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How To Write An Essay On My Country For Classes 1, 2 And 3

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Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on My Country for Classes 1, 2 and 3

10-line essay on ‘my country’ in english, short essay on my country for classes 1 & 2, long paragraph on my country for class 3, what will your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grader learn from ‘my country’ essay.

Our country has a rich history, diverse culture, valuable heritage and many unique aspects. Learning about these aspects lays the foundation of patriotism in children. The pride in their country motivates them to be good citizens and think about themselves as part of a larger community. In school, students are asked to write an essay on their country to increase their general knowledge and improve their writing skills. This can be a fairly difficult topic to write about, as students will need lots of guidance on how to weave the facts with their thoughts. Here are some sample essays on ‘My Country’ for classes 1, 2 and 3.

Writing an essay about their country requires students to balance some facts about the country with their own perspectives. Here are some tips on how to compose an essay on ‘my country’:

  • For short essays in simple lines, stick to essential facts that define the country.
  • For short paragraph essays, children will have to express their thoughts about different aspects of their country.
  • For long essays on the country, students will be required to memorise important facts about the country, balanced with their perspectives.

A short essay for class 1 and class 2 can include facts about the country, and its important accomplishments. Here is an example for a simple one-line essay on our country:

  • India is my motherland, and I am a proud citizen of my country.
  • India has a large population with diverse people.
  • India is peninsular, forming the southern tip of Asia.
  • My country is vast and beautiful, surrounded by great seas to the south and the tallest mountain peaks to the north.
  • India got its independence from the British in 1947. It is now the largest democracy in the world.
  • India is popular worldwide for farming and agriculture as many different varieties of fruits and vegetables are cultivated here.
  • India has the Taj Mahal, which is one of the wonders of the world.
  • India is a popular tourist destination for people around the world.
  • India has a rich and diverse culture with various cuisines that are loved by people across the globe.
  • Our country is considered a holy land as many spiritual seekers come to find inspiration here.

A short essay in the form of a paragraph on our country can talk about various aspects such as the culture, history, geography or anything else your child wishes to write. Here is an example:

My country, India, is an ancient country with a history that goes back thousands of years. We have a rich cultural heritage which is respected all over the world. India has also made remarkable contributions to science and technology.

India is part of the Asian continent. It is peninsular, surrounded by the Bay of Bengal to the east, the Arabian Sea to the west, and the great Indian Ocean to the south. Towards the north, the country is surrounded by great mountain ranges with the tallest peaks in the world called the Himalayas.

India has a vast and diverse population, making it the second-most populous country and the largest democracy in the world. India has various cultures, traditions, faiths, languages and even cuisines. I am proud of my country’s rich heritage and all its achievements.

To write a long paragraph on ‘my country’ for class 3, students will have to remember important facts about India. The essay can start with an introductory paragraph on modern India and its ancient roots. It can then go on to talk about various geographical features and cultures. Here is an example:

India is my country. It is a land of diverse cultures, languages, and religions living in unity and harmony. India is also called ‘Bharat’ or ‘Hindustan’ in its native languages. The Indian flag is tricoloured with stripes of saffron at the top, white in the middle, and green at the bottom with the Ashoka Chakra in the centre. India is an ancient country with a culture that spans thousands of years.

India is the world’s largest democracy, having the second-largest population. It has 28 states and eight union territories. It is the seventh-largest country by landmass. It is surrounded by the great Himalayas in the North and vast oceans to the South. India shares its borders with neighbouring countries such as China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar.

Historically the name India can be traced back to the river Indus, derived from the word ‘Sindhu.’ The country’s national animal is the tiger, and the national bird is the peacock.

India is also known as the land of spirituality and philosophy. People from different countries come to India to seek spiritual guidance. Even the practice of Yoga, now globally popular, originated in ancient India.

I am a proud Indian. If we strive for it, we can make India prosper and become a world leader in the future.

Writing an essay on their country encourages children to learn about their motherland and pick up some facts and general knowledge about their heritage. The essay also teaches children how to assimilate these facts and put them together in a coherent written format for their writing assignments. The essay can touch upon various aspects of the country, such as history, geographical and demographic facts, and noteworthy accomplishments. Students can then weave a good narrative around the facts and express their perspectives.

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evergreen india essay for class 2

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Tropical Evergreen Forests in India, Types, Characteristics_1.1

Tropical Evergreen Forests in India, Map, Types, Characteristics

The tropical evergreen forest in India is essential to the wildlife ecosystem, which is known for providing natural habitat to many species of birds, animals, and insects.

Tropical evergreen forests

Table of Contents

Tropical Evergreen Forests

The tropical evergreen forest in India is essential to the wildlife ecosystem, which is known for providing natural habitat to many species of birds, animals, and insects, particularly endangered species such as owls, hawks, cardinals, and mammals such as possums, racoons, deer, and others. There are also several trees and medicinal herbs found only in the tropical evergreen forest.

The tropical evergreen forests of India can be found along the western Ghats, the greater Assam region in the northeast, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and the peninsular Indian coastline. The tropical evergreen forests of India, their characteristics, the animal and plant species found in these forests, and their geographical location are all discussed below.

What is Tropical Evergreen Forest?

Tropical in India, evergreen forests dominate the natural vegetation. They thrive in areas with more than 200 cm of rainfall. Evergreen forests are critical not only for promoting greenery on the planet but also for the survival of animals and plants in the forest ecosystem. Because there is no drought, the trees are evergreen. They’re mostly tall and made of hardwood.

Characteristics of Tropical Evergreen Forest

Tropical evergreen forests are characterized by the following:

  • High Rainfall:  Tropical evergreen forests receive an average of 2000 mm of rainfall per year. This high rainfall allows the trees to grow tall and lush.
  • Dense Vegetation:  Tropical evergreen forests are very dense, with trees growing close together and creating a canopy that blocks out most of the sunlight. This creates a humid and shady environment.
  • Wide Variety of Plant and Animal Life:  Tropical evergreen forests are home to a wide variety of plants and animals, including trees, shrubs, herbs, ferns, mosses, insects, birds, mammals, and reptiles.
  • Multi-layered Structure : Tropical evergreen forests are typically multi-layered, with different types of plants and animals occupying different layers of the forest. The tallest trees form the canopy, which blocks out most of the sunlight. Below the canopy is a layer of smaller trees and shrubs, followed by a layer of herbs and ferns. The forest floor is covered in a thick layer of leaf litter and fallen branches.
  • Abundant Epiphytes : Epiphytes are plants that grow on other plants, but do not derive nutrients from them. Tropical evergreen forests are home to a wide variety of epiphytes, including orchids, ferns, and mosses.
  • Warm and humid climate : Tropical evergreen forests have a warm and humid climate, with temperatures ranging from 25°C to 30°C throughout the year.

Tropical Evergreen Forest in India Flora & Fauna

Tropical evergreen forests are found in the Western Ghats, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the upper parts of Assam, and the coasts of Tamil Nadu, India. These forests are characterized by high rainfall, dense vegetation, and a wide variety of plant and animal life. These forests are primarily composed of Ebony, Mahogany, and Rosewood. There are many different plants and animals that coexist with one another to ensure the survival of the species. The coexistence of plants and animals results in the existence of a biome.

Tropical Evergreen Forest Animals

The animals that live in the evergreen forests are typical of a specific species, such as indigenous birds such as owls, hawks, and cardinals, as well as some mammals such as deer, possums, and raccoons. Tropical evergreen forests are home to a wide variety of animals, including:

  • Mammals : Elephants, tigers, leopards, monkeys, apes, rhinos, deer, wild pigs, bats.
  • Birds : Toucans, parrots, macaws, hornbills, hummingbirds, pheasants.
  • Reptiles : Snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and turtles.
  • Amphibians : Frogs, toads, and salamanders.
  • Insects : Butterflies, beetles, ants, termites.

Tropical Evergreen Forest in India Geographical Location

Evergreen Tropical Forest India was once a vast landmass known for its dense vegetation and abundant wildlife. However, as human activity has increased, these forests have been reduced to a delta of rivers such as the Ganga, Godavari, Mahanadi, Yamuna, and others. The Western Ghats forests extend across Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Goa, and parts of Tamil Nadu. The mangroves of the Ganga delta (West Bengal) are one of the world’s largest tidal forests, and the name comes from the Sundari tree that grows in its muddy areas.

Other tropical evergreen forest areas with mangroves are the impenetrable jungles of the Andaman and Nicobar islands. Assam, Odisha, Meghalaya, Tripura, and other states have dense tropical forests. Tropical evergreen forests are important for promoting green and for animal and plant survival.

Many tropical evergreen forests are now semi-evergreen, possibly due to increased human-to-animal conflict and infiltration in forest areas. To protect our valuable wildlife and forests, we need strict protocols and limits on human activity in these areas to ensure that our forests thrive once more.

The states where these forests are predominantly identified are:

  • Maharashtra
  • Arunachal Pradesh
  • West Bengal
  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Threats to Evergreen Forests in India

Evergreen forests in India are threatened by a number of factors, including:

  • Deforestation:  Deforestation is the clearing of forests for other land uses, such as agriculture and development.
  • Climate change:  Climate change is causing the Earth’s temperature to rise, which is leading to more extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods.
  • Poaching:  Poaching is the illegal hunting of wildlife.
  • Encroachment:  Encroachment is the illegal occupation of forest land.

Conservation Efforts for Evergreen Forests in India

A number of organizations are working to conserve evergreen forests in India. These organizations are working to reduce deforestation, combat climate change, and prevent poaching and encroachment. We can all help to conserve evergreen forests in India by reducing our consumption of resources, such as paper and wood, and by supporting organizations that are working to conserve these forests. Here are some of the key conservation efforts for evergreen forests in India:

  • Establishing protected areas:  The Indian government has established a network of protected areas, including national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and biosphere reserves, to protect evergreen forests. These protected areas provide a safe haven for wildlife and help to prevent deforestation.
  • Joint forest management:  Joint forest management (JFM) is a program that involves local communities in the management of forests. JFM has been successful in reducing deforestation and improving the livelihoods of local communities.
  • Afforestation and reforestation:  The Indian government is also implementing afforestation and reforestation programs to increase the area of forest cover in India. These programs involve planting trees in degraded forests and on barren land.
  • Sustainable forest management:  The Indian government is also promoting sustainable forest management practices, such as selective logging and harvesting of non-timber forest products. Sustainable forest management practices help to ensure that forests are used sustainably and that they continue to provide benefits for future generations.
  • Climate change adaptation:  The Indian government is also working to help evergreen forests adapt to climate change. This includes measures such as planting drought-resistant trees and restoring degraded forests.

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Tropical Evergreen Forests in India FAQs

Where is tropical evergreen forest in india found.

Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Tripura, Meghalaya, West Bengal, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands all have tropical evergreen forests.

What are the tropical evergreen forest?

Tropical evergreen forests are dense and multi-layered, and they are home to a diverse range of plants and animals. These forests can be found in areas that receive a lot of rain (more than 200 cm annual rainfall). They are extremely dense. Even sunlight cannot reach the ground. These forests are home to numerous tree species.

What are the main features of tropical evergreen forests?

Tropical evergreen forests are dense, multilayered, and home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. These forests are found in areas with a lot of rain (more than 200 cm of annual rainfall). They are extremely dense. Even sunlight is unable to reach the ground.

Why it is called tropical evergreen?

Because a tropical rainforest is always green, it is referred to as an evergreen forest.

What are the special features of evergreen trees?

Evergreen leaves are typically thicker and more leathery than deciduous leaves (those that shed their leaves in autumn or during the tropical dry season), and needlelike or scalelike in cone-bearing trees. A leaf on an evergreen tree can live for two years or more and fall at any time of year.

What is another name of the evergreen forest?

Rainforests, Tropical evergreen forests (also known as rainforests) are the world's largest single forest biome.

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Essay on Forest for Students & Children in English [Easy Words]

January 16, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Forest: The green cover of the Earth’s surface is predominated by forests and constitutes about 31% of the Earth’s ecosystem. They provide a beautiful living paradise for wildlife, flora, fauna, rare trees, animals and birds. Forests are a treasure trove of resources. They provide plenty of fresh air to the Earth and balance the water cycle and thus a blessing for mankind. Timber, food products, fuel, medicines and spices can be obtained by forest trees.

Essay on Forest 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Forest Essay in English, suitable for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

Forests are the home to about millions of creatures. They are surrounded by the beauty of woods, long tress with the limitless sky over them, gently blowing breeze and many more heart-warming things. Forests are entangled part of our ecosystem. They contain trees, shrubs, grasses, etc. They are covered with trees and plants and offer a comfortable environment for wildlife to live in.

Types of Forest

India is covered with various types of forests. From the rain forest in the south to the pastures in the north, from the deserts in the west to the evergreen forests in the east. There is a diverse range of forest in India. Based on nature, composition, and type of climate forest are divided into different types.

  • Coniferous forest stays green all year long and has trees with needle-like leaves. These forests are found across the Northern Hemisphere and in certain Southern Hemisphere places. They grow in climates where there are short summers and long winters.
  • The evergreen forest has evergreen trees that remain full of leaves and are tall and hardwood types throughout the year. They usually occur in areas receiving more than 200 cm of rainfall and have a hot climate.
  • The wet evergreen forest has tall, straight evergreen trees with an underpinning trunk that helps them to stay upright during a storm. They grow in the area having a temperature of about 25°-27°C and rainfall up to 250 cm annually.
  • Tropical Deciduous forest, commonly known as Monsoon forest, are the most widespread forest. They have trees that lose their leaves seasonally. As seasons change, the colours of the leave also change.
  • The Thorn Forest have stunted trees with thorny bushes, and roots spread deep underground. Trees remain leafless for most of the year. They are found in areas with temperatures around 25 to 30 degrees, and rainfall less than 70 cm.

Importance of Forest

We cannot underestimate how important forests are to us. We depend on forests for many things, from oxygen to the wood. Significant benefits of the forest include-

  • Forests provide us with water, food, and fuel. They give us raw materials to make medicines, cosmetics, and detergents.
  • Forests provide habitats to a large number of animal species. They are home to 80% of the wildlife, and they form the source of livelihood for many human settlements, including 60 million native people.
  • Trees keep the earth cool by absorbing carbon dioxide reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. They protect us from global warming. They generate atmospheric conditions that promote regular rainfall. During floods, they help the ground by absorbing water that improves the soil’s fertility.

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10 Lines on India

India is a vast country with second largest population in the world. Despite of different cultures, traditions, religions and languages, people still live together which showcases the Indian culture of ‘Unity in Diversity’. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari whole India is united and believes in the culture of peace, unity and prosperity. India got independence on 15 th August 1947 and every year we celebrate the occasion with great pride by remembering the sacrifices of our great leaders. The progress and development in these years has been tremendous. India is competing with the world and on the path to achieve many more milestones.

Ten Lines on India in English

We have provided ten lines on India in English. After reading these lines you will know that in which continent does India lies and which countries are its neighbours, what is the position of India in size, where India stands in terms of population, what lies in the south, east and west of India, what lies in India’s north, which are the popular rivers in India, what is the national flag of India, what is the national emblem of India, what is the national anthem of India, what is the national song of India etc.

You can add these lines in your essay and paragraph writing competition in your exam and in school competitions. You can also use these lines in your speech during various occasions in your schools and impress your audience:

1) India or ‘Republic of India’ is a peninsular country in Asia i.e. it is surrounded by water from three sides.

2) India is the 7th largest country in the world in terms of total area (land and water).

3) India has 1st largest population in the world with 1.4286 billion population against 1.4257 billion of China.

4) In the western part there lies ‘Arabian Sea’, in the southern part there is ‘Indian Ocean’ and in the east there is ‘Bay of Bengal’.

5) The northern part of India is covered with mountains and one of the famous mountain range is ‘The Himalayas’.

6) There are a number of small and big rivers which flow in India, namely, Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Narmada, Godavari, Cauvery etc.

7) The national flag of India is a rectangular tri-coloured flag having saffron on the top, white in the middle and green at the bottom having ‘Ashoka Chakra’ in the centre.

8) The national emblem of India is ‘Lion Capital of Ashoka’ at ‘Sarnath’ and at bottom it is written “Satyamev Jayate” meaning truth alone triumphs.

9) National anthem of India is “Jana Gana Mana” which was composed by Rabindranath Tagore.

10) National song of India is “Vande Mataram” which was composed by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee.

10 Lines and Sentences on India

1) India is a country having different religions, languages, cultural patterns.

2) India is a collection of 29 states and 7 union territories.

3) The national capital of India is New Delhi and metropolitan cities namely are Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai.

4) The largest state of India in terms of area is Rajasthan and the smallest state is Goa.

5) The state of India having largest population is Uttar Pradesh and Sikkim is the lowest populated state.

6) Hindi is the official language of India although Indian constitution recognizes 21 other languages also and there are 1652 dialects in India.

7) The major religions of India are Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism and Jainism.

8) The major festivals are Holi, Diwali, Durga puja, Eid, Guru Nanak Jayanti, Christmas etc.

9) Indian government is divided into 3 parts viz. Legislative is the parliament, Executive is the government and Judiciary is the court of law.

10) Administration of India is run through the centre by the Prime Minister and the states government by Chief Ministers.

10 Lines on India

5 Lines on India

1) India is a developing country.

2) It is a democratic country.

3) People follow different religions.

4) Hindi is the official language of India.

5) India celebrates different fairs and festivals.

20 Lines on India

1) India is the world’s largest democracy with huge cultural and religious diversity.

2) India is a single unitary country with a union of 29 states and seven Union Territories.

3) India also has huge geographical variations – mountain ranges to arid deserts and evergreen forests.

4) Rich in wildlife India is home to Asiatic lions, Bengal tigers, elephants and various other species.

5) Cherrapunji in the north eastern state of Meghalaya receives highest annual rainfall in India.

6) The deserts of Jaisalmer in the north western state of Rajasthan receive little or no rainfall at all.

7) Every state in India has its own ethnicity as well as cultural and linguistic heritage.

8) Despite witnessing invasions for centuries, India doesn’t lose its culture and values.

9) The Bandra-Worli sea link in Mumbai has steel wire measuring up to the circumference of the earth.

10) India had been home to Indus valley civilization, one of the world’s oldest civilizations.

11) The name of the country ‘India’ is derived from very ancient river Indus.

12) India is the land of villages where more than 60 percent of population live in rural area.

13) India has the second largest agricultural land after United States and majority of people are employed in agriculture.

14) It is the country where great scientists, spiritual gurus, mathematicians took birth and did the great work.

15) India is the nation of diversified cultures, customs, traditions and languages.

16) India is the country which taught the entire world about the philosophy of life popularly known as Sanatan Dharma.

17) India’s ISRO is fifth largest space organization after the space organization of America, Russia, China and Europe.

18) India has the third largest army after United States and China.

19) It has around 600 wild life sanctuaries and is home to 1400 species of birds.

20) India has many famous and ancient historical buildings, heritages and monuments which attract millions of tourists around the world.

India became a democratic republic nation by adopting its own constitution and every year 26 th January is celebrated in India as ‘Republic Day’. India is though a developing country but recently it has surpassed France and became 6 th largest economy of the world.

India is the land of brave hearts that’s why we are world’s third largest military. India is facing some issues of poverty, corruption and other problems but in spite of these issues India is still vibrant and progressing to achieve overall growth and development.

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Essay on Clean India Green India For Students & Children in English

Table of Contents

Clean India Green India #1

“Sanitation is more important than independence. Cleanliness and sanitation is an integral part of my way of living. My dream is total sanitation for all and “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet”. Mahatma Gandhi

We are all familiar with the adage “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” Nonetheless, we Indians have never adhered to adequate cleaning. There are numerous advantages to maintaining a clean environment and ourselves.

A healthy environment helps endangered animals avoid extinction. We will be able to breathe cleaner air and there will be fewer dangers. By maintaining a clean environment, we can ensure a consistent supply of food, water, and several natural resources, such as wood, for the production of a variety of products. Thus, greening India must become a rallying cry for all residents.

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The government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, established the Clean India Green India mission in this effort. It is divided into two components: Clean India and Green India.

The government intends to make India clean and hygienic through the Clean India component . To accomplish this, the government started the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), a comprehensive campaign. The mission’s objective is to clean up Indian cities, towns, and rural areas’ streets, roads, and infrastructure.

The Green India component entails safeguarding the country’s greenery and preserving its inherent environmental beauty. The key objectives of this component are to increase the country’s forest or tree cover to over 5 million hectares and to improve ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and storage. Green India’s ultimate goal is to mitigate the country’s growing air pollution.

India that is clean

Clean India Green India should be every Indian citizen’s ambition. The mission is an ideal development movement for India, as it envisions the country’s sustainable growth.

Many people in India have taken cleaning seriously since the start of the Swachh Bharat Mission. Every day, people began cleaning their surroundings and properly disposing of waste. Nonetheless, we observe a great deal of people who take hygiene for granted.

As part of the government’s Clean India Movement, it began sanctioning loans for the purpose of toilet construction. This aims to ensure that India is free of open defecation. Open defecation is a despised Indian practise that contributes to the uncleanliness and unhygiene of our surroundings.

The government subsidised the cost of toilet raw materials. Additionally, it connected borrowers with contractors to expedite the toilet construction process.

Several Measures We Should Take

As humans, we can take a few simple actions such as carrying a recycle bag with us when we leave the house and avoiding random rubbish disposal. This will lessen our reliance on disposable bags and ensure that we do not pollute the environment. Similarly, we may promote the use of reusable things such as bottles, mugs, and other items that help reduce trash. Additionally, verify that the waste you dispose of is properly disposed of.

Recycle recyclable items whenever feasible. Ensure that your garbage does not end up in the environment by placing a lid on your trash cans when they are outside. Composting kitchen trash at home reduces the amount of garbage transferred to landfills and the likelihood of certain products becoming marine debris.

When an environment is unhealthy, problems occur that affect the entire ecosystem and those in its vicinity. We are all aware of the negative consequences of air pollution, acid rain, and other forms of environmental contamination. We may keep our environment and surroundings clean through timely interventions such as those outlined previously.

India in its natural state

Following sanitation is the preservation of the natural environment’s attractiveness. What could be more lovely than a landscape dotted with lush green trees, grass, and several other little plants?

The tagline Clean India Green India suggests that if we work to maintain our country clean, it would turn green as a result of our efforts to clean up our environment and surroundings. The Green India mission is entirely focused on the environment. The mission’s primary objective is to halt deforestation and increase the number of trees in India in order to mitigate pollution.

Reduced deforestation can be achieved by encouraging less reliance on forest raw materials. By planting trees and small plants, we can make a difference in our forests.

Green India also addresses the issue of climate change. The government hopes to minimise greenhouse emissions, which contribute to global warming and climate change, by planting trees. Additionally, the Indian government has restructured its economic and energy policies to be more environmentally friendly.

Greenery is critical in India since it aids in country development and helps reduce air pollution. The presence of lush green forests helps to purify the air. Additionally, forests mitigate the impact of natural calamities on the country. Additionally, a dense forest cover contributes to ecological balance.

We Must Take Initiatives

We can adopt a variety of measures to increase the country’s forest cover. One strategy is to increase the number of trees in cities in order to combat a variety of environmental issues, most notably air pollution. The following critical step is to protect the current greenery in cities.

The government can play a significant role in this regard. It must act rigorously and take preventative steps against deforestation. It may take activities such as establishing a forest belt around each city or town. Finally, through mass forestation campaigns, we can all make a difference.

Green India Campaign is a national initiative endorsed by the Prime Minister’s Council for National Change in India. This mission’s principal objective is to combat climate change and its adverse consequences. This objective is accomplished by increasing the rate of carbon dioxide sequestration through forest planting. This essentially means that carbon dioxide is taken from the atmosphere and stored in the trees, lowering our planet’s carbon footprint.

Climate Change War

If we do not act now, climate change will destroy humanity in the next decades.

Thus, Clean India Green India is an Indian government-led campaign against climate change.

The mission will assist in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating air pollution, the leading cause of mortality in the country.

Recently, several state governments took the lead in the fight against climate change by prohibiting the sale of firecrackers during Diwali.

Without a clean environment, humans will never be healthy. Individually, we have the power to make a significant difference, and collectively, we have the potential to transform the world. Once our India gets cleaner and more environmentally friendly, it will benefit not only us, but also future generations. They are able to live in a more clean and healthy environment. It would be the greatest gift we could give them. Let us work together to create a better, cleaner, and greener India.

Clean India Green India #2

One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) is to make the world a better place. Clean India and Green India are two big projects that India has been working on. For the same reason, the Indian government has started a project called “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.”

Clean India and Green India are the two sides of the same coin, which is to say, a healthy, long-term development of the country of India. Father of the country wanted to clean India, or Swatch Bharat Aviyan (SBA), which is what it is called now. Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan was changed to Swacch Bharat Abhiyan by the cabinet on September 24, 2014. India started the campaign on October 2, 2014, which is the 145th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth. It was started by the government of India. The goal of this campaign is to clean every town and village in India. Mahatma Gandhi wanted to make India a clean country, so he gave a great message to the country by giving people the education they needed to stay clean. He also said that sanitation is more important than independence. During the start of this project, about 30 million students and government workers took part. Swatch Bharat Abhiyan or clean India: “One Step to Cleanliness” has been the slogan for many years.

It is called the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan , and its main goals are to reduce or eliminate open defecation by building individual cluster and community toilets, to convert the insanitary toilets to flush toilets, to get rid of hand-dug sludge, and to set up an accountable and transparent system for monitoring the work of the government. It was a goal of the Indian government to make the country “Open Defecation Free” (ODF) by October 2.

In the Clean India, Green India programme, children and youth, the people who will be in charge of the country in the future, play a big role in making things better. Clean India is said to be a path to Green India. The next step after keeping things clean is to keep and protect the greenery. There is a need at this time and place to protect the beauty and purity of the natural world around us. This job is a lot of work.

The main goals of GREEN INDIA are to increase forest cover by five million hectares and improve the quality of the forest. They also want to improve ecosystem services like carbon sequestration and storage.

It is hard to believe that CLEAN INDIA GREEN INDIA is a real thing because one can see the bright future of India. But the goal is a long way away from the real world. What we need are not just new plans, but also strong and forceful implementations of them, if necessary. As a citizen, you have a strong sense of duty and duty to be a role model for Green and Clean India. They must follow the goals and objectives that the Indian government has set out for them to achieve.

Another effort endorsed by the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change is the Green India Campaign. The mission’s objective is to expand wooded areas in order to facilitate more carbon sequestration. This action is expected to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases, so mitigating the impacts of global warming. Students must become acquainted with the purpose of these campaigns from an academic standpoint . Additionally, pupils must be able to effectively convey their writing.

Clean India Green India #3

Clean India and Green India are two facets of the same coin, namely India’s sustainable development. Swachh Bharat Aviyan (SBA) or Clean India was the father of the nation’s dream. On 24th September 2014, the cabinet approved the renaming of Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan as Swacch Bharat Abhiyan. He once stated that Ramrajya may be established through Swachh Bharat. Swatch Bharat, or clean India, is a concept that aims to ensure that everyone has access to sanitation services such as toilets, solid and liquid waste disposal systems (SLWDS), village cleanliness, and safe and enough drinking water supply. It is a national-level campaign launched by the Indian government on October 2, 2014, the 145th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth. This campaign’s objective is to clean up all of India’s towns and villages. Mahatma Gandhi desired a clean country and thus sent an excellent message to the nation by providing education to keep the people around him clean. He also stated that sanitation was far more important than independence. This endeavour is expected to be completed by 2019, the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth. This effort entails the installation of toilets, the promotion of hygiene initiatives in rural regions, the cleaning of streets and roadways, and the transformation of the country’s infrastructure. Around 30 lakh school and college students, as well as government personnel, took part in the mission’s launch, which was initiated by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi himself by clearing the road. The Government of India intends to address sanitation issues through this campaign by expanding the use of Western management systems. The Clean India movement is inextricably linked to the country’s socioeconomic, cultural, and political strength and stability. “One Step towards Cleanliness” is the well-known slogan for Swatch Bharat Abhijan, or clean India.

It is the moral obligation of Indian citizens to make their country clean and green. Subsequently, the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched to transform India into a clean India via the efforts of all residents residing within the country. Prime Minister Narendra Modi invites everyone to take part in the Abhiyan at any moment. Following that, other initiatives are done to educate and motivate other ordinary citizens who are the true heroes of a clean India. For the mission’s development, significant steps are also taken by students from schools, colleges, universities, and other educational institutions, as well as by country’s youth engaged in daily routine jobs and other economic operations. All of the initiatives undertaken by prominent people, students, and adolescents in the country have aided and encouraged the general population to participate actively in the campaign. As an Indian citizen, all we need to do is pick up the broom in our hand and sweep all the filthy places in our environment till they are spotless and painstakingly clean.

The Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change has also authorised the Green India Campaign. The mission’s agenda is to increase the amount of wooded areas in order to increase carbon sequestration. This action is intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, thereby mitigating the impacts of global warming. From an academic standpoint , students must get acquainted with the goals of these initiatives. Furthermore, pupils must be able to convey their essay in the best possible method.

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  • Clean India Essay


Essay on Clean India

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched by the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi on 2 October 2014. It was launched to promote cleanliness in society. Till now, it has successfully covered 4041 cities across India. It is one of the important campaigns launched by the Government of India. The ultimate objective is to maintain a healthy and clean environment. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is also known as Clean India Mission or Clean India Drive. It is a national campaign where states are also a part of the mission.

The Concept Behind Such Programs

Cleanliness is our right, and it is also essential whether it is our home, public areas or workplaces. It is one of the basic needs to stay civilised. Therefore, the mission aims to eradicate open defecation throughout the country. Lots of significant efforts have been made since the commencement on October 2, 2014. 

As per the statistics, the Government of India has built more than 10 crores of toilets across the country. The motive is to promote proper sanitation and stay healthy. Till now, 36 Indian states have been made defecation free, and the mission is truly on the way to success. It has improved the quality of living among people from many states.

Our government is leaving no stones unturned only to make sure that India becomes cleaner and more hygienic. The scheme has also made people more responsible for sanitation practices. Therefore, we must do our bit to help with the noble mission.

Impacts on Rural Areas

As the campaign was launched to make our country healthier and cleaner, the majority of the missions have had a great impact on the rural areas. In most villages, sanitation programs used to be a far-reaching concept due to the absence of proper toilets. To this day, with the government initiative, things have changed to a better picture both on the rural and urban scale. 

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has helped small towns in the maintenance drives when it comes to streets and other places. It is not just about our houses, but also to maintain and following the practices when it comes to public places like parks and other areas of tourist attractions. Maintenance of cleanliness not only helps in the improvement of the standard living condition but also provides a positive image when foreigners visit our country.

A Clear Determination of the Objectives

The primary objective of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to spread awareness of cleanliness and let people understand its importance. The motto is to provide basic sanitation facilities, liquid and solid waste disposal systems, safe and adequate drinking water and supply to overall village cleanliness. The action plan has been laid by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation. A lot of unhygienic approaches have been controlled after 2019. It also has the plan of implementing a complete Open Defecation Free India.

Highlights of Action Plans :

Improvement in the growth percentage of toilets from 3% to 10%.

Increasing the construction of toilets from 14000 to 48000 per day.

Launching a State Level or National Level media campaign through mobile devices, audio-visual, telephone and local programmes.

Involving school children in the activities for spreading the awareness of sanitation, water and hygiene.

The campaign also aims to conduct open sessions and discussions on hygiene and menstrual health, along with the establishment of eco-wash clubs. It does not focus on the problems of pollution, rather points out the side effects of the same and make people more cautious to prevent future difficulties.


FAQs on Clean India Essay

1. What is swachh bharat abhiyan?

The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has an important role in the reduction of lethal disease rates, health expenditure rates and mortality rates. This drive towards a greener and cleaner India will help in the improvement of the GDP along with generating multiple sources for employment. It will also draw tourists from abroad, therefore, improving the economic conditions. This indicates that Swachh Bharat Abhiyan will take us a step closer towards a safer, cleaner and greener India. It is only possible when every citizen participates in the mission.

2. Why is clean india important?

Clean India is a huge initiative taken towards the sanitation problem in the country. This step was taken by the government of India to make sure the waste management issue gets solved. This campaign was launched to ensure hygiene across the country. India even after being quite a powerful nation now, is still looked at by foreign countries as a nation with poor waste management. So, to change that perception of India by the world, this campaign was launched.

3. Who started clean india?

The clean India campaign was started by the government of India, and it was Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, who inaugurated this step. This movement later spread like a wildfire across the nation. There were numerous cleaning campaigns at almost every level in the country.

4. How can we keep india clean?

Keeping India clean is one of the most important duties of a responsible citizen. To make it happen, a citizen should follow rules and regulations, and make use of environmentally safe products and services. Citizens can make sure the garbage they are producing is disposed of properly. Everyone should maintain proper hygiene in their surroundings. Another way to keep India clean is to minimize the use of plastic as much as possible. Citizens can also use renewable sources of energy and recyclable products.

5. What is the purpose of swachh bharat abhiyan?

Through the Clean India Mission, the Indian government is aiming to solve the problems and side effects caused by lack of cleanliness and improper hygiene maintenance. The primary objective of the drive is to construct bathing rooms and toilets while eliminating open-defecation problems. Cleanliness is our right and thus, the government of India has taken stern initiatives to ensure the same and let the citizens live to a better future. This type of cleanliness campaign is highly essential for both rural and urban areas in your country where a significant sum of money is spent as health expenditure every year.

6. Illustrate the urban condition of swachh bharat abhiyan.

The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Urban) is under the Ministry of Urban Development and therefore, it is commissioned to provide household toilet and sanitation facilities in all statutory towns. The cost is estimated to be Rs. 62, 009 crore over a period of five years and another sum of Rs. 14, 623 as the centre’s share of assistance. The mission has the hopes to cover 1.4 crore households, provide 2.5 lakh community toilet seats and 2.6 lakh public toilet seats. The mission also proposes to provide solid waste management facilities in each town.

Winter Season Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on winter season.

Winter is one of the most important seasons in India. It is a part of the four seasons that occur in India. Winters are the coolest season that starts from December and last till March. The peak time when winter is experienced the most in December and January. In India, winters hold great importance. In addition, the essence it has is admired by many people. Winters give you the time to indulge in various activities like snowball fighting, building snowmen, ice hockey and more. It is a great time for kids to enjoy their vacations and get cozy in their blankets.

winter season essay

Essence of Winter

During winters, schools usually take a break and close down. The days are shorter and the nights get longer. The chilly mornings give you a different sense altogether. Hot drinks like coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are enjoyed more during winters. The sun rises quite late and sometimes it does not.

Even when it does, it doesn’t get a bit hot. People long for a little sunshine as the cold weather sends chills down the spine. You see people on the roads burning woods and paper to get a little warmth. However, not many people prefer going out in winters. They like sitting by the fireplace or heater all day.

In the hilly areas, people experience snow during winters. They have to shovel it out of the way to make way for walking. The essence of winters is enhanced by Christmas as well. It sets the holiday mood for people and is admired all over the world.

But, there is also a downside of this season. The farmers, homeless people, and animals are most affected by this season. There is hardly any business in this season for farmers. Hundreds of homeless people die due to the harsh winters.

As the animals do not have proper shelter, they too lose their lives. In addition, many flights are also canceled during this season. Nonetheless, this does not make winter any less important. It is quite essential to maintain balance in the weather of our country.

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Why I Love Winter?

I personally love winters. This season brings a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables. People get the chance to eat fresh grapes, apples, carrots, cauliflower, guava and more. Furthermore, so many beautiful flowers bloom during this season. These flowers include roses, dahlias and more. This makes winter even more beautiful than it already is.

Other than that, no lizards are to be found as they go in hibernation. This makes me very happy and lets me live fearlessly. Most importantly, winter mornings are the best part of this season for me. I like getting up early in winters and witnessing the morning dew on flowers. There is a different vibe altogether that comes with winters.

Also, our school organizes bonfire which is one of the most awaited events of the year.

In short, winter is as important as any other season. Sure, it may have its negative sides and positive sides, but that happens with every season. Winters helps you enjoy long morning walks and fresh air.

FAQ on Winter Season Essay

Q.1 Explain the essence of winter.

A.1 The essence of winter cannot be described in one word. It is the hot cup of coffee in the morning. It is the warmth you get from the fireplace. The fun of making a snowman is what forms the essence of winter.

Q.2 Why do  people love  winters?

A.2 People love winter because they like coolness. They love the absence of mosquitoes and lizards. Plus, the seasonal fruits and vegetables in winters are absolutely delicious.

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Clean India Green India Essay

  • 100 Words Essay On Clean India Green India

Clean India and Green India are national programmes aimed at improving the country. In 2014, a campaign called "Clean India" was started—Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan or the Clean India Movement were the other names for this campaign. The programme was launched by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi by cleaning the streets. With numerous people taking part, this campaign was the biggest one ever. Garbage poses a serious danger to a country's growth and it is also a major threat to success in the modern economy. Industrialization and commercialization have only served to aggravate this issue. Therefore, as responsible citizens of this country, it is our responsibility and duty to do everything to keep our environment clean and green.

200 Words Essay On Clean India Green India

500 words essay on clean india green india.

Clean India Green India Essay

Our carbon footprint has significantly grown since the Industrial Revolution. Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide and other exhaust gases from cars and factories. Ironically, life depends on the greenhouse effect, which is a natural occurrence. If this phenomena didn't exist, the earth would swiftly lose heat and freeze. However, if substantial amounts of these gases continue to exist, the greenhouse effect will be amplified.

This may lead to an increase in global average temperatures and the melting of the polar ice caps. As a result, both individuals and the ecosystem suffer from this. The ecology may become unbalanced and endangered animals may go extinct. It can also have negative effects on the climate, often leading to loss of life and property destruction.

It is our duty to keep our surroundings clean, especially any public areas like parks, tourist attractions and restrooms. We should refrain from dumping trash everywhere, whether on the ground or in public spaces. Dustbins should be used in their place to maintain such areas clean. The ideal method to develop this habit is to launch a cleaning campaign in our home, kitchen, living space, and community. It is imperative that we preserve the natural splendour and purity of our surroundings before it is too late.

Clean India Green India is a nationwide effort launched by the Indian government. Mahatma Gandhi, father of the nation, also had a vision for a clean India. People are what make up a nation. Therefore, it is essential to alter public perceptions of the fight against sanitation. Change ought to be implemented logically. Budgets and programmes that prioritise Panchayats and rural communities' sanitation needs should be sufficient. Every Indian citizen should have the vision of a Clean India, Green India. The mission is the ideal development movement for India since it promotes sustainable growth in the nation.

Benefits Of Clean India Green India Campaign

We are less prone to get sick if we maintain ourselves and our surroundings clean. The unclean atmosphere around us promotes diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and others. We must maintain a clean, healthy atmosphere if we want to reduce our risks of becoming ill.

Cleanliness is beneficial to the mind—stress and despair are decreased. It keeps us energised and inspired.

The campaign has lessened open defecation by building individual, group, and public restrooms.

There has been a transform from the unsanitary restrooms into flush restrooms.

A promotion of healthy sanitation habits through behavioural changes and connecting people to sanitation and public health programmes has taken place.

People are now utilising solid waste disposal, reuse, and recycling techniques.

What We Can Do

So, the following are some methods that we use to go green and go clean—

Plastic is one of the main causes of environmental degradation, so it is crucial that we stop using it and replace it with materials based on wood in our houses. To lessen the impact of plastic on the environment, we must also use jute or paper bags rather than plastic ones.

We can always recycle and reuse objects to cut down on waste and pollution in the environment. For example, worn-out and discarded items can be utilised as décor and other things in homes and workplaces.

We can help save trees by printing on both sides of the page, utilising hand dryers in place of paper towels, and using reusable goods instead of toilet paper and throwaway towels. Additionally, we need to grow trees and other plants around our homes to maximise the amount of greenery there is.

We must utilise dustbins effectively if we are to achieve cleanliness. We should dispose of our trash in dustbins rather than on the roads and streets.

Awareness-raising campaigns must be performed in order to achieve community cleanliness and greenery. We must inform the public of the advantages of cleanliness and nature.

Since the Swachh Bharat Mission was established, many Indians have given cleanliness considerable consideration. People started doing daily cleanups of their surroundings and proper rubbish disposal. Additionally, Green India addresses the issue of climate change. The government wants to minimise greenhouse gases, which are the cause of climate change and global warming, by encouraging the growth of trees. In addition, the Indian government changed its energy and economic policies to be more environmentally friendly.

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English Summary

2 Speech On Clean India Green India In English

All of us picture a clean India. Many of us also use foreign nations as examples of places that are clean, and we contrast our nation’s problems with those countries’ cities. The issue is that most individuals only talk about keeping their surroundings clean; they don’t actually do anything about it. How many of you believe you have helped to maintain the cleanliness of your state or nation?

Good morning, respected teachers and my dear friends. Amit Abraham is right when he says, “Clean your mind and our country will automatically get dry cleaned.” Today on this occasion I am going to speak on the topic ‘Clean India Green India’. A developed country is characterized by its cleanliness and natural beauty. India is not pro-cleanliness, as seen by the status of its lakes, rivers, towns, colonies, hill stations, and public transportation.

P.M. Narendra Modi launched the Swach Bharat Abhiyan, an initiative aimed at making India clean and green.

India’s primary reason for not being clean and environmentally friendly is its disregard for its people. They use plastics and thermocol frequently and throw trash anywhere. In India, several rivers, including Ganga, are heavily polluted in the name of religion.

Cleaning might start in one’s own home. One should promote and maintain clean neighborhoods. The government needs to regulate the industries that produce dangerous gases. We should protect nature’s beauty by planting more trees to create more greenery. In a similar manner, we should cooperate to make India a truly developed nation and create a greener, healthier environment for the next generation. Thank you.

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evergreen india essay for class 2

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My School Essay For Class 2

My school essay for Class 2 is one of the most common topics that kids learn to write as a second-grader. Writing an essay on a topic of interest gives them the opportunity to explore their creative side and express their views about the given topic in a simple and coherent manner. Besides, this enhances their English writing skills too. As young learners engage themselves in writing my school paragraph for class 2, this activity offers them the freedom to open up their views and diverse chain of thoughts about the place that they visit regularly.

We bring you 10 lines on my school for Class 2, which kids can refer to while writing an essay on a similar topic. Let’s begin!

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My School Essay For Class 2

My School Essay In English For Class 2

  • My school’s name is St. Joseph’s Convent.
  • My school building is huge in size and spacious.
  • There is a big auditorium in my school where we assemble for prayer sessions every day.
  • My school teachers are very affectionate and caring by nature.
  • I have made many friends with whom I play games during break time.
  • There is a huge playground where all the children play various outdoor games.
  • My school has many classrooms, the Principal’s room and the teachers’ room.
  • My school conducts drill sessions twice every week.
  • My school has a computer lab where we learn how to type on the keyboard.
  • I love to go to school every day, and with every passing day, I learn new things.

My school has a magnificent library where we can read various books to children.

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