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24 Birthday Writing Prompts and Story Ideas

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Birthdays aren’t just about cake and presents (though those are awesome too!). It’s a great time to take a step back, think about where you’ve been, and dream a little about the future .

We’ve got this cool list of writing prompts to help you make the most of someone’s birthday, whether it’s yours or a friend ’s.

These prompts are all about looking back at good memories, thinking about yourself , and maybe even discovering new things!

So, grab a notebook or your laptop, and let’s get those thoughts flowing.

  • The Surprise Party: Imagine you are planning a surprise birthday party for a close friend who has been feeling down lately. The party needs to be special and uplifting. Consider the various elements that need to be put in place – guests, location, theme, gifts, and how you will manage to keep it all a secret . Compose a detailed plan of the surprise birthday party, and explain how you will execute each element.
  • Forgotten Birthday: Your character has always looked forward to their birthday, but this year , it seems everyone has forgotten. As they navigate the loneliness and disappointment of their day, a series of unexpected events unfold that ultimately leads to a heartwarming realization. Create a short story about a forgotten birthday that ends on a positive note.
  • 100th Birthday Reflection: You’ve just turned 100. Looking back on a century of experiences, write a memoir piece on the significant moments that have defined your life , the people you’ve met, and the wisdom you’ve gained. While this is a fictional piece, make sure the events and experiences are realistic and relatable. Your challenge is to write a reflective piece on your life from the perspective of a centenarian.
  • The Meaningful Gift: For your mother’s upcoming milestone birthday, you want to give her something more meaningful than just a material gift. Explore the depth of your relationship , recalling shared memories, lessons learned, and moments of bonding. Pen a heartfelt letter to your mother as her birthday gift, expressing your love , gratitude , and the lessons you’ve learned from her.
  • A Birthday in Isolation : The protagonist is stranded in a remote location (think deserted island or space station) during their birthday. There’s no one else to celebrate with, and they must find unique ways to mark the day. Consider how they keep track of time, create their celebration, and cope with loneliness. Write a narrative on how the protagonist spends their birthday in complete isolation.
  • Birthday Wish Come True: In a world where birthday wishes actually come true, your character has always been careful about what they wish for. This year, they have something specific in mind, something they need more than anything. Consider what this wish is, why they want it, and the consequences once it comes true. Your task is to write a story about the year your character’s birthday wish comes true.
  • The Birthday Ritual: In your culture , a unique ritual is performed on every person’s 18th birthday that initiates them into adulthood. This tradition has deep historical roots and significant symbolic meaning. Write an account of your own 18th birthday, describing this ritual in detail and the feelings and experiences that accompany it. Construct a personal narrative around the culturally significant ritual performed on your 18th birthday.
  • Birthday Interview: The protagonist is a renowned journalist who decides to interview themselves on their 50th birthday. The interview dives into personal achievements, regrets, life lessons, and future goals. The writing should bring out their self-awareness, introspection, and life experiences. Write an engaging self-interview as the protagonist, conducted on their milestone birthday.
  • The Unexpected Guest: It’s your character’s birthday party, and an unexpected guest arrives. This person is someone from their past with whom they have unresolved issues. The meeting stirs up a mix of emotions and brings the past into sharp focus. Craft a story on how your character handles this unexpected encounter on their birthday.
  • The Birthday Mystery : Your character wakes up on their birthday to discover a series of riddles leading to a surprise. The riddles are cryptic and related to different stages of their life. Unraveling them becomes a journey down memory lane. Write a mystery narrative based on the riddles your character solves on their birthday.
  • The Birthday Tradition: In a small village where your character resides, an unusual tradition is followed: every person’s birthday is celebrated by the entire community , with each member contributing something to the festivities. Explore the community’s relationships, the role of your character, and the sense of unity and joy in this tradition. Describe a community-wide birthday celebration in your character’s village.
  • The Birthday That Wasn’t: Imagine living in a world where everyone is born on the same day, hence there is only one birthday celebration annually. Discuss how this collective birthday influences societal norms, personal identity , and relationships. What does it mean for those who are different, such as your protagonist, who was born on a different day? Construct a story set in a world with one communal birthday celebration, focusing on your protagonist’s unique experience.
  • Birthday Resolutions: As a departure from the usual New Year ’s resolutions, your character decides to make resolutions on their birthday instead. This piece will dive into their reasoning behind this shift, the personal and specific goals they set, and how these resolutions affect their life in the year to come. Compose an insightful narrative about your character making and following through on their birthday resolutions.
  • A Birthday in History : Your character shares a birthday with a significant historical event. Each year, they feel the weight of this historical event overshadow their personal celebration. Explore how they cope with this unusual connection and how it has shaped their understanding of their own life. Write a story about a person whose birthday coincides with a major historical event.
  • The Birthday Gift That Kept Giving: Your character receives a seemingly ordinary birthday gift that, unbeknownst to them, will change their life in ways they never anticipated. It could be a book , a gadget, a pet , or even a plant . Detail how this gift unfolds its potential and impacts their life. Develop a narrative about a seemingly simple birthday gift becoming a life-altering presence.
  • The Unexpected Revelation: On your protagonist’s birthday, they receive an old letter in the mail. The letter reveals a long-kept family secret that completely changes their understanding of their family history. Craft a story detailing your protagonist’s reaction and actions following this unexpected revelation on their birthday.
  • The Shared Birthday: Two characters born on the same day, at the exact same time, in the same hospital, but from entirely different backgrounds, share an inexplicable bond. Explore their experiences, how they celebrate their birthdays, and how their bond evolves over time. Write a narrative on how sharing a birthday influences the relationship between these two characters.
  • Time- Travel Birthday: Every year on their birthday, your character wakes up to find themselves in a different year of their life. It could be a past year or one from their future. This year, they wake up in a year they dreaded reliving. Your task is to weave a narrative around your character’s experience of reliving a particular year on their birthday.
  • The Birthday Blessing: In your character’s culture, receiving a blessing from an elder on one’s birthday is considered to bring fortune and success. The elder, however, has their own set of challenges and hurdles to overcome. Write a heartfelt narrative about the birthday blessing ceremony, its significance, and the elder’s personal journey.
  • Lost and Found on a Birthday: While cleaning the house for their birthday party, your character discovers an item they thought was lost forever. This object triggers a flood of memories and emotions. Construct a story where the discovery of a long-lost item on a birthday leads to a powerful emotional journey.
  • Birthday at the Workplace: Your character is an overworked employee who has to work on their birthday. The day, however, turns out to be nothing like they had anticipated. Explore the dynamics of the workplace, the character’s feelings about working on their birthday, and the unexpected happenings of the day. Write a story about your character’s unusual birthday experience at their workplace.
  • A Birthday Promise: When your character was a child , they made a promise to themselves about something they would achieve by their 30th birthday. Now, on the eve of turning 30, they grapple with the reality of their situation and the promise they made. Craft a reflective narrative around your character’s struggle and realizations as they confront the promise they made to their younger self.
  • The Birthday Wish: In the tradition of blowing out birthday candles and making a wish, your character, a skeptical scientist , makes an outrageous wish, not expecting it to come true. When it does, they are left to deal with the extraordinary consequences. Write a story about how the scientist’s life changes when their outrageous birthday wish comes true.
  • The Life-Changing Birthday: Your character’s upcoming birthday celebration is set to be a turning point in their life, marking the end of one phase and the beginning of another. This could involve a major move, a career change, or a new commitment. Explore their feelings of excitement, fear , and anticipation as the day approaches. Develop a narrative centered around a life-altering event scheduled to coincide with your character’s birthday.

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Founder and Chief Content Curator @ Digital Phrases

I'm a writer, words are my superpower, and storytelling is my kryptonite.

Mello Woman

Personal Growth, Wellness, Journaling and Inspiration

37 Journal Prompts For Your Birthday (Celebrate Yourself!)

August 7, 2023 · Journaling

A birthday is a lot more than just tasty cake, balloons, and spending time with friends and family. It’s an annual reminder of your journey around the sun. And, it can stir up a crazy whirlpool of emotions .

Personally, I have experienced everything from joy to overwhelming despair on my birthday over the years. “It’s my party” often plays on repeat in my head when the day is approaching.

Woman smiling with birthday balloon

For many, the day is tinged with nostalgia, introspection, and the faint melancholy of another year gone by. Amidst the flurry of emotions, it’s important to pause and reflect on the year that has just slipped through our fingers.

I consider the act of journaling a precious tool. It helps us to capture our highest highs and lowest lows, even on our special day. After all the birthday activities are over, I like to journal on my special day as a means of reflection. If you’re looking to honor your special day or connect with your inner child , here are some birthday journal prompts to help you make the most of the memories.

Reflective birthday journal prompts

Birthday cake with candles

These reflective birthday journal prompts are all about introspection. Take a deep dive into the past year and enjoy looking back on all that happened.

  • What is the best birthday you’ve ever had, and what made it so memorable? – Is there a significant birthday that stands out in your memory? Maybe it was a milestone birthday, or one where your received a very special gift.
  • What were your most challenging moments of the past year? – Reflect on your most challenging moments, why they were difficult, and how you managed them. You may also want to consider the people that were with you during those times.
  • What is one thing you learned about yourself this past year? – Our birthday serves as a reminder that we are always growing and progressing. What new thing did you learn about yourself?
  • What new connection did you make this past year that you are most excited about? – Discuss any new relationships you may have formed, and why they are significant to you.
  • What was the best book you read this past year? – I know I always receive a couple books on my birthday. If you’re an avid reader, did any books stand out as exceptional?
  • What did you do this past year that was out of your comfort zone? – Stepping out of your comfort zone is huge! It takes a lot of courage, and you should celebrate these moments of personal growth.
  • How did you take care of yourself over the last year? – I am always talking about how important self-care is. Did you do anything over the past year to take care of yourself (physically or emotionally)?
  • What did you do this past year that made you proud? – Reflect on all the accomplishments of the past year, and be proud of yourself for all that you have achieved.
  • What are your hopes and dreams for the upcoming year? – Our birthdays can be a perfect time to set intentions for the new year ahead. It’s like our second chance at a “new years resolution”. Dream big and write down what you want to manifest in the year to come.
  • What is one piece of advice you would give your younger self? – As we get older, our perspective on life changes and evolves. What would you go back and tell your younger self if you could?
  • What did you wish for last year on your birthday? Did it come true? – Reflect on your last “birthday wish” as you blew out your candles. Is it still something you would wish for today?
  • What did you do this past year that was new and exciting? – Celebrate the moments of joy in the last year. Did you try anything new, take a trip somewhere, or have an adventure?
  • How did you use your talents and gifts to make a positive impact on those around you? – Reflect on how you used your talents and gifts to make a positive impact on the people you love and care about.
  • What are some of your favorite moments from the past year? – Birthdays often stir up nostalgia for all the good times we shared with friends and family in the last year. Write down some of your favorite memories that stand out most. It’s always nice to look back on our journal to remember these times as well.
  • What would your future self want to tell yourself right now? – Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would this future version of you give to today’s self as a birthday gift?
  • What does your perfect birthday celebration look like? – Birthdays are rarely “perfect”. But, it can be a lot of fun to reflect on what your perfect birthday would like. Who would be there? Where would the party take place?
  • What is the most valuable lesson you learned this past year? – Lastly, what was the biggest takeaway from this past year? Write down any wisdom or insight that will stay with you for years to come.

Fun birthday journal prompts

Woman blowing confetti

These are fun journal prompts that are more lighthearted. Sometimes, we don’t want to journal about anything serious. Use these prompts to pull yourself out of the birthday blues or remember some good laughs from the past year.

  • What is the worst birthday gift you ever received? – It’s happened to all of us. We received an awkward (or terrible) birthday gift and had no idea how to respond. What did this gift look like for you?
  • What would you do if money or time didn’t restrict you on your birthday? – Have a little daydreaming session and imagine what it would be like to have unlimited resources for your special day.
  • If you could choose any location in the world to celebrate your birthday, where would it be? – Take some time to explore all the options. Where would you love to go if you had the opportunity? The catch? You’re only there for one single day!
  • If you could pick one celebrity to attend your birthday party, who would it be? – Who is your celebrity crush? Who would you love to have as a special guest at your celebration? This celebrity can be dead or alive!
  • What is the best birthday tradition that you’ve ever experienced? – Have you ever been to a birthday party with an awesome tradition?
  • If you could pick one superpower to give yourself on your birthday, what would it be? – Who doesn’t love a good daydream about superpowers? What superpower would you choose for yourself if you could?
  • If you could time travel and repeat any birthday, which one would it be? – Memories of past birthdays can often inspire feelings of nostalgia. If you could relive any birthday, which one would it be?
  • What is the most meaningful birthday gift you’ve ever received? – Reflect on some of the more personal gifts that you have received over the years. What made them so special and memorable?
  • If you could be any age for a day, which would you choose? – Birthdays are a reminder that life is fleeting and each day should be cherished. Take some time to imagine what it would be like to travel through time for one day.

Gratitude birthday journal prompts

Woman in pink with confetti pouring drink

  • Who in your life has made a positive impact or difference this past year? – Take some time to write down all of the people who have been there for you through thick and thin. You can even write a short letter thanking them for all they have done.
  • What are some of your greatest strengths? – It’s important to remember all the great qualities that make us unique and help us persevere. Write down a few qualities about yourself that you are proud of, and how they contributed to overcoming challenges.
  • What is something you accomplished this past year that you can be proud of? – Whether it was big or small, write down the things from this past year that you are proud of. This could be creative projects, school projects, or even just working through a difficult time.
  • What is one surprise or unexpected joy from this past year? – We often overlook the little moments and surprises that bring us happiness. Take some time to remind yourself of all the good things that have happened in the last year. Even if it was a small joy, the unexpected moments are often the best.
  • How have you grown as a person over the last year? – Birthdays can be a great time to reflect on all the ways we have grown and evolved. What did you learn or experience this past year that changed you?
  • How has your relationship with yourself changed over the last year? – Birthdays are a reminder to take care of ourselves. Reflect on how your relationship with yourself has transformed in the last year. Have you been kind to yourself? How can you be kinder to yourself in the future year?
  • What did you do this past year that made you feel brave and courageous? – Write down a few times you felt courageous or pushed through challenges.
  • What are you most thankful for in your life right now? – Take some time to think about all the blessings and opportunities that you currently have. What are the things in your life right now that you are grateful for? Did any of these things surface over the last year?
  • What are some of the small joys and moments from this past year? – Life is full of little moments we often overlook or take for granted. Reflect on all the small moments from this past year that made you smile.
  • What would you tell your younger self on their birthday? – Write down some words of advice and encouragement for your younger self. This advice can be fun to look back on in the years to come.
  • What are some of the lessons you learned this past year? – Lastly, take some time to reflect on all the valuable lessons and insights from this past year.

If you are taking a few moments out of your special day to celebrate yourself in your journal, you should be proud. It’s important to slow down and appreciate these moments, as they come and go so quickly in life.

Our days our numbered, and they shouldn’t be taken for granted. I hope you enjoyed these birthday journal prompts and found some inspiration for reflection. And, happy birthday to you!

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Teacher's Notepad

11 Writing Prompts about Birthdays

Whether it is our 1st, or our 100th, our birthday signifies all sorts of different milestones, and moments throughout our lives.

Some of us revel in the gathering of people around us to celebrate our special day, while others look forward most to celebrating a loved ones birthday.

However we experience birthdays, there is no denying that they are special days, and are obviously something which we’ve all been involved with – so let’s try taking a look into how we can use this shared experience to inspire some thoughtful writing!

Let’s get into it…

How to use these:

Try reading through the list of prompts until one involuntarily triggers a memory. Start writing immediately on this topic, capturing every little detail that you can – you’ll likely be surprised at just how much detail you have stored away about that birthday memory!

Or, you could simply pick a random number between 1 and 11, and that is your chosen prompt – write a page on it without stopping to plan things out.

Alternatively you might like to combine two prompts, and write a more complicated piece about what birthdays mean to you.

However you choose to use them, I hope they help your writing exercise!

The prompts:

  • What was your best birthday ever, and what made it so good?
  • What do you think of when you think of your previous birthday, and your next birthday? Explain.
  • Do you prefer your own birthday and being the centre of attention, or going to a good friends birthday and seeing them react to opening all their presents? Why?
  • Would you prefer a birthday party with 5 close friends or 500 people who sort of know you? Why?
  • Have you ever celebrated a pets birthday? What did you do? If you haven’t, imagine what you would do.
  • What was the best birthday present you ever received? What made you think of it?
  • How do you think your opinion of your birthday might change as you grow older over your lifetime? Why?
  • Would you prefer a surprise birthday party, or to know long in advance of all the details of your party? Why?
  • Do you expect expensive gifts every birthday? Or are you grateful for any gift you might receive? Explain.
  • Does a virtual gift inside a game count as a birthday gift for you? Why?
  • How do you most like to celebrate a family members birthday? Do you have any special traditions in your household?

Needing some more prompts?

Well I’ve got some good news for you – we’ve written thousands of other prompts, and created countless other printables and other free resources for you to use!

Take a look around the site using the top menu, or our site search box, and I’m sure you’ll find plenty of interesting and useful things.

If you’re finding our website useful, it would mean the world to us if you could take a few seconds to share this with your friends and colleagues!

Also, don’t forget to bookmark and check back soon, as we’re adding new content constantly!

Thanks, Matt & Hayley

creative writing my birthday party

The Write Practice

Birthday Writing Prompts

by Monica M. Clark | 19 comments

It’s my birthday this week!!

At some point in my life, I realized I get way more excited about birthdays than other people.

writing prompts

I love throwing parties and peer pressuring everyone to go.

I also may or may not have broken up with a couple of people whose gifts clearly demonstrated that they didn’t care about me (it’s not about the money, but the thoughtfulness, you know?).  Hmm, maybe this is more of a quirky trait than a charming one…

I'm using my birthday as an excuse to write an easier blog post this week.  It consists of writing prompts that are (obviously) inspired by birthdays.

Because I provided very little actual writing advice, I have three for you to try.

How do you feel about birthdays? Let us know in the comments .

Take fifteen minutes to write about one (or more) of the following:

  • Your fifteenth birthday—you may remember more than you expect.
  • Imagine a character that either loves or hates birthdays. Write a scene from his or her point of view.
  • Write about a birthday gift (real or fictional).

Share in the comments section !!

How to Write Like Louise Penny

Monica M. Clark

Monica is a lawyer trying to knock out her first novel. She lives in D.C. but is still a New Yorker. You can follow her on her blog or on Twitter (@monicamclark).

Character Portrait: 4 Steps to Better Understand Characters


Sarkis Antikajian

Well, when I am at my age—very old, the last thing I want to hear is someone reminding me that one year had already passed, and I am getting closer and closer to you know what.

So personally I don’t want to hear about birthdays and that goes for the new year.

Of course, I am saying this in jest.

Happy Birthday, Monica.

Yiro Abari High

Birthdays used to be special to me. In the past, I had always wanted to celebrate it in one remarkable way or the other. But there had always been one hitch or the other that spoiled the show, so that it ended in a way that I never wished. In some instances, it comes when my pouch is so learn that the celebration becomes a luxury I cannot afford.

On one of my birthdays, I headed to the hospital with dozens of infant toilet soaps. My intention was to share it with children born on that day, make friends with them and continue to locate them each time the day turns up. That way, it will be a great day each time it turns up. I meant it to be a group that will grow. Sadly, the hospital admin denied me entry on grounds that I should have booked for it in advance. At that point, the process became too hectic, eroding my interest.

The soap, I took them back home, feeling slightly embarrassed. Since then, I worry only about the things I have set on achieving in life. Birthday celebration became something trifling.

Susan W A

What a grand plan; so disappointing when things don’t work out the way we plan, especially when the thought is to help others.

Debra johnson

I’m with Sarkis, at my age I have mixed feelings about birthdays now. Esp when I have no one to share them with. At my age I am constantly reminded of the things I have not accomplished. When I was younger I didnt like going out with family because they would always make a big deal having restaurant people come out and sing happy birthday. As an intervert that was very embarrassing and uncomfortable. But for my kids sake I always managed to smile and enjoy their efforts. Thankfully those days are past me now, I am just grateful to see another morning.

May write a fun children’s story about birthdays…. since I’ve found myself watching children shows today….

Beth Schmelzer

As an introvert, I hope you will pretend to be a child and to have fun when you write your children’s story about birthdays. I hope to be able to read it!

Hey Beth, I’ll let ya know when I finish it.I sometimes enjoy stepping away from grown up writing and do something fun…Today is one of those days.

Gina Davis

Yes, sharing is the best part. It is fun and it lightens up all those strange youthful days.

Oh, what a great idea for a children’s book. Have fun with that!

I love the shift in energy from your first paragraph to the second!


My parents made a great fuss on our birthdays. We were pampered, allowed to stay in bed until lunch time, and skip school, as a special birthday present. We also chose the menu for lunch, and went to the movies. We were called ‘the birthday boy/girl’. It didn’t last long, though, because I went to boarding school just after my eighth birthday and didn’t have another birthday with my family. However, my mom sent beautiful birthday cards by post, and a parcel of goodies when she could afford it. She said, ‘Sing, laugh, dance, have fun on your birthday, wear new clothes and put money in your pocket, because it’s how you’ll be for a whole year’. Not a bad thought, is it? My fifteenth birthday just came and went as any other day. I remember friends birthdays and love wishing people on this, their special day. I’m sure it makes a difference, even if a little.

I loved this, it reminded me of our birthdays growing up. I still do this with my 28 year old son. his menu, his day, his desires.

Thanks Wanderer. I’m glad we have something in common.

We used to celebrate a special dinner out for each birthday child when my brother and I were the only children in our family. I loved lobster, which he always made fun of, and he loved steak, even at a seafood place. Once another child, my sister, arrived 10 years after our family was established, she was too little to join our dinners out, but we had fun birthday celebrations at home, I think. You may notice a mood of melancholy in my memoir. You would be correct, because I still miss that special, teasing brother who died at age 50. After I was married, I started celebrating all the May birthdays in the family at Mother’s Day. It was a special day to honor the moms and the daughters and the sisters. When my own lovely daughter was born on Mother’s Day, it added to the specialness of our annual celebration. My birthday in January is a cold day and not as memorable. Still, maybe I can eat lobster once again this year to memorialize all the other birthday parties through the years and to be thankful I am still alive to read and write and join this writing community. (Sorry, Monica, that I didn’t follow your prompt suggestions. I am happy for you that birthdays are pleasant memories that you continue to enjoy.)


Happy January birthday, Beth! By all means, have the lobster and remember the good times! As years advance, the day is a mixture of happy/sad remembering the ones who made it special and savoring the moment. I guess it really is what we make it. Wishing you the best!

Lauren Timmins

1. Happy Birthday! 2. Practice:

I turned 15 the day before school last August. I woke up, and as always, nothing felt any different than when I was 14. I came downstairs and my poor mother was busy trying to keep my siblings from tearing each other to pieces while simultaneously putting the recycling out. I, being a 5-star procrastinator, had a large chuck English paper to finish (gotta love summer work), and it was due in less than 24 hours. Hence, I spent the first hours of my 15-year-oldhood with my eyes glued to a computer screen. I listen to music when I work, and this led to an existential crisis when that song about only having 100 years to live came on. Now, one line of said song is, “15 there’s still time for you,” which is perfectly fine. However, that verse also kindly led me to believe that my clock was ticking. A few other songs with fifteen-year olds mentioned in them came to mind, and I convinced myself that this day marked the beginning of the end of my life. Farewell, me. It was nice knowing you. My existential crisis and English assignment kept me occupied until it was time to have the traditional family birthday party, which includes a desert of the birthday child’s choice accompanied by a dinner from a fast-food restaurant of said child’s choice. I chose Wendy’s accompanied by a chocolate cake and mint chocolate chip ice-cream. After we finished eating, I opened my presents (my major present had been tickets to Warped Tour, which was given to me earlier in July), printed off my English paper, and went to bed. Whilst in bed I decided to test my skills as a philosopher and contemplated how I am a mere, insignificant speck living on a rock hurtling around a ball of gas located in the Middle of Nowhere in regards to the entire universe. This merged with the thought of my 85 year long impending doom and the realization that I would spend about a quarter of my life trapped in brick buildings only to spend another two quarters being compensated for being trapped in buildings made of other materials. Moral of the story: Do not procrastinate or else you will have to do summer work on your birthday and never listen to songs that specifically mention your age or else you may find yourself in the midst of an existential crisis.


I remember a special birthday not too long ago, one of those senior “round numbers” which had me a little anxious. Our family had gathered at the beach and it became a surprise celebration for me! I watched a three year old granddaughter ice the birthday cake with great care, our daughter had made a slide show of photos of our week at the beach, then they presented me with a “jar of memories”, tiny slips of paper saying what memory of me each one treasured. I was so overwhelmed I dissolved into tears. Still makes me smile. Happy Birthday, Monica, and thanks for all you give us writers!


Meaning of Birthdays kept changing for me, as I grew up in height, weight & all the other dimensions you can think off. Where from last few years the meaning & my thought pattern seem to play in tandem. The golden materialistic lining has turned to selfless humanity lining. But inspite of so many years flipped by, can never forget the 7th grade gift which I gifted to my dad. Some memories can never fade & especially when you have a family to poke you with it, makes it more worthwhile. My small sized gift, which I painstakingly went on wrapping till it sized a 4″4 cushion. Gleefully tucked under my arm on the first sight of my dad with a hug & kiss handed over to him. Rest participants in the room faded in the background for me. My dad carefully playing the game of unwrapping sure had already got everybodies attention. We were at the last round the tiny box had seen the light of the day. My dad admiringly unopened & slipped it on his palm. The entire room burst into laughter, making me blush then go red on my gesture. It was a small lock with keys, on which I will always be teased till my end.

I watched as he walked up the steps to the porch, wrapped package, clearly visible in his hand. Drat, I silently said, a birthday gift for me and I really hate gifts. I find people never really think about the gifts they give, it is usually something they want themselves, never considering the other person.

I decided not to say anything about the gift and walked to another room in the house, so I could let it be a secret. My birthday was a few days away and I had to muster up excited energy for something I knew I was going to hate.

The next day, I looked out and was puzzled. He was walking up those porch steps, with another gift in his hand. What the heck is going on? Two presents for me. Drat, this meant I had to really think of something to get him for his birthday, or should I break up with him a week before, so I don’t have to think about what I have to get. I am horrible at gifts and gift certificates do not demonstrate thoughtfulness unless they are requested.

Five thirty the following day he rolled up, nothing in him arms, but his hands so tight in his pocket, with his knuckles bulging, I knew he was holding something in his hand. He was hiding something and to make it easier for him, I walked into the next room so he would not know I saw him coming up the steps.

I am unaccustomed to gifts. What I want, I tend to get myself. Not that I don’t appreciate anything, I just don’t know what to say when I get things, especially things I hate.

My birthday rolled around and I decided to bake a cake, cook dinner, so I can give him the gift of friendship, you know, do something for someone else on your birthday, when the phone rang.

“Hey,” he said in that cool sultry voice. “Want to go out for dinner since it is your birthday? You don’t have to cook. Let’s just chill. Be waited on.”

Why not I figured, dinner and a gift. Cute! He is a romantic.

I sat at the table, eating my meal when he bought out three different sized gifts. “Pick the one you want to start with,” he said.

Always start with the biggest box, because the smallest never disappoints. I opened the big box and my mouth dropped open. Then I opened the next gift and it opened even further. When I opened the third gift, I had to ask the waiter to pick up my jaw, I was so stuck.

The first present was a stuffed dog wearing a Superman Cape and a silver Superman medallion around his neck. The second gift was superman work bag and inside it was a Superman tee shirt and a superman action figure and the final gift was a superman ring with my name carved in the S.

He knew, the one thing I loved more than anything was Superman. This was the best birthday gift ever. He is a keeper.

Michele Movius

Have a great birthday, Joe!

Godfrey Coppinger

Ah, my fifteenth birthday. The night before, I went dancing to Bo Diddley. What a night it was. I had made business cards with my name and address on it and as I danced, I passed them out to EVERYONE! I was going to have a great party – it was potluck of course, so Mama and Daddy wouldn’t have to pay for everything. They had given me permission to invite as many people as I wanted. They had no idea what I had in mind. So that night I danced and twirled and had the most wonderful time. The music was wonderful, I was hot and sweaty. You must understand, of course, that this was the 60s and I was the happy little hippie girl. I was wearing bellbottoms, and a braided yarn headband, with a sparkly rhinestone brooch pinned to the front of it. I danced alone. While other girls were standing on the sidelines waiting to be asked to dance, I JUST DANCED! I had arrived early and was the first one on the dance floor. Then… The night was over. I went home and took a long hot bath in the claw foot bathtub, dreaming of my wonderful party. Then tomorrow came. Even though I had been out late and I was tired and sore, I got up early and helped Mam prepare for the party. There were balloons and cake and I had all my record albums laid out – The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Donovan, Bob Dylan, B.B. King, the Temptations, and of course – Bo Diddley. It was almost time. My friends, and all the strangers, would be arriving soon. I went to sit on the front porch, watching the traffic, eying each car as it drove by. waiting. And waiting. And waiting. But no cars stopped. Not one. I waited. No one came. No one came to my party. No one. No one. I sat on the porch, for a very long time. But. No. One. Came. Happy birthday.

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Fun Writing Ideas

Building Confidence in Young Writers

A Happy Birthday Party Makes Happy Kids-Writing Personal Narratives

creative writing my birthday party

For this birthday party personal narrative prompt, children have to write about an unusual, surprising, fun or funny moment at a birthday party.

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Common Core State Standards

NOTE: This lesson can address the following Common Core State Standards:  CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.3, W.1.3, W.2.3, W.3.3, W.3.3.B, W.3.3.C, W.3.3.D, W.4.3, W4.3.A, W.4.3.B, W.4.3.C, W.4.3.D, W.4.3.E, W.5.3, W.5.3.A, W.5.3.B, W.5.3.C, W.5.3.D and W.5.3.E.


To get a full understanding on how I conduct each writing lesson you may want to read the Writing Prompts Introduction post.  The birthday part personal narrative lesson outlined below (and all other prompts posted) will make more sense and be easier to follow and use.  Here’s the lined paper I use for Grades K-2  and  Grades 2-7

(The samples I give in the lesson outline below come from sample #2 above (when the dog stepped on a new toy.)

birthday party personal narrative

Tell the Story Line

Tell the storyline: “You’re at a birthday party doing something.  All of a sudden, an unusual, surprising, fun or funny thing happens.”

While kids LOVE to talk about birthday parties, I’ve noticed that it takes them some time to really think of a “moment” to write about.  After telling the story line, give your students plenty of time to think through their past and decide on a special birthday party moment to use in their writing.

Give them some examples to help them think as well.

I taught this lesson not too long ago to a small group of 5 students, ages 6-9.  Some of their surprise moments were:

  • At a gym party, one girl fell off the parallel bars.
  • At a friend’s party, the dog stepped on a new toy the boy had just received and broke it.
  • An example I gave was when the folding table collapsed while I was cutting my father’s birthday cake!

Show the 5 Sections

  • Introduction  (Time, Place, People)
  • Before the moment
  • Reaction/Action
  • Conclusion (Thoughts for the future)

Remember:  K-1 st Graders are encouraged to write 1 sentence for each section, 2 nd Graders 2 sentences, 3 rd Graders 3 sentences and so on.


Guide the students through the following steps so that their birthday party personal narrative is organized and complete.

  • To begin writing, the students hook their reader by writing sounds that are heard at the party.

Crack! Pop!, Hee-Haw!, “Happy Birthday Jackson!”, Aggh!, etc.

  • Write when, whose party, where and who was there.  Older students can elaborate and include the weather, time of day, month, season etc.

It was summer time.  It was my friend, Jackson’s birthday.  We were at his house.  There were 7 friends there.

  • Describe what everyone was doing BEFORE the unusual, surprising, fun or funny moment.

Jackson had opened all of his presents before I got there.  When I got there, I was watching Jackson and his friend battling with tiny robots.  He had gotten the robots for his birthday. 

  • Next, describe the unusual, surprising, fun or funny moment.

All of a sudden, Jackson’s dog came inside and stepped on one of the robots.  The robot BROKE!  It was brand new!

  • Write what everyone did after the unusual, surprising, fun or funny moment.

We all grabbed a nerf gun and started shooting at the dog.  He started running away.  Jackson was mad.  I was mad too.

  • Lastly, write any lessons that were learned or thoughts for the future.

If I ever have a dog at a party I’ll make sure he’s outside or tied up away from my new presents!


Once the students are finished writing they can add a  birthday art accent.

Student Samples

Here are two other samples of students’ work ages 6 and 11.

birthday party personal narrative

Print the Lesson

Here’s the full lesson for you to print out and use.


Memory match-sentences.

creative writing my birthday party

This sentence game was created to practice spelling words that are particularly hard for students such as friend, every, very, to name a few.

Use more difficult words for older students.

This writing activity can address the following Common Core State Standards:  CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.K.1.F, L.K.2, L.K.2.A, L.K.2.B, L.1.2, L.1.2.B, L.1.2.D, L.2.2, L.3.2, L.3.2.E, L.4.1.G, L.4.2, L.4.2.A, L.5.2, L.5.2.E, RF.K.3.C, RF.1.3.G, RF.2.3.F and RF.3.3.D.  It covers a lot!

Pairs of Memory Cards

You’ll first need cards from a standard  memory games .  I’ve picked up a couple games at garages sales and thrift stores for no more than a dollar.


Students like this game because it gets them moving around the room.

Here’s how to play!

  • First, tell the student which focus word they’re going to use (i.e. VERY).
  • Second, choose pairs of matching cards so that you have enough cards for each student.  Give each student one card.
  • Third, tell the students that they can’t show anyone their card or tell what their card is.

memory match sentence

4.  Fourth, students have to mill around the room using body language to describe their card.  They try to find the other student with the match to their card.

memory match sentence

5.  Once the students have found their match, they sit down next to each other.

6.  After all pairs of students are seated, choose one pair to go to the whiteboard to write a sentence using the word on their card AND a specific word that you have chosen for them to work on (i.e. friend ).

creative writing my birthday party

You can also have the students write on individual  whiteboards*:

creative writing my birthday party

Because of the time that it takes to mill around the room and match the cards, we usually only play 2-3 rounds of this game.

Each student in each pair writes a sentence to complete one round.  You can use the same focus word or a different word for the rounds 2 and 3.

Print the Instructions

Here are the instructions for you to print out and use.

Past Verbs that end in ED

birthday part personal narrative

Tale or Truth-Telling your own stories (Talking Game #6)

creative writing my birthday party

Short Video

Take this lesson a step further and show this short 4 minute video about Peppa the Pig’s birthday party.


Alexander Chee on What Writing Parties Reveals About Characters

The author of The Queen of the Night describes how a scene by Charlotte Bronte showed him the dramatic stakes of social interaction in fiction.

By Heart is a series in which authors share and discuss their all-time favorite passages in literature. See entries from Karl Ove Knausgaard, Jonathan Franzen, Amy Tan, Khaled Hosseini, and more.

creative writing my birthday party

A few years ago, the publishing imprint Picador asked writers to share their favorite party scenes from literature. Many classics were cited—the finale of Mrs. Dalloway , Joyce’s winter-bleak “The Dead,” Bilbo’s birthday celebration in The Fellowship of the Ring , Jay Gatsby’s wild Friday nights. But one writer, the award-winning novelist Jim Crace, had a different take. “I hate parties,” he wrote. “Come on, admit it, everyone hates parties. Stop pretending.”

Recommended Reading

creative writing my birthday party

The Promise of Flawed Characters

A computer graphic illustration of a small ski resort against a purple background

The Winter Getaway That Turned the Software World Upside Down

An office worker at a cubicle. He looks bored.

Why Managers Fear a Remote-Work Future

It’s a reminder that parties, as fun as they can be, often also provoke profound anxiety and dread—and that dichotomy is one reason Alexander Chee, author of The Queen of the Night , loves writing about them. For Chee, parties are essential dramatic tools in fiction: They’re supercharged with action, intrigue, and uncertainty. In our conversation for this series, Chee looked closely at a pivotal scene in Charlotte Bronte’s Villette , where a play is put on during a lavish ball. In Chee’s view, Bronte offers an apt metaphor for how parties work: We’re all acting, and the roles we choose and costumes we wear say everything about us.

It’s been almost 15 years since Chee’s acclaimed first novel, Edinburgh , was published in 2001. It’s clear why this one took him so long: The Queen of the Night is a multi-stranded, thoroughly researched epic about the world of 19th-century French opera. The main character, a soprano with a harrowing past she is ashamed of, is offered a starring role in an production written specifically for her by an anonymous composer; to her horror, she discovers that the work contains details about her secret life. In our discussion, Chee explained how Villette helped him become more comfortable writing about 19th-century mores, and imbue performance scenes with dramatic force.

Chee’s essays and stories have appeared in The New York Times Book Review, Tin House, Slate, Guernica, NPR, and Out , among others. The winner of a 2003 Whiting Award, he inspired the idea for the much-discussed “Amtrak residency” and curates the Dear Reader reading series in New York City, where he lives.

Alexander Chee: I had a writing teacher once who told us writers should never describe parties. If possible, she said, we should avoid it. It might have been her own disinclination for parties, even though she seemed to be a very social person. Or it may have been that she was simply tired of the way undergraduates wrote about parties. But her advice made the description of parties incredibly taboo to me, and gradually, I knew, I would have to write about them.

The qualities that make parties such a nightmare for people—and also so pleasurable—make them incredibly important inside of fiction. There’s a chaos agent quality to them: You just don’t know who’s going to be there, or why. You could run into an old enemy, an old friend, an old friend who’s become an enemy. You could run into an ex-lover, or your next lover. The stakes are all there, and that’s why they’re so fascinating.

In my first novel, there’s a party scene that I’m incredibly proud of, which I would hold up as a model to anyone. But that was the kind of party I was very used to—kids in college, someone’s family isn’t home—which made it easy to write. My new novel presented a very different challenge. I had zero experience with the parties of the 19th century. (Most of us alive, I guess you could say, really don’t.) When you’re writing historical fiction you have to think a little farther into the situation: what the average social interactions were, what was acceptable behavior. What did people think was fun, what did they find unhappy, and why?

I knew I wanted the parties in The Queen of the Night to be convincing, beautiful, and also dramatic, situations where significant things happened on a scale that was both grand and intimate.

There were several texts that helped me think about how to do this and one of the most important ones was Charlotte Bronte’s novel Villette . The heroine, Lucy Snowe, is not particularly beautiful, but is incredibly intelligent, and was born into unfortunate circumstances. She has ruthless standards of behavior for herself and others that she believes protects her, and so parties are almost like battles for her, over her identity, even her soul.

There’s a party in Chapter XIV, “The Fete,” which beautifully demonstrates the dramatic stakes. Lucy has left England for France, and is working as a teacher at a boarding school for young women there. The party is an annual one, celebrating the headmistress, Madame Beck, and involves a short play performed in her honor as well as dancing.

On the grand scale, it brings out the world of the novel and the larger political context of the era. The students and teachers are from different parts of the world, and there’s a lot of commentary about what is English and what is French, so their two nations’ longstanding conflict with each other gets rendered as a sort of banter. That was useful for me to see as the parties in The Queen of the Night have international guests, some of them very important diplomatic or aristocratic figures, some of whom had been at war or were about to be at war, or were spying on each other. Seeing how that plays itself out in the minutiae of these parties was part of what I was looking for.

But “The Fete” does its best on a smaller scale, bringing out dynamics between the main characters. One of the things that’s really important in Queen of the Night is how people communicate with their clothes. We start to see that, here, before the party even begins. There’s a great scene where Lucy is thinking about how everyone will dress, and also how she will dress, and is anxious about it. As she watches a group of young girls preparing for the evening, dressed in muslin, she can’t see herself in their brilliant white outfits:

In beholding this diaphanous and snowy mass, I well remember feeling myself to be a mere shadowy spot on a field of light; the courage was not in me to put on a transparent white dress: something thin I must wear—the weather and rooms being too hot to give substantial fabrics sufferance, so I had sought through a dozen shops till I lit upon a crape-like material of purple-gray—the colour, in short, of dun mist, lying on a moor in bloom. My tailleuse had kindly made it as well as she could: because, as she judiciously observed, it was “ si triste — si pen voyant ,” care in the fashion was the more imperative: it was well she took this view of the matter, for I, had no flower, no jewel to relieve it: and, what was more, I had no natural rose of complexion. We become oblivious of these deficiencies in the uniform routine of daily drudgery, but they will force upon us their unwelcome blank on those bright occasions when beauty should shine. However, in this same gown of shadow, I felt at home and at ease; an advantage I should not have enjoyed in anything more brilliant or striking.

Lucy is anxious to look appropriate to the situation even as she does not want to draw attention to herself. She’s hoping to choose her dramatic role in the evening, aware that the whole thing is a play of a kind, not just the one rehearsed event. Party clothes say so much about what someone wants to communicate to other people about themselves, as well as what they’re also feeling about themselves, and whether what they’re making makes them feel more or less powerful. And the “gown of shadow,” is such a fantastic phrase: turning her mousy attire into something transfiguring and even powerful for a brief moment. At the beginning of that section she’s a shadowy spot on a field of light. And by the end of that description, she’s the gown of shadow.

And, as I read it, I can see how this phrase, “gown of shadow” became incredibly important as an image in my own novel, and I suspect this is where it comes from. Also this sense of being dressed and hidden at the same time.

In fiction, I think, you’re always working with who your characters are and who they believe they are. You’re telling a story that’s about both of those people. At a party you see, most of all, who they aspire to be, a kind of theatrical role they hope to assume—it’s not just Lucy Snowe doing this. And so the costume we are in, as it were, matters hugely—and Bronte makes that overt in this scene, when an emergency requires Lucy to play a part in the little play that’s going to be put on: One of the male actors has fallen ill, and she’s forced to step in. She’s told she must dress as a man for this. And so, she’s unwillingly being drawn into the center of attention even as she’s already being disguised by the costume that she must wear. That is a wonderful paradox of forces to subject someone like Lucy to—someone who is hoping to simply wear that gown of shadow and slip by, watching from the edges and certainly not be at the center of attention.

These kinds of entertainments were very common back then; it was typical, at these parties, to have a tableau vivant or charade, play, or operetta, as part of the game of the evening. The play doubles as a kind of metaphor for the way a party brings out certain elements of a character’s personality, and Bronte pulls that off masterfully here.

Lucy refuses to wear a man’s clothes—and instead consents to wear some of each, becoming kind of a hermaphoditic presence—and this affects the way the other characters, especially the female characters, relate to her as the night goes on. Meanwhile, one of the other characters, Ginevra, plays the coquette between two suitors, one of whom is the character Lucy is playing—and this is a role Lucy will continue inhabiting during the rest of the evening. For both, the drama they perform in becomes truer than might have been thought.

With this, Charlotte Bronte introduces a story within a story, another thing that I wanted to do in The Queen of the Night with my character who fears her voice is cursed, dooming her to repeat the fates of the characters she’s performed. This kind of doubling was important for me to create throughout the novel.

And so I really disagree with my old writing teacher. It’s a commonplace of teaching writing that the story really takes off when your characters speak to each other. But I think when your characters go to a party, so much more is possible than can happen in just a simple conversation. The kinds of surprising developments here are exactly what you want to have come forward in the novel. Parties aren’t to be avoided—they could even be said to be paramount.

creative writing my birthday party

Write that Scene

May your writing spirit live on forever

creative writing my birthday party

How to Write a Party Scene


  • Choose a theme. For instance, is it a college party, a kid’s party, or a Halloween party?

» A. Use this, if you are writing about a college party or a party with adults.

I.       Frat parties: Free endless drinks everywhere. Sometimes they’ll be on the floor to or when you first step out the car there’s normally beer bottles strewn about on the lawn. There is really loud thumping music, usually the popular stuff of the time mixed with some old classics.   II.       Mostly everyone is drunk/tipsy, with a few people in clusters sitting around outside either making out, dancing somewhere, drinking or just talking. The occasional drunk person may be stumbling around. Talk about how the place looks as well. Occasionally having that many drunken people can destroy a house or building.   III.     Inside its normally hot and sticky and sometimes dark. People may fake getting drunk and there will be girls taking their shirts off.   IV.     If the party has drug dealers and they’re dangerous people, they may be in a corner deep in the party or upstairs in a room. Example 1:  The messy room had empty bottles laid on the ground, waiting for someone to trip over them. I almost was a victim. As for the people in this crowded area, they looked reminded me of the beer bottles: empty and useless. As I stepped over the god-awful mess, I noticed the music playing in the background. The tunes sounded like my own music I just recorded in the studio. Ethan was right, Paul did choose my song for his party. All of a sudden, this party wasn’t so bad after all. Well, at least with my voice singing in the background.

» B. Continuation of letter ‘A’…

I.    House parties: These are usually more friends and everybody usually knows somebody. It can either be very packed and hot, or just like twenty people. There are usually drinks but they run out way faster, more of a laid-back environment. There is music, but not loud crazy fun because their most likely trying to avoid the cops.   II.       At any college party at any given time there is a game of spades or beer pong going on depending on the crowd and what they’re into. Example 2:   

 “Hey bro,” Ethan said, coming over to give me a handshake. “How’s it going. Are you likin’ the party?”

I nodded. “Very much so. I am delighted to have been invited to attend.”

Ethan slapped me on the back. “Stop with such nonsense.” He chuckled. “You talk to proper. Loosen up, don’t be so stiff.” He shoved a beef in front of my face. “He, drink it. You need it more than anyone in this room.”

I smiled and reluctantly took the bottle and started to drink. “I don’t plan on staying long, Ethan. I just wanted to make sure Paul was playing my music.”

Ethan put a hand to his ear as if listening to something far away. “Here that…. that’s your song. Now you know I wasn’t lying. Anyway, if the music producer who Paul invited likes your CD, he might just sign you on his a record label.”

I dropped the beer and said, “What- what? Record label, music producer, here, tonight?” The words were heavy when coming from my mouth.

“Yep. But, unless you stay for a little longer there is no way he’ll be able to meet you. So, go on if you want.”

“No– uh,” I grinned, “I’ll stay.”

“Are you sure?” Ethan picked up the beer from the ground and handed it to me.

“I’m sure,” I said eagerly.

That evening I played beer pong, strip tease and whatever else the crowd decided to do. I lost each game and made a fool of myself, but I kept remembering why I was doing this. I worked for seven years on my album. I did everything I could to reach the big leagues in the music industry. If getting a record label deal with Johanson Smith meant that I had to act like I wanted to be here, then by golly I am going to win an Oscar for my performance.

  • If you plan on writing about a different party…

» A. Does the character meet anyone at the party?

creative writing my birthday party

Several hours past and still Johanson Smith hadn’t shown up. It wasn’t until Paul came out his room, drunk, with a beautiful girl by his side that I decided to leave. As he walked gracefully down the stairs (or try to) I ran to meet him halfway.

“I refuse to stay any longer,” I said to him. “This is getting out of hand. I only came to hear my song played and I only stayed because your brother said Johnason the music producer was coming. Where is here?”

Paul didn’t answer so I shook him silly until he….. threw up all over my shoes.

“Gross. Yuck, damn!” I shouted. “I hate you, I hate all of you.” Everyone in this messy room was staring at me in silence.

“Dude, just chill,” Ethan told me.

“I don’t think so.” And with that, I walked out of the house, got in my car, turned on the engine and prepared to leave the scene. I couldn’t believe I trust Ethan. Seriously, I should have known by now. For goodness sake he was Paul’s brother, of course there wasn’t any good in him. 

» B. Most of all, is the character enjoying their self?

I.     Show their inner feelings through their actions. Do they stay by the punch bowl, avoiding everyone?   II.      Do they leave early because they’re bored or socially awkward?   III.    Are they the life of the party, dancing with everyone and initiating fun games? Example 4:   

Before driving off I thought for a moment about returning to the party. I mean, I did have fun and I never experienced so many people treating as if they were my friends before. And if only for one night I can— never mind. What was I thinking? Some people just never change, especially Paul. Stepping on the gas pedal, I drove away from the dreaded house I had come to despise. I tried to stop thinking about how I was lied to by Ethan. I tried to stop thinking about the nasty smell that was lingering on my shoes thanks to Paul’s barf. And I tried to, and I tried to…WATCH OUT!!!!!!

I woke up in a hospital with my neck wrapped and two limbs. “What’s going on?” I said to Ethan who happened to be by myside.

“You were driving drunk. More than .12 was your alcohol consumption. “

“Shit, there goes my license, car and wallet,” I said, banging myself on the head.

“Actually,” Ethan continued, “You ran over a person.”

“You’re kidding.” I slammed my head into the pillow. Not only did I just screw up my night, I screwed up my entire life. No lawyer would be able to get me out of this mess. “Are they dead?”

Ethan nodded.

My eyes widened and I felt my heart beat a million miles per hour. “Who did I kill? Tell me?” I wished I could just reach out and shake him silly. He wasn’t saying anything. “Please,” I started to cry, “please tell me. I can take it.”

“Johanson Smith,” said Paul, walking into the room with a slight smirk on his face.

“You’re lying,” I said quietly. Then I began to yell it. “You’re lying, bastard!!”

Ethan finally spoke up again. “He’s not. You were driving you truck when you hit him without realizing it. He was headed to our house party.”

“He’s right,” Paul joined in. “These were the papers Johanson was holding.”

I read the papers. They were contracts. Record label contracts for me.

Paul sat at the end of my bed and held his head low. “I’m sorry,” he said. A tear fell from his right eye. “It was meant to be a surprise for all the trouble we caused you over the years. I’m soo sorry.”

Ethan went over to rub Paul’s back. I managed to suck in my sniffs in order to say this:

“So where does that leave me? What happens now?”

Paul and Ethan looked at each other. “The cops are going to arrest you the moment you get better.”

I knew it. My fate was horrible.

“—But we will help you get out of here before then.”

“How?” I said anxiously.

“You need to trust us. Can you do that?” Paul said, putting out his hand so I can shake it.

I thought for a moment about these two. I never could trust them in the past, how could I trust them now. It didn’t matter, though, they were my only hope. I swallowed the lump in my throat, nodded my head and shook Paul’s hand saying:


!You might have to scroll down the textbox with your mouse!

      The messy room had empty bottles laid on the ground, waiting for someone to trip over them. I almost was a victim. As for the people in this crowded area, they looked reminded me of the beer bottles: empty and useless. As I stepped over the god-awful mess, I noticed the music playing in the background. The tunes sounded like my own music I just recorded in the studio. Ethan was right; Paul did choose my song for his party. All of a sudden, this party wasn’t so bad after all. Well, at least with my voice singing in the background. 

        “Hey bro,” Ethan said, coming over to give me a handshake. “How’s it going. Are you likin’ the party?”

      That evening I played beer pong, strip tease and whatever else the crowd decided to do. I lost each game and made a fool of myself, but I kept remembering why I was doing this. I worked for seven years on my album. I did everything I could to reach the big leagues in the music industry. If getting a record label deal with Johanson Smith meant that I had to act like I wanted to be here, then by golly I am going to win an Oscar for my performance.   Several hours past and still Johanson Smith hadn’t shown up. It wasn’t until Paul came out his room, drunk, with a beautiful girl by his side, that I decided to leave. As he walked gracefully down the stairs (or try to) I ran to meet him halfway.

“I don’t think so.” And with that, I walked out of the house, got in my car, turned on the engine and prepared to leave the scene. I couldn’t believe I trust Ethan. Seriously, I should have known by now. For goodness sake he was Paul’s brother, of course there wasn’t any good in him.

      Before driving off I thought for a moment about returning to the party. I mean, I did have fun and I never experienced so many people treating as if they were my friends before. And if only for one night I can— never mind. What was I thinking? Some people just never change, especially Paul. Stepping on the gas pedal, I drove away from the dreaded house I had come to despise. I tried to stop thinking about how I was lied to by Ethan. I tried to stop thinking about the nasty smell that was lingering on my shoes thanks to Paul’s barf. And I tried to, and I tried to…WATCH OUT!!!!!!

My eyes widened and I felt my heart beat a million miles per hour. “Who did I kill? Tell me?” I wished I could just reach out and shake him silly. He wasn’t saying anything. “Plase,” I started to cry, “please tell me. I can take it.”


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3 thoughts on “ How to Write a Party Scene ”

Thank you, but how would you write a fanfiction where the whole (1-2 pages) Story consists of a party? It would be a house party for around 13 year olds, boys and girls. Any help here please?

Good Morning Amy,

What I would suggest is putting yourself into the situation. As a thirteen year old, what would you (and your friends) want to do at a party. Now, depending on if there is supervision, some of those activities may not be able to happen. For example, let’s say the 13 year olds want to drink and makeout. Well, that is highly unlikely if there is adult supervision. However, that’s were you can make the story interesting. Maybe the adult is past out drunk himself, of maybe the party was thrown without the consent of a parent.

Answer that question first, and then it should make the fanfiction story easier to write. Now, here are some situations you can add to your story: 1. Girl admits crush to boy or visa versa 2. A fight breaks loose 3. Someone gets drunk, acts clumsy and ends up falling down the stairs, potentially injuring them-self terribly 4. Truth or dare/ games such as kissing in the closet and pranks galore 5. Breakups between both friends and couples/ people becoming a couple 6. Celebrating a birthday or two 7. Gossip about school, teachers, friends, etc

You can add whatever you like. The main idea of a party is food, fun, and company. List what type of food you want at the party and what you think would be fun for the teenagers, then list who would arrive and how those characters are important to the story:

For example 1. The bully kid who was invited just to be made fun of 2. The couple who is lovebirds were invited just to be broken up by someone else 3. The cool kid who makes everything THAT much cooler

Then, decide how are they important to the story: 1. The bully kid is made fun of but it ends up back firing on the host or the people who were making fun of him. 2. The lovebirds who were invited prove their love is stronger than infatuation or lust. The person trying to break them up ends up looking like a fool. 3. The cool kid doesn’t make the party cooler and actually gets everyone in trouble by the police

With that said, use the three: food, company and fun as a way to move your story forward. –Have food fights with the food. Or maybe two teenagers feed each other the cake and end up falling in love (corny, I know). — Have the company/part goers do what party goers do… party like they’re rockstars with the music blasting hella loud. — What is considered fun to you? And implement that into the story.

Again, use your experience from the parties you went to or from what you seen on t.v. This should help and probably would go beyond 2 pages worth of story telling.

Hope this helped and let me know how it goes!!

-James Sterling

Another scene will be coming soon!

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How to Write Happy Birthday in Block Letters: Personal and Festive

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My name is Debbie, and I am passionate about developing a love for the written word and planting a seed that will grow into a powerful voice that can inspire many.

How to Write Happy Birthday in Block Letters: Personal and Festive

Different ⁢Styles​ of Block Letters ⁣for​ Writing Happy Birthday

Materials‌ you will ‍need for ⁣block letter writing, step-by-step​ guide: how ⁣to ​write happy birthday in ⁢block letters, tips for adding personal ⁢touches to⁢ your ‍block ⁣letter ⁢writing, choosing festive colors for your happy birthday ‍block letters, enhancing your block‌ letter ‍design with decorative elements, practicing and ⁢perfecting your happy birthday block letter writing, frequently asked ⁣questions, final thoughts.

​⁢ When‌ it comes to ‌writing “Happy ​Birthday” in block letters, there are​ countless styles⁣ you can ‍experiment with to make your‍ message‌ truly stand ⁤out. Playful⁢ and​ eye-catching, ‌these different styles‌ can ⁤add a touch of ⁣personality and creativity ​to any birthday card, banner, or social media post . Let’s explore⁢ some unique and ‌fun ideas⁣ that will make your birthday⁢ wishes unforgettable! ‌

1. Bubble Letters: Combine the boldness‍ of block ⁣lettering and the ⁣fun of rounded‍ shapes ‌with bubble letters. These‍ letters are filled with solid colors or patterns, and their⁤ smooth curves⁢ give‌ them a youthful⁤ and cheerful⁣ look. They are perfect for⁤ creating a vibrant and‍ joyful⁤ birthday‌ message. ‌

2. Graffiti ⁢Letters: If you want to bring out ⁤the urban and⁣ edgy⁣ side, give graffiti letters ⁣a⁢ try. These block ⁢letters are often adorned ‌with intricate designs,⁣ shadows,⁣ and vibrant‍ colors, mimicking street art. ⁣Unleash your inner⁢ artist by ‍adding splashes of colors, stars,⁢ or‌ bold outlines‍ to ‌each ​letter, creating a⁤ birthday message that ‌truly pops!

Materials You Will ⁤Need for Block ​Letter Writing

In order ⁤to create beautiful block​ letters, you⁣ will ⁤need ⁣a few essential ‌materials ⁣to get started. Here⁤ are ​the items⁢ that ‍you ‌will need:

  • Quality Paper: Choose a‍ smooth, sturdy⁢ paper ⁤that is suitable for both writing and drawing. This will‌ ensure‌ that your block ⁣letters look crisp and​ professional.
  • A Pencil: ‌ Using a pencil ‌will​ allow you to⁤ sketch out‍ your⁢ block letters lightly before⁢ committing ​to ​ink. This ‍way, you‍ can easily‌ erase any mistakes or ‌make adjustments⁤ to the ⁢proportions.
  • A Ruler: ‌ A ​ruler⁢ will ⁢be⁤ your best​ friend when it comes to creating straight lines and maintaining the uniformity of ⁣your block ‍letters. Ensure‌ you have a ⁤ruler that is long enough⁢ to span⁤ the height and width of your‍ intended letter‌ size.
  • Pens ‍and ​Markers: ⁣For the final ⁣inking, select pens​ or markers that are suitable for⁣ your desired line thickness. ​Experiment with ⁤different options to ‍find the perfect tools to ‍bring your block​ letters to⁢ life.
  • Erasers: ​Keep ⁣a collection of good-quality erasers ‍at hand to clean up any stray pencil marks and ensure a polished final result. This ‍will ⁢help ‍in‌ achieving ⁣a professional⁣ look.

By gathering these key‍ materials, you will ⁤be well-prepared to embark on⁢ your block ⁢letter writing journey. Remember that⁢ practice⁤ makes perfect, so don’t be⁣ afraid ​to experiment and try‍ different techniques to create⁢ block⁢ letters that truly‍ stand out.

Step-by-Step Guide:‍ How to⁤ Write‌ Happy Birthday in Block Letters

If you​ are‍ looking to add a special touch to ​your ‍birthday ⁢cards or ‍party decorations, writing “Happy Birthday” ‌in block ⁤letters ​is ⁢a ⁢great⁤ way to make⁢ your​ message stand‍ out. ⁤In this ⁤step-by-step‌ guide,⁣ we will⁣ walk you through the process ⁢of creating block lettering for​ those celebratory ‍occasions.

First, gather all the⁣ materials you’ll need: – A pencil – Ruler – Cardstock ‌or any‌ desired paper – ‌Markers or ​colored ​pens

Next, follow these steps: 1. Begin‌ by sketching out⁢ the word​ “Happy” ​in block ‍letters using⁣ a pencil. Make ⁢sure ‌the ⁢size ​of your letters ⁢matches the available space ⁣on ‌your paper. You can vary‍ the ‌height and width of each letter ⁤to create a ⁤more⁤ dynamic effect. 2. Once you are satisfied with your sketch,⁤ trace the outlines⁤ of the ​letters with a marker or colored pen. Use⁣ a ruler to ensure straight lines and symmetrical shapes. Bold the lines to make‌ them ‍more prominent. 3. Now it’s time to add the word “Birthday” below “Happy.”⁤ Align⁢ the letters‍ neatly under each corresponding letter in the word above. Again, trace​ the outlines and ‌bold‍ the ⁣lines‌ to emphasize the block‍ lettering style. 4. If you want to add some⁤ extra flair, you can decorate the letters with ⁤patterns, ⁤colors, or ​shading. Let your ​creativity shine⁤ through!

Tips for Adding Personal Touches to ⁣Your Block Letter Writing

Adding⁢ a ⁣personal touch to your block letter writing can bring a sense of style and uniqueness to your communication. Whether you’re⁢ writing a formal business⁣ letter or a ⁢heartfelt‌ note to a loved⁣ one, ⁤here​ are some ‍tips to help you add a personal flair:

1. Choose a unique stationary: Start ⁤by selecting ‍stationary that reflects your personality or the occasion. From ⁢elegant embossed ⁤paper to ⁤colorful patterned designs, ⁣there are endless​ options​ to make your letter stand out.

2. Handwritten ⁣signatures: ⁤ Instead of simply typing⁢ your ​name ​at the end of ⁣the‍ letter, consider incorporating a handwritten ⁤signature ‍for a personal touch. ‍You can⁣ scan⁤ your signature⁣ and‌ make it part of your digital letter or even print the letter ‍and sign⁣ it by hand.

3. Add ‍a‌ personal​ note: ⁤To make your block letter feel more intimate,​ include a handwritten‌ personal note at the ‌end. Whether‍ it’s a thoughtful comment, an inside⁣ joke, or a heartfelt ​sentiment, this ⁣small addition can make a ‌big impact on ​the recipient.

4. Use ​colored ink: Break‌ away ‌from​ the traditional black ​or blue ink and experiment with different colors ⁤to make your⁤ letter visually appealing. A pop of color⁢ can bring vibrancy and make your ⁢writing feel⁣ more ‌joyful and ‌personal.

5. Incorporate doodles or ‌illustrations: ‌If you have a knack for drawing or enjoy doodling, consider adding small illustrations or​ doodles to your block letter. These playful elements can add a touch of whimsy and​ creativity to your writing.

Choosing Festive‍ Colors for Your Happy Birthday ​Block Letters

When it ⁢comes‌ to ⁢,⁤ the possibilities are endless! Adding vibrant and eye-catching colors ‌to your block letters will make them stand⁣ out ⁣and add⁢ to the joyous atmosphere of the celebration. Here⁤ are a few tips to⁣ help you pick the perfect colors‍ for ​your birthday block letters:

1.​ Consider⁤ the theme: Think about‍ the theme or overall color scheme of the birthday party. Choosing colors that align with the theme​ will create ⁤a​ cohesive and​ visually pleasing setup. ​For example, if it’s a princess-themed party, ‍you could opt for pastel shades like pink, ⁤purple, and mint green.

2. Use contrasting colors: ⁣To make your block letters pop, consider‍ using contrasting colors. If‍ your letters are primarily in one color,‍ choose a contrasting shade for the⁤ outline⁢ or add⁢ bold accents.⁢ For instance, if your block letters are​ in bright yellow,​ a contrasting⁢ outline⁤ in black or navy​ blue will make them more striking.

3. ⁣Experiment ‍with metallics: Metallic colors ‍such as ‌gold,​ silver, or rose gold can⁣ add a‌ touch of ‌glamour and elegance to⁤ your​ block‌ letters. Consider using metallic paints or stickers ⁢to make certain ⁣parts of the letters shine. This​ can work particularly well for a more​ formal ​or adult birthday ⁣celebration.

4. Incorporate favorite colors:​ If it’s a birthday celebration ‍for someone ⁢special, consider​ incorporating their ⁤favorite colors into ‍the block‌ letters. This ⁣personal ⁤touch ‌will show ⁢them ‌how much ⁣thought and⁤ effort you put into ⁤their birthday décor.

Remember, ⁤ is all ‍about creating⁣ an exciting and visually ⁤appealing display. ‌So let‌ your imagination‌ run wild, experiment with ⁤different color combinations, and most importantly, ‍have⁣ fun with ‍it!

Decorative elements ‍can ‌instantly transform‌ plain block letters into eye-catching designs that are sure to impress. By adding these⁤ unique​ touches, you can take ⁣your block letter ⁤design to the next level.​ Here‍ are some tips and ideas ⁢to help you enhance your lettering with decorative elements:

1. Flourishes: Flourishes are ⁢elegant, flowing lines that add ⁣a touch of sophistication ‌to your ​block letters. ⁢These‌ decorative elements can​ be used​ to create beautiful curlicues at‍ the beginning or‍ end of each ​letter, adding a sense of ​grace and finesse.

2. Swashes: ‍Swashes are similar ‍to ‌flourishes⁤ but are bolder⁣ and more dramatic. ⁤They can ⁣be used to elongate ​specific parts⁤ of your block letters, creating a captivating and dynamic effect. Experiment‌ with ‌different swash styles to find the one ​that ​complements your‍ design the ​best.

3. Frames: Consider framing your block letters⁣ with decorative elements ‍like ornate borders​ or delicate ‍accents. This not⁤ only adds visual ⁣interest but also helps draw attention‍ to your ‌design. Choose frames⁣ that resonate with the theme or ⁣mood you ‌want to convey, whether it’s⁢ a vintage look or a ⁤modern twist.

4.‍ Embellishments:⁣ Adding‍ small decorative touches throughout your block letters can make ‌them ⁤truly stand out. Incorporate dots, stars, hearts, or even ⁢tiny illustrations to add personality and charm. Be careful‍ not to overdo it, ⁤as restraint can often⁤ result‌ in a⁣ more refined and‍ sophisticated‍ design.

Practicing and Perfecting Your Happy⁤ Birthday​ Block Letter‍ Writing

Writing block ‌letters can add a⁢ personal touch ​to⁣ your happy ‌birthday messages and​ make them stand out. With a little‍ practice, ⁤you ⁣can create beautiful ⁤birthday cards that will impress your loved ones. ‌To help⁤ you become a pro at block letter writing, follow these tips:

  • Choose the⁣ right paper: Use‍ a‌ thick, high-quality paper or cardstock⁢ to ensure your letters⁣ stand out and don’t ⁢bleed.
  • Plan your layout: Sketch out the design on a‌ scrap piece of paper ⁤before you start​ writing to ensure proper placement‍ and⁤ proportions.
  • Use pencil guidelines: Lightly draw horizontal and vertical lines⁤ to guide the height,⁤ width, and alignment ⁢of‌ your letters.
  • Start with uppercase‍ letters: ⁢Begin by practicing⁤ uppercase letters as ⁣they are the ⁣most‌ recognizable and ⁣straightforward. Use⁤ a ruler to⁢ maintain consistency.

Once⁤ you feel comfortable with uppercase⁣ letters, you can move on to ‌lowercase ones. Remember, repetition is key ⁣to improving⁤ your lettering‍ skills. Practice regularly and ‍experiment with different styles, sizes, and embellishments. Add ‍a touch of color by using markers ‌or watercolors, and consider incorporating decorative elements like balloons,​ cakes, ​or⁢ candles.⁤ Your block ⁢lettered birthday wishes ⁢will‌ be the highlight ⁢of any celebration!

Q: ⁤What materials⁣ do I need to‌ write “Happy Birthday” in​ block letters? A: To write ⁣”Happy Birthday” in block ⁣letters, you will‌ need a few‍ simple materials:‌ a piece of paper, a pencil or pen,‍ a ruler, and⁤ markers⁤ or colored pencils.

Q: ⁢What ⁤is⁢ the first step to writing “Happy Birthday” in block letters? A: Start by ‍sketching out the ​word “Happy”⁣ in capital block letters ⁤using a pencil.⁣ Remember⁤ to leave enough space between⁢ each letter.

Q: ⁣How do I ensure that my letters​ are evenly spaced and similar in‌ size? A: To achieve even spacing⁢ and consistent letter size, use a ruler. Simply⁤ measure the‍ distance‌ between ​each ⁣letter and try​ to‌ maintain equal spacing throughout.

Q: Can I​ personalize the ⁢lettering style to add⁢ a festive ⁢touch? A: Absolutely! You can add a festive‌ touch to‍ your lettering by⁣ customizing the ​style. For example, you ⁤can make the letters thicker or curvier, or even incorporate balloons or ‍streamers⁣ into the design.

Q: Should I add⁢ color to make it ⁣more vibrant? A:‍ Yes,⁣ adding color is a great‍ way ⁤to make your block lettering more vibrant ‍and celebratory. Use markers or colored pencils to fill‌ in the letters and ​create a joyful palette.

Q: Any tips ‍for making the word “Birthday”​ visually appealing? A: When ​writing⁢ “Birthday,” ​consider using a⁣ different font style ⁢or adding decorative⁢ elements.​ You can experiment‍ with different letter heights and ⁤widths to‌ make ‌it‍ visually appealing and ‌unique.

Q:⁢ Are there any additional‌ decorations ‍or details I can include? A: ‌Absolutely! You can enhance your ‌block lettering by adding ‌additional decorative elements ⁣such as confetti, balloons, or⁣ even small doodles related⁣ to‌ birthday celebrations. ⁢Let your creativity ⁤run wild!

Q: Should I finalize ⁤my⁢ design with⁤ permanent‌ markers? A:‍ If you ⁣want your⁣ block letters to⁣ last⁢ longer and have ‌a more polished look,‌ it’s a‍ good idea⁢ to go over your pencil‍ outline​ with ​permanent markers or ink pens.⁢ This will ⁤make the colors ‍vibrant and ‍prevent⁢ smudging.

Q:⁤ How can I use my block lettering to create birthday cards ​or banners? A: To create‍ birthday ‍cards or banners, simply transfer‍ your block lettering design onto ​a larger piece of paper or cardstock. You can then‌ cut⁤ out the letters and glue or tape them onto your ⁢card or banner.

Q: ‌Any final tips for writing “Happy Birthday”⁢ in block letters? A: Remember, practice makes perfect! Take ⁢your time, experiment with different styles, and ⁢have fun ​with your design. Don’t be ⁢afraid to ​let your creativity shine and make​ your block lettering a ​true ‍celebration. Happy birthday lettering!

In conclusion,⁢ writing “Happy ⁣Birthday” in block⁣ letters is a​ simple ⁢yet festive way to celebrate someone’s special ⁣day. Have fun‌ and get​ creative!⁣

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Essay On ‘My Birthday’ For Classes 1, 2 & 3


Key Points To Remember When Writing an Essay on ‘My Birthday’ for Classes 1, 2 and 3

10 lines on ‘my birthday party’ for class 1 kids, short paragraph on ‘my birthday party’, long paragraph on my birthday party for kids, what will your 1st, 2nd or 3rd grader learn from ‘my birthday party’ essay.

Birthdays are the most special day of the year for children. It is a day full of celebrations where children enjoy many fun activities, party with their friends and family, receive a lot of gifts and of course… make a wish as they blow the candle on their special birthday cake! These are all fun, and memorable moments, which children will remember for a long time. So, while writing an essay on this topic, they will indeed have a lot of ideas. With a little bit of help in putting together these ideas, you can guide your child to compose a good essay. Here are tips on how to write an essay on ‘My Birthday’ for students of classes 1, 2 and 3:

  • When writing essays about birthday parties in a few lines, stick to simple facts about your birthday and celebrations.
  • Avoid elaborating on any point and state only its gist in one line.
  • When writing it in a small paragraph, start by describing why your birthday means so much to you.
  • Talk about your birthday and the celebrations you have planned.
  • It can help if you add points about how you feel about various events that happen throughout the day.

Children of lower primary classes find it easiest to write an essay in 10 simple lines. After that, they can start learning how to write a more detailed paragraph. Here are 10 lines on ‘My Birthday’:

  • My birthday is on January 20. I celebrate it every year with my friends and family.
  • We invite my cousins, relatives, and friends home for a party on my birthday.
  • My parents always bring the best cake for my birthday.
  • Everybody gathers around me to sing the happy birthday song in the evening as I cut the cake.
  • After cutting the cake, everybody will enjoy a great treat with delicious food.
  • We play games after snack time. Birthday games are always fun to play. 
  • My second-most favourite part of my birthday is getting lots of presents from my friends and cousins.
  • I eagerly wait for the end of the party to unwrap my gifts.
  • Every year my birthday gets better as I become older and make more friends.
  • I can’t wait for my next birthday and all the fun.

When writing a short essay on ‘My Birthday’, it is essential to have your points well thought out. Decide on how to start and touch upon things with minimal detail. Here is how to write this short essay in about 150 words:

My birthday is the most special day in my life. I love my birthday since my parents give me gifts on that day. I cut a cake and have a party with all my friends. This year I got a bicycle for my birthday, and it is the best gift I have received so far! My birthday celebration starts bright and early in the day. I wake up early get ready for school in special clothes for my birthday. We are allowed to skip uniforms on this day. 

The birthday celebration in school is fun. My classmates sing ‘happy birthday’ for me in the morning, and I get to distribute chocolates to everyone. I always carry a few more chocolates and give all my best friends one extra.

The real party starts at home in the evening, and all my closest friends are invited. My family and neighbours also join in the celebration, and we all have a great evening.

Long-form essays are a bit tricky to write for all kids. They need to have a mental picture of the details they need to include and weave a good narrative. Here is a sample of a long essay on ‘My Birthday’:

My birthday is the most awaited event of the year for me. It is the day when I am treated extra special and get a free pass for everything! I always have my birthdays planned out. If it is a school day, I have to attend as usual but after school, I have a party planned in the evening with friends and neighbours. If it is a day off from school, my parents usually take me out during the day. We go to my favourite place and have fun. Then, we go back home and have more fun at the party in the evening.

My parents always plan for my birthdays beforehand, so that everything goes smoothly. On my birthday, I get to decide what clothes to wear, select the cake, plan party games and decide other such details almost a week before my birthday so everything is ready just in time. My parents always get me the cake of my choice, and it is a new design every year. This year it was the Avengers, my favourite superheroes. I always invite my friends from school and the neighbourhood to my birthday party so that we can enjoy ourselves together.

If my birthday falls on a school day, I wear special clothes to school for the day because we are allowed to skip our uniform that day. I carry two bags of chocolates to share with all my classmates. Birthdays are always fun because the teachers and classmates treat me extra special. I like distributing chocolates to everyone in my class, and always give one extra to all my friends.

At home, we have the party planned out for the evening. By the time I return from school, my mother decorates the house and has the place all set for the party. All my friends arrive in the evening, and we cut the cake soon after. My mother makes delicious snacks for all of us, which we lap up happily. We also play many games and have the most fun time. In the end, it is time to open the presents. I start unwrapping all my gifts as soon as everyone leaves. This is my favourite part of the entire day, as I always have to wait to see what I might receive in every new box!

The essay on ‘My Birthday’ teaches your child to write about their experiences and thoughts in simple English. Although children have ideas about what they want to write in the essay, they may not always be able to put it into words. With these samples, they will get some ideas about how to word their thoughts and write a good essay.

Some children may also want to write about their plans for their birthday coming up soon. They may have many ideas and thoughts about how they would like to celebrate their day. Writing this essay will help them think about how to plan a day and will encourage them to write from their imagination. 

This topic also encourages children to appreciate all the special ways in which their birthday is celebrated, and be grateful to all the people who help make it fun and memorable.

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My Ideal Birthday Party

by Elizabeth Warren (Roanoke, VA, USA)

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Creative Birthday Board Ideas

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: May 22, 2024

Birthday Board Ideas

For those of you looking for creative ways to celebrate your students’ birthdays and make them feel special, a well-designed birthday board can be a delightful and impactful addition to your classroom. Besides brightening up brighten up the learning environment, birthday boards also foster a sense of community and belonging among students. By highlighting each child’s special day, you can create a festive atmosphere that encourages excitement, gratitude, and kindness.

Birthday Board Ideas

In this post, we will explore a variety of engaging and imaginative birthday board ideas that cater to different themes and styles. Whether you prefer balloons, cupcakes, movie stars, flowers, or a botanical garden, you’ll find plenty of inspiration to transform your classroom into a space where every birthday is celebrated with joy and creativity. Let’s dive into these fun and unique ideas that will surely make your students’ birthdays unforgettable.

1. Birthday Balloon Display

Birthday Board Ideas

Create a festive balloon-themed board where each student gets their own colorful balloon cutout with their name and birthdate prominently displayed. Arrange these balloons by month, clustering them together to form a vibrant balloon bouquet for each month of the year. To add an extra touch of fun, attach smaller balloon cutouts beneath each monthly cluster. These smaller balloons can serve as space for additional decorations or messages, making the display dynamic and visually appealing. The best place to find pre-made templates for this activity is Canva.

2. Cupcake Birthday Display

Birthday Board Ideas

Design a delicious-looking cupcake-themed birthday board where each month is represented by a giant cupcake. Craft these cupcakes using colorful paper and embellish them with glitter or stickers for added flair. Allow students to personalize their birthdays by creating candles out of lolly sticks, each labeled with their names and birthdates. These candles can then be “placed” on the cupcake of their birth month. This interactive display not only makes each student feel special but also adds a touch of sweetness to the classroom atmosphere. The visual appeal of the cupcakes, combined with the personal touch of the lolly stick candles, makes this a memorable and engaging way to celebrate birthdays.

3. Movie Star Birthdays

Birthday Board Ideas

Transform your classroom into a Hollywood set with a movie star-themed birthday board. Use clapperboard templates where each student is given their own star moment. Write their names and birthdates on the clapperboards, making them feel like celebrities. Arrange these clapperboards by month, creating a star-studded display that highlights the birthday stars of each month. This theme can be enhanced with additional decorations such as film strips, star cutouts, and even a “red carpet” section. This glamorous setup not only makes each student feel like a VIP but also brings a touch of excitement and sparkle to the classroom, turning birthdays into a blockbuster event.

4. Flower Garden Birthdays

Birthday Board Ideas

Bring the beauty of nature into your classroom with a flower garden-themed birthday board. Design a large, blooming garden where each month is represented by a different type of flower. Students’ names and birthdates can be written on the petals of these flowers, creating a personalized and colorful display. Arrange the flowers in a garden layout, adding green leaves, stems, and even butterflies or bees for extra charm. This display not only celebrates individual birthdays but also creates a serene and inviting environment in the classroom. The flower garden theme symbolizes growth and new beginnings, making it a fitting tribute to each student’s special day.

5. Botanical Theme

Birthday Board Ideas

Embrace the tranquility and beauty of nature with a botanical-themed birthday board. Use pots and plants as the central motif, with each pot representing a different month. Students’ names and birthdates can be written on leaves or flowers attached to the corresponding pots. Arrange these botanical elements in a way that mimics a lush garden or greenhouse, complete with vines, branches, and even small garden creatures. This theme creates a calm and natural atmosphere in the classroom, celebrating birthdays in a serene and aesthetically pleasing manner. The botanical theme not only highlights the uniqueness of each student but also promotes a sense of growth and nurturing, aligning beautifully with the educational environment.

6. Speckled Pastel Chart

Birthday Board Ideas

Create a serene and visually appealing birthday display with a speckled pastel chart. Use soft, pastel colors to create a soothing background, and divide the chart into sections for each month. Each student adds their name and birthdate in a designated area, using matching pastel-colored markers or labels. The gentle hues create a calming atmosphere in the classroom, making the chart a beautiful focal point. This approach not only celebrates each student’s special day but also contributes to a peaceful and aesthetically pleasing classroom environment, perfect for promoting a positive learning space.

7. Editable Birthday Boards

Birthday Board Ideas

Introduce a versatile and interactive element to your classroom with editable birthday boards. Provide a customizable template that allows for personal touches. Students can decorate and personalize their birthday spots with their names, birthdates, and unique designs or drawings. This collaborative project encourages creativity and ownership, as each student gets to contribute to the display. The editable nature of the board means it can be updated and refreshed throughout the year, keeping it dynamic and engaging. This personalized approach makes birthdays feel extra special and fosters a sense of community and involvement among the students.

8. Birthday Beasts Display

Birthday Board Ideas

Add a touch of whimsy and fun to your classroom with a birthday beasts display. Choose a different mythical creature or beast to represent each month, creating a fantastical and engaging theme. Students can select their favorite beast for their birth month and add their names to the display. These playful and imaginative characters make the birthday board exciting and intriguing, capturing the students’ interest. This theme not only makes birthdays fun but also sparks creativity and storytelling, as students can invent backstories and adventures for their chosen beasts, adding an extra layer of engagement to the celebration.

9. Birthday Candle Labels

Birthday Board Ideas

Design a bright and festive birthday display with large candle cutouts for each month. Each candle can be decorated with colorful patterns and designs, making them visually striking. Students add their names to the flames or candle bodies, creating a personalized touch. This theme symbolizes the light and joy that birthdays bring, and the vibrant display adds warmth and cheer to the classroom. The birthday candle labels make each student feel special and celebrated, and the overall effect is a lively and joyful environment that highlights the significance of each child’s special day.

10. Birthday Bubbles

Birthday Board Ideas

Create a playful and bubbly birthday display with a bubble-themed board. Design large bubbles for each month and attach smaller bubbles with students’ names and birthdates. This interactive and dynamic display captures the fun and excitement of birthdays. The use of bubbles adds a whimsical and light-hearted touch to the classroom decor, making it an inviting and joyful space. The birthday bubbles not only celebrate each student individually but also create a sense of anticipation and excitement as students look forward to seeing their names floating in the bubbles, making every birthday a moment to remember.

11. Crayon Birthday Display

Brighten up your classroom with a crayon-themed birthday display that brings a pop of color and creativity. Design large crayon cutouts for each month, and arrange them in a vibrant, eye-catching manner. Each student can write their name and birthdate on the crayon that corresponds to their birth month. This display not only celebrates birthdays but also highlights the diversity and individuality of each student, represented by the different colors. The crayon theme ties in perfectly with the school environment, fostering a sense of belonging and creativity among the students as they see their names proudly displayed in a colorful and artistic way.

12. Hot Air Balloon Display

Birthday Board Ideas

Elevate your classroom birthday celebrations with a whimsical hot air balloon-themed display. Create large hot air balloon cutouts for each month, using bright colors and fun patterns. Beneath each main balloon, add smaller balloons where students can write their names and birthdates. This setup creates a sense of adventure and excitement, as students feel like they’re soaring high on their special day. The hot air balloon theme not only makes the birthday board visually appealing but also inspires imagination and a sense of wonder, making each student’s birthday a memorable event.

13. Buzzy Bee Birthdays

Birthday Board Ideas

Bring a buzz of excitement to your classroom with a beehive-themed birthday board. Design a large beehive for each month, creating a warm and inviting display. Students can write their names on bee cutouts and place them buzzing around their birth month’s hive. This theme adds a touch of nature and playfulness to the classroom, promoting a sense of community as students see their names grouped together like a busy bee colony. The beehive theme also symbolizes hard work and collaboration, reinforcing positive values while celebrating each student’s special day.

14. Superhero Theme

Birthday Board Ideas

Turn your classroom into a haven of heroes with a superhero-themed birthday display. Each month is represented by a different superhero, complete with capes, masks, and emblems. Students can add their names and birthdates to the superhero’s cape or emblem, making them feel like they have their own superpowers on their birthday. This theme is perfect for inspiring confidence and excitement, as students look forward to joining their favorite superhero team. The superhero birthday board not only celebrates individuality but also encourages a sense of adventure and empowerment among the students.

Related: Creative Summer Bulletin Board Ideas

Final thoughts

I hope you have found these birthday board ideas both inspiring and practical for your classroom. Celebrating students’ birthdays with these creative and engaging displays can significantly enhance their sense of belonging and make them feel valued.

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Meet Med Kharbach, PhD

Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational technology landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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110+ Romantic Birthday Wishes for Your Wife

Go with a romantic message or funny quote for her special day.

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However, even if you are bursting with the utmost love and respect, it can be hard to find the perfect way to express those sentiments to the woman you share your life with, which is why we’ve compiled a list of heartfelt birthday wishes for your wife. From short and sweet sayings to romantic song lyrics and quotes from your favorite public figures, you'll find all sorts of inspiration here. No matter how you share these birthday wishes, whether that be written inside a birthday card , sent as a sentimental text or posted on social media as a sweet Instagram caption , your wife is guaranteed to light up with a huge smile.

short and simple birthday wishes for your wife

Short and Simple Birthday Wishes for Your Wife

  • Happy birthday, sweetie! I love you.
  • Happy cake day, babe!
  • Happy birthday to my beautiful, better half.
  • To my favorite person in the entire world, Happy birthday!
  • You’re always on my mind. Happy birthday, dear.
  • I’m so lucky to be your one and only. Happy birthday.
  • I can’t wait to celebrate with you. Happy birthday!
  • Let the party begin. Happy birthday, to my one true love!
  • You make life sweeter. Happy birthday.
  • You light up my life. Wishing you a wonderful birthday.
  • You’re simply the best! Happy birthday, baby.
  • I love you so much! Happy birthday to the person who knows me best.
  • Happy birthday to the most wonderful wife in the world!
  • You’re the icing to my cake. Happy birthday, honey.
  • Happy birthday to my best friend.
  • Happy cake day, my forever love!
  • Cheers to another year around the sun, sweetheart. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday, my cherished lover.
  • Wishing the best wife in the world a happy birthday.
  • I’m so lucky to do life with you. Happy birthday!
  • You mean so much to me. Happy birthday, baby!
  • I can’t imagine my life without you. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday, to my built-in best friend!
  • Happy birthday, wifey!
  • You’re the best wife anyone could ask for. Happy birthday, babe.
  • Happy birthday to my everything!
  • Wishing you the best birthday ever! I love you.

heartfelt birthday wishes for your wife

Heartfelt Birthday Wishes for Your Wife

  • Nobody makes me smile the way you do. Keep being you, babe. Happy birthday!
  • I will always be your biggest supporter. Happy birthday to the absolute best wife in the world.
  • You light up my life and I’m forever grateful for you. Happy birthday to my beautiful life partner.
  • I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life. Happy birthday, sweetie.
  • I look forward to growing old together. Happy birthday to the love of my life.
  • No one knows me like you, and no one ever will. Happy birthday to my forever lover.
  • A love like ours is rare. I’m so glad our paths crossed on this journey called life. Happy birthday, pumpkin.
  • You are the most thoughtful, intelligent and caring person I know. How lucky am I to call you, my wife? Happy birthday, beautiful!
  • I haven’t stopped smiling from the moment our eyes met. Happy birthday, honey.
  • Wishing the world’s best wife, a wonderful birthday. You deserve everything your heart desires.
  • You’re the sunshine on a cloudy day. You brighten my life and we’re so blessed to have you as my forever companion. Happy birthday, honeybun.
  • You’re the sunshine on a cloudy day. Thank you for always showering me with your love! Happy birthday.
  • No matter what life throws our way, I know I can get through it with you. Happy birthday, to my rock.
  • There’s nothing like sharing my love and life with you. Wishing you the best birthday ever, babe.
  • Today I celebrate the person who brings so much joy to my life. Happy birthday, sugarplum.
  • When times are good and when they’re bad, you’re the best wife I could ever have. Happy birthday!
  • Nothing makes me happier than seeing you smile. Wishing you the best birthday yet!
  • When you blow out your candles and make wishes, I hope that they all come true. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
  • From our first date, I knew that I was going to spend the rest of my life with you. Glad to know I was right. Happy birthday.
  • You’ve always been the most beautiful woman in the world to me. That will never change. Happy birthday, gorgeous.
  • You always have my back and for that I’m forever grateful. Thank you for your unconditional love. Happy birthday!
  • Your beautiful and calming spirit is why I love you so much. Thank you for bringing peace into my life. Happy birthday.
  • We’ve had our ups and downs, but every day we continue to grow in love. Enjoy your special day to the fullest! Happy birthday, honey.
  • I’m so glad you were born. Cheers to another trip around the sun.
  • You stole my heart the moment we met. Happy birthday, to my one and only.
  • You know what I’m thinking before I can utter a single word. Our souls have become one. Happy birthday to my deepest love.
  • You continue to amaze me with your beauty and kindness. Happy birthday to the most wonderful woman I know!
  • I look forward to celebrating countless birthdays with you. Cheers to many more.
  • You make everything better. I hope you know how much you’re loved and cherished. Happy birthday, baby.
  • You light up my life in every single way. I pray that I bring as much joy to your life as you bring to mine. Happy birthday, honey.

romantic birthday wishes for your wife

Romantic Birthday Wishes for Your Wife

  • When the universe brought us together, it was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Wishing you the most wonderful birthday yet.
  • I fall deeper in love with you every day. Your beauty is unmatched and I’m the luckiest person on the planet. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
  • You amaze me in every way possible. Never stop being the gorgeous, confident and sexiest woman that I fell in love with. Happy birthday.
  • You set my heart ablaze the moment I laid eyes on you. That will never change. Enjoy your special day, queen.
  • Nobody on earth can make me feel the way you do. I love you today and always. Happy birthday.
  • Our love grows stronger every day and for that I’m forever grateful. Happy birthday to the best wife in the world.
  • Happy birthday to the sexiest woman to walk the face of the earth.
  • Waking up to you every morning is the best way to start my day. I’m beyond blessed to have you by my side. Happy birthday, sweetie.
  • It might be your birthday, but I feel like it’s mine because I have the best gift: YOU! Have a fantastic birthday, babe.
  • Your body is a wonderland and I love every inch. Wishing you the best birthday yet.
  • I fell in love with your beautiful mind and unmatched compassion — those things are what make you special. Happy birthday, gorgeous.
  • Your beauty intensifies every minute, every hour and every day. Happy birthday to the woman who made me the luckiest man on earth.
  • Nothing can ever break our bond. Our love can overcome anything, and I never take that for granted. Happy birthday, baby.
  • You’re like wine, you just get better with time. Wishing my sexy wife, a wonderful birthday.
  • When I look at you, I see a gorgeous woman who exudes confidence and incredible sex appeal. You’re the best gift a guy could have. Happy birthday!
  • Your style and grace put you in a class all your own. I’m one lucky man. Happy birthday.
  • As you celebrate another trip around the sun, I’m blown away by your undeniable beauty. Happy birthday, pretty girl.
  • Not many people get to experience the kind of love we possess. I know that it will only get stronger as we continue to grow. I love you. Happy birthday!
  • I love you every day, but today I want you to be showered with affection. Your wish is your command. Happy birthday.
  • Wishing the smartest and prettiest woman the best birthday yet!
  • You never cease to amaze me! Your kindness, empathy and compassion are what make you the most special woman I’ve ever known. Happy birthday to my beautiful wife.
  • You’re beautiful inside and out and that’s why I love you so much. Happy birthday, my one and only.
  • Thank you for going through life with me. Waking up to your gorgeous face reminds me of my blessings. Happy birthday to my best friend.
  • Every day I’m reminded that saying “I do” were the best words to ever come out of my mouth. Happy birthday, to my forever love.
  • Happy birthday to the woman who made me the luckiest person on the planet.

funny birthday wishes for your wife

Funny Birthday Wishes for Your Wife

  • Happy birthday to the wife who has the best husband in the world! You are one lucky woman!
  • They say that finding your true love is one of life’s best gifts, so… you’re welcome! Happy birthday!
  • You’re the ketchup to my mustard. Happy birthday, to my favorite girl!
  • For your birthday, I promise to pick up my socks. Happy birthday!
  • Being your spouse is really the only gift you need. Happy birthday!
  • They say the older you get, the wiser you become. Well, I guess at this point you’re one of the wisest people on earth. Happy Birthday, pumpkin!
  • Happy birthday! At least you’re not as old as you will be next year.
  • I knew your party would be lit, but with all these candles we may need to call the fire department! Happy birthday, sweetie.
  • You don’t look a day over 21! That’s of course if I squint and tilt my head sideways. Happy birthday, honey!
  • Let’s party like it’s your birthday! Oh wait, it is! Happy birthday, sweet pea.
  • Statistics show that those who have the most birthdays live the longest. Happy Birthday.
  • I’m really just here for the cake. Oh yeah, happy birthday!
  • I’m looking forward to growing old with you. Oh wait, we’re already there. Happy birthday!
  • Because it’s your birthday, I’ll let you eat the first slice. Happy birthday, buttercup!
  • I guess your birthday wish came true because you have me for a husband!
  • For your birthday I got you a fruit salad. With grapes, a lot of fermented grapes!
  • They say gray hairs symbolize wisdom. I guess you’re the wisest one in the room! Happy birthday, baby.
  • Don’t worry, I brought you the best gift in the world: ME!

matshona dhliwayo

Quotes That Work As Birthday Messages for Your Wife

  • "A virtuous spouse adds years to your life, a wise one adds decades, but a loving one adds an eternity to your life." ― Matshona Dhliwayo
  • "You make loving you easy, You make loving you all I wanna do." — Zac Brown Band
  • "Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife." — Franz Schubert
  • "You've been my inspiration. Through the lies, you were the truth. My world is a better place because of you." — Celine Dion
  • "I am so in love with you that there isn’t anything else." — Ernest Hemingway
  • "Fill my heart with gladness, take away all my sadness, ease my troubles, that's what you do." — Rod Stewart
  • "My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me." — Winston Churchill
  • "Being with you and not being with you is the only way I have to measure time." — Jorge Luis Borges
  • "I'll follow you into the park, through the jungle, through the dark. Girl, I never loved one like you." — Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros
  • "I knew the second I met you that there was something about you I needed. Turns out it wasn’t something about you at all. It was just you." — Jamie McGuire
  • "Like the sun that shines, endlessly it shines. You always will be mine. It's everlasting love." — Carl Carlton

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  • by Melissa Hammam
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Hands up if you’re ready to be dazzled! From a ceremony structure designed to float on water to a jaw-dropping reception room with flowers blooming from every service, we’re swooning over every bit of this wedding. If you can believe it, that’s just the beginning. Julia Kaptelova artfully shot every detail, like the ballet performance guests were treated to and snow falling from the ceiling for the first dance! Prepare to be amazed and take a visit to the full gallery .

creative writing my birthday party

From About You Decor … Our design is a symbol of dawn and a distant endless horizon. Ahead is a long, happy life without any borders. An international couple, Pavel and Cherry, met in London and have been walking together for many years.

creative writing my birthday party

From the Bride, Cherry… My husband and I we decided to have our summer wedding in Moscow because the city is where his roots are. As we knew we were going to have the other wedding ceremony in China, we wanted our Moscow one to be very personal and intimate. We’ve known each other since we were fourteen, together with many of our friends whom we’ve also known for a decade.

creative writing my birthday party

I didn’t want to walk down the aisle twice so the plausibility of my request quickly came into discussion. The open pontoon stage was constructed in order to facilitate the bridal entrance on water, although there were concerns about safety as the last thing we wanted was probably a drowned bride before she could get on stage, picture that! I have to say on that day it wasn’t easy to get on the pontoon stage from the boat, in my long gown and high heels. Luckily my bridesmaids still noticed even though they stood the furthest from me on the stage, and helped me out without prior rehearsal. My girls could just tell whenever I needed a hand or maybe they were just so used to my clumsiness. Who knows 😂

We all love our photographer Julia! She’s so talented and her style is so unique. Our beloved host Alex is exceptional who made everyone laugh and cry. It was truly a blessing to have so many kind and beautiful souls on our big day. Thank you all!

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Photography: Julia Kaptelova Photography | Wedding Planner: Caramel | Cake: Any Cake | Invitations: Inviteria | Rings: Harry Winston | Band: Menhouzen | Grooms attire: Ermenegildo Zegna | Wedding Venue: Elizaveta Panichkina | Bridesmaids’ dresses: Marchesa | Bridesmaids’ dresses: Alice McCall | Bride’s gown : Jaton Couture | Bride’s shoes: Manolo Blahnik | Decor : About you decor | Earrings: Damiani | Muah: Khvanaco Studio | Video: Artem Korchagin

More Princess-Worthy Ballgowns

creative writing my birthday party

I’m still not convinced this Moscow wedding, captured to perfection by  Sonya Khegay , isn’t actually an inspiration session—it’s just  that breathtaking. From the beautiful Bride’s gorgeous lace wedding dress and flawless hair and makeup to the pretty pastel color palette and stunning ceremony and reception spaces, this wedding is almost too good to be true. Do yourself a favor and see it all in The Vault now!

creative writing my birthday party

From Sonya Khegay … It was the last day of April and still very cold in the morning. The weather forecast wasn’t pleasing and no one expected that the sun would come out, but miracles happen and light rain gave way to the warm rays.

I love how all the details went together, you could feel the harmony in everything throughout the entire wedding day from the morning until the fireworks.

A gentle look of the bride, elegant but so airy and unique decor, the fresh and light atmosphere of early spring and, of course, true happiness in the eyes. My heart becomes so warm from these memories, it is always a pleasure to see the birth of a new family of two loving hearts.

Photography: Sonya Khegay | Event Design: Latte Decor | Event Planning: Ajur Wedding | Floral Design: Blush Petals | Wedding Dress: La Sposa | Stationery: Special Invite | Bride's Shoes: Gianvito Rossi | Hair + Makeup: Natalie Yastrebova | Venue: Rodniki Hotel

  • by Elizabeth Greene

You really can’t go wrong with simple: a beautiful Bride , perfectly pretty petals , loved ones all around. But add in an amazing firework show  to cap off the night and simple just became downright extraordinary. Captured by Lena Elisseva , with assistance by  Katya Butenko , this rustic Russian celebration is simply fantastic. See it all in the Vault right here !

creative writing my birthday party

From Lena Eliseeva Photo …  This cozy and warm summer wedding of gorgeous Natalia and Anton was in the middle of June. The young couple decided to organize their wedding themselves, and the day was very personal and touching. I am absolutely in love with rustic outdoor weddings, and this one is my favourite because of the free and easy atmosphere.

All the decor excluding the bride’s bouquet was made by a team of ten friends of the bride and groom. And it was charming – a light and beautiful arch, eco-style polygraphy and succulents, candy-bar with caramel apples and berries – sweet joys of summer.

At the end of ceremony the guests tossed up white handkerchiefs embroidered by Natalia’s own hands.

The most touching moment was the happy eyes of the groom’s grandmother, the most estimable person on the wedding. And the fireworks were a bright end to that beautiful day.

creative writing my birthday party

Photography: LENA ELISEEVA PHOTO | Floral Design: Katerina Kazakova | Hair And Makeup: Svetlana Fischeva | Photography - Assistance: Katya Butenko

These photos from Lena Kozhina are so stunningly beautiful – as in you can’t help but stop and stare – it’s hard to believe it’s real life. But these pics are proof of this gorgeous Bride and her handsome Groom’s celebration at Moscow’s Fox Lodge , surrounded by vibrant colors and breathtaking blooms . Oh, and the idea of prepping for your Big Day outside in the sun ? Brilliant. See more bright ideas right here !

creative writing my birthday party

From Lena Kozhina … When we met with the couple for the first time, we immediately paid attention to Dima’s behavior towards Julia. There was a feeling of tenderness and awe, and we immediately wanted to recreate this atmosphere of love, care and warmth on their Big Day.

Later, when we had chosen a green meadow and an uncovered pavilion overlooking a lake as the project site, it only highlighted a light summer mood with colorful florals and a great number of natural woods. The name of the site is Fox Lodge and peach-orange color, as one of the Bride’s favorites, set the tone for the whole design – from the invitations, in which we used images of fox cubs to elements of serving guest tables and other decorative elements with the corresponding bright accents.

Photography: Lena Kozhina | Event Planning: Ajur Wedding | Wedding Dress: Rosa Clara | Shoes: Marc Jacobs | Catering: Fox Lodge | Makeup Artist: Elena Otrembskaya | Wedding Venue: Fox Lodge | Cake and Desserts: Yumbaker | Decor: Latte Decor

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creative writing my birthday party

Kids and adults gathered at the Memorial Day parade to honor and celebrate veterans in South Portland. Sofia Aldinio/ Staff Photographer

BATH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at 200 Congress Ave. and concludes at Library Park and will be followed by a wreath-laying service at 11 a.m.

BERWICK 11 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at Berwick Town Hall/Sullivan Square and proceeds to Lord’s Cemetery by way of Wilson and Allen streets. After a ceremony there, the parade will continue down Saw Mill Hill Street with a pause at the Somersworth-Berwick Bridge for a brief memorial service for those lost at sea. The parade ends at Sullivan Square with a memorial service honoring area veterans.

BIDDEFORD-SACO Opening ceremony at 9:55 a.m. Monday at Saco City Hall. Parade starts at 10 a.m. from Saco City Hall and proceeds along Main Street and down York Hill into Biddeford, continues along Main Street, onto Alfred Street and finishes at Veteran’s Memorial Park with a closing ceremony at 10:45 a.m.

BRUNSWICK-TOPSHAM 9 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds from Topsham Town Hall, pauses for observances while crossing the Brunswick-Topsham bridge and concludes at the Brunswick Mall.

CAPE ELIZABETH 9 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at the middle school parking lot, turns right on Scott Dyer Road, right onto Route 77 and ends at the village green adjacent to the town hall. A brief ceremony and laying of the wreath will be held at the Village Green after the parade.

CUMBERLAND 8 a.m. Monday. Kids run at Greely High School followed by 5K Run and Remember race at 8:30 a.m. Parade starts at 10 a.m. at Mabel I. Wilson School and ends at the veterans’ monument in Moss Side Cemetery in Cumberland Center, where a ceremony will be held at 10:30 a.m. Advertisement

FALMOUTH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds from 65 Depot Road (Falmouth American Legion) to Pine Grove Park, where a ceremony will be held.

FREEPORT 9:30 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds from Holbrook Street, heads north on Main and makes a right onto School Street, then right onto Park Street, ending in Memorial Park. There will be a small ceremony in the Memorial Park starting at 10 a.m.

GORHAM 11 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Village School (12 Robie St.) and ends at Eastern Cemetery on Johnson Road.

GRAY 11:30 a.m. Monday. Parade leaves the Russell School (8 Gray Park), proceeds to Shaker Road and continues to the Soldiers Monument at the intersection of Routes 26 and 3 for a wreath-laying ceremony. Parade continues north to the American Legion Post (15 Lewiston Road) for a closing ceremony.

LYMAN 1 p.m. Monday. Parade starts at Waterhouse Road/Mill Pond in Goodwins Mills and ends at the Lyman Town Hall on South Waterboro Road.

NEW GLOUCESTER 9 a.m. Monday. Parade leaves from Memorial Elementary School (86 Intervale Road) and heads down Intervale Road to Route 100/202 to Veterans Park for a memorial service. The parade will reconvene and go down Peacock Hill Road, then take a left on Gilmore Road. Advertisement

OLD ORCHARD BEACH 1 p.m. Monday. Parade starts at the corner of Ballpark Way and E. Emerson Cumming Boulevard and proceeds down Saco Avenue, Old Orchard Beach Street to First Street and ends at Veteran’s Memorial Park.

PORTLAND 2 p.m. Monday. The procession starts at Longfellow School (432 Stevens Ave.) and ends at Evergreen Cemetery for a commemoration ceremony.

SANFORD 10 a.m. Monday. The parade starts at the Sanford Armory (88 William Oscar Emery Drive), proceeds up Gowen Park Drive and ends at Central Park.

SCARBOROUGH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Scarborough High School, turns onto Route 114 and then Route 1, past town offices to the Maine Veterans Home and concludes with a ceremony there.

SOUTH PORTLAND 10:30 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Southern Maine Community College parking lot, proceeds down Broadway to the Veterans Monument for a short Memorial Day recognition service.

WELLS 9 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Wells High School (200 Sanford Road) and proceeds to Ocean View Cemetery for a ceremony and musical performances. Advertisement

WESTBROOK 10 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds down Main Street and will be followed by a ceremony in Riverbank Park.

WINDHAM 9 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Windham Town Hall and proceeds onto Route 202 towards Windham High School. At 10 a.m., there will be a ceremony in front of Windham’s Veterans Memorial Flagpole at Windham High School.

YARMOUTH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade leaves from Yarmouth High School (286 West Elm St.) and proceeds to the Memorial Green at Town Hall for a ceremony.

YORK 10 a.m. Monday. Parade starts near St. Christopher’s Church (4 Barrell Lane) and proceeds down York Street to York Town Hall.

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