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NPTEL Artificial Intelligence Course Certification Experience

Embarking on the NPTEL course “An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” was a pivotal moment in my academic journey. As an aspiring AI specialist, acquiring a robust foundation in AI concepts is critical, and this 12-week course provided me with exactly that. The journey culminated in a final certification exam, where I was thrilled to achieve an overall score of 52, earning me the Completion Certificate from NPTEL.

Preparation Phase:

I enrolled in the course in the middle of December 2022, with classes beginning in January 2023. To get a head start, I previewed the course content available on YouTube, which included around 98 videos.

Starting from January 2023, NPTEL would unlock each week’s lectures gradually. I maintained a notebook from the start, diligently taking notes for future reference. Understanding the importance of the weekly assignments, I dedicated myself to completing them thoroughly, knowing that the top 8 would significantly impact my final score. Additionally, I used online resources like GeeksforGeeks to supplement my learning and clarify complex concepts. I attended the Online Live Doubt sessions from NPTEL every Saturday to get my doubts cleared.

Weekly Course Structure:

The course was meticulously structured into weekly modules, each focusing on a different aspect of artificial intelligence:

Week 1: Introduction to the Philosophy of AI and Various Definitions

I explored the foundational concepts and philosophical underpinnings of artificial intelligence. This week provided a comprehensive understanding of what AI is and its different definitions. It set the stage for delving into more complex topics.

Week 2: Modeling a Problem as a Search Problem and Uninformed Search Techniques

I learned how to conceptualize real-world problems as search problems, laying the groundwork for AI problem-solving strategies. The focus was on uninformed search techniques such as breadth-first search and depth-first search. This week emphasized the importance of systematic exploration of problem spaces.

Week 3: Heuristic Search and Domain Relaxations

I was introduced to Heuristic search methods in this week, enhancing problem-solving efficiency by using domain-specific knowledge. I studied techniques like A* search, which balance path cost and heuristic information. This week highlighted the role of heuristics in optimizing search processes.

Week 4: Local Search and Genetic Algorithms

In this week, I covered local search methods, including hill-climbing and simulated annealing, for optimization problems. I also delved into genetic algorithms, learning how evolution-inspired techniques can solve complex problems. Practical applications demonstrated how these algorithms work in real-world scenarios.

Week 5: Adversarial Search

Adversarial search, crucial for competitive environments like games, was the focus this week. I studied the minimax algorithm and its enhancements like alpha-beta pruning. These techniques are fundamental for developing intelligent agents that can strategize against opponents.

Week 6: Constraint Satisfaction

I explored the Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs), teaching me how to solve problems defined by constraints on variables. Techniques such as backtracking, forward checking, and constraint propagation were covered. This week also provided me the insights into solving puzzles and scheduling tasks using CSPs.

Week 7: Propositional Logic and Satisfiability

I learned Propositional logic, a core AI topic, which was the focus this week, including its syntax and semantics. I also learned about satisfiability (SAT) problems and algorithms for determining logical consistency. This week laid the groundwork for understanding logical reasoning in AI.

Week 8: Uncertainty in AI and Bayesian Networks

I delved into handling uncertainty in AI, a crucial aspect of real-world decision-making. Bayesian networks were introduced as tools for representing and reasoning under uncertainty. This week emphasized probabilistic models and their applications in AI.

Week 9: Bayesian Networks Learning and Inference, Decision Theory

I revised previous week’s notes as a prerequisite for this week, I learned about algorithms for learning Bayesian networks from data and performing inference. Decision theory concepts were introduced, focusing on making optimal choices under uncertainty. This week bridged probabilistic reasoning with decision-making.

Week 10: Markov Decision Processes

Markov decision processes (MDPs) were the highlight, teaching me how to model decision-making in stochastic environments. I studied the components of MDPs, including states, actions, and rewards, and learned about value iteration and policy iteration. These concepts are fundamental for reinforcement learning.

Week 11: Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning, a key area in AI, was the focus this week. I explored how agents learn to make decisions by interacting with their environment, using techniques like Q-learning and policy gradients. This week provided practical insights into developing adaptive and intelligent systems.

Week 12: Introduction to Deep Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning

The final week introduced deep learning, emphasizing neural networks and their applications in AI. I also learned about deep reinforcement learning, combining deep learning with reinforcement learning principles. This week provided a glimpse into cutting-edge AI techniques and their future potential. I was surprised to know about the huge potential AI has to change the world!

The Exam Day:

29th April, 2023, was the D-Day marked on my calendar with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The admit card was in hand, and the examination venue was selected with care. The three-hour exam consisted of 65 questions, blending assignment-based problems and conceptual queries. Here, there were mixed type of Questions ranging from 1 to 2 Marks. This exam required more caution as it had Multiple correct answer Questions and if you missed any, Partial marking was awarded. The strict invigilation at the center ensured a fair testing environment.

Exam Experience:

Despite facing some challenging questions, I approached each with determination, drawing on the solid foundation built through weekly assignments and intensive preparation. The best part was there was no Negative Marking, so you can make a guess for some questions. Completing the exam was a moment of triumph, knowing that regardless of the results, I had gained invaluable knowledge and skills.

My 12 Week Course Experience:

From the very first week, I was genuinely excited about diving into the world of artificial intelligence. The initial lectures on the philosophy of AI and its definitions sparked my curiosity and set the tone for the entire course. As each week unfolded, I found myself eagerly anticipating the new concepts and techniques that were to be introduced.

One of the most rewarding aspects of the course was the structured approach to complex topics. Each week built upon the last, and this gradual progression helped me grasp intricate subjects like heuristic search, Bayesian networks, and reinforcement learning without feeling overwhelmed. The weekly assignments were particularly beneficial as they reinforced what I had learned and provided a practical application that solidified my understanding.

There were moments of challenge, of course. Some concepts, especially those related to genetic algorithms and Markov decision processes, required extra effort and multiple revisits. However, overcoming these challenges was incredibly satisfying. The support from the NPTEL community and additional resources like GeeksforGeeks made a significant difference during these tougher weeks.

Completing the course was a moment of pride for me. Receiving the completion certificate with an overall score of 52 was a testament to my hard work and perseverance. More importantly, the course instilled a deep appreciation for the field of artificial intelligence and a strong foundation that I can build upon as I continue my academic and professional journey.

All in all, this course has been a transformative experience, fueling my passion for AI and equipping me with the essential skills to explore this fascinating domain further.

Criteria to get a NPTEL Course Completion Certificate:

Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.

Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

Reflecting on my journey through the NPTEL course “An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence,” I am grateful for the experience. It has not only solidified my foundation in AI but also prepared me for future endeavors in the field. The knowledge and skills gained are invaluable, and regardless of the final outcome, I feel more equipped and confident in my academic and professional pursuits.

Enroll in this course if you can, I am sure you won’t regret it!

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GEC Lakhisarai

NPTEL An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Week 12 Assignment Answers 2024

1. Choose the CORRECT statement(s) –

  • According to the Universality Theorem, we need at least 2 hidden layers to represent any continuous function to arbitrary closeness.
  • With large training datasets, SGD converges faster compared to Batch Gradient Descent
  • tanh is simply a scaled linear transformation of the sigmoid function.
  • A 2-layer perceptron with a step activation function can represent XOR.

2. What is the value of ∂L/∂y?

3. What is the value of ∂L/∂w 1  ?

4. Now, suppose that we have a 2 x 3 matrix M, and we use 2×2 average pooling with stride 1 to get x = [x1, x2]. What is ∂L/∂M12 ? (M12 is the element of M in the 1st row and 2nd column). Assume w1 = 0.5 and w2 = 1.

5. Suppose we use a neural network to classify images of handwritten digits (0-9). Which of the following activation functions is most suitable at the output layer?

6. Consider the following perceptron unit which takes two boolean (0/1) variables x and y as input and computes the boolean variable z according to the following function. Here w1 is the weight corresponding to x and w2 is the weight corresponding to y, T is the threshold of the perceptron.

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NPTEL An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Assignment 6 Answers 2022

  • by QuizXp Team
  • March 4, 2022 March 14, 2022

NPTEL An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Assignment 6

Are you looking for the Answers to NPTEL An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Assignment 6 – IIT Delhi? This article will help you with the answer to the  Nation al Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning  ( NPTEL )  Course “ NPTEL An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Assignment 6 “

What is An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence?

An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence by IIT Delhi course introduces the variety of concepts in the field of artificial intelligence. It discusses the philosophy of AI, and how to model a new problem as an AI problem. It describes a variety of models such as search, logic, Bayes nets, and MDPs, which can be used to model a new problem. It also teaches many first algorithms to solve each formulation. The course prepares a student to take a variety of focused, advanced courses in various subfields of AI.


Average assignment score = 25% of the average of best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course. Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

artificial intelligence nptel assignment answers

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF THE AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

Below you can find the answers for NPTEL An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Assignment 6

NPTEL An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Assignment 6 Answers:-

Q1. Mona is performing a backtracking search for solving CSPs. At each step, she is unable to decide which variable to assign next. Which of the following methods would you recommend to her to speed up the search? \

  • Randomly select a variable from remaining choices 
  • Choose the variable with the fewest legal values remaining 
  • Choose the variable with the most number of legal values remaining 
  • Choose the variable with the most constraints on remaining variables

Answer:-  b,c,d

Q2. Select the correct options regarding forward consistency check.

Answer: a,c

Q3. Which of the following options are not correct?

Answer: a,c,d

Q4. Consider the following cryptarithmetic problem where TWO and FOUR are three and four digit numbers respectively. Which of the following constraint(s) is/are correct for modeling this problem? Assume that X 1 , X 2  & X 3  are carry overs resulting from the additions at the unit, tens and the hundreds place. Also, all digits are distinct.

Answer: a,b,c

Q5. Bennet wishes to perform a graph coloring problem (with four colors) on a map of Australia. He is given the following map of Australia and to help him, his friend Fischl has already performed some steps of a Backtracking CSP. Following the Minimum Remaining Values Heuristic with Degree Heuristic used as Tie Breaking, which variable(state) would be assigned next?

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Q6. In the following 2 problems, our goal is to assign numbers from 1 to 8 to each node in the given undirected graph such that no two nodes have the same assigned number and no two neighboring nodes have consecutive values.

Answer:-  not sure but will update before the deadline or if you know let us know on our telegram channel Telegram

Q7. What value would be assigned after the one in the 6th question? If you think the answer is the variable C would be assigned 4, then type: C,4

Answer: not sure but will update before the deadline or if you know let us know on our telegram channel Telegram

Q8. Which of the following are true for iterative min-conflicts?

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Q9. Mention the worst-case time complexity for solving a CSP with S variables where the domain of each variable has a size of V?

Q10. Which of the f

Answer:- a,b,c

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Disclaimer: We do not claim 100% surety of answers, these answers are based on our sole knowledge, and by posting these answers we are just trying to help students, so we urge do your assignment on your own.

if you have any suggestions then comment below or contact us at  [email protected]

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NPTEL An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Assignment 6 Answers 2022:- All the Answers provided here to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge.



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