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15 Best Learning Activities for Your 3 Year Old Preschooler

Child playing with wooden blocks

5 Fun Developmental Activities for 3-Year-Olds

5 indoor activities for 3-year-olds, 5 engaging art activities for 3-year-olds, how educational activities transform kids’ lives.

Toddlers are very active and always on the go! As a parent, it can be tough to keep up with their energy levels. However, it’s important to find ways to keep your toddler occupied and engaged and learning!

Here are 15 activities for 3-year-olds that are both fun and educational:

A screenshot of the online phonics game

1. Recognizing Letters and Sounds

Learning activities for 3-year-olds are most fun when they are dressed up as family games, pretend plays, or become parts of our daily activities and observations. Recognizing letters and their sounds is one such activity that can be done in several ways.

Things you need:

A whiteboard or chalkboard, some colored markers or chalk. You can also use letter cards, board games, or online games for kids .

How to play:

You can play games where you write a letter on the board and teach your child to read it. Preschoolers can start learning both uppercase and lowercase letters . If they get it right, give them a point. If not, give them a clue and let them try again.

You can also play the “sound it out” game. Write a letter on the board and ask your child to make the sound it makes. Again, if they get it right, give them a point. If not, give them a clue and let them try again.

Pointing to letters written somewhere as you go about your day—a cereal box, a signboard, a magazine, etc.—is also an easy activity to help your child learn to read them. Children can also trace letters with their fingers on the sand, match uppercase and lowercase letters, erase letters on a chalkboard, etc. 

If you are busy, play some alphabet songs for your toddler to dance or let them play some online English games .

Skills your preschooler will learn:

Letter recognition, phonemic awareness, letter sounds

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2. Reading with Your Child

Reading books with your child is one of the best things you can do for their development. Not only does it improve language skills, but it also helps them learn sight words, develop their imagination, and understand the world around them.

Books that are appropriate for your child’s age and interests, such as picture books, easy readers, etc.

Sit down with your child and read a book together. You can take turns reading the pages or have your child read the whole book to you.

Books for toddlers should be short and have many pictures supporting the story. This will help keep their attention span, and they will be more likely to understand the concepts in the book.

Read word by word, pointing to each word with your finger, and ask inferential questions based on how, why, what, when, and where to encourage the thinking skills in kids .

Language skills, sight words , attention span, comprehension, memory, imagination

3. Making Up Stories

Children love to listen to and tell stories, and this is an activity that can be done anywhere, anytime. It’s the perfect thing to do in a car while traveling, at bedtime, or even while waiting in line at the grocery store.

None! Just your child’s imagination

Have your child make up a story, either on their own or with your help. Encourage them to use their imagination and be as creative as they want. If they get stuck, you can prompt them with questions or ideas. You may also correct their grammar along the way, but it’s important to let them be creative and have fun with this activity.

If your child is stumped, set an example by asking them for three or four words and make a story that uses all of them. For instance, if they give you the words “cat,” “green,” “ball,” and “tree,” you could make up a story about a green cat that climbs a tree to fetch a ball.

Eventually, you can give words to your child and have them make up a story using those words.

Creativity, imagination, storytelling, communication

4. Playing a Number Game

Offline and online, math can be fun for kids if it’s taught interactively and creatively. Playing the number sense games is one such activity that will help your child learn numbers, counting, and basic arithmetic operations in a fun and engaging way.

A whiteboard or a chalkboard, some colored markers or chalk. You can also use games focusing on numbers and counting, such as board games, card games, etc. Online math games are also available.

There are many games that you can play with your child to help him learn numbers and math concepts. One such game is the “guess the number” game. Write down a number between 1 and 10 on the board, and ask your child to guess it. If he gets it right, give him a point. If not, give him a clue and let him have another try.

You can also play the “greater than or less than” game. Write down two numbers on the board, such as 3 and 5, and ask your child which number is greater. If he gets it right, give him a point. If not, give him a clue and let him try again.

Numbers , counting , and basic arithmetic operations include addition , subtraction , multiplication , and division .

5. Sorting Activities

Sorting is a fun activity that helps children learn about different attributes such as size, shape, color, etc. It also helps them develop problem-solving skills.

Various objects can be sorted according to size, shape, color, etc. You can use blocks, balls, toy cars, berries, buttons, etc.

Let your child choose a few objects and ask him to sort them according to size, shape, color, etc. For example, they can sort blocks by size or toy cars by color. As they sort the objects, help them identify the attribute they use for sorting.

Sorting, categorizing, and problem-solving.

Check out the best sensory activities for 3-year-olds you can try!

A little girl drawing something

One of the favorite preschool activities for 3-year-olds is drawing. At this point, the artistic skills of a child are not really important. Drawing is a fun activity for toddlers to express themselves, work on their fine motor skills, and have fun!

Paper, crayons, markers, colored pencils

Sit with your child and encourage them to draw whatever comes to mind. You can also give some drawing ideas to kids , such as “Draw a picture of your family,” “Draw a picture of your favorite animal,” etc. You may make a drawing and ask your child to trace it or copy it.

Creativity, fine motor skills, imagination, attention span

7. Building with Blocks

One of the easy, no-mess activities for 3-year-olds at home is to let them build with blocks. It is amazing how much fun and creative they can be with this simple activity.

Blocks are also a great way for children to learn about shapes, sizes, colors, and patterns.

Blocks of various shapes and sizes

Let your child play with the blocks freely or give him or her some challenges, such as “build a tower as tall as you can,” “make a house for your favorite stuffed toy,” etc.

Creativity, imagination, problem-solving, eye-hand coordination, shapes, colors, patterns

8. Paper Cutting with Safety Scissors

Children feel empowered with a tool in their hands. And they are so proud of themselves when they can cut the paper!

Paper, safety scissors, craft supplies like pom poms, googly eyes (optional)

Give your child a piece of paper and let him or her cut it any way they want. If you like, you can also give some challenges, such as “cut out a circle,” “make a snowflake,” etc. You can help your child decorate the cutouts with craft supplies if desired.

Fine motor skills, creativity, imagination, attention span

*Please note that only safety scissors should be used for this activity. Regular scissors are too sharp for little ones.*

9. Doing Daily Chores

You’ll be surprised at all the things your toddlers can do if only you let them try. Giving them some simple chores to do not only helps them learn some valuable life skills but also makes kids feel proud and accomplished.

Chores that are appropriate for your child’s age and abilities, such as making their bed, dusting furniture, setting the table, etc.

Choose a chore that you would like your child to help with. Then, show them how to do it and let them try it themselves. Some of the chores that a 3-year-old can do may require some assistance or supervision, but it’s important to let them explore their capabilities and try new things.

A toddler can easily be overwhelmed with too many chores, so it’s important to start small. Choose one or two simple tasks that you know your child can handle. As they get older and more capable, you can give them more chores to do. Remember to praise them for a job well done!

Daily living skills, responsibility, independence, pride, satisfaction

10. Role-playing

What’s funnier than seeing a tiny toddler acting like a fat aunt or an old grandpa? Role-plays are one of the best activities for 3-year-olds as they help them learn about different emotions, people, and situations.

None! Just your child’s imagination. A few props like a walking stick, a hat, a lady’s purse, or a wig could come in handy to help set the scene.

Have your child choose a character that he or she would like to play. It could be anyone—a family member, a friend, a cartoon character, an animal, etc. Then, encourage them to act out the part. They can speak differently, use props, and do whatever they want to bring the character to life. Children learn to observe people around them and understand their emotions in this way.

Creativity, imagination, emotional intelligence, communication, problem-solving

Check out the best outdoor activities for 3-year-olds here!

A little girl wearing an astronaut costume

11. Playing Dress Up

Dress-up games are not gender-specific. Most children love them! This activity helps 3-year-olds use their imagination, learn about social norms and roles, and have lots of fun!

Old clothes, hats, scarves, jewelry, etc., can be used as dress-up items. You can also use old sheets or towels to make capes or skirts. You can also use actual costumes if you have them.

Let your child choose what they want to be, and then help them get dressed in the appropriate clothing. If you like, you can also act out a play or story together with your child in their new costume.

Creativity, imagination, role-playing, problem-solving

12. Making Music with Household Items

This is one of the fun activities for 3-year-olds that can be done with items that you already have around the house. It’s a great way to introduce your child to music and help them develop a sense of rhythm.

Household items that can be used as musical instruments, such as pots and pans, plastic containers, wooden spoons, etc. You can also use actual musical instruments if you have them.

Let your child choose what he or she wants to use as an instrument. Then, encourage them to make music with it however they want. You can also sing along or dance to the music!

Music skills, sense of rhythm, gross motor skills, creativity, imagination

13. Making Art with Thumb , Hand, or Foot Impressions

Most toddlers do not know how to go about making an art piece. But they love to play a role in helping make one! This activity allows them to do just that, resulting in a beautiful piece of art that you can hang on your fridge or wall.

Non-toxic paint, paper, and something to use as a stamp (such as potato, carrot, or eraser)

Let your child choose what paint color he or she wants to use. Then, help them make a thumbprint, handprint, or footprint on the paper. You can also make patterns with stamps by carving a shape into a potato, carrot, or eraser. Once the paint is dry, you can hang up the artwork!

Creativity, imagination, fine motor skills, color recognition

14. Creating a Collage

A collage is a great way for toddlers to express their creativity. They can make amazing birthday cards with photo collages, make wall-hanging art, or have fun tearing up paper and gluing it back together!

Paper, safety scissors, glue, and any other materials you want to use for the collage (such as tissue paper, construction paper, feathers, buttons, ribbons, etc.)

Let your child choose what they want to use for their collage. Then, help them cut out the paper or other materials into small pieces. Once they have a good pile of pieces, they can glue them down onto another piece of paper. You can help them with this if needed.

Creativity, imagination, fine motor skills, color recognition, pattern-making

15. Drawing with Chalk on the Sidewalk

If you live in a safe neighborhood, your children can display their artistic skills outside the home by drawing with chalk on the sidewalk or driveway. This activity is great for gross motor skills and allows you to teach your child about shapes, colors, and patterns.

Chalk in various colors

Let your child choose what color of chalk he or she wants to use. Then, help them draw a picture or make patterns on the sidewalk. You can also join in and create your own chalk masterpiece!

Educate children about different cultures where making art to decorate entrance gates and doorways is a tradition. Indians make rangoli, Chinese make a dragon or zodiac animal drawings, while in the Philippines, it is common to see people painting on bamboo mats called banig . In this way, you can introduce your toddlers to other cultures.

Creativity, imagination, gross motor skills, shapes, colors, pattern-making

Happy girl on a trampoline in the park

A study on Chinese children found that organized extracurricular activities (EAs) are strongly associated with early reading, math, and social skills. Another study indicated that the involvement of parents in preschool children’s learning activities at home during the COVID-19 pandemic was beneficial to kids’ learning behavior and emotional health. 

These studies seem to suggest that any activity that encourages learning, socialization, and creativity would benefit our little ones and shape them into more confident, woke, and aware individuals. 

Some benefits of educational activities for 3-year-olds are:

  • They help develop cognitive skills, including problem-solving, memory, and attention span.
  • EAs also nurture social skills such as cooperation, empathy, and communication.
  • These activities can also boost self-esteem and confidence in children.
  • Fun and educational activities are also great for developing gross and fine motor skills.

So go ahead and try out some educational activities with your 3-year-old today! You might just be surprised at how much they enjoy it—and how much they learn from it too.

Explore more online educational resources for kids to aid their learning experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to choose a good educational activity for my 3 year old.

When choosing an activity for your 3-year-old, it is important to consider their interests, abilities, and attention span. You also want to ensure the activity is developmentally appropriate and safe. If you are unsure whether an activity is appropriate for your child, you can always consult their pediatrician or a child development expert.

How can I get my toddler to sit still and focus on an activity?

This can be a challenge for many parents! One tip is to try to find activities that your child is interested in and that they enjoy doing. Also, make sure you provide plenty of breaks during the activity so that your child doesn’t become overwhelmed or frustrated. Finally, praise your child when they display good behavior so that they know that you are pleased with their efforts.

How to help my toddler express their creativity?

There are many ways in which you can help your toddler express their creativity. One way is to provide plenty of opportunities for them to explore different materials and mediums, such as crayons, paint, clay, etc. You can also encourage them to sing, dance, or act out stories. And finally, make sure to praise their efforts and creativity, no matter what the outcome may be.

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20 Educational & Developmental Activities for 3 Year Olds

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If I have to be honest three year olds are my favorite! They are sweet and kind and so loving, but what I love even more is watching the growth that happens when they are three. They go from barely being able to form a sentence to in-depth conversations where you might find yourself scratching your head how they learned all this! To help them in their growth I love to have plenty of educational activities for 3 year olds on hand to help them in their growth when they are ready to learn!

Whether you are looking for educational or developmental activities for your 3 year old we have an entire list that will help teach and entertain your child throughout the whole year! 

Be sure to check out our activities for 2 year olds as well! 

Activities for 3 Year Olds

1. animal sounds.

Kids love animals, in fact, they probably point out every animal they see to you as you drive by them or while they watch a show. Use this time to ask your child what sound the animal makes. 

By doing this it helps develop cognitive skills and increase memory. 

2. Animal Walk

If your child loves animals, then pretend to be animals! You can name out an animal and have your child act it out. This could be as simple as a dog, or you can have them use their imagination as to what a unicorn would do. 

Kids will learn coordination, hopping, balance, and galloping as you play together. 

There is no better way to educate a three year old than to read to them. Make it a habit of reading with your child each day or night for at least 15 minutes. Use this time to snuggle. As you read talk about what is happening in the story. Ask questions and get them to cognitively think about the outcome. 

I love to have books available and out so they can always grab a book and “read” on their own as well. 

The development of fine motor skills is crucial in three year olds. Sit at the table and draw with them. Give them a variety of colors. Have them draw pictures, have them practice tracing their letters if they are interested. All of these things will strengthen those fine motor skills. 

Cutting is another skill that might scare any parent! If your kids are like mine, they might have given themself a haircut or even cut an important document that they thought was scrap paper. So keep the scissors up high and bring them down when it is time to cut. Have them practice cutting on lines and also cutting out objects. The more they cut the stronger their skills will be. 

6. Play Hide and Go Seek

Hide and go seek is so fun at this age because they are actually hiding and starting to understand the concept of the game! Not only will you giggle together and have fun, but this game teaches patience to your kids as they have to find you even if they might find it hard as well as patiently wait while you find them as well. 

With three year olds, you can start to introduce some harder puzzles to the mix. We love to have a bunch of 24 piece jigsaw puzzles on hand for them to work on. As they do puzzles, they will learn concentration, patience, and the satisfaction of a job well done when they complete the puzzle. 

8. Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

Three year olds are explorers! So take them on an  outdoor scavenger hunt . Here they can explore nature, look for things big and small, and practice their observation skills. 

9. Sidewalk Chalk

On nice days, go outside and do various  sidewalk chalk activities . Have them trace around you and you trace around them. Have them practice writing their letters and numbers and a variety of other fun activities. 

10. Talk to them!

One of the best ways for your kids to develop educationally and developmentally is to talk to them. Have conversations with them. Answer your kids why questions 5000 times a day. You will be surprised at how well they are listening and soaking every word in that you are saying, even the ones that make you cringe when they repeat them, so beware!

11. Stickers

Stickers are another great activity. Have them grab the sticker off the sheet (which helps with those fine motor skills) and have them place them on the designated paper. Remind them that stickers only go on certain locations or you might end up with stickers everywhere! 

12. Play Soccer

If you want to help your 3 year old with coordination, go outside and kick the soccer ball with them. This will help them with hand-eye coordination, following directions, and help them stay active.

When in doubt, dance! Turn on some music and watch your kids dance! This helps relieve energy and helps them have fun and gain a love for music. Over time your kids will start asking for their favorite songs and asking you to turn off songs that they don’t care for. 

14. Sensory Bins

Create a fun sensory bin for your child to play with. These are relatively inexpensive and help with your child’s development. Have them look for certain things in the bin or create certain structures as they play. 

There is no better time to start counting with your child than now. Count together as you drive in the car and while you are sitting waiting for an activity to start. If you are giving your kids a candy treat, then count each object individually. This is the very beginning of basic math development and number recognition.

16. Finger Paint

Kids love to make messes. So put on some old clothes and let them finger paint. They will love using their fingers to create their very own masterpiece. 

17. Shaving Cream

Another fun activity with three year olds is to play with shaving cream. Place a big black trash bag over the table and on the floor and then add shaving cream. Let your child smash it, spread it, and squish it! 

18. Puppet Show

Create a puppet show with the kids. Make your own sock puppets or buy some puppets and play. Let your child take the lead on naming the characters and what will happen in the play. This is a great activity to develop creativity and develop their imagination. 

19. Build with Blocks

If you want another creative activity that uses their imagination as well as helps with fine motor skills grab some blocks. Here they can stack them on top of each other, build houses, and a variety of other fun structures. This is a fun activity to get on the floor and do with them through parallel play. 

20. Playdough

Make a big batch of playdough and give them some basic kitchen tools and let them play playdoh. Your child will spend hours each day playing with playdough. 

What other activities for 3 year olds would you add to the list? Share in the comments!

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21 Fun Things to Do with a 3-Year-Old: Put that Toddler Energy to Good Use

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If you’re the parent of a rowdy toddler, you’re not alone! Fortunately, you can positively channel all that energy and curiosity with our suggestions for 21 things to do with a 3-year-old below.

Things to do with a 3 year old

Three-year-olds are amazing, they have such a sense of wonder about the world and are so full of fun. But keeping them busy can feel like a full-time job.

We have put together some fun activities that you can do with your 3-year-old . Whether you’re stuck inside on a rainy day or embracing it boot-in-puddle style, these 21 great ideas help develop creativity, fine motor skills, imaginative play. (Not to mention, keeping them busy and entertained!)

In this article

Sensory Play Activities

Pretend play/imaginative play activities, five fun outdoor activities for 3-year-olds, six fine motor skills activities for 3-year-olds, what should a 3 year old know educationally, should a three-year-old know the alphabet, should a three-year-old be potty trained, can 3-year-olds draw people, fun with toddlers: summary, ten indoor activities for 3-year-olds.

There are a wealth of activities that you can do with a 3-year-old when the weather is less than favorable. As much as kids may enjoy the freedoms of the outdoors, this doesn’t mean you should underestimate the importance of some creative ideas and a few pieces of paper!

Sensory stimulation is a vital way to develop the sensory pathways and promote healthy development in your child. This stimulation can also promote wonderful opportunities for communication and strengthening bonds.

1. Playdough

A great fun way to get your children to use their imagination and make some amazing creations.

You can also have some fun making your own salt dough if you find you don’t have play dough to hand.

This is also a fun activity for them to practice their fine motor skills. Just provide them with some simple tools for cutting, chopping, and shaping the dough. Working the dough hones the strength and coordination of those tiny fingers and hands whilst they play.

2. Rice and Beans

This activity is so much fun and really helps your 3-year-olds to use their imagination.

All you need is some dry rice or beans and then lots of different-sized containers for them to pour them back and forth. Give them spoons, scoops, cups, and even a mesh strainer, and see the fun they have.

You can even encourage your kid to have some fun by mark-making, or showing them how to draw in the different textures.

For some added fun you could always dye the rice a range of colors using food coloring. This gives an extra layer of creativity to this activity for all kids and can help your three-year-olds to recognize colors and their names.

3. Water Beads

Water beads are a fantastic way to make learning fun and improve children’s hand-eye coordination through sensory play, and they can also double up as a fun outdoor activity.

You can use a variety of play ideas to improve kids’ pouring and counting skills and even include other toys and puzzles to create your own racecourse to blow the water beads through!

4. Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts

Arts and crafts cover a broad range of activities from finger painting , using pipe cleaners, working with a glue stick, cutting out, and using chalk or markers.

You really can let their imaginations run wild. Depending on the time of year you could make cards using colored paper, do some potato printing or use some toy cars and run them through the paint to see the patterns that their wheels make.

These activities provide a fun sensory experience for your little one.

Making fun craft activities doesn’t need to be expensive either, often activities for 3-year-olds can involve several steps such as outdoor exploring to collect materials that can be attached to colored paper using a glue stick or printing using leaves and other items that you may have collected.

You could even just print off some coloring sheets and let your child have some fun exploring their own ideas.

5. Making Lunch

Another great way to involve your preschoolers in daily activities is to let them help you prepare lunch. It’s the ultimate hands-on task that can help to improve their relationship with food in the future too!

Having more control over what your little ones choose and prepare for food can increase the likelihood of them clearing their plate. It also taps into different developmental domains, eliminating the need for lots of toys overwhelming them.

You can help them get creative with different shapes and patterns when chopping up fruit and veggies and make games out of everyday activities to promote wonderful fun for your little ones.

Not only can cooking together improve your kids reading skills, but it can also teach your child valuable life skills that will stay with them throughout the course of their life.

If your young kids struggle to maintain focus on a task then you can draw or write the recipe onto some paper and watch them stay focused to ensure a great outcome.

One of the most widely recognized methods of improving kids’ speech and imagination is through play.

Many a qualified professional says this quality time together can make learning great fun. It helps teach kids exciting new ways to play in the world around them as well as improve fine motor skills, without the need for expensive toys.

Imaginative play activities for 3-year-olds work best when your child can re-enact experiences you have noticed them taking an interest in. L their ideas and imagination take the lead to enable open-ended fun with no structure.

6. Reading Books

Reading books

Although you may already read with your three-year-old every day, you can make your child’s face light up by adding funny faces and voices. Not only will it delight your little one, but it will help them to identify characterizations and follow narratives.

Kids love this type of quality time together when you read books; eye contact can help to immerse your three-year-old in the story further.

It will promote a great bonding experience and help your kids associate reading as a positive experience (a net benefit well into adulthood).

There is plenty of information online showing the best books to read to your kids , and sometimes this website provides printouts for activities related to these books.

Before reading a book you could mentally take some ideas for a nice list of questions you can ask throughout the story to encourage your kid’s imagination. This will help make the most of that childlike creativity and vivid imagination when reading books with them.

7. Put On a Puppet Show

One of the most overlooked and hilarious activities for 3-year-olds is to put on a puppet show using anything you can find around the house.

You can set up a stage, make up stories together and see what great ideas your little one can come up with in their very own first performance.

Your child will love something as simple as a sock puppet, or you can even encourage them to draw a paper puppet for you to play with together.

You could use this as a chance to re-enact a difficult scenario your child may have encountered. Address their emotions at the time to enable a healthy outcome to any tantrums in the future.

8. Run a Store

Running a store is a fantastic role play experience that kids love, you can take on any role and even spend time doing fun crafts to create a store sign beforehand.

Kids love to mimic the activities they see in everyday life, and you can often find many children’s toy websites that will feature their own pretend play and toy sections to help your kids take part in their favorite roleplay scenarios.

Toddler Teatime: The Best Tea Sets for Imaginative Play

You could sell board games, pretend to play in a bowling alley or even include their own favorite activities into the play on the days when you don’t want to leave the house!

Engaging in these forms of communication gives your kids the chance to improve their language and writing skills by using phrases they wouldn’t otherwise have a chance to use.

9. Safari Adventure

This is a great activity for your 3-year-old or any other kids for that matter! Your child will love this play set up and can be fully customizable using the toys your child has available.

You can get creative in the house, by drawing on paper to make little hiding spots for your safari animals, or take your child outdoors and hide their safari toys around for them to spot!

You could put together a list on a piece of paper and develop their knowledge of animals by printing fun fact sheets from any website your child enjoys and turn this pretend play into a great learning experience.

10. Doctors and Nurses

Setting up your child their very own hospital playset is a great way to eliminate any fears your toddlers may have of a medical setting and familiarize them with some of the familiar medical terms and equipment.

With some paper signs, or even some website print outs you can decorate the walls to replicate a doctor’s office and treat your patients (dolls, toys, anything your child wants!) and let their creative sides go wild.

Outdoor activities for 3 years olds

One of the best ways to cheer up a grumpy preschooler is by adventuring on outdoor activities and letting their imagination take over, from a scavenger hunt to pretend play, you can find so many great ideas for activities that your three-year-olds are going to find fun.

11. Mud Kitchen

Mud kitchens are a staple preschooler activity that helps to make learning fun by improving knowledge of the outdoors.

The best part about a mud kitchen is that it is fully adaptable and can be used for older kids too.

From a muddy tea party to mixing bowls full of grass and seeds, the number of ideas for your 3-year-olds mud kitchen can lead to hours of great activities and endless fun craft, without having to worry about any mess on your kitchen floor.

12. Toy Car Race Tracks

Toy car races

It often feels like you can miss out on all the fun if your garden space is less than desirable. Even if you only have a small space, this doesn’t mean imaginative play needs to be limited to inside the house.

You can create an obstacle course for your child and their toy cars to race through by drawing chalk on the floor to create a fun race track kids will love. It’s simple fun stuff like this that makes the best activities for 3-year-olds.

13. Blow Bubbles

Blowing bubbles

Bubbles are a great way to play with any kid of all ages. Taking some out and about with you and your preschoolers is a great game to involve others and even watch your kid make friends with others effortlessly!

You can make some great games with bubbles which require lots of imagination that your kid will love. Some firm favorites include-

  • Making bubble wands
  • Hula hoop bubbles
  • Clap the bubbles
  • Add paint to your bubbles

You can make your own bubbles by mixing 1 cup of dish soap with warm water and bending an old coat hanger to make a DIY bubble blower and letting your kids enjoy this fun activity.

14. Board Games

Board games are not only a great idea for activities for 3-year-olds, they can be a fun way to include kids and toddlers of all ages and teach them wonderful new ways to solve puzzles and play a game in a social setting with the whole family.

You could even include it as a once-a-week treat to spend some quality family time together doing something you all enjoy.

Even simple board games can help to improve hand-eye coordination and dexterity in any child, as well as teaching the valuable lesson of learning to follow rules and wait your turn.

Your 3-year-old may be struggling with the idea of sharing their toys and involving others in their game, but a board game can help to encourage your 3-year-old or any other child to play as a team and work together.

15. Car Wash

Water play is always a winner with kids–and you can also get a free car wash out of this activity!

Fill a bucket with water and some toddler-safe shampoo/soap and give them a variety of brushes, sponges, and cloths to clean with. You can get them to clean the family car, a favorite  toy fire truck , their bike or scooter, or even an older sibling’s bicycle.

On a hot day, you can finish up the activity by letting them rinse off their car wash with the hose before drying up and showing off their clean new ride around the block.

Fine motor skills activities

16. Threading Objects

Threading beads is a fantastic and highly versatile activity that focuses on supporting your child as they work on those fine motor skills.

It will involve their perceptual, visual, and pincer grip as they focus on correctly threading the objects onto their string.

This can be a great calming activity to relieve stress and unwind after a hard day and allow your child to get creative and explore the different patterns they can make within their beads of choice

You can use anything to make this activity come to life which is a fantastic way to reduce spending on new toys you don’t have room for. You can thread any beads of choice from wooden beads, metal, buttons, leaves, felt, or even shapes.

You don’t have to use string either! It could be spaghetti, pipe cleaners, macaroni, a colander, holes in a lid, or anything you can find that would fit the activity!

Threading is a highly versatile activity that your child will enjoy at any age and can be highly adaptable to your three-year-old preferences.

17. Building Blocks

One of the most highly recognizable toddler toys is the wide variety of stacking and building blocks that are all designed to have a versatile approach to aid their learning.

These blocks can be solid and easy to stack or interlink to focus on their engineering skills.

Structured block play is highly adaptable and can help improve color work and mathematic skills as a visual representation can help your little ones to understand basic mathematic concepts easier.

18. Webbed Baskets

Grab a small basket and some string and watch your kids love trying to solve this puzzle!

You can alter the amount of yarn you use in order to suit their abilities with this task and give them some tweezers, tongs or even a clothes peg to fish out small toys you place under the layers of string.

You can use any toys you have to hand such as plastic spiders, wooden pegs, or figurines your child loves! This activity is suitable for older children too if you want to improve their fine motor skills.

19. Gem Patterns

If you want to start focusing on patterns and shapes within letters then this is a great idea that kids love!

Using any buttons, beads, or shiny gems you have, trace a pattern onto some paper and get your child to follow the pattern with their chosen material.

You can even get them to focus more on creating a repetitive pattern with the colors of their buttons and beads to work on their concentration skills.

You could also alter this activity to include pipe cleaners and get your kids to bend and wiggle them into the right shapes and focus their hand strength.

20. Fidget Objects

Fidget Toys

Making your own fidget pillow isn’t as difficult as you may think, although there are several available online to purchase.

You can introduce a variety of different developmental activities to help improve your child’s skills. You can include zippers, buttons, switches, locks, or even doorknobs and attach them to a board or block for your toddler to focus on the individual skills that they’re most interested in.

21. Scissor Skills

Introducing the use of scissors can be a highly scary topic for a 3-year-old, but around this age, it is perfectly normal for them to develop an interest in this exciting-looking object.

Showing your child the safest ways to use scissors is the best way to introduce the use of scissors and also improve their visual-motor skills as well as an appreciation and understanding for appropriate tool usage.

There are a few fun activities you can introduce the use of scissors to your toddler:

  • Cutting Playdough
  • Cutting foam sheets
  • Cutting string/ yarn
  • Cutting paper

All of these methods are a great way to get creative with your little one, but of course, make sure you watch over them as they work on this new skill so you can appropriately help them learn how much fun this can be.

If your child is already familiar with the use of scissors you can draw some interesting patterns on paper for them to follow along with their scissors to work on their steady hand and gripping skill ready for all the crafts to come!

Frequently Asked Questions

As parents, we can spend a lot of time worrying about our children’s development and if they are meeting the correct milestones. Here are some frequently asked questions about your three-year-old to help.

At three years of age, most kids should be able to correctly name common colors, memorize parts of stories, understand a better concept of time, have a wider creative thought, understand differences in sizing and notice the difference in similar and different features.

By this age, your child will usually not remember the whole alphabet, but often will be able to remember around half the letters and their sounds in order to connect a letter to their sound.

Most children will not fully master potty training until their fourth year, although if you start around 18 months of age then they may begin being fully potty trained during their third year.

Usually, around this age, a drawing of a person will emerge with a “tadpole” style, and a head attached directly to the legs with some arms sticking from the sides.

Related Reading: 12 Kid-Friendly Card Games

At three-year-olds your child will be showing so much more emotion and awareness of the world around them.

During this important stage of understanding their own mind and body, you can really ease this developmental stage through creative play and educational learning to make the job of learning these new skills easy and stress-free for the caregivers.

Filling each day with exciting and entertaining age-appropriate activities can seem like an overwhelming task, but having access to open-ended toys and multi-purpose materials can do the world of good for your little one and help them play and learn together.

This article has covered some of the firm favorites that toddlers know and love, and given you some ideas for ways to improve your three-year-olds developing skills in a fun and appropriate way that can get the whole family involved.

15 Fun Places To Take Babies

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30 Best Educational Toys and Games for Preschool

Teacher-approved picks for creative exploration and play.

Examples of preschoolers toys

When choosing toys and games for preschoolers, less is definitely more. Simple, durable, and open-ended materials that invite kids to imagine, explore, create, and stretch their developing language and reasoning skills are the way to go. We’ve gathered 30 of our favorite educational toys for preschool that are guaranteed to keep those little hands and brains busy learning at school or home.

(Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!)

1. Constructive Playthings Wooden Unit Blocks

Constructive Playthings Wooden Unit Blocks

Block play has endless benefits for kids. A big set of classic unit blocks—blocks that are fractions of each other—is an early childhood staple. See more of our favorite building toys here .

Buy it: Constructive Playthings Wooden Unit Blocks on Amazon

2. Jumbo Brick Block Set

Jumbo Brick Block Set

Chunky, lightweight cardboard blocks are safe for building tall buildings and crashing them down. While the possibilities with these basic blocks are endless, one of our favorite things is to pair them with a pool noodle hose and a firefighter costume . Pretend burning buildings are no match for a preschooler!

Buy it: Jumbo Brick Block Set on Amazon

3. Green Toys Dump Truck

Green Toys Dump Truck- educational toys for preschool

Vehicle toys are some of the best educational toys for preschool—they’re essential for both indoor and outdoor play. Green Toys’ simple and sturdy options do triple duty: Fill them up for indoor play, take them out to the sandbox or dirt pile, then scrub them in a tub of soapy water for a “car wash.” Rinse and repeat.

Buy it: Green Toys Dump Truck on Amazon

4. Imagination Generation Wooden Parking Garage

Imagination Generation Wooden Parking Garage

A wooden garage is a larger item with tons of play value. Kids naturally explore colors, counting, and sorting as they park cars. They investigate science concepts as they roll cars down the ramps and use the manual elevator too.

Buy it: Imagination Generation Wooden Parking Garage on Amazon

5. LEGO DUPLO Classic Brick Box

LEGO DUPLO Classic Brick Box- educational toys for preschool

DUPLO blocks are the ideal size and complexity level for preschoolers. While building, kids naturally explore early counting, measurement, and fractions concepts.

Buy it: LEGO DUPLO Classic Brick Box on Amazon

6. Magna-Tiles


Magna-Tiles are an investment that will entertain and challenge children (and the adults who play with them) for years. These educational toys for preschool offer endless possibilities for building vertically or flat on the floor. You can expand the fun with a magnetic board or tray or even on a backlit surface like a light table .

Buy it: Magna-Tiles on Amazon

7. Pidoko Kids Skylar Doll House

Pidoko Kids Skylar Doll House

A dollhouse is another large item that has exceptional staying power and versatility for pretend play . Kids not into dolls? Who says dinosaur figurines or superheroes can’t live here too?!

Buy it: Pidoko Kids Skylar Doll House on Amazon

8. Mr. Potato Head Silly Suitcase Parts and Pieces

Mr. Potato Head Silly Suitcase Parts and Pieces- educational toys for preschool

Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head are certainly silly, but they’ve helped generations of kids learn vocabulary related to body parts and develop fine motor skills—with a fun dose of preschool creativity, of course. (Why not have four sets of eyes?)

Buy it: Mr. Potato Head Silly Suitcase Parts and Pieces on Amazon

9. Folkmanis Puppets

Folkmanis Puppets

Puppets are good for so many things in preschool: making up stories, holding kids’ attention, and encouraging them to listen. We know more than a few kids whose compliance with directions was way better when it was a puppet making the demand! They are also great for talking through tricky scenarios in a slightly removed, “safe” way. Folkmanis puppets are pricey—but the absolute best quality—and they have realistic nature details too.

Buy it: Folkmanis Puppets on Amazon

10. Melissa & Doug Food Groups Play Food and Stainless-Steel Pots and Pans Play Sets

Melissa and Doug Food Groups Play Food

Creating culinary masterpieces builds language and understanding of sequencing. Sturdy play food, pots, pans, and utensils will hold up for plenty of pretend meals and restaurant play. Wash, prep, cook, and serve!

Buy it: Melissa & Doug Food Groups Play Food and Stainless-Steel Pots and Pans Play Set on Amazon

11. Play Doctor Kit

Play Doctor Kit

Whether they’re fixing up peers, dolls , or stuffed animals, kids love to play the role of caring medic. It helps many kids play through fears about injuries, illnesses, or medical procedures like getting shots too.

Buy it: Play Doctor Kit on Amazon

12. Three Bear Family Counters

Three Bear Family Counters- educational toys for preschool

Small figurines with obvious size and color attributes invite exploration of sorting and counting—and plenty of play. These versatile teddy bears can live in block creations, hide in the sandbox, swim in the water table, or get squished into play dough too.

Buy it: Three Bear Family Counters on Amazon

13. Hoot Owl Hoot! Game

Hoot Owl Hoot! Game

Preschoolers are ready to play cooperative or “gently competitive” board and card games. We love many options from Peaceable Kingdom like this one—or check out our entire list of best board games and card games for preschool .

Buy it: Hoot Owl Hoot! Game on Amazon

14. Multicolor Scarves

Multicolor Scarves

Colorful scarves are a small item but good for so many things: creative movement and dance, decorating block creations, and creating super-easy costumes like capes, skirts, and head coverings.

Buy it: Multicolor Scarves on Amazon

15. Scuttlebug Foldable Bike

Scuttlebug Foldable Bike- educational toys for preschool

Preschoolers are built to move. This little bike lets them do it independently and safely—even indoors if you have a hard floor and a bit of space. It easily converts to a fire engine, ambulance, delivery truck, or any other vehicle needed in a pretend-play scenario too.

Buy it: Scuttlebug Foldable Bike on Amazon

16. Bean Bags

Bean Bags Best Educational Toys Preschool

Set up an impromptu toss game between peers or into a basket, or have kids balance bean bags on different body parts during songs or yoga poses.

Buy it: Bean Bags on Amazon

17. Remo Kids Percussion Floor Tom Drum

Remo Kids Percussion Floor Tom Drum educational toys for preschool

Nurturing kids’ sense of rhythm helps build early phonological awareness, counting, and patterning skills. Plus, they’re going to drum on something anyway, and the sound of this high-quality piece is a lot more pleasing than many alternatives!

Buy it: Remo Kids Percussion Floor Tom Drum on Amazon

18. B. Toys Bug Bungalow Insect Catching Kit

B. Toys Bug Bungalow Insect Catching Kit

Preschoolers are scientists by nature. Encourage observation and their curiosity about living things with this invitation to study anything creepy-crawly.

Buy it: B. Toys Bug Bungalow Insect Catching Kit on Amazon

19. Wooden Threading Toys

Wooden Threading Toys for Best Educational Toys Preschool

Give us all the lacing cards and beads for building fine motor skills. This frustration-free set is particularly satisfying for chubby fingers.

Buy it: Wooden Threading Toys on Amazon

20. Stacking Pegboard Set

Stacking Pegboard Set

Kids are endlessly entertained by this simple setup, and there are plenty of chances to work on concepts like colors, patterning, and counting.

Buy it: Stacking Pegboard Set on Amazon

21. Magnatab


Encourage kids to experiment with making pictures, shapes, letters, and designs with this self-contained magnetic dot-art toy. Plus, the chunky magnet pen is perfect for encouraging the development of proper pencil grasp.

Buy it: Magnatab on Amazon

22. Melissa & Doug Model & Mold Dough Kit

Model and Mold Dough Kit- educational toys for preschool

The sensory experience of squeezing, rolling, and cutting dough is unparalleled for kids. There are plenty of fancy play-dough tools out there, but a simple collection of rolling pins and cutting implements is really all you need. Replenish store-bought dough as needed, or easily make your own—a batch of this favorite no-cook recipe  will last you for months.

Buy it: Melissa & Doug Model & Mold Dough Kit on Amazon

23. Sensory Jungle Kids Water Beads

Sensory Jungle Kids Water Beads- educational toys for preschool

Turn a plastic bin into a sensory bin for preschoolers. These smooth, squishy water beads are an extra-fun option for filling it.

Buy it: Sensory Jungle Kids Water Beads on Amazon

24. SimplyToPlay Sensory Bin Tools

SimplyToPlay Sensory Bin Tools

Little hands will dive right into a sensory table, but make it even more interesting with tools for scooping, measuring, pouring, and grabbing. This classic set will last through countless bins of rice, beans, sand, oats, and whatever else you come up with.

Buy it: SimplyToPlay Sensory Bin Tools on Amazon

25. Wooden Art Easel

Wooden Art Easel- educational toys for preschool

Working on a vertical surface is great for developing kids’ hand and wrist strength. We love the options to add a roll of art paper or use magnets or chalk.

Buy it: Wooden Art Easel on Amazon

26. Matching Letter Spelling Game

Blue and yellow matching letter spelling game

Boost early vocabulary skills with this matching letter game that’s perfect for preschoolers. This fun activity can enhance spelling and memory abilities while improving letter and word recognition.

Buy it: Matching Letter Spelling Game on Amazon

27. Monkey Balance Math Game

Monkey Balance educational toys for preschool

This 65-piece STEM game set helps kids learn basic counting and early math skills. This highly engaging activity encourages retention through stimulating multi-level math games.

Buy it: Monkey Balance Math Game on Amazon

28. Wooden Musical Instruments

Set of wooden musical instruments for young kids

Get moving and grooving with your preschool kids with these wooden musical instruments. Made from nontoxic materials, this set of educational toys for preschool is smooth and the right size for little hands. Cultivate a love for music and encourage hand-eye coordination, concentration, and the perception of rhythm.

Buy it: Wooden Musical Instruments on Amazon

29. Melissa & Doug See & Spell Wooden Spelling Boards

Melissa & Doug See & Spell educational toy for kids- educational toys for preschool

A hands-on puzzle set is a great way to develop multiple skills at the same time. Not only will kids improve vocabulary, spelling, and sight-reading, but they’ll also build fine motor skills.

Buy it: Melissa & Doug See & Spell Wooden Spelling Boards on Amazon

30. Learning Locks

Learning Locks educational toy for preschoolers

This digital learning toy is challenging but fun and engaging. Each lock has a matching key, and the lock and key have corresponding numbers and points. They’ll have to use fine motor and critical thinking skills to unlock the locks!

Buy it: Learning Locks on Amazon

Want more recommendations for educational toys for preschool? Be sure to subscribe to our newsletters so you can get our latest picks.

Plus, check out the best board games for preschool ..

Know a curious preschooler? These teacher-approved educational toys for preschool belong on your shopping list. Fun, hands-on learning!

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Happy Toddler Playtime

50+ Easy Things To Do At Home with Your 3 Year Old

Mandisa Watts

What To Do at Home with Your 3 Year Old

Being at home with a 3 year old can be hard when you are not prepared.

Cutting junk mail

Most pediatric guidelines recommend less than 1 hour of screen time a day. So what on earth do you do the 4-5 hours you may have at home with them?!?

Painting with a potato masher

To help you get through your day I have come up with a list of 50+ fun and easy things you can do throughout the day with them.

Ball Bath

Most of these items do not require any preparation and use items you already most likely have in your home. The clean up for most of these activities is nothing or very minimal.

Foil Puzzle Presents

How To Use This List

Obviously you aren’t going to do everything on this list. So go through the list, choose about 10-15 things you think your preschooler would like to do.

Megablok Washing

Chances are there will be a few they will like more than others. So it’s a good idea to go armed with several activities in case one falls through.

Megablok Painting

Ready? Let’s get started!

50+ Things To Do at Home with your 3 year old

1. Finger painting with water on cardboard.


2. Cut junk mail with scissors.

3. Foil Puzzle Presents .

4. Melt ice with warm water and eye dropper or turkey baster.

5. See how much water a diaper or pull-up can hold.

6. Use eye dropper to decorate a diaper or pull up with coloured water.

7. Tear a sheet into small squares. Draw on them. And then glue them together onto another sheet.

8. Play restaurant.

9. Place plastic wrap around a bowl using an elastic band and let them poke holes in it with their fingers.

10. Place a cardboard tube on their arm and use it to hit a balloon like a bat.

11. Fill sink with water and give them some large beads to put in the water.


12. Fill sink with water and add pom poms.

13. Fill sink with water and bubbles and add a few non-bath toys.

14. Have a dance party to their favourite Disney soundtrack.


15. Have a dance party to your favourite dance songs.

16. Build a pillow and blanket fort.

17. Take a bath with plastic balls.

18. Build a Book Rainbow .


19. Play dress up with your shoes.

20. Read a book lying down on the floor.

21. Play dress up with daddy’s old ties.

22. Teach them how to play rock, paper, scissors.

23. Stick some paper to the stairs and have them draw on the stairs.

24. Stick paper under a chair and have them colour a picture there.

25. Play in bath tub in swimsuit with toys.

26. Look at your child’s baby book.

27. Paint a colouring book with watercolours.

28. Have a toga party with swaddling blankets or towels.

29. Bake muffins together.


30. Make fruit kebabs and eat them.

31. Snuggle on the floor looking up at the ceiling pretending you see clouds shaped like different animals.

32. Play hide and go seek.

33. Have tickle fight.

34. Have a pretend wedding.

35. Cover rocks with shaving cream and have them clean them off.


36. Paint with a potato masher or spatula or other kitchen utensils.

37. Paint Lego or Megabloks.

38. Wash paint off Lego or Megabloks with soap and water.

39. Take a magnifying glass (pretend, real or handmade) and go looking for bugs.

40. Play with balloons.

41. Make faces on plate with their snack. (For instance cut up some fruit and have them make faces on their plate with the pieces of fruit.)

42. Play pretend telephone with 2 cups over your ears.

43. Make car ramps using books or cardboard on a couch or stairs.

44. Eat lunch on the floor picnic style.

45. Make funny faces in the mirror or smartphone.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

46. Put several puzzles in a bin and then have your 3 year old search for pieces and put them all together.

47. Play pretend firefighters.

48. Build a tower using toilet paper and tissue boxes.

49. Take mattress off their crib and use it as a tumbling mat. For added protection, arrange pillows all around and set safety ground rules.

50. Have them ‘read’ their favourite books to you.


51. Blow bubbles outside, no matter the weather.


52. Use a measuring tape to measure your body parts such as arms and legs.


53. Dress up for lunch.




Filed Under:

  • Three Year Olds

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8 comments on “50+ Easy Things To Do At Home with Your 3 Year Old”

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More helpful than I could have imagined! Can’t wait to check out more from Mandisa!

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Yah! Im so glad!!

Amazing! Thank you so much!

You’re are most welcome!!

I’ve never commented on a blog post before, but I felt compelled to after browsing this list. It’s FANTASTIC! So many ideas I see on these sites are so complicated and involved that they are impractical for me. But I managed to actually write down 10 different activities to do with my 3-year-old and his big sister! He loves ice! Why didn’t I think to set him up to melt them in different way?! Brilliant list, thank you!

Yah!! Im so glad you found this list useful!! This is my favourite list too. It helped me get through the days with my then busy 3 year old while pregnant with twins 😅!

How many times can I like this post! Wow! I need all these ideas.

🙂 Thanks so much! I hope your preschooler enjoy them all!!

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Discovery Preschool Program

(2-3 years old)

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Health and Safety

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Daily classroom schedule

Kids this age thrive on routine. We use a schedule with simple pictures to show them what’s coming up next! This keeps them feeling confident about what to expect for the day and be part of the plan. We’ll talk about our day in morning circle and have lots of visual reminders everywhere.

Doing things independently

Discovery preschool is also where your child becomes more independent with things like hand-washing and potty-training. That’s why sinks, toilets, and furniture in our classrooms are all kid-size—so they can build confidence knowing they can do it all by themselves.

Inside a preschooler’s day

Our caring teachers set a daily rhythm for preschoolers that consists of group time, story time, outdoor play, meals and snacks , and naps, and most especially, lots of unstructured playtime.

Daily Sample Schedule

Group time happens every day in each of our classrooms. In discovery preschool, children come together to learn about working as a community. Teachers will read books, sing songs, and more.

KinderCare Nutrition

Meals and snacks

Every day, preschoolers sit down to a meal, where they eat healthy fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains—never juice or fried foods.


Outdoor playtime

Most of our classes spend 20–30 minutes outside at least twice a day, weather permitting. At this age, kids are off running and exploring, using their imaginations while they do!


Preschool curriculum

Our teachers will help your child build skills that get them ready for “big kid school.” Simple math and science, pretend play, and group play help them get used to a more structured school setting.

Building brainpower and strong bodies

For our littlest preschoolers, we mix early math skills—like patterning and counting—into fun daily activities involving singing, clapping, and moving around. We also build memory and focus skills by learning each other’s names and putting toys away.

Learning to share and make friends

These are the learning-to-share years! We help them with those skills and also show them how to take turns. As they learn more about diversity, preschoolers widen their circle of friends, interact with new people, and appreciate differences.

Writing and understanding stories

At this age, children really begin to understand drawing and writing as a form of expression, so we do lots of both every day. They can also ask and answer questions about stories we read.

Expressing themselves

Creatively, preschoolers are able to explore more art mediums than before. They can paint and work with clay, play dress-up and pretend, and use music to express feelings.

Preschool classroom activities

Every day, our creative teachers guide preschoolers through fun activities that are just right for their age. Here are just a few examples!

What’s This?

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes! Kids learn to identify, name, and count different body parts.

Clap Your Hands

Teachers start a simple clapping pattern and ask kids to use their ears to listen and then repeat a pattern.

One Block at a Time

Kids learn about sequence and doing things one step at a time by stacking a few blocks to build a tower.

How to enroll

We’ve gathered all the resources you need to help you make a confident decision to join the KinderCare family.

  • Know what to look for in a child care center and tour ours!
  • Learn about our classrooms, curriculum, and tuition.
  • Find a KinderCare nearby and contact the center director.

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Let's Roam Explorer

Educational Family Vacations Your Kids Will Love

Time for a field trip? Oh, yeah! If your kids love learning outdoors, be inspired by this great list of educational vacations for families!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

There’s only so much you can learn from history books and classroom learning. Educational trips are a great way to let kids see things with their own eyes and allow the information to sink in more. If you’ve never thought about this before, have no fear, we have put together a huge list of educational vacations for families and some tips to help you get started planning.

Learning is an adventure!

Are your children hungry for knowledge? Do they love adventures? Us too! That’s why we’ve created a massive range of educational activities and inspiring experiences to be played all over the world! From our hugely-popular scavenger hunts , which challenge you and your loved ones to discover a new location through games and quizzes, to the more spooky and specialized ghost tours , which will introduce a haunted element to your adventure. Whatever you choose, we know your little ones will love it. Grave the Let’s Roam app today and let the lesson begin!

How to Plan Education Vacations for Families

Planning any kind of family travel can be a bit overwhelming. We have just three things to consider when you’re starting the planning process to help make things a bit easier. 

Look at the school calendar .

Kids have all kinds of long weekends and breaks throughout the school year. Take a look at the calendar and see which openings you might want to fill with a family vacation this year. There are days off around the holidays, spring break, and some long weekends for days like Martin Luther King Jr Day. If you plan for summer, avoid planning a trip for the day after school lets out in case they change anything to add any make-up days for snow days or weather-related cancellations. 

Ask your kids for vacation ideas .

The best way to get the entire family excited for vacation is to involve them in the planning. Use a family dinner night to see your kids’ ideas for travel. There will probably be some unrealistic options, but kids often chat with their friends at school about trips, and they might have some fun ideas you haven’t even thought of. Once you pick a place, you can start to do some learning and build excitement with the kids beforehand.

Book in advance to save money .

Last-minute bookings are usually quite a bit more expensive than booking your vacations in advance. Once you have a trip planned, start booking your accommodations and your flights or transportation. 

If you want to save even more money, consider visiting a destination that is in its off-season. For example, tons of families spend spring break somewhere tropical or soaking in the last of the ski season. That means that some other destinations, like Chicago or Boston, are more affordable. As long as you pack for the weather and prepare for anything, you’ll have plenty to enjoy and explore without the added cost and crowds.

A List of the Best Educational Family Vacation Destinations

If you need some inspiration, we’ve pulled together some of the best options for educational vacations for families. Highlight any of these and add them to your calendar.

Learn about animals in San Diego .

Southern California is blessed with great weather all year long, but San Diego is also home to some incredible experiences for animal lovers. The San Diego Zoo is world-famous. With the original location in Balboa Park and the newer addition of the Safari Park north of the city. Visitors have the opportunity to see rare animals, like the Red Panda. Spend days exploring the animal exhibits, and kids of all ages will be able to learn something new. 

Once you’re done with land animals, you can head to La Jolla and watch for seals and sea turtles. Hike in Torrey Pines State Park and see if you can spot any whales out in the Pacific Ocean. Visit SeaWorld , which is not only one of the best waterparks on the west coast but is also home to aquariums and interactive exhibits on the animals that live in the ocean. 

Search for dinosaur fossils in Utah .

Utah is a mecca for natural history lovers. There is so much to keep a family busy with five very popular national parks in the state. One of the coolest ways to experience the outdoors here is to try your hands at a volunteer dig for fossils. The Burpee Museum holds volunteer digs and has discovered hundreds of pounds of dinosaur bones. What is more hands-on than grabbing tools and getting into the dirt? The area where the digs occurred was near a river bed and the remains of animals that died near the river were collected there.

Add more background information with a trip to Price’s Prehistoric Museum which is the home of the Hall of Paleontology. See towering displays of dinosaurs who once roamed the landscapes here and learn more about them. After learning about the dinosaurs and trying to find some fossils yourselves, you can enjoy the incredible hiking and mountain biking available throughout Utah.

Visit the nation’s capital .

Washington, D.C, is home to the White House, the Capital Building, tons of monuments, and a collection of Smithsonian museums. You could spend weeks exploring the history and educational sites here. Work with your US Senator to organize a tour of the White House (we recommend planning these months for your best chance.) Take a fun segway tour through the National Mall and learn more secrets about the famous monuments, statues, and memorials. 

Families with younger children can check out the National Zoo or take a day trip to Baltimore and explore the large aquarium there. All of the Smithsonian museums are free admission, so go for as long as you want without worrying about making your ticket price worthwhile. Head to Mount Vernon to learn more about the nation’s first president and see the working farm—there’s something for everyone.

Follow the Oregon Trail .

The Oregon National Historic Trail runs from the Missouri River to Oregon and was followed for years by pioneers looking to settle in the Western part of the United States. The National Park System manages visitor centers and historical sites along the entire route today. Bring the family along on a road trip to cover a portion of the trail (or the entire thing if you’ve motivated with lots of time.) Not only will you find many unique learning opportunities, but you’ll also see some of the country’s most beautiful natural wonders. 

Take advantage of the autoroute guides that the NPS put together. With stories and artwork, the family can learn more about the destinations along the way and picture how things might have looked when the wagons made this trek. There are even sections along the route where you can walk along historic wagon ruts and see the river crossings. If you grew up playing this classic computer game, you’ll have a blast as an adult seeing these places in real life as well.

Kayak through the mangroves in Florida .

The Everglades in southern Florida are home to all kinds of unique animals, birds, and sea creatures. One of the best ways to explore is by kayaking through the narrow waterways. Take the family cruising on a wildlife mission or enjoy the peace of this unique ecosystem. Take advantage of ranger-led programs or visit one of the centers that have movies, exhibits, and additional information on this part of the country.

If you want to explore more of Southern Florida, you could road trip to Key West across the series of bridges along Highway 1. Enjoy the beautiful turquoise waters and sample the many key lime pie stands along the route. You can also visit Dry Tortugas National Park , which is only accessible by boat and allows visitors to learn more about Fort Jefferson and the unique role of these islands.

Hike among mountains in Colorado .

Denver is one of the sunniest cities in the country, and although it sits one mile above sea level, it’s not that cold in the wintertime. Colorado is famous for being the center of the largest of the Rocky Mountains. If you stay in the city, you can easily visit Chatfield State Park and enjoy the hiking trails and views. For something bigger and more challenging, take the family to Rocky Mountain National Park, a few hours away. 

Head to the town of Georgetown, which is about an hour from Denver, for more mountain education. In this beautiful small town, you can visit Capitol Prize Gold Mine and learn about the Gold Rush in the mountains and how precious metal is found. Step back in time with a ride on the Georgetown Loop Railroad . The family can ride through the mountains on a steam-powered train with seasonal activities that everyone will love.

Walk the freedom trail in Boston .

Boston is home to some of the most important spots in the early days of the United States and the Revolutionary War. Most school-aged children have at least heard of Paul Revere and his famous ride. Take a family vacation to Boston and walk the Freedom Trail. It covers 2.5 miles of the downtown area, passing by some of the most well-known historical sights in the city. From Boston Common to the Old North Church, you can utilize the plaques or the website along the way not to miss a thing.

Once you’ve had your fill of history, you can take a whale-watching trip in the harbor or cruise out to Provincetown and explore the artsy town on the tip of Cape Cod. Visit in the summertime and take in a game at Fenway Park or take the popular Boston Duck Tours . Sample desserts in the Italian North End neighborhood, or take your kids to Cambridge and explore the Harvard or MIT campuses. You never know if you might spark interest in being a future student there.

Witness a natural wonder at the Grand Canyon .

The Grand Canyon in Arizona has been named one of the Natural Wonders of the World. It runs for more than 275 miles and it is up to 18 miles wide in some spots and one mile deep. Use the shuttle system on the South Rim to explore the breathtaking viewpoints and hikes available. There is no sight like it and the views change as the light shifts throughout the day.

Don’t just enjoy the canyon from the rim. You can explore from a different vantage point by taking a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon, something your kids won’t soon forget. Mule rides are another popular way to explore the trails. The local Navajo tribes also put on traditional dance shows and share more about their history of living in the area for centuries. There are many lodging options near the park, but it’s also possible to visit as a day trip from Flagstaff or Las Vegas. 

Explore the museums of Chicago .

Chicago is known as the Windy City, so they’ve perfected their indoor activity game. Bring the family to this lakeside city for an educational visit, and you can enjoy some of the best museums in the country. The Museum of Science and Industry and Field Museum has tons of interactive exhibits. Nearby, the Alder Planetarium gives visitors a glimpse into the starry night sky. The Chicago Children’s Museum is perfect for the younger kids, but don’t worry, adults will have fun too.

Once you’ve gotten your fill of museums, you can get some fascinating views of the skyline from two different vantage points – the Hancock Tower and the Willis Tower. Both offer unique observation decks with interesting facts and information on display. You can also take a tour to learn more about Chicago’s history with the mob from the days of Prohibition. And when you’re hungry, try one of the famous deep-dish pizzas.

Play on the beaches of Hawaii .

Many people dream of a tropical getaway for vacation, and we have great news for you. You can mix warm weather and relaxation with some fun learning experiences with a trip to Hawaii. Take a snorkeling tour and see some of the colorful tropical fish that live in these warmer waters. Visit Pineapple Farms and learn more about how some of your favorite tropical treats are grown and harvested before they get to your local grocery store.

There is also so much fascinating history in the Hawaiian islands. You can take the family to tour castles and attend luaus that showcase the colorful history of Hawaii beautifully and entertainingly. Enjoy nature on one of the possible thousands of hikes, and even visit volcanoes on a few of the islands and learn more about how the land you’re standing on was formed. Kids of all ages will love a Hawaiian vacation, and as parents, you’ll get a chance to unwind and relax as well.

Step back in time in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia .

If you want a good history lesson for the family, look no further than Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. It’s the world’s largest living history museum. The entire area will make you feel like you’ve stepped back in time. Everyone is dressed up in 18th-century attire and plays the parts of the people that would have lived in this village hundreds of years ago. 

The historic site features reenactments of all the daily chores and routines of colonial Virginians. Take carriage rides, visit the art museums, and walk through the town to get the best glimpse into history. It’s a perfect destination for a weekend adventure where you can spend a few days exploring and taking in all the fascinating exhibits. It will make the history books come to life in a way that helps kids understand what life was like for certain people in the 1700s. 

Learn survival skills on a camping adventure to Yosemite .

One of the most classic family trips is camping out in nature. There are state parks and regional parks scattered all over the country, so you can find something in your own backyard. But if you want an epic experience, consider taking the family to Yosemite National Park in California. Camp in the Sierra Nevadas and enjoy one of the most gorgeous places in the country.

There are endless hiking trails that are fit for any fitness level and age. Get up close to the famous Half Dome or search for wildflowers in the alpine meadows. Just remember to stay bear-aware and watch for wildlife. You can partner this with a bigger road trip to some of the popular spots in California, like Sequoia National Park, Big Sur, or Lake Tahoe. California is filled with natural beauty.

Experience the bright lights of New York City .

The Big Apple is the largest city in the United States which means there are endless possibilities of ways to spend a family vacation exploring. It would take a week to see all the most popular destinations. From the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island to the views from the top of the Empire State Building, kids will fall in love with the hustle and bustle of the city. 

It’s home to some world-class museums, like the Natural History Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Central Park is home to a zoo, gardens, ponds, and more, which makes it a lovely place to explore with the whole family. If you have older kids, take them to Hamilton on Broadway to learn more about the beginnings of the country and then visit the duel site and the home that Alexander Hamilton lived in for his later years. 

Whether it’s architecture, history, culture, or art, the city is filled with possibilities and inspiration for kids. Just don’t forget to grab a slice of pizza and enjoy the lights of the city.

Road trip through South Dakota .

South Dakota is one of the best places to explore stories of Native Americans. For centuries, tribes have lived in the Black Hills and surrounding areas. Take the family to Crazy Horse and take in the museum and exhibits to take in tons of information about the Lakota people. The memorial is famously unfinished, but they are continuing work on it still.

While you’re there, you can visit Mount Rushmore, the Badlands National Park, and the historic mining town of Deadwood. Custer State Park has resident herds of Buffalo that you can spot pretty easily from your car. And Wall Drug is fun for people of all ages, with photo opportunities and a giant gift shop. It’s such a great family destination to explore. 

See the world at Disney’s EPCOT center .

Walt Disney World in Orlando is one of the most kid-friendly destinations in the country, but can it be considered educational? Absolutely! EPCOT is one of the four main theme parks at Disney World, and it offers some incredible learning opportunities. EPCOT stands for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. 

In addition to some cool futuristic rides and exhibits, there’s also a fun way to learn about different cultures and countries around the world. EPCOT is home to the World Showcase, which features a section for 11 different countries. Visitors can eat authentic cuisines, learn about the countries, and even pick up souvenirs. It’s a great way for younger kids to learn without having to apply for their passports and take twelve-hour flights to those destinations. Plus, it’s a fun experience for the adults too. Enjoy the laser show to cap off a day of fun and education.

For even more Disney magic, Animal Kingdom is another great theme park with loads of exhibits and fun rides. Take advantage of the up-close animal encounters and conservation education at that park as well. It’s always easier to learn when it’s fun.

Watch animals in the wild in Alaska .

Alaska is known as the last frontier. It became part of the United States as the 49th state, and much of it’s still completely wild. With multiple National Parks, it’s a popular place for the family to explore, especially during the summer months. Spend a full day watching bears fish for Salmon in Katmai National Park, or check out one of the kayaking tours that get up close to a glacier. 

Take your family on a journey to learn about the indigenous people of this region who have adapted to crazy weather and long, dark winters. Learn how the gold rush changed Alaska and how the fishing industry keeps the bustling waterfront cities going now. It’s such a unique landscape and would make for an incredible educational vacation for your family.

Take in the historic sites of Philadelphia .

Visit the spots where history took place. Philadelphia is home to Independence Hall which is the location where the Declaration of Independence was signed. Visit the Liberty Bell and take a guided tour through some of the areas downtown where big moments in the American story happened. 

Once you’ve gotten your fill of history, you can visit the popular Please Touch museum. This building has two full floors stuffed with fun activities for children. The Franklin Institute is a science museum that is perfect for children, with more hands-on exhibits and learning opportunities. Add a zoo and an aquarium, and you can create a jam-packed itinerary in Brotherly Love.

Visit important places from the civil rights movement in the South .

High school kids have spent history classes learning about the Civil Rights Movement that happened in the United States in the mid-1900s. The information is so important to learn from. Consider visiting some of the places that your students have learned about so they can gain better context and absorb the lessons. Scattered throughout the southern states are incredible museums and historic sites that tell the stories of the people who fought in the Civil Rights Movement. 

Atlanta, Georgia, is home to the Martin Luther King Jr. Historic Site, where you can learn about his life and see the places important to him. Montgomery, Alabama, has a museum discussing Rosa Parks and her life. You can walk across the Edmund Pettis Bridge that John Lewis marched across when fighting for voting rights. Take advantage of the National Park System and the interpretive centers they have set up throughout the region and see photos, videos, and information about the well-known people and learn about some new activists. It’s a trip that will stick with you forever.

Dream about space at the NASA space center .

If you have a space lover in your family, a great option for a vacation this year would be to visit one of the NASA visitor centers or launch sites. A popular choice is the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Cape Canaveral is one of the places where they launch rockets, and depending on the time of year, visitors can get the unique experience of seeing an actual rocket preparing for a trip to space. There are interactive exhibits and a fun gift shop where you can sample space food and learn more about what it’s like to be an astronaut. 

The Space Center Houston is another popular choice. NASA provides the public a chance to learn about how the astronauts train and what the selection process is like. Have breakfast with an actual astronaut and see some of the most important items from space history. Touch a moon rock and see the Apollo 17 Command Module onsite. Kids will love these galactic experiences. 

Live the cowboy life at a Dude Ranch .

Bring the whole family to the dude ranch for outdoor adventures and hands-on learning experiences. You’ll be able to get up close with animals and learn some of the daily routines of cowboys and ranchers. There are many opportunities to do horseback riding and even test your abilities to rope cattle. Some places even have clay shooting, archery, and leatherworking. 

Each dude ranch has its vibe and collection of adventures. Head north to the mountains of Montana or spend a weekend at a ranch in Arizona. There are so many to choose from, and you can find one that best fits your family’s needs. Relax by the pool in between your itinerary of activities and enjoy a family trip that everyone will love.

See the geological wonders of Yellowstone National Park .

Yellowstone National Park is in northwestern Wyoming and is home to some crazy landscapes and geological features. From geysers to the Grand Prismatic Spring, experience all the natural beauty this national park offers. Don’t forget to stop in the visitor centers and sign your kids up for the Junior Ranger program . The program provides activities to help kids learn all about the parks and the activities that help keep them running. If you have a fourth grader, you’ll also get free admission to the parks for the entire year if you register for the Every Kid Outdoors pass .

Choose between the campgrounds, the cabins, or one of the hotels in the area. Take drives through the park looking for wildlife, hike on one of the trails, and check out the boardwalks that give visitors a close view of the springs. You could spend weeks here and still not see everything, so plan your trip and pack in as much adventure as possible. 

Final Thoughts on Educational Vacations for Families

This list covers the hotspots, so plan your next vacation with your family. Vacations should be a mixture of relaxation, fun, and special time together. Learning and experiencing new things as a family will make your trips memorable. Let us know where you’re heading next with your family!

Frequently Asked Questions

Take your kids on one of the best educational vacations for families this spring break. From National Parks to EPCOT, many places in the US give you a chance to learn something new as a family.

Make the most of your vacations as a family and head out on one of the best educational vacations for families . Elementary school kids love to see wildlife or learn about astronauts!

When you are visiting a brand new place, download the Let’s Roam app and sign up for a fun scavenger hunt to explore and learn more about the history and interesting attractions in the city.

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We love Miss Rachael because she makes music class fun. Miss Rachel not only teaches the origin of an artist or genre, but she includes motor skills, memorization, and really gets the parents involved as well. - Jennifer, Summerlin, NV,

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Gymboree Play & Music has given my son the confidence to come out of his shell and learn new things. His favorite activity is anything to do with the parachute or bubbles. - Krissy, Sandy Springs, GA,

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We’ve been attending Gymboree Play & Music for a few months now and it has been amazing to watch my daughter's confidence and abilities grow! - Christa, Dallas, TX,

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As a The Little Gym member you get access to one or two classes per week depending on which membership option you choose, plus special discounts on birthday parties, events and more.

Memberships are billed monthly on the date of initial enrollment.

All of our classes are based on your child’s age to ensure your child is learning and developing at an age-appropriate level. If you are unsure which class best fits your child, reach out to your local gym .

For children under 3, a parent (or caregiver) must participate in class. For children 3 and up parents are invited to watch class from the lobby.

Safety is a number one rule at The Little Gym. All classes are limited to provide a small student/teacher ratio and ensure a safe environment. Please contact your local gym for more information on class sizes.

If you are unable to attend class, please contact the gym and a make-up class will be added to your account. Make-ups expire after 6 months and can only be used while actively enrolled.

To cancel your membership please notify the gym. We require a 30 day notice to withdraw from a call or cancel a membership.

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Top 20 places to take kids in and around charlotte.

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2023: Best Places for Kids in and around Charlotte, NC!

Every May and June, thousands of local parents, grandparents, and caregivers weigh in on their favorite local places to take kids. This is our page to showcase the 2023 winners for the Charlotte area. ( Click here to see the full list of nominees .)

Of course, there are literally  hundreds  of wonderful places to take your kids in our area, not just this year's winners! What is listed below are just the starting point: Browse through our site and calendar to find lots more, and sign up for our fabulous FREE weekly e-newsletter ! And be sure not to miss our Everything Free page to see what there is to do without spending a dime!

© 2023, KidsOutAndAbout.com.  This information may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of KidsOutAndAbout.com.

1. North Carolina Transportation Museum

The N.C. Transportation Museum is a historic site once home to Southern Railway’s major steam locomotive repair facility located halfway between Washington, DC, and Atlanta, GA.  The museum features all types of transportation history – railroading, automotive, trucking, aviation, and more. Meander through The Bob Julian Roundhouse, the largest remaining roundhouse in North America. It is home to locomotives, passenger rail cars, and a full-size replica Wright Flyer. The massive Back Shop, where steam locomotives were once completely overhauled, now houses vintage rail cars, antique automobiles, fire trucks, and the restoration of the Piedmont Airlines’ Potomac Pacemaker DC-3. The Flue Shop houses the museum’s automotive exhibit. Train rides, lasting 20-25 minutes, are available on the 60-acre property pulled by a vintage diesel locomotive on certain days and times. Special exhibits and events take place all year!. Plan your visit today for a trip into the past at The Museum That Moves You!

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2. Gem Theatre

The Gem Theatre originally opened on December 31, 1936. A few years later, in 1942, The Gem Theatre was gutted by fire and the theatre was reduced to ashes. The theatre was rebuilt in 1948 and featured a beautiful lobby and 916 seats, including the balcony section. The Gem has been open ever since and is one of the oldest single-screen movie theatre in continuous operation today.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

3. Discovery Place

Discovery Place is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and the leading hub for science education and exploration in the Carolinas through four distinct museum experiences—Discovery Place Science, Discovery Place Nature, Discovery Place Kids-Huntersville and Discovery Place Kids-Rockingham. Discovery Place serves more than 750,000 people a year—through Museum visits, interactive educational programming and community outreach initiatives—shaping a future where people embrace science to create opportunities, build hope, solve problems and bring positive change for our world.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

4. Carowinds

Carowinds, a 400-acre amusement park located on the North Carolina-South Carolina state line, is home to top-rated roller coasters, including Fury 325, the world's tallest and fastest giga coaster, as well as more than 60 rides, attractions, and live stage shows. Carolina Harbor, a 26-acre water park, features a variety of water slides, wave pools, large play structures and a three-acre children’s play area. Carowinds Camp Wilderness and SpringHill Suites by Marriott at Carowinds are guest accommodations located on-site. For information on attractions and accommodations at Carowinds, visit www.carowinds.com or call 704.588.2600.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

5. Tiger World Endangered Wildlife Preserve

Tiger World Endangered Wildlife Preserve is a nonprofit 501c3 animal conservation and educational center dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and preservation of exotic animals. We are open to the public for educational guided tours and walkabout self-guided tours in Rockwell, NC. Our goal is to provide the best environment in captivity for the animals while also providing a stimulating learning environment for visitors. The intimate setting is a great place to bring the family and learn about the animals up close and personally.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

6. The Schiele Museum of Natural History

Curious about science and the natural world? Don't miss The Schiele Museum of Natural History. Explore dinosaur fossils, wildlife displays, gems & minerals, American Indian artifacts, and a state-of-the-art planetarium. Get outside and enjoy hiking the beautiful Nature Trail to discover life-size mazes, a replica Catawba Indian Village, and The Farm, a showcase of local agriculture and live animals. There's something for everyone at The Schiele Museum!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

7. My Local Library

Of course, the libraries in the Charlotte area are not really ONE place, but MANY places... but it's important to emphasize how valuable libraries are for family learning and fun. The libraries in our area are wonderful about posting their events to the KidsOutAndAbout calendar so you always can get ideas for free things to do with your kids that celebrate education and imagination. KidsOutAndAbout.com takes this opportunity to salute the wonderful children's librarians who serve our community with such dedication. They're proud that locals voted them #3 in best places to take kids this year!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

8. Zootastic Park

Zootastic Park is an educational, interactive zoo that is hands on for both children and adults offering lots of cherished family memories!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

9. Carolina Raptor Center

Carolina Raptor Center is dedicated to environmental stewardship and the conservation of birds of prey, through education, research, and the rehabilitation of injured and orphaned raptors.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

10. SEA LIFE Charlotte-Concord

SEA LIFE Charlotte-Concord is a 26,000-square-foot indoor aquarium. This one-of-a-kind attraction allows visitors to experience the magical world beneath our seas with marine habitats, displays, and close encounters with thousands of sea creatures. Take a fascinating journey from the North Carolina coastline to the ocean depths through 10 interactive zones. Get up close to majestic stingrays, take a walk through our mesmerizing 180° Ocean Tunnel, and find out how it feels to touch a sea star in our Interactive Touchpool. 

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

11. Big Air Trampoline Park

Big Air offers high-flying fun for the whole family where you can literally bounce off the walls! Jumping surfaces include trampoline dodgeball courts, slam dunk courts, ninja-warrior courses, launch pads, foam pits, a massive freestyle court, climbing wall & much more!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

12. NarroWay Productions

"The Broadway of Christian Entertainment," NarroWay features fun, family-friendly dinner shows just outside of Charlotte NC. Enjoy live theatre and dinner year-round, and experience southern hospitality at its best. Original shows come to life with captivating stories, inspiring music, live animals and a magnificent cast. NarroWay is theater for everyone!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

13. Children's Theatre of Charlotte

Children’s Theatre of Charlotte has grown to become one of the top theatre and education organizations for young people in the United States. We create exceptional theatre experiences, inspiring generations to explore the wonder of their world.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

14. Great Wolf Lodge Water Park (Concord)

Our 84-degree indoor water park offers the best in weatherproof North Carolina family resort fun with over 80,000 square feet of indoor waterpark action including a massive water fort tree house with a 1,000 gallon tipping bucket! Experience jaw-dropping thrill rides like the Howlin' Tornado along with zero-depth-playgrounds including Cub Paw Pool for smaller kids. Make your family vacation unforgettable when you swim and splash the day away here.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

15. Blumenthal Performing Arts

Blumenthal Performing Arts brings the world's best shows and artists to Charlotte, North Carolina. Our education programs engage and inspire students in the region.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

16. YMCA of Greater Charlotte

The YMCA of Greater Charlotte is the go-to spot for kids of all ages, from toddlers to teens, to have fun all year long! From unforgettable adventures at summer day camp, experiencing the magic of summer at two overnight camps, becoming part of a team in youth sports, gaining lifelong skills in swim lessons, preparing for kindergarten and beyond at preschool or learning without limits in afterschool, they’ll have a blast as they become their best selves at the YMCA.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

17. Sullenberger Aviation Museum (formerly Carolinas Aviation Museum)

After 31 years of making history and making imaginations soar, Sullenberger Aviation Museum, formerly known as Carolinas Aviation Museum, is proud to be partnering with the City of Charlotte, Charlotte Douglas International Airport, the national architectural and engineering firm Progressive AE, and internationally recognized design firm Freeman Ryan Design to develop plans for a state-of-the-art new location in Charlotte with a planned re-opening in summer 2024.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

18. Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden

Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden is the Carolinas’ Garden for all seasons, providing guests a chance to reconnect with nature and to create lifelong memories with friends and family. Located within 380 acres on the banks of Lake Wylie, spectacular gardens, sparkling fountains, a conservatory dedicated to the display of tropical plants and orchids, a visitor pavilion, a children's garden, a garden store and nature trails await the visitor.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

19. Ray's Splash Planet

Mecklenburg County's unique indoor Splash Park and fitness center! Ray’s Splash Planet is an indoor waterpark and recreational facility that serves as a destination for water fun, swim lessons, birthday parties and summer camps. Open year-round for open swim, birthday parties, programs, fitness, and more.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

20. Anne Springs Close Greenway

The Anne Springs Close Greenway is a 2,100 acre nature preserve located in the heart of Fort Mill, SC. The mission of the Greenway is to connect people to nature through recreational and educational activities while fostering a passion for environmental conservation, animal habitat, and protection of natural resources.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Top Arts Educator: The Mint Museum

With two locations, The Mint Museum welcomes visitors of all ages to play, explore, and learn about art. At Mint Museum Uptown, the Lewis Family Gallery is a hands-on space that provides a creative environment for making art, engaging in building and puzzle challenges, and posing for pictures. Family programming at Mint Museum Randolph includes Wild Wednesdays, Free Art Kits, Party in the Park, Bilingual Stories and Music, and Drop-in Art. Be sure to ask guest services for Scavenger Hunt pages to enjoy while touring the galleries at both locations. Children younger than age 4 are admitted free and teens can sign-up for a free membership. A general admission ticket gives you access to both Mint Museum Uptown and Mint Museum Randolph for two consecutive days. For details on events and programming, visit mintmuseum.org/events. 

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Top Sports Educator: Ninja Nation

Ninja Nation is the leading provider of world-class obstacle course arenas and experiences across the country. Come experience what it's like to be a Ninja at one of our classes or open-gym sessions. Our Birthday Parties are one of the most unique and fin experiences a kids can have. Come get your Ninja on!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Top STEM Educator: Discovery Place

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75 Inexpensive yet Fun Activities to Do with Kids Indoors & Outdoors

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Are you and the kids stuck indoors? School suddenly came to a halt and your normally kid-free moment of the day has once again been hijacked by the little balls of energy? You may be feeling overwhelmed with how you can entertain these kids for so many hours of the day, or maybe you are worried about how you can keep the little guys learning. Well, we are here to help! Below is a list of 75 fun activities for kids that you can do indoors AND outdoors. Some are crafts, some games and some are crafts and games that are aimed at learning. Scroll through the list and pick a different activity each day when you really can’t come up with anymore yourself!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

1. Virtual Playdate

playdate fun activities for kids

What is a virtual playdate you ask? Well, it’s a way that your kid can have some fun activities with their friends through video chat! Set up the webcam and get them to pick an activity from the printable playdate idea and watch their imagination come alive!

2. Playdough Soap

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Now here is a creative idea. And it is also a great way to get your kids washing their hands more often! This playdough soap is made from the same Castille soap that you use to wash your hands but feels like squishy play dough.

Try this fun activity

3. Colorful Advent Calander

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Are your kids potentially about to spend a lot of time indoors? Well, make each day an exciting day when they wake up and get to open up a new little surprise. These gingerbread houses are colorful, simple to make and will be a lot of fun for your kids to open up! Advent calendars don’t have to just be at Christmas time.

4. Circle Weaving

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Introduce your child to the old school art of weaving! This circle weaving technique is a great way to start learning and could get them busy for quite some time. Have fun choosing colors of yarn and making your own loom. In the end, you will have a great teapot trivet.

5. Mermaid Slime

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Get your kids involved in the creation of their ooey-gooey mermaid slime. It’s just as much fun making it as it is playing with it! I don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t like playing with slime. It’s way too much fun. I especially love this mermaid-theme sparkly slime – so fun!

6. Alphabet Learning Slices

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Just because your kids aren’t in school doesn’t mean they should stop learning – teach them at home.

The best way to learn is while having fun so these homemade alphabet wood slices will make spelling class a blast.

7. Make Stamps

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Playing with stamps is a fun activity for kids and grown-ups, but actually designing and making your own stamps is a whole other ball game. Get your kids to help you design their very own stamps that they can use over and over again. Whether it’s a basketball, a ballet slipper or whatever their creative minds can come up with!

8. Minion Clothespins

minion fun kids activity

Maybe your kids will be more likely to help you hang up the laundry if they think they are playing a game? Minions are a pretty big thing these days. I’m sure your kids will have fun playing with their little minion clothespin friends!

9. Constellation Geoboard

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Teach your kids about the constellations on this cool and interactive geoboard. A great way to pass the time while also learning. I love the idea of fun activities for kids that also inspire learning indirectly. Productive and entertaining games to keep you and your kids entertained.

10. Boredom Buster Popsicle Sticks

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

When you are really at a loss of what to do grab a popsicle stick from the boredom buster jar. Sit down with your kids and get them to help you come up with a bunch of their favorite fun activities for kids, and then write them on popsicle sticks – this way they will never be bored!

11. Car Tunnels

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

An easy peasy craft that you don’t even have to supervise – give your kids some colored paper and tape, teach them how to create the tunnels and let their imagination run wild! Great for the little car lovers in your household.

12. Alphabet Learning Game

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

This game takes a bit of preparation and time but it will keep your kids busy and blowing off energy as well. This will sure to tucker them out and get them sleeping. What bliss…

13. Edible Finger Paint

fun activity for kids

A great activity for a rainy day, or you know, unexpected isolation! Colored icing is a great way to get your kids making art and not having to worry about them licking their fingers. Just two ingredients! Whipped cream and food coloring! Only moments to make but might take a bit longer to clean up after… Oh well, it’s worth it.

14. Color Changing Flowers

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Are your kids out of school? That’s no reason why they can’t be performing science experimenting and learning! This is a cool experiment that your kids will absolutely love! After just a couple of hours, they will start to see the petals change color depending on the liquid food dye that you use in the water. So cool!

15. Sugar Writing Tray

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Keep your toddler busy and keep your toddler learning. This is a great way to teach the alphabet without using a bunch of paper! I recommend pulling up the letter on your tablet or computer and then getting them to draw it out. As simple as filling a tray with sugar and handing them a pencil. The only hard part is trying to get them not lick it when you’re not looking…

16. Homemade Worry Dolls

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

I had a box of worry dolls when I was a kid and, to be honest, I still have them. I adore the delicate little dolls and I’m sure your kids will too! You can get your kids to tell them all their worries, desires, hopes and dreams – they are the perfect companions.

17. Paddle Puppets

fun activity for kids

You can cut some paddle shapes out of cardboard and get your kids to paint the faces on. Just the painting part of this craft will definitely keep them occupied for a while. When they have finished painting and the puppets are dry, they can have fun playing make-believe!

18. Homemade Bubble Solution and Blowers

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Playing with bubbles is a lot of fun! And you can get some really great pictures of your kids playing while blowing bubbles. This tutorial teaches you not only how to make bubble blowers but the solution too.

19. Create a Safari

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Turn your house into a jungle safari. You can hide animals around the house and send your kids on a scavenger hunt. First, they will have to make some cool safari binoculars to be able to find the animals!

20. Make Masks

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Create giant masks out of cardboard boxes! It’s a really fun activity for kids, coming up with characters and designing the mask. Playing with them afterward is equally fun. This specific mask is the Unikitty from The Lego Movie – a personal favorite!

21. Whack A Bug!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Here is a cool reading game for the kids that they will definitely love because it involves bugs and whacking. Readout a word and your child has to smack the corresponding bug with a fly swatter. Simple, productive and fun!

22. Corn Hole

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

I think everyone knows the famous cornhole game. It’s always a really fun way to pass time with your kids because it’s fun for all ages! You can easily make your own mini corn hole game out of cardboard and bags filled with rice or beans.

23. Kids Cleaning Caddy

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Teach your kids about the importance of hygiene and healthy living while also getting the chores done. It’s a win-win! Your kids will be more likely to give you a hand cleaning if they have their own personal cleaning caddy. Turn it into a fun game and in no time your house will be sparkling.

24. Rainbow Rice Sensory Bin

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Basically a sensory box is just a bin filled with something that is cool to touch, something fun to dig around in. Then it’s even more fun when it has bright colors or extra weird feeling items hidden below. This specific sensory bin is made with colorfully dyed rice. Give it a try – it is great for little ones getting to know the world.

25. Animal Matching Game

fun activity for kids

How about some food for your brain? Get the brain juices flowing by putting their wits to the test. Matching games have been around for such a long time and there is a reason for that! They are fun while also being educational.

26. I Spy Dice Game

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Pretty much how the game works is that you roll the dice, add or subtract the numbers and then depending on the color you have to find the corresponding number of items around the house that have the color. It’s a simple game that involved math and finding things! Great for the kids who are out of school to keep learning.

27. Spinning Tops

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

You can make your own spinning wooden tops and paint them bright fun colors. Playing with tops was a childhood favorite from my time and I’m sure your kids will also enjoy it. I don’t know what is more fun; painting the tops with bright patterns or actually spinning them, they are both fun activities for kids.

28. Shut the Box Game

fun activities for kids

Set up an indoor picnic, put out some fresh lemonade and snacks and start playing! It’s estimated to take about an hour to create this Shut the Box game. It’s a lot of fun to play! Roll the dice and flip down the numbers adding up to your dice – flip down all the wooden numbers to win!

29. Busy Book Counting

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Teach your kids the important skill of counting with bright colors, cool textures, and cute little buttons. Your little one will love playing with this busy book counting page!

30. Toilet Paper Roll Bowling

toilet paper roll bowling is a great fun activity for kids

Don’t throw away those perfectly good toilet paper rolls! They will come in handy when you are trying to think of fun activities to entertain the kids. Check out this idea of transforming them into bowling pins and having a fun game of indoor bowling!

31. Flamingo Ring Toss

fun activities for kids

You can create a ring toss with pretty pink flamingos or you can get creative with items you have around the house. When you’re stuck indoors it’s important to get creative. If you don’t have flamingos and rings you could always toss bottle caps into bowls or marshmallows into mugs!

32. Pin the Cherry on the Ice Cream

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Donkeys and tails are so overrated, here we are all about ice cream and cherries! A fun activity for kids is a game of pin the cherry on the ice cream is a nice way to pass the time playing with the kids. Or, you know, just make the game for them and then keep them distracted while you get some housework done.

33. Play Bingo

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

There are lots of free printable bingo sheets on the internet that you can print – or, you can design and create your own! A relaxing and quiet game of bingo is a nice way to spend the afternoon. Although, with the kids playing it could possibly be anything but quiet…

34. Play Checkers

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

If you are going to create your own checkers board game you can do it without even leaving your house! If you have an old checkered placemat or table cloth laying around or even a ragged old plaid shirt, you can transform it into a game board. Then, use cut up pieces of wood, or once again any other small round item as the game pieces.

35. Ping Pong Shooters

making and playing with ping pong shooters are great fun activities for kids

Now here is an activity that will keep the kids busy not only for hours but for days! Flinging ping pong balls at each other with their own custom ping pong shooter might just be the most fun that they (and you) have had in a while! You have to try this!

36. Bake Tetris Cookies

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Wait… Baking and games combined into one activity!? It’s too good to be true! Why didn’t I think of this! Baking, decorating, playing and eating are all fun activities for kids. Turn your old favorite game of Tetris into a delicious feast with these cookies shaped like Tetris pieces. The game probably won’t last long though…

37. Table Tic Tac Toe

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

A trendy game of Tic Tac Toe that looks great on the table! It doesn’t matter if the kids leave this game out when they are done playing with it because it’s so pretty it can stay as a fun decoration! Big beautiful eyes and kissy lips! This could also make a great gift for your friends and family!

38. Make a Photo Booth

making a photo booth is a fun kids activity

These fun activities for kids include setting up a fun photo booth in your house with crazy backdrops, eccentric costumes, and fun props. Then a wonderful way to pass the afternoon would be taking funny and crazy pictures with your children!

39. Harry Potter Horcrux Hunt

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Spoiler alert! This scavenger hunt reveals what the seven Horcruxes are so if you haven’t finished the book, be wary! Send your kids on the most magical scavenger hunt of their lives. Looking for the hidden Harry Potter items will be a challenge but I think they are up to it.

40. Pipe Cleaner Llamas

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

I am obsessed with this amazing craft! Maybe because llamas are one of my favorite animals… But also just look how cute they turned out. I can’t wait to try this at home with my nieces. Made from pipe cleaners, wool, felt and pom poms! You can really get creative when picking out colors and patterns for the blankets.

41. Play with Perler Beads

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Remember playing with Perler beads as a kid? I know I do! I had so much fun creating art and then getting to display my work when it was all melted together. Just try and make sure that they don’t stick the beads in their mouth! I say that from experience as I remember being a little one wanting to chew on those brightly colorful beads.

42. Paint Seashells and Rocks

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Do you have a seashell and rock collection accumulating in your house from all those days at the beach and camping trips at the river? Turn those ordinary items into works of art! Put down some newspaper, get out the puffy paint and bring some color to your life.

43. Monster Bath

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Do your kids see bath time as a scary time? Well, turn it into a scary good time! Your kids will be excited to take a bath when you bring out your handmade cyclops bath bombs that sizzle and fizzle in the water and help keep your little ones clean!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Teach your kids to knit while getting some practice in yourself and also making a cute new teddy bear – talk about multi-tasking! This is an easy project that reminds you, if you can knit a square, you can knit a bear!

45. Prize Punch Box

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Waiting in each of those holes is a handful of surprises! Treats, toys and secret messages! This is a really cool replacement for a pinata! When they have found all the prizes you can then turn that small banana stand into a play place or a podium to practice acceptance speeches.

46. Go Camping Indoors!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Who says you have to go outside to go camping? You can recreate that camping atmosphere using your creativity. Create decorative stars to stick to the roof or shine them on to the roof with a projector. Set up a tent, create a fake fire and eat smores! Just like the real thing.

47. Tissue Box Monsters

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Don’t throw away those empty tissue boxes! They are only a few short steps away from being your kid’s entertainment for the next hours! Transform ordinary tissue boxes into scary (and kind of silly) monster pals.

48. Play Kitchen

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Your kids will have a lot of fun playing with their own mini play kitchen! It’s such a great way to get their imagination rolling and also to keep them busy for hours… They just won’t be able to get enough of their play kitchen – you will probably struggle to get them away from it to come to the real kitchen for dinner!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Do some baking and spend special time with your kids making super special treats. A really “sweet” way to spend the afternoon. I absolutely adore how this funny little penguin pops turned out and I’m positive your kids will fall in love too. Give it a try!

50. Make Dreamcatchers

making dreamcatchers is a fun activity for kids

Here is another craft you can do indoors with the kids. It is a simple version of a dreamcatcher that even your little ones will be able to get involved in. Bright unicorn colors, ribbons and of course the shiny unicorn horn to finish it all off – so cute!

51. Make Jewelry

fun activity for kids

Snap bracelets sort of disappeared for a while but they will always be cool in my mind. Have a fun night making jewelry with your tweens and keep them busy, learning and having a good time.

52. Movie Night

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Get your kiddos to pick out their favorite animated film and then decorate the whole house accordingly. Themed movie nights are a ton of fun because it can really spark your creativity as far as how detailed your decorating can get. Everything from designing the snacks to decorating with the right colors.

53. Fairy Wands

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Play make-believe and bring some sparkly magic to your kid’s life. These fun kids’ activities include whipping up some bright and shiny fairy wands, cutting out some crowns and crafting wings. Then, you can send your kids on special fairy missions to find hidden treasures around the house! Next stop: imagination station!

54. Set Up Shoppe

a cardboard shop can be a busy fun activity for kids

Set up cardboard shops around the house and play along with the imaginative world of your child. They can sell, trade or buy! Plus – Actually making the shops out of cardboard is a lot of fun too! Great fun for kids and adults alike.

55. Try Embroidery

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Give your hand a try at embroidery and get your kids involved! There are some pretty basic projects that your kids should be able to handle and that isn’t too boring for you either. This is a fun art project that your kid can hang up on their wall when they are finished and it is sure to look great!

56. Lego Planters

making lego planters are fun activities for kids

There are so many fun steps to this project. First, your kids will have to build you the Lego planters. Then, they can help you fill the planters with dirt and add the small succulents . It doesn’t end there though. They will need to take care of their new plant pets from there on out.

57. Kaleidoscopes

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

These fun activities for kids include designing, making and gazing into your very own kaleidoscopes. A great alternative to star gazing if you are stuck inside at night! The bright changing colors and patterns inside your kaleidoscopes will have the kids dreaming and dancing for hours.

58. Terrariums

a mason jar fun activity for kids

Fuzzy moss, brightly colored mushrooms, stones, sticks, and forest creatures – make your mini wonderland in mason jars. Your kids can design their own fairy magic land inside of mason jars with a mix of plants and figurines.

59. Set Up a Swing Set

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Set up a swing set in the backyard and watch how your kids run to that thing like they’ve got magnets on them. Just as equally, it will be tough to get them away from it when it’s time to eat or do their homework. But they will definitely thank you for it! A wonderful way to get the kids out in the yard and playing.

60. A-Frame Play Place

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

The most trendy and cool playhouse in the neighborhood. Your kid will fall in love with their very own clubhouse that is both stylish and fun. This will keep them busy and playing outside for days… No, weeks! No! Months!

61. Chalkboard Wall

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Chalkboards are not just a thing in the classroom. Build a giant chalkboard wall in your backyard to get the kids to practice their drawing and writing in the warmth of the sun. Do your kids know how to spell vitamin C? S-U-N! So get them outside and excited to play and make-believe.

62. Fountain Table

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

As a child, I used to absolutely love to run through sprinklers and play with water outside on a hot summer day. I have a feeling your kids do too! This is a unique way to get your kids cooling off in the sun. It’s a water table with fountains and it’s actually surprisingly easy to build. Give it a try!

63. Field Day

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Throw a field day in the backyard! This is a really fun way to pass an afternoon filled with laughter, smiles and some really great photos. Paint some potato sacks and have a classic potato sack race! Decorate with streamers and balloons and don’t forget the lemonade!

64. Blow Giant Bubbles

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Yeah, bubble blowers are fun but just wait until your kids have blown giant bubbles. It’s quite easy to DIY your own giant bubble blower and the soap solution. Follow a step by step tutorial and in no time your kids will be dancing with bubbles in the backyard.

65. Exploration Station

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

The ultimate test of your creativity! This exploration station may take a while to set up but then you will have endless outdoor fun activities for kids to keep them occupied, learning and hopefully getting along. Get your kids to help you plan the different activities they want to include. It could be anything from treasure hunting to potion-making.

66. Rainbow Ice

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Making this ice could be a great time to teach your kids about the primary colors or even the science of liquids turning to solids. After they have done their learning they will enjoy playing with brightly colored ice on a hot summer day.

67. Teeter Totter Tire

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Upcycle an old tire into a teeter-totter for the kids in the backyard. A great way to upcycle something old into something new and soon-to-be used daily! It’s a pretty quick project that uses basic materials and you can even get your kids to help paint it pretty colors.

68. Summer Hunt

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Send your little one on a scavenger hunt looking for things found right in your own backyard! Can they find a butterfly or a pretty blooming flower? What about one of their own toys or one of dad’s gardening tools?

69. Super Soaker Sponge Balls

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Now here is a backyard activity that even you will want to get in on! This is a really fun time that you just won’t be able to resist. These water bombs will make soaking your kids easy. So let the battle begin!

70. Ice Painting

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

We all know that the best fun activities for kids are the messiest! So are you looking for a new way to make a mess? Ice painting! Perfect for a summer afternoon to keep the kids occupied and practicing their artistic skills. Plus, it takes only moments to prepare and then it’s just a matter of time before they are frozen and ready to use.

71. Hopscotch

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Portable hopscotch that you can pick up and put away when the kids have finished playing – this hopscotch game is made out of cement pavers so careful with toes! Counting, jumping, and singing, the old school game of hopscotch will never be lost!

72. Ladder Golf

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Ever played ladder golf? This game is fun for kids and adults alike. I often play this game with my friends and I imagine it would be fun to get the little cousins involved. You can make your own ladder golf game pretty simply with PVC piping. Check it out!

73. Giant Yard Dice

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Sometimes bigger is better! Especially when it comes to games. Do you know any dice game? Well, I can guarantee you will have more fun playing those games in giant form. Making these dice is a cool woodworking project that you can do with your partner. When they are all ready to roll call the kids out and start having some fun in the yard.

74. Can Stilts

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Have you got a couple of little circus clowns running around the house? well, send them outside to practice their circus skills! You can make stilts out of old tin cans and see if your kid has got the balance to stay up. Put their stilt walking skills to the test!

75. Soap Boat Races

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

You don’t need much for this project and you probably already have it all lying around the house. An old rain gutter, some bars of soap, toothpicks, and fabric for the flags and of course a hose with water! What soap boat will win today’s race? Find out!

As you can see, there are a ton of ways to keep busy and keep learning indoors and outdoors! Sometimes, it’s just hard to come up with them all by yourself. That’s why we came to help.

Hopefully, this list of fun activities for kids has inspired some ideas to keep you and your family busy and having fun! Whether it’s cooking up something sweet, playing make-believe, cutting, gluing and pasting, or maybe just watching a movie. Family time is quality time and now more than ever you can really enjoy spending more time with your kids.

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18 Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat Healthy on the Homestead

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30 Fun Sleepover Ideas for Kids, Tweens, or Teens at a Slumber Party

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9 Summer Games to Play Outside with Friends or Family

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15 Fun Family Exercises For Health, Fitness, Energy, and Bonding

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31 Fun Backyard Activities You and Your Family Will Enjoy

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32 Fun Indoor Boredom Busters Your Kids Will Love

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How to Repurpose Christmas Trees after the Festivities

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26 Fun Christmas Party Games Everyone Should Try This Year

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15 Heartwarming Ways to Show Your Significant Other How Much You Care

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11 Unique Ways to Get Your Teenager Helping Around the House

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21 DIY Baby Shower Decorations To Surprise and Spoil Any New Mom-to-Be

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10 Benefits of Having Little Ones Grow Up on the Farm as Farm Kids

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  • Kids Birthday Party Ideas
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  • Toddler Party Ideas

13 Terrific Classes for Babies & Toddlers in San Diego

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Classes for babies and toddlers can solve one of the biggest parenting hurdles : getting out of the house! Read on for a bunch of local classes for little ones in San Diego county. Whether your little learner is a mover and shaker, budding artist, future scientist, nature enthusiast or anyone in between, there is a class that will spark their interest and keep them both curious and happily entertained.

The Native School

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Calling all nature enthusiasts! The Native School is a 100% place-based, outdoor forest school offering preschool and kindergarten classes in North County San Diego. The school is founded on the Scandinavian forest school model and the belief that a child’s strong connection to the earth is essential to their well-being. Influenced by European approaches to early learning, the teachers act as facilitators, while the natural classroom environment also acts as an educator. Students gain hands on experience, while meeting school readiness standards for math, language, literacy and science. The school also strongly emphasizes a connection to the student's social and emotional well-being. Set in the many "living laboratories" of North County, classrooms rotate and are coordinated with enrolled families. It's a truly unique and special learning experience for curious minds. 

Good to know: Learn more about and register for summer sessions today. 

2292 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-452-8182 Online: thenativeschool.com

Baby Sign Language Class

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

For wee ones just walking, but not quite talking, sign language is a great way to learn. Classes are fun and interactive with reading, songs and playtime to help you and your little one learn sign language. Even more, there are tips and tricks about incorporating signing outside of class. Did we mention toddlers meet new friends who inspire learning? A definite bonus! If you want to check it out before signing up for a class, attend a library storytime for free. You'll find the current schedule online.

Cost: From $185/child for 8 open-air classes; online options available

1947 30th St. San Diego, CA 92102  619-987-4834 Online:  babysignlanguage.net

Young Scientist Program

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

If you have a budding scientist in your house, then the Young Scientist Program at the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center may just be the thing for you. This four-week program is designed to help mini science lovers (and an accompanying parent or caregiver) check out the scientific wonders of the world. Sessions are currently held online and include an hour-long exploration into Earth checking out water, plants, seeds, rocks and landforms. There’s also an adventure into astronomy investigating planets, moons, stars and rockets; a mighty meteorologist breakdown where you will learn about measuring weather. Lastly, there’s a cool kids chemistry lesson with radical reactions, states of matters and mixtures. The program is best suited to mini Einsteins, ages 3-5 years old. 

Cost: $75/session for members, $85/session for non-members Hours: Thurs. or Sat., 11 a.m.

1875 El Prado Balboa Park San Diego, CA 92101 619-238-1233 Online:  rhfleet.org/events/young-scientists


educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Spending time with your toddler can be a walk in the park, literally. Your kiddo will love classes like mud play or bubble time. Even more, you'll love that it's at your local park. Led by a group leader these classes encourage meeting friends, exploring nature and just plain old fun. Their play-based learning curriculum adapts to all the different skills that kids are developing and practicing. Classes available in various locations throughout San Diego. Find one near you !

Good to know: Families can try a free complimentary class to see if it's the right fit.

Cost: $135+ for 6-8 week sessions

Online:  tinkergarten.com

If I Was A Bird Yoga

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Put a little om in your next outing with your budding yogi with a class at this kid-friendly yoga studio. Classes for tots warm up with an art project, continue with yoga poses, songs and movement. Students enrolled receive their own art & yoga bundles to use for class each week. Materials are not shared among other students and are stored at the studio for your child to use each week. Your tot leaves happy, calm and full. The studio also offers birthday parties and special camps at select locations. 

Cost: Introductory class, $20

Locations: Flower Hill Promenade, Mission Hills and Liberty Station Online:  ifiwasabirdyoga.com

View this post on Instagram A post shared by ChIMES at SDYS (@sdys_chimes)

ChIMES by The San Diego Youth Symphony

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The ChIMES program by the San Diego Youth Symphony is playing your little one's tune! ChIMES (Childhood Introduction to Music Education, with Smiles) is designed for kids from infants to age 5. Classes provide meaningful music-making experiences that encourage family bonding, at-home learning and pave the way for future musical development. These interactive classes develop motor and aural skills by incorporating singing, movement, rhythm activities, hands-on instrument play and lots of fun. Classes often feature guest musicians and families might learn about the French Horn one week (and get up close to touch it and see how it works) and the next week they might watch a young violinist or cellist come in to demonstrate their instrument and play a few tunes.

Our favorite part? Babies are welcome! Although this program welcomes all young kids up to age 5, it's extremely popular with the “baby crowd.” ChIMES is one of the only music classes around that allows and encourages participation from families with very young babies. It offers a great way for new moms to get out, bond with their baby and meet other parents.

Dates: Sessions run throughout the year, please see the full schedule online. 

Online: sdys.org/chimes

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Soccer Shots Raleigh-Durham (@soccershotsrdu)

Soccer Shots

Eager to see your sporty tot out on the field again? Soccer Shots is a high-energy program that introduces children to fundamental soccer principles, such as using your feet, dribbling and the basic rules of the game. Groups are broken out by age, but whether you're in the Minis (ages 2-3), the Classics (ages 3-5), or the Primers (ages 5-8), you know that your little Christiano Rinaldo or Mia Hamn is going to have fun through games, songs and positive reinforcement.

Good to know: Soccer Shots also offers backyard camp for your select group. Find the need-to-know info here .

Online: soccershots.com

Multiple Music Classes

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

As adults, we know music has the ability to transform our mood, break us out of a funk and just add an extra dose of pure joy to our lives. For babies and toddlers, play combined with music does all of that and more. It has the ability to help develop processing of both music and new speech sounds. Creating music, and the human interaction that accompanies music-making, involves multi-sensory activities that grow and foster strong brain growth and healthy interaction between young children and their caregivers. Luckily, there are plenty of places in San Diego County for kiddos to bounce to the beat. Whether it's an outdoor class at Liberty Station or a Mommy-and-Me class at Blossom Music Tree, there are plenty of options for your budding Bach. Try one of these local music schools to get your baby in the groove. 

Blossom Music Tree Outdoor classes not available at Cottonwood Creek Park 95 N. Vulcan Ave. Encinitas, CA 92024 Online: blossommt.com/SummerOutdoor.html

Nightingale Music Locations at La Jolla, La Mesa & South Park  Online: nightingalemusicschool.com

Songbird Music Locations at Liberty Station/Ingram Plaza Online: songbirdmusic.com

View this post on Instagram A post shared by San Diego Air & Space Museum (@sdasm)

San Diego Air & Space

Do you have a little engineer at home who thrives when they get to use science to build and create? The San Diego Air & Space Museum offers a hands-on STEM enrichment program that helps children build school-ready skills by encouraging communication and problem solving. In their latest Astronaut Challenge, kids get to find out if they have what it takes to survive on the moon. They'll learn to design a rover, mine for lunar ice, fix a circuit and more! From fun forces and bursting energy to exploring space and airplane adventures, you'll find a class that piques your toddler's interest. Each session lasts four weeks and is designed for children ages 3-5 with accompanying adult.

Good to know: For the first time, the museum is also offering drop-in classes where kids can have Fun with Physics and try an Astronaut Challenge.

Balboa Park 2001 Pan America Plaza San Diego, CA 92101 Online:  sandiegoairandspace.org

The Tu Tu School

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Babies and toddlers dance, twirl and spin their way through a joyful hour at The Tu Tu School in Carlsbad. Tiny dancers, ages 18 months to 8 years old, will learn the art of ballet and use their creativity and movement during these classes. What a way to get plenty of exercise before nap time! Tutu Toddler classes encourage aspiring dancers to be imaginative and move to the beat. Check out their class schedule to get dancing. The Tu Tu School also offers parties to help your swan or sugar plum fairy celebrate their big day with friends.

Good to know: Families can try a free trial class. 

6996 El Camino Real, #107 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Online:  tutuschool.com

––Aimee Della Bitta, Beth Shea & Nikki Walsh


The Best Indoor Playgrounds for Kids of All Ages Take a Hike: 21 Easy Trails for Kids in San Diego 33 Cheap or Free Things to Do in San Diego With Kids

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Kiddie Academy ® Preschool

I can do it.

For 3-Year-Olds

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Encouraging Your Child to Discover and Create

Our I Can Do It program inspires your child to discover their own sense of creativity, independence, and critical thinking skills in an environment filled with opportunities to grow and explore. Children’s accomplishments drive them to develop a life-long love of learning that starts right here at Kiddie Academy[ofACADEMY].

Explore Our Preschool Curriculum

Language & Literacy

Social & Emotional Growth

Gross & Fine Motor Skills

Character Essentials ®

Music & More

Making Connections Between Letters and Sounds

Our educators implement lesson plans using age-appropriate books and materials as your child listens to and retells stories, asks questions, and shares ideas. Language development is strengthened through individual and small-group activities.

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Key Focus Areas

  • Repeating rhymes, poems, and songs
  • Increasing competence in emergent writing skills
  • Communicating through listening and speaking
  • Exploring relationships between words
  • Sequencing events through retelling
  • Singing simple songs in English and Spanish

Developing Basic Problem-Solving Skills

We put your 3-year-old’s natural curiosity to work, teaching them about counting through hands-on STEM activities.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

  • Building the foundations of engineering
  • Planting seeds and talking about growth
  • Classifying objects into groups
  • Measuring with standard and non-standard materials
  • Making predictions based on observations
  • Using simple machines

Providing an Ideal Atmosphere for Learning and Sharing

Our educators guide your 3-year-old through activities that foster a new sense of self-awareness while helping them develop and maintain positive relationships.

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  • Building self-awareness and confidence
  • Interacting positively with others
  • Demonstrating the use of classroom materials appropriately
  • Developing the ability to solve problems

Developing Strength and Coordination

Children have a natural inclination to move and play. We focus this energy into productive activities that build strength and coordination, helping your 3-year-old’s muscles develop. Our educators give your child the opportunities, motivation, and encouragement to develop new skills.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

  • Practicing youth yoga
  • Developing hand-eye coordination
  • Enhancing bike riding skills
  • Increasing fine motor dexterity (writing and drawing)
  • Moving with balance and coordination

Character Is at Our Core

Our educators guide your child through activities inspired by our Character Essentials curriculum that build upon positive character traits like responsibility, leadership, and empathy.

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  • Navigating friendships
  • Participating in cooperative games
  • Developing compassion through acts of kindness
  • Expressing feelings
  • Developing independence

Learning Through Song and Movement

Research shows music improves cognitive development, learning skills, communication, and memory. Our age-appropriate curriculum develops your child’s language skills through song using our proprietary Music and More program.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

  • Listening to music
  • Playing instruments
  • Understanding rhythm and tempo through dance
  • Experiencing awareness of different types of culture through music
  • Building confidence through performance skills

Learning Beyond the Classroom

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There is no end to learning, and there is potential in every moment, everywhere. We designed our Life Essentials curriculum with this in mind, giving you access to projects and activities that extend the learning from your child’s classroom to your home through our Academy Link ® app.

A Day In Our Preschool Child Care Program

Every moment is an opportunity to learn. Our Preschool Program utilizes fun and play to help prepare children for life.

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Preschool Child Care FAQs

Explore some of our most frequently asked questions from parents of

What is your health and safety policy?

Each Kiddie Academy has secure entries, authorized pick-up procedures, cleaning protocols, and completed background checks for all staff. To keep children healthy, Kiddie Academy follows our Health Essentials℠ guidelines to uphold the highest level of health precautions and cleanliness.

What are your teacher qualifications and training requirements?

All Kiddie Academy educators must meet or exceed the state requirements for child care providers, including background clearance, education qualifications, and ongoing professional development.

How do you use technology in the classroom?

In our Preschool and Pre-K programs, technology is incorporated as a supportive learning tool in a balanced way to encourage gross motor skills, fine motor skills, early literacy, and mathematics skills.

Do I need to pack a lunch?

No. We provide an assortment of healthy, nutritious meals and snacks for children every day.

Will you toilet train my child?

We will work with you to be consistent with your toilet training routine at home.

Do you take the children outdoors?

Yes, we believe that outdoor time is crucial for a well-balanced educational program.

Do you have parent-teacher conferences?

Yes. We schedule family/teacher conferences each year to discuss your child’s progress, but you can request a conference with the Director at any time.

What if my child becomes ill?

A parent or authorized guardian will be contacted, and the child will be safely isolated while awaiting pickup.

What if my child has food allergies?

We have a process that monitors and tracks food allergies and will make appropriate substitutions when allergies exist.

Learning for Every Age

6 weeks to 12 months

13 to 24 months

Early Preschool







Ages 5 to 12

Summer Camp

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17 Things to Do with 3-Year-Olds and Preschoolers in the Chicago Suburbs

Looking for the best things to do with 3-year-olds all the way through the preschool years? The Chicago suburbs are full of amazing spots for this fun age group to explore. We have a few members of the Kidlist team with preschoolers, and my nephew just entered this phase.

We are always looking for ideas so they can explore new things and have fun, especially during the day while the older kids are at school. On the weekends, we look for more family-friendly activities that fit his age range well, too.

Ready for adventures and ideas close to home with your preschooler? We’re excited to share our expertise and help you make fun plans easily without needing to do extra searching and research. Everything is all right here!

A man walking across a pond with two preschoolers.

Hang Out at the Library

Libraries are our best friends for the preschool years. So many libraries have built up their children’s areas to be main attractions with light walls, imaginative play, and other fun indoor activities. It’s also a wonderful environment to curl up on a chair or couch and read a book. You can sign up for their storytime while you are there so you can make it a weekly activity!

Explore a Nature Center

Local nature centers are a great starting point for an outdoor adventure with preschoolers. Sometimes, we never even make it out onto the trails! But visitor centers offer a great spot to get advice on kid-friendly trails and take a bathroom break before heading out

Knoch Knolls Nature Center in Naperville has a big playground with a soft, spongy surface and easy access to short trails, too. Red Oak Nature Center in Batavia has two exhibits that let kids take a hands-on approach to nature learning.

Stroll Through Nature Trails

We also have a great list of the Best Trails for Kids . Taking a walk through the forest preserve and talking about plants and animals you see along the way is fun with this age. Fullersburg Woods and Waterfall Glen are a couple of our favorites, but you can check out the full list of amazing trails for kids for even more ideas. Sometimes a simply activity can be a great way to have fun together.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Cantigny Park and The Morton Arboretum are also great places to enjoy nature. Cantigny Park is $5-10 per car depending on the time of year and offers free parking on the first Wednesday of each month. The playground is big and fun, and climbing on the tanks at Cantigny is a local rite of passage for kids.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

The Arboretum’s Children’s Garden is really perfect for this age. Be aware that there are little streams and water features the kids can play in; water shoes or waterproof sandals (or bare feet) are really nice for those areas, as is a change of clothes!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Take Advantage of Easy Outings

What do Bass Pro Shop, Ikea, Abt Electronics, and Petland all have in common? They are places that adults view as stores, but for preschoolers it’s a world of fun! We have ideas for over 10 places to have unexpected fun that are super easy and you can also run errands while you are there.

Play at the Perfect Playgrounds for Preschoolers

Explore our readers’ picks for the best parks and playgrounds . In our family, the Sensory Garden Playground in Lisle, Harvester Park in Burr Ridge, and Darien Community Playground are all favorites! Local playgrounds with coffee shops nearby are also excellent for caregivers who want a morning pick-me-up before starting all the fun for the day.

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Nature playgrounds are amazing for this age range. Preschoolers need to explore and get their hands dirty! My kids can spend hours at spots like Bison’s Bluff in Schaumburg and Hawks Hollow at Peck Farm in Geneva. The Prairie Patch Play Area in Wheaton is smaller, but still lots of fun with natural materials to explore.

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Celebrate Seasonal Fun

The changing seasons are so much fun to explore with preschoolers. They’re old enough to begin to recognize the changing of the seasons, but young enough that there are so many “firsts” to experience.

Farmers markets make for a great summer outing with preschoolers. While the weekend markets can be quite crowded, the weekday markets tend to be much more open. Go early to avoid the crowds and heat! Every Saturday, we walk over to our local farmer’s market and let both of our kids pick out one treat and one fruit or veggie. It’s been a really fun way to try have the kids things like purple cauliflower, asparagus, and heirloom tomatoes . . . but of course, donuts usually win out for their treats!

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

In the fall, a trip to pick apples or choose a prize from the pumpkin patch is a fun outing for preschoolers. Many spots have activities, too. (They’re also less spooky than some of the other seasonal goings-on!) Fall fests also offer a great chance to experience autumn classics like caramel apples, hayrides, and pumpkin patches.

In the winter, don’t let a little chill keep you inside! Many preschoolers adore going sledding; we’ve got a round-up of local sledding hills to get you started on a snowy day.

Our number one goal at Kidlist is to keep you in-the-know about everything going on each season! Click here for a run down of all the seasonal fun you have to look forward to.

Cool Off with Water Fun

Splash pads and spray parks are great choices for kids who can’t swim solo just yet. Some are even fenced in (such as the splash park at Maryknoll Park in Glen Ellyn, Wolf’s Crossing Community Park in Naperville, Ty Warner Park Spray Park in Westmont, and Gordon Park in La Grange). Willow Pond Park is a great one for this age group because it’s smaller and has an age appropriate playground too. Memorial Park in La Grange Park (pictured below) is another good option because of it’s manageable size.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

If you are looking for more outdoor activities, Jamie has tips for a fun time with a creek stomp in Oswego , which has a nearby playground to help make the trip more of an outing.

educational activities for 3 year olds near me

Visit the Best Zoos for Preschoolers

Brookfield Zoo is a huge local attraction and offers tons of fun for kids. It’s definitely an outing! Brookfield Zoo currently requires reservations. Check out Annie’s recent Brookfield Zoo trip for tips .

Cosley Zoo in Wheaton is another smaller zoo with Illinois wildlife. Kids are free; if you don’t live in Wheaton, you’ll pay $7 per adult. It’s my personal favorite for little kids; check out tips from my recent trip with my family.

Philips Park Zoo in Aurora is a little free zoo! There’s a splash pad and giant playground onsite to make for a fun outing that’s very manageable with little ones.

Randall Oaks Zoo in West Dundee is also great for this age range, with plenty of opportunities to feed the animals and even try a pony ride. (Check the hours for pony rides before you go if that’s a dealbreaker for your preschooler.)

See Farm Animals

There are plenty of farms in our area that are open to the public, some even with extra attractions. Blackberry Farm has a train, play area, and historic learning opportunities, Kline Creek Farm has baby lambs in the spring and also regular events with old-fashioned fun. Click here for the full list of farms to visit.

Sign Your Preschooler Up for a Class

We’ve got a whole guide to classes for little kids 5 and under! It’s full of great options for young kids, and each class option lists the starting age, too. Handy, right?

Your local park district is another great resource for classes. Often, park district classes give kids a taste of a new activity or sport for just the season — which is great for fickle preschoolers.

Check Out a Children’s Museum

Local children’s museums are so much fun, and preschool is really the sweet spot for these fun destinations. Many also have areas for babies and crawlers, so if you’re juggling a younger kiddo as well, that’s a huge relief.

Head to a Farmers Market

If you have one within walking distance, make the walk part of the outing! Otherwise, there are plenty of markets to choose from with all kinds of fruits, vegetables, and treats to snack on. We always publish the schedule with details for each market and you can find it here: French Markets and Farmers Markets .

Ride the Train

There are a lot of kid-friendly stops on Metra’s BNSF line. Katie put together a great list of each stop worth checking out with suggestions of where to go. All aboard! Head to our article about train stops to get some great ideas.

Bring Excitement with Special Amusement Parks for Preschoolers

Pirate’s Cove, Santa’s Village, and Grady’s are good amusement parks for this age, with Pirate’s Cove being the smallest of the three if you aren’t up for large fairgrounds.

Escape to Indoor Play Areas

We have an epic list of the best indoor play areas , which are perfect for preschoolers. These are great options, especially on a rainy day or when it’s too hot to spend a long time outside.

Expend Energy at an Open Gym

Does your preschooler like to run around, jump, and play? I think that’s the case with most 3-5 year olds. That’s why many places offer open gym ! Our list has locations, times, and features of each so you can plan some gym time.

Visit a Conservatory

Get some fresh air and enjoy the warmth of a conservatory no matter what the weather is doing outside! Oak Park Conservatory has talking parrots in addition to winding paths and a great playground right across the street. Wilder Park Conservatory in Elmhurst is small, but a nice escape and in the same area as a playground, the library, and Elmhurst Art Museum. Garfield Park Conservatory is the largest and most impressive conservatory if you want to head to the city. We love all the rooms, waterfalls, and kids area there.

Let’s keep the ideas rolling in the comments! Let us know your favorite spot for the preschool-age crowd below.

Looking for ideas for another age group?

See all of our Activities by Age Articles for local places to go for every age range.

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About the author.

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Yes. Check the registration details for the local address or online link. Online classes are usually a video call with live instructors and other students. Many activities provide multiple time slots to accommodate your time zones or other obligations.

Some are always free and some are offered as a preview classes for kids to try out before enrolling in more classes.

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Summer Activities for Toddlers

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Looking for the best summer activities for toddlers? You’ll find them on this list. Enjoy this post of 50+ outdoor activities that are tailor made to toddlers. In this post, you’ll find activities broken into four categories: arts and crafts, sensory, water play, and easy summer fun.

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What are the best summer activities for toddlers? They’re right here.

What can toddlers do in the summer, what’s on this list of summer activities for toddlers, 10+ summertime sensory activities for toddlers, 10+ outdoor art activities for toddlers, 10+ water play activities for toddlers, 10+ quick and easy summer activities for toddlers.

Hello, summer. It’s good to see you again. It’s time for warmer weather, slowed down days, and outdoor fun. But what are the best ways to play this summer?

Truth be told: summer activities are some of my most favorite activities.

(All the messes in an outdoor setting near my hose? Yes, please.)

The thing about toddler activities is they need to fit a specific bill for this unique group of kids:

  • They often need to be taste-safe activities
  • They need to have a fast set-up (toddlers don’t play for long)
  • They need to be successful for toddlers (and for their older siblings)

RELATED: Looking for amazing outdoor toys to add to your backyard fun? Check out this list of the best outdoor toys for kids.

Toddlers can do so much!

There are all sorts of summer fun and learning for toddlers to be doing over the summer – the world is their oyster.

When you’re thinking of summer activities for toddlers remember: kids don’t need fancy to have fun. Toddlers need simple, easy, and open-ended activities – they don’t need lots of frills. Playing is learning, and they’re going to play all summer long.

RELATED: Have you thought of making a summer bucket list for kids? I have a really simple (free) one for you to download.

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Free Summer Camp at Home

Download Busy Toddler’s free 6-week summer camp program for toddlers to elementary-age kids


I’ve rounded up 50+ incredibly awesome summer activities tailor made and perfect for our toddler crowd.

I divided this list into 4 categories: messy sensory fun, outside art activities, water play, and quick & easy fun. I’m so excited to share this list with you!

In no particular order (except put into nice, neat, “I’m type A” categories), here are some of my favorite summer activities from around the Internet.

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Edible Sludge

If you’re not afraid of a little mess, this is for you! This sludge is amazing and a full body sensory experience.  Bonus, it’s edible!

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Clean the Cars

If I only could do one outdoor activity, this might be the one. It’s simple, fun, and something kids can be successful at.

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Outdoor Window Painting

This is a great gross motor activity that your little ones will love.  Anytime you can change up a painting technique or surface, it’s a win for the toddler crowd.

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Engineering with Mud Bricks

What a unique STEM activity with one of the best kid activity supplies: mud! It’s an ooey, gooey, messy, dirty, and all the things’ kids love activity. 

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Pudding Painting

A must do this summer with your toddler! Watching them “paint”, and mostly eat the pudding, is the best. Throw in some kitchen tools and you’re good to go.

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Bubble Foam

You only need 2 ingredients, 5 minutes to prep, and you are set for hours of fun with this bubble foam activity!

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Taste Safe Foam

This foam uses the liquid from a can of chickpeas to create a bubble type substance that your tabies and toddlers will love.  While it may not taste actually good, it is safe.

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DIY Mud Kitchen

Don’t have the space for a full blown mud kitchen? Try this smaller, temporary version instead.

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Chocolate Oobleck

Regular oobleck is a 12/10 activity at our house. Chocolate oobleck is a 20/10 activity.  It’s amazing, taste safe, uses only 3 ingredients.

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Outdoor Science Bin

Science bins are a staple activity for my kids year-round. Baking soda and vinegar come together to create one of the easiest activities that will be constantly revisited throughout play time. 

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Lemon Sensory Bin

The smell of this is heavenly! By throwing in some lemons to a regular water sensory bin, you have created a whole new type of water play for your toddlers.

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Animal World

Such a great use of a sand table, if I do say so myself. Toss out the sand and throw in some dirt to create a magical little world for your child’s little animals. 

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Paint Popsicles

A sensory delight for kids!  This does take a little prep beforehand but totally worth it. Freezing in little cups is genius and makes it so easy to take out when ready.

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Outdoor Name Art

Kids love seeing their name – and seeing it giant for an art activity is even more fantastic. This is such a fun activity, and a great way to expose kids to letters and their names.

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Graffiti Art

Grab some squirt bottles from the dollar store then mix up some paint and water to create this gigantic outdoor mural. This creates the coolest effect, and gives kids a chance to grow their grip strength,

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Giant Window Art

I love this activity! Painting on a window is such a fun technique for kids. It’s an awesome change of pace from the usual “draw on white paper” art.

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Make Your Own Paintbrushes

Take your kids on a hunt for nature supplies to make their own paint brushes. After making them together, have fun exploring what it’s like to paint with non-standard materials.

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Splatter Paint

This is a must do this summer with your toddlers! It’s messy, memorable, and will leave you smiling (and ready for kids to have a mid-day bath). I highly recommend this activity when you have a friend over for a playdate.

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Fly Swatter Painting

Toddlers love this method of painting which is basically just aggressive slapping of fly swatters to paper. Trust me: it’s a winner.

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Painted Box Cake

Have tons of boxes laying around? Make a box cake! This is a life size 3D canvas for kids to paint on and the options are endless for decorating.

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Freeze chalk and water to create this unique material. This is a fun twist on painting and on chalk art.

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Outdoor Toy Paint

This will always be a fan favorite here. I started this activity with my kids as toddlers and now, years later, they are still just as obsessed with this concept.

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Fizzy Sidewalk Paint

 A new spin on the classic baking soda and vinegar mash up that all kids love.  This one is sure to be a hit in the neighborhood.

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Ice Painting

Don’t toss out old ice from a cooler! Throw it into a bin and hand over some washable paint. This is an art, science and sensory experience in one.

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Painting With Flowers

I highly recommend this activity as a way to explore different flowers and create one-of-a-kind art pieces while playing in nature.

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Squirt Paint

This was a memorable day for my toddler and his friends: we diluted paint with water and put it in condiment bottles. It was a hysterical mess of memories.

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Pom Pom Water Play

Pom Poms can get wet – and it won’t ruin them! Fill a bin with water and pom pom balls for a fun summer activity for your toddler (just make sure to use excellent supervision and judgment).

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Outdoor Dish Washing Station

This toddler sized dishwashing station has everything your child could love in an activity! They’ve got bubbles and water.  They’ve got the ability to splash as well as a loosely defined job/goal. They’ll probably end up soaking wet in the end but, on a hot day what could be better

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Pouring Station

This was one of the first activities I ever created for my then “Busy Toddler.” A simple pouring station is a staple of summer play at my house.

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Nature Soup

We love making sensory soup here! Toss in things from the yard for kids to explore with water. At the end, freeze their creations.

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Need a quick activity to beat the summer heat? This is it! Add in a little water and you’ve got the sensory table of your toddler’s dreams.

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Colorful Ice Cube STEM Melting

I am obsessed with colored ice cubes – I always have a tray on hand. Nothing lights kids up on a summer day like exploring colored ice.

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Ice Sensory Bin

Every time we go camping or to a cookout, I bring back the ice for this activity. It is such a fun way for kids to explore ice – and melts into a water station for afternoon play.

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Ice Boat Racing

Ice boats are fun for kids of all ages and are a great outdoor activity during the warm months. This is such a simple way to introduce the concept of liquids and solids while also having a fun sensory experience.

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Bubble Foam Water Table

This clean messy activity is one of our favorites! Usually, we play with bubble foam indoors but in the summer, we take it outside and jumbo size the activity. 

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Metallic Water Table

Not only is this fun and engaging for kids to play, it is also visually stunning and so inviting to them.  The swirling paint in the water could not be cooler (and don’t worry, it won’t stain little hands).

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Ice cubes are the real MVP of summer in my opinion. This simple activity uses leftover ice, some toy hammers, and eye protection.

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I love a LEGO bath on a ho-hum day, so why did it take me so long to make a LEGO pool? This is such a great idea, especially for late in the summer days when the kiddie pool has lost its luster.

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Making Ice Cream

A summer classic, and yes, it works! Promise me you and your toddler will make ice cream together this summer. It’s a memory I cherish with my kids.

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Giant Bubbles

I love a bubble moment in the summer and this is the best recipe I’ve found. You’ll have as much fun as the toddlers with this amazing activity.

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Muddy Trucks and Car Wash

Another activity with the kiddie pool that is not swimming related. Have your kiddo help you make some mud, throw some trucks in, and let the mud party begin. Then, break out the soapy water to clean up the trucks in a little DIY car wash and you’re good to go. 

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Hammering Watermelons

Grab a watermelon and some clean golf teas to make an amazing toddler activity. You can still eat the watermelon after.

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Sponge Targets

I cannot begin to describe how much fun this simple idea is. My kids loved it as toddlers and still love it today as big kids.

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Water Bottle Fun

This link has five different ways to use water bottles to create some fun and easy outdoor activities this summer.  We love to take the I-Spy one with us when we go to restaurants or any place where I know we’ll be waiting and need some help.

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Nature Cutting Tray

I just love a nature cutting tray. It’s inviting, it’s perfect, it’s science, it’s sensory, it’s a fine motor wonderland.

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Racing Cars

Go to your local hardware store and buy a gutter today! There are so many uses for a gutter, and racing cars is a favorite.

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Outside Sticky Wall

If you have a curious toddler, try this outdoor sticky wall to give them a chance to have an up-close moment with nature. The bonus? It turns out really pretty in the end.

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Bubble Snake Blower

These bubble snake blowers are so easy to make, literally takes less than a minute, and are super fun for all ages. 

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Outdoor Road

Grab your painter’s tape and some toy cars immediately to create this outdoor road. Kids love a road to drive on, and this is an easy way to make one outside this summer.

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Pipe Cleaner Bubble Wands

This is such a fun activity – toddlers, preschoolers, and big kids. It’s an absolute winner. Kids love pipe cleaners and kids love bubbles. This is a natural fit.

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Susie Allison, M. Ed

Owner, Creator

Susie Allison is the creator of Busy Toddler and has more than 2 million followers on Instagram . A former teacher and early childhood education advocate, Susie’s parenting book “ Busy Toddler’s Guide to Actual Parenting ” is available on Amazon.

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Summer Bucket List for Kids

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Hope Saecker says

June 13, 2023 4:38 PM

Hello, I am a grandmother to a toddler. 2 years old boy We are having a great time but can always use some fun ideas for inside and outside. I never thought of putting ice in the water play area!! Your help is very appreciated. Hope

Alicia Ortego says

July 30, 2022 1:59 PM

“Thank God summer isn’t over yet! I can’t wait to try out these activities with my kids! Thanks so this amazing and huge selection of things to do with kids in summer!

Actually, I have a list of my own. It has been approved by my own kids! Would take a look here https://aliciaortego.com/fun-summer-activities-for-kids/ and give me some feedback? “

Clare's Little tots says

August 11, 2016 5:26 AM

Great list! We love anything outside and messy 🙂

Planet Toddler says

June 13, 2016 4:31 PM

This is a very creative list! Thanks.

Christina says

June 2, 2016 8:50 PM

What an awesome list of activities that are perfect for summer! Thanks so much for including our Frozen sensory play and sand and shaving cream activity in the list.

Chelsea @ Life With My Littles says

May 18, 2016 7:30 PM

This is an awesome post, and it seriously has come just in time! I can’t wait to play in our backyard all summer long!

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KC Edventures

2023 Free Summer Activities & Programs for Kids Near Me

By: Author Jacquie Fisher

Posted on Published: April 24, 2023

Categories Kids Activities & Crafts

Check out these frugal & FREE Summer activities, programs & workshops for kids where you’ll find lots of ways to entertain your kids!

Summer is coming! A time when kids & families are looking for free Summer activities to do close to home — and most of us parents are hoping that it’s not all tech time 😉

There are a number of FREE programs & events near you that your kids can try this summer.  Inspire them to learn a new skill, earn badges or pins and have a great time with other kids!

Free Summer programs, workshops and camps for kids

2023 Free Summer Activities for Kids Near Me

Summer is the perfect time to try out something new — you never know what your kids will gravitate to unless you introduce them to new things!

My favorite part about these programs & workshops are that most of the activities are only a few hours a day. So they give kids an opportunity to explore something unique without investing a ton of time (or money).

First, check out our post on FREE Summer Reading Programs & Rewards!   There are so many ways to inspire your kids to do some reading in the coming months.

Then grab the FREE printable summer activities calendar of “100 No Cost Things to do this Summer” too!

A quick warning — some of the camps and workshops will fill up quickly!! Call ahead to reserve a spot if it’s possible — don’t tell your kids until you know they can get in 😉

Also, be sure to ask about the parent/child policy at each of the events & activities.  Some programs require a parent to stay onsite during the duration of the program.

And since you’ll probably be spending more time in the car to get to and from these fun activities, be sure to check out some of these fun summer-themed Mad Lib games along with our list of car organization items to keep chaos at bay this summer 🙂

1. Kids Bowl Free Summer Programs for Kids

One of the longer standing summer programs, kids receive 2 free games of bowling every day all summer long !  Search their website to find bowling alleys all over the United States & Canada that participate.  There are quite a few who are opening up bowling activities this summer after being closed last year.

This is a great option for those hot days when you’re looking for a good indoor activity — especially for a group of kids too.  The age requirement varies depending on your local bowling alley. The website gives you details on who can participate (kids as young as 2 years old up thru teenagers can bowl at most locations)!

2. Michael’s Summer Craft Workshops for Kids

We LOVE the summer craft sessions at Michael’s!  Camp Creatology Workshops for Kids begins in June at stores in both the U.S. and Canada.  This close-to-home camp offers fun themed craft sessions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during the summer months!

Past themes include: Forest Friends, Ocean Animals, Outer Space and Fantasy Fun.  The crafts offered are fun for kids ages 4 – 12 years old.  The sessions are also offered online too if you can’t make it in person. Check out our 30+ Free Online Summer Camps & Workshops to learn more.

3. Lowe’s Kids DIY Building Workshops

For building fun, make sure to check out the Free Lowe’s Kids Workshops usually held on the second weekend of each month at most Lowe’s stores.

We love these workshops!  Projects vary for each one but the best part is that kids get to complete a cool project all on their own using kid-sized tools .  And yes, swinging a hammer or using a screwdriver is usually part of the project 😉

Some stores are doing in-person workshops and others will have you pick up the project kit in the store and take it home to work on with your kids. In our experience, these programs are best for kids ages 3 – 10 years old (especially if your kiddos haven’t yet had the opportunity to use tools!) pssst … they also have awesome DIY workshops for adults too.

Register early for these – they are popular!

4. Apple Stores Free Summer Programs for Kids Near Me

Did you know that Apple Stores offer FREE youth workshops and Apple Camp for Kids?

Whether you own an iPhone or iPad, these sessions offer your kids the opportnity to learn about the programs and apps for their Apple devices.  Kids & teens can learn photography, make movies, create music and how to program devices.

If you own a Sphero Robot ( affiliate link to what those are! ) than you’ll love the Coding Workshops your kids can take!

Register for more details on the Apple Camp 2023 sessions for kids.   Also check the “Upcoming Sessions” on the Apple Today event calendar to find in-person workshops near you!

5. Junior Ranger Programs for Kids at National Parks (& at Home!)

We are huge fans of the Junior Ranger program at the National Parks.  Be sure to read ‘ Why We Love the Junior Ranger Programs ‘ for details!

Almost all of the national parks and many of the national historic sites host these FREE programs for kids, tweens & teens.  To earn a Junior Ranger badge or certificate:

  • Kids will pick up or download an activity book for each park or site
  • Visit the park or historic site and complete the activities in the booklet,
  • Once you complete the activities for their age, turn the booklet in at a ranger station & kids will earn their  Junior Ranger status along with a certificate, pin or patch (varies by park).


Kids can complete some of the Junior Ranger activities online and at your home!  Click here to find the Junior Ranger Program Booklets can be downloaded & completed at home – which include:

  • All about Bats
  • Archeology Programs
  • Cave Science
  • Historic Preservation
  • Jr Paleontologist
  • Let’s Go Fishing
  • Night Explorer
  • Wilderness Explorer
  • Discovering the Underground Railroad and
  • Underwater Explorer

Free outdoor programs and nature camps for kids

6.  Free Kids Nature Camps & Activities Near Me

Always check with your local nature center as many offer some amazing workshops for kids throughout the summer months!  We’ve attended family hikes, animal visits, naturalist programs, archery clinics and more programs that cover outdoor skills.

Additional topics might include:  how to read trails signs, tips for hiking, identifying local wildlife, bird-watching, how to read a compass, and nighttime programs which are really cool since they usually involve owls, stars and flashlights!

Here’s how to find nature programs near you:

  • Use this list at Wikipedia to locate a local or state-supported nature center near you .
  • Check the local website for a calendar that lists summer workshops/events
  • Or give them a call and ask about any offerings they have for kids and families!

7. At-Home Maker Camp Activities for Kids

We love this option for STEM camps! Maker Camps are offered through a variety of organizations usually start mid-June.  Your kids can join in to build & create some really cool projects for six weeks over the summer.

Use the Maker Camp Map to find a location near you .  Most of the FREE camps are offered via libraries and schools.

If you’re not able to find a camp in your area, check out the Maker Camp Library for activities to do at home.  Kids, tweens & teens can start any of the past years’ activities & projects at home.  Directions and supplies needed are all listed online.

8. FREE Fishing Days Near You

Teach kids a new life sport – the folks at Take Me Fishing offer FREE fishing days in all US States!  All you’ll need is a kid-sized fishing pole and snacks (cause let me tell you, kids always seem to get hungry when they’re waiting on a fish 😉

Most days are in the month of June and kids won’t need a license.  Many local parks and sports stores near you will have events during these days too.  And check the details because some states will also waive license fees for adults on those days/weekends.

Free summer tech camps and workshops for kids, tweens and teens

9. Free Museum Programs for All Ages

Believe it or not, many art museums offer FREE admission every day. And quite a few will have summer activities, scavenger hunts and other fun programs when you visit!

First, check the Museums for All website to locate any museums near you or close to where you may vacation this summer.  You’ll find special events, art projects for kids or daily activities that are offered.  And take a peek at our 5 Fun Things to do at a Museum before you go too!

More Free Summer Activities for Kids:

100+ FREE Summer Activities {with printable list!}

Turn Your Backyard into a Science Lab

20 Summer Scavenger Hunts

Attraction Fun!

Dive into discovery where joyful family moments await—your next magical outing is just a click away!

Activity Types

  • Zoos & Wildlife
  • Indoor Play
  • Arts and Crafts
  • National Parks
  • Underground
  • Entertainment
  • Escape Rooms
  • Cinema and Movies
  • Things to do
  • City Guides

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Chessington world of adventures: wildlife defenders audio card launch, 4 creative pool games for your kids to enjoy with friends, the durham museum: omaha's treasure, top activity locations.

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Tracy, Texas

It would normally take me half a day to just find something to do, but now I literally can find something fun in 5 minutes and really enjoy a day with my kids.

Rashida, Georgia

Family Days Out is all about kids having fun, and learning, and making life easier for parents. It’s an invaluable tool for any family.

Rebecca, Florida

I have 5 kids so you can imagine how hard it is to keep finding new and fun things for everyone, but with Family Days Out I can not only find things all my kids will love, but educational too.

Katy, Los Angeles

I can’t believe I’ve lived in my hometown for so long and only just discovered things to do with my kids I never knew about. I actually makes every weekend feel like we’re on holiday!

Annette, Idaho

I can’t recommend Family Days Out enough. It’s changed the way I plan not only weekends but also actual family holidays and it saves me so much time in the planning

Tom, Washington

I planned an entire road trip with the family via Family Days Out and what we wanted to see in every state. Best holiday ever and already planning the next one.

Family Days Out FAQ's

Why not check out some of our frequently asked questions about fun activities

Which is the most visited place in the USA?

America’s top destination for visitors is the Great Smoky Mountains National Park , straddling the border between North Carolina and Tennessee . Each year, millions flock to this natural wonder.

The park is celebrated for its vast biodiversity and spectacular vistas of rolling mountains. It offers a range of activities such as peaceful scenic drives and invigorating hikes leading to impressive waterfalls. History enthusiasts will also find numerous sites that paint a picture of the area's rich heritage.

If you’re looking for an escape into nature or an exciting outdoor adventure, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is an ideal spot.

What countries can I search attractions?

On familydaysout.com, you can explore family-friendly activities and attractions not just in the USA but also in the UK , Canada , and Australia . Our website is your gateway to discovering a variety of fun options for memorable days out with the kids. Whether you're interested in theme parks, museums, zoos, water parks, or other exciting attractions, we've got you covered.

To start searching, simply use the region selector dropdown located in the top right section of the header. Choose the country you're interested in, and dive into the wealth of activities available for your next family adventure.

Do you have any discount vouchers?

Yes! By signing up for our newsletter , you'll gain access to the latest deals and discounts on family-friendly activities and attractions. It’s like having a secret code that opens up a world of savings on various fun adventures.

Think of the possibilities with the money you save; perhaps that much-anticipated trip to a water park or an action packed day at a theme park could be within reach. With our exclusive discounts, enjoying these experiences won’t strain your budget.

Are you ready to become a savings superstar? Join our newsletter now. Simply provide your email, and you’ll start receiving exclusive discount vouchers directly in your inbox. It's straightforward and incredibly rewarding.

Remember, saving more means enjoying more! Sign up today and begin planning your next extraordinary family adventure without the worry of high costs.

What state has the most kid-friendly activities?

California tops the list for kid-friendly activities in the USA . The state is home to exciting theme parks like Disneyland and Universal Studios . It also offers educational spots such as the California Science Center, along with numerous zoos and aquariums.

Families can explore the natural wonders of Yosemite National Park or enjoy the beautiful beaches and parks along the coast. With such a wide variety of attractions, California provides endless opportunities for family fun.

If you're looking for a destination packed with activities for kids, California is your go-to state!

What free things are there to do in NYC with kids?

Discover the endless free fun for kids in NYC , from strolling through the sprawling Central Park to marvelling at the iconic Statue of Liberty . Dive into culture with free museum days at institutions like the Children's Museum of Manhattan , or explore science at the New York Hall of Science during select free hours. The city also offers countless free workshops, storytimes, and art activities across various public libraries and parks. NYC is a playground of free adventures waiting to be explored!

Attractions Near Me

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The flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia which I bought there during my last visit


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  1. Jobs For 13 Year Olds Near Me

  2. Preschool Learning Videos

  3. ABC and 123 Learning Videos For 3 Year Olds

  4. ABC and 123 Learning Videos

  5. Preschool Learning Videos

  6. Learning Videos For 3 Year Olds


  1. 15 Best Learning Activities for Your 3 Year Old Preschooler

    Here are 15 activities for 3-year-olds that are both fun and educational: 5 Fun Developmental Activities for 3-Year-Olds 1. Recognizing Letters and Sounds. Learning activities for 3-year-olds are most fun when they are dressed up as family games, pretend plays, or become parts of our daily activities and observations.

  2. 20 Educational & Developmental Activities for 3 Year Olds

    12. Play Soccer. If you want to help your 3 year old with coordination, go outside and kick the soccer ball with them. This will help them with hand-eye coordination, following directions, and help them stay active. 13. Dance. When in doubt, dance!

  3. Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds

    Inside: This compilation of toddler and preschool ocean activities is all about animals that live in the ocean. Lots of fun art, fine motor, and sensory ideas! Teaching about animals in the ocean is, personally, one of the most fun and interesting topics. With the majority of the ocean still remaining unexplored, there is a….

  4. 21 Things to Do with a 3 Year Old (Fun + Engaging Activities)

    2. Rice and Beans. This activity is so much fun and really helps your 3-year-olds to use their imagination. All you need is some dry rice or beans and then lots of different-sized containers for them to pour them back and forth. Give them spoons, scoops, cups, and even a mesh strainer, and see the fun they have.

  5. 30 Best Educational Toys and Games for Preschool

    Buy it: LEGO DUPLO Classic Brick Box on Amazon. 6. Magna-Tiles. Magna-Tiles are an investment that will entertain and challenge children (and the adults who play with them) for years. These educational toys for preschool offer endless possibilities for building vertically or flat on the floor.

  6. Preschool Early Education for 3-4 Year Olds

    Know what to look for in a child care center and tour ours! Learn about our classrooms, curriculum, and tuition. Find a KinderCare nearby and contact the center director. Learn about KinderCare's Early Foundations preschool program, a school for 3 to 4 year olds featuring a specially-designed curriculum and plenty of play.

  7. 50+ Easy Things To Do At Home with Your 3 Year Old

    45. Make funny faces in the mirror or smartphone. 46. Put several puzzles in a bin and then have your 3 year old search for pieces and put them all together. 47. Play pretend firefighters. 48. Build a tower using toilet paper and tissue boxes. 49.

  8. Free Learning Activities for Kids

    Inspire your child with 3,000+ hands-on learning activities you can do right at home. Experiments, crafts, and more! Perfect for preschool through 5th grade. ... felt hearts and fill them with a sweet smelling combination of rice and spices to keep the Valentine spirit alive all year long. 3rd grade. Activity. ... Fun educational games for kids ...

  9. Discovery Preschool Programs for 2-3 Year Olds

    Know what to look for in a child care center and tour ours! Learn about our classrooms, curriculum, and tuition. Find a KinderCare nearby and contact the center director. Learn about KinderCare's Discovery Preschool program, designed to get your two- or three-year-old ready for preschool with a blend of music, art & play.

  10. Educational Toys & Learning Games for 3-Year Old Boys & Girls

    Educational Toys And Creative Learning Games For Preschoolers . Get ready for holiday gift giving with a huge assortment of educational toys and gifts for three-year-olds! Every preschooler on your list will be thrilled with the fun, creative and original learning toys and educational games you'll find at MindWare.

  11. Educational Family Vacations Your Kids Will Love

    How to Plan Education Vacations for Families. Planning any kind of family travel can be a bit overwhelming. We have just three things to consider when you're starting the planning process to help make things a bit easier. Look at the school calendar. Kids have all kinds of long weekends and breaks throughout the school year.

  12. Baby and Toddler Play Classes

    A child-led approach that builds upon each child's own abilities. Innovative Playscapes. Proprietary equipment designed to create challenges that inspire learning. Learn About Our Classes. Iconic child development play classes for babies and toddlers bring parents and kids together for learning, socialization, play, music, dance, art and fun!

  13. Gymnastics Classes for Kids

    Dance. 3-12 Years Old. Our dance programs for children ages 3-12 focus on building skills and technique. Learn More. The Little Gym gymnastics classes for kids engage your child's mind and body to help them grow into confident, strong individuals.

  14. Top 20 Places to Take Kids in and around Charlotte

    Visit Website. 3. Discovery Place. Discovery Place is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit and the leading hub for science education and exploration in the Carolinas through four distinct museum experiences—Discovery Place Science, Discovery Place Nature, Discovery Place Kids-Huntersville and Discovery Place Kids-Rockingham.

  15. 75 Inexpensive yet Fun Activities to Do with Kids ...

    11. Car Tunnels. An easy peasy craft that you don't even have to supervise - give your kids some colored paper and tape, teach them how to create the tunnels and let their imagination run wild! Great for the little car lovers in your household. Try this fun activity. 12.

  16. Toddler & Baby Activities and Mommy and Me Classes in San Diego

    Lastly, there's a cool kids chemistry lesson with radical reactions, states of matters and mixtures. The program is best suited to mini Einsteins, ages 3-5 years old. Cost: $75/session for members, $85/session for non-members. Hours: Thurs. or Sat., 11 a.m.

  17. Preschool for 3-Year-Olds

    Social & Emotional Growth. Providing an Ideal Atmosphere for Learning and Sharing. Our educators guide your 3-year-old through activities that foster a new sense of self-awareness while helping them develop and maintain positive relationships. Key Focus Areas. Building self-awareness and confidence.

  18. 17 Things to Do with 3-Year-Olds and Preschoolers in the ...

    Cantigny Park is $5-10 per car depending on the time of year and offers free parking on the first Wednesday of each month. The playground is big and fun, and climbing on the tanks at Cantigny is a local rite of passage for kids. The Arboretum's Children's Garden is really perfect for this age.

  19. Free Classes, Events & Discounted Activities for Kids

    Fun free classes and activities for kids, near you and online. Find In-person free activities, trial classes and open houses. Plus find discounts to theme parks, local attractions, kids camps and classes! Also, try free live online classes offered by teachers all over the world including art, coding, music, science, crafts and more.

  20. Summer Activities for Toddlers

    I'm a former teacher with a Master's in Early Childhood Education and a mom to 3 kids. My mission is to bring hands-on play and learning back to childhood, support others in their parenting journey, and help everyone make it to nap time. ... 30+ Easy Activities for 1-Year-Olds. 40+ Super Easy Toddler Activities.

  21. 2023 Free Summer Activities and Programs for Kids Near Me

    In our experience, these programs are best for kids ages 3 - 10 years old (especially if your kiddos haven't yet had the opportunity to use tools!) pssst … they also have awesome DIY workshops for adults too. Register early for these - they are popular! 4. Apple Stores Free Summer Programs for Kids Near Me.

  22. Fun Things to do Near Me With Kids

    Free Things to do with kids in Tampa. Kids activities Fort Lauderdale. Stuff to do near me Kissimmee For Kids. Theme Parks Near me Florida. Zoos In Georgia. Waterparks In Alabama. Indoor Play Kids fun in South Carolina. City Tours In Mississippi. Theme Parks Near Me in Orlando.

  23. The flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia which I bought ...

    Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. that are all connected in the 40k universe. This subreddit is for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k.