Verilog 常见 Error


ERROR: port connections cannot be mixed ordered and named


错误原因:模块例化格式不规范,常见包括①端口前缺少“.”; ②例化结束多余“,”

concurrent assignment to non net is not permitted


ERROR: concurrent assignment to a non-net 'dout_x' is not permitted



ERROR: if-condition does not match any sensitivity list edge



concurrent assignment to non net is not permitted


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Vivado Verilog Simulation error: concurrent assignment to a non-net is not permitted

  • Thread starter ALUW
  • Start date Dec 4, 2022
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concurrent assignment to non net is not permitted

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concurrent assignment to non net is not permitted

赛灵思中文社区论坛欢迎您 (Archived) — drsdrb (Member) asked a question.


  • `timescale 1ns / 1ps
  • //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  • // Company:
  • // Engineer:
  • // Create Date: 2020/10/26 10:46:51
  • // Design Name:
  • // Module Name: top
  • // Project Name:
  • // Target Devices:
  • // Tool Versions:
  • // Description:
  • // Dependencies:
  • // Revision:
  • // Revision 0.01 - File Created
  • // Additional Comments:
  • module top(
  • reg[7:0] a;
  • reg[7:0] b;
  • always@*begin
  • son son1(.a(a),.b(b));
  • // Create Date: 2020/10/26 10:48:39
  • // Module Name: son
  • module son(
  • //input clk,
  • input [7:0]a,
  • output reg[7:0]b
  • reg [7:0] aa;
  • reg [7:0] bb;
  • bb = aa\+1;

concurrent assignment to non net is not permitted

yangc (AMD)

  • reg [ 7 : 0 ] b ;
  • wire [ 7 : 0 ] b ;

drsdrb (Member)

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    concurrent assignment to non net is not permitted


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  1. Concurrent assignment to a non-net '_' is not permitted

    The trailing comma in a port list is illegal. Change: output wire c, to: output wire c. It is illegal to assign a value to an input port inside a module. This is illegal: a=1'b1. Assuming it was a typo to use a there, and you really meant to type c, you should change: assign c=(a>b)?(a=1'b1):(c=1'b0);

  2. Concurrent assignment to a non-net is not permitted

    Concurrent assignment to a non-net is not permitted. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 1 month ago. Modified 2 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 28k times 1 I'm making module that make results according to cmd using 4 32-bit adder. if cmd is 0, dout0 = a0+b0, and other dout is zero if cmd is 1, dout1 = a1+b1 and other dout is zero. if cmd is 2 or 3 likewise ...

  3. Error message [VRFC 10-529] concurrent assignment to a non-net P is not

    Another thing to note is when instantiating verilog primitives, the portmapped signals which are used should be of net datatype. I tried this test case with above declaration and able to simulate it properly with expected output P[0] from AND gate.

  4. Verilog 常见 Error

    ERROR: concurrent assignment to a non-net 'dout_x' is not permitted . 错误提示:不允许并发分配给非网线"xxx" 错误原因:模块例化后之间的连接应采用"wire"类型,错误使用"reg" ERROR: if-condition does not match any sensitivity list edge . 错误提示:如果条件与任何敏感度列表边缘都 ...

  5. help me solve concurrent assignment error in verilog for the code given

    Module puts need to be connected to a net-type (ex wire). However a wire cannot be assigned in a procedural code (ex always block). So you need to think how to assign some bits to from a module and other from procedural. \$\endgroup\$

  6. concurrent assignment to a non-net s1 is not permitted

    Please include at least the portlist definition for sub-module Mul_demul. My guess is on this sub-module, port "s1" is an output. Or since you're using port connection by position, instead of port connection by name, and you're connecting up to the wrong ports.

  7. verilog

    The types reg, wire only apply in the current module and are not carried over port connections. Remember the choice of wire or reg is for the simulator not indicative of the hardware. In SystemVerilog the majority of wire/reg can be replaced with logic. The only place this does not work is for tristate busses then you should use tri.

  8. xilinx

    Concurrent assignment to a non-net a is not permitted . ERROR:Simulator:778 - Static elaboration of top level Verilog design unit(s) in library work failed. How can I resolve it ? ... Target <tr26> of concurrent assignment or output port connection should be a net type. 0. ... Are there non-antisymmetric solutions to the electronic Hamiltonian?

  9. vivado仿真报错:concurrent assignment to a non-net out is not permitted

    一个案例: 待测试模块输入输出为: TestBench测试文件为: 一仿真,报错 concurrent assignment to a non-net 'xxxx' is not permitted 原因分析: 对于待测试模块的输出 "dout_7888",在编写测试文件的时候,不能将与之交联的"dout_7888"定义为 reg 型,须改为 wire 型。 对于模块中的输出来说 即,不能以 TestBench ...

  10. Verilog Tips 1:TestBench编写注意事项【concurrent assignment to a non-net 'xxxx

    文章浏览阅读2.2w次,点赞16次,收藏52次。一个案例:待测试模块输入输出为:TestBench测试文件为:一仿真,报错 concurrent assignment to a non-net 'xxxx' is not permitted原因分析:对于待测试模块的输出 "dout_7888",在编写测试文件的时候,不能将与之交联的"dout_7888"定义为 reg 型,须改为 wire 型。

  11. vivado仿真报错:concurrent assignment to a non-net led is not permitted

    一个案例: 待测试模块输入输出为: TestBench测试文件为: 一仿真,报错 concurrent assignment to a non-net 'xxxx' is not permitted 原因分析: 对于待测试模块的输出 "dout_7888",在编写测试文件的时候,不能将与之交联的"dout_7888"定义为 reg 型,须改为 wire 型。 对于模块中的输出来说 即,不能以 TestBench ...

  12. Concurrent assignment to a non-net '_' is not permitted

    Non-net variables are not allowed to be used in concurrent assignments. You should use 'wire' instead of 'reg' for 'a' and 'b'. Also, the ternary operator should be modified to assign the value of 'c' instead of 'a' when the condition is true.

  13. Concurrent assignment or output port connection should be a net type

    You cannot drive a reg type via a continuous assignment (only a wire may be driven in this way).. If this is just modelling combinatorial logic, you could use a combinatorial always block: always @* begin mem[in_d0_] = in_d1_; end

  14. Vivado Verilog Simulation error: concurrent assignment to a non-net is

    Dec 4, 2022. #1. ALUW Asks: Vivado Verilog Simulation error: concurrent assignment to a non-net is not permitted. I am new to using verilog and am getting the errors concurrent assignment to a non-net 'sample' is not permitted, concurrent assignment to a non-net 'rst' is not permitted, and concurrent assignment to a non-net 'rst' is not permitted.

  15. [VRFC 10-529] concurrent assignment to a non-net an is not permitted

    I still remember the Aha! moment when I understood how UNIX shell pipeline works.I fell headlong in love with Linux and the command line and tried out many combination filters (a filter is a program reading from standard input and writes to standard output) connected via pipes.I was amazed by the creativity and power brought about by the command line.

  16. Error: HDL-Complier-661 Non-net port cannot be mode of input

    You've declared your port as input [3:0] small_mant; - this means you are declaring an input to the module, which must be of a net type (a.k.a. a wire).. However you then re-declare your input port as reg [3:0] small_mant; which is a variable data type (reg), and therefore not a net type.. You cannot, and in fact never need to, declare an input as a reg, so simply remove that line.

  17. 顶层模块调用子模块仿真出错:[VRFC 10-3236] concurrent assignment to a non-net 'b' is


  18. Error "procedural assignment to a non-register result is not permitted"

    Synchronous logic should use non-blocking (<=) assignments. It is legal syntax to blocking (=) assignments in synchronous logic blocks, but is it not recommenced. Using blocking assignments in synchronous logic blocks may cause race conditions in the simulator resulting in behavioral mismatch between RTL and synthesized circuit.

  19. 【FPGA】[VRFC 10-3236] concurrent assignment to a non-net 'data_out' is

    一个案例: 待测试模块输入输出为: TestBench测试文件为: 一仿真,报错 concurrent assignment to a non-net 'xxxx' is not permitted 原因分析: 对于待测试模块的输出 "dout_7888",在编写测试文件的时候,不能将与之交联的"dout_7888"定义为 reg 型,须改为 wire 型。 对于模块中的输出来说 即,不能以 TestBench ...