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How to Create an Investor-Ready Personnel Plan and Forecast Employee Costs

Posted march 22, 2021 by noah parsons.

plan de personnel business plan

A personnel plan is a critical part of your business plan and financial forecast . In addition to helping you budget for current and future employees, your personnel plan enables you to think through who you should hire and when you should hire them.

If you’re pitching to angel investors or venture capitalists for funding, they will want to see why your team is uniquely suited to grow and scale your business, as well as your hiring plan.

Investors will want to know:

  • What positions do you need to fill?
  • When you plan on filling them?
  • How much it’s going to cost to build the team you need??

What to include in the personnel section of your business plan

For many startups and small businesses, the people who do the work—your team—are both the most costly and most valuable asset. It makes sense that hiring the right person at the right time can have a significant impact on your ability to meet your company’s milestones and goals , not to mention your cash flow .

Thinking strategically about human resources — when to add positions, compensation levels, and whether to hire full-time or on a contract basis are all pieces of a healthy personnel plan.

So, whether you’re seeking investment or not, building a personnel plan and forecast is an essential part of business planning and strategic planning for the long-term viability of your company. Let’s dive right in and look at the five key steps to build an investor-ready personnel plan.

1. Describe your team

In the “team” section of your business plan, you will typically include an overview of the key positions in your company and the background of the people who will be in those critical roles. Usually, you’ll highlight each of the management positions in your company and then speak more generally about other departments and teams.

You don’t need to include full resumes for each team member—a quick summary of why each person is qualified to do the job is enough. Describe each person’s skills and experience and what they will be doing for the company.

Emphasize your team’s strengths. How do they make your team stronger? What specific expertise and experience do they have in your (or a related) industry? Assuming your market research identified a great opportunity, why are you the right team to capitalize on it? 

For potential investors, this section helps qualify why each team member is necessary for the success of the business. It acts as a justification for their salary and equity share if they are part owners of the company.

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2. Describe your organizational structure

The organizational structure of your company is frequently represented as an “org chart” that shows who reports to whom and who is responsible for what.

You don’t have to create a visual org chart, though—describing your organization in the text is just fine. Just make sure to show that you have a clear structure for your company.

Is authority adequately distributed among the team? Do you have the resources to get everything done that you need to grow your company?

You’ll also want to mention the various teams your company is going to have in the future. These might include sales, customer service, product development, marketing, manufacturing, and so on.

You don’t need to plan on hiring all of these people right away. Think of this section as an outline of what you plan to do in the future with your company.

3. Explain the gaps

It’s alright to have gaps on your team, especially if you’re a startup. You may not have identified all the “right” team members yet, or you may not have the funds available yet to hire for essential roles . That’s okay.

The key is to know that you do have gaps on your team—this is how you figure out who you need to hire and when you need to hire them. Also, it’s much better to define and identify weaknesses in your team than to pretend that you have all the key roles that you need. In your business plan , explain where your organization is weak and what your plans are to correct the problem as you grow.

It might be tempting to hide your potential weaknesses from investors, but they’ll see through that right away. It’s much better to be open and honest about where you have management gaps and your plans to solve those problems. You want them to know you have identified and made plans to mitigate risks .

You also need to keep in mind that employees might wear a lot of hats in the early days of a company, but that specialization will happen as the company grows.

For example, initially, the CEO might also be the VP of Sales. But, eventually, the VP of Sales role should be filled by a specialist to take on that responsibility. Include these types of changes in your personnel plan to explain to investors that you understand how your company is going to grow and scale.

4. List your advisors, consultants, and board members

For some companies, external advisors, board members , and even consultants can play a crucial role in setting business strategy. These people might even fill key positions temporarily as your company grows. If this is the case, you’ll want to list these people in your business plan. Like your management team, provide a brief background on each principal advisor that explains the value they provide.

If your advisors don’t hold key roles or are not critical to your success, you don’t necessarily have to list them. But, do list anyone that is adding substantial value to the company by providing advice, connections, or operational expertise.

5. Forecast your personnel costs

Most business plans should include a personnel table to forecast the expense of your employees. Here are the expenses you’ll need to be aware of when forecasting.

Direct and indirect labor expenses

You’ll want to include both direct expenses , which usually comprise salaries, as well as indirect expenses which include: 

  • Paid time off
  • Healthcare and insurance
  • Payroll costs

 As well as any other costs you incur for each employee beyond their salary. Here’s an example of what a personnel forecast can look like using LivePlan .

See how to forecast your personnel costs using LivePlan

Burden rate and employee-related expenses

There are different names for the indirect expenses of personnel. Still, I like to call it “burden rate” or “employee-related expenses,” which is an expense over and above the direct wages and salaries. These expenses typically include payroll taxes, worker’s compensation insurance, health insurance, and other benefits and taxes.

For business planning purposes, don’t stress about coming up with the exact figure for the burden rate. Instead, estimate it using a percentage of total monthly salaries. Somewhere between 15 percent and 25 percent usually makes sense, but it depends on what kind of benefits you plan on offering.

In your personnel plan, you can list both individual people as well as groups of people. You’ll probably want to list out key people and other highly paid employees, but group together other departments or groups of people. For example, you might list out your management team, but then group together departments like Marketing, Customer Service, and Manufacturing.

Then, add in your personnel burden to cover benefits and insurance. In the example personnel table above, this is called “Employee-Related Expenses.”

You’ll then take the total number of your salaries plus personnel burden and include this in your profit and loss forecast as an expense. Suppose you’re using LivePlan to build your personnel forecast. In that case, this how-to article on entering personnel shows where you’ll see personnel costs appear on your cash flow statement, profit and loss (income statement), and your balance sheet.

Do you need a personnel plan if you have no employees?

If you are a sole proprietor and don’t have employees, you should still include your own salary as part of the business plan. Make sure to include your salary as an expense in your Profit & Loss Statement . Even if you, the business owner, don’t take the salary, so you can keep the cash in your business, you’ll want to record what you should have been paid.

In the case of a sole proprietor, you probably don’t need a full table for the personnel plan, like in the example above. But, when you do start planning to hire a team, you should use the format I’ve described here.

Personnel planning is a valuable part of the business planning process because it forces you to think about what needs to get done in your business and who’s going to do it. Take the time to work through this part of your financial forecast, and you’ll have a much better sense of what it’s going to take to make your business successful.

*Editors Note: This article was initially written in 2019 and updated for 2021.

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Noah Parsons

Noah Parsons

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How Do You Draft the Personnel Section of the Business Plan? The Personnel Section of a Business Plan Explained.

plan de personnel business plan

One of the key sections of a Business Plan is the section that describes the plan to grow or scale the business.  This often involves hiring staff and staff often represent the single largest ongoing expense that a company will have.  As such, it is important to plan exactly who will be hired, how much they will be paid and when staff will join the team.

What Should a Personnel Plan Look Like?

The personnel section of a Business Plan should contain the following components.

  • Job Descriptions – The job descriptions should provide the reader with enough detail so that they understand the job function of prospective hires
  • Organizational Chart – An organizational chart show who will work for who and allows a reader to get an overview of the overall management and staffing structure of the company.
  • Type of Hire – Staff can either be salaried employees or independent contractors. It is important to distinguish between these two types of workers for tax and other labor compliance issues.
  • Salary Amount – Details of either yearly or hourly pay should be included.
  • Salary Assumptions – common assumptions include an estimate of raises over time (eg. 5%) and a burden rate assigned to cover company benefits like health insurance (eg. 20% of salary costs)
  • When Hires Will Take Place – Staff are usually hired over a period of time and staggered. As such, it is helpful to include detail surrounding when a particular employee will start. If you will have temporary staff of contractors, you should also specify when the employment will end.

What Do the Numbers Look Like?

The sample chart below is an example of the financial section of a business plan. It is for illustrative purposes only and each plan is unique and requires tailoring to meet the specific needs of the company.

FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019
Coder $0 $48,000 $50,400 $52,920 $55,572
Sales – 2 Sales Staff $0 $48,000 $50,400 $52,920 $55,566
Sales Manager $0 $0 $24,000 $25,200 $26,460
Marketing Head $0 $0 $0 $24,000 $25,200
Distribution Manager $0 $0 $0 $0 $24,000
Founder 1 – Founder Founder $91,667 $105,000 $110,250 $115,763 $121,551
Founder 2 $0 $100,000 $105,000 $110,250 $115,763
Founder 3 $0 $100,000 $105,000 $110,250 $115,763
Total $91,667 $401,000 $445,050 $491,303 $539,875

What Should the Explanation of a Personnel Plan Look Like?

The detail below is a summary of some of the possible explanation that could be included in a Personnel Plan for the above data.  The description is an excerpt of possible language that could be used.

The company will start out utilizing the three founders and salaries have been allocated for each founder at $100,000 per year. Founder 1 will start taking a salary in FY2015 while the other two founders will start taking a salary in FY2016.    Founders will also take dividends as issued by the Board of Directors.

The budget contemplates hiring 2 employees in the sales area in fiscal 2016 and one software engineer . Until that time, one of the founders who specializes in application development (Hellen Bussiere), will work on developing the tech side of the business.  In addition, the plan includes hiring 1 sales person a year after that. Sales people will make approx.. $25,000 per year.  In year 4, the application will be completed and we will hire a marketing head to promote the product. The marketing head will make $24,000 a year and will be a part time position.  In year 5, a distribution manager will be hired and he/she will also be part time and make $24,000 per year. 

Full job descriptions are included in Section A.2 of the plan. 

The total number of employees at the end of year 5 is 9 people (including the founders).  This is a modest estimate and may increase significantly if more users sign up.

All salaries include a raise estimated at 5% per year.  20% of salary costs have been included for benefits such as health care and 401K matching.

Scott Legal, P.C. regularly prepares business plans for E-2 visas , L-1 Visas and EB-5 visas .  We welcome the opportunity to assist you.

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How to Create a Personnel Plan for Investors

how to create a personnel plan

What is a personnel plan?

A personnel plan is a document that outlines an organization’s staffing needs, goals, and strategies for managing its workforce.

It is a key component of human resource management and provides a roadmap for the recruitment, selection, training, development, retention, and management of employees.

A personnel plan is critical within the business plan you would have created as a start-up or entrepreneur. It will help you in your financial forecasting, anticipating the right times to hire and expand.

Personnel Plan CTA

What to include in the personnel section of your business plan

The personnel section of a business plan should include information about the management team and staff that will be involved in operating the business. The people who do the work are the most important asset, which of course comes with a cost. Understanding when to hire, when to think about human resources, and when to grow your business at the right time can be enormously important in meeting business objectives, setting yourself up for success with great personal benchmarks.

Building out a personnel plan within your business plan is going to be essential in planning for the long term success of your business. Forecasting this data can be the best way to ensure longevity.

Who is your management team?

This should include a brief introduction to the key members of the management team, including their backgrounds, experience, and relevant skills. It’s important to highlight their qualifications and how they will contribute to the success of the business.

This can be brief and doesn’t require a full resume for each member of the team. A simple explanation detailing qualifications and relevant experience applicable within the company is all that’s required.

What is the organizational structure?

This section should provide an overview of the organizational structure of the company, including who will be in charge of each department or functional area, as well as any outside consultants or advisors who will be involved.

In line with forecasting, you will want to illustrate the future of your company and who will be included. As you develop, you can anticipate your team growing from a just few employees into staff across multiple sectors, such as customer service, marketing, and support.

What are your staffing needs?

Outline the staffing needs of the business, including the number and types of employees needed to run the business successfully. This should also include the qualifications and skills required for each position.

Here you can identify the weaknesses and risks across your team, ensuring that you have a capable understanding of the roles and responsibilities that are important to the business in the future – though they may not be in place right now. Investors are quick to highlight “perfect” personnel plans, so you will want to embrace that you have identified risks in staffing.

As an example, your head of customer support may also be your head of sales, but in time these two roles will need to be separated.

What will recruitment and training look like?

This section should detail how the company plans to recruit and train employees, including any training programs or on-the-job training that will be provided.

What will the compensations and benefits be?

Outline the compensation and benefits packages that will be offered to employees, including salaries, bonuses, health benefits, retirement plans, and any other perks or incentives.

Outline the Human Resources policies

Detail the company’s policies on issues such as employee performance reviews , disciplinary procedures, and termination policies.

What to include in the personnel section of your business plan

Does a business plan need personnel planning if I have no staff?

Even if you don’t have any employees right now, having a personnel plan is beneficial for your business in the long term.

Without a personnel plan, you may find it challenging to scale your business or adapt to changes in your industry or market. For example, if you suddenly need to hire someone to fill a critical role, you may not know where to start or what qualifications you should look for.

Creating a personnel plan can also help you to clarify your business goals and objectives. By determining the roles and responsibilities required to meet those goals, you can better prioritize and focus on the essential tasks that need to be done.

Therefore, even if you don’t have any employees currently, it’s still a good idea to develop a personnel plan to help you prepare for future growth and ensure that you have the right team in place to support your business objectives.

Is there an easy way to forecast a personnel plan?

Personnel planning is a long process as it requires dedicated thought as to what needs to happen in your business and where you want to take it. Typically, this require a lengthy process of spreadsheets and equations to figure out exactly who needs to be working with you, and at what cost.

Business planning software can ensure that this part of your business plan, alongside other key components, is created with ease – simply needing a few data entries to be entered throughout the software.

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Guide to Developing a Personnel Plan

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Guide to Developing a Personnel Plan

Table of Contents

A people plan is an essential component of your business strategy and Financial Planning . In addition to assisting you in budgeting for current and prospective employees, your personnel strategy allows you to consider who to hire and when to hire them.

What is a Personnel Plan?

Guide to Developing a Personnel Plan

A Personnel Plan is a document that details an organization’s staffing needs, goals, and workforce management practices. It is an essential component of human resource management and serves as a road map for employee recruitment, selection, training, development, retention, and management.

A Personnel Plan is an essential component of any start-up or entrepreneur’s business plan . It will aid you in your financial predictions, allowing you to anticipate the best periods to hire and expand.

When presenting for funding to angel investors or venture capitalists , they will want to see why your team is uniquely equipped to grow and scale your firm, as well as your hiring strategy.

Investors will be interested in learning:

  • What positions do you require?
  • When do you intend to fill them?
  • How much will it cost to assemble the team you require?

What should you put in your Personnel Plan section?

Guide to Developing a Personnel Plan

The people who execute the work—your team—are both the most expensive and most important asset for many startups and small businesses . It stands to reason that hiring the appropriate individual at the right moment can have a big impact on your company’s ability to accomplish milestones and goals, not to mention cash flow.

A healthy Personnel Plan includes strategic thinking about human resources, such as whether to expand roles, and salary levels, and whether to hire full-time or on a contract basis.

So, whether you’re looking for investment or not, developing a people plan and forecast is an important aspect of business planning and strategic planning for your company’s long-term success. Look at the 9 critical phases of developing an investor-ready Personnel Plan .

What is the composition of your management team?

Typically, the “team” portion of your business plan will include an overview of the main jobs in your organization as well as the backgrounds of the people who will fill those critical responsibilities. You will highlight each of your company’s executive positions before speaking more broadly about other departments and teams.

Keep it brief .

You do not need to submit whole resumes for each team member; a brief overview of why each person is qualified for the position is sufficient. Describe each individual’s talents and expertise, as well as what they will do for the company.

Highlight your team’s strengths . How do they bolster your group’s strength? What is their special knowledge and experience in your (or a related) industry? If your market research uncovered a fantastic opportunity, why are you the best team to capitalize on it?

This part helps potential investors understand why each team member is critical to the company’s success. It serves as the rationale for their wage and ownership stake in the company if they are part owners.

How is the organizational structure defined?

Your company’s organizational structure is typically portrayed as an “org chart” that indicates who reports to whom and who is accountable for what.

However, you do not need to construct a graphic org chart; simply defining your organization in the text is sufficient . Simply demonstrate that your organization has a well-defined structure.

Is authority divided fairly among the team members? Do you have the resources to do all of the tasks required to expand your business?

You should also explain the many teams that your organization will have in the future . Sales, customer service, product development, marketing, production, and so on are examples.

You don’t have to hire all of these employees right away. Consider this section to be an outline of what you intend to do with your firm in the future.

Compile a list of your advisors, consultants, and board members

External advisers, board members, and even consultants can play an important role in determining a corporate strategy for some organizations. These individuals may even temporarily fill crucial positions as your company grows. You should include a list of these individuals in your Personnel Plan if this is the case. Give a brief background on each main advisor that outlines the value they give, just like you would for your management team.

You don’t have to include your advisors if they don’t play essential roles or aren’t critical to your achievement. However, i nclude anyone who adds significant value to the organization through advice, contacts, or operational skills.

Explain the gaps

Guide to Developing a Personnel Plan

It’s normal for your team to have gaps, especially if you’re a startup . You may not yet have identified all of the “right” team members, or you may not yet have the cash to hire for critical roles. That’s OK.

The trick is to recognize that you do have gaps on your team—this is how you determine who to employ and when to hire them . Furthermore, it is far better to describe and recognize team deficiencies than to pretend that you have all of the critical responsibilities that you require. Explain where your organization is weak and how you intend to address the issue as you develop in your business strategy.

Although it may be tempting to conceal potential weaknesses from investors, they will see right through you. It is far preferable to be open and honest about where you have management gaps and your Personnel Strategy to remedy those gaps. You want them to know you’ve identified and planned for dangers.

You should also bear in mind that your Personnel Plan may wear many hats in the early days of a company, but specialization will occur as the company expands.

For example, the CEO may initially also be the VP of Sales. However, the job of VP of Sales should eventually be filled by a specialist to take on that task. Include modifications like these in your personnel plan to show investors that you understand how your company will expand and scale.

What are your personnel requirements?

Outline the company’s personnel requirements, including the number and types of people required to run the business successfully . The credentials and skills required for each post should also be included.

Here you may identify your team’s shortcomings and vulnerabilities , ensuring that you have a competent grasp of the roles and duties that will be crucial to the business in the future – even if they are not currently in existence. Investors are ready to highlight “perfect” people strategies, so you should embrace the fact that you have recognized staffing hazards.

For example, your head of customer service may also be your head of sales, but these two responsibilities will need to be split in the future.

How will recruitment and training be carried out?

This section should explain how the company intends to recruit and train personnel, including any training programs or on-the-job training.

What are the remuneration and benefits?

Outline the salary and benefits packages that will be provided to employees, including salaries, bonuses, health insurance, retirement plans, and any other perks or incentives.

Describe your Human Resources policies

Explain the company’s policies on topics such as employee performance reviews, disciplinary procedures, and termination procedures.

Estimate your personnel costs

Most Personnel Plans should include a personnel table to anticipate labor costs . Here are some expenses to keep in mind when forecasting.

Labor costs, both direct and indirect

You should include both direct expenses, which are often salary, and indirect expenses, which include:

  • Paid vacation
  • Insurance and healthcare
  • Payroll expenses

As well as any extra fees you incur for each employee in addition to their compensation. Here’s an example of a personnel prediction:

Guide to Developing a Personnel Plan

Employee-related expenses and the burden rate

The indirect costs of staff are known by various names . Still, Innovature BPO will refer to it as a “burden rate” or “employee-related expenses”, as it is an expense in addition to direct wages and salary . Payroll taxes, worker’s compensation insurance, health insurance, and other benefits and taxes are common examples of these costs.

Don’t worry about calculating the correct burden rate for company planning objectives. Estimate it instead as a proportion of total monthly compensation. A range of 15% to 25% is normally appropriate, but it depends on the type of benefits you intend to provide.

Individuals and groups of individuals can both be listed in your Personnel Plan . You should certainly mention key people and other highly paid employees but put other departments or groups of people together. For example, you may include your management team but then group departments such as marketing, customer service, and manufacturing together.

Then factor in your employee costs for benefits and insurance. In the example personnel table above, this is referred to as “Employee-Related Expenses.”

The whole quantity of your salary and personnel load will then be included as an item in your profit and loss prediction. Assume you’re using HR management software to create a Personnel Prediction. This software explains where you’ll see personnel costs on your cash flow statement, profit and loss (income statement), and balance sheet.

Is it necessary to Personnel Plan in a company strategy if you have no employees?

Even if you don’t currently have any employees, having a Personnel Plan is useful to your firm in the long run.

You may find it difficult to scale your firm or respond to changes in your sector or market if you do not have a Personnel Plan . For example, if you need to hire someone immediately to fill a key function, you may not know where to begin or what qualifications to search for.

Developing a Personnel Plan can also assist you in clarifying your company’s aims and objectives. You can better prioritize and focus on the critical tasks that must be completed by establishing the roles and responsibilities required to fulfill those goals.

As a result, even if you don’t currently have any employees, it’s a good idea to build a Personnel Plan to help you prepare for future growth and ensure that you have the correct team in place to support your business objectives.

Is there an easy approach to forecasting a Personnel Plan?

Personnel Plan is a time-consuming process that necessitates careful consideration of what needs to happen in your company and where you want it to go. Typically, this necessitates a lengthy process of spreadsheets and mathematics to determine who needs to work with you and at what expense.

A financial modeling tool can ensure that this component of your business strategy, along with other critical components, is easily constructed, requiring only a few data entries to be entered throughout the software. Currently, on the market, there are quite a few tools to support Personnel plans and personnel management . Let’s enjoy!

Personnel Plan is an important aspect of the business planning process because it forces you to consider what needs to be done in your company and who will do it. Take the time to work through this section of your financial plan, and you’ll have a lot better idea of what it will take to make your firm a success.

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  • How to Develop Staffing Planning...

How to Develop Staffing Planning (With a Staffing Plan Example)  

Staffing Planning Cover

What is a staffing plan?

The importance of staffing planning, the role of hr in staffing planning and analysis.

  • Minimizes labor costs
  • Maximizes productivity
  • Provides a competitive edge in the market
  • Improves the quality of new hires
  • Reduces turnover
  • Drives career and skills development
  • Fosters a more engaged and satisfied workforce.

plan de personnel business plan

Staffing planning versus workforce planning: The difference

How to Develop Staffing Planning

How to develop a staffing planning

1. determine your organization’s goals, 2. assess the current workforce, 3. determine staffing needs, 4. consider external factors, 5. develop staffing strategies, 6. implement and monitor.

Checklist: Conducting a Staffing Analysis

Checklist: Conducting a staffing analysis

  • Gather relevant data: Start by gathering all the pertinent data about your current workforce, including the number of employees, their roles, skills, performance ratings, and attrition rates. Collecting information about the broader labor market and industry trends is also valuable.
  • Identify key metrics: These metrics may include employee engagement metrics , like job satisfaction scores or employee net promoter score (eNPS) . Also consider employee retention metrics, such as the turnover rate or average tenure.
  • Consider internal factors: Organizational structure, business strategy, technological capability, and corporate culture can influence staffing requirements. For instance, a new strategic focus on digital transformation might require hiring more tech-savvy employees. Or a big growth push based on increased marketing and sales might need more internal marketing resources.
  • Consider external factors: There are many factors outside of an organization that can impact staffing needs and access to talent. These include economic conditions, labor market trends, regulatory changes, or industry advancements. The current acceleration of digitization is a key example of this in action. This is particularly important as businesses across the globe compete for scarce skills in emerging technologies.
  • Conduct a trend analysis: Examine your data over time to identify patterns or trends. This might include trends in hiring, turnover, skill demands, or industry-specific trends. By understanding these trends, you can better anticipate future staffing needs.
  • Apply a ratio analysis: This is a quantitative method often used in staffing analysis. Common ratios include the staff-to-supervisor ratio, staff-to-revenue ratio, or staff-to-client ratio. These ratios provide a quick snapshot of your staffing efficiency and effectiveness. They are an essential tool to avoid overstaffing or understaffing.
  • Conduct a gap analysis: Compare your current and future staffing needs to identify gaps. Your analysis should include both skills gaps and staffing level gaps. By identifying these gaps, you can develop targeted strategies to address them, whether through hiring, training, or restructuring.
  • Interpret your analysis: Finally, interpret your analysis to inform your staffing plan. This involves drawing conclusions from the data and deciding on the best course of action. The interpretation should be strategic, considering immediate needs and long-term organizational goals.

An example of a staffing plan

Head of Marketing
Drive brand awareness, customer engagement, and sales growth
Marketing ManagerOversee all marketing activities, develop a marketing strategy, coordinate with sales teamYN/A     Ongoing leadership trainingAssistant Marketing Manager           $70,000 per year
Content Marketing LeadDevelop and implement content marketing strategy, manage content creationNJob posting on professional networking sites and content marketing forumsRegular workshops on content marketing trends and SEOMarketing Manager           $55,000 per year
SEO Specialist            Optimize website for search engines, analyze web traffic, coordinate with content teamNLinkedIn job posting, agency recruitmentSEO certification course, regular upskilling            Content Marketing Lead$50,000 per year 
Social Media CoordinatorManage social media channels, develop social media campaigns, monitor online engagement     YN/A      Social Media Marketing Certification, on-the-job training Content Marketing Lead$45,000 per year 
Marketing InternAssist with marketing activities, conduct market research            NCollege campus recruitment, intern-specific job boardsOn-the-job training, mentorship programAny role within the Marketing team (based on performance)            $20,000 per year (internship) 

Key takeaways

  • Get the right people in the right roles: Staffing planning ensures that the right talent with the right skills is in the right roles at the appropriate time.
  • Plan ahead: Effective staffing plans are based on carefully analyzing current resources, predicting future needs, identifying gaps and formulating strategies to fill these gaps, and aligning talent needs with business objectives.
  • Reskill, upskill and hire: Staffing planning provides a roadmap for understanding the required skills and how the business can acquire them.
  • Monitor and evolve: Staffing planning is not a once-off exercise. The plan should be reviewed and updated regularly, and HR should ensure it is implemented.

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What is a People Plan and How Do You Make One?

Updated Over a Week Ago

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Making a People Plan

No organization can survive without a people plan—the plan for its people. Just as a company needs the plan to ensure the proper functioning of its business or specific departments, it also requires a plan for the most crucial resource: employees. A people strategy defines how a company manages and develops the workforce, from hiring and firing to training and compensation.

Without such a plan, an organization is at risk of chaos and confusion when managing its human resources. Worse yet, a business may struggle to attract and retain top talent in an increasingly competitive market. So what should be included in a good people plan? Let’s take a look.

What Is a People Plan?

A people plan is a document that spells out how an organization will manage and develop its workforce. It includes policies and procedures for hiring, firing, training, and compensating employees . A good people plan should be tailored to the organization’s specific needs, taking into account things like its size, culture, and business goals.

One of the primary purposes of a people strategy is to help an organization attract and retain top talent. Therefore, the plan should include strategies for developing positive workplace culture and offering competitive benefits and compensation packages. It should also outline the organization’s expectations for employee behavior and performance.

Another essential purpose of a people plan is to ensure that employees get treated fairly and per the law. Therefore, the plan should include policies and procedures for managing discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.

Finally, a good people strategy allows for employee empowerment , increasing productivity and engagement. When employees feel like they have a voice in the organizational decision-making process, they are more likely to be motivated to do their best work and contribute to the organization’s success.

Publishing a People Plan

If a business is looking for a bit of help getting started, here’s a handy HR people plan template to get started:

Mission Statement

The purpose of a mission statement is to spell out an organization’s overall goals and purpose. When writing a mission statement for a people plan, a business should consider what it wants the organization to be known for regarding its treatment of employees.

Does the company want to be known for having a solid commitment to developing its workforce? Or does it want to be known for offering generous benefits and compensation packages? Whatever the goals may be, a business should spell them out in its mission statement.

Hiring Policies

Hiring policies should be tailored to the specific needs of an organization. However, there are a few things that all good hiring policies should have in common. First, they should purposefully attract and retain top talent. Second, they should comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Finally, they should be clear and concise so that there is no confusion about employees’ expectations.

Some of the specific things to include in its hiring policies are:

  • Requirements for employment eligibility
  • Procedures for submitting an application
  • How to conduct an interview
  • Types of questions that can and cannot be asked during an interview
  • Background check procedures

Training and Development

Describe the training and development programs available to employees and their eligibility requirements. Outline the types of training offered, such as on-the-job training, online courses, and workshops. If applicable, include information on how employees can apply for training and development opportunities.

Include a section on the organization’s commitment to continuing education and professional development. Describe the programs available to employees, such as tuition reimbursement and certification programs.

Performance Management

Detail the expectations for employee behavior and performance and the procedures for documenting and addressing poor performance. Include information on the organization’s policy for progressive discipline and the types of infractions that may result in immediate termination.

Performance management policies should be tailored to an organization’s specific needs but should always comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Compensation and Benefits

Outline the types of benefits and compensation that will be available to employees, as well as their eligibility requirements. This section should also include information on how employees can apply for benefits and compensation.

Be sure to include information on the organization’s policy for overtime pay and its policy for paid and unpaid leave. In addition, if applicable, include information on the organization’s 401(k) plan and other retirement savings plans.

Employee Relations

Include a section on the organization’s policy for employee relations. For example, detail the expectations for employee behavior and communication and the procedures for filing a complaint. Employee relations policies should be tailored to an organization’s specific needs but should always comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Exit Strategy

Include a plan for what will happen when an employee leaves the organization, including the process for returning company property and unused vacation time. Outline the company’s steps to ensure a smooth transition, such as providing a list of contact information for former employees.

When an employee leaves the organization, it is essential to have a plan to ensure a smooth transition. The exit strategy should include a process for returning company property and unused vacation time. It should also outline the steps for a smooth transition, such as providing a list of contact information for former employees.

The above is just a starting point – a business will need to tailor the contents of its people strategy to its organization’s specific needs. But with these basics in place, a company will be well on its way to attracting and retaining top talent.

People Plan Research

People Strategies

There are a variety of strategies businesses can use to attract and retain employees. The most effective approach will vary depending on the needs of the organization. For example, smaller organizations may benefit from offering a competitive salary and benefits package, while larger organizations may need to focus on providing a positive work environment and developmental opportunities.

No matter what an organization’s size or needs, there are a few key people strategies it should incorporate in its people plan for attracting employees:


One of the best ways to attract top talent is by making it easy for potential employees to apply for open positions. Make sure the website is up-to-date and includes information on how to apply for jobs. A business may also consider using an online application system that allows candidates to electronically submit their resumes and cover letters .

The interview is an opportunity to assess a candidate’s qualifications and see if they would be a good fit for an organization. Be sure to ask questions to help determine whether the candidate has the skills and values that align with the organization. A business will want to ensure the candidate is a good fit for the organization, not just the other way around.

Reference Checks

Once a business has narrowed down the pool of candidates, it’s essential to contact their references to get feedback on their performance. References can provide valuable insights into a candidate’s work history, skills, and personality. In addition, many employers now use online reference-checking services to make the process easier and more efficient. Finally, references can also be a great source of information on a candidate’s salary history.

When a business is ready to make an offer to a candidate, be sure to do so promptly. The longer a company waits, the more likely the candidate will accept another offer. And don’t forget to include all relevant details, such as start date, salary, and benefits. Potential employees will appreciate the transparency and be more likely to accept an offer.

The onboarding process is an opportunity to help new employees transition into their new roles. Be sure to provide a detailed orientation covering the organization’s history, culture, and values. A company will also want to give new employees a tour of the office and introduce them to their new coworkers. Ongoing training and development opportunities are also significant during the onboarding process.

An effective performance management system is essential for attracting and retaining top talent. Set clear expectations for employees and give feedback regularly. Employees should also be allowed to review their performance and goals regularly to continue to improve their skills and contribute to the organization’s success.

People Plan Strategy

Develop a Team Strategy

No matter what industry a business is in, teamwork is essential for success. That’s why it’s vital to develop a team strategy to help employees work together effectively. A business can do several things to encourage teamwork, such as providing training on effective communication and collaboration.

A business will also want to create opportunities for employees to work together on projects. And be sure to recognize and reward employees who go above and beyond to contribute to the team’s success.

What Does a Strategy Look Like?

The first step in developing a people strategy is to assess an organization’s needs . What are the goals and objectives? Once a company identifies these requirements, it can begin to develop a plan of action.

A people strategy should be tailored to the specific needs of the organization. Still, there are a few key elements that all successful approaches have in common:

  • A clear and concise statement of purpose that sets forth the goals and objectives of the strategy
  • A detailed plan of action that outlines how to achieve the goals
  • A timeline for implementing the strategy
  • A mechanism for monitoring and evaluating progress
  • Clear roles and responsibilities for those involved in executing the strategy

If a business is uncertain about where to start, several resources are available to help, including books, websites, and even online courses. The most important thing is to get started and to keep moving forward. As a company does so, the company will benefit, and so will employees since they’ll be working in an environment that supports their success.

Working Strategy Meaning

A working strategy is a strategy used or executed by an organization. It is not a theoretical document; instead, it is a living, breathing plan that guides the actions of those responsible for carrying it out.

The term “working strategy” is often used in contrast to “corporate strategy.” Corporate strategy is the high-level game plan that guides the company’s overall direction. On the other hand, a working strategy refers to the company’s specific tactics and initiatives to achieve its goals.

While corporate strategy provides the overall framework, the working system brings it to life by outlining the specific steps the company needs to take to achieve success. The corporate strategy remains nothing more than a dream without an active plan.

Why Is a Working Strategy Important?

A working strategy is crucial because it ensures that the organization moves in the right direction and takes the necessary steps to achieve its goals. In addition, it provides a roadmap for those responsible for implementing it. Finally, it allows for regular monitoring and evaluation so that the company can track progress and make adjustments as needed.

A working strategy is also crucial because it helps to build a sense of shared purpose among employees. When everyone understands the company’s goals and how their efforts contribute to achieving them, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated.

And finally, a working strategy is essential for attracting and retaining top talent . Employees want to know that they are part of something larger than themselves, and a well-executed working strategy can provide that sense of purpose.

A people strategy is an essential foundation for any company that wants to succeed. It provides a road map and sets forth clear goals, objectives, strategies, roles, and responsibilities. In addition, a working strategy can help attract top talent by showing employees how they contribute to their organization’s success and motivating them through shared purpose.

Without this type of roadmap in place, it will be challenging to achieve all that a business needs on its own. However, anything is possible with a well-executed people plan and working strategy.

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how to develop a staffing plan

How to develop a staffing plan

Lucid Content

Reading time: about 8 min

Your employees are one of your greatest assets. However, too often, organizations struggle to manage their human resources and plan for the future. In fact, according to a survey from the Society for Human Resource Management, 43% of HR professionals say human capital is the largest "investment challenge" for employers. 

Plagued by turnover, skills gaps, over-employment, low productivity, and ever-changing business landscapes, it’s no wonder that businesses are struggling to keep up. But these issues can be mitigated with a strategic staffing plan. 

Use the following tips to learn how to develop a staffing plan that puts the right people in the right place at the right time. 

What is a staffing plan?

A staffing plan answers the questions: 

  • What work needs to be done?
  • How many people do we need to employ?
  • What skills and experience are necessary to do this work?
  • What skills gaps need to be filled (and are there any areas of redundancies)?

Staffing plans can encompass the entire company or apply to smaller teams or departments and even individual projects. 

For example, if your company’s business goals focus on expanding its salesforce in the coming year, a staffing plan can help prepare the sales department for that growth—so that the right people with the right skills are brought on board at the right times. 

Additionally, a staffing plan helps your business to:

  • Reduce labor costs and maximize productivity.
  • Eliminate skills gaps.
  • Increase employee engagement.
  • Increase employee retention and reduce turnover.
  • Improve customer experience.
  • Streamline business growth.

Having a clear staffing plan helps prevent issues that could delay growth or hinder the quality of your products and services that could result in unhappy customers and lost business opportunities. 

Not only do staffing plans help companies effectively recruit, hire, and develop employees, but they also help guide budgeting and financial decisions within the organization. 

How to calculate staffing needs

A staffing plan involves three main steps:

  • Determining current staffing levels 
  • Forecasting future staffing needs
  • Identifying the gaps between the two

Once you’ve assessed your staffing needs, you can outline recommendations for how to address those needs, which might include recruiting and hiring new talent, promoting internally, focusing on training and employee development, or adding contractors to your staff. These forecasts and recommendations will help you develop your overall human resources plan for the organization.

Use the following steps to learn how to calculate staffing needs and make a plan for the future.

1. Identify the business goals

Before you dive into staffing plans and changes, you need to know what the overarching goals are for the business. These goals are typically outlined in a strategic business plan. Use this plan to clarify the company’s objectives and align the staffing plan accordingly.

What you do with your staff will affect business outcomes (for better or for worse), so you want to make sure the two plans align.

For instance, if the business plans to open a new location, you may need to move current staff around or hire new employees to fill those roles. The business plan will help inform those staffing decisions.

2. Determine your current staffing situation

To develop a staffing plan, you must first understand your current staffing environment.

If you have a robust HR database, this step could be reasonably straightforward. However, if you host personnel information on multiple sources, you will first need to consolidate that data into one source of truth. Work with business leaders and managers to help you ensure accurate and complete data on your human resources.

Once you have your staffing data in one place, you can assess the current staffing environment and begin to pull actionable insights from the data.

Pay particular attention to:

  • The number of people on staff
  • Staff distribution (team size and who works where)
  • Skills and competencies within the workforce
  • High performers and potential leaders 
  • Low performers or “flight risks” who could indicate turnover
  • Staff age and tenure (to anticipate retirement numbers)

Pulling out these data will help you better understand the current staffing landscape and more accurately identify staffing needs and opportunities down the road. 

Lucidchart can help you assess your current staff to glean new insights. Import employee data directly into Lucidchart to build an org chart or group employees in Smart Containers by role, competencies, performance, etc. Visualizing your workforce can help you identify important relationships, correlations, or gaps in the staffing.

org chart by growth track

3. Forecast future staffing needs 

After you assess your current staffing landscape, it’s time to make some predictions about your future staffing needs. 

As you conduct your staffing needs assessment, you will want to consider the factors that can affect staffing decisions and opportunities, including: 

  • Business goals 
  • Turnover rates and projections
  • Expected mergers or acquisitions
  • New product launches
  • Business investments (e.g., new technology) 
  • Changes in the economy
  • Competitors attracting key talent 
  • Industry labor costs
  • Unemployment rate 

All of these internal and external factors can influence the workforce and your staffing needs. 

While forecasting will always involve some guesswork, you can make confident, educated, (and more accurate) predictions using the following methods.

Trend analysis

Trend analysis works well for established businesses with several years under their belt. Trend analysis uses historical data (i.e., past experience) to inform future needs. 

To perform a trend analysis, start by gathering historical data. Focus on gathering information for at least the past five years—but you may want to go back as far as 10 years. (Keep in mind that the larger the sample size, the more accurate the results.)  

Collect data on the following: 

  • Hiring and retirement patterns
  • Transfers and promotions
  • Employee turnover
  • Years of service
  • Employee demographics
  • Skills and qualifications
  • Past work experience

Once you have collected the data, you can analyze it to understand turnover rates over time as well as to discover trends or patterns between the data sets.

Ratio analysis

A ratio analysis is a dual-purpose forecasting method that both predicts staffing demand and compares forecasting results against an industry standard. 

The beauty of the ratio analysis is that it doesn’t rely on historical data to predict future demand. This is an advantage for younger companies who don’t have the benefit of years of historical data to provide insight into future trends. 

Here’s how it works.

A ratio establishes a relationship between two things. A business can calculate ratios between business factors like future sales revenue predictions and staffing requirements. 

For example, let’s say your business plans to expand its sales in the coming year and predicts sales revenue at $500,000. You’ll need to estimate how many sales employees you will need to support that growth. 

To calculate this, you need to determine the ratio between sales revenue and staff. To do this, divide current sales revenue by the current number of sales employees. If the ratio is 50:1 (with 50 representing $50,000 in sales), that means a sales revenue of $500,000 would require 10 employees. 

Once you have that ratio, you can then identify gaps in your staffing. For instance, if you plan to increase your sales revenue to $500,000 but currently have only five employees, you know you will need to hire five more people to support that goal. 

4. Do a gap analysis

With your current and future staffing assessments complete, you can compare the two reports for gaps. In other words, look at where your staff is now and where it needs to be. What discrepancies are there? Do you need more staff? Are there skills missing from your current workforce that you will need in the future to meet your business goals?

Note any gaps between the two assessments.

As you go through this process, our skills supply and demand chart can help you determine how many current employees and job candidates have the skills you need and whether you should hire or train to gain those competencies.

Make sure that your workforce has the skills and experience required to meet company goals. Learn how to conduct a skills gap analysis.

5. Make a staffing plan

With your staffing needs analysis completed, you can now make a plan. 

Your staffing plan might include recommendations to implement a corporate training program to address skills gaps or to develop succession policies to streamline handoffs following retirements or promotions. 

During this process, work with the business’s leaders to create a strategic action plan to address staffing needs that aligns with the organization’s goals, culture, and mission. 

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Lucidchart, a cloud-based intelligent diagramming application, is a core component of Lucid Software's Visual Collaboration Suite. This intuitive, cloud-based solution empowers teams to collaborate in real-time to build flowcharts, mockups, UML diagrams, customer journey maps, and more. Lucidchart propels teams forward to build the future faster. Lucid is proud to serve top businesses around the world, including customers such as Google, GE, and NBC Universal, and 99% of the Fortune 500. Lucid partners with industry leaders, including Google, Atlassian, and Microsoft. Since its founding, Lucid has received numerous awards for its products, business, and workplace culture. For more information, visit

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How to Create a Personnel Plan for Your Business

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This article is an excerpt from the Shortform book guide to "The E-Myth Revisited" by Michael E. Gerber. Shortform has the world's best summaries and analyses of books you should be reading.

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Do you have a personnel plan for your business? Do your employees find satisfaction and success in the work they do for your organization?

In The E-Myth Revisited , Michael E. Gerber explains what an effective personnel plan looks like. He shows how to see your work environment and rules as a game, which helps set people up for success and satisfaction in their work. He also provides tips for an effective hiring process.

Read more to discover what comprises an effective personnel plan.

Designing and Implementing a Personnel Plan

To get things done—and done right consistently—you must create an environment where doing what needs to be done is important and satisfying to the people tasked to do it. Create processes that make habits out of doing what you want done.

Help people understand the purpose of the work you’re asking them to do, and make sure the steps and standards are clear. Review the company’s objectives, standards, strategy, philosophy, and operations manual. Exemplify the behavior you want to see from your employees.

The work environment and rules you create for accomplishing the company’s purpose can be likened to a game in which everyone participates and tests their skills and talents. Communicate your business’s “game” (its purpose and method of achieving it) to each employee when you start your relationship. How you do this is your personnel plan.

Here are some guidelines for establishing and communicating your game (purpose and methods):

  • Establish the parameters at the beginning.
  • Be willing to play your own game (set an example, for instance, by how you treat customers).
  • Create opportunities for people to “win” or succeed and be recognized, although the game is always ongoing.
  • Constantly remind people of the game (purpose).
  • To keep it interesting, change tactics (methods) occasionally, although your overall strategy must remain the same.
  • Make playing the game (achieving your business’s purpose) fun.
  • Make it logical. For example, here’s the logic of a hotel’s “game”: In today’s chaotic and busy world, people need a place of order and calm. Our business can fulfill this need by creating a special place, where the physical environment and everything we do contributes to a sense of order.

Your Hiring Process

Your hiring process is a critical piece of your personnel plan and crucial to achieving your purpose. It’s your first opportunity to communicate your purpose to potential employees. 

As an example, consider a hotel owner who follows a carefully designed and scripted process of choosing, hiring, and orienting employees. It includes a presentation in a group meeting to all applicants, followed by an individual meeting to discuss each applicant’s reactions to the ideas presented.

A new employee’s first day of training includes:

  • A review of the business owner’s purpose and methods.
  • A summary of the system for carrying out the business’s purpose.
  • A tour of the facility, accompanied by an explanation of each person’s job.
  • A question-and-answer period.
  • A presentation of the uniform and operations manual.
  • A review of the manual, position contract, and business objectives.
  • A discussion of how the business does things (rules of the game).

The centerpiece of your personnel plan is the clear communication— to and by your people—of your way of doing business. This differentiates your business from your competitors’.

———End of Preview———

Like what you just read read the rest of the world's best book summary and analysis of michael e. gerber's "the e-myth revisited" at shortform ..

Here's what you'll find in our full The E-Myth Revisited summary :

  • Why so many new business owners fail
  • Why how you produce something is more important than what you produce
  • The 7 components that you as an owner must work through
  • ← The 4 Parts of a Good Sales Pitch Structure
  • The History of Sales: Three Sales Shifts & Their Origins →

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Elizabeth Whitworth

Elizabeth has a lifelong love of books. She devours nonfiction, especially in the areas of history, theology, and philosophy. A switch to audiobooks has kindled her enjoyment of well-narrated fiction, particularly Victorian and early 20th-century works. She appreciates idea-driven books—and a classic murder mystery now and then. Elizabeth has a blog and is writing a book about the beginning and the end of suffering.

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Management and Human Resources Business Plans

The management portion of your business plan, the hr portion of your business plan, frequently asked questions (faqs).

As a startup, it’s never easy to come up with a business plan, let alone the management and human resources sections of a business plan. Despite that, it’s important that you start your business plan for human resources as soon as possible. Doing so gives your management goals a plan that will guide you and keep your business on track as it grows. 

The key components of your human resources business plan should include your organizational structure, the philosophy and needs of your HR department, the number of employees you want to hire, how you plan to manage them, and all the estimated costs related with personnel.

You’ll want to start your HR business plan by outlining your own managerial experience and skills as well as those of your team. Highlight the roles of each member of your team, and any particular areas of strength or deficiency in your personnel lineup. For example, your HR team may be strong in compliance and conflict resolution but weak in hiring. 

Don't worry if you don’t have a complete team in place when you write your HR business plan. Simply use this section to outline the organizational structure along with job descriptions, how you plan to recruit key team members, and what their responsibilities will be.

This section should look like a pyramid with you at the top and will likely have lateral positions. Be as specific as possible when defining an employee's responsibilities because this is what will drive your business.

Do You Need an HR Manager?

If you’re a solo practitioner, you may not think of including an HR manager in your management business plan. However, if you expect to hire non-managerial employees (such as salespeople or clerical workers), you should consider recruiting a human resources manager.

If hiring a human resources manager can’t be done, consider a human resources consultant. Human resource management requires an immense amount of time and paperwork, and an experienced HR consultant will be able to quickly get your payroll and benefits program up and running, affording you more time to concentrate on growing the business. Human resource responsibilities should include:

  • Handling FICA and unemployment taxes and paperwork
  • Ensuring compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act
  • Staying on top of IRS filings

There are plenty of companies that offer HR management platforms tailored to each business's needs. Research these companies and be sure to include their estimated cost in your HR business plan.

When you develop the HR portion of your business plan, begin by including a brief overview of your HR strategy. Investors may be curious about how your payroll will be handled and the associated costs of administering it, as well as the type of corporate culture you plan to create. Specific items to highlight in the HR section include:

  • Payscale: Show the salaries for managers and non-managers based on the market for those jobs.
  • Vacation time: Describe your vacation-time policy. How much time do employees get? How quickly does it accrue? Vacation time is not required by law, but most firms offer vacation time to stay competitive and keep employees refreshed. 
  • Insurance: Health insurance is a common staple benefit, although skyrocketing prices have forced many firms to cut back on this benefit. If you can’t afford a health plan, look into subsidizing one with employees paying the rest. Alternatively, inquire if a professional insurance representative can help you get a bulk rate.
  • Additional benefits: Other things to consider include life insurance, a 401(k) and matching funds, bereavement leave, religious and floating holidays, and a bonus structure, if applicable.

In addition to the key elements above, it helps to have a framework from which to build your HR business plan. Here’s a basic outline that can help you get started: 

  • Figure out what your human resources department would need. 
  • Determine a strategy for recruiting talent.
  • Formulate your hiring process. 
  • Develop a training program for new employees. 
  • Determine how much you want to pay your team (this is a good spot for payscale info)
  • Create performance standards

It may be overwhelming to contemplate these benefits and their costs in the early stages of setting up your business, but in a competitive labor market, your firm needs to offer enough to entice qualified people and, more importantly, to keep them happy.

Consider revisiting your management and HR business plans every couple of years to see if you need to create action steps to refine your processes.

What should be in an HR business plan?

An HR business plan should include a mix of the steps you plan to take to launch an effective HR department, as well as specifics about how you plan to handle time off, insurance, and other benefits you plan to offer.

How do I write a human resources plan?

It helps to start with a simple framework. Try to break the plan down into sections: HR needs, recruitment, hiring, training, pay, and performance reviews. From there, incorporate other aspects of HR, like benefits and promotions.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce. " Does Your Small Business Need an HR Department? "

 University of Minnesota. “ Human Resources Management: 2.2 Writing the HRM Plan .”

Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. “ FY 2020-2022 Strategic Business Plan: Human Resources .”

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Personnel Management Business Plan Template

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Get the most out of your business plan example

Follow these tips to quickly develop a working business plan from this sample.

1. Don't worry about finding an exact match

We have over 550 sample business plan templates . So, make sure the plan is a close match, but don't get hung up on the details.

Your business is unique and will differ from any example or template you come across. So, use this example as a starting point and customize it to your needs.

2. Remember it's just an example

Our sample business plans are examples of what one business owner did. That doesn't make them perfect or require you to cram your business idea to fit the plan structure.

Use the information, financials, and formatting for inspiration. It will speed up and guide the plan writing process.

3. Know why you're writing a business plan

To create a plan that fits your needs , you need to know what you intend to do with it.

Are you planning to use your plan to apply for a loan or pitch to investors? Then it's worth following the format from your chosen sample plan to ensure you cover all necessary information.

But, if you don't plan to share your plan with anyone outside of your business—you likely don't need everything.

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plan de personnel business plan

Business plan: Comment rédiger la section plan de gestion ou de personnel

Picture of Patrick Aymar Ngoubili

Table des matières

Certains analystes pensent que le plan de gestion ou de personnel d’un business plan est sa section la plus importante. Parce que l’homme est le principal moteur de réussite d’une entreprise. Peu importe l’ampleur du projet et les moyens mis en jeu, un personnel non qualifié rend le projet moins viable. Ce n’est un secret pour personne: encore moins pour les investisseurs et bailleurs de fonds.

Le fait est qu’une bonne partie du  business plan est constituée des estimations fondées sur des hypothèses risquées. Et, cette section est votre chance de prouver que votre équipe possède les compétences réquises pour faire avancer les choses.

Il est donc capital de mettre un accent particulier, non seulement dans la présentation de cette section; mais aussi dans le choix des personnes qui vous accompagneront dans votre projet. Particulièrement, si vous voulez séduire investisseurs et bailleurs de fonds.

Et, même si votre business plan n’est pas destiné à attirer les capitaux , le plan de personnel vous aide dans le choix des employés. En effet, ici est l’endroit où vous pensez à qui va faire quoi dans votre entreprise; ainsi qu’au moment propice, et aux stratégies d’embauche, aux salaires et bénéfices de personnel à offrir… Développer votre plan de gestion ou de personnel est un moment capital.

Dans cet article, j’explique ce qu’il faut et comment rédiger votre plan de personnel.

Constituants du plan de gestion ou de personnel

En bref, le plan de gestion fournit les informations sur les compétences et l’expérience de l’équipe dirigeante, et couvre les coûts de personnel. C’est la section comprise entre le plan de marketing et les projections financières du business plan.

Cette section doit normalement inclure les aspects ci-dessous:

Résumé du plan de gestion

  • Description de la structure organisationnelle
  • Présentation  de l’équipe dirigeante et autres départements

Vides à combler

  • Enfin, les prévisions des coûts de personnel

Comme les autres sections d’un Business plan, commencez votre plan de gestion ou de personnel avec un bon résumé.

Vous pourrez utiliser ce résumé dans la synthèse de votre demande de prêt. Alors, couvrez-y succintement (un à deux paragraphes) les points principaux.

Assurez-vous de présenter d’abord les informations de base: nombre d’employés, de directeurs et de fondateurs. Votre structure organisationnelle est-elle solide, avec des descriptions de tâches et des responsabilités logiques pour tous les membres clés? Votre équipe est-elle complète ou y a-t-il encore des postes à combler?

Surttout pour les entreprises en création, il se peut que vous n’ayez pas l’équipe complète pendant que vous rédigez le plan. Aussi, assurez-vous de souligner les manquements et les faiblesses et indiquer comment vous les comblerez.

Expliquez votre structure organisationnelle

La structure organisationnelle d’une entreprise est souvent présenté dans un organigramme. Mais, si vous ne pouvez pas dessiner des graphiques, vous pouvez simplement utiliser du texte pour décrire votre structure organisationnelle.

En plus, assurez-vous simplement de bien expliquer qui fait quoi et qui  rend compte à qui. Vos lignes organisationnelles sont-elles clairement définies? L’autorité est-elle correctement répartie? Avez-vous des emplois qui incluent la responsabilité sans autorité? Vos ressources semblent-elles correspondre à vos besoins organisationnels?

Présentation de l’équipe dirigeante

Présentez un aperçu des postes clés de l’entreprise, ainsi que les antécédents des personnes qui occuperont ces postes. D’abord, mettez en évidence chacun des postes de gestion importants dans votre entreprise. Ensuite, vous pourrez parler plus généralement des autres départements et équipes.

Vous n’avez pas besoin d’inclure un curriculum vitae complet pour chaque membre de l’équipe. Un résumé démontrant les compétences et l’expérience de chaque membre d’équipe devrait suffire. Cette section vous permet de justifier aux investisseurs potentiels pourquoi chaque membre choisi est nécessaire à la réussite de l’entreprise. Mais, elle sert aussi de justification pour leur salaire et leur part d’équité s’ils sont propriétaires de l’entreprise.

Après avoir décrit l’équipe dirigeante, décrivez les autres départements que votre entreprise aura. Par exemple, les départements de ventes, de développement de produits, de marketing, et de production.

Ce n’est pas que vous devez avoir une équipe complète au début. Cependant, vous devez montrer au lecteur de votre plan de quels types d’individus vous avez besoin pour croître l’entreprise.

Conseillers externes

En dehors de votre conseil d’administration et de vos employés, quel soutien externe aidera votre entreprise? Ce peut être des avocats, comptables, professionnels des relations publiques, conseillers consultatifs externes…

Au début d’une entreprise de tels groupes peuvent même  jouer jouer des rôles temporaires dans une entreprise. Si c’est le cas de votre entreprise,insérez cette infrmation dans votre plan de gestion ou de personnel.

Vos équipes pourraient avoir des lacunes et des manquements ou bien pourraient-elles incomplètes sutout dans les entreprises en création. Mais même dans les entreprises déjà en cours d’exécution. Ceci est tout à fait normal. Parce qu’il se pourrait que vous n’avez pas encore trouver l’employé idéal. Ou bien que vous n’avez pas encore les moyens de le payer.

Vous devez le ressortir dans votre plan d’affaires…

Identifier et définir les faiblesses (par exemple, le cumul de postes au début) dans votre équipe va de votre intérêt. Parce qu’alors, vous pouvez prendre les mesures pour les erradiquer. Prétendre que votre équipe est sans faiblesse vous conduira vers un échec. Beaucoup d’entrepreneurs, surtout en quête des capitaux cachent les faiblesses de leur équipe. Mais comprenez que les investisseurs ne sont pas dupes. Ils détecteront très vite votre malice.

Au contraire, préciser dans votre plan de gestion  ou de personnel les faiblesses et lacunes de vos équipes; et ensuite, démontrer comment ces faiblesses seront corrigées; et comment les lacunes seront comblées est la meilleure approche.

Prévisions des coûts de personnel

À la fin de votre plan de personnel, vous devez normalement inclure un tableau des coûts directs et indirects de votre personnel.

Les coûts directs sont, bien évidamment, les salaires. Tandis que les coûts indirects comprennent les indemnités de vacances et de maladie, l’assurance, les charges sociales, etc.

Et, même si vous n’avez pas d’employés, vous devriez quand même inclure votre propre salaire dans le business plan. Ainsi que tous les bénéfices prévus au sein de votre entreprise. Même si, en réalité, vous ne prenez rien du tout.

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En fin de compte

Le plan de gestion décrit la structure de l’entreprise, les personnes impliquées, les ressources externes et comment l’entreprise est gérée. Il vient appuyer les données incluses ailleurs dans le plan d’affaires en démontrant l’expertise et l’expérience des ùembres de vos équipes.

Bref, il montre au lecteur qui est derrière l’entreprise et quelles ressources en personnel peuvent être nécessaires à l’avenir. De sorte que ce dernier soit capable d’analyser avec précision le potentiel de votre entreprise.

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Download Personnel Plan Template In Excel

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Use this customizable personnel plan template to map out current and future staff needed to get and keep the business running. This information belongs in the personnel section of a business plan, and details job title, amount of pay, and hiring timeline for each position. This template calculates the monthly and yearly expenses associated with each role using built-in formula. Additionally, you can also add an organizational chart to provide a visual overview of the company’s structure.

Personnel Plan

A personnel plan is  a critical part of your business plan and financial forecast . In addition to this helping you budget for current and future employees, your plan enables you to think through who you should hire and when you should hire them.

Personnel in Business Plan

Key personnel in business plan.

  • Anticipated growth of organization: …
  • Budget constraint and allocations: …
  • Anticipated internal turnover: …
  • Introduction of newly technology: …
  • Minority hiring goals

Do you need a personnel plan if you have no employees?

If you are a sole proprietor and don’t have any employees, you should still include your own salary as part of the business plan. Make sure to include your salary as an expense in your Profit & Loss Statement. Even if, the business owner, don’t take the salary. So you can keep the cash in your business, you’ll want to record what you should have been paid.

In the case of a sole proprietor, you probably don’t need a full table, like in the example above. But, when you do start planning to hire a team, you should use the format I’ve described here.

Personnel planning is a valuable part of the business planning process because it forces you to think about what needs to get done in your business and who’s going to do it. Take the time to work through this part of your financial forecast, and you’ll have a much better sense of what it’s going to take to make your business successful.

Download this Personnel Plan template in Excel Format

Our easy to use editable Excel templates and save your significant amount of time and effort. Here’s how to download and use one of our templates:

Download this free Excel Template : Once you’ve browsed through our collection of templates and find the one that best fits your needs. Once you’ve found the template you want, click on the download button.

Replace sample data with your actual data: Once the template is downloaded, open it in Excel. You’ll see that it is already set up with sample data. To start analyzing your own data, simply replace the sample data with your actual data.

Customize the template: Our templates are completely editable, which means you can customize them to fit your specific needs. For example, you can change the formatting, add or remove columns, or create new charts and graphs.

Use the Excel template: Once you’ve fed in your data and customized the template, you’re ready to start using it for data analysis. Use the various tools and features of Excel to analyze and visualize your data, and make informed business decisions.

Save and share: Once you’ve finished working on the template, save it to your computer and share it with other members of your team or stakeholders as needed.

Click Download Button To Get Personnel Plan Excel Template

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Personnel Plan Template


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Create a Personal Business Plan That You'll Really Use Develop a customized tool that will serve to focus you on your most important objectives. Write it in user-friendly prose so you'll check it weekly.

By Marty Fukuda Oct 7, 2014

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Every successful business leader I've encountered is in some way a prolific goal setter. For this reason, the single most important piece of advice I give any aspiring entrepreneur or business professional is to figure out exactly what you want, document it on paper and then attack it every day.

A personal business plan is something that I develop each year to help me put my own advice into action. Creating a plan can clarify your objectives for the coming year but don't just shove it in drawer. It is something that should become weekly, if not daily, reading material.

Related: Why Business Leaders Must Set a Personal Mission

1. Start with a simple brainstorming list.

Break down your role in the company into small parts and be sure it's comprehensive. This could mean taking each department that you oversee or are involved in, and breaking it down into further segments. For instance, for my company's graphic-design department, I would create separate objectives for its leadership development, equipment and software needs, anticipated hiring, the continued education plan and efficiency.

2. Prioritize objectives.

Your brainstorming list probably contains an overwhelming number of potential starting points. The key is narrowing them down into a manageable and realistic number of goals. Since you'll review the finished personal business plan often, don't write a novel.

I made the mistake of developing a massive 100-page personal business plan that I never looked at. The very thought of reviewing it was scary. A user-friendly one- to two-page document will do the trick.

Take your brainstorming list and organize it according to the biggest potential impact. You'll also have some must-dos (if not tackled business will fall apart). Then you'll have some items that aren't necessary or don't require much of your focus and perhaps can be delegated.

My company's CEO, Duane Hixon, does a wonderful job of narrowing down his list into what he refers to as his "rocks." These are the biggest areas of impact, the areas to which a person should offer most of his or her attention. These will make up the heart of the personal business plan.

Related: How to Build a Business Plan For Your Personal Brand

3. Be specific.

Once you've narrowed things down to a handful of rocks, be sure the plan includes specifics that will allow you to measure and track progress. For this year's plan, one of my rocks was maintaining company culture while building the team. Obviously, this is a broad, difficult-to-measure objective. For my plan, I developed a strategy for accomplishing the mission by including more details such as creating a company culture slide show and a plan for both current employees and new hires.

4. Set challenges but be realistic.

A goal that doesn't take much effort to accomplish isn't really a goal. Setting an objective that has a slim chance of realization, however, amounts to little more than a hope and can leave you feeling discouraged. Aim for a perfect balance between the two -- something that stretches you but doesn't break you.

Related: Write a Winning Business Plan With These 8 Key Elements

5. Set deadlines.

The beautiful thing about your personal business plan is that it's yours. You don't have to wait until the start of a new year to create one. While I create a plan annually, that doesn't mean that each objective has a deadline that's one year out. Set a deadline no matter what it is to keep you focused and provide a call to action (as opposed to adopting an open-ended objective).

6. Share the plan.

I recommend that you show your plan to a colleage whom you respect. Ask for feedback. This individual may think of an angle you have not. Equally important, this person will hold you accountable. It's a lot tougher to hit the eject button on a plan after you've shared it with someone you respect. And everyone can use a cheerleader in the workplace from time to time.

I personally love it when an employee shares a plan with me. It shows initiative and forward thinking. There are few things more impressive than when an employee has clear-cut objectives and works hard to meet them.

7. Revisit the plan weekly.

Creating the plan is just the first step. Put the plan in a prominent spot where you're going to remember to review it or place reminders in your calendar.If you've got a great plan, it can and will inspire you every time you see it.

Related: Your Mission Statement May Be Utterly Useless or a Gold Mine

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Prepare Your Annual HR Plan for 2024

hr plan 2024

Each year, it is important to create an annual HR plan to guide your people team or human resources department. However, in 2024, it is even more important for HR departments to take into account recent changes , and develop a sound hr strategic plan to take their teams to the next level.

More important than the details of the plan itself is to make sure the company’s mission and vision are reflected within your annual HR plan for 2024. Without clear objectives and a path to achieve them, you may fall short in reaching your company’s goals.

A highly focused and clearly communicated annual HR plan helps to guarantee your HR objectives will be met.

In this article, we will cover the ins and outs of yearly HR planning and provide the key steps to reach your HR goals.

Table of Contents

What is Meant by HR Planning ?

The purpose of a human resources plan is to analyze and evaluate all the elements related to the human resources policy for the coming year.

Everything from staff dynamics, organizational structure , and working conditions to the hiring process and onboarding of new employees .

As there are many aspects of an HR annual work plan, it’s important to first understand the company environment within which you work, as this will greatly affect the HR plan you create. Once you evaluate the company environment, you can then move forward with creating a successful HR plan of action.

Prepare your annual business plan for HR in 2024 and reach all of your objectives.

Map Out Your Annual HR Plan: Evaluate the Company Environment

At the beginning of the year, companies establish a strategic plan, dependent heavily on the human resources department, where the key annual objectives are set.  In order to develop a successful annual HR plan, it’s important to take into consideration the company’s policies and procedures , as well as the employee handbook . That way, you can rest assured that the goals and plans of the company are aligned with those of HR.

To reach your HR objectives, you must first know the answers to the following questions:

What Can We Improve on From Last Year’s Annual HR Planning?

Success is simply the result of many failures and tried attempts, all put together. Identifying past struggles and using them as fuel to propel you forward is what leads to success and improvement.

What Expected Challenges Can I Include in My Yearly HR Plan?

When you know what’s coming, you can better adapt and take advantage of the changes, rather than let them take advantage of you. Consider learning about change management techniques to stay in control through the ups and downs. Analyzing the potential challenges is fundamental for preparing your team for what’s ahead. Also, knowing which changes, events and activities are taking place in the coming months, and how they will likely influence your team, allows you to better manage what lies ahead.

What Areas Within the Company Should I Plan to Improve?

Constant evaluation of the state of the company and its staff is crucial to coming up with solutions to improve. With Factorial, for example, you can create human resources reports that display a graphical vision of the company, outlining the required areas of improvement. If used correctly, these charts can also allow you to make visual conclusions about things such as the turnover rate or employee motivation.

Identifying key areas of improvement is one of the stepping stones to a successful large or small business HR plan.

As a result, reaching your yearly objectives is easy when you take the proper steps to first analyze the company’s environment and what you are working with . Clear communication between the human resources department and the company’s management is vital to creating a solid base for your annual human resources plan.

Define Your Annual HR Plan Goals & Objectives

The objectives of the company’s strategic plan are called long-term objectives . These types of objectives help measure the reach and success of the human resources plan.  Generally speaking, they can be divided into two categories:

  • Explicit Objectives : Focus on attracting and retaining talent, employee motivation, and improving employee engagement. To set explicit objectives in your annual HR operating plan you have to consider employee experience, the onboarding process, career plans, etc.
  • Implicit Objectives: Follow the company’s philosophy and help form the company culture. They show the power of the HR department and how it can help improve productivity. In addition, these objectives focus on the work environment and quality of life for the employees while maintaining all labor regulations.

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Organize Your Annual HR Planning: Set Team Responsibilities

Once the objectives are clear, both for the company and for the human resources department, it’s time to create your HR plan by reviewing the team responsibilities. Keep in mind, a thorough analysis of what each department will do in order to contribute to achieving the 2024 HR goals is necessary before moving forward.

Following this, the first step in the HR action plan 2024, is to assign a person who will be in charge of creating and implementing the HR plan . For smaller companies, this person will probably be the CEO. In slightly larger businesses, the person responsible is normally the same one who handles all of the human resources-related tasks. Medium-sized companies will look to their HR team; with every member delegated to a specific task, each corresponding with a goal.

Human resources organizational charts are a great way to visually see who is responsible for what, and who reports to who in the company. Using this type of chart is incredibly helpful for your staff planning.  They can be also useful to ensure that the HR management to HR employee ratio is in check. Try using a free organizational chart template to have a clear picture of your company’s structure.

These charts are great for displaying the following:

  • The structural hierarchy of the company : Directors, managers, intermediate profiles, employees, etc.
  • The departments within the company : Marketing, sales, product, human resources, etc.
  • Positions to fill : If there are any gaps in the company structure, the organizational chart will make them clear.

Annual HR Staff Planning: Identify Open Positions

Thanks to the organizational chart you can clearly see how many people you need to hire and for which positions. If you want to achieve your objectives for the coming year, you’ll need to have the right team in place.

In your HR plan you will define:

  • Which positions are open – Write a detailed description of all the positions to be filled, including the corresponding department, responsibilities, functions, where they fit in the hierarchy, and their workload.
  • Define the ideal profile – Here you’ll have to specify the profile of the candidate you are interested in hiring. Clearly outline the level of education you are looking for, the experience level, and the skills required. Based on this, you can decide whether to recruit from within the company if there is an employee that fits the desired profile.

Clearly defining the above details, are important steps to take in your HR plan. Therefore, allow yourself the time to study and analyze your company at each stage of the HR plan creation process.

Start Planning with a Defined HR Policy

Your updated human resources policy must meet the standards and demands of the general HR and strategic plan. The hr policy will also include guides for the HR department, including, but not limited to:

Hiring Guide

The main purpose of the hiring guide is to assist the HR manager in hiring and onboarding. This guide serves to outline the roles and responsibilities of the employees you are looking to hire. It should contain information on the types of contracts for each position as well. Also, including an HR annual training plan template in your hiring guide is beneficial.

Note: As an HR manager, you will need to decide whether the hiring process will be outsourced or handled within the company. If hiring is done from inside the company , a strategic onboarding process must be established to ensure successful recruitment and retention.

Compensation Guide

With every new contract you plan on offering, you need to state the details of each. For example, the salary amount, benefits, and economic bonuses. Make sure that what is offered in your compensation guide is in line with your overall Human Resources budget.

Workplace Satisfaction Guide Personal

Taking care of new hires is important, but don’t forget about your veteran employees. Long-term employees need to feel continually valued and supported as well. In your HR plan, you should invest part of your budget for the personal and professional development of each employee in the team.

Investing in employee wellbeing creates greater workplace satisfaction. Providing employees with the right personal development tools for success is key. Employees that feel supported display greater motivation for achieving their own goals and career aspirations.

Company Guide

Inside the HR policy, you should think about including a practical guide from the company. Contained in this guide, would be the company vision and mission, proper conduct guides, and conflict resolution codes

Build Your Annual HR Plan 2024

Now that you’ve gone through all the previous steps, you’re ready to build the best HR plan for 2024.

As you can see, creating the ideal HR plan for 2024 takes time and effort to compile . Unfortunately, a high percentage of small and medium-sized businesses simply don’t have the personnel to create a dynamic HR plan.

Save time creating your Annual HR plan with Factorial!

A solid HR plan is fundamental to achieving company goals. If you don’t have the correct tools to do the job, you’ll end up exhausting yourself creating a plan that will miss the mark in the end.

With Factorial, you can create your human resources plan for 2024 with ease. Build your organizational chart , fast and easy, and see who is in charge of what at a glance. Decide which departments need more assistance or restructuring.


Furthermore, Factorial gives you access to all kinds of human resources reports. These reports help you analyze the state of your company, allowing you to more effectively create the most successful HR plan for the coming year!

Are you looking for a little extra support to streamline your HR processes?

Simplify your HR processes with Factorial

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“Unfortunately, a high percentage of small and medium-sized businesses simply don’t have the personal to create a dynamic HR plan.”

‘personal’ should be ‘personnel’, unless I am mistaken?

A great article otherwise!

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Thanks Trudy!

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Post more! Seriously, I am really digging what you have written so far. I’ve scanned your blog right now for more things to read.

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Thanks , this piece was indeed very useful.

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Projet de création d'entreprise : comment faire un business plan

Vérifié le 26 septembre 2023 - Direction de l'information légale et administrative (Premier ministre)

Personne qui investit de l'argent dans une entreprise innovante à fort potentiel. Elle est expérimentée et apporte des contacts, conseils. Elle espère faire une plus-value.

Autres cas ?

Reprise d’entreprise : bâtir un business plan

Vous avez un projet de création d'entreprise ? Le business plan (ou plan d'affaires) est un document écrit qui présente en détail votre projet de création entreprise. Le business plan sera l'outil pour convaincre les banques et les investisseurs . Nous vous expliquons comment faire un business plan étape par étape .

La démarche par étapes

1 Ce qu'il faut savoir avant de faire votre business plan

À quoi sert le business plan , un guide et un outil vendeur.

Le business plan doit être vendeur , rassurant , c'est-à-dire réaliste.

Vous devez le construire à partir du terrain , de vos recherches et de votre analyse .

Il doit prouver que votre projet de création d'entreprise est sérieux .

Le business plan doit être à la fois synthétique et très précis avec des prévisions chiffrées .

Un outil adapté à chaque investisseur

Votre business plan est l' outil pour convaincre les investisseurs et tous ceux qui soutiendront votre projet.

Il s'adresse donc aux investisseurs suivants :

  • Collectivités locales
  • Business angels : titleContent
  • Futurs associés
  • Tous ceux auprès de qui vous cherchez des fonds

À savoir  

En fonction de l'investisseur à qui vous vous adressez, vous mettez certaines informations en avant.

Vous devez donc faire plusieurs versions de votre business plan selon chaque destinataire .

Les étapes du business plan

Le business plan est un document qui se construit en 5 étapes :

  • Introduction ou pitch de présentation
  • Présentation de votre produit (ou service)
  • Présentation de votre business model (appelé aussi stratégie commerciale )
  • Votre étude de marché (synthèse)
  • Votre prévisionnel financier (synthèse)

2 Préparer un pitch de présentation

À quoi sert un pitch de présentation .

Le pitch de présentation du business plan est aussi appelé executive summary .

Il s'agit de la présentation de votre projet de création d'entreprise.

Il doit être condensé .

Son objectif est de convaincre un interlocuteur.

Vous devez convaincre dans un temps court .

L' objectif de cette synthèse est de prouver :

  • Votre capacité à créer et diriger une entreprise
  • Votre adéquation avec le projet
  • Votre sérieuse préparation du projet
  • Si vous êtes plusieurs associés, votre cohésion d'équipe

Il est conseillé de rédiger plusieurs versions de cette présentation selon chaque investisseur à convaincre.

  • Pour convaincre un investisseur public, vous insisterez davantage sur le service que vous rendez à la société.
  • Pour convaincre un business angel : titleContent , vous insisterez sur le caractère innovant de votre offre.

Ces informations doivent permettre de comprendre quelles sont vos idées , vos valeurs , ce qui vous motive , donc le sens de votre projet .

Si vous êtes plusieurs à porter le projet de création, on doit sentir la cohésion de l' équipe et la complémentarité des membres.

Cette présentation doit prouver votre capacité à créer et diriger une entreprise sur le court et le long terme .

Quel est le contenu du pitch ?

Cette présentation doit permettre de répondre aux questions suivantes  :

  • Qui êtes-vous et quels sont les membres de votre équipe (collaborateurs, associés) ?
  • Quel est votre projet ? Il s'agit du nom de votre entreprise, sa forme juridique, sa domiciliation, la nature de l'activité, l'histoire du projet.
  • Quelle est votre cible ? Il s'agit de montrer que vous avez identifié vos futurs clients.
  • Quel est l' environnement ? Il s'agit de montrer que vous avez identifié la concurrence, les contraintes, les risques, les tendances de votre marché, etc.
  • Quelles sont vos ambitions de développement ? Il s'agit de montrer que vous avez une vision du projet à court , moyen et long terme .

La présentation du business plan est en partie un résumé de l' étude de marché .

3 Expliquer quel est votre produit ou service

Vous décrivez ce que vous allez vendre .

Cette description doit être précise, concise, claire.

Il faut éviter d'employer des termes trop techniques.

Vous devez être compris par des personnes qui ne connaissent rien à votre domaine d'activité.

Vous pouvez faire des schémas, dessins, etc. pour accompagner cette description du produit.

4 Définir la stratégie marketing ou business model

Qu'est-ce que le business model d'une entreprise .

Vous devez présenter comment vous allez vendre votre produit ou votre service.

Le business model s'appelle de différentes façons : une stratégie marketing , une stratégie commerciale, un " mix-marketing " ou encore un modèle économique .

Le business model de votre entreprise doit répondre aux questions suivantes :

  • De quelle façon allez-vous faire la promotion et la publicité de votre entreprise, de votre produit ou service ?
  • Quels seront vos tarifs ?
  • Quels seront vos fournisseurs ?
  • Par qui sera fabriqué votre produit ou service ?
  • Quels seront vos canaux de distribution , où sera vendu votre produit ou service (internet, réseaux professionnels, boutiques etc.) ?
  • Quelle sera la relation avec vos clients, comment les fidéliser ?
  • Où seront stockés vos produits ?
  • Quelles seront les pistes de développement de votre activité (internet, national, international, etc.) ?

Avez-vous analysé les contraintes ?

Il s'agit de prévoir ce qui peut freiner votre activité .

Vous devez identifier ce qui peut faire grimper vos coûts : stockage, production, distribution, communication.

  • Le cours fluctuant des matières premières influe-t-il sur votre production ?
  • Les fournisseurs du secteur ont-ils un monopole ?
  • La demande vis-à-vis de votre produit est-elle saisonnière ?

Vous devez prouver que vous avez réfléchi aux solutions suivantes :

  • Comment dépasser les contraintes
  • Comment faire face à des pertes de bénéfices, à une hausse de vos charges, à de nouveaux concurrents, etc.

5 Rédiger la synthèse de votre étude de marché

L'objectif de l'étude de marché et de sa synthèse est d'expliquer :

  • Quels sont vos futurs clients ?
  • Quelle plus-value votre produit apporte-t-il sur le marché ?
  • Dans quel environnement s'insère votre future activité ?

Nous vous expliquons en détail comment faire une étude de marché dans notre fiche sur l'étude de marché .

6 Rédiger la synthèse du prévisionnel financier

L'objectif d'un prévisionnel financier est de montrer que votre entreprise sera rentable .

Il est aussi appelé plan de financements ou budget prévisionnel .

Le prévisionnel financier (ou budget prévisionnel) fait partie de votre étude de marché. Il s'agit de la dernière partie de votre étude de marché.

Vous devez construire ce budget sur les 3 années à venir .

Vous devez chiffrer :

  • Vos charges, les dépenses nécessaires
  • Vos recettes (chiffre d'affaires)
  • Vos besoins de financements
  • Les fluctuations de votre activité et celles du marché

Il se déroule en 4 parties  :

  • Compte de résultat
  • Plan de financement
  • Budget ou plan de trésorerie

Ces 4 parties correspondent à 4 tableaux chiffrés.

Nous vous expliquons en détail les 4 étapes d'un budget prévisionnel dans notre fiche sur l'étude de marché .

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Projet de création d’entreprise : comment faire une étude de marché

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  22. Personnel Plan excel template for free

    This information belongs in the personnel section of a business plan, and details job title, amount of pay, and hiring timeline for each position. This template calculates the monthly and yearly expenses associated with each role using built-in formula. Additionally, you can also add an organizational chart to provide a visual overview of the ...

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    Sample Business Plan for Acme Management Technology 1. 0 Executive Summary By focusing on its strengths. its key customers . and the company's underlying core values. Acme Management Technology will increase sales to more than $10 million in three years. while also improving the gross margin on sales and cash management and working capital .


    A personnel management plan is a portion of a business plan that details how a new. business intends to hire, compensate, and utilize its potential employees. There are. several different types of information found in this plan, including the number of. employees that a company will need, the role of each employee, and.

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    This development plan each owner and key employee. i) Training - How method do you propose to obtain class, video, workshop,terms etc.) of You book need specific class title, video name, or learning associated with the training when specifying training methods. [For planning is one of our priorities.

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    Each year, it is important to create an annual HR plan to guide your people team or human resources department. However, in 2024, it is even more important for HR departments to take into account recent changes, and develop a sound hr strategic plan to take their teams to the next level. More important than the details of the plan itself is to make sure the company's mission and vision are ...

  28. Projet de création d'entreprise : comment faire un business plan

    Vous avez un projet de création d'entreprise ? Le business plan (ou plan d'affaires) est un document écrit qui présente en détail votre projet de création entreprise. Le business plan sera l'outil pour convaincre les banques et les investisseurs. Nous vous expliquons comment faire un business plan étape par étape.