at a time, assigning articles, managing deadlines, and making sure every piece met our high standards. I had to level up my communication, organization, and people skills in a big way.

But it was so worth it. Not only did I get to shape the direction of a major publication, but I also got a crash course in what it takes to run a content machine at scale. Those high-level editorial and project management skills would prove invaluable for what came next…

Building Your Own Assets

Want to know the real secret to exponential income growth as a writer? 

Build your own assets. Instead of always writing for other people’s blogs and businesses, start creating your own:

  • Launch your own blog or website
  • Create and sell online courses
  • Write and publish books

That’s how you go from earning a comfortable living to raking in millions. You’re not just trading time for money anymore – you’re creating intellectual property you can profit from over and over again.

I’ve followed this exact path. In March of 2010, I launched Smart Blogger, applying all the SEO, copywriting, and content marketing tricks I’d learned over the years. 

In the first year alone, it earned over $500,000. Today, it’s the largest writing site in the world.

I used my SEO chops to draw in an audience of over 6 million people, then leveraged my hard-won copywriting skills to sell them on my premium training programs. 

The result? Over $15 million in revenue and counting.

And a good portion of it is passive income.

The beauty of this approach is that it lets you fully harness all the skills you’ve developed – SEO, copywriting, project management, team leadership, the works. By combining them to create top-notch content and products for an audience you’ve built yourself, you tap into a whole new level of earning potential.

The sky truly is the limit when you start owning your own assets. You’re not just a successful freelance writer for hire anymore. You’re a full-fledged media entrepreneur.

Further Reading:   How to Write a Book: Everything You Need to Know

Yes, You Really Can Get Rich from Writing

I’m living proof.

These days, my daily routine looks very different than it did when I was a newbie writer hustling for gigs. I spend my time developing content strategies, brainstorming new products, and guiding my team to execute at the highest level. I get to write when and what I want, on my own schedule.

I also get to live anywhere I want. Currently I’m in Mexico with a full-time cook, chauffeur, and housekeeper, living like a king.

So if you’re reading this, wondering if it’s really possible to make a great living as a writer – the answer is a resounding yes. 

You just can’t be lazy about it. You have to continually level up your skills, take on new challenges, and think strategically about your career.

You have to be willing to put in the work – but if you do, the rewards can be truly life-changing. 

You’ve seen the roadmap. You know what’s possible. Now it’s up to you to take the first steps and start your own journey to becoming a multi-millionaire writer.

Are you ready?

Make Money Online , Writing

An earlier version of this post was authored by  Glen Long . It's been rewritten for freshness and comprehensiveness.

Photo of author

Jon Morrow is the CEO of Smart Blogger, one of the largest writing sites in the world. An expert in copywriting, SEO writing and email marketing, his writing has earned him over $15 million to date.

The ultimate toolkit for becoming one of the highest-paid writers online. Premium training. Yours for free.

Written by jon morrow, latest from the blog.

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Saving is easier when you have a plan—follow these steps to create one

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Sometimes the hardest thing about saving money is just getting started. This step-by-step guide can help you develop a simple and realistic strategy, so that you can save for all your short- and long-term goals.

Record your expenses

The first step to start saving money is figuring out how much you spend. Keep track of all your expenses—that means every coffee, household item and cash tip as well as regular monthly bills. Record your expenses however is easiest for you—a pencil and paper, a simple spreadsheet or a free online spending tracker or app. Once you have your data, organize the numbers by categories, such as gas, groceries and mortgage, and total each amount. Use your credit card and bank statements to make sure you’ve included everything.

Bank of America clients can access the Spending & Budgeting tool in Mobile and Online Banking to automatically categorize transactions for easier budgeting.

Include saving in your budget

Now that you know what you spend in a month, you can begin to create a budget . Your budget should show what your expenses are relative to your income, so that you can plan your spending and limit overspending. Be sure to factor in expenses that occur regularly but not every month, such as car maintenance. Include a savings category in your budget and aim to save an amount that initially feels comfortable to you. Plan on eventually increasing your savings by up to 15 to 20 percent of your income.

Find ways to cut spending

If you can’t save as much as you’d like, it might be time to cut back on expenses. Identify nonessentials, such as entertainment and dining out, that you can spend less on. Look for ways to save on your fixed monthly expenses, such as your car insurance or cell phone plan, as well. Other ideas for trimming everyday expenses include:

Search for free activities

Use resources, such as community event listings, to find free or low-cost entertainment.

Review recurring charges

Cancel subscriptions and memberships you don’t use—especially if they renew automatically.

Eating out vs. cooking at home

Plan to eat most of your meals at home, and research local restaurant deals for nights that you want to treat yourself.

Wait before you buy

When tempted by a nonessential purchase, wait a few days. You may realize the item was something you wanted rather than needed—and you can develop a plan to save for it.

Set savings goals

One of the best ways to save money is to set a goal . Start by thinking about what you might want to save for—both in the short term (one to three years) and the long term (four or more years). Then estimate how much money you’ll need and how long it might take you to save it.

Common short-term goals: Emergency fund (three to nine months of living expenses), vacation or down payment for a car

Common long-term goals: Down payment on a home or a remodeling project, your child’s education or retirement

Set a small, achievable short-term goal for something that’s fun and goes beyond your monthly budget, such as a new smartphone or holiday gifts. Reaching smaller goals—and enjoying the reward you’ve saved for—can give you a psychological boost, making the payoff of saving more immediate and reinforces the habit.

Determine your financial priorities

After your expenses and income, your goals are likely to have the biggest impact on how you allocate your savings. For example, if you know you’re going to need to replace your car in the near future, you could start putting away money for one now. But be sure to remember long-term goals—it’s important that planning for retirement doesn’t take a back seat to shorter-term needs. Learning how to prioritize your savings goals can give you a clear idea of how to allocate your savings.

Pick the right tools

There are many savings and investment accounts suitable for short- and long-term goals. And you don’t have to pick just one. Look carefully at all the options and consider balance minimums, fees, interest rates, risk and how soon you’ll need the money so you can choose the mix that will help you best save for your goals.

Short-term goals

If you’ll need the money soon or need to be able to access it quickly, consider using these FDIC-insured deposit accounts:

  • A savings account
  • A certificate of deposit (CD) , which locks in your money for a fixed period of time at a rate that is typically higher than that of a savings account

Long-term goals

If you’re saving for retirement or your child’s education, consider:

  • FDIC-insured individual retirement accounts (IRAs) or 529 plans, which are tax-efficient savings accounts
  • Securities, such as stocks or mutual funds. These investment products are available through investment accounts with a broker-dealer 1

Make saving automatic

Almost all banks offer automated transfers between your checking and savings accounts. You can choose when, how much and where to transfer money or even split your direct deposit so that a portion of every paycheck goes directly into your savings account. The advantage: You don’t have to think about it, and you’re less likely to spend the money instead. Other easy savings tools include credit card rewards and spare change programs, which round up transactions to the nearest dollar and transfer the difference into a savings or investment account.

With Mobile & Online Banking, Bank of America clients can easily set up automatic transfers between accounts.

Watch your savings grow

Review your budget and check your progress every month. That will help you not only stick to your personal savings plan, but also identify and fix problems quickly. Understanding how to save money may even inspire you to find more ways to save and hit your goals faster.

  • Remember that securities are not insured by the FDIC, are not deposits or other obligations of a bank and are not guaranteed by a bank. They are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of your principal.

The material provided on this website is for informational use only and is not intended for financial or investment advice. Bank of America Corporation and/or its affiliates assume no liability for any loss or damage resulting from one’s reliance on the material provided. Please also note that such material is not updated regularly and that some of the information may not therefore be current. Consult with your own financial professional when making decisions regarding your financial or investment management. ©2024 Bank of America Corporation.

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Essay on Money for Students and Children

500+ words essay on money.

Money is an essential need to survive in the world. In today’s world, almost everything is possible with money. Moreover, you can fulfill any of your dreams by spending money. As a result, people work hard to earn it. Our parents work hard to fulfill our dreams .

tips for making money essay

Furthermore various businessmen , entrepreneurs have startup businesses to earn profits. They have made use of their skills and intelligence in getting an upper hand in earning. Also, the employee sector works day and night to complete their tasks given to them. But still, there are many people who take shortcuts to success and get involved in corruption.

Black Money

Black money is the money that people earn with corruption . For your information corruption involves the misuse of the power of high posts. For instance, it involves taking bribes, extra money for free services, etc. Corruption is the main cause of the lack of proper growth of the country .

Moreover, money that people having authority earns misusing their powers is black money. Furthermore, these earnings do not have proper documentation. As a result, the people who earn this do not pay income tax . Which is a great offense and the person who does this can be behind bars.

Money Laundering

In simple terms, money laundering is converting black money into white money. Also, this is another illegal offense. Furthermore, money laundering also encourages various crimes. Because it is the only way criminal can use their money from illegal sources. Money laundering is a crime, and the people who practice it are liable to go to jail.

Therefore the Government is taking various preventive measures to abolish money laundering. The government is linking bank accounts to AADHAR Card. To get all the transaction detail of each bank account. As a result, the government comes to know if any transaction is from an illegal source .

Also, every bank account has its own KYC (Know your Customer) this separates different categories of income of people. Businessmen are in the high-risk category. Then comes the people who are on a high post they are in the medium-risk category. Further, the last category is of the Employee sector they are at the lowest risk.

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White Money

White money is the money that people earn through legal sources. Moreover, it is the money on which the people have already paid the tax. The employee sector of any company always has white money income.

Because the tax is already levied on their income. Therefore the safest way to earn money is in the employment sector. But your income will be limited here. As a result, many people take a different path and choose entrepreneurship. This helps them in starting their own company and make profitable incomes .

Every person in this world works hard to earn money. People try different methods and set of skills to increase their incomes. But it is always not about earning money, it’s about saving and spending it. People should spend money wisely. Moreover, things should always be bought by judging their worth. Because money is not precious but the efforts you make for it are.

Q1. What is Black Money?

A1. Black money is the money that people earn through illegal ways. It is strictly prohibited in our country. And the people who have it can go to jail.

Q2. What is the difference between Black money and White money?

A2. The difference between black money and white money is, Black money comes from illegal earnings. But white money comes from legal sources with taxation levied on it.

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Six tips to help avoid NSF fees

Getting an NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) fee can sting. Here are six tips to help make sure you always have enough money to cover expenses.

September 5, 2024

Written by Maria Hyde

Illustration of a stop sign depicting the letters NSF.

Key takeaways

  • An NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) fee is a charge that applies when you don’t have enough money in your chequing account to cover a transaction.
  • With Tangerine's no-fee daily Chequing Account, there are some built-in features to help you avoid NSF fees.
  • Some quick and easy ways to prevent NSF fees include keeping tabs on your spending, setting up real-time alerts, topping up your accounts automatically, spreading out transactions, and considering overdraft protection.

They’re just three simple letters, but seeing them on a bank statement can really sting. I’m talking about the dreaded NSF fee, short for Non-Sufficient Funds. It might appear when the balance in your bank account is too low to cover a transaction.

Usually, NSF fees are charged when electronic funds transfers are rejected, pre-authorized payments are rejected, or a cheque bounces (i.e., when a cheque gets deposited but the account it's attached to doesn't have enough funds to cover it). If there are insufficient funds in an account, the bank won’t let the payment go through and will charge the account holder an NSF fee. Keep in mind that this could also trigger additional fees, such as a charge from a payee if your payment was rejected or late.

How to prevent getting an NSF fee

If you’re a Tangerine Client, you’re probably aware of the no-fee daily Chequing Account for everyday banking and the Savings Account for growing savings. You won’t pay monthly fees, but there are some instances, including NSF scenarios, when  fees may apply .

Fortunately, Tangerine’s Chequing Account has built-in features to help you avoid NSF fees. Regardless of where you bank, the best thing you can do is take a few precautions for peace of mind. Here are some tips.

1. Keep tabs on your spending

Keeping  a budget is a good way to stay on top of your spending . When you know how much you have in your accounts and are prepared for upcoming transactions, there’s less room for surprises, and you can feel confident about payments going through without a hitch.

If you're a fan of budgets, you’re gonna love Tangerine’s  Left to Spend  tool, which basically does all the work for you. Left to Spend gathers information about your income, expenses, and other transactions in your accounts, then creates a simple budget so you know how you’re doing. You’ll get an updated amount and a useful visual every time you log in, making it easy to see how much you have left to spend every month at a glance.

That way, you'll notice if your Account is getting a little low and your phone bill is due soon. Phew. You can move more money into your Chequing Account to cover the expense and avoid an NSF fee. 

2. Set up real-time alerts

Want to get updated on the go? You can set up digital nudges to keep you in the know about activity in your bank accounts.

At Tangerine, these are called  Orange Alerts . You can get notifications by email or text to let you know when your Account balance is below a certain amount and when you have recurring payments coming up. This way, you get a heads-up and can plan for transactions, steering clear of NSF fees.

3. Top up your Account

Why wait for an alert? You can set up a  Money Rule  to automatically top up your Chequing Account when the balance falls below a certain threshold. It’s a creative and effortless way to make sure you always have money in your Account, so you don’t have to add another item to your to-do list. 

Customize your Top Up Money Rule by choosing the minimum balance amount (the default is $500). If you dip below that number, Tangerine will automatically top it up using money from your other Tangerine Account (also selected by you).

4. Spread out your transactions

Familiarize yourself with your bank’s  hold policies  and try to leave time between transactions. Banks may put a hold on certain deposits (such as those made by cheques, bank drafts, and money orders), and it can take some time to clear them. A hold allows banks to confirm a deposit is legitimate and that the funds are available from the other financial institution.

So, this is why giving yourself a few extra days between depositing a cheque and any bill payments is a good idea to avoid coming up short and incurring NSF fees.

5. Use your debit card to shop online

Some online shopping platforms such as PayPal allow you to pay directly from a bank account, so it's best to double-check that you provided your Client Card Number instead of your Chequing Account Number. Providing your Client Card Number means that if you don’t have enough funds in your Account for the transaction, it will be declined rather than causing an NSF fee. 

6. Consider Overdraft Protection

You can apply for  Overdraft Protection  to help cover occasional shortfalls in your Tangerine Chequing Account (up to an approved limit). Let’s say your Account is short of funds; your Overdraft Protection will automatically kick in so you can avoid declined transactions and NSF fees.

While you avoid an NSF fee, there’s a fee when using your Overdraft Protection — but it’s typically lower than NSF fees. It can still make sense to have the feature as a safety net to make sure your transactions go through. 

Keep smart financial habits and a positive balance 

By practicing smart financial habits and using the right tools, you can ensure your accounts always have enough funds to cover expenses. With a little planning and monitoring, you can avoid paying NSF fees and keep more of your money in your pocket. 

* Trademark of Visa International Service Association and used under licence.

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An illustration of two light switches, one on and one off.

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Tangerine Investment Funds are managed by Tangerine Investment Management Inc. and are only available by opening an Investment Fund Account with Tangerine Investment Funds Limited. These firms are wholly owned subsidiaries of Tangerine Bank. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

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Home decor tips: 4 plants that can instantly make your home feel luxurious

Plants can become the centrepiece of any room. simply including plants in your home can elevate your style and instantly create a conversation piece. as designer linda hayslett says in good housekeeping, “having things like a tree in a nice pot, real or faux, can elevate any space to another level because a tall plant can bring height and help with your line of sight and interest in a room.”.

Plants can become the focal point of any room. including them into your home can enhance your home style. (Image: Canva)

Plants can become the focal point of any room. including them into your home can enhance your home style. (Image: Canva)

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Essay Papers Writing Online

Tips and tricks for crafting engaging and effective essays.

Writing essays

Writing essays can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and strategies, you can create compelling and impactful pieces that captivate your audience. Whether you’re a student working on an academic paper or a professional honing your writing skills, these tips will help you craft essays that stand out.

Effective essays are not just about conveying information; they are about persuading, engaging, and inspiring readers. To achieve this, it’s essential to pay attention to various elements of the essay-writing process, from brainstorming ideas to polishing your final draft. By following these tips, you can elevate your writing and produce essays that leave a lasting impression.

Understanding the Essay Prompt

Before you start writing your essay, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the essay prompt or question provided by your instructor. The essay prompt serves as a roadmap for your essay and outlines the specific requirements or expectations.

Here are a few key things to consider when analyzing the essay prompt:

  • Read the prompt carefully and identify the main topic or question being asked.
  • Pay attention to any specific instructions or guidelines provided, such as word count, formatting requirements, or sources to be used.
  • Identify key terms or phrases in the prompt that can help you determine the focus of your essay.

By understanding the essay prompt thoroughly, you can ensure that your essay addresses the topic effectively and meets the requirements set forth by your instructor.

Researching Your Topic Thoroughly

Researching Your Topic Thoroughly

One of the key elements of writing an effective essay is conducting thorough research on your chosen topic. Research helps you gather the necessary information, facts, and examples to support your arguments and make your essay more convincing.

Here are some tips for researching your topic thoroughly:

Don’t rely on a single source for your research. Use a variety of sources such as books, academic journals, reliable websites, and primary sources to gather different perspectives and valuable information.
While conducting research, make sure to take detailed notes of important information, quotes, and references. This will help you keep track of your sources and easily refer back to them when writing your essay.
Before using any information in your essay, evaluate the credibility of the sources. Make sure they are reliable, up-to-date, and authoritative to strengthen the validity of your arguments.
Organize your research materials in a systematic way to make it easier to access and refer to them while writing. Create an outline or a research plan to structure your essay effectively.

By following these tips and conducting thorough research on your topic, you will be able to write a well-informed and persuasive essay that effectively communicates your ideas and arguments.

Creating a Strong Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is a crucial element of any well-crafted essay. It serves as the main point or idea that you will be discussing and supporting throughout your paper. A strong thesis statement should be clear, specific, and arguable.

To create a strong thesis statement, follow these tips:

  • Be specific: Your thesis statement should clearly state the main idea of your essay. Avoid vague or general statements.
  • Be concise: Keep your thesis statement concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details or lengthy explanations.
  • Be argumentative: Your thesis statement should present an argument or perspective that can be debated or discussed in your essay.
  • Be relevant: Make sure your thesis statement is relevant to the topic of your essay and reflects the main point you want to make.
  • Revise as needed: Don’t be afraid to revise your thesis statement as you work on your essay. It may change as you develop your ideas.

Remember, a strong thesis statement sets the tone for your entire essay and provides a roadmap for your readers to follow. Put time and effort into crafting a clear and compelling thesis statement to ensure your essay is effective and persuasive.

Developing a Clear Essay Structure

One of the key elements of writing an effective essay is developing a clear and logical structure. A well-structured essay helps the reader follow your argument and enhances the overall readability of your work. Here are some tips to help you develop a clear essay structure:

1. Start with a strong introduction: Begin your essay with an engaging introduction that introduces the topic and clearly states your thesis or main argument.

2. Organize your ideas: Before you start writing, outline the main points you want to cover in your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas.

3. Use topic sentences: Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph. This helps the reader understand the purpose of each paragraph.

4. Provide evidence and analysis: Support your arguments with evidence and analysis to back up your main points. Make sure your evidence is relevant and directly supports your thesis.

5. Transition between paragraphs: Use transitional words and phrases to create flow between paragraphs and help the reader move smoothly from one idea to the next.

6. Conclude effectively: End your essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces your thesis. Avoid introducing new ideas in the conclusion.

By following these tips, you can develop a clear essay structure that will help you effectively communicate your ideas and engage your reader from start to finish.

Using Relevant Examples and Evidence

When writing an essay, it’s crucial to support your arguments and assertions with relevant examples and evidence. This not only adds credibility to your writing but also helps your readers better understand your points. Here are some tips on how to effectively use examples and evidence in your essays:

  • Choose examples that are specific and relevant to the topic you’re discussing. Avoid using generic examples that may not directly support your argument.
  • Provide concrete evidence to back up your claims. This could include statistics, research findings, or quotes from reliable sources.
  • Interpret the examples and evidence you provide, explaining how they support your thesis or main argument. Don’t assume that the connection is obvious to your readers.
  • Use a variety of examples to make your points more persuasive. Mixing personal anecdotes with scholarly evidence can make your essay more engaging and convincing.
  • Cite your sources properly to give credit to the original authors and avoid plagiarism. Follow the citation style required by your instructor or the publication you’re submitting to.

By integrating relevant examples and evidence into your essays, you can craft a more convincing and well-rounded piece of writing that resonates with your audience.

Editing and Proofreading Your Essay Carefully

Once you have finished writing your essay, the next crucial step is to edit and proofread it carefully. Editing and proofreading are essential parts of the writing process that help ensure your essay is polished and error-free. Here are some tips to help you effectively edit and proofread your essay:

1. Take a Break: Before you start editing, take a short break from your essay. This will help you approach the editing process with a fresh perspective.

2. Read Aloud: Reading your essay aloud can help you catch any awkward phrasing or grammatical errors that you may have missed while writing. It also helps you check the flow of your essay.

3. Check for Consistency: Make sure that your essay has a consistent style, tone, and voice throughout. Check for inconsistencies in formatting, punctuation, and language usage.

4. Remove Unnecessary Words: Look for any unnecessary words or phrases in your essay and remove them to make your writing more concise and clear.

5. Proofread for Errors: Carefully proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Pay attention to commonly misused words and homophones.

6. Get Feedback: It’s always a good idea to get feedback from someone else. Ask a friend, classmate, or teacher to review your essay and provide constructive feedback.

By following these tips and taking the time to edit and proofread your essay carefully, you can improve the overall quality of your writing and make sure your ideas are effectively communicated to your readers.

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10 more clever and commonsense ways to save money on groceries.

A practical tip from NPR reader Lisa Gluskin: check your receipt before you leave the parking lot of the grocery store. If you spot an error at home, you will be less likely to go back to the store to right the wrong.

Food prices are still high, but your grocery bill doesn't have to be.

Last month, we shared tips on how to save money at the supermarket from Beth Moncel, founder of the cooking blog Budget Bytes . She advised shoppers to look up weekly deals, be wary of bulk buying and stick to the grocery list.

We asked our audience members to share their own advice too. We received over 50 clever tips on the matter, ranging from the practical (check your receipt for errors) to the creative (use artificial intelligence to create recipes with ingredients you have at home).

Here's a selection of their responses. They have been edited for length and clarity.

Stay close to home

If you must visit multiple stores, make sure they are close to your home or else the gas expense will eat away at the money saved at the store. — Manuel Ramos

Check your receipt

Check the receipt before you leave the parking lot. If you find an error, which mostly happens on sale items, you can get a refund right away. If you don't check until you get home, you're more likely to let it go. — Lisa Gluskin

Ask about senior discounts

I'm a senior, so I try to shop on senior discount days and save 5%. The stores don't advertise this, but if you Google it or ask about it at the customer service desk, you can find out what day of the week they do this. It varies by store . — Elyce O'Malley

Cook with whole turkey and chicken

When I buy meat, I buy whole turkey and chicken. Both are cheaper by the pound, and the latter is so easy to make in a slow or pressure cooker. I'll also buy special meats after the holidays. You can buy spiral hams and whole turkeys for cheap after Easter and Thanksgiving. — Vanessa Reed

Buy inexpensive cuts of meat

If your dish is going to cook for a long time, the exact cut of beef may be unimportant. So I use the least expensive roast in the store. At the usual one-hour cooking time, it may be a little tough, but add an extra 40 minutes and it will turn out great. — Joseph Bean

Process your own food

Pop your own corn. Roast chickpeas by buying them dry, soaking them overnight and putting them into a low-temperature oven. Buy large containers of plain yogurt, divide them up and add spices, a little jam or other flavors. — Eve Elzenga

Get a little help from AI

I recently started using ChatGPT to help use up food in the kitchen. For example, this weekend, I had a tomato, some bell peppers, half an onion, a half dozen sweet potatoes, broccoli and leftover roasted chicken in the fridge.

I told ChatGPT I wanted to make something for breakfast and dinner using these ingredients. The tomato, peppers and onion went into egg cups — breakfast for the week — and the potatoes, broccoli and chicken became twice-baked stuffed sweet potatoes for dinner. Both were delicious, and I’ll enjoy them this coming week too! — Chris Brainard

Make your own bread

Learn how to make bread. This saves a ton of money, and you can occasionally supplement with store-bought bread if needed. About $8 worth of ingredients makes about eight to ten loaves of basic sandwich-style bread. It doesn’t have preservatives, so freeze what you can’t use in a week. — Tracey Rocco

Flip the script (and cook creatively)

Instead of planning a meal and then buying overpriced ingredients, try flipping the script. Buy what's on sale and plan your meal around that.

In addition, have a few meal options for each type of protein that include a variety of flavors and different cooking methods. For example, you probably wouldn’t want to eat deep-fried food three days in a row.

If spareribs are on sale, I’ll buy them and make either deep-fried salt and pepper spareribs, braised Filipino adobo, grilled hoisin spareribs or Japanese curry. If ground beef is on sale, I’ll make fried smash burgers or Japanese hamburger steak. — Mark Hagiwara

Grow your own herbs and veggies

Grow higher-priced items that you buy frequently, like rosemary and basil. Fresh herbs are often $2 to $3 for a small bunch — about the same price as a packet of seeds. Or save a few sprigs from that bunch of herbs and root them in water then plant them. I have a basil plant in a pot that I started two years ago.

Cherry tomatoes are also more expensive to buy but they're one of the easiest types of tomatoes to grow at home. — Katherine MacKinnon

This story was written by Malaka Gharib. It was edited by Beck Harlan. The visual editor is Beck Harlan.

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