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How to Start a Baseball Academy: Your Ultimate Guide to Hitting a Home Run in Business

Starting your own baseball academy is a thrilling way to turn your passion for the game into a thriving business. Imagine shaping the next generation of baseball stars and being at the center of a community that shares your love for the sport.

You’ll need more than a field and a bucket of balls to get started, though. From finding the perfect location to developing a solid business plan, you’re about to embark on an exciting journey.

Finding the Right Location

When you’re on the hunt for the perfect spot to set up your baseball academy, accessibility is key. You want a place that’s easy for players and their families to get to, whether that means being close to public transportation or ensuring there’s ample parking. After all, convenience will be a huge factor in your academy’s success.

Think back to when you were a player, hustling to get to practice on time. You’d want somewhere that doesn’t require a map and compass to locate. So, hunt for a location that stands out and can become a local landmark in the community.

You should also consider the demographics of your target area. If you’re planning to cater to young athletes, setting up near schools and residential areas might be a smart move. Here’s where you can leverage those stats you love to crunch:

Safety comes first, always. The location for your academy should feel safe to visit at any time of day which will set parents’ minds at ease. Well-lit areas, visible security features, and a clean environment will score big with your clientele.

Don’t forget that the success of former players and teams can enhance the prestige of an academy. So, a spot with a history of baseball excellence —maybe a previous team’s training ground—could add allure to your new venture. Interestingly enough, the nostalgia connected with such places may also attract patrons and stir local support.

Lastly, you’ll want to consider the space you’ll need. Baseball isn’t a cramped sport. Your players will need room to stretch their legs, swing their bats, and perfect those mind-blowing pitches. Ensure you’ve got enough real estate to build your dreams—and theirs—without running into foul territory.

Developing a Business Plan

When laying the groundwork for your baseball academy, crafting a comprehensive business plan is crucial . Think of it as your roadmap to success. This plan is not just a document to persuade investors or secure a loan; it’s your strategic guide, complete with detailed tactics on how to maneuver the bases of the business world.

Your business plan should outline your mission statement and vision. What’s driving you to start this academy? It’s probably your passion for the game and the dream to groom the next generation of baseball greats. Reflect this passion in your mission, letting it resonate with potential clients and backers.

Next, delve into the nitty-gritty – the financial projections. You’ve got to answer important questions: what are startup costs, ongoing expenses, and how do you plan on generating revenue? Break it down into granular details. Can you imagine the confidence investors will have when they see you’ve accounted for everything from equipment to utilities?

Here’s what you need to outline in your financial projections :

On top of that, identify your target market. Are you focusing on youth leagues, high school players, or perhaps adult amateurs seeking to enhance their skills? Each market has specific needs and preferences, and your services should match those to a tee.

Your business plan should also include a marketing strategy . How will you get the word out? Traditional advertising, social media marketing, community events, and partnerships with local schools might be part of your playbook. Ensure your marketing efforts strike a balance between cost-effectiveness and reach.

Operational plans are another piece of the puzzle. Who’ll be on your team? From assistant coaches to clerical staff, each person plays a role in your academy’s performance. And let’s not forget about legal aspects—zoning laws, insurance, and licensing should be on your radar.

Securing Funding

After hammering out the details of your business plan, it’s time to tackle one of the most challenging aspects of starting your baseball academy: securing funding. Remember, even the most passionate baseball enthusiasts need capital to turn their dream into a reality.

Your options for funding are vast and can range from personal savings to small business loans. Here are some avenues you could pursue:

  • Personal Savings : An immediate go-to, but ensure it doesn’t strain your personal finances.
  • Loans : Banks and credit unions offer various loan products. SBA loans , backed by the Small Business Administration, are designed to help new entrepreneurs.
  • Investors : Present your detailed business plan to potential investors who share your passion for baseball.
  • Sponsorships : Local businesses may be interested in sponsoring your academy in exchange for advertising opportunities.
  • Crowdfunding : Online platforms can reach those who are eager to support a new sporting venture.

Securing the right amount of funding requires a solid understanding of your financial projections. Be clear on how much it’ll cost to start and run your academy, including:

  • Lease or purchase of a facility
  • Equipment and uniforms
  • Salaries for your team
  • Marketing initiatives
  • Licenses and permits

Here’s a quick breakdown of potential startup costs:

When presenting your case to potential funders, highlight the academy’s projected growth and how it aligns with your mission statement and operational plan. This is your chance to showcase the meticulous planning and concrete goals that will inspire confidence in your business strategy.

Always keep in mind that funding is not just about getting your academy off the ground but also about ensuring its sustainability and future success. Each funding decision you make should reflect not just your current needs but your long-term vision for the academy. As they say in baseball, don’t just play for the inning you’re in, play for the game’s outcome.

Creating a Curriculum

When you’re starting a baseball academy, crafting a curriculum is like assembling a championship team – both require a strategy that plays to your strengths and addresses your weaknesses. Remember your days on the diamond; as a player, you thrived on skill development, teamwork, and game knowledge. These elements are the cornerstones of your curriculum.

Start with Skill Development . Begin by mapping out drills for hitting, pitching, fielding, and baserunning. Young athletes need to master the fundamentals, so include:

  • Batting techniques: from grip and stance to the swing.
  • Pitching mechanics: focusing on grips, windups, and deliveries.
  • Defensive drills: covering everything from infield plays to outfield positioning.
  • Baserunning skills: teaching the art of speed and smart decision-making on the bases.

Incorporate Game Knowledge and Strategy . A great player isn’t just skilled; they’re smart. Integrate sessions on baseball IQ:

  • Reading the game: understanding situations and making quick decisions.
  • Knowing the rules: umpire signals, scoring, and equipment regulations.
  • Strategy workshops: situational hitting, pitching sequences, and defensive alignments.

Focus on Physical Conditioning and Mental Toughness . Strengthen your athletes’ bodies and minds:

  • Fitness routines tailored for baseball, including agility, strength, and flexibility.
  • Mental resilience training to handle pressure, overcome failure, and maintain focus.

Build a Team-Centric Atmosphere . Highlight the importance of camaraderie and collective effort:

  • Team-building activities to foster trust and unity.
  • Group challenges to promote healthy competition and mutual support.

Your goal’s to create a comprehensive program that prepares athletes for every aspect of the game. As you watch your players round the bases of development, remember it’s about more than winning—it’s about nurturing a love for the game that burns as brightly as yours does. Keep an eye on the ball and adjust your curriculum as needed, ensuring each lesson is a step towards excellence. Embrace your role in shaping the next generation of baseball greats.

Hiring Qualified Coaches

When you’re ready to staff your baseball academy, your coaching team will be the bedrock of your program. Your coaches are the ones who’ll bring your curriculum to life and shaping young talent , so it’s vital to hire individuals who are not only skilled but also passionate about the game of baseball.

Experience and Expertise matter. You’d want to snag a lineup of coaches who’ve played at competitive levels, whether it’s college, semi-professional, or professional baseball. This high-level experience brings invaluable insights that can inspire and elevate your athletes’ game. Remember, you’re looking for individuals who can teach the nuances of baseball that you’ve personally cherished over the years.

Keep an eye for those with a knack for mentorship and communication . A good coach needs to translate complex techniques into actionable advice that young players can comprehend and utilize. A coach’s ability to connect and foster a player’s growth both on and off the field can’t be overstated. You’re crafting a team that’s as supportive as they’re instructive.

Certifications can be a plus. While not always mandatory, certifications from respected baseball organizations showcase a dedication to coaching principles and updated knowledge of the sport. Think of it as an added layer of trust between your academy and the families who entrust you with their children’s sports education.

Don’t forget to consider diversity in your coaching staff . A mix of backgrounds and experiences can enhance the learning environment, providing varying perspectives and coaching styles that cater to the needs of a diverse group of students.

Networking is key. Tap into your own connections from your playing days, attend local and national coaching clinics, and utilize online platforms dedicated to sports careers to find your dream team. These networks can help you identify potential coaching prospects who align with your academy’s mission and vision.

Finally, look for lifelong learners. Those who consistently seek to improve their coaching arsenal through workshops, seminars, and continuing education are the types that will keep your academy at the forefront of baseball training innovation. Their drive to learn will foster a dynamic, cutting-edge environment that promises growth for every player who walks onto your field.

Marketing and Promotion

Once you’ve secured top-notch coaches for your academy, your next step is to spread the word. Marketing and promotion are crucial for attracting budding talent and establishing your brand within the community and beyond.

Starting Local

  • Get involved in community events where you can set up a booth or hold a demonstration.
  • Partner with local schools to offer after-school programs or clinics.
  • Sponsor local little league teams to increase visibility.

You’re not just selling a service; you’re becoming a staple in your local baseball scene. It’s about showing potential athletes and their families that you’re invested in their development and the sport as a whole.

Leveraging Social Media

Create profiles on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These will be your tools to:

  • Share success stories of your players.
  • Post video tutorials and tips that showcase your coaches’ expertise.
  • Engage with your audience through Q&A sessions or live streams.

Remember, content is king. Post regularly, and make sure it’s engaging and relevant to your target audience. Social media is your direct line to baseball enthusiasts and potential clients. It’s also a way for you as a coach, with your deep love for the game, to share that passion and connect with others who feel the same.

Building an Online Presence

Your academy should have a user-friendly website. Here’s why:

  • It provides legitimacy and a professional image.
  • It’s a platform to detail your programs, coaches’ qualifications, and success stories.
  • It can be used for blog posts, articles, or guides that help improve SEO and attract traffic.

By combining your knowledge of the game with savvy marketing strategies, you can reach a broad audience and draw them into the world you’re creating at your academy. Keep content consistent and your message clear: you’re here to nurture talent and grow the love for baseball.

Making Equipment and Facility Decisions

As you take strides in establishing your baseball academy, one of the most critical steps is determining the equipment and facilities your academy will need. You know better than anyone that a player’s development is heavily impacted by the quality of the equipment and the environment in which they train. It’s about striking a balance between what’s essential and what fits your budget.

Start with the basics: bats, balls, gloves, and protective gear. Make sure you invest in durable gear that can withstand the daily grind of training sessions. Remember, quality doesn’t always mean the most expensive; it’s about finding the best value for your dollar.

Your choice of facility is just as important. Ideally, you’ll want a space that has both indoor and outdoor areas to allow for year-round training. Outdoor facilities should have well-maintained fields, while your indoor space should include batting cages and areas for strength and conditioning. Think about how many students you plan to enroll and choose a facility that can handle that capacity without feeling overcrowded.

Let’s talk technology. Integrating advanced tools like pitching machines and video analysis software can set your academy apart. These technologies aren’t just for show—they are integral in providing detailed feedback to your athletes, enabling them to perfect their techniques.

Don’t forget the administrative side. You’ll need storage space for equipment, an office for your staff, and a comfortable area for parents and players to meet.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of the essential items you’ll need:

  • Helmets and protective gear
  • Pitching machines
  • Video analysis tools
  • Strength and conditioning equipment

Maintenance is key. Allocate a portion of your budget for equipment repairs and upgrades because wear and tear is inevitable. Your athletes deserve a facility where their safety is a priority, and their talents can flourish. After all, your academy’s reputation hinges on the success of your trainees, and the right environment is fundamental to their growth.

Handling Legal and Insurance Matters

When setting up your baseball academy, you can’t swing for the fences without considering the legal and insurance aspects. It’s critical to establish a solid legal foundation to protect your business and your assets.

Start by choosing the appropriate business structure. Whether it’s an LLC, corporation, or partnership, each has its pros and cons relating to liability and taxation. You’ll want to consult with a lawyer to determine the best fit for your academy.

Once your business structure’s in place, you’ll need to tackle contracts and waivers. Handle these with care – they form the backbone of your legal protection. Be sure to cover aspects such as liability, player conduct, and payment terms. Contracts must be watertight and understandable to prevent misunderstandings and potential disputes.

Insurance is the catcher’s mitt for legal curveballs . It’s essential to secure comprehensive coverage tailored to the unique needs of sports facilities. At a minimum, your insurance portfolio should include:

  • General liability insurance : Provides broad coverage for incidents on your premises or related to your operations.
  • Professional liability insurance : Covers claims arising from your coaching and instruction.
  • Property insurance : Protects your equipment and facilities against damage or loss.

Depending on the size of your academy and the extent of your services, you might also consider workers’ compensation insurance for employees and vehicle insurance for any transportation provided.

Remember, the goal’s to create a safe environment while mitigating risks. Regularly review your insurance policies and legal documents, and adjust them as your academy grows and changes. It’s not just about playing defense; it’s about ensuring a smooth operation where everyone knows the ground rules.

Stay proactive by scheduling annual legal and insurance reviews. This guarantees you’ll stay ahead of any changes in laws or policies that could affect your business. Give yourself the peace of mind you need so you can focus on what you love most – nurturing the next generation of baseball greats.

Setting Up Registration and Payment Systems

Once you’ve covered the legal groundwork and ensured your academy’s protection with comprehensive insurance, streamlining the enrollment process becomes the next critical step. To make sure you’re not stuck in paperwork when you could be coaching, setting up an efficient registration system is key.

You’ll want to consider an online registration platform that can handle player information, waivers, and payments all in one place. These systems not only save time but also provide a convenient experience for parents and players. Look for features like automatic email confirmations, reminders, and the ability to update personal information.

When choosing a payment system, the goals are clarity and convenience. Here are essential points to focus on:

  • Multiple Payment Options : Give parents and players the flexibility to pay through credit cards, online payments, or installments. This can significantly increase the timely collection of fees.
  • Clear Payment Schedules : Avoid confusion by clarifying when payments are due, and what the fees include. It’s also wise to establish a policy for late payments or cancellations.
  • Secure Transactions : Make sure the system you choose complies with Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards to protect customer data and reduce the risk of fraud.

Beyond convenience, your payment system should also offer robust reporting features. This allows you to track payments, outstanding balances, and generate financial reports with ease. Remember, the less time you spend on administration, the more time you have for the diamond.

To ensure smooth operations, train your staff on how to use the registration and payment systems. This way, you’re not the only one who knows how they work, and you can avoid bottlenecks during peak registration periods.

In the end, the right systems can make all the difference in how efficiently your baseball academy runs. They won’t just help you keep your accounts in order; they’ll provide peace of mind so you can focus on what you love most – coaching the game.

Launching Your Baseball Academy

After you’ve nailed down the nitty-gritty of registration and payment systems, it’s time to swing for the fences and officially launch your baseball academy. Remember, your passion for the game will be the cornerstone of your academy’s ethos.

Create a Marketing Plan : Before the big day, you’ll want to ensure that your marketing bases are covered. Spread the word through social media, local schools, and community boards. Draft press releases and reach out to local media – your unique story as a former high-level player could be newsworthy.

Host an Opening Event : Make a splash with an inaugural event. This could include free clinics, appearances by local celebrities, or former players. Showcase your facilities, coaching talent, and the programs you offer. Give potential members a taste of the value they’ll get by signing up.

Leverage Your Network : You’ve likely built a network from your playing days. Now’s the time to tap into it. Connect with old teammates, coaches, and anyone passionate about baseball. They can be instrumental in spreading the word and perhaps in contributing their expertise.

  • Keep Quality High : From day one, prioritize quality coaching and programming. Your early adopters will be your biggest advocates if they get top-notch training and experiences.

Implement Continuous Feedback Loops : Encourage feedback from the get-go. Engage with parents and athletes, and tailor your programs based on constructive criticism to ensure your academy only gets better.

Your journey in launching a baseball academy is much like baseball itself – full of excitement, strategy, and the joy of playing the game you love. Armed with efficient systems, a strong marketing push, and a network that supports you, your academy’s opening will be the first of many successful innings.

You’ve got the game plan now to hit a home run with your baseball academy. Remember, it’s all about connecting with your community, delivering top-notch training, and keeping your eye on the ball for feedback. Don’t forget to celebrate your big wins along the way. Here’s to the first of many seasons where you’ll be shaping the future all-stars of baseball!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key steps to launching a baseball academy.

To launch a baseball academy successfully, you should create a robust marketing plan, host an engaging opening event, leverage your personal networks, ensure you provide quality coaching and programs, and establish a system for continuous feedback.

How important is a marketing plan for a new baseball academy?

A marketing plan is essential as it outlines strategies to attract and retain students, differentiates the academy from competitors, and helps to establish a brand presence in the market.

What role does an opening event play in the success of a baseball academy?

An opening event plays a significant role by generating buzz, allowing potential customers to experience the academy first-hand, and providing an opportunity for networking and community engagement.

Why is it crucial to leverage personal networks when starting a baseball academy?

Personal networks can provide initial support, referrals, and resources that are invaluable during the early stages of launching your academy. They can help spread the word and build trust through existing relationships.

How does quality coaching impact the reputation of a baseball academy?

Quality coaching is the cornerstone of any baseball academy, as it directly affects student development, satisfaction, and retention, thereby building the academy’s reputation for excellence.

Why is implementing continuous feedback loops important for a baseball academy?

Continuous feedback loops help to constantly improve the academy’s offerings, ensure customer satisfaction, and adapt to the changing needs of students and the broader market, promoting long-term success.

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Alex Chester

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Indoor Baseball Facility Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business Plans » Sports Sector

Do you want to start a baseball facility? If YES, here is a detailed sample indoor baseball facility business plan template & FREE feasibility report.

If you live in an area where people play softball or baseball, you can make a fortune by leveraging on providing an indoor baseball facility that will help them practice and enjoy their games. Of course, people that play softball or baseball usually don’t have their own private facility and all they would need to play the game hence the need to patronize an indoor baseball facility.

An indoor baseball facility or batting cage is an encircled area for baseball or softball players to learn the skill of batting and to hone their skills in preparation for games and competitions.

The ideal materials used for batting cages is netting, and they are usually rectangular in shape. Aside from the capacity to stop baseballs during batting practice; any structure that will prevent vandalism can be built as well. Indoor baseball facility business just like most sport facility businesses, thrives on creativity and good business skills.

Any aspiring entrepreneur with management and business skills can open an indoor baseball facility, as long as they are creative, they can get people to promote their brand and they have good management and business skills.

A Sample Indoor Baseball Facility Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

Indoor baseball facility business falls under the Indoor Sports Facilities Management industry and players in this industry basically maintain and operate recreational indoor sports facilities. This report includes for-profit and nonprofit facilities that generate revenue through membership or admission fees.

It excludes fitness centers that primarily provide exercise equipment and other indoor recreation facilities such as college facilities, bowling alleys and dance halls. If you have been following the Indoor Sports Facilities Management industry, you would have realized that the industry benefited from broad economic improvements over the five years to 2019.

During the current period, higher sports participation rates and growing public awareness of the link between physical activity and health led to an expected increase in demand for industry services, as relatively high per capita disposable income levels expanded consumer spending levels.

Accordingly, an increased share of youth sports teams were able to afford indoor sports facilities. As a result, industry revenue is expected to increase during the current period.

However, industry growth was partially hindered over the past five years by increased competition for consumer leisure time from gyms and health and fitness clubs. Over the five years to 2024, industry revenue is forecast to continue rising as a result of further improvements in consumer disposable income, consumer confidence and health awareness.

The Indoor Sports Facilities Management industry is indeed a very large industry and pretty much thriving in some parts of the world especially in developed countries such as United States of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Italy et al.

Statistics has it that in the united states of America alone, there are about 9,736 licensed and registered indoor sports facilities management (indoor baseball facilities inclusive) scattered all across the United States.

The industry is responsible for directly employing about 33,313 employees and the industry rakes in a whooping sum of $1 billion annually with an annual growth rate projected at 4.5 percent between 2015 and 2022. It is important to state that no establishment has a lion share of the available market in this industry.

A recent research published by IBISWORLD shows that during the past five years, the Indoor Sports Facilities Management industry exhibited growth due to many industry operators updating their facilities to attract consumers. This investment differentiated operators’ product portfolios from other consumer leisure activities, such as at-home digital entertainment.

The report further stated that, to attract budget-conscious consumers, some industry operators implemented coupons and discounts, which generated awareness about family fun centers and golf driving ranges as a local entertainment option.

Additionally, industry operators focused on specializing their product portfolio to attract particular demographics, such as adding bowling alleys to develop a strong customer base among families with older children.

Some of the factors that encourages entrepreneurs to open their own indoor baseball facility could be that the business is a thriving business and batting cages can be used not only by professional baseball or softball players, but also people who play baseball or softball for leisure and who would want to have their own batting cage in their yard.

Over and above, the indoor baseball facility business is a part of, is a profitable industry and it is open for any aspiring entrepreneur to come in and establish his or her business; you can choose to open on a small scale with just one facility in a community or you can choose to open on a large scale with standard indoor baseball facilities in different locations across different cities in the United States of America.

2. Executive Summary

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. is a standard and registered indoor baseball facility that will be located in Jefferson City – Missouri; in a sport loving estate. We have been able to secure all the necessary permits for our facility.

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. will establish an ideal indoor facility for baseball or softball players to learn the skill of batting and to hone their skills in preparation for games and competitions and also for hosting baseball competitions.

We are set to services a wide range of baseball lovers not just in the Jefferson City, but also in all across major cities in the United States where we hope to open of indoor baseball facilities.

We are aware that there are several large and small indoor baseball facility management companies all around the United States of America, which is why we spent time and resources to conduct a thorough feasibility studies and market survey so as to be well positioned to favorably compete with all our competitors.

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. will ensure that all our indoor baseball facilities meet international standard. We want to build a business with a wide range of clientele base cut across people and businesses of different financial status. We have a CRM software that will enable us manage a one on one relationship with our customers no matter how large the numbers of our customers’ base may grow to.

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. will at all times demonstrate her commitment to sustainability, both individually and as a firm, by actively participating in our communities and integrating sustainable business practices wherever possible.

We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our customers’ needs precisely and completely whenever they make use of our facility. We will cultivate a working environment that provides a human, sustainable approach to earning a living, and living in our world, for our partners, employees and for our customers.

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. is a family business that is owned by Campbell Johnson and his immediate family members.

Campbell Johnson has a Degree in Business Management, with well over 19 years of experience in the indoor sports facilities management industry, working for some of the leading brand in the United States. He will be bringing in his vast hands – on experience to help build Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. to become an international brand.

3. Our Products and Services

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. is in the indoor baseball facility industry to make available world – class indoor baseball facility and batting cages for baseball or softball players to learn the skill of batting and to hone their skills in preparation for games and competitions.

We are set to services a wide range of baseball players in the United States of America and of course to make profits, which is why we will ensure we go all the way to give our clients and potential clients extra services and amenities. We will do all that is permitted by the law of the United States to achieve our business goal, aim and ambition of opening the business.

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to become the ‘go to’ indoor sports facility in the whole of Jefferson City and environs when it comes to world – class indoor baseball facility and batting cages for baseball or softball players to learn the skill of batting and to hone their skills in preparation for games and competitions.
  • Our mission is to establish a world – class indoor baseball facility whose facility will not only attract individual baseball and softball players, but also attract organizers or world – class baseball competitions to host their local, national and international competitions in our facility.

Our Business Structure

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. do not intend to open a small – scale indoor baseball facility business; our intention of opening an indoor baseball facility is to build a standard and one stop indoor baseball facility in Jefferson City – Missouri.

Although our indoor baseball facility might not be as big as the leaders in the industry, but we will ensure that we put the right structure in place that will support the kind of growth that we have in mind while setting up the business. We will ensure that we hire people that are qualified, honest, customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business that will benefit all the stake holders (the owners, workforce, and customers).

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our senior management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of ten years or more. In view of that, we have made provisions for the following positions to be occupied by highly qualified and experienced staff;

  • Chief Executive Office – CEO
  • Indoor baseball facility Manager
  • Accountant / Cashier
  • Marketing and Sales Officer
  • Safety Instructor / Assistant (5)
  • Customer Care Executive / Front Desk Officer

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO:

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results; developing incentives; developing a climate for offering information and opinions; providing educational opportunities.
  • Creating, communicating, and implementing the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization
  • Carrying out staff induction for new team members

Indoor Baseball Facility Manager

  • Responsible for operating and managing the indoor baseball facility
  • Ensures that the facility is in tip top position at all times
  • Responsible for managing food and beverage services
  • Manage membership and registration services
  • Handle equipment rentals and sales services
  • Handle other relevant indoor baseball facility operations

Safety Instructors / Assistant (5)

  • Ensure that members and new comers follow lay down safety measures when they make use of our indoor baseball facility
  • Handle registration for indoor baseball sports tournaments and matches
  • Responsible for handling and giving instruction for services such as meals and beverages, and other related services that we will be offering.

Marketing and Sales Officer (2)

  • Identify, prioritize, and reach out to new clients, and business opportunities et al
  • Identifies development opportunities; follows up on development leads and contacts
  • Writing winning proposal documents, negotiate fees and rates in line with organizations’ policy
  • Responsible for handling business research, market surveys and feasibility studies for clients
  • Responsible for supervising implementation, advocate for the customer’s needs, and communicate with clients
  • Develop, execute and evaluate new plans for expanding increase sales
  • Document all customer contact and information
  • Represent Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. in strategic meetings
  • Help increase sales and growth for Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc.

Accountant / Cashier:

  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports; analyzes financial feasibility for the most complex proposed projects; conducts market research to forecast trends and business conditions.
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting for the organization
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensuring compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc.
  • Serves as internal auditor for Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc.

Client Service Executive

  • Welcomes members and potential members / clients by greeting them in person or on the telephone; answering or directing inquiries.
  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with clients on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the organization’s products and services
  • Manages administrative duties assigned by the management in an effective and timely manner
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the organizations’ products, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to clients when they make enquiries

Cleaners (3):

  • Responsible for cleaning in and around the indoor baseball facility
  • Clean up after customers and clean work area.
  • Wash bats, softballs and other sportswear after each use.
  • Maintain a clean working area by sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning of glass doors and windows, etc. if required.
  • Ensure that toiletries and supplies don’t run out of stock
  • Handle any other duty as assigned by the indoor baseball facility center manager.

6. SWOT Analysis

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. is in business to become one of the leading indoor baseball facility management companies in the United States of America and we are fully aware that it will take the right business concept, management and organization – structure to achieve our goal.

We are quite aware that there are several large and small indoor baseball facility management companies all over the United States of America and even in the same location where we intend locating ours, which is why we are following the due process of establishing a business.

We know that if a proper SWOT analysis is conducted for our business, we will be able to position our business to maximize our strength, leverage on the opportunities that will be available to us, mitigate our risks and be welled equipped to confront our threats.

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. employed the services of an expert HR and Business Analyst with bias in the indoor sports facility management industry to help us conduct a thorough SWOT analysis and to help us create a Business model that will help us achieve our business goals and objectives.

This is the summary of the SWOT analysis that was conducted for Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc.;

One of the apparent strengths that will definitely stand as a plus for Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. is the fact that our indoor baseball facility is centrally located in a densely populated – residential area filled with baseball and softball lovers in Jefferson City – Missouri; our location is in fact one of our major strength.

We equally have a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals who will work our members to achieve their aims making use of our indoor baseball facility and lastly our gate fee / membership package is going to be one of the best that anybody living in Jefferson City – Missouri can get; it is cheap and affordable.

Before setting up this business, we critically looked into our business model and we were able to identify two major weakness.

One is the fact that we are a new business and the second is the fact that we may not have the financial resources required to match up with existing indoor baseball facility and even government own indoor sports facilities in Jefferson City – Missouri and also in generating the needed hypes that can drive traffic towards our indoor playground facility.

  • Opportunities:

The fact that we are going to be operating our indoor baseball facility in Jefferson City – Missouri provides us with unlimited opportunities to attract loads of baseball and softball lovers and fans. As per capita disposable income rises, more consumers will be able to allocate expenditures toward leisure activities, including baseball and family fun centers.

Furthermore, rising household income also translates into greater spending on food, beverages and merchandise items at industry establishments. Per capita disposable income is expected to increase in 2023, representing a potential opportunity for the industry. Going forward, innovative offerings and rising disposable income will drive industry demand

When consumers have more leisure time, playing of softball and baseball increases. As the unemployment rate continues to fall, more consumers will have funds to allocate toward industry services but will be time-strapped as they return to work. Thus, in 2023, time spent on leisure and sports is expected to stagnate, representing a potential threat to the industry. So also, unfavorable government policies may also pose a threat for businesses such as ours.


  • Market Trends

If you take a closer look at the indoor baseball facility Industry, you will realize that stagnant product prices and of course key demographic variables have affected the indoor baseball facility industry over the years. Surprisingly, growth in the number of businesses that make use of batting cages has not been sufficient to compensate for stagnant prices.

Going forward, wealth gains resulting from increases in per capita disposable income and improvements in equity markets will positively impact the sale of batting cages. Large indoor baseball facility management companies have economies of scale in distribution and marketing and small – scale indoor baseball facility management companies can compete successfully by targeting low income earning brackets in the society.

Domestic operators have been forced to settle for lower profit margins to compete with low-cost imports. Lastly, as part of marketing strategies, indoor baseball facility management companies ensure that they are always improvising and following the trends if indeed they want to maintain their market share in the industry.

8. Our Target Market

We know that there is a large market for indoor baseball facilities in the United States of America and of course all across the globe. In view of that, we have positioned our indoor baseball facility to service the clientele in the United States of America.

We have conducted our market research and feasibility studies and we have ideas of what our target market would be expecting from us. We are in the indoor baseball facility industry to attract a wide range of customers;

  • Male and female, adults and children that make use of batting cages for either for leisure or as professional baseball players
  • Baseball and softball clubs

Our Competitive Advantage

A close study of the indoor baseball facility industry reveals that the market has become much more intensely competitive over the last decade. As a matter of fact, you have to be highly creative with your facility and market approach, customer centric and proactive if you must survive in this industry.

We are aware of the stiffer competition and we are well prepared to compete favorably with other leading indoor baseball facility management companies in the United States and the globe.

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. is launching a standard indoor baseball facility that will indeed become the preferred choice of baseball players and fans in Jefferson City – Missouri and every other location where we intend opening our indoor baseball facility.

Our indoor baseball facility is located in an ideal property highly suitable for the kind of business we want to run. We have enough parking spaces that can accommodate well over 30 cars / trucks per time. Our competitive advantage lies in the state of the art indoor baseball facility that we own.

We have a team of highly trained and experienced indoor baseball facility managers and support staff members that can go all the way to give everyone that patronize our facility value for their money. We are well positioned in the heart of Jefferson City – Missouri and we know we will attract loads of clients from the first day we open our indoor baseball facility for business.

Lastly, our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category (start – ups indoor baseball facility management companies) in the industry meaning that they will be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and achieve all our aims and objectives. We will also give good working conditions and commissions to freelance sales agents that we will recruit from time to time.


  • Sources of Income

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. is in business to operate and manage indoor baseball facility. In essence, our source of income will be the gate fee and membership fees that we will generate from people who want to make use of our indoor baseball facility and from sales of foods, drinks and softball related merchandize.

10. Sales Forecast

One thing is certain when it comes to indoor baseball facility management business, if your facility is well – equipped and well located, you will always attract customers cum sales and that will sure translate to increase in revenue generation for the business.

We are well positioned to take on the available market in Jefferson City – Missouri and every other location where we intend opening our indoor baseball facility in the United States of America and of course the rest of the world and we are quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of generating enough income / profits from the first six month of operations and grow the business and our clientele base.

We have been able to critically examine the indoor baseball facility industry and we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. The sales projection is based on information gathered on the field and some assumptions that are peculiar to startups in Jefferson City – Missouri.

Below are the sales projections for Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc., it is based on the location of our business and other factors as it relates to indoor baseball facility start – ups in the United States;

  • First Fiscal Year (FY1): $350,000
  • Second Fiscal Year (FY2): $450,000
  • Third Fiscal Year (FY3): $650,000

N.B : This projection is done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and there won’t be any major competitor within same location. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.

Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Before choosing a location to launch Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. we conduct a thorough market survey and feasibility studies in order for us to be able to be able to penetrate the available market and become one of the preferred choice for customers not only in Jefferson City – Missouri but in every other location where we intend opening our indoor baseball facility.

We have detailed information and data that we were able to utilize to structure our business to attract the numbers of customers we want to attract per time.

We hired experts who have good understanding of the indoor baseball facility industry to help us develop marketing strategies that will help us achieve our business goal of winning a larger percentage of the available market in the United States of America.

In summary, Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. will adopt the following sales and marketing approach to win customers over;

  • Open our indoor baseball facility in a grand style with a party for all.
  • Introduce our indoor baseball facility by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to businesses baseball and softball players and fans and key stake holders in Jefferson City – Missouri and every other location where we intend opening our indoor baseball facility
  • Ensure that we manufacture a wide range of designs of batting cages
  • Make use of attractive hand bills to create awareness and also to give direction to our retailing outlets
  • Position our signage / flexi banners at strategic places around Jefferson City – Missouri
  • Position our greeters to welcome and direct potential customers
  • Create a loyalty plan that will enable us reward our regular customers
  • Engage on roadshows within our neighborhood to create awareness for indoor baseball facility
  • List our business and facility on yellow pages ads (local directories)
  • Leverage on the internet to promote our indoor baseball facility
  • Engage in direct marketing and sales
  • Encourage the use of Word of mouth marketing (referrals)

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

Despite the fact that our indoor baseball facility is well located, we will still go ahead to intensify publicity for the business. We are going to explore all available means to promote our indoor baseball facility.

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. has a long – term plan of opening our outlets in various locations all around Jefferson City – Missouri and other key cities in the United States and Canada which is why we will deliberately build our brand to be well accepted in Jefferson City – Missouri before venturing out.

As a matter of fact, our publicity and advertising strategy is not solely for winning customers over but to effectively communicate our brand. Here are the platforms we intend leveraging on to promote and advertise Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc.;

  • Place adverts on community – based newspapers, radio stations and TV stations.
  • Encourage the use of word of mouth publicity from our loyal customers
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms like; YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Google+ and other platforms to promote our indoor baseball facility.
  • Ensure that our we position our banners and billboards in strategic positions all around Jefferson City – Missouri
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas in and around our neighborhood
  • Advertise our indoor baseball facility in our official website and employ strategies that will help us pull traffic to the site
  • Brand all our official cars and trucks and ensure that all our staff members and management staff wear our branded shirt or cap at regular intervals.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Our pricing system is going to be based on what is obtainable in the industry, we don’t intend to charge more (except for premium and customized services) and we don’t intend to charge less than what our competitors are charging as gate fees or membership fee in Jefferson City – Missouri.

Be that as it may, we have put plans in place to offer discount services once in a while and also to reward our loyal customers especially when they refer clients to us or when they register as a family or a sports clubs and schools. The prices of our services will be same as what is obtainable in the United States’ open market.

  • Payment Options

The payment policy adopted by Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different customers prefer different payment options as it suits them but at the same time, we will ensure that we abide by the financial rules and regulation of the United States of America.

Here are the payment options that Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. will make available to her clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment with cash
  • Payment via Point of Sale Machine (POS)
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via bank draft

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will enable our client make payment for access and usage of our facility without any stress on their part. Our bank account numbers will be made available on our website and promotional materials to clients who may want to deposit cash or make online transfer for payment of membership fees.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

From our market survey and feasibility studies, we have been able to come up with a detailed budget on achieving our aim of establishing a standard and one stop indoor baseball facility in Jefferson City, Missouri and here are the key areas where we will spend our start – up capital;

  • The total fee for registering the business in the United States of America – $750.
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits as well as the accounting services (software, P.O.S machines and other software) – $3,300.
  • Marketing promotion expenses for the grand opening of Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. in the amount of $3,500 and as well as flyer printing (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of $3,580.
  • The total cost for hiring Business Consultant – $2,500.
  • The total cost for payment of insurance policy covers (general liability, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $9,400.
  • The total cost for long – term leasing of a standard indoor sports facilities- $100,000
  • The total cost for remodeling the indoor baseball facility – $50,000.
  • Other start-up expenses including stationery ($500) and phone and utility deposits – ($2,500).
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $100,000
  • The total cost for counter area equipment – $9,500
  • The total cost for store equipment (cash register, security, ventilation, signage) – $13,750
  • The total cost for the purchase and installation of CCTVs: $10,000
  • The cost for the purchase of office furniture and gadgets (Computers, Printers, Telephone, TVs, Sound System, tables and chairs et al): $4,000.
  • The total cost of launching a website: $600
  • The total cost for our opening party: $7,000
  • Miscellaneous: $10,000

We would need an estimate of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($350,000) to successfully set up our indoor baseball facility business. Please note that this amount includes the salaries of all the staff for the first month of operation.

Generating Funds / Startup Capital for Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. 

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. is a private registered family business that is solely owned and financed by Campbell Johnson and his immediate family members. They do not intend to welcome any external business partner which is why he has decided to restrict the sourcing of the open – up capital to 3 major sources.

These are the areas we intend generating our open – up capital;

  • Generate part of the open – up capital from personal savings
  • Source for soft loans from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from my Bank

N.B: We have been able to generate about $150,000 (Personal savings $100,000 and soft loan from family members $50,000) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $200,000 from our bank. All the papers and document have been signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited with the amount.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

Part of the plans we have in place to sustain Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. is to ensure that we continue to make available world – class and state or the art indoor baseball facility, deliver quality services, improvise on how to do things faster and cheaper.

We are not going to relent in providing conducive environment for our workers and also the required trainings that will help them deliver excellent services at all times. From our findings, another factor that kills new business such as ours is financial leakages. In order to plug financial leakages, the management of Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. adopt the use of payment machine and accounting software to run the business.

We are quite aware that our customers are key component to the growth and survival of our business hence we are going to continuously engage them to give us ideas on how to serve them better and the products they want to see in our store. We will not waste time in adopting new technology, best practices and diversifying our services; expand our product and service offerings once the need arises.

Softball Zone® Indoor Baseball Facility Management Company, Inc. will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of. Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and re – training of our workforce is at the top burner.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of three years or more. We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List / Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check : Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Leasing of facility and remodeling the facility (to fit into a 21 st century indoor baseball facility): In Progress
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the needed baseball wares, furniture, racks, shelves, computers, electronic appliances, office appliances and CCTV: In progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Opening party / launching party planning: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with baseball and softball clubs, schools, key stakeholders and wholesale suppliers of baseball related products: In Progress.

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Articles on growing a fitness business

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business plan for baseball academy

How To Start A Baseball Academy

Gymdesk Library /

Benjamin Roussey

start a baseball academy

If you’ve ever thought about sharing your love for America’s favorite pastime while running a successful business, starting a baseball academy might just be the perfect path for you. Whether you’re a former player, a coach, or simply someone who lives and breathes the game, this post will guide you through the exciting journey of launching your very own baseball academy. 

So, grab your glove, dust off your cleats, and let’s dive right in!

Define Your Vision

The first step in starting any venture is to envision what you want to achieve. Take some time to reflect on your goals and the purpose of your baseball academy. Are you passionate about teaching young players the fundamentals of the game? Do you want to nurture future professional athletes? Or perhaps your focus is on creating a fun and inclusive environment for players of all skill levels. Clarifying your vision will help shape the direction and culture of your academy.

Research and Planning

Now that you have a clear vision, it’s time to dive into research and planning. Familiarize yourself with the local baseball scene, including the number of potential players, competition, and existing academies. Look into their offerings, pricing, and training methods. Identify any gaps or opportunities that you can leverage to stand out from the crowd.

Create a comprehensive business plan that outlines your academy’s structure, budget, marketing strategy, and operational details. This plan will serve as your roadmap and help you secure funding if needed. Remember, starting small and gradually expanding is often a wise approach.

Location, Facilities, and Equipment

Finding the right location for your baseball academy is crucial. Look for a place with ample space for training fields, batting cages, and a comfortable indoor facility for inclement weather. Consider accessibility, parking, and proximity to schools and residential areas.

When it comes to equipment, invest in high-quality gear such as bats, balls, helmets, gloves, pitching machines, and training aids. Create a safe and functional space that fosters a love for the game while ensuring the well-being of your players.

Assemble a Talented Coaching Staff

The success of your baseball academy heavily relies on the expertise and passion of your coaching staff. Seek out experienced coaches who can effectively communicate and connect with players of all ages. Look for individuals who not only possess strong technical knowledge but also exhibit a genuine commitment to player development and mentorship.

Consider establishing a mentorship program where experienced coaches can guide and support younger coaches. This will foster a positive learning environment for both players and staff members.

Develop a Comprehensive Training Program

Designing a comprehensive training program is essential for your baseball academy. Balance skill development with a focus on teamwork, sportsmanship, and character-building. Tailor your program to cater to various age groups and skill levels, ensuring that every player has an opportunity to improve and enjoy the game.

Offer a mix of individual and group training sessions, team practices, clinics, and specialized camps during off-seasons. Incorporate strength and conditioning programs to enhance players’ physical abilities. Remember, the goal is not only to produce skilled athletes but also to instill a lifelong love for the game.

Build Relationships with the Community

Community engagement is vital for the long-term success of your baseball academy. Establish partnerships with local schools, youth organizations, and sports leagues. Offer free clinics or sponsor local events to showcase your academy’s commitment to the community. Word-of-mouth referrals and positive relationships will be instrumental in attracting new players and families.

Embrace Technology

In today’s digital age, incorporating technology into your baseball academy can enhance training methodologies and elevate player performance. Utilize video analysis tools to provide feedback and track progress. Create an online presence through a professional website, social media platforms, and online registration systems. Leverage these platforms to communicate with parents, share updates, and promote your academy’s activities.

Prioritize Safety and Compliance

Safety should always be a top priority. Ensure that your coaching staff is well-versed in first aid and CPR training. Implement safety protocols and adhere to local regulations regarding player safety, equipment maintenance, and insurance coverage. Make sure your academy is compliant with all necessary permits and certifications to operate legally.

Marketing and Promotion

Develop a marketing strategy to promote your baseball academy effectively. Utilize both traditional and digital marketing channels to reach your target audience. Create eye-catching brochures, flyers, and banners to distribute at local sports events. Engage with parents, players, and the community through social media, blog posts, and newsletters. Consider offering trial sessions or discounts to attract new players and build a loyal customer base.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Baseball Facility

When it comes to choosing the perfect training space for baseball activities, one question often arises: indoor or outdoor facility? Both options have their own unique advantages and considerations.

Indoor Baseball Facility: Sheltered Training All Year Round

Imagine a space where rain, snow, or scorching heat cannot interrupt your baseball training sessions. Welcome to the world of indoor baseball facilities! These climate-controlled spaces offer numerous benefits for players and coaches alike.

  • Weather Protection: One of the most significant advantages of an indoor facility is its protection from the elements. No more canceled practices or games due to rainstorms or extreme temperatures. With an indoor facility, you can train year-round, regardless of what’s happening outside. 
  • Extended Training Hours: Indoor facilities often provide extended training hours compared to outdoor fields. You can schedule practices and lessons at any time, without worrying about daylight limitations. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for players with busy schedules or those looking to fit in some extra training sessions.
  • Controlled Environment: Indoor facilities offer a controlled environment, free from distractions and external variables. You can fine-tune your training by adjusting lighting conditions, temperature, and even the playing surface. This level of control enables focused skill development and enhances the overall training experience.
  • Availability of Amenities: Many indoor facilities come equipped with amenities such as batting cages, pitching machines, weightlifting areas, and video analysis tools. These resources can greatly enhance player development and provide a comprehensive training experience under one roof.

Outdoor Baseball Facility: Embracing the Spirit of the Game

While indoor facilities provide excellent shelter and control, there’s something truly special about playing baseball under the open sky. Let’s look at why outdoor baseball facilities continue to hold a special place in the hearts of players and fans.

  • Natural Elements: There’s a compelling charm to playing baseball in the great outdoors. The smell of freshly cut grass, the sound of birds chirping, and the feel of the sun on your face all contribute to an authentic baseball experience. Outdoor fields create a unique atmosphere that evokes the spirit of the game and fosters a deep connection with nature.
  • Expansive Space: Outdoor fields often provide more expansive playing areas than their indoor counterparts. This extra space allows for larger outfield dimensions and longer base paths, offering players an opportunity to fully showcase their skills. The open-air environment also contributes to a sense of freedom and encourages players to push their limits.
  • Cost Considerations: In some cases, outdoor facilities can be more cost-effective to rent or maintain compared to indoor facilities. This affordability can be especially beneficial for community-based leagues, schools, or organizations with limited budgets. Outdoor facilities provide an accessible and inclusive platform for players of all backgrounds to enjoy the game.
  • Team Bonding: Outdoor facilities create an ideal setting for team bonding and community engagement. From cheering fans in the stands to picnics and barbecues, these spaces foster a sense of camaraderie and connection among players, families, and spectators. The social aspect of outdoor baseball facilities adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the overall experience.

Whether you choose an indoor or outdoor baseball facility, the most important thing is to create a nurturing and engaging environment for players to develop their skills and foster a love for the game. Both options have their own unique advantages, and your decision should align with your vision, goals, and available resources. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How to start a baseball coaching business?

Starting a baseball coaching business is a thrilling adventure that allows you to combine your love for the game with the joy of teaching and mentoring young athletes.

Before you go ahead with launching your baseball coaching business, enhancing your coaching skills and knowledge is essential. Consider obtaining coaching certifications through respectable organizations. Attend coaching clinics, workshops, and seminars to stay up to date with the latest coaching techniques and strategies. The more expertise you bring to the table, the more confident and credible you’ll be as a coach.

When you are ready to launch, start small and grow with time. Look for local fields, community centers, or schools where you can conduct your coaching sessions. Ensure that the facilities meet safety requirements and have the necessary equipment for effective training.

Marketing is key to attracting clients. Create a professional website that showcases your coaching programs, testimonials from satisfied clients, and your coaching philosophy. Leverage social media platforms to engage with the baseball community, share training tips, and promote your services. Consider offering free trial sessions or discounts to attract new clients and build a solid reputation.

Networking is another vital aspect of starting a coaching business. Reach out to local schools, youth leagues, and sports organizations. Attend baseball events, games, and tournaments to connect with players, parents, and other coaches. Building relationships and word-of-mouth referrals will play a significant role in growing your coaching business.

With that said, always prioritize the well-being and development of your players. Create a positive and inclusive environment where players feel supported and motivated. Tailor your coaching programs to individual needs and skill levels. 

Focus not only on technical skills but also on teamwork, sportsmanship, and character building. The more you invest in the growth of your players, the more successful your baseball coaching business will be.

Is a batting cage business profitable?

A well-planned and executed batting cage business can indeed be profitable. By choosing a strategic location, offering competitive pricing, implementing effective marketing strategies, diversifying revenue streams, and prioritizing customer satisfaction, you can create a thriving business that not only generates profits but also brings joy and skill development to baseball enthusiasts. Sacramento City College knows all about this – their summer baseball camps are awesome! 

Factors that will determine the profitability of your batting cage business include:

  • Location: Choose a spot with a high demand for baseball or softball training facilities, such as areas with active youth leagues, schools, or sports complexes. A prime location can attract a steady flow of customers, increasing your revenue potential.
  • Pricing: Determine competitive pricing that takes into account factors like facility maintenance costs, equipment expenses, and overhead expenses. Offering flexible membership options, packages, and discounts can help attract a loyal customer base and generate recurring revenue.
  • Marketing: Utilize social media platforms, local advertising, and partnerships with schools and sports organizations to raise awareness about your batting cage business. Building a strong brand and reputation can lead to increased customer traffic and referrals.
  • Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service, maintain high-quality facilities, and invest in well-maintained equipment. Happy customers are more likely to become repeat customers and recommend your batting cage business to others.
  • Additional Services: Diversifying your revenue streams can boost profitability in your batting cage business. Consider offering additional services like private lessons, team training, birthday party packages, or hosting tournaments. Expanding your offerings can attract a wider customer base and generate additional income.

How much space is needed for a batting cage?

When it comes to the space required for a batting cage, there are a few factors to consider. The dimensions can vary based on the type of batting cage, whether it’s for indoor or outdoor use, and the specific needs of your business. Here’s a general guideline to help you understand the space requirements:

  • Length: The ideal length for a batting cage is typically around 60 to 70 feet. This allows enough room for batters to swing freely without worrying about hitting the cage netting. A longer length can be beneficial if you plan to offer pitching or throwing drills at longer distances.
  • Width: The width of a batting cage usually ranges from 12 to 20 feet. This provides enough space for the batter, pitching machine, and any additional training equipment. A wider cage allows for multiple batters to practice simultaneously or accommodates left- and right-handed batters without the risk of interference.
  • Height: The height of a batting cage is typically around 12 to 14 feet. This ensures that the ball can be hit without hitting the ceiling or roof of the cage. Moreover, if you plan to offer pitching or throwing drills from a higher mound, you may need a taller cage to accommodate the trajectory of the pitches.

Keep in mind that these dimensions are general guidelines and can vary depending on your specific needs and the available space. If you have limited space, you can consider compact or retractable batting cage systems that allow for flexibility and maximize the use of your available area.

It’s essential to consult with professionals who specialize in batting cage installations or facility design to ensure that you have the appropriate dimensions and layout for your specific space and business requirements. 

How much does a batting cage cost?

The cost of a batting cage can vary based on several factors such as size, material, quality, additional features, and whether it’s an indoor or outdoor setup. Here’s a general overview of the potential costs involved:

  • Netting: The netting is a crucial component of a batting cage, and its cost depends on the size and quality. Basic batting cage netting can range from $300 to $800, while higher-end commercial-grade netting can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000 or more.
  • Framework and Poles: The framework and poles provide support for the netting. The cost depends on the material (steel, aluminum, or PVC) and the size of the cage. Expect to budget around $500 to $1,500 for the framework and poles.
  • Installation: If you’re setting up the batting cage yourself, you can save on installation costs. Stemming from this, if you prefer professional installation, you may need to budget an additional $500 to $1,500 or more, depending on the complexity of the installation.
  • Turf or Flooring: Consider the type of flooring you want for your batting cage. Artificial turf is a popular choice due to its durability and low maintenance. The cost of turf varies based on quality and size, but expect to spend around $2 to $5 per square foot.
  • Additional Features: If you want to enhance the experience, you might consider adding features like pitching machines, pitching mounds, screens, or video analysis systems. These additional features can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, depending on the specific equipment you choose.
  • Gym Management Software: Running your academy will require more than just good machines and staff. Club management software is essential for keeping track of memberships , execute marketing campaigns , sell equipment and gear through a POS system , and more. At Gymdesk, our all-inclusive plans start at $75 for small clubs.

Remember that these are rough estimates, and actual costs can vary based on location, suppliers, and individual preferences. It’s also worth considering ongoing operational costs such as maintenance, utilities (if indoor), insurance, and any fees associated with the location of your batting cage facility.

Do baseball coaches make money?

Absolutely! Even ones that lose and ignore their pitchers like the baseball coach for CSUS in the 1990s, even he made money but this is another topic! Baseball coaches have the opportunity to make money while doing what they love. While the income of baseball coaches can vary depending on several factors, such as their level of experience, the level they are coaching at, and the specific coaching position they hold, it’s definitely possible to earn a living as a baseball coach.

  • Professional Level: At the professional level, coaches in Major League Baseball (MLB) often earn substantial salaries. Coaching salaries in the MLB can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars, depending on the coaching position and the success of the team.
  • Collegiate Level: At the collegiate level, baseball coaches can earn salaries that vary widely based on the program, division, and level of success. Coaches at top-tier NCAA Division I programs may earn competitive salaries and receive additional benefits, such as endorsement deals or bonuses for postseason success. At smaller colleges or junior colleges, coaching salaries may be more modest but still provide a livable income.
  • Youth & Amateur Level: In the youth and amateur levels, such as high school or community leagues, coaching compensation can vary greatly. Some coaches may receive stipends or part-time salaries, while others volunteer their time out of a passion for the game and love of teaching young athletes.

It’s important to note that coaching income is not solely derived from salaries. Many coaches supplement their income by offering private lessons, conducting camps and clinics, or running their own baseball academies. 

Turn Your Baseball Skills and Passion into a Thriving Business

Congratulations, future baseball academy owner! By following the tips and insights in this guide, you could be well on your way to turning your passion for baseball into a thriving business. Remember to keep the love for the game at the core of your academy, and don’t forget to have fun along the way. 

As you nurture and inspire the next generation of baseball players, you’ll witness the joy and fulfillment that comes from sharing your knowledge and expertise. So, grab your coaching cap, step up to the plate, and embark on this exciting journey of starting your very own baseball academy. Play ball!

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Baseball Batting Cages Business Plan

Start your own baseball batting cages business plan

Barney's Bullpen

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">.

Barney’s Bullpen will be a for-profit North Dakota corporation. We will lease an approximately 15,000 square/ft. facility where we will offer a central, indoor location for guests to learn and practice their baseball and softball skills. The facility will include batting cages, pitching areas, team skills areas, meeting area, equipment rental, & rest area. In addition to the facilities, Barney’s Bullpen will offer specialized group coaching clinics and one-on-one skills training, and will facilitate youth league board meetings.

Youth baseball and softball programs have exploded in popularity over the past 10 years.  Informal surveys indicate that facilities offering similar amenities draw guests from up to 40 miles away, if the facilities can provide a safe, clean, state-of-the-art facility for honing baseball and softball skills.  Within a 20 mile radius of the proposed facility, there are 4,000+ children in little league baseball, 2000+  in girls softball, 2500+ in adult softball, 300+ in High school Baseball/Softball, and 4 colleges. All of these are potentially regular customers for Barney’s Bullpen.

Parents are looking to give their children an advantage over other children in organized sports activities.  Group coaching is simply not enough to give children the proper skills required to play at an above average level in baseball and softball.  Private coaches and skill trainers are fully booked by eager parents looking for one-on-one training for their child.  “Select” baseball and softball leagues are increasing in popularity and advanced skills training is an absolute requirement for participants in these activities.  This indoor facility will cater to the increasing need of individualized skills training on a year-round basis.

Barney’s Bullpen currently has little to no competition within the service area.  There is one outdoor batting cage facility located in Cedar Hill, approximately 10 miles away from the proposed location.  This facility is closed during inclement weather and has limited utilization during the hot summer months.  The next closest facility is in Euless, 20 miles from Duncanville and 40 miles from Waxahatchie. This business was opened in two years ago by two youth league coaches who saw a need for this type of facility. Through personal experience, we found that a two-hour wait was common on winter weekends if you did not have reservations. Weeknights did not require reservations for the batting cages, but one-hour waits were common. The team skills areas require reservations. The indoor competition is open for 53 hours a week while the outdoor facility has a potential of 50 plus hours a week, depending on weather.

Barney’s Bullpen will provide a quality indoor baseball training environment for serious athletes and amateur enthusiasts. We project a conservative facility usage of 20% for the first year and a 25% growth rate for the second year. Barney’s Bullpen is a business that will flourish in the growing sports environment of the Best Southwest area of Dallas county.

1.1 Mission

Barney’s Bullpen will provide a quality indoor baseball training environment for both the serious and the recreation-minded. The primary goal for the Barney’s Bullpen staff is to promote baseball fundamentals of offense and defense for all ages. By focusing on our primary goal, Barney’s Bullpen will provide a service to the local youth, that will in turn generate a positive revenue stream for continued growth.

1.2 Objectives

  • Barney’s Bullpen will commence operation in the spring.
  • In the first year of operation, we expect a conservative 20% usage.
  • For the second year we project a growth rate of 25%.
  • For the third year we expect to match the community growth rate of 15%.

1.3 Keys to Success

  • Our great location.
  • High quality customer service.
  • Contracts with skilled local baseball instructors.
  • So many options under one roof – customers never get bored!

Baseball batting cages business plan, executive summary chart image

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Company Summary company overview ) is an overview of the most important points about your company—your history, management team, location, mission statement and legal structure.">

Barney’s Bullpen will be a for-profit Texas corporation. We will lease an approximately 15,000 square/ft. facility to provide a climate controlled, well-equipped, central location where baseball enthusiasts can come to learn and to practice their baseball and softball skills. This indoor facility will include:

  • Utility lanes for a variety of drills.

In addition, Barney’s Bullpen will provide these additional services:

  • Video analysis of both hitting and pitching.

Due to the growth of youth sports and the unpredictable weather in North Texas, indoor facilities are needed to allow our youth to be competitive with teams with access to year-round training facilities.

2.1 Start-up Summary

We need less than $80,000 of start-up funding to cover the costs associated with opening our business. We will finance these start-up costs through investment and an SBA loan. The details are shown in the following table and chart.

Baseball batting cages business plan, company summary chart image

2.2 Company Ownership

Barney’s Bullpen has been created as a Limited Liability Corporation based in North Dakota, owned by Barney and Jen Crouch. The legal name is listed as Barney’s Bullpen, LLC.

Barney’s Bullpen is a new company dedicated exclusively to the promotion and enhancement of baseball/softball skills to local residents regardless of age or gender.

We will achieve this goal by providing the following services:

  • Video analysis of hitting and pitching (target date 2nd year).  With a video camera and motion analysis software a player can have his/her hitting swing or pitching motion record to a CD. The software converts the motion into an animated stick figure which allows players, coaches, and instructors to identify the areas that need improving. At this time, the cost is estimated to be $75 for 1/2 hour.

The building’s open layout allows us to easily customize the arrangement of options for different events. For example, when hosting coaches’ clinics, umpire clinics, team meetings, or league meetings, we can combine open lanes to create larger competitive spaces with room for spectators. Fees for special events will depend on the number of participants and length of the meeting or clinic. In lieu of charging fees for league meetings, advertising space on the league websites can be negotiated.

Market Analysis Summary how to do a market analysis for your business plan.">

The baseball market in our area is large and growing. From peewee leagues to adult softball to serious high school team members, North Dakota residents love baseball. However, outside of organized teams, there are few places where local residents can go to hone their skills, and even fewer facilities for training during the off-season. Barney’s Bullpen will fill this niche.

  • Finally, while serious high school and collegiate athletes are relatively few compared to the other groups, their competitive drive and search for off-season training should produce high participation.

4.1 Market Segmentation

High School Baseball/Softball Teams: These teams need indoor practice space since their seasons start in late February. Most of the high school programs now start at the beginning of the school year, and most of the players participate in fall leagues that last until the end of October. Practice is limited to school gyms during the winter months.

Youth Leagues will be the mainstay of this business.

  • Recreational Baseball: These players typically start practicing in late April when weather allows them to venture outside. This season usually runs for 5 months.
  • Classic Baseball: These players will play games for 8 to 9 months out of the year and most will practice or attend private instruction year-round. 75% to 80% of these players attend weekly hitting and pitching instructions from October to February. A smaller percentage will seek year-round instruction.
  • Girls’ Softball: Girls’ softball is similar to the classic leagues in that games are played 8 to 9 months a year. A smaller volume, 25% to 30%, seek off season training.

Adult Softball Leagues: These leagues consist of men, women, and co-ed divisions. These leagues play almost year round combined with tournaments and league play. We expect to draw mostly from the competitive divisions.

Other potential customers are the youth groups at local churches and team building events for area businesses. 

Baseball batting cages business plan, market analysis summary chart image

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

We will focus on the Classic or Select baseball players and high school players to start. Although we will make a profit with these customers, we will expand our focus to include all areas of baseball and softball as the facility will allow.  By focusing on the classic player, we can maximize the advantages of our indoor facility, by catering to their desire to keep up and improve their skills all year. However, the high school and collegiate teams will provide a stable repeat customer base.

4.2.1 Market Needs

Parents are looking to give their children an advantage over other children in organized sports activities.  Group coaching is simply not enough to give children the proper skills required to play at an above average level in baseball and softball.  Private coaches and skill trainers are fully booked by eager parents looking for one-on-one training for their child.  “Select” baseball and softball leagues are increasing in popularity and advanced skills training is an absolute requirement for participants in these activities.  This indoor facility will cater to the increasing need for individualized skills training on a year-round basis.

4.3 Service Business Analysis

Barney’s Bullpen is a service oriented business; it also has tendencies of a entertainment business. Some of the customers will be looking for a place to go for an evening’s entertainment or even stress relief, while others will be looking for a facility to train seriously. Players, parents, and coaches have comfort zones that can be difficult to work with at times. One of the challenges for the staff at Barney’s Bullpen is to be alert to the varied needs of the customers.

Leagues need places to conduct meetings during the off season, coaches want access to a variety of facilities at a moment’s notice, and parents want private lessons for their children. Other areas that may need to be evaluated are theme events for church or business groups, dedicated time slots to local professional athletes, or sponsor a tournament.

Because batting cage facilities can host so many different kinds of customers, and fulfill so many different market needs, the most important initial step for many is deciding on a focus and following through with appropriate advertising, hours of operation, and customer service. Having distinct nights or sections of the facility set aside for different age groups or interests will prevent skilled players from getting frustrated waiting for amateurs to finish “playing,” while keeping customers who are just out for fun from feeling condescended to by more serious players or employees.

4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

The current direct competition for this business is an outdoor-only facility in City F that has 6 hitting lanes. The only indoor facility with comparable services is 20 to 40 miles away, depending on what part of the service area customers come from. While competition is limited, we must still work hard at providing convenient hours of operation, quality service, and fair prices to grow the business and encourage repeat customers.

Our location is a key competitive edge – we are located only 1 mile south of the high school and is 1 block off a major intersection, making us easily accessible to high schoolers and parents dropping off or picking up children. In addition, this facility is 2 blocks from 40 acres of vacant land owned by the City. The city officials are investigating the possibility of building a 12 field baseball/softball complex at this location. This would bring thousands of players to the city on a yearly basis for week-long tournaments.

We are, of course, also competing with after-school programs, other athletic events and team activities, and other unrelated entertainment choices. The choice for committed baseball fans and players will be easy, but our challenge is to convince children, their parents, and other local residents that Barney’s Bullpen is the best way they could spend an evening or afternoon. We are more healthy (and more fun) than watching TV or going to a movie; for a large family, we are more affordable than going to a movie or a mini-golf range, since rates are per lane, not per player; we are more convenient than driving to City F.

Our success depends on establishing a loyal repeat clientele who bring their families, friends, colleagues and peers to Barney’s Bullpen. Our website will help get the word out, but monetary sponsorship for the local leagues and word-of-mouth will be more relevant to local residents, who expect local businesses to be involved in community life.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

Although Barney’s Bullpen has a major edge with very little competition in the local area, it will be imperative that we send e-mail notifications to youth league coaches and make personal contact with the high school and college coaches to be successful. Quality of service, availability, and price are keys to meeting the sales forecast.

5.1 Competitive Edge

Barney’s Bullpen will start with a critical competitive edge: there is no competitor we know of within a 20-mile radius of the targeted area that has a facility of our type. The management also has a 9-year relationship with the targeted youth leagues, as well as the high schools and colleges. In addition to these attributes, the management at Barney’s Bullpen has an extreme love of the sport and enjoys teaching baseball skills to all levels.

5.2 Marketing Strategy

Marketing for the Barney’s Bullpen will differ throughout the year, depending upon demand for the facility. During the winter, when weather restricts outdoor activity and leagues are not playing, we will not need to do as much marketing or advertising. However, during late spring and early summer, we will need to make sure we remain in front of our customers.

Startup Marketing:

  • Barney’s Bullpen website.
  • Summer programs: hitting leagues, June – August discounted summer pass, and clinics. 

Fall and Winter Marketing:

5.3 Sales Strategy

We will direct our sales efforts and funds to the primary customer base. Coaches, parents, and players will be informed of the facility and services through e-mail and direct contact. Sales efforts during the start-up phase will be direct and beneficial for the customers. Continuous sales efforts will vary depending on the time of year.

Startup Sales Strategy for the first month:

  • Door prizes for weekend customers (i.e., Rangers’ tickets, summer passes, and gift cards)

Sales Strategy:

  • Tournament specials. Discount coupons given to league officials to pass out to teams attending local tournaments.

5.3.1 Sales Forecast

We expect sales to peak October through March; the rest of the year will be slower but could be higher than forecasted due to weather conditions for the local area. In 2005 and 2006, we expect 10% to 20% sales growth as we add new services and the customer base grows. We will do sales on credit only for businesses and large groups with whom we want to establish long-term relationships. We are estimating 10% of sales will be on credit.

Our direct Cost of Sales are limited to the fees that we pay to individual Instructors and Skills & Drills League prizes.  We keep 20% of instructor fees as a facilities usage fee, and pay the other 80% to our independently-contracted Instructors within the same month that sales are recorded. We estimate that about 50% of the registration fees collected for the Skills & Drills League will be used toward the prizes awarded to the best three contestants.

The operating costs for maintenance, repair, and replacement of equipment as it becomes worn out, broken or lost are reflected in our Profit and Loss table

Baseball batting cages business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

5.4 Milestones

The following milestones are to be used as a roadmap to the success of Barney’s Bullpen. The marketing milestones will be ongoing. While the Internet site will be a useful tool in marketing, it is not critical that it be launched on opening day. The dates given for the Web milestones are optimistic. All other milestones will need to be followed as closely as possible.

Baseball batting cages business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

Web Plan Summary

In baseball terminology, the scorekeeper records all of the events for each game in the scorebook. Barney’s Bullpen will use the website as our scorebook. Providing information, ranging from hours of operation to upcoming events, to the customer base will be the primary focus. As the website develops, we will provide training tips and possibly interactive training videos.

6.1 Development Requirements

The website will be initially developed with few technical resources. A simple hosting provider, such as Yahoo! Web services, will host the site and provide the technical back end.

The website, logo, and graphics will be developed over a period of the first year. The home page with critical data will be up before the start date. Maintenance of the site will be performed by the Barney’s Bullpen administrator.

Management Summary management summary will include information about who's on your team and why they're the right people for the job, as well as your future hiring plans.">

Barney’s Bullpen will be a for-profit North Dakota Limited Liabilities Corporation (LLC). 

The following is a summary of the management team:

Barney Crouch has 10+ years of management experience in the manufacturing industry. He served the community for four years on the local youth baseball board, and also served a term last year as Vice President of the league. Barney played competitive baseball for 12 years, and coached baseball and basketball teams for six years.

Jen Crouch has spent 14 years with the City of Bismarck in administrative and budgetary roles. She managed a multi-million dollar budget for Agency Q and other city programs, and was elected as league secretary for the local youth baseball board.

7.1 Personnel Plan

The following table is a projection of personnel. The only full-time employee is Barney Crouch; Jen will work part-time as our bookkeeper and fill in as a supervisor when needed. We will hire up to two part-time employees to help with cleaning and cage reset, but at least one of these positions will be largely seasonal. We expect to draw our part-time employees from boys we know on the local high-school baseball team.

Our instructors are independent contractors; their fees are listed as direct cost of sales in the Sales Forecast table.

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

The following section outlines the financial plan for Barney’s Bullpen:

  • The start-up capital will be obtained through a combination of investor contributions ($8,000) and an SBA long-term loan ($70,000).

8.1 Important Assumptions

The financial plan depends on important assumptions, most of which are shown in the following table as annual assumptions. The monthly assumptions are included in the appendices. From the beginning, we recognize that repeat business, weather, economic conditions, and growth of youth sports will determine our success. These reasons are why we have chosen a conservative revenue stream. 

Two of the more important underlying assumptions are:

  • We assume a strong economy, without major recession.
  • We assume, of course, that there are no unforeseen changes in the growth of classic baseball participation to make our services immediately obsolete.

8.2 Break-even Analysis

The following chart and table summarize our break-even analysis. This projection is based on very conservative estimates of revenue.

Baseball batting cages business plan, financial plan chart image

8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

Our projected profit and loss is shown on the following table, with sales increasing from more than $200K the first year to more than $300K the third year. We show a profit in the first year with a relatively low sales forecast.

We are projecting very conservatively. The detailed monthly projections are included in the appendices.

Baseball batting cages business plan, financial plan chart image

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

The following section shows the cash flow projections for Barney’s Bullpen for the first three years. These include repayment of the principal on a 5-year $70,000 SBA loan in equal monthly payments of $1,167, which we start repaying after the first three months of operations.

Cash flow projections are critical to our success. Our cash balance will reach its minimum in mid-2004, during a low season in the first year of operations. We believe that if we manage our cash wisely during this critical period, the following months’ cash flows should be sufficient to cover all our expenses.

The annual cash flow figures are included here and the more important detailed monthly numbers are included in the appendices.

Baseball batting cages business plan, financial plan chart image

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

The balance sheet in the following table shows conservative growth of net worth, and a sufficiently healthy financial position. The monthly estimates are included in the appendices.

8.6 Business Ratios

The following table shows the projected businesses ratios along with comparisons for our industry, baseball batting cages (SIC Code 7999.9903). We expect to maintain healthy ratios for profitability, risk, and return.

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business plan for baseball academy

How to Write a Youth Sports Business Plan

youth sports business plan

Understanding the youth sports market

Youth sports business plan template, executive summary, organization summary, market analysis summary, strategy and implementation, financial plan, marketing plan, performance metrics and evaluation.

  • Growth Opportunities and Future Plans 
  • Training Programs : Group and individual coaching sessions for various sports, focusing on skill development, fitness, and game strategy.
  • Leagues and Tournaments : Organized competitions for different age groups, with emphasis on teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play.
  • Camps and Clinics : Specialized programs during school breaks and holidays, featuring guest coaches and experts in various sports disciplines.
  • Sports Equipment and Merchandise : Sale of sports gear, uniforms, and Eastland Bobcats branded apparel.
  • Community Outreach : Build relationships with local schools, community centers, and sports clubs to promote our programs and recruit new athletes.
  • Marketing : Develop a strong online presence through our website, social media channels, and email campaigns. Use local media outlets and sponsored events to increase brand awareness.
  • Partnerships : Secure sponsorships from local businesses and organizations to offset costs and provide additional resources for our programs.
  • Continuous Improvement : Regularly evaluate our offerings, coaching methods, and facilities to ensure the highest quality and relevance for our athletes.
  • Funding Sources : Membership fees, training program fees, league and tournament registration fees, equipment and merchandise sales, sponsorships, and facility rental income.
  • Expenses : Facility maintenance and improvements, staff salaries, marketing and promotional costs, equipment purchases, insurance, and licensing fees.
  • Financial Projections : Detailed projections for revenue, budget , expenses, break-even, and cash flow over a three-year period, with annual growth rates and profitability targets.
  • Website : Develop a user-friendly and informative website that showcases our programs, services, and facilities. Include registration forms, payment options, and regular updates on events and achievements.
  • Social Media : Share news and updates, and showcase our athletes' accomplishments on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Local Advertising : Place ads in local newspapers, magazines, and online community forums, targeting families with children in our age range.
  • Community Events : Promote our programs at local events, such as fairs, festivals, and sports tournaments.
  • Referral Program : Encourage word-of-mouth marketing by offering discounts or incentives to current participants who refer new athletes to our organization.
  • Enrollment Numbers : Monitor the number of athletes enrolled in our programs and the retention rate of existing participants.
  • Revenue : Track revenue generated from various sources, including program fees, merchandise sales, and sponsorships.
  • Customer Satisfaction : Gather feedback from athletes and their parents through surveys, testimonials, and informal conversations to gauge satisfaction with our initiatives and identify areas for improvement.
  • Athlete Development : Analyze our athletes' progress, both on and off the field, to ensure our programs are fostering healthy development.

Growth Opportunities and Future Plans

  • Facility Expansion : Acquire additional land or facilities to accommodate a growing number of athletes and expand our range of sports and programs.
  • Scholarship Program : Ensure equal access to our programs by providing financial assistance to athletes from low-income families.
  • Coach Development : Implement ongoing training and professional development opportunities for our coaching staff to enhance their skills and stay current with industry trends.
  • Partnerships : Explore opportunities to collaborate with other sports organizations and community groups to enhance our programs and reach a broader audience.

Tips for running a youth sports organization

1. get a youth sports management platform.

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  • Create a professional website using customizable templates. 
  • Provide seamless online registration for parents. 
  • Manage schedules for practices, games, and other events. 
  • Communicate with parents and coaches through email and text. 
  • Run background checks and manage athlete rosters. 

2. Choose a niche

3. find a good location and facilities, 4. market your league , social media, sponsorship opportunities, local events and networking, 5. get your licenses and permits, 6. obtain insurance, create your youth sports business plan today.

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business plan for baseball academy

Facilities We Manage:

  • Albertville, AL
  • Gardendale, AL
  • Huntsville, AL
  • Chamblee, GA
  • Rocky Mount, NC
  • Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Sandusky, OH
  • Bridgeport, WV
  • Wheeling, WV
  • Fruitland, MD
  • Hillsborough, NJ
  • West Monroe, LA
  • Artesia, NM
  • Tamarac, FL
  • Panama City Beach, FL
  • Cape Coral, FL
  • Bedford Park, IL
  • New Lenox, IL
  • Springfield, IL
  • Mattoon, IL
  • Brandon, MS
  • Gulfport, MS
  • Starkville, MS
  • Vicksburg, MS

Elizabethtown, KY

  • Paducah, KY
  • Gatlinburg, TN
  • Morristown, TN
  • Leetsdale, PA
  • Branson, MO
  • Reeds Spring, MO
  • Springfield, MO
  • Chesterfield, MO
  • Overland Park, KS
  • Rosenberg, TX
  • Abilene, TX

Additional Projects:

  • Advisory & Development

Facility Management Solutions

  • Turnkey Facility Operations
  • Recreation Center Management
  • Aquatics Operations & Management
  • Start-Up Operational Development
  • Existing Facility Optimization

New Facility Development Services

  • Owner’s Representation
  • Venue Planning
  • Procurement

Pre-Development & Advisory Services

  • Market Opportunity Report
  • Feasibility Study
  • Financial Forecasting
  • Economic Impact Report
  • Recreation Master Planning
  • Custom Analysis Tools & Studies
  • Emerging Sports

business plan for baseball academy

  • Develop , Community , Sports Tourism

7 Steps for Building a Baseball Facility

  • Posted by Johnny_Crosskey
  • on January 19, 2021

How to Build a Baseball Facility

What can a baseball facility do for your community?

A baseball complex can improve a community in a variety of ways. First, a baseball complex can act as a community gathering place and provide recreational opportunities for local leagues and organizations. A baseball complex can also be a driver of direct spending, economic impact and room nights for a community while acting as a catalyst for future development.

How does your community get started?

At the Sports Facilities Companies, we’ve developed a framework that has helped thousands of communities to plan, fund, develop, and manage award-winning baseball complexes across this country. Through our Concept to Concrete framework, we’ve driven $1 billion in economic impact from hotel and travel spending, developed and managed facilities that drive 25 million visits per year, and we are currently working on $10 billion in planned projects.

Below are the steps for taking your community’s idea from dream to tangible concept to opening day and beyond.

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Concept to concrete guide, refining the vision.

It all starts with a dream and a decision. Whether your baseball facility will be used by local citizens or become a sports tourism destination or a hybrid of both, you must first have a clear vision for how you want the venue to enhance your community. The vision can be refined using a number of tools including a market opportunity assessment . A market opportunity assessment is an analysis of numerous market factors that can define a facility development project.

Determining Feasibility

Once your vision is fully refined, it must be evaluated to determine if it has the potential to be a tangible project and/or the path it must take to get there. One of the most important evaluative tools that we use at the SF Companies is the feasibility study . Feasibility studies assess a variety of market factors to determine if a project is viable. A project’s viability is rarely a yes-no question. At the SF Companies, around 30% of our studies result in a project, that, per the client’s definition, is not feasible. Close to 40% of our studies result in a “yes-if” scenario, which means that with adjustments to the original concept, the project will meet the client’s definition of success. The remaining 30% of studies meet the client’s definition of success as is.

In order to further “right-size” your facility concept, SF Companies looks at a number of factors including market size, competition, and existing amenities in the market to develop a facility program and Pro Forma ( financial forecast ). The Pro Forma gives investors insight into the project’s potential for success and includes a 5-year cash flow forecast and 20-year financial outlook, projections related to your business model, an estimate of construction and start-up costs, and land requirements, among many other items. The Pro Forma is also used by development teams to determine the programming requirements that will influence the design of the facility.

With a program and a Pro Forma in hand, we are also able to help determine the short- and long-term economic impact that the facility will have on the community. At the end of a feasibility study, we are able to help our clients understand what the facility will look like, how much it will cost, how it will operate and how much impact it will create. These are all major factors for the next step: funding.

The following chart defines three baseball facility types and provides cost ranges for each:

business plan for baseball academy

Securing Funding

When the plan for a facility that best meets your definition for success is in place, it’s time to seek the funding necessary to launch the project. The Pro Forma is our primary tool for demonstrating to community stakeholders the project’s ability to meet financial goals. The analysis is packaged with other documents such as the economic impact report and market evaluations to provide a clear and accurate picture of the project. This information will be instrumental in the process of garnering public support for the new facility as well as securing the bonds needed for funding. The information found in the Pro Forma can also be instrumental in drawing in partners from the private sector for the development of public-private partnerships or P3’s.

Project Development

With financing secured, the design and construction phases of the project can begin. This starts with selecting a site for the new facility as well as the creation of a design team for the project, including an architect and engineer. At the SF Companies, we’ve developed a site selection scorecard to help community leaders and stakeholders evaluate competing locations based on their ability to meet programming requirements established in the Pro Forma.

When selecting an architect via the RFP/RFQ process, it’s important to consider their experience with the proposed facility type, the quality of your interactions, and their project delivery method when evaluating firms.

We utilize a process called venue planning to ensure that sports, recreation, or programing-related components are implemented in the facility’s design. The end users of facilities that host baseball tournaments, leagues, athletic showcase events, sports clinics, and camps have needs and compliance requirements that stand apart from similar development projects. We collaborate with architects, engineers, and construction professionals to move development projects from the business plan or financial forecast to architectural plans and schematics. By doing so, we work to create a facility that meets the needs of event rights holders and baseball teams, operates efficiently, and creates an amazing guest experience.

Project Design

The SF Companies is by your side throughout the entire design process, ensuring that we create a unique, innovative facility that maximizes programming and visitation, drives economic impact, increases return on investment and provides local play opportunities. Innovative design ensures that your facility stands out from a crowded marketplace and provides teams and their families with an amazing experience both on and off the field. Creating this type of experience ensures that visitors will return for future events and create a powerful word-of-mouth advertising force.

Start-up Operational Development

While your facility is being constructed, its brand and a business development structure must be built. In start-up operational development , a staff is hired and trained, the brand is crafted, and internal processes are established, including daily operations, legal, and financial management. This is also the time when events are booked for the new facility and the grand opening is planned. The goal of this phase is to ensure that when the ribbon is cut on opening day, the facility is already running smoothly.

  • Facility Management

Once the facility is opened, a myriad of processes must be fulfilled for it to reach its short and long-term goals. This includes daily operations and maintenance, business development and marketing, staff development and training, and back of house activities such as human resources and risk management. You can build a team to do this on your own or work with an outsourced facility management company, like The Sports Facilities Companies to fulfill these processes. We provide daily operations and facility management for facilities throughout the United States. Each facility is backed by a team of subject matter experts that build strategies for marketing and branding, legal, and financial management, among other items. Additionally, when you work with the SF Companies, your community’s venue can tap into the power of the SFM Network, connecting you to thousands of event rights holders and subject matter experts throughout the United States.

With experience in thousands of communities throughout the country and industry leading experts, The SF Companies can guide your through all phases of building a baseball facility. Ready to impact your community? Contact us today at 727-474-3845.

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Sports Facility Business Plan Blog

Your Sports Facility’s Business Plan: The Mission

This is the first in a series of posts on creating a business plan for a sports facility. In upcoming weeks, we’ll discuss how to add details on marketing , operations , finances and an exit strategy to your sports facility’s business plan.

Thinking of opening a sports facility? You need to start by making a business plan.

It doesn’t matter if you aren’t looking for investors. You need to make sure you have a business idea that is going to WORK and not just suck away months of your life in a frustrating failure.

A business plan won’t guarantee success — nothing can — but it will force you think seriously about what you’re about to do and clarify what you’re trying to accomplish.

Unfortunately, many talented former athletes and coaches assume (on some level) that their passion for their sport and their reputation in the community will be enough to sustain a business. A long list of loyal clients is definitely a great start, but there’s much more to running a business — which is why so many sports facilities close down.

Making a plan, using the steps we’ll go through in this guide, will get you in the right mindset.

Don’t be intimidated. I’m not going to make you plot out a line graph with projections for 12 scenarios including inflation. We’re just going to make sure that you understand what it takes to get your business making enough money to be profitable.

Steps to Create A Business Plan

Let’s get started.

The first step in creating your business plan is to identify the basics:

  • the business’ overall mission
  • the services your business will provide to fulfill that mission
  • your business’ ideal customers (or the “target market” for your services)
  • your plan to compete with similar products/services
  • your plan to make money

1. Mission/Objective

Can you describe your business’ objective in a few sentences? Clarifying your main mission will be key to marketing your facility, as well as leading your company and keeping your staff focused. For example:

The mission of DNA Sports Center is to “Develop a New Athlete” by focusing on teaching kids how to move before sports-specific training.

2. Products/Services

Describe the products/services you’ll offer, and explain why your audience needs these products/services. For example:

DNA Sports Center will offer speed, strength, and agility training that focuses on building self-confidence for all athletes. Other services will include sports-specific training, batting cages, and use of the facility for parties and events.

3. Customers/Target Market

Add a few details about your typical customer. Briefly describe their age ranges, where they live, their income levels, their interests, and their skill levels. For example:

DNA Sports Center’s services will benefit kids age 6 through high school, although programs for adults and younger children will also be available. Our services will appeal to those athletes who are striving to improve their skills. DNA Sports Center is located in the suburb of Milford and is in close proximity to many sports-oriented school districts and plenty of families.

4. Competition

Explain why the need for your services is not being addressed by current facilities or services that are already accessible to your audience. What will make your facility better or different? For example:

DNA Sports Center is home to the area’s only Parisi Speed School, which offers a proven successful curriculum for improving speed, agility and strength.

5. Revenue Plan

This is the big one: How specifically will your business make money? Don’t stress about the actual prices here. We’ll get there in the next steps. For example:

DNA Sports Center’s main source of revenue will be monthly payments for unlimited access to speed, strength and agility training. This income will be supplemented by revenue from facility rentals, sports-specific training, and commissions from private lessons taught by instructors at the facility.

Next Step: Create a Marketing Plan

Want to watch a video discussing your business plan? View here

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Sample Basketball Academy Business Plan

  • January 12, 2024

Here is how to write a basketball academy business plan.

Sporting academies are effective structures that help groom and churn out talents who go on to make a mark in the sport.

One of those we’ll be looking at is the basketball academy. When it comes to the business side of things, a more critical look is taken at what needs to be done to guarantee success.


Setting up a successful basketball academy business will heavily depend on the planning that goes into the process. This easily brings up the business plan as a tool to guarantee that.

However, creating a great plan for a basketball academy is hard work. It requires putting in all the work towards attaining the desired result.

Your Business Plan should be structured

Proper work is needed to create a functional plan that improves your chances of success.

As such, key areas or sections to be covered include the executive summary, company description, the products & services section, as well as the market analysis section.

More of these sections include strategy & implementation, organization & management team, and the financial plan & projection sections.

All of these when fully covered provide a blueprint for the implementation and actualization of your basketball academy business. Let’s further discuss each of these.

i. Executive Summary

As the name suggests, the executive summary section provides an overview of your basketball academy business plan. Although this is written last, it comes first in order of arrangement.

Your executive summary section should be concise and comprehensive enough to help your readers follow.

Vital areas to focus on here include business name and location, products & services, mission & vision statements, and also the purpose of the plan. How well you develop each of these points matters as will be shown shortly.

Business Name & Location

What names will your basketball academy business be known by? This is the first step towards introducing your business idea to your audience.

Also, its location must be such that fits the purpose for which the business was created. With these details provided, the reader gets into the flow of things.

Services & Products

Businesses such as these (basketball academies) perform the service of churning out future basketball stars. Here, you want to clearly state the services and products on offer and how these enhance the viability of the business.

Here, only the basics are needed as a whole section is provided to discuss further the services on offer.

Mission & Vision Statements

Your mission statement should describe your fundamental purpose by stating why the business exists. This serves as a guide and inspiration to your workforce to strive towards achieving the purpose.

Your vision statement on the other hand should clearly state the current and future objectives of your basketball academy.

Your vision needs to align with the mission statement as it leads to the building of core values while also helping with strategic planning.

Purpose of the Plan

The purpose of the plan is crucial to how effective and functional it becomes to the business. An entrepreneur should have a clear idea of why they want to have a plan for their basketball academy business.

In most cases, such a plan helps with strategic planning as well as for getting access to funding.

ii. Company Description

Company description tells a whole lot about your basketball academy business. This is where investors or other audiences get to know about key details like your adopted or preferred legal structure.

The most common legal structures include sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLCs and corporations, etc.

Asides from the legal structure, you’ll have to provide a summary of short and long-term business goals. This helps present the business in good light to investors.

What more? It’s necessary to include information such as the nature of the sports business , its brief history, and specific demands you plan on meeting or fulfilling.

iii. Products & Services

Your level of competence will likely affect the type of services your offer. Of course, those provided by a basketball academy are mostly known.

However, it’s your responsibility to provide specific details on such. It’s important to state your services relative to the benefits derived by your clients.

It’s also expected that there’ll be ongoing research and development activities that lead to new services and products. Have such included here as well?

How do your services compare to those of your competitors? To attract or drive patronage, clients must be able to see a clearer or more superior advantage with yours.

iv. Market Analysis

Your market analysis should be able to demonstrate your grasp of happenings within the sporting industry. In other words, you should be able to do the assignment necessary that showcases such.

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors including a sketch of targeted customer segments.

An industry outlook with a special focus on the basketball academy type of business should be provided. Also have historical, current, and projected marketing data for services added to the marketing analysis section for a better perspective.

v. Strategy & Implementation

Your sales and marketing strategy are crucial to the success of your basketball academy business. Here, details relating to costs, pricing, and promotions need to be provided.

Your audience will also want to gain a comprehensive explanation of how your business operations will be promoted to your target market.

More important is the method by which you intend to penetrate the market. It’s necessary to seek expert help where necessary to arrive at a desirable outcome.

vi. Organization & Management Team

How’s your organization structured? Here, the constitution of your management team is crucial for success. Begin with an organizational chart that clearly highlights the different departments as well as key employees.

This should be followed by information about the owners of the basketball academy.

Details about the owners should include names, percentage ownership, as well as the level of involvement in the organization.

For the employees or management team members, details to add include names, positions, key responsibilities, and prior experience.

vii. Financial Plan & Projection

The financial plan & projection is best written with the help of an expert.

An accountant will be in the best position to help you create a great financial plan. The main sections covered include historical financial data, in addition to realistic prospective financial information.

Your basketball academy business plan should be ready for implementation with all the sections mentioned added to it.

Related posts:

  • 14 Profitable Basketball-Related Business Ideas & Opportunities

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Baseball: Lifted by six-run fourth, John Carroll Catholic claims sixth district title in a row

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FORT PIERCE — It was business as usual for the John Carroll Catholic baseball team. 

This time of the year generally includes the Rams adding another district title to their trophy case, and 2024 wasn’t any different.

Powered by a six-run fourth inning, John Carroll sprinted past Master’s Academy 11-1 in six innings to win the District 13-2A championship on Thursday at the Lawnwood Baseball Complex. 

Excluding the COVID-canceled season of 2020, the Rams have captured their district for the sixth consecutive season.  

“It never gets old,” John Carroll head coach Dave Parra said. “It’s the first step of what you’re trying to do. You win your district, hopefully win a region and hopefully have a chance at a final four.”  

After freshman infielder Brycen Payne put the hosts ahead with a two-run single in the first inning, Colt Miller kickstarted the Rams' surge in the fourth. He took Patriots starter Nate Downey deep to left field for a solo home run.

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District scoreboard: Treasure Coast high school baseball and softball scores for April 29-May 2

The Rams sophomore has had his woes at the plate, only going 3-for-16 in his prior eight games, but he was able to get a hold of one and put a jolt into the offense. 

“I’ve been struggling at the plate and struck out in my first at-bat. I was late trying to catch someone out front, but he hung a slider and I took advantage of it,” Miller said. 

Downey struggled, hitting the next three batters before junior Taggert Cameron drove in a pair with a single. Next, sophomore Ayson McIntosh added to the cushion by scoring on a wild pitch. Junior Ryan Cook finished off the barrage with a two-run double.

“I knew going into it that we’d need to play the perfect game in order to beat John Carroll,” Master’s Academy head coach George Young said. “We made some mistakes there in that fourth inning. He hit a couple of guys, but our pitcher battled and we did the best that we could.” 

John Carroll stranded runners at second and third with a chance to win it in the fifth, but would not make the same mistake twice. 

Senior Kaiden Jones and Cameron Hall each produced RBI singles to end matters in the sixth. 

“Our hitters stayed true to themselves and we swing it pretty well,” Parra said. “I thought we’d get some pitches to hit and we did to get a chance to break it open.”

The Rams improved their record to 16-11 this season. Entering districts ranked fourth in Region 4-2A, they’ll likely be back at Lawnwood to host a regional quarterfinal on Wednesday. Meanwhile, Master’s Academy was ninth in the region and will have to wait and see if it's postseason-bound when the FHSAA releases brackets later this week.

Miller battles out of out it

Miller also got the start on the mound for John Carroll. 

He had his troubles in the opening inning, first giving up back-to-back hits which led to a Gian Brown sacrifice fly. After an error and a walk, the Patriots loaded the bases, but the sophomore got out of the jam when he got Peter Grispo to fly out and end the threat. 

From there, Miller settled in, facing the minimum over the next two frames. He was off the mark on a pair of pitches but had two others that worked just fine.

“My change-up felt off today, so I kind of just went away from it. With my curveball, I was leaving it up, but I definitely felt good placing my two-seam (fastball) and just coming in with my slider on the backside,” Miller said. 

Rodrigo Morales pitched the next two innings. Taggert Cameron came in to toss the sixth.

Banner year

While the Patriots may not have an opportunity to compete in the FHSAA state playoffs, their season will be highlighted by a state championship. 

Master’s Academy beat Bell Creek Academy to claim the Sunshine State Athletic Association state title on April 13. 

“I’ve been coaching for 36 years, and to win my first state title, even though it’s not FHSAA, it’s still a state title,” Young said. “What these boys did will always be in my heart.”

The Patriots, like John Carroll, are 16-11, but their season has been a complete turnaround. They won five games in 2023. Young credits his six seniors for the progress, with several leading the team, statistically. 

Grispo was the team’s leading hitter (.366) while C.J. Eiswerth paced the team in RBIs (22) and runs scored (23). Eiswerth and Brown each had two home runs. Meanwhile, Dean Buxton punched out 69 batters through 51 2/3 innings on the mound.

“Those seniors really stepped up and made the season wonderful,” Young said. 

‘Bonus baseball’

The Rams graduated a ton of seniors from last season’s 18-win team and have relied on their youth to get through 2024. 

“We honestly came into this year with a two-year plan,” Parra said. “This is a gap year for us, it’s a rebuilding year, or as we’ve like to say, a reloading year.” 

Cameron has been the star of this reload. 

The junior has been John Carroll’s best player across the board, with team highs in batting average (.434), home runs (2), RBIs (25), triples (3), hits (36) and runs (19) and tied for tops in doubles (5). He hasn’t just performed in the batter’s box, as he paces the team in innings pitched (42), ERA (2.00) and strikeouts (43). 

Elsewhere, Morales is 6-1 with a 3.25 ERA while freshman Brennan Jones (.400, 30 H, 18 RBI) has been the team’s second-best offensive player. 

Parra believes the Rams have exceeded expectations as a whole. And as his players get ready for the postseason, he has a clear message for this young group.

“We tell them this is bonus baseball and there’s no pressure here,” Parra said. “We are always lighter and looser at the end of the year, we think that’s important. Have fun because no matter what, you’re a kid and tomorrow is going to be a great day. You get to keep playing or you get to go to the beach and have summer vacation.”

Patrick Bernadeau is a sports reporter for Treasure Coast Newspapers. He can be reached at (772) 985-9692, on X at @PatBernadeau or via email at [email protected].

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5 Seacoast baseball teams with best chance to win state titles in 2024

With one week left in the New Hampshire high school baseball season, and less than two in Maine, teams are in the home stretch of the regular-season schedule and jockeying for playoff positioning.

More: Here are 18 surprise standout players for Seacoast high school baseball in 2024

Newmarket was the lone Seacoast team to win a state championship last spring, beating Littleton, 5-4 in the Division IV title game.

More: Crazy ending secures Newmarket's third Division IV championship in four years

The Mules will look to repeat this season, and we feel there are four other Seacoast teams with legitimate chances to make a deep tournament run, and potentially win a state championship.

New Hampshire baseball tournaments for all divisions are scheduled to begin on Thursday, May 30, with Maine baseball prelims set to start Tuesday, June 4.

Here are five teams that can contend for a championship, and the case for each to be the last one standing in their divisions:


Exeter (15-1).

Games remaining: 3

The case: The tournament is a one-and-done scenario, and perhaps no team in all of Division I has three aces it can turn to in those scenarios like the Blue Hawks.

Senior southpaw Cam Keaveney and junior righties Cam Piwnicki and Hayden Schimoler headline a dominant pitching staff that has a team ERA of under 2.00. Exeter has thrown three shutouts, has allowed one run in four games, two runs in five games, and three runs in two games.

Offensively, the Blue Hawks aren't a pushover either with players like the aforementioned three, as well as Shea LaFleur, Finn Adams, Mike Caron and Brennan Schimoler, among others.

The Blue Hawks saw last season end in the first round to Concord, and the drive and motivation can certainly be seen and felt from Exeter this spring.

Exeter hasn't lost a game since April 22 — an 11-1 loss to Goffstown. It has been 12 straight tallies in the "W" column since, winning 10 of those by at least two runs.

Key wins: at Londonderry (3-2), Keene (3-1), Dover (5-1)


St. thomas aquinas (13-3).

The case: Teams are required to play 16 games a year, with the option to play up to 20. What did the Saints do? They added two matchups against Division I teams — Bedford (11-9 loss) and Timberlane (11-8 win). Adding those games shows the mission and the bigger goal head coach Carson Cross and the Saints have.

The Saints boast a complete lineup led by players like Timmy Avery and younger brother, Kenny, as well as Cade Murphy, Graham Willerer and Charlie Covert.

St. Thomas Aquinas has had scoring outbursts of 22 against Sanborn, 18 against both Oyster River and Kennett, 17 against Coe-Brown, 16 against both Milford and Kennett, and five more games with at least 10 runs.

Pitching, led by Sam Grondin and Jeffrey Luchsinger, is also a strong suit for STA to make a lengthy stay in the Division II tournament.

Key wins: Souhegan (10-0), Pelham (4-2)


Newmarket (13-1).

Games remaining: 2

The case: Can Newmarket make it six straight appearances in the Division IV state championship game? Aside from the no tournament in 2020, the Mules have played in the last five, winning in 2019, 2021 and 2023.

The only unfortunate trend is that it's been alternating years of wins and losses. Newmarket certainly has what it takes to reverse the trend if it were to make it six straight appearances next month, and win back-to-back titles for the first time since 1971 and 1972.

The Mules started this year 4-0, then lost to Derryfield (4-0). Since then, it's been nine straight wins, including six shutouts in the past eight games.

The saying is that teams want to be playing its best ball heading into the tournament, and it certainly looks like Newmarket is on that trajectory.

Offensively, seniors Cam Moran and Parker Sweitzer lead the way, with freshmen Jack Ferrelli and Evan Sheehan producing as well.

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Key wins: Derryfield (9-8), Portsmouth Christian (3-2)

Portsmouth Christian Academy (10-3)

The case: The Eagles can pretty much score runs with the best of teams in the division, scoring 25 in the season opener at home against Farmington, 23 in a win at Pittsfield, 19 against Franklin, and 18 against Pittsfield.

PCA has a good mix of players from senior Isaac Kohl down to freshman slugger Grady Howe. Junior Kian Littlefield and sophomores Cai Summers and Andrew Earwood have also been steady presences in the lineup.

The Eagles, which started the season 5-0, have lost three games by a total of four runs, and has only allowed one team (Franklin) to score more than three.

It was a first-round exit loss to Woodsville a season ago, but with hot bats, PCA will be tough to slow down this year.

"Our three losses were to good teams in competitive games," PCA head coach Derek Summers said. "I anticipate us being able to host in the first round, but we have some tough games remaining on our schedule that could change that. Our pitching and defense has been good all season, and that will need to continue if we plan to go far in the playoffs. The key for us will be having the proper approach and mindset at the plate. If our whole line up can battle tough in their at bats, I like our chances to make a deep run."

Key wins: Epping (13-3), Concord Christian (11-2)


Marshwood (9-4).

Games remaining : 3

The case: On the heels of a regional semifinal trip a season ago, the Hawks are back flying in 2024, currently sitting third in Class A South. Marshwood won its first six games of the season, and held each opponent to three or fewer runs in each of those games.

Marshwood did take a big loss when star pitcher/center fielder/leadoff hitter Noah Fitzgerald suffered a hand injury and was lost for the season, but head coach Eric Wells is confident the Hawks can keep the train rolling.

"It took us a few weeks to start finding ourselves after (Fitzgerald's) injury," Wells said. "This team and our coaching staff have been through a lot the last few years. We're starting to look like the team we knew we could be. Our offense has stuck with a great approach all year and our pitching and defense is getting back to form."

Players like Ty Hussey, Charlie Hudson, Ronan Garrett and Ronan Casey, and Riley Parnham have continued to play big roles for the Hawks, both offensively and in the field.

"Moving forward, we just need to trust our ability as baseball players," Wells said of heading into the tournament. "These kids have worked hard over the last three years to be in a state championsship-contending conversation. If we stay within ourselves and play our game, we'll be in the thick of things as the playoffs start. When it’s a one-and-done scenario, it’s not always about the most talent, it’s about the teams that are brothers and family; our family is ready for whatever anyone throws at us."

Key wins: at Massabesic (7-1), Falmouth (4-2)

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Markets are hoping for evidence that will solidify a brightening global economic outlook, though rising trade tensions are casting a cloud, while G7 finance ministers gather in Italy.

Traders work on the floor at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York City

Global equity funds experienced strong demand for the third consecutive week, in the seven days to May 15, bolstered by a softer U.S. jobs report and lower-than-expected inflation figures, which increased expectations that the Federal Reserve may begin cutting rates this year.

Traders work on the floor of the NYSE in New York

Tampa Spartans baseball coach Joe Urso 1 win shy of 1,000 for career

  • Joey Knight Times staff

For the better part of his quarter-century at his alma mater, University of Tampa baseball coach Joe Urso’s day-to-day approach has been defined far more by blue-collar toil than blue-streak tantrums.

“If you ask my guys ... when you come to my practices, it’s very low-key, laid-back,” Urso said a few years back. “Here’s our plan for the day, we’re going to get our work in.”

And while that nondescript approach generates few headlines or viral images, it has generated heaps of championships and milestones.

Including the latest one: Urso, 53, is sitting on career victory No. 999.

That one came with Thursday’s 16-7 romp of Savannah State in the NCAA Division II South Regional at the UT Baseball Field. Urso will seek No. 1,000 Friday afternoon when the top-ranked Spartans (44-7) face the winner of Thursday night’s game between Lee and Auburn-Montgomery.

Urso, wrapping up his 24th season, enters Friday’s game with a career mark of 999-286-1. During his tenure, the Spartans have won five national titles and have watched 74 players selected in Major League Baseball’s draft. In 2018, he was ranked 11th on the Tampa Bay Times’ list of the 50 greatest coaches (pro, college, high school) in bay area history.

The next triumph would thrust Urso — who helped lead Plant to the Class 3A state crown in 1988 — into rarefied local coaching air.

Spartans volleyball coach Chris Catanach and USF softball coach Ken Eriksen are believed to be the only other local coaches with 1,000 victories at the same place. Keswick Christian’s Karrmayne King has totaled more than 1,000 high school wins at the St. Petersburg private academy, albeit over two sports (volleyball, girls basketball).

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Joey Knight is a sports reporter who helps cover all sports teams in Tampa Bay, from high school athletes to professionals. Reach him at [email protected].


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Playoff baseball: West Boca rolls in second round, eyes revenge against Dwyer

Lefty pitcher Matt Pagan and shortstop Tyler Lichtenberger played their last games on the West Boca diamond Friday night. But they made sure it wasn’t their last games of their high school careers.

Pagan was nearly perfect, allowing just one hit, zero runs with six strikeouts in six innings. Lichtenberger was all over nearly every West Boca rally with three hits and three RBIs as the Bulls posted a methodical 9-1 romp over South Broward in the FHSAA 6A regional semifinals.

“Last year we didn’t make it past the regional semifinals," Pagan said. “So It’s pretty cool."

The team that stopped West Boca in last year’s regionals semifinals was Dwyer. And the two rivals meet again Monday.

West Boca scored at least a run in each of the first five innings, built a 6-0 lead after three with aggressive base running and set up a sweet rematch against Dwyer in the 6A regional final in Palm Beach Gardens.

The winner moves on to the state semifinals in Fort Myers.

West Boca beat Dwyer last year to win the district title before losing to them in the regional semis. This year, West Boca again topped Dwyer for the districts and destiny has them together in the regionals.

“We saw them once this year," Lichtenberger said. “We know their pitching. We’re prepared and a confident group. We want to go out there and put it on them."

Pagan may come out of the bullpen Monday but he won’t start. The West Boca ace is flamethrower James Litman. But Litman has a tough act to follow after Pagan’s perfecto.

Pagan only allowed one runner to third base and allowed no hits after the second batter. South Broward, which had upset the No. 1 seed Doral Academy in the prior game, scored its lone run in the seventh and last inning off West Boca’s bullpen.

“My fastball, I threw it 95% of the time," said Pagan, who is headed to Santa Fe College near Gainesville. “I got a few curveballs in for strikes but I kept working my fastball all game, getting easy ground balls and pop-ups.’’

Head coach Jerry Albert, who has resuscitated the West Boca program since coming over from Belen Jesuit with his disciplined approach, enjoyed the Pagan pitching performance.

“His ball always has great movement," Albert said. “He found his breaking ball midway through the game. But he was just throwing strikes and making them hit the ball. He’s deceptive, hard to pick it up out of his hand."

The Bulls’ attack was more water torture than floodgate. Pagan was 2 for 3 with a walk and lefty Parks Fucci also chipped in with two hits, including leading off the game with a hard-lined single and stealing second.

After a double steal, Lichtenberger knocked in a run with a groundout and another one came home when Alan Hernandez reached base on a throwing error.

“I don’t think it was a trouncing because we manufactured every run we got," Albert said. “That’s what I liked about. It wasn’t big hits but guys getting on, getting them over and getting them in. We were efficient when we had guys on the bases."

West Boca scored three times in the third. Pagan opened the inning with a double and later scored on a wild pitch. With second and third and two outs, pinch-hitting Austin Weissman bounced into a groundout but it resulted in both runs scoring due to a throwing error to third base. It was 6-0 and all but over.

“It was part of the game plan coming into it - to run," Lichtenberger said. “A lot of teams they played earlier — we know a couple of guys — they said 'run.'"

Lichtenberger, who will attend Appalachian State, was thrilled his last game on this field was a smash. “I’m feeling good and seeing the ball well," Lichtenberger said. “It was fun being out here for the final time on this field after four years here."

By all accounts, West Boca is a close-knit team with chemistry. The players hang out on and off the field.

“We take it very serious," Lichtenberger said. “We practice very well. Our pregame BP, we take serious in the cage. The teamwork, machine work is serious. It’s starting to show on the field."

And they need to do it one more time if the Bulls are getting to Fort Myers. “They beat us last year in the second game to end our season," Pagan said. “But we’ve beaten them for two district championships in a row so we’re coming back."

Albert downplayed the rivalry, saying he didn’t care about the identity of the next opponent.

“‘The teams are very even," Albert said. “They’re a lot like us — good arms on the mound and a nice lineup. I’m sure it will be a great game."


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    That one came with Thursday's 16-7 romp of Savannah State in the NCAA Division II South Regional at the UT Baseball Field. Urso will seek No. 1,000 Friday afternoon when the top-ranked Spartans ...

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    And the two rivals meet again Monday. West Boca scored at least a run in each of the first five innings, built a 6-0 lead after three with aggressive base running and set up a sweet rematch ...