Graphic Designer Resume Sample & Guide [21+ Examples]

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You’re a graphic designer. You’re smart. You’re creative.

You design creative ads, product packaging, and websites on a daily basis.

But when it comes to creating a resume, you’re stumped.

How do you make a graphic designer resume, anyway? 

Is it exactly the same as a resume for any other profession?

Do you attach your portfolio with the resume? Or do you include the links inside?

There’s a ton of things that are not clear when it comes to making a graphic designer resume, which brings out to this article.

We’re going to walk you through the entire process of creating a graphic designer resume step-by-step!

  • A job-winning graphic designer resume example
  • How to write a designer resume that’ll keep getting you invited to interviews
  • How to make your graphic designer resume stand out [with top tips & tricks]

Now, before we move on, here’s some inspiration:

A graphic designer resume example, created with our very own resume builder:

graphic designer resume

How to Format a Graphic Designer Resume

Before you can start working on your resume, you need to decide on the formatting.

After all, the hiring manager will think twice before hiring a graphic designer who’s resume isn’t well-formatted.

In 2024, the most common resume format is “reverse-chronological,” so we’d recommend starting with that:

reverse chronological resume

Other resume formats you could try are:

  • Functional Resume - This format is a lot more about your skills as opposed to professional experience. It’s good if you don’t have a lot of experience, are transferring to a new industry, or have gaps in your employment history.
  • Combination Resume - As the name suggests, a combination resume is a mix between “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological.” Meaning, it focuses both on skills AND work experience. You can use a combination resume if you have a lot of work experience or changing industries.

Once you’ve decided on the format, you need to get your resume layout right.

Here’s what we recommend:

  • Margins - One-inch margins on all sides
  • Font - Pick a font that stands out, but not too much. Do: Ubuntu, Roboto, etc. Don’t: Comic Sans
  • Font Size - Use a font size of 11-12pt for normal text and 14-16pt for headers
  • Line Spacing - Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing
  • Resume Length - Don’t go over the 1-page limit. Having trouble fitting everything into one page? Check out these one-page resume templates.

As a designer, you have a lot more freedom on what kind of resume design you go with. Feel free to pick a more creative template to show off your imagination!

Use a Graphic Designer Resume Template

If you’ve ever made a Word resume, you’d probably agree with us: it’s a total pain.

You have to play around with the formatting longer than it actually takes you to fill in the contents.

Then, you decide to make a single, small layout change, and BAM! Your entire resume layout falls apart.

Want to make your life easier? Use a graphic designer resume template .

What to Include in a Graphic Designer Resume

The main sections in a graphic designer resume are…

  • Contact Information
  • Work Experience

If you want your resume to stand out more, you can also try these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification

Interests & Hobbies

Now, we’re going to go through each of those sections, and explain how to write them.

Not sure which sections to use? Check out our guide to What to Put on a Resume .

How to Get Your Contact Information Right

Even if you get everything else right in your resume, if you mess up the contact information section , you won’t be getting a lot of interview invitations (mainly because they won’t be able to call your misspelled phone number).

For your contacts, include:

  • Title - In this case, “Graphic Designer.” Make this specific (the role you’re applying for), and don’t try to be too creative (Master of Designs).
  • Phone Number - Double-check, triple-check this. One small tiny can really mess up your chances.
  • Email Address - Make sure to use a professional email address ([email protected]), and avoid that email you created back in 5th grade ([email protected]).
  • Portfolio Link - Behance , Dribble , or your personal website
  • (Optional) Location - Applying for a job abroad? Mention your location.
  • Josh Fakester, Graphic Designer. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Josh Fakester, Graphic Design Guru. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

job search masterclass

How to Write a Graphic Designer Resume Summary or Objective

Fun fact - recruiters spend less than 6 seconds reviewing each resume. This isn’t that surprising, though. You can’t expect them to read all 200 resumes end-to-end.

So, if the recruiter doesn’t see that you’re relevant for the job in a single glance, your resume won’t even be read.

Now, the question is, what can you do to hook the recruiter the moment they look at your resume.

The answer is simple: use a resume summary or objective .

As a quick intro, both resume summary and objective are sections that go on top of your resume, just under the contact information section.

resume summary for graphic designer

The main difference between the 2 sections is that:

A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence summary of your professional experiences and achievements.

  • Graphic designer with a strong background in marketing design. 5+ years of experience in creating infographics, Facebook ad creatives, banners ads, and more. Passionate about working in a marketing agency, as that involves creating graphics for clients in all sorts of fields.

A resume objective , on the other hand, is a 2-4 sentence snapshot of your professional goals and aspirations.

Motivated graphic design student looking for an entry-level job at Software Company X. Passionate about web & UX / UI design. Experience creating websites designs for made-up businesses as a student at University X. Skilled in Adobe Creative Suite, including Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and more.

So, which one do you pick? A summary, or an objective?

As a rule of thumb, you always go for Summary if you have any work experience, and you go for Objective if you’re new to the field (student, graduate, or switching careers).

How to Make Your Graphic Designer Work Experience Stand Out

Work experience is the most important section in your resume (after your portfolio, of course).

Sure, your design skills are super important, but so is your professional experience. Here’s how to structure your work experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

Or, here’s what it looks like in practice:

work experience graphic designer

Now, if you really want to stand out, you should focus on talking about your achievements instead of responsibilities.

Instead of saying:

“Charged with designing client companies...”

“Designed 15+ client company websites from start to finish”

So, what’s the difference between the two?

The second one is more specific. You know exactly what the person did, and you can say that they’re reliable.

The first example, on the other hand, is too generic. Sure, you were charged with designing client websites, but you can’t tell if you’re a complete newbie (designed 1-3 websites), or an expert (designed 15+ different websites).

What if You Don’t Have Work Experience?

Maybe you’re a recent university graduate looking for your first design job?

Or maybe, you just picked up graphic design from online courses, but have no real experience in the field?

Whichever the case might be, don’t worry!

If you’re applying for entry-level graphic designer positions, there’s a good chance they won’t be asking a lot about your experience.

What really matters here is your portfolio.

If you already have some designs, feel free to put them up online and link it in your resume (we’re going to explain how in a bit).

If you don’t, though, you can always make them now.

Here are several ways you can get a portfolio (and get paid for it):

  • Pick up some freelance gigs on UpWork
  • Ask your friends & acquaintances if they know anyone that needs cheap design work
  • Join an online contest on a site like 99 Designs
  • None of the above options working? Sit down in your own time and create some mock-ups. Design a website , some flyers, product packaging, whatever you’re interested in!

If you’re a recent graduate, you might want to check out our guide on how to make a student resume !

Use Action Words to Make Your Graphic Designer Resume POP!

  • “Responsible for”
  • “Worked in”

These are the most common words you’ll find on ANY resume.

And since you want YOURS to stand out, we’d recommend avoiding them as much as possible.

Instead, use some of these power words to make your responsibilities and achievements stand out:

  • Conceptualized
  • Spearheaded

How to Add a Portfolio to Your Resume

You can add a portfolio section pretty right about the same way you’d add work experience.

Create a header named “Portfolio,” link to your website (or Behance / Dribble), and list the designs you’ve worked on. And here’s how this looks like:

portfolio on graphic designer resume

If you don’t want a dedicated section for your portfolio, you can simply link to your online portfolio in your contact information section.

How to List Education Right

The next section in any graphic designer resume is the “Education.”

This one’s pretty straightforward. Simply list out your education entries, and you’re gold!

  • Degree Type & Major
  • University Name
  • Years Studied
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and anything else you might want to add

And here’s a practical example:

B.A. in Graphic Design

Boston State University

  • Relevant Courses: Typography 101, Introduction to Graphic Design, Advanced Graphic Design, Web Design

Clear? Good!

Before we move on, here are some of the most frequent questions we get about education on a resume (and their answers!):

  • Q: What if I haven’t finished college?

A: Whether you’re still a student, or you dropped out, you should still mention your degree. All you have to do is include the years studied, and you’re good.

  • Q: Do I list my high school education?

A: Only if you don’t have a higher education. No one cares about your high school education if you have a B.A.

  • Q: What goes first, education or experience?

A: If you have any relevant work experience, then experiences go on top. If you don’t, though, then education.

Still have some questions? Check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top 17 Skills for a Graphic Designer Resume

When the HR manager is going through your resume, they’re looking to see if you have the right skills for the job.

Imagine this: you’re the best graphic designer in the world and your resume is impeccable. BUT, you still get rejected, because you didn’t mention that you know HTML and CSS in your resume, which was one of the main requirements.

Not sure which skills to pick?

Here are some of the most common graphic designer skills.

Hard Skills:

  • Illustrator
  • UX / UI Design
  • Print Design
  • Infographic Design
  • Product Packaging Design

Soft Skills:

  • Communication
  • Time-Management
  • As a general rule, we’d recommend not to go overboard with “Soft Skills.” They’re a lot harder to back up, especially if you’re a student or a recent graduate. Just about anyone can say that they’re “creative,” but not a lot of people are experts at InDesign.

Looking for a more comprehensive list? Here’s a mega-list of 150+ must-have skills in 2024 .

Other Resume Sections You Can Include

At this point, you’re probably ready to wrap up your resume and call it a day.

After all, we’ve covered all the essential sections, right?

Well, not exactly. See, the #1 goal of your resume is to stand out.

And if your resume looks exactly the same as everyone else’s, that’s where you fail.

If you’re already a good match for the job in terms of skills and experiences, these sections could end up being the deciding factor that gets you hired (and makes you stand out from the rest).

Awards & Certifications

Did you win a design competition during university?

Do you have a bunch of online courses completed on Coursera?

Whichever the case may be, definitely mention all of them in your resume!

  • Infographic X published on
  • User Experience Research & Design Coursera Certificate
  • Adobe Certified Expert
  • Advanced Graphic Design Class at MadeUpUniversity
  • Video Game Concept Art Coursera Certificate

Are you passionate about graphic design?

Well, awesome! That’s exactly what your next employer likes to hear.

And what’s a better way to show off your passion than with a project.

Whether it’s a university project or a personal side-hustle, HR would love to know more.

Here are some of the potential projects you could mention…

  • Instagram page showing off your designs & art
  • Mock-up website you designed at a hackathon
  • University project where you designed a website for a fake business
  • Side-hustle designing logos for clients on Fiverr
  • Designing your own blog

An extra language or two can always come in handy, even if it doesn’t have anything to do with the position you’re applying for.

If you know any foreign language & have extra space in your resume, feel free to add a language section.

Make sure to split the languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Now, you might be thinking, “what does my skateboarding hobby have to do with my profession as a graphic designer?”

Well, nothing, but it does have something to do with you as a person.

Most companies aren’t hiring a robot who’s going to pump out design after design, 9-to-5, every day.

They’re looking for someone they’re going to enjoy working with, someone they’ll get along with.

And what’s something you can bond with potential employers about? Hobbies and interests, exactly!

Not sure which hobbies & interests you want to mention? We have a guide for that!

Match Your Cover Letter with Your Resume

Yep, that’s right.

You might be thinking, “A cover letter?! I’m a designer, not a writer!”

Well, here’s the thing: cover letters are still very important.

They show the recruiter that you’re passionate about working for THIS position in THIS company, and you aren’t just sending your resume all over the place.

Having a solid cover letter with your resume can significantly boost your chances of getting the job.

The first step to writing a convincing cover letter is to get the structure right. Here’s how to do that:

cover letter structure graphic designer

And here’s what you’d write in each section:

Contact Details - Your personal contact information, including full name, profession, email, phone number, location, website (or Behance / Dribble).

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information - Full name, position, location, email

Opening Paragraph - Your introduction should be very strong. If you don’t manage to hook the hiring manager here, chances are, they’re not going to read the rest of it. So, mention:

  • The position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and top achievement

The Body - Once you’ve got the hiring manager hooked, you can go through the rest of your background. Some of the points you can mention here are...

  • Why you want to work for this specific company
  • Anything you know about the company’s culture
  • What are your top skills and how are they relevant for the job
  • If you’ve worked in similar industries or positions

Closing Paragraph - This is where you:

  • Wrap up any points you missed in the body paragraph
  • Thank the hiring manager for their time
  • End with a call to action. Something like, “I’d love to further discuss how my experience as an X can help the company with Y”

Formal Salutations - Use a formal closing, such as “best regards” or “Sincerely.”

Need more inspiration? We get it - creating a cover letter is very hard work. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with your step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

Key Takeaways

If you followed everything we just taught you to the T, you’re pretty much guaranteed to land the job.

Now, let’s go through everything we’ve learned real quick:

  • Get the right formatting for your graphic designer resume. Use a reverse-chronological format, and follow the best practices we mentioned on getting the layout right.
  • Use a resume summary or objective to catch the hiring manager’s attention.
  • In your work experience section, try to talk more about your achievements than your responsibilities.
  • Get your portfolio section right. After all, this is the section that’s going to land you the job.
  • Match your graphic designer resume with a convincing cover letter.

Related Resume Examples

  • Architect Resume
  • Construction Project Manager Resume
  • Career Change Resume

Suggested Readings:

  • 9+ Essential Resume Ideas [to Get Your Next job]
  • +10 Best Answers for Why Should We Hire You?
  • 40+ Best Job Search Sites in 2024 [For Every Industry]

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20 Graphic Designer Resume Examples That Work in 2024

Stephen Greet

Graphic Designer Resume

  • Graphic Designer Resumes by Experience
  • Graphic Designer Resumes by Role

Writing Your Graphic Designer Resume

You can whip up a new logo in a flash, your friends turn to you when they need help with Photoshop, and you’re always doodling on your notes. You’re a great graphic designer, and it shows.

But when it comes to writing great resumes to prove your skills (not to mention writing cover letters ), employers want more than just your portfolio pieces. Plus, discussing your design skills and experience on your resume can take a lot of effort.

Our graphic designer resume examples have  helped graphic designers land highly coveted jobs at companies like Stripe and Apple,  so they’re an excellent place to get inspired to create your great resume.

or download as PDF

Graphic designer resume example with 5 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • This can be tricky for some graphic design roles, so it’s okay if your work isn’t the sole reason for improvement. Simply highlight your overall impact as part of the graphic design, marketing, or sales team.
  • Portfolios are more or less a requirement for graphic design roles, so make sure to include a link to your own.
  • If you choose to add a  resume objective  to your graphic designer resume, you need to customize it for each job to which you apply. One way to do this is to include keywords from the job description. Don’t forget to mention the company by name! 

Beginner Graphic Designer Resume

Beginner graphic designer resume example with content curation experience

  • One thing that you can count on is a career objective that’s both inspiring and clear on what you intend to do once you’re hired.

Junior Graphic Designer Resume

Junior graphic designer resume example with internship experience

  • If you’re light on relevant work experience, include any relevant projects or internships. Just make sure to include metrics when you can, as any recruiter will treat an internship like a job and will thus expect a demonstration of your impact.
  • You don’t have to be an expert, but generally speaking, only include skills you can talk about in an interview.

Senior Graphic Designer Resume

Senior graphic designer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Demonstrating your impact proves you’re a designer who thinks about your work within a broader context and does their best to help a company grow.
  • If you’re wondering what to include, start with metrics relating to time or people. How many hours did you help your team save? How many new customers did you gain? How many people viewed your designs?
  • The activities section isn’t always a good choice, but it can be a useful addition in some cases. If your  resume’s section of hobbies and interests  demonstrates leadership, persistence, or other useful skills, you can include this section to give you a boost over the competition. 

Graphic Design Student Resume

Graphic design student resume example with internship experience

  • Showcase projects where you’ve used Affinity Designer, Adobe Fresco, or Canva to create compelling visuals or your use of resources like Pixabay and Coolors for inspiration and project enhancement.
  • School work totally counts, too, so highlight available metrics from completed projects like grades or peer reviews.
  • This approach underscores your hands-on experience with design tools and ability to complete projects successfully, irrespective of traditional employment.

Self Taught Graphic Designer Resume

Self taught graphic designer resume example with 3 years of experience

  • In addition, line up one or two projects, which if adopted into real-world scenarios, would help transform marketing trends and outcomes for all-size businesses.

Graphic Designer Illustrator Resume

Graphic designer illustrator resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Capitalize on your graphic designer illustrator resume’s side columns to parade graphic design and illustration tools you’re well-versed in. Brandon, for instance, curates a list of tools (cue GIMP, Vectr, Prezi and more), and then weaves in evidence of him wielding these tools in the work history section.

Creative Designer Resume

Creative designer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • If you can back your creative designer resume with a fine arts degree in graphic design, you’ll be able to show your enthusiasm for the work and be on the hiring list for any employer.

Visual Designer Resume

Visual designer resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Mention tools like Adobe Photoshop, Inkscape, Figma, and InVision that speak volumes about your artwork. Adding such skills will convey that you’re well-versed with the latest design tools and can create modern designs with ease!

Logo Designer Resume

Logo graphic designer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Borrow a script from how Ben weaves competencies in Blender, Figma, CorelDRAW, and so on to get things done and increase user engagement.

Motion Graphic Design Resume

Motion graphic design resume example with 10 years of experience

  • An experience at a junior level accompanied by what you learned and your input can be an effective anchor you can use to boost the chances of your motion graphic designer resume making it beyond the shortlisting stage.

Social Media Graphic Designer Resume

Social media graphic designer resume example with 3 years of experience

  • Put everything in its place and let the hiring teams find it easy to follow your career path. Most importantly, ensure there’s no clutter because that is a big turn-off.

Web and Graphic Designer Resume

Web and graphic designer resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Following the same tactic, achieving 97% customer satisfaction for several projects is a true testimony to your work ethic and client-focused approach.

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Freelance graphic designer resume example with 7+ years of experience

  • Highlight how you’ve leveraged Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, or CorelDRAW to deliver creative solutions to client projects, citing specific examples.
  • Discuss using project management tools like Asana to meet deadlines and coordinate with clients—all while delivering high-quality work.

Graphic Design Specialist Resume

Graphic design specialist resume example with 5 years of experience

  • For example, you mention how your work generated more traffic on social media or how you helped the marketing team create a campaign.
  • Including numbers that highlight your impact will drastically increase your chances of landing an interview. Companies often receive hundreds of applications for a single role, so as you  craft your resume , keep in mind how you can stand out.
  • Graphic designers are expected to be proficient with many different tools, especially the industry standard, Adobe Creative Suite. So make sure to let employers know if you’re skilled at Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

Creative Graphic Designer Resume

Creative graphic designer resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Some of the most popular mediums we’ve seen are print media, video, website design, and logo design.
  • Make sure to add any experience you have with heading a project or leading a team.
  • Showing an increase in responsibility throughout your career is another great way to show your initiative.
  • For example, mentoring other graphic designers demonstrates positive growth as a leader.

Production Artist & Graphic Designer Resume

Production artist & graphic designer resume example with 2+ years of experience

  • You can improve your format by choosing two tastefully contrasting fonts, utilizing white space throughout your resume, and using bold (but not garish) colors in your header and titles.
  • Don’t get so caught up in formatting that you neglect your content—use a  resume template  to help speed up the formatting process.
  • Focus on picking relevant projects that have some link to the job description.

Marketing/Graphic Design Coordinator Resume

Marketing/graphic design coordinator resume example with 10+ years of experience

  •  If you choose to include a summary, you’ll need to ensure it’s unique and personalized for every application you submit. Otherwise, skip adding it and focus on your work experience instead.
  • Specialize your summary by mentioning the specific job title you’re seeking, the company’s name, and any examples of work you’ve done throughout your career that’s highly relevant for the job. Just be sure to keep it under three sentences. 

Senior Apparel & Graphic Designer Resume

Senior apparel & graphic designer resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Giving a two-to-three sentence rundown of your career can be a challenge, so break it down into three components: who you are, your biggest success, and what assets you bring to the company.
  • Think back on your career and list your biggest accomplishments that you can quantify/explain in a single sentence. Did you increase site engagement by 72 percent by incorporating a more modern, user-friendly layout and graphics? Did you design the company’s newsletter which was sent out to 2,000 customers? 
  • Adobe offers certification courses for many of their Creative Cloud products, and there are many courses offered through universities to give you a leg-up over the competition. 

Graphic Designer/Administrative Assistant Resume

Graphic designer/administrative assistant resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Since you’re in a creative field, you can include more kinds of projects than a technical role would allow, but try to limit your choices to activities/projects that require(d) taking initiative, additional research, or learning a completely new skill. 
  • If you choose to include one, you’ll need to ensure it’s unique and personalized for every application you submit. 
  • Though including a  resume objective  is optional, it gives you a chance to address the employer by name and establish what they will gain by hiring you. 

Related resume guides

  • Interior Design
  • Social Media Manager

Job seeker reviews qualifications and accomplishments to build job application for next role

Graphic design is one of the most profitable professions in the freelance industry, and the position is growing more popular. Graphic designers serve as visual communicators who craft concepts using a stroke of their pen or a click of their specialized graphic design software.

Their main aim is to convey ideas to inform, inspire, or capture customers through physical and virtual art forms like words, images, and abstract elements like colors and shapes. However, graphic designers aren’t just glued to their drawing tables—they spend a lot of their time communicating with clients, customers, and other creators to ensure that their designs replicate the intended message and hit the intended audiences.

Standing out in the graphic design field isn’t easy. There are about 266,000 graphic designers already in the competitive market, and the number continues to rise. Even if you’re working on your letter of resignation email and giving your job application your best shot, you don’t want to end up in the “reject pile” because of your resume.

The best way to increase your chances of getting hired is to  craft a perfect graphic designer resume . You can showcase your skills, explain your experience, and quantify your impact in a way your portfolio can’t.

When it comes to your graphic designer resume,  we’ve got four critical tips for taking your resume from the trash bin to the top choice . When you understand the role of your skills section, resume formatting, metrics, and customization, you’ll be well on your way to landing your next job. 

Put the spotlight on your graphic design skills

Most recruiters don’t have time to go through the nitty-gritty details in your graphic designer resume. They have only seconds to spare, which they’ll likely use to examine your  resume’s list of skills  and determine whether or not they’re relevant to their needs.

Recruiters aren’t the only ones you have to impress; when recruiters have a stack of resumes to weed through, they depend on an applicant tracking system (ATS) to filter out resumes lacking keywords—skills relevant to the specific job. 

That’s why the skills section of your graphic designer resume is vital. Because graphic design jobs can differ greatly in duties and requirements, your skills section should reflect your knowledge and abilities in relation to the company or organization. If you properly showcase your various skills, you can easily beat the ATS.

Here’s how you can spotlight your skills in your graphic designer resume:

  • Write specific skill keywords in a bulleted list in your resume’s skills section
  • Use numbers and examples to quantify and demonstrate your skills in the work experience section
  • Emphasize your most relevant skills in the resume objective or summary

We don’t recommend adding more than 10 skill keywords to your skills section, but there’s still plenty of room to catch an employer’s eye. Here are some of the top hard (technical) and soft (general) skills you could include in your graphic designer resume: 

  • Adobe Illustrator 
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Gravit Designer 
  • Sketch 
  • Activating negative space
  • Color theory
  • Typography 
  • Visual hierarchy 
  • JavaScript 
  • Communication
  • Organization

resume sample of graphic designer

Formatting your graphic designer resume

Your resume is more than just your relevant experience, employment history, education, and skills; it also serves as a marketing tool. Recruiters only spend seconds looking at a given resume and tend to pass over the boring or generic ones. They want to see your unique accomplishments and the value you can provide to their company.

This is a direct ticket to an interview. That’s why you should ensure your resume reveals the best  you  possible. As such, you’ll want to choose the right  resume format  for your graphic designer resume. While many job seekers choose skills-based or hybrid-based formats, it’s almost always best to choose a reverse-chronological format. Employers can hone in on your most recent and relevant experience, letting your most relevant accomplishments and achievements shine. 

Consider these vital points when crafting your graphic designer resume:

1. Fixing up your resume’s appearance:

  • Consistency in layout, punctuation, font, and font size
  • Work experience is in bullet points for readability
  • Minimal color (headers and titles only)
  • Left-aligned text (your contact header is the exception)
  • Headers to distinguish sections

2. Meeting organization and technical requirements:

  • Only a page long
  • A recognized file format (such as PDF)
  • An objective/summary when necessary

Graphic designer resume objective

Speaking of an objective/summary, perhaps you’re wondering whether you need one in your graphic designer resume. First, let’s explain the difference between the two.

A  summary  is a two-to-three-sentence statement that summarizes your skills, work experience, and any specializations. It’s best used when someone has been in graphic design for 10+ years. 

On the other hand, an  objective  is a two-to-three sentence statement that introduces your interests, qualifications, and how you’ll add value to the role you’re seeking. A  resume objective  is best used for career changers or entry-level job candidates. 

The two are very similar, so it’s less important to understand the difference between them and more important that you pay attention to what you write for them. Vague statements and generalizations waste your and the recruiter’s time, so if you’re in doubt or are struggling to get it right, exclude it altogether. 

If you’re a graphic designer looking for an entry-level position, an objective can specifically emphasize personal qualities and skills. To get the recruiter’s attention, mention the company by name and share how you intend to contribute to your desired company: 

graphic designer career objective

How to measure your impact as a graphic designer

Clients and customers appreciate your designs, but it can be tricky to link graphic design to business growth. Don’t gloss over metrics, though; they’re worth the extra effort. 

Design can become a key contributor to success, but only if you demonstrate how design is related to growth. There are various ways you can measure your impact on your graphic designer resume:

  • Online success: if you’re dealing with digital design projects like a website or email marketing, it’s easy to trace metrics like engagement and conversions. A/B tests may also help you compare particular design details to determine which projects perform best.
  • Improved sales: your design project(s) may facilitate an increase in the number of customers or number of purchased goods, pointing to successful work on your end.
  • Increased customer retention: if your graphic design work piques a customer’s interest, they’re more likely to stick around and purchase something. Or, they can share your work and increase your company’s reach.
  • Customer reviews and comments: keep track of good client reviews to show companies that your work is loved and impactful. 

You may be thinking, “that’s great, but how do you translate that into a resume?” Our samples can provide some worthwhile inspiration, as seen here: 

Graphic designer work experience bullet points

Build a custom graphic designer resume

For every graphic design job you apply for, you need to tailor your resume accordingly. Customizing your graphic designer resume not only demonstrates competency but also care and attention towards the employer and the specific position. Trust us: there aren’t many job seekers taking the extra time to tailor their resumes accordingly, so make yours unique by tailoring your skills, work experience, and objective/summary sections for every job.

We also have customization tips for different  graphic designer job descriptions  and  graphic designer cover letters .

Graphic designer or graphic design specialist resume

  • As a graphic designer or graphic design specialist, you likely have solid experience under your belt already, so this might be the time to include a summary statement highlighting your best skills and achievements. 
  • Again, pay close attention to the skill keywords listed in the job description.

Creative graphic designer resume

  • For example, if you design ads for social media, reflect this in your skills and work experience. 
  • Leverage your job description bullet points to showcase your leadership and teamwork abilities. Include any work on various projects with co-workers or cross-functional teams. 

Senior graphic designer resume

  • Lead a team 
  • Communicate with cross-functional teams and internal management
  • Manage (and finish) projects
  • Additionally, with this level of experience, you may choose to include a career summary. Don’t forget to tailor it to the new role you’re seeking! 

Junior graphic designer resume

  • Nabbing that first real job can feel daunting when most employers want at least a year of experience, but all is not lost.
  • Include any internship experience, if you have it. If you don’t, consider getting an internship to gain useful skills and a new addition to your resume.
  • Projects can also be priceless. Have you designed a custom website for a friend? Did you create a logo for your aunt’s small business? These sorts of one-time projects may not pay well (or at all), but they can prove you have what it takes to do the job. 

resume sample of graphic designer

Key points for your graphic designer resume

By taking your graphic designer resume seriously, you’ll be far ahead of the average applicant and much closer to accepting a job offer. 

Now it’s time to put the pedal to the metal and actually write your resume. Upload an old resume or start from scratch with our  user-friendly resume maker . You can choose from our  best resume templates  for an attractive and ATS-friendly layout that’s sure to snag the attention of recruiters.

Your dream job is just around the corner, so get your resume in tip-top shape and land the job you’ve been waiting for!

Create my free resume now

resume sample of graphic designer

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Graphic Designer Resume Examples For 2024 (20+ Skills & Templates)

resume sample of graphic designer

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Looking to score a job as a Graphic Designer?

You're going to need an awesome resume. This guide is your one-stop-shop for writing a job-winning Graphic Designer resume using our proven strategies, skills, templates, and examples.

All of the content in this guide is based on data from coaching thousands of job seekers (just like you!) who went on to land offers at the world's best companies.

If you want to maximize your chances of landing that Graphic Designer role, I recommend reading this piece from top to bottom. But if you're just looking for something specific, here's what's included in this guide:

  • What To Know About Writing A Job-Winning Graphic Designer Resume
  • The Best Skills To Include On A Graphic Designer Resume

How To Write A Job-Winning Graphic Designer Resume Summary

How to write offer-winning graphic designer resume bullets.

  • 3 Graphic Designer Resume Examples

The 8 Best Graphic Designer Resume Templates

Here's the step-by-step breakdown:

Graphic Designer Resume Overview: What To Know To Write A Resume That Wins More Job Offers

What do companies look for when they're hiring a Graphic Designer?

Companies typically look for Graphic Designers with a combination of technical skills, creativity, and relevant experience. Technical skills include proficiency in design software such as Adobe Creative Suite — like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign — Figma, Microsoft Suite, G-suite, and an understanding of design principles and techniques. Creativity, on the other hand, is a valued skill in developing unique and compelling designs that appeal to the company's audience.

Plus, relevant experience demonstrated through a portfolio of past work shows an ability to complete projects and tackle challenges in a professional setting.

Companies may also value communication skills and the ability to work well in a team, as designers often collaborate with other departments.

Your resume should show the company that your personality and your experience encompass all these things.

Additionally, there are a few best practices you want to follow to write a job-winning Graphic Designer resume:

  • Craft your resume to the job description you are applying for: Tailor your resume for each application, aligning your skills with the specific requirements of each job description.
  • Detail previous experiences: Provide detailed descriptions of your roles, emphasizing hard and soft skills related to the job description. Highlight your proficiency with software like Abobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Suite, G-suite, and Figma.
  • Bring in your key achievements: Showcase measurable achievements in previous roles and share your best work.
  • Highlight your skills: List relevant hard and soft skills, such as proficiency in design software tools, creativity, marketing, and communication.
  • Make it visually appealing: You're a designer — so design! Use a professional and clean layout with bullet points for easy readability. Also, ensure formatting and font consistency throughout the resume and limit it to one or two pages.
  • Use keywords: Incorporate industry-specific keywords from the job description to pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and increase your chances of being noticed by hiring managers.
  • Proofread your resume: Thoroughly proofread your resume to eliminate errors (I recommend Hemingway App and Grammarly ). Consider seeking feedback from peers or mentors to ensure clarity and effectiveness!

Let's dive deeper into each of these so you have the exact blueprint you need to see success.

The Best Graphic Designer Skills To Include On Your Resume

Keywords are one of the most important factors in your resume. They show employers that your skills align with the role and they also help format your resume for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

If you're not familiar with ATS systems, they are pieces of software used by employers to manage job applications. They scan resumes for keywords and qualifications and make it easier for employers to filter and search for candidates whose qualifications match the role.

If you want to win more interviews and job offers, you need to have a keyword-optimized resume. There are two ways to find the right keywords:

1. Leverage The 20 Best Graphic Designer Keywords

The first is to leverage our list of the best keywords and skills for a Graphic Designer resume.

These keywords were selected from an analysis of real Graphic Designer job descriptions sourced from actual job boards. Here they are:

  • Communication
  • Development
  • Illustrators
  • Organization
  • Cross-Functional
  • Time Management
  • Consistency
  • Social Media
  • Presentations

2. Use To Find The Best Keywords That Are Specific To Your Resume And Target Role

The second method is the one I recommend because it's personalized to your specific resume and target job.

This process lets you find the exact keywords that your resume is missing when compared to the individual role you're applying for.

Graphic Designer Hard Skills

Here's how it works:

  • Open a copy of your updated Graphic Designer resume
  • Open a copy of your target Graphic Designer job description
  • In the widget below, paste your resume on the left, paste the job description on the right, and hit scan!

ResyMatch is going to scan your resume and compare it to the target job description. It's going to show you the exact keywords and skills you're missing as well as share other feedback you can use to improve your resume.

If you're ready to get started, use the widget below to run your first scan and get your free resume score:

resume sample of graphic designer

Copy/paste or upload your resume here:

Click here to paste text

Upload a PDF, Word Doc, or TXT File

Paste the job post's details here:

Scan to compare and score your resume vs the job's description.


And if you're a visual learner, here's a video walking through the entire process so you can follow along:

Employers spend an average of six seconds reading your resume.

If you want to win more interviews and offers, you need to make that time count. That starts with hitting the reader with the exact information they're looking for right at the top of your resume.

Unfortunately, traditional resume advice like Summaries and Objectives don't accomplish that goal. If you want to win in today's market, you need a modern approach. I like to use something I can a “Highlight Reel,” here's how it works.

Highlight Reels: A Proven Way To Start Your Resume And Win More Jobs

The Highlight Reel is exactly what it sounds like.

It's a section at the top of your resume that allows you to pick and choose the best and most relevant experience to feature right at the top of your resume.

It's essentially a highlight reel of your career as it relates to this specific role! I like to think about it as the SportsCenter Top 10 of your resume.

The Highlight Reel resume summary consists of 4 parts:

  • A relevant section title that ties your experience to the role
  • An introductory bullet that summarizes your experience and high-level value
  • A few supporting “Case Study” bullets that illustrate specific results, projects, and relevant experience
  • A closing “Extracurricular” bullet to round out your candidacy

For example, if we were writing a Highlight Reel for a Graphic Designer role, it might look like this:

Graphic Designer Resume Summary Example 1

You can see how the first bullet includes the Graphic Designer job title, the years of experience this candidate has, and it wraps up with a value-driven pitch for how they've helped companies in the past.

The next two bullets are “Case Studies” of specific results they drove at their company. The last bullet wraps up with extracurricular information, such as volunteer work and awards.

This candidate has provided all of the info any employer would want to see right at the very top of their resume! The best part is that they can customize this section for each and every role they apply for to maximize the relevance of their experience.

Here's one more example of a Graphic Designer Highlight Reel:

Graphic Designer Resume Summary Example 2

The content of this example showcases the candidate's years of experience and wraps up the first bullet with a high-value pitch, while the following bullet points focus on measurable results and relevant experience. Then, they highlight their focus on volunteer work and high GPA.

If you want more details on writing a killer Highlight Reel, check out my full guide on Highlight Reels here.

Bullets make up the majority of the content in your resume. If you want to win, you need to know how to write bullets that are compelling and value-driven.

Unfortunately, way too many job seekers aren't good at this. They use fluffy, buzzword-fill language and they only talk about the actions that they took rather than the results and outcomes those actions created.

The Anatomy Of A Highly Effective Resume Bullet

If you apply this framework to each of the bullets on your resume, you're going to make them more compelling and your value is going to be crystal clear to the reader. For example, take a look at these resume bullets:

❌ Graphic Designer with 8+ years of experience

✅ Graphic Designer with 8+ years of proven experience, excelling in brand development and digital marketing strategies, boosting customer acquisition by 30% through effective collaboration

The second bullet makes the candidate's value  so much more clear, and it's a lot more fun to read! That's what we're going for here.

That said, it's one thing to look at the graphic above and try to apply the abstract concept of “35% hard skills” to your bullet. We wanted to make things easy, so we created a tool called that will actually give your resume bullet a score and show you how to improve it.

Using ResyBullet To Write Crazy Effective, Job-Winning Resume Bullets

ResyBullet takes our proprietary “resume bullet formula” and layers it into a tool that's super simple to use. Here's how it works:

  • Head over to
  • Copy a bullet from your resume and paste it into the tool, then hit “Analyze”
  • ResyBullet will score your resume bullet and show you exactly what you need to improve
  • You edit your bullet with the recommended changes and scan it again
  • Rinse and repeat until you get a score of 60+
  • Move on to the next bullet in your resume

Let's take a look at how this works for the two resume bullet examples I shared above:

First, we had, “Graphic Designer with 8+ year of experience.” 

ResyBullet gave that a score of 25/100.  Not only is it too short, but it's missing relevant skills, compelling language, and measurable outcomes:

Example Of A Bad Graphic Designer Resume Bullet

Now, let's take a look at our second bullet,  “Graphic Designer with 8+ years of proven experience, excelling in brand development and digital marketing strategies, boosting customer acquisition by 30% through effective collaboration.”

ResyBullet gave that a 69 / 100. Much better! This bullet had more content focused on the experience in the Graphic Designer role, while also highlighting measurable results:

Example Of A Good Graphic Designer Resume Bullet

Now all you have to do is run each of your bullets through ResyBullet, make the suggested updates, and your resume is going to be jam-packed with eye-popping, value-driven content!

If you're ready, grab a bullet from your resume, paste it into the widget below, and hit scan to get your first resume bullet score and analysis:

Free Resume Bullet Analyzer

Learn to write crazy effective resume bullets that grab attention, illustrate value, and actually get results., copy and paste your resume bullet to begin analysis:, 3 graphic designer resume examples for 2024.

Now let's take a look at all of these best practices in action. Here are three resume examples for different situations from people with different backgrounds:

Graphic Designer Resume Example #1: A Traditional Background

Graphic Designer Resume Example #1 - Traditional

Graphic Designer Resume Example #2: A Non-Traditional Background

For our second Graphic Designer Resume Example, we have a candidate who has a non-traditional background. In this case, they are coming from a background as an elementery school teacher, but leverage experiences that can help them transition to a Graphic Design role. Here's an example of what their resume might look like:

Graphic Designer Resume Example #2 - Non-Traditional

Graphic Designer Resume Example #3: Graphic Designer With Experience As A Freelancer

For our third Graphic Designer Resume Example, we have a candidate who has only worked as a freelancer. Here's an example of what their resume might look like when applying for Graphic Designer roles:

Graphic Designer Resume Example #3 - Freelancer

At this point, you know all of the basics you'll need to write a Graphic Designer resume that wins you more interviews and offers. The only thing left is to take all of that information and apply it to a template that's going to help you get results.

We made that easy with our ResyBuild tool . It has 8 proven templates that were created with the help of recruiters and hiring managers at the world's best companies. These templates also bake in thousands of data points we have from the job seekers in our audience who have used them to land job offers.

Just click any of the templates below to start building your resume using proven, recruiter-approved templates:

resume sample of graphic designer

Free Job-Winning Resume Templates, Build Yours In No Time .

Choose a resume template below to get started:.

resume sample of graphic designer

Key Takeaways To Wrap Up Your Job-Winning Graphic Designer Resume

You made it! We packed a lot of information into this post so I wanted to distill the key points for you and lay out next steps so you know exactly where to from here.

Here are the 5 steps for writing a job-winning Graphic Designer resume:

  • Start with a proven resume template from
  • Use to find the right keywords and optimize your resume for each role you apply to
  • Open your resume with a Highlight Reel to immediately grab your target employer's attention
  • Use to craft compelling, value-driven bullets that pop off the page
  • Compare the draft of your resume to the examples on this page to make sure you're on the right path
  • Use a tool like HemingwayApp or Grammarly to proofread your resume before you submit it

If you follow those steps, you're going to be well on your way to landing more Graphic Designer interviews and job offers.

Now that your resume is taken care of, check out my guide on how to get a job anywhere without applying online!

resume sample of graphic designer

Paula Martins

Paula is Cultivated Culture's amazing Editor and Content Manager. Her background is in journalism and she's transitioned from roles in education, to tech, to finance, and more. She blends her journalism background with her job search experience to share advice aimed at helping people like you land jobs they love without applying online.

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  • • Led the redesign of Adobe's main product page, increasing user engagement by 30% through improved UX and clearer CTA placements.
  • • Conducted over 50 user interviews and 10 usability tests to gather insights, leading to a 25% decrease in bounce rates.
  • • Implemented a new design system using Figma, enhancing brand consistency across all web platforms.
  • • Collaborated with product managers to refine user personas, resulting in a more targeted and effective product development strategy.
  • • Initiated and led a cross-functional team to integrate accessibility features, making the website fully compliant with WCAG 2.1.
  • • Spearheaded a project to utilize atomic design principles, shortening the development cycle for new features by 20%.
  • • Redesigned the checkout process, resulting in a 15% increase in conversion rates.
  • • Developed comprehensive user flows and wireframes to streamline navigation, reducing user frustration and support tickets by 40%.
  • • Conducted A/B testing on various design elements, which informed the final design decisions and improved user satisfaction scores by 20%.
  • • Created and maintained a UI library in Figma to accelerate the design process and ensure consistency across teams.
  • • Facilitated user research sessions to understand pain points in the shopping experience, leading to significant UI improvements.
  • • Implemented a new user research framework that increased the efficiency of user studies by 25%.
  • • Analyzed user behavior data to inform the design team, resulting in a 10% increase in user retention.
  • • Collaborated with the UX design team to translate research findings into actionable design improvements.
  • • Led usability testing sessions that informed the iteration of key product features.
  • • Achieved a 40% increase in daily active users and a 25% improvement in user retention within the first three months post-launch.

13 Graphic Designer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

A designer resume must clearly showcase your creative skills and design proficiency. It's essential to highlight your strongest projects and the impact they've had. Ensure your technical competencies, including mastery of design software, are prominent. Your experience should be presented in a way that reflects your unique design perspective and problem-solving abilities.

All resume examples in this guide

resume sample of graphic designer

Junior Graphic Designer

resume sample of graphic designer

Senior Graphic Designer

resume sample of graphic designer

Graphic Design Student

resume sample of graphic designer

Design Intern

resume sample of graphic designer

App Designer

resume sample of graphic designer

Design Manager

resume sample of graphic designer

Digital Designer

resume sample of graphic designer

Freelance Designer

resume sample of graphic designer

Multimedia Designer

resume sample of graphic designer

Visual Designer

resume sample of graphic designer

Web Designer

resume sample of graphic designer

Creative Graphic Designer

resume sample of graphic designer

Senior UX/UI Designer | User Research | Web Prototyping resume example

Resume Guide

Resume format

Resume experience

Hard & soft skills

Certifications and education

Resume summary/Objective

Additional sections

Key takeaways

By Experience

Designer resume example

The job outlook for designers is always improving. It doesn’t matter if business es realize it or not—there's a place for designers in any field. Whether it’s making a new product, launching a new service, or starting a new advertising campaign—there's design work associated with it.

In today’s marketing world, design makes the most impact when it comes to creating interest and attracting leads. A design concept  can make or break a potential customer's decision within the very first seconds of interacting with it.

Graphic designers have a deep understanding of how human beings perceive and communicate with their outside world. The best of them know how to grab customers’ attention and keep them interested. That’s what keeps creative directors and lead designers constantly on the lookout for talented designers.

If you’re serious about landing the job, your resume needs to show that you can:

  • Use a large range of tools and techniques to create high-quality deliverables including logos, flyers, business cards, brochures, magazines, etc.
  • Meet clients’ needs by developing design concepts and layouts that are uniquely tailored to each client's distinct preferences.
  • Communicate with team members, print ing houses, and outside agencies to ensure a smooth design process.
  • Prove you deliver your work on time to guarantee client satisfaction.

Before we dive in, why don’t you browse through our database of design-related resume guides?

  • Brand designer resume
  • Digital designer resume
  • UX/UI designer resume
  • Junior UX designer
  • Creative director resume
  • Designer cover letter

Senior UX/UI Designer | User Research | Web Prototyping resume example

How to format a graphic designer  resume

Crafting a designer’s resume is very similar to design work. You start with an idea that you want to communicate through your work. Then, you turn that idea into a visual message that the viewer can understand.

You convey that message by creating a unique concept that captures their  interest and makes an impact.

Those are the same steps you follow when creating your resume. The idea you start with is that you’re the perfect candidate and deserve the job. You have to illustrate that in your message and do so by creating a flawless resume .

While you may be a pro at communicating visually, a resume demands paying attention to some very specific details like ATS-friendly  fonts and acceptable file formats. Below, we break down   the formatting principles   you should follow when building this type of professional document.

The resume header  is the ideal spot to highlight your creative side. This section not only features your portfolio link but also allows you to personalize it to an extent that truly captures your authentic self.

Fonts : While you may want to choose a unique typeface that shows your creative side, be mindful of applicant tracking systems that may not recognize it. Instead, go with a professional font like  Lato, Arial, Rubik, Calibri, Bitter, or PT Serif , sized 10-12 pt.

Margins : This part of your resume should comply with industry standards and shouldn’t be less than 1-inch wide. Margins provide white space   on a resume and make it easily readable.

Layout : Go for a clean layout (a single- or double-column resume) to avoid overwhelming the reader with too many graphic elements. The best advice here is to keep your  resume length no more than 1 page long.

Language : Proofread your resume  for typos and grammar mistakes. Some designers tend to neglect spelling for the sake of visual impact. If you’re not confident in that, use our resume checker  which will do the optimization for you.

PDF format : Many people have expressed frustration with their resumes failing to pass the ATS assessment. In many of those cases, the file format is the reason. So, make sure you save your resume as a PDF  file to preserve the layout across all devices and platforms.

Which resume format is the best for graphic designers?

Usually, we talk about three main types of resume layouts:

The reverse chronological resume   listing employment history starting with the most recent positions first, is best suited for experts with extensive experience. On the other hand, the functional resume , which emphasizes skills over chronological work history, is ideal for entry-level candidates or those with career gaps.

In your case, however, the decision depends not only on how experienced you are but also on your craft. A designer’s job requires a strong set of creative skills, so you need a structure that emphasizes that, without losing the importance of your previous experience.

Thus, the hybrid, or combination format  is your best bet. It allows you to showcase both your skills and employment history in reverse chronological order. This resume format  is also great for those who have done a lot of freelance work, which is often the case with people in the creative industry.

If you already have a resume built, chances are it might not be ATS-friendly. Click the button below to see if it passes the test or not.

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Now that we’ve touched on the most important formatting steps, check out the sections you should  include in your resume.

The top sections on a designer’s resume

  • Professional summary : Showcases your design philosophy and career goals, making a strong first impression.
  • Design skills : Highlights your proficiency in design software and artistic techniques, essential for the role.
  • Portfolio link : Directs recruiters to your online portfolio, demonstrating your work quality and style.
  • Work experience : Details your previous design roles and projects, showing your practical expertise.
  • Education and training : Lists your formal education and any design-specific courses, proving your foundational knowledge.

Hiring managers will pay special attention to these sections as they need to demonstrate the must-have skills for the position of a graphic designer. This is what they’ll gather from your resume:

What recruiters want to see on your resume

  • Portfolio quality : Demonstrates your design skills, creativity, and ability to deliver professional work.
  • Technical skills : Highlights proficiency in design software and tools crucial for creating and editing designs.
  • Work experience : Shows practical application of skills in professional settings, including project and client diversity.
  • Creativity and originality : Indicates the ability to produce innovative designs that stand out in a competitive market.
  • Communication skills : Essential for understanding client needs, collaborating with teams, and presenting designs effectively.

Having clarified that, let's now delve into more detail for each of the above-mentioned resume sections.

How to feature your design experience in your resume

Design is a wide field with lots of different requirements and outcomes. Depending on the position and the industry, two designers can have entirely different skills, work on completely different projects, and produce different deliverables all the time.

So, recruiters often have a specific profile in mind for the designer they want to hire. They already know what they want. That’s why it’s crucial to display  in your experience section  that you’re the best designer they can hire.

How can you do that exactly? You tailor your resume  to each specific job description and mark down keywords  that you’ll include when writing your experience section .

Consider these two examples:

  • • Developed creative concepts for website and print initiatives.
  • • Created a wide range of deliverables.
  • • Worked with outside agencies on managing supplemental design-related projects.

This experience section is far from convincing. It shows no evidence of the candidate’s skills and successes.

Recruiters want to know how your design work affected your former employer’s business positively. They need to be certain that you can do what the new designer position requires you to do.

They want answers for:

  • What was the nature of the design concepts you created?
  • What type of projects did you handle as a graphic designer in your previous job?
  • Do you have experience working in teams and communicating with clients directly?
  • Will your experience allow you to do your job at the new company better than any other candidate?

Below is the enhanced version.

  • • Solved design challenges by reviewing clients’ existing work and providing advice for improvement.
  • • Created wireframes and mockups for digital content that increased online engagement rates by 24%.
  • • Worked with other designers and printing houses to ensure the delivery of print deliverables for 19 different projects.

Here’s why this version works better:

  • Demonstration of problem-solving skills : The first bullet point highlights the designer's ability to assess and improve existing work, showcasing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Recruiters will spot the candidate’s ability to enhance visual communication and meet clients' needs and objectives.
  • Quantified achievements : The second bullet point provides a specific, quantifiable achievement (increasing online engagement rates by 24% through wireframes and mockups). This not only shows the designer's skill in creating effective digital content but also provides a measurable impact of their work.
  • Collaboration and project delivery : The third bullet point emphasizes the designer's ability to collaborate with other professionals and manage deliverables for multiple projects simultaneously. This showcases practical skills but also project management and teamwork abilities.

In the following passage, we’ll give you ideas about how you can measure your successes in the design field.

How to quantify impact on a design-related resume

Feel free to use any of the following tips to maximize your impact as a graphic designer.

  • Include the percentage increase in user engagement  or customer conversions due to your design improvements to show your ability to create value through design.
  • Mention the specific decrease in bounce rate on webpages  or apps you've designed, demonstrating your skill in retaining audience interest.
  • Highlight the number of design iterations conducted before final approval , reflecting your persistence and dedication to perfection.
  • Detail the reduction in load time for digital assets you've optimized , indicating your understanding of technical aspects that improve user experience.
  • Specify the amount of revenue generated from campaigns or projects  you contributed to, showcasing your designs' direct impact on business success.
  • Quantify the growth in social media followers or engagement rates  resulting from your graphic content. This emphasizes your role in boosting brand visibility.
  • State the number of A/B tests you've conducted  for various design elements and the improvement metrics, highlighting your data-driven approach to design.
  • Document the cost savings achieved by streamlining design processes  or utilizing more efficient tools and resources. This shows your contribution to operational efficiency.

But what happens if you have no professional accomplishments  yet? No worries, you can still create a resume that stands out.

How do I write a graphic designer resume with no experience

According to a Learn G2 article , “19% of businesses don’t use graphic designers, but 67% of those companies would if there were a quicker, less expensive way to create graphic design materials”. This means that the industry will continue to hire junior designers for their availability and lower rates.

Use this insight to create a resume that no recruiter can say no to. Here’s how:

  • A portfolio  link is a must. Entry-level or not, this is the one element you can’t go without when applying for a designer role. Make sure it’s prominently featured in your resume header.
  • Start strong with a sleek resume objective . These are the 3 sentences at the top of your resume, highlighting your skills and motivation to contribute to the company you’re applying to.
  • Emphasize your education or certifications . Many job seekers in your field don’t have formal design education. However, it’s important to be familiar with design fundamentals and prove your knowledge through r elevant coursework or projects you’ve worked on.
  • Dedicate a section to your self-improvement projects . Especially for those with limited work experience, specific projects such as classroom assignments, internships, or shadowing  work, can demonstrate your design skills and willingness to grow. Describe the project, your role in it, and any positive outcomes.
  • Quantify your work experience , as limited as it may be. For entry-level candidates , this can include internships, part-time jobs, or freelance work. Focus on your responsibilities and achievements in each role, quantifying your impact whenever possible (e.g., "Designed a new logo that increased brand recognition by 20%").

Whatever you choose to feature in your resume, the key is to always adapt it to the requirements of the job you’re applying for.

Now, let’s focus on your strongest asset—your versatile skill set.

How to list your hard and soft skills on your resume

Clients always ask for different projects with different requirements. At the same time, they want the outcome to be unique to their brand. That's why the more relevant design skills you have, the better you are at your job.

Being a designer requires you to master a variety of design software programs as well as an ability to sketch concepts and layouts by hand. Below is a list of the most common practical skills  a designer should have.

Best hard skills for your graphic designer resume

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • UX/UI design
  • Branding and identity
  • Print design
  • Motion graphics
  • 3D modeling
  • After Effects
  • Graphic optimization for web
  • Digital illustration
  • Packaging design
  • Color theory
  • Prototyping
  • Responsive design

You’ll likely be constantly working with other designers, outside agencies, printing houses, and clients. That’s why your resume needs to show that your teamwork and communication skills are on point. Avoid dedicating a separate section for soft skills on your resume  due to limited space. Instead, integrate them within other sections, allowing recruiters to discern these qualities on their own.

Best soft skills for a graphic designer resume

  • Attention to detail
  • Time management
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Client management
  • Feedback receptivity
  • Project management
  • Collaboration
  • Stress tolerance
  • Organization
  • Visual storytelling
  • Negotiation
  • Continuous learning

Finally, let us remind you that the skills you pick need to be strictly linked to the keywords of the job posting . Before you start building your resume, make sure you make a list of all the skills highlighted in the job description, then put the ones you really do have in your document.

How to list your certifications and education on your resume

When it comes to creative fields like design, education shouldn’t be the most important section. Hiring managers won't rely on it to make their final hiring decision. Instead, they’re more into seeing your work samples and learning more about your experience.

A master’s degree in graphic design won’t get you hired if your work is of low quality. Yet, when there are hundreds of resumes stacking up in the recruiter’s inbox, education may come in handy . It’s especially true if it’s related to arts or graphic design or you graduated from a top-tier university.

Sure, you may have an amazing portfolio with many top-notch projects with your past employer, but so might another dozen candidates applying for the same position.

If your educational background is relevant to the job you're applying for, make sure to include it. Here's how to do it correctly:

  • Begin with your degree and major.
  • Mention the name of the educational institution.
  • Include the duration of your studies along with the location.

A more important element in designers’ resumes is the certification section. Since people obtain certificates based on their interests and willingness to learn new things, this section will give recruiters a more accurate picture of your profile.

Check out this list of must-have certifications if you’re considering a career in graphic design.

Best certifications for a graphic designer resume

  • Graphic Design Master
  • Brand Identity Design
  • Graphic and Digital Design Certificate
  • Adobe Certified Expert (ACE)
  • International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD)

Now that we’ve covered the experience and certifications sections , it’s time to go back to the header because something’s still missing there—your resume summary.

How to write your graphic designer resume summary or objective

Summaries are typically written last, once you have a complete overview of your career. Your summary should be memorable to the recruiter, highlighting your value and experience. To achieve this, address the following areas in no more than five sentences:

  • The technical skills and design tools you are proficient in;
  • The impact of your design work on previous clients or employers;
  • Specific design projects and deliverables you have managed;
  • Your aspirations and what you look forward to achieving in the new role.

Let’s take a look at the two versions of the same resume summary , one that is effective, and one that falls short.

This summary (if it can be called one at all) lacks details and specificity. It doesn’t highlight the effect of the candidate’s design work—neither quantified achievements nor anything specific they’re proud of.

Now look at this:

Three major factors make the above a good summary:

  • Comprehensive expertise : The summary showcases the candidate's experience and diverse skill set in graphic design, including proficiency in both digital tools like Adobe Creative Suite and traditional methods such as sketching and hand drawing.
  • Quantified achievements : By highlighting specific achievements, such as supervising 23 print design projects that led to a 32% increase in savings and creating 18 brand identities, the summary provides concrete evidence of the candidate's success in previous roles.
  • Targeted intent : The final sentence clearly states the candidate’s intent to apply their skills and experience to contribute to The Digital Hyve’s visual messaging. This shows that the candidate is not only aware of the employer's needs but is also eager to fulfill them.

Read the job description carefully and understand what exactly the hiring company is looking for. After that, write your summary accordingly while highlighting your potential and ability to be the best at that job.

Additional sections for a graphic designer resume

A graphic designer's resume often includes several key sections beyond the standard ones found in many professional resumes. They allow you to add some flair to the document and boost the qualities that make you stand out in the design world. These may include:

  • Projects section —perfect for including prominent freelance work. Make sure you include the scope of the project, your specific contributions, and the final outcomes.
  • Workshops and training courses : You can feature participation in workshops, seminars, and courses relevant to graphic design, as well as any certifications received from online platforms like Coursera, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, Domestika, etc.
  • Awards and recognitions : Have you received any industry awards and recognitions? Or won contests where your work was featured? Had speaking engagements or publications  in design magazines and websites? Any of these can add to the resume’s effectiveness.

Of course, it’s vital to include a link to your portfolio . We discuss that in the following section.

Where to put a portfolio link in a designer’s resume

This is arguably the most crucial addition to a graphic designer's resume. Having compiled the best samples of your work, the next step is determining where to feature the direct link (URL) to your online portfolio.

Placing it in the resume header, directly beneath your name and title, stands out as a logical choice. If your portfolio is on your own site, this spot is your best bet. It will make it easier for recruiters to draw a connection between your personal name and website. For portfolios hosted on platforms like Behance or Dribble, consider using a link shortener to ensure it fits neatly into the given space.

The other option is to place the link in your summary or objective statement.

Our resume-building  app  enables you to personalize your resume by rearranging sections, allowing you to place the portfolio link in a dedicated place, for example, right before the experience section. Regardless of where you choose to insert this crucial piece of information, ensure the link is clickable in the final PDF.

Wrapping this up, remember: crafting your graphic designer resume is a bit like designing a billboard for the world's pickiest client—yourself. It has to emphasize more than your design skills. Let’s go through the main things you should keep in mind when building your resume.

  • Design is a very large field that requires lots of different skills, experiences, and expectations. Make sure you tailor your designer resume to match the job description.
  • Your portfolio is your greatest asset as a designer. It has to be prominently displayed and easy to link with.
  • The summary section is a great place to apply the famous “less is more” design principle. Keep it relevant to what the recruiter is expecting to know about you.
  • When done correctly, education and certifications can increase your chances of getting hired.

I don't think it's an 'additional' which implies it's optional—which I do not think it is :) but I may be wrong

Designer resume examples

Explore additional designer resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Junior Graphic Designer Resume Example

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How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2024: A Guide That Stands Out

Cover letter salutation that entices the recruiter to learn more about you, should you include irrelevant experience on your resume, 12 of the most popular dream jobs, how to write a linkedin recommendation request message [sample templates included], what not to put on a resume.

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14 Graphic Designer Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Graphic designers are more in demand than ever, which makes now the perfect time to apply for that graphic design role. this guide will teach you the most important steps for writing an effective graphic designer resume, including templates for you to use and industry-specific tips..

Hiring Manager for Graphic Designer Roles

Graphic designers create customer-focused designs, frequently working on projects like websites, games, product packaging, and advertising campaigns. Most graphic design work is based around marketing and visual branding, but employment opportunities can include everything from creating logos for multinational corporations to working with local governments and schools. As a graphic designer, you’ll work account managers and creative directors to create a brief, develop concepts, and finalize a design that meets the client’s objectives. You’ll need excellent time management, the ability to collaborate well and work under pressure, and of course a hefty dose of creativity. Traditionally, graphic designer jobs ask for an undergraduate graphic design degree, but recent trends have seen the industry move away from requiring formal qualifications and toward online short courses. Either way, you’ll need hard skills with a variety of design software including Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, and InDesign, along with an impressive portfolio to showcase your skills.

Graphic Designer Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Graphic Designer
  • Junior Graphic Designer
  • Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design
  • Graphic Design Manager
  • Freelance Graphic Designer
  • Creative Graphic Designer
  • Minimalist Graphic Designer
  • Motion Graphic Designer

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Graphic Designer Resumes

Graphic Designer Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Bullet Points on Graphic Designer Resumes
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Related Design Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 14: Graphic Designer Resume Example

A graphic designer communicates ideas through visual concepts. Their role is to conceptualize and develop a layout that communicates what stakeholders need to show. Graphic design can be used for many purposes, including captivating, informing, or inspiring consumers. That’s why their work is often used in advertising, social media channels, or reports. To become a graphic designer you should ideally have a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design or a related field. However, it’ll depend on your potential employer’s requirements. There are many high-talented graphic designers out there with non-traditional training. Yet, you should consider one thing; highlight your technical and creative skills on your resume.

A graphic designer resume template highlighting creative skills.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Graphic Designer resume in 2024

   mention your user experience skills..

User experience (UX) is the way users interact with a particular product or design. This design should be accessible, usable, and appealing. This is particularly important when you’re working or trying to get a job in tech: recruiters want to know whether you can apply your offline skills to the online world. Even though both developers and graphic designers are not related, they can work together on integrating a design into web/software development.

Mention your user experience skills. - Graphic Designer  Resume

   Emphasize projects where you crafted a brand or identity.

Branding and identity play a huge role in graphic design. It’s a combination of visual elements that represent a company’s identity. It is the way they want to portray themselves to the consumers.

Emphasize projects where you crafted a brand or identity. - Graphic Designer  Resume

Skills you can include on your Graphic Designer resume

Template 2 of 14: graphic designer resume example.

As a graphic designer, you’ll be working closely with clients to develop their brands and ensure the success of their advertising and marketing campaigns. Put your best foot forward with a resume that emphasizes your hard skills, proficiency with graphic design software, and experience contributing to the success of client projects.

Graphic designer resume template example featuring strong action verbs and hard skills

   Bullet points feature strong action verbs highlighting graphic design skills

Structuring your bullet points to lead with strong action verbs like “conceptualized,” “designed,” and “developed” emphasizes your role in the projects you’ve worked on. By focusing on accomplishments rather than simply listing job duties, you’re telling potential employers what they want to know and highlighting the skills you’ll need on the job.

Bullet points feature strong action verbs highlighting graphic design skills - Graphic Designer Resume

   Good use of skills section to highlight graphic design skills

You don’t need a long list of skills to impress a recruiter — in fact, the more concise you can be, the better. Keep your list of skills down to the ones most relevant for a graphic designer role, like design software, advertising, social media, and branding.

Good use of skills section to highlight graphic design skills - Graphic Designer Resume

Template 3 of 14: Junior Graphic Designer Resume Example

The role of a junior graphic designer is to assist senior colleagues in crafting designs based on their specifications. They should also report to the senior graphic designer. In this role, you should demonstrate initiative and creativity, so it’s essential to demonstrate that in your resume. You can talk about previous projects in which you came up with innovative ideas. This way, your resume will not go unnoticed.

A junior graphic designer resume template focused on relevant work experience.

Tips to help you write your Junior Graphic Designer resume in 2024

   include relevant art-related experience..

It’s ok if you don’t have extensive experience in graphic design. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t showcase your expertise. You can also include other art-related experiences, such as photography or art assistance. This is an opportunity to showcase your transferable skills.

Include relevant art-related experience. - Junior Graphic Designer Resume

   Highlight your collaborative skills.

As a junior graphic designer, you will be constantly working with team members. This is a role that requires excellent collaborative skills. That’s why it is important to highlight them in your resume. You can mention previous experiences in which you coordinated with a varied team.

Highlight your collaborative skills. - Junior Graphic Designer Resume

Skills you can include on your Junior Graphic Designer resume

Template 4 of 14: junior graphic designer resume example.

Landing a role as a junior graphic designer isn’t as hard as you might think. Most employers are looking for graphic design ability — as evidenced by your portfolio and qualifications — over extensive experience, which means emphasizing your hard skills and any relevant educational background. If you’re a recent graduate, don’t forget about university projects and internships, which can go a long way toward making up for minimal work experience.

Junior graphic designer resume template example featuring relevant internships and university projects

   Strong Education section highlighting graphic design interest

As a recent graduate — or even if you’re a few years out and still applying for junior roles — your education section is a lot more important than it is for someone with more experience. You can use your education section to your advantage by listing any awards you’ve won, professional memberships, or specific qualifications that stress hard graphic design skills.

Strong Education section highlighting graphic design interest - Junior Graphic Designer Resume

   Internships and university projects relevant to graphic design

If you’re applying for an entry-level graphic design role, don’t worry if you don’t have a lot of experience. You can list any internships in the same way as you would regular work experience, using action verbs to emphasize what you accomplished. If you’ve completed any relevant university projects, make sure you highlight those, too.

Internships and university projects relevant to graphic design - Junior Graphic Designer Resume

Template 5 of 14: Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design Resume Example

A Senior Graphic Designer or Director of Graphic Design is no small gig. You're responsible for shaping the visual aspects of a brand and ensuring it remains consistent across all platforms. Lately, many companies require not just proficiency in design software, but also a solid understanding of digital and interactive design. When writing your resume, remember that while showcasing your design prowess is fundamental, so is demonstrating leadership skills and strategic thinking as they're crucial in steering the design team and efforts. In today's job market, employers are looking for Senior Designers who can balance the art and science of design. That means being able to back up your design choices with data and understanding how your work fits into the bigger marketing strategy. So, as you craft your resume, think about how your design work has directly contributed to business results.

Screenshot of a Senior Graphic Designer's resume showcasing leadership experience and data-driven design results.

Tips to help you write your Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design resume in 2024

   highlight leadership experience.

Mention instances where you've led a team or a project. This could involve coordinating with other departments, managing timelines, or mentoring junior designers. A Senior Graphic Designer or Director role often involves more responsibility and managerial tasks, so showing that you've got experience in leadership is key.

Highlight Leadership Experience - Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design Resume

   Showcase Data-Driven Design Results

If you were instrumental in a design that led to improved website traffic or conversion rates, include this on your resume. Quantify your results where possible. This adds credibility to your work and shows you understand the link between design and business outcomes.

Showcase Data-Driven Design Results - Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design Resume

Skills you can include on your Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design resume

Template 6 of 14: senior graphic designer / director of graphic design resume example.

As a senior graphic designer or graphic design director, you’ll be taking on high-level responsibilities and overseeing an entire department. Your resume needs to show significant experience as a graphic designer, as well as the capacity to lead a team to success. Make sure you’re emphasizing past leadership roles you’ve held as well as a commitment to ensuring the overall success of a company.

Senior graphic designer/graphic design director resume template example highlighting career growth through promotions

   Shows growth in promotions

If you want to land a senior role, you’ll need to show a steady pattern of career growth. If you’ve landed a promotion that represents a significant increase in responsibilities, you can list the positions separately under the same company heading. If the job title alone doesn’t make it clear that this was a promotion, your bullet points will.

Shows growth in promotions - Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design Resume

   Lists the exact graphic design job title

It’s always a good idea to use the exact title of the job you’re applying for on your resume. If you’ve held a position with the same responsibilities but under a different name, or if the titles are often used interchangeably, you can list both job titles at the start of your resume.

Lists the exact graphic design job title - Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design Resume

Template 7 of 14: Graphic Design Manager Resume Example

As a Graphic Design Manager, you're a bridge between the creative and strategic sides of a company, bringing visual concepts to life while ensuring they align with the company's goals. In recent years, companies seek individuals who have a strong understanding of digital marketing and UI/UX design, as these components are crucial in the current market. When crafting your resume, it's important to strike a balance between showcasing your artistic capabilities and your managerial skills. Highlight your understanding of branding and digital trends, but also emphasize how well you manage team dynamics and project deadlines.

Screenshot of a Graphic Design Manager's resume showcasing digital skills and leadership experience.

Tips to help you write your Graphic Design Manager resume in 2024

   highlight digital design skills.

The industry is increasingly going digital, so make sure your resume reflects your skills in digital design, UX/UI, and even coding. This would be a game-changer for many hiring managers as it showcases your ability to adapt to the digital focus of modern graphic design.

Highlight digital design skills - Graphic Design Manager Resume

   Emphasize team management and leadership

As a manager, you should include instances where you led a team to success, handled challenging projects, or improved team performance. These could be under 'achievements' or 'responsibilities' in your work history section. Show hiring managers that you are not just a good designer, but also a great leader.

Emphasize team management and leadership - Graphic Design Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Graphic Design Manager resume

Template 8 of 14: graphic design manager resume example.

Graphic design managers have to juggle a lot of different roles. As well as the usual design skills, you’ll need an ability to manage a team, develop strategies, work collaboratively with other departments, and evaluate the performance of other employees. To land the role, make sure your resume reflects soft skills like leadership and conflict management on top of your graphic design experience.

Graphic design manager resume template example using metrics and accomplishments to highlight transferable skills

   Uses hard numbers and metrics relevant to graphic design achievements

When it comes to listing your achievement in bullet points, the more specific you can be, the better. If you’ve led a team, mention how many people were on it. Explain exactly how many projects you’ve created, what type of graphic design work you’ve done, and the concrete impact that had on your company’s success.

Uses hard numbers and metrics relevant to graphic design achievements - Graphic Design Manager Resume

   Emphasis on transferable communication and management skills

To lead a team, you’ll need a lot of soft skills as well as hard skills. The best way to emphasize these is through your accomplishments. Mentioning the size of the teams you’ve worked with shows your leadership and teamwork skills, while creating social media strategies, marketing content, or publications is a great way to highlight communication skills.

Emphasis on transferable communication and management skills - Graphic Design Manager Resume

Template 9 of 14: Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Example

A Freelance Graphic Designer's job is a blend of creativity and technical skills, with a dash of entrepreneurial business savvy. You're not only illustrating, designing logos, and manipulating images; you're also managing your business, building client relationships, and working remotely. It's essential to keep your finger on the pulse of the industry, as design trends ebb and flow rapidly. For example, minimalist design is currently all the rage, which means your portfolio should showcase your proficiency in this field. When writing your resume, ensure it reflects the breadth of your skills and experience, as well as your ability to manage your own business.

A well-structured resume showcasing graphic design skills and entrepreneurial experience.

Tips to help you write your Freelance Graphic Designer resume in 2024

   highlight relevant software proficiency.

As a Freelance Graphic Designer, your familiarity with software tools is crucial. Therefore, don’t just list them, but give context on how you’ve utilized tools like Adobe Creative Suite and Sketch to create standout designs for various clients.

Highlight relevant software proficiency - Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

   Showcase business skills

You’re not just a designer, but a business owner, too. Highlight any experience you have managing client relationships, scheduling, invoicing, and marketing your services. Any evidence of your entrepreneurial spirit can make you stand out from other designers.

Showcase business skills - Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Skills you can include on your Freelance Graphic Designer resume

Template 10 of 14: freelance graphic designer resume example.

Freelance graphic designers work on the same kinds of projects as any other graphic designer, but as self-employed contractors. If you’re looking to pick up more freelance work, or to transition from freelance to regular employment, you’ll need a resume that emphasizes your ability to take initiative, work to a deadline, and understand your clients’ needs.

Freelance graphic designer resume template example with work experience listed by specific project

   Freelance graphic design projects

If you’ve been freelancing for a while, it might make sense to structure your work experience section according to different projects rather than clients. This lets you highlight your most impressive accomplishments in a way that is easy to follow and is clear about your specific role and achievements.

Freelance graphic design projects - Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

   Specific use of metrics

Not all employers fully understand the nature of freelance work, so the more specific you can be about your accomplishments, the better. Listing the number of projects, designs, and proposals you completed makes it clear how you were spending your time and helps emphasize soft skills like time management and work ethic.

Specific use of metrics - Freelance Graphic Designer Resume

Template 11 of 14: Creative Graphic Designer Resume Example

A creative graphic designer has a strong background in art and visual design. They create visual concepts to communicate a brand’s message to its consumers. They usually work in advertising agencies, marketing companies, or independently as freelance designers. If you want to reflect your expertise in your resume, it’s a good idea to showcase some certifications. These provide a better idea of your abilities and experience in the graphic design industry.

A creative graphic designer resume template using strong metrics to illustrate accomplishments.

Tips to help you write your Creative Graphic Designer resume in 2024

   mention the illustration software you use for graphic design..

Creative graphic designers use multiple tools like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, etc. It is a good idea to mention those programs you use for developing your projects in your skills section, or intertwined into your work experiences (e.g. Designed prototypes using Figma...). It’ll give recruiters a practical view of what your tool stack looks like and if it aligns with that of their product/graphic design teams.

Mention the illustration software you use for graphic design. - Creative Graphic Designer  Resume

   Talk about products or experiences you've prototyped.

Prototyping is an experimental process in which graphic designers propose a design idea to evaluate how end users would react to the final result. It is essentially a 'testing' phase, which helps reduce a company's risk of spending several weeks developing something that isn't usable or doesn't achieve the company's goals. Creative graphic designers should put experimentation at the heart of their work, and it's often useful to emphasize it in your resume. You could use the action verb, "Prototyped", in an example like "Prototyped 25+ designs by rapidly iterating with the client over 8 weeks...".

Talk about products or experiences you've prototyped. - Creative Graphic Designer  Resume

Skills you can include on your Creative Graphic Designer resume

Template 12 of 14: creative graphic designer resume example.

The role of a creative designer can be broader than just graphic design. Creative designers need an excellent understanding of branding, marketing, and social media as well as proficiency with graphic design software. To land a role as a creative graphic designer, make sure your resume highlights your understanding of brand awareness and experience guiding products through the entire creative process.

Creative graphic designer resume template example tailored to the specific job through a resume title, summary, and keywords

   Tailored to the creative design job

Tailoring your resume to the exact job you’re applying for doesn’t have to take a lot of time or effort. Including job-specific keywords in your resume title and skills section are two of the easiest ways to target your resume. Make sure you’re including keywords like product design, social media marketing, and specific graphic design programs that ATS are likely to scan for.

Tailored to the creative design job - Creative Graphic Designer Resume

   Strong resume summary to tell hiring managers about graphic design focus

Including a resume summary is a great way of tailoring your resume and providing additional information about your background and accomplishments. They’re especially useful for career changers or people without a lot of experience in graphic design, but can be used to great effect to highlight your particular strengths and contextualize the achievements in your bullet points.

Strong resume summary to tell hiring managers about graphic design focus - Creative Graphic Designer Resume

Template 13 of 14: Minimalist Graphic Designer Resume Example

As the name suggests, minimalist design uses only the most basic elements. These designers use limited color palettes and basic shapes to create stunning designs. Recruiters will be looking to see a bachelor’s degree in graphic design or other equally rigorous qualifications. Beyond that, previous experience and your skill set will be of great importance. Take a look at this successful resume sample.

A minimalist graphic designer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s experience and successes.

Tips to help you write your Minimalist Graphic Designer resume in 2024

   have a minimalist portfolio..

For any graphic designer, you need to attach your portfolio to your resume when applying for a job. Recruiters need to see your designs. For this position compile your most successful and impactful minimalist designs into a portfolio.

Have a minimalist portfolio. - Minimalist Graphic Designer Resume

   Create a minimalist-looking resume.

Let recruiters see your style and abilities by the look of your resume before they even read it. Show your minimalist skills by designing a resume with a minimalist aesthetic.

Skills you can include on your Minimalist Graphic Designer resume

Template 14 of 14: motion graphic designer resume example.

From animations to credit sequences, moving logos, and websites, motion graphic designers create designs that can move. These designers work largely in industries like film, TV, advertising, and many other industries. Your qualifications and your tools lists will be of great importance for this position. Here is a recruiter-approved resume sample.

A motion graphic designer resume sample that highlights the applicant’s wide range of experience.

Tips to help you write your Motion Graphic Designer resume in 2024

   show the types of motion graphic design you have experience doing..

Recruiters need to know what you can do so they can gauge if you are the right person for them. So mention the different kinds of graphic design that you are experienced with. This applicant has mentioned that they have done animated logos, title sequences, and video edits, among others. If you know the kind of graphic design they want you to do, make sure to emphasize that experience.

Show the types of motion graphic design you have experience doing. - Motion Graphic Designer Resume

   List the types of motion graphic design you are skilled in.

Use your skills section to list the types of motion graphic design you are skilled in. This applicant has lister 3-D modeling, stretch and squash, and staging as some of their skills.

List the types of motion graphic design you are skilled in. - Motion Graphic Designer Resume

Skills you can include on your Motion Graphic Designer resume

As a hiring manager, I've reviewed countless graphic designer resumes. I've seen applications from candidates vying for roles at top companies like Apple, Google, and Adobe. While the specific skills and experience required may vary depending on the company and role, there are certain elements that consistently make a graphic designer resume stand out. In this article, I'll share some tips to help you craft a compelling resume that showcases your strengths as a graphic designer.

   Showcase your versatility as a designer

Employers want to see that you have a diverse skill set and can handle various aspects of graphic design. Highlight your proficiency in different areas, such as:

  • Branding and logo design
  • Web and mobile app design
  • Print design (brochures, posters, packaging)
  • Illustrations and infographics

By demonstrating your versatility, you show that you can adapt to different projects and contribute to the company in multiple ways. Remember to provide specific examples of your work in each area to give the employer a clear picture of your capabilities.

Bullet Point Samples for Graphic Designer

   Emphasize your software proficiency

As a graphic designer, your software skills are crucial. Employers want to know that you're proficient in industry-standard tools. Instead of simply listing the software you know, provide context to showcase your expertise:

  • Adobe Creative Suite

A more effective way to highlight your skills:

  • Advanced proficiency in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, with 5+ years of experience creating print and digital designs
  • Skilled in using Sketch and InVision to create and prototype mobile app interfaces, collaborating closely with development teams

By providing specific examples and context, you demonstrate the depth of your knowledge and how you apply these skills in your work.

   Quantify your impact and achievements

When describing your work experience, use metrics to quantify your impact and achievements. This helps employers understand the scale and significance of your contributions. For example:

  • Designed logos for various clients
  • Created social media graphics

Instead, try:

  • Designed logos for 20+ clients across industries, resulting in an average 30% increase in brand recognition
  • Created engaging social media graphics that contributed to a 25% increase in follower count and 40% higher engagement rates

By using numbers and percentages, you provide concrete evidence of your success and make your resume more impactful.

   Include non-traditional design experience

Don't limit your resume to just your professional experience. Include relevant projects, even if they weren't part of a paid role. This could be:

  • Freelance work
  • Personal projects or side hustles
  • Pro bono work for non-profits or community organizations
  • Design competitions or hackathons

These experiences demonstrate your passion, initiative, and ability to apply your skills in different contexts. They can also help fill gaps in your work history and showcase your continuous learning and growth as a designer.

   Tailor your resume to the job description

One common mistake graphic designers make is sending a generic resume to every job application. Instead, take the time to tailor your resume to each specific role and company. Here's how:

  • Read the job description carefully and identify the key skills and requirements
  • Highlight the experiences and projects that are most relevant to the role
  • Use similar language and terminology as the job description to show your fit
  • Research the company and incorporate your knowledge into your resume summary or objective

By customizing your resume, you demonstrate your genuine interest in the role and make it easier for the employer to see how you can contribute to their team.

   Showcase your unique design style

As a graphic designer, your unique style and creative approach are what set you apart. While it's important to demonstrate your versatility, don't be afraid to showcase your signature style in your resume. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Include a link to your online portfolio or website that showcases your best work
  • Incorporate design elements or branding that reflect your personal style (while still keeping the overall resume design clean and professional)
  • In your resume summary or objective, mention your unique design philosophy or approach
Passionate graphic designer with a bold, minimalist style and a focus on creating impactful, user-centric designs.

By infusing your resume with your unique design perspective, you give employers a taste of what makes you stand out as a creative professional.

Writing Your Graphic Designer Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. decide on the best name format.

Your name is the most important element in your resume header. It should be the largest text on the page and easy to read at a glance. Decide on the best format for your name, such as:

  • First Middle Initial Last
  • First M. Last

Avoid nicknames or abbreviations that could be confusing. Use your full name as it appears on your professional documents and online profiles for consistency.

2. Include essential contact details

After your name, include your key contact details so hiring managers can easily get in touch with you. Essential details to include are:

  • Phone number
  • Professional email address
  • Location (City, State)
  • LinkedIn profile URL

Keep your email address professional, ideally [email protected] . Avoid outdated email providers like Hotmail or AOL. You can omit your full mailing address, but including your city and state lets employers know your general location.

John Doe, Graphic Designer [email protected]
John Doe Graphic Designer [email protected] | 555-123-4567 | New York, NY |

3. Showcase your specialty as a graphic designer

As a graphic designer, you likely have a specialty or niche you focus on. Highlighting this in your resume header can help you stand out to employers looking for those specific skills. For example:

  • John Doe Product Packaging Graphic Designer
  • Jane Smith Graphic Designer specializing in Branding & Logo Design
  • Bob Johnson UI/UX Graphic Designer

Keep your specialty concise and targeted. Avoid listing multiple unrelated specialties, which can come across as unfocused. By clearly conveying your niche in the header, you'll position yourself as the go-to candidate for those specific needs.


A resume summary is an optional section that highlights your most relevant experiences and skills in a few sentences. It's best used by graphic designers with several years of experience, are changing careers, or have a diverse background that needs context. Keep it concise and avoid repeating information already in your resume.

In contrast, resume objectives are outdated and should not be used, as they focus on your goals rather than how you can benefit the company. Instead, tailor your summary to the specific graphic designer position you're applying for, and consider including your target job title and relevant keywords to help your resume perform better in applicant tracking systems (ATS).

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Graphic Designer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Graphic Designer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Graphic Designer Resume Summary Examples , or Graphic Designer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight your graphic design expertise

When writing your summary, emphasize your core graphic design skills and expertise that align with the job description. Mention your proficiency in industry-standard software, such as Adobe Creative Suite, and showcase your ability to create visually compelling designs across various media.

Avoid generic statements that could apply to any graphic designer, like:

  • Proficient in graphic design software
  • Creative and detail-oriented designer

Instead, provide specific examples of your skills and the impact of your work:

  • Expert in Adobe Creative Suite, with a focus on creating engaging web and mobile interfaces
  • Skilled in developing brand identity systems that drive increased brand recognition and customer loyalty

Ensure your resume showcases your proficiency in the latest graphic design tools and trends. Our Score My Resume tool can provide instant feedback on your resume's content, helping you optimize it for the graphic designer role you're targeting.

2. Demonstrate your impact and achievements

Use your summary to highlight your most impressive achievements and the impact your work has had on your previous employers or clients. Quantify your results whenever possible to give the hiring manager a clear understanding of your value.

Graphic designer with 5+ years of experience creating digital and print designs. Skilled in Adobe Creative Suite and collaborating with cross-functional teams.

While this summary touches on the candidate's experience and skills, it doesn't provide any context on their achievements or the impact of their work. A more effective summary would be:

Results-driven graphic designer with 5+ years of experience creating digital and print designs that engage users and drive business growth. Skilled in leveraging Adobe Creative Suite to develop innovative brand campaigns, resulting in a 30% increase in brand recognition and a 20% boost in sales for key clients.

When tailoring your resume summary to a specific graphic designer role, consider using Targeted Resume to ensure you're including the most relevant keywords and skills from the job description.


The work experience section is the heart of your graphic designer resume. It's where you showcase your relevant skills, accomplishments, and impact through previous roles. Hiring managers and recruiters look to this section to understand your career trajectory and assess if you're a good fit for the role.

Let's break down the key elements you should focus on when writing an effective work experience section:

1. Highlight your design skills and tools

Throughout your work experience, emphasize the specific design skills and tools you've used to succeed in your roles. Graphic design jobs require proficiency in industry-standard tools, so showcase your expertise.

Less effective work experience statements:

  • Designed marketing collateral for product launches
  • Created social media graphics and email designs

More effective, tools-focused statements:

  • Designed marketing collateral for 5+ product launches using Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator)
  • Created engaging social media graphics and email designs in Canva and Adobe Spark, contributing to a 20% increase in click-through rates

2. Quantify your impact with metrics

When describing your achievements in each role, use hard numbers and metrics to quantify your impact whenever possible. This helps hiring managers understand the scope and results of your work.

Weak, unquantified bullets:

  • Collaborated with marketing team to design digital ads
  • Developed visual brand guidelines for company

Strong, quantified bullets:

  • Partnered with marketing team to design 10+ high-performing digital ad campaigns, resulting in a 25% increase in conversions
  • Developed comprehensive visual brand guidelines and logo redesign, which were implemented company-wide across 50+ employees

If you don't have access to precise metrics, you can still provide numerical context for your work. For example, mention the size of the team you collaborated with, number of assets designed per month, or number of stakeholders managed.

3. Showcase promotions and career growth

If you've been promoted or taken on increasing responsibilities throughout your career, make sure to highlight that progression in your work experience section. This demonstrates your ability to succeed and grow within an organization.

Junior Graphic Designer, ABC Agency, June 2018 - Dec 2019 • Designed social media graphics and infographics for 5 clients • Assisted senior designers in brainstorming and concept development Senior Graphic Designer, ABC Agency, Jan 2020 - Present • Lead designer for 8 key client accounts, overseeing all visual branding • Mentored and trained 2 junior designers on design best practices and agency processes

By showing the progression from Junior to Senior Graphic Designer, with increasing ownership and leadership, this resume paints a clear picture of the candidate's career growth and impact.

4. Trim details from older or irrelevant roles

As a graphic designer gains experience, their older roles may not need as much detail on the resume. The work experience section should focus primarily on the most recent and relevant positions.

For example, if a senior designer had a past role as a Marketing Intern early in their career, they don't need to provide as much detail:

  • Marketing Intern, XYZ Startup, Summer 2015
  • Assisted in designing marketing materials for new product launch

The focus remains on the candidate's more recent roles as a Graphic Designer, where they can elaborate on their relevant skills, specialties, and achievements.

To get expert feedback on every section of your graphic design resume, try our free Score My Resume tool. It checks your resume on 30+ key criteria recruiters and hiring managers look for, so you can ensure your work experience section and overall resume are well-optimized.


The education section on your graphic designer resume should be concise and highlight your most relevant qualifications. You want to show the hiring manager that you have the necessary educational background and training to excel in the role. Here are some tips to help you write an effective education section:

How To Write An Education Section - Graphic Designer Roles

1. List your degrees in reverse chronological order

Start with your most recent degree and work backwards. If you have a bachelor's degree or higher, you can leave out your high school information. For each degree, include:

  • Name of the institution
  • Location of the institution
  • Degree earned
  • Graduation date (month and year)
  • Major and minor (if applicable)
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA Graduated: May 2020

2. Include relevant coursework and projects

If you are a recent graduate or have limited work experience, you can highlight relevant coursework, projects, or extracurricular activities in your education section. This shows the hiring manager that you have hands-on experience and skills related to graphic design.

However, avoid listing every course you've taken. Instead, focus on:

  • Advanced or specialized courses in graphic design software, web design, or typography
  • Capstone projects or thesis work
  • Relevant electives or workshops

3. Showcase your design education and training

Graphic design is a field that values both creativity and technical skills. Use your education section to showcase your training in design principles, software, and tools.

If you attended a prestigious design school or program, make sure to highlight that. You can also mention any specialized training or certifications you've completed, such as:

  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
  • UX/UI design
  • Web design and development
  • Print production and pre-press

4. Keep it brief if you are a senior-level designer

If you have several years of experience as a graphic designer, your education section should be short and sweet. Hiring managers are more interested in your professional accomplishments and portfolio than your degrees from many years ago.

Here's an example of what not to include:

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design Rhode Island School of Design Providence, RI Graduated: May 1995 Relevant Coursework: Typography I, II, and III, Web Design, Printmaking, Photography, Art History Survey

Instead, keep it concise:

BFA, Graphic Design, Rhode Island School of Design

Action Verbs For Graphic Designer Resumes

Graphic designers need to be able to conceptualize visuals, create compelling and on-brand designs, and present their ideas to clients. Use action verbs in your resume to highlight those skills — for example, using Illustrated or Fashioned shows your ability to create and finalize a design, while Revitalized and Customized demonstrate an awareness of branding and client needs. Always structure your work experience bullet points with the action verb first. This puts the emphasis on what you actually accomplished, rather than simply listing job duties. For even more ideas to kickstart your graphic designer resume, check out our full list of resume action verbs .

Action Verbs for Graphic Designer

  • Conceptualized
  • Illustrated
  • Streamlined
  • Revitalized
  • Established

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Graphic Designer Resumes

How to write a graphic designer resume – step by step.

Writing a resume to apply for a graphic designer role is easy if you keep a few things in mind. Let's dive in — these steps are relevant across a range of design role, including graphic design, creative leadership and web design roles.

Getting the Basics right for writing a Graphic Designer resume

1.1: structure your resume to list the most recent sections first (reverse chronological order).

When creating or editing any resume, putting your most recent experiences first makes it easier for recruiters to see your current skill level. They can skim the list and see which one is your most recent role (i.e. the one they are most interested in). This is often called the reverse chronological order.

Structure your resume to list the most recent sections first (reverse chronological order)

1.2: Include any Portfolio links in the Resume Header

As a graphic designer, you need to have a portfolio of your samples from different past work and projects. Including a portfolio link — whether that's on Behance, Dribbble, or even just LinkedIn — will make it easier for recruiters to see what you can do in a semi-professional environment and strengthens your overall resume. If you don't have a portfolio, don't feel the need to include a link at all — it's an optional part of your resume header.

Include any Portfolio links in the Resume Header

1.3: Highlight your growth in the industry

To land a mid- to senior-level roles like a Senior Graphic Designer or Creative Head, you need to show leadership and initiative. Pointing out promotions at past jobs shows that you are a leader as well as an exemplary employee who is committed to their professional growth. If you have held promotions in the design field, mention them. Bold your job titles so your promotion is more prominent.

Highlight your growth in the industry

Expressing your Design Experience

2.1: highlight your creativity and design-related knowledge in your bullet points.

Keeping your work experience section organised in bullet points is always the right option. Recruiters can skim your resume and find the information they need quickly. Here's an example bullet point for design experience: Collaborated with Lead Engineer to develop a cohesive style guide to standardize 50+ design components for Android and web app

Highlight your creativity and design-related knowledge in your bullet points

2.2: Stick to the [Action Verb] + [Task] + [Impact of Work] structure

Your bullet points need to be structured by using an action verb. Using an action verb related to graphic design helps emphasize your practical experience and keeps it relevant to the job. Common action verbs graphic designers use are Designed, Conceptualized, Illustrated and Revised. Mentioning the impact of the work is beneficial to showing your success. This can be hard data (e.g. 'created reusable components that saved 25+ hours a week of designer time') or the general outcome such as "improved efficiency".

Stick to the [Action Verb] + [Task] + [Impact of Work] structure

2.3: Keep your skills section concise and relevant to the job; emphasize the job's skills, whether that's app design, web design or physical designs.

Limit the skill list to only relevant ones for the type of design job you want. Definitely don't include more than 12 hard skills in your skills section. In saying that, only include those specific to the graphic designer role you want and the kind of job you're applying for. For example, if you're applying to a graphic design role that has a focus on website development, you might want to include, "Web design", "Figma" or "CSS" on your resume's skills section. If you're applying to a role that focuses on branding and physical designs, you might want to include, "Illustrator", "Branding" or "Canva" on your resume.

Keep your skills section concise and relevant to the job; emphasize the job's skills, whether that's app design, web design or physical designs.

2.4: Include the graphic design software through your use of bullet points

Always remember to list the software you're experienced using for your graphic design processes, especially ones you currently use. The Adobe Creative Cloud suite, Sketch, Figma and general web development languages like CSS are big ones that recruiters often look for.

Include the graphic design software through your use of bullet points

Getting past the resume screeners and Applicant Tracking Systems

3.1: ensure the resume scanning software can read your resume template.

Applicant tracking system software scan your resume to identify if you'd be a good fit, essentially by checking if you have the essential skills the job needs. If the software can't read your resume, it might just think you don't have the right skills and immediately reject you by default. Word of warning: Don't create your resume in design software like Photoshop or Canva! These tools will convert your resume into an image which will make it impossible to be read by these ATS tools. Instead, just use Google Docs or Word.

Ensure the resume scanning software can read your resume template

3.2: Don’t include skills you’re not comfortable with in a professional setting

Please don't claim knowledge of a tool or design framework on your resume, but not be able to answer questions about it in an interview. It's much better to have deep expertise in one or two design methodologies or software, than to say you know everything (which also shows a lack of focus, something you shouldn't anyway do if you're tailoring your resume).

Don’t include skills you’re not comfortable with in a professional setting

3.3: Submit the resume as a PDF

Using word processing software to write a resume is a must. However, if it's opened in different software, the layout, formatting, and font might change. Saving the resume as a PDF once you're happy with it ensures there's no chance of it being altered to work with other software.

Submit the resume as a PDF

Putting the final touches on your Graphic Designer resume

4.1: add a resume summary if you're changing careers.

A resume summary is optional and not essential but is helpful if you're changing careers into the creative field. It needs to highlight your previous achievements not included in the rest of the resume. Use this to highlight achievements and mention transferable skills that are relevant to across industries, whether that's communicating with stakeholders or leading a design project.

Add a resume summary if you're changing careers

4.2: The Education section doesn't need to be long

If you're a mid or senior level job seeker, the education section isn't the most important thing on the resume to a recruiter. Just include the degree name, the school, graduation date (if under ten years ago) and any accomplishments relating to the job.

The Education section doesn't need to be long

Skills For Graphic Designer Resumes

Unsurprisingly, the most important hard skills for graphic designers are design software skills. Developing proficiency with a few key design programs — whether that’s self-taught or through formal qualifications — is essential to landing a role as a graphic designer. Make sure to list these skills somewhere in your resume, either in your bullet points or a separate skills section, to bypass any Applicant Tracking Systems and impress recruiters. The exact skills you need may depend on the exact job you’re applying for, so always read the job description thoroughly to find out which skills are the most important and tailor your resume accordingly. Our Targeted Resume tool will point out any important skills or keywords you’re missing and give you personalized advice on how to improve your resume.

  • Logo Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Page Layout
  • Video Editing
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Illustration
  • Art Direction
  • Visual Communication
  • After Effects
  • Photography
  • Digital Photography

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Graphic Designer Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Graphic Designer Roles

Skills Word Cloud For Graphic Designer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Graphic Designer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Graphic Designer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Resume bullet points from graphic designer resumes.

You should use bullet points to describe your achievements in your Graphic Designer resume. Here are sample bullet points to help you get started:

Conducted 25+ user-testing focus groups leading to 3 new product features in 6 months

Redesigned company's homepage and lead generation forms using only existing site components; reduced bounce rates by 40% and increased leads by 15%

Analyzed impact and effectiveness of in-app UI changes on customer retention; identified features of customer behavior and recommended additional menu modifications [R, MySQL, Chart JS]

Led application design sessions with client teams on 20+ projects to develop functional and technical requirements

Decreased uninstallation rate by 40% by introducing an interactive tutorial at app launch

For more sample bullet points and details on how to write effective bullet points, see our articles on resume bullet points , how to quantify your resume and resume accomplishments .

Frequently Asked Questions on Graphic Designer Resumes

What should a graphic designer put on a resume.

  • A link to your portfolio in the header section: Alongside your name and address in the header, it is a good idea to include a link to a portfolio that demonstrates samples of your design work. The portfolio should contain three to five examples that display your skillset. Including a job title such as 'Graphic Designer’ or ‘User Interface Graphic Designer’ will help tailor your resume to a specific role. You can also include a link to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Professional experience: Graphic design hiring managers prefer that you use bullet points for this section as they are easy to skim. In your bullet points, highlight specific experience with common graphic design tasks like creating logos, developing mockups, and creating infographics.
  • Education: Where did you learn your craft? List your degree, online courses, or graphic design certifications here. For recent graduates, you can include design projects you did at university. Experienced designers should just list the certification name, school, and graduation date.
  • A Skills section

What skills should you put on a graphic designer resume?

How to improve graphic design resume.

Designed logos for 40 companies in the first six months (against a target of 25) thus growing the division’s revenue by 30%.

Other Design Resumes

Game design.

A visually appealing resume for a 3D Game Artist highlighting software proficiency and a link to their online portfolio.

Instructional Design

An e-Learning designer resume focusing exclusively on experience and achievements.

Interior Design

A resume screenshot for an entry-level interior designer role.

  • UX Designer Resume Guide
  • UX Researcher Resume Guide
  • Architecture Resume Guide

Graphic Designer Resume Guide

  • 3D Artist Resume Guide
  • Game Design Resume Guide
  • Interior Design Resume Guide
  • Production Assistant Resume Guide
  • Instructional Design Resume Guide
  • Art Director Resume Guide
  • Design Director Resume Guide
  • Graphic Designer Resume Example
  • Junior Graphic Designer Resume Example
  • Senior Graphic Designer / Director of Graphic Design Resume Example
  • Graphic Design Manager Resume Example
  • Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Example
  • Creative Graphic Designer Resume Example
  • Minimalist Graphic Designer Resume Example
  • Motion Graphic Designer Resume Example
  • Tips for Graphic Designer Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • Sample Bullet Points from Top Resumes
  • All Resume Examples
  • Graphic Designer CV Examples
  • Graphic Designer Cover Letter
  • Graphic Designer Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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These professional templates are optimized to beat resume screeners (i.e. the Applicant Tracking System). You can download the templates in Word, Google Docs, or PDF. For free (limited time).

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resume sample of graphic designer

Graphic Design Resume Samples [+ 3 Examples]

This page provides you with Graphic Design resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder . Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Graphic Design resume.

Graphic Design Resume Sample and Template

What is a Graphic Designer?

Graphic designers are responsible for creating much of what you see each and every day. Whether you’re browsing a website, watching a video online, or walking past a billboard on your way to work, graphic designers are often responsible for envisioning visual concepts. The purpose of your work as a graphic designer is to communicate ideas visually – slightly easier said than done!

Graphic Designer Resume

Your graphic designer resume should present your skills in an efficient way – make sure that your skills have been customized to the job posting to which you’re applying, and include all relevant work experience. Depending on the kind of work you do as a graphic designer, you might have experience at a private company, at an agency that serves clients, or as a freelance graphic designer.

Creative Graphic Designer Resume Example and Template

Arguably the biggest part of your job as a graphic designer is to create beautiful, eye-catching designs that effectively communicate a given message. So, of course, it stands to reason that your graphic designer resume can be an opportunity to showcase your creativity before a hiring manager even sees your portfolio!

While browsing VisualCV’s range of professionally designed resume templates, keep in mind that you can customize your chosen template to best demonstrate your knowledge of color theory and other design skills.

Senior Graphic Designer Resume Sample

As a senior graphic designer, you’ll likely have a greater level of experience – and, therefore, more job experience to include in your resume! As you progress into senior graphic design positions, you can begin to put less importance on resume sections such as education. Eventually, your experience should begin to speak for itself (as long as you effectively write about it on your resume, of course!)

What should I put on my graphic design resume?

Research suggests that potential recruiters look at a resume for an average of 6 seconds. With so many variations in a professional graphic design resume, it can be tricky to know what the differences are.

In general, your graphic design resume should contain the following:

  • Your experience
  • Your Education
  • Your skills, including any professional certifications

Many recruiters and companies now use Applicant Tracking Systems to automate and streamline the recruitment process. While this is a great benefit for companies, some applicants have been met with the frustration of their resumes not ever being seen by a real person -- if the resume doesn’t get past the ATS software, it’s usually discarded. Thankfully, VisualCV’s resume templates have been specifically designed to beat applicant tracking systems, making your graphic design resume much more likely to make it in front of the right person.

How to Write Your Graphic Designer Resume Summary

Consider this at your elevator pitch, your potential hook to recruiters that will put you leagues in front of your competition. Use this as a summary if you’re an experienced graphic designer with years of creating eye-catching projects for print and web, making your best skills and achievements stand out.

Your summary shouldn’t be too wordy or personal – that’s what your cover letter is for! This first step in your graphic design resume exists to give hiring managers a brief glimpse into your personality and experience. Not all hiring managers agree that a resume summary is necessary, but if your resume summary is clear, to the point, and hones in on what the job description is asking for, include it!

  • Sample Graphic Design Resume Summary

Self-motivated creative coordinator and graphic design specialist with many years of experience designing for the diverse internal and external audiences of defense technology and homeland security, healthcare, education, electronics, and transportation. My skill set involves capitalizing on project management, working with clients to assess marketing opportunities and developing visual solutions that can be carried out from conceptualization through production and distribution.

  • Creative Graphic Designer Resume Summary

Highly creative graphic designer with extensive experience in marketing, magazine design, and print production. Exceptional collaborative and interpersonal skills, dynamic team player with exceptional customer service skills. Highly skilled in vendor and customer relations while building lasting relationships and negotiating partnerships. Accustomed to performing at a high level in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment with an emphasis on working within a timetable and budget.

  • Graphic Artist Resume - Summary

Highly accomplished professional designer skilled in project management, brand management, print production, multimedia production, and presentation graphics. Able to design and build graphics/multimedia assets and presentation strategies under tight deadlines. Adept at setting expectations and achieving high standards of quality on time and within budget.

How to Write Your Graphic Design Work Experience on Resume

This is where you can really start bragging. Alison Green, author of Ask a Manager, highlights the single biggest resume mistake she saw in her time as a hiring manager: “Writing a resume that reads like a series of job descriptions.”

“The bullet points they use to describe what they did for each job just list activities and read like a job description for the role might,” she says. “For example, ‘edit documents,’ ‘collect data,’ or ‘manage website.’”

Have you got experience wowing clients with creative solutions to their UI issues? Were you known as “The Dreamweaver Whisperer” at your last job? Now is the time to make this known to recruiters.

  • Work Experience - Creative Graphic Designer Resume

Sr. Graphic Designer | 2008-2012

  • Created POCs at project start
  • Designed all UI elements used, including splash screens, menu screen, graphics screens, bookmark style help page, and abbreviation screen
  • Created style guides for conceptional static and animated graphics
  • Created styles for grab-based animations
  • Created Flash-based conceptual graphics, grab animations, and interactive graphics for Flash-based courses
  • Designed and created graphics for Articulate Storyline and Lectora-HTML-based courses
  • Graphic Design Resume Work Experience Example

Consider this example from one of our graphic design resume templates:

Graphic Designer | FutureBrand | 2005-2011

  • Created web pages, graphic elements, and infographics for email newsletters
  • Consistently adhered to all internal delivery schedules
  • Created graphic materials for the company website
  • Developed, designed and produced corporate newsletters and other promotional direct mail items as directed by marketing

To take this entry to the next level, think about the impact your work has had on your company. Beyond listing your responsibilities, tell a hiring manager exactly what you brought to your previous position. For example, “Consistently adhered to all internal delivery schedules” could become “Consistently adhered to all internal delivery schedules, resulting in a 95% retention rate in clients for which I was responsible.”

  • Professional Graphic Designer Resume Sample

Consider this example from one of our graphic design resume templates: Graphic Designer | Robert Half The Creative Group | 2010-2013

  • Collaborated with company CEOs, vendors, and internal departments to coordinate overall marketing efforts
  • Studied the project requirements and planned the design and presentation approach
  • Designed array of marketing materials for print and web
  • Worked closely with printers to ensure best possible pricing and quality for printing projects
  • Efficiently adhered to a tight schedule while working on multiple projects.

Again, the point of each segment of your resume experience section is to demonstrate the value you bring to a position. Using numbers, especially, can be a huge benefit to hiring managers, because it allows them to quickly understand exactly what you bring to the table. “Worked closely with printers to ensure best possible pricing and quality,” for example, could become “Worked closely with printers to ensure best possible pricing and quality, saving the company an estimated $10,000 quarterly.”

30 Key Resume Skills for Graphic Designers in 2022

What skills should you include on a graphic design resume? While you should always try and list the skills that the job posting is asking for, there are some skills that come with the territory of being a graphic designer. Looking for more information about adding skills to your resume? Check out our resume skills guide here.

  • Top 20 Graphic Design Technical Skills
  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, After Effects, Dreamweaver)
  • Logo creation
  • Storyboard creation
  • Composition
  • Color theory
  • Webpage design
  • Front-end development
  • Responsive design
  • Designing for print
  • Photo editing
  • Marketing and branding
  • Social media
  • Top 10 Soft Skills for Graphic Designer Resume
  • Problem solving
  • Collaboration
  • Ability to take criticism
  • Active listening
  • Customer service
  • Team-building
  • Flexibility
  • Multitasking
  • What skills should I list on my graphic design resume?

Take a look at this graphic designer job description:

  • Work cross functionally with marketing, product, and sales teams to create innovative and brand enhancing print assets, web assets, and communications for monthly product launches
  • Develop print and digital assets for national marketing campaigns
  • Create innovative design solutions in alignment with brand standards
  • Collaborate with other team members to ensure a consistent creative direction for each project

When you see a job description, begin to think about which skills you have that align with the description. For example, your collaboration, teamwork, and leadership skills would clearly be welcome at this job, because they’re looking for someone to “work cross functionally” and “collaborate.” Because the word “innovative” was used, consider the ways in which you can demonstrate your creativity. Think about previous print and digital assets you’ve created in past jobs – what softwares and mediums did you use to create these assets? Which of your hard and soft skills were most important during that process? They’ll likely be just as important to the hiring manager for this job.

Related Resumes

Something about this job catch your eye, but you aren’t quite sure if it’s a match? Check out these related resumes and discover where your next career move could take you.

  • Designer Resume Samples
  • Design Consultant Resume Samples
  • Artist Resume Samples
  • Marketing Resume Samples

Graphic Design Salaries

Many creative people are interested in careers as graphic designers, because the path allows them to express their creativity while also providing the structure of an “office job” and the benefits that includes. But how much money does a graphic designer actually make?

According to Glassdoor, the average base salary for a graphic designer in the US is $50,000. However, this figure can change dramatically when you consider that many graphic designers take on freelance jobs and may not have a consistent salary. This number can also go up depending on your experience and the company you work for.

Keep in mind that, depending on the cost of living in your state or region, salaries may fluctuate. If you live in a city with a very high cost of living, for example, your salary may be much higher, but your day-to-day expenses will also be more expensive.

How to Become a Graphic Designer

The most important tool you have in your arsenal as a graphic designer (besides your professionally designed CV, of course!) is your portfolio. To become a successful graphic designer, you’ll need a portfolio of your work that showcases your talent and skill to prospective clients and employers. Many graphic designers participate in internships or do freelance work at lower rates when they’re starting out in order to build out their portfolio. Once your portfolio is complete, you can begin applying for graphic design jobs.

  • What Should You Study to Become a Graphic Designer?

Degrees aren’t generally required to work as a graphic designer, but studying graphic design is usually an important first step on your path. On-the-job training is a big part of growing as a graphic designer. As you begin to work in the industry, you’ll pick up on new skills, learn new software, and have opportunities to expand your network and portfolio. Many junior colleges and independent schools offer diploma programs in graphic design, which will allow you to learn all the required skills for your first graphic design job.

Final Thoughts

If you have an eye for design and also enjoy working with technology, graphic design may be the perfect intersection for your career. Whether you’re helping a client launch a splashy new brand, designing a website, or creating materials for print, you’ll be able to work on a wide variety of projects as a graphic designer.

A professionally designed resume is one way to make your application stand out from the crowd. Whether you choose to use eye-catching color, a unique format, or simply a clean and polished template with your skills and achievements on display, a VisualCV Pro membership could be the thing that takes your career to the next level.

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  • Career Blog

Graphic Designer Resume: Examples and Writing Tips for 2024

resume sample of graphic designer

When applying for a graphic design job, a well-written and visually appealing resume can help you stand out from the competition. This article is designed to provide examples and writing tips for crafting an impressive graphic designer resume.

A graphic designer resume is a document that showcases your skills, experience, and creativity in the field of graphic design. It should highlight your abilities in designing and creating visual content that effectively communicates a message to a target audience.

Typically, a graphic designer resume will include details such as your contact information, education, work experience, software skills, and a portfolio of your past design work.

Importance of a Well-written Graphic Designer Resume

A graphic designer resume is your opportunity to showcase your creativity and stand out from other applicants. A well-crafted resume can help you land an interview and potentially secure a job in the competitive world of graphic design.

A well-written graphic designer resume should highlight your skills in areas such as typography, color theory, branding, and layout design. It should also demonstrate your ability to use design software such as Adobe Creative Suite and Sketch.

Key Elements of a Graphic Designer Resume

A successful graphic designer resume must showcase your creativity, design skills, and qualifications in a clear and concise manner. Employers often receive a high volume of resumes, so it’s important to make yours stand out. Here are the key elements that should be included in a graphic designer resume:

A. Contact Information

Begin your resume with your full name, email address, phone number, and professional website or online portfolio link. This information should be prominently displayed at the top of your resume so that potential employers can easily contact you.

B. Objective/Summary statement

Your objective or summary statement should be brief, but impactful. It should highlight your career goals and the key skills and experience you bring to the table. Here’s an example:

“Dynamic and motivated graphic designer with 5 years of experience seeking a challenging role with a leading company. Skilled in Adobe Creative Suite, typography, and branding, with a proven track record of delivering exceptional design projects for clients.”

C. Skills Section

This section of your resume should highlight your key skills and abilities in graphic design. Be sure to include both technical and soft skills that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. Here’s an example:

“Skills: Adobe Creative Suite, typography, branding, layout design, user experience design, project management, communication, teamwork”

D. Education and Certifications

List your education and any relevant certifications in this section. Be sure to include the name of the institution, your degree or certification, and the date of completion.

E. Work Experience

In this section, highlight your professional experience as a graphic designer. Be sure to include relevant details such as the name of the company, your job title, and the dates of employment. Also, describe your key responsibilities and any notable accomplishments. Here’s an example:

“Work Experience:

Senior Graphic Designer, ABC Company (2017-Present) Responsible for creating visual concepts, developing design solutions, and managing projects for a range of clients in the healthcare industry. Accomplishments include increasing client satisfaction scores by 20% and winning a major design award in 2019.”

F. Accomplishments

Finally, it’s important to showcase your accomplishments as a graphic designer. Use this section to highlight any significant achievements or awards you’ve received in your career.

Graphic Designer Resume Template

If you’re a graphic designer looking to create a winning resume that catches the attention of employers, it’s essential to start with the right format. Here are some tips for choosing the right format for your graphic designer resume template:

A. Choosing the Right Resume Format

There are three basic resume formats: chronological, functional, and hybrid. For a graphic designer, the best option is typically a hybrid format, which combines elements of both the chronological and functional formats.

In a hybrid format, you can highlight your graphic design skills and experience by creating a functional section that showcases your portfolio, software expertise, and other relevant qualifications. At the same time, you can still include a chronological section that lists your previous work experience in reverse chronological order.

B. Elements of a Graphic Designer Resume Template

In addition to the basic resume elements like your name, contact information, and work experience, there are a few key elements that every graphic designer resume should include:

  • A clear and well-designed header that showcases your name, contact information, and a professional-looking headshot.
  • A concise and persuasive objective statement that summarizes your career goals and highlights your relevant skills.
  • A portfolio section that showcases your best work and demonstrates your design expertise.
  • A list of software proficiency that highlights your proficiency in various graphic design tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign.

C. Tips for Customizing a Resume Template

Once you have chosen the right resume format and know the essential elements of a graphic designer resume, you can customize your template to make your resume stand out from the competition.

Here are a few tips to follow:

  • Choose a clean and modern design template that represents your professional style and emphasizes your design skills and creativity.
  • Use relevant keywords and phrases that highlight your skills and match the job description.
  • Be sure to showcase your design skills in the layout and formatting of your resume.
  • Tailor your resume to fit the requirements of the specific job you are targeting.

By following these tips and customizing your graphic designer resume template, you can create a winning resume that showcases your design skills and helps you stand out from the crowd.

Writing Tips for a Graphic Designer Resume

If you’re a graphic designer looking to land a new job, your resume is your first chance to make a great impression. With so much competition in the industry, it’s important to make sure your resume stands out from the rest. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

A. Tailoring your Resume for the Job

One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is using a one-size-fits-all approach to their resume. Instead, you should tailor your resume for each job you apply for. That means carefully reviewing the job description and making sure your qualifications and experience match up with what the employer is looking for. Make sure you highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for.

B. Using Action Verbs and Keywords

When describing your experience and accomplishments, make sure you use strong action verbs to emphasize your achievements. Words like “created,” “designed,” “delivered,” and “implemented” help to paint a picture of your capabilities. Additionally, using keywords that are relevant to the job can help your resume get noticed by applicant tracking systems (ATS).

C. Showcasing your Accomplishments

Instead of just listing your job duties and responsibilities, make sure you highlight your accomplishments on your resume. Use specific examples to demonstrate your impact on the business or clients. For example, instead of saying “developed social media content,” say something like “developed a successful social media campaign that increased engagement by 30%.”

D. Writing a Compelling Objective or Summary Statement

Your objective or summary statement is the first thing employers will see on your resume, so it’s important to make it count. Make sure it’s compelling and concise, highlighting your experience and qualifications in a way that sets you apart from other candidates. Consider using a different objective or summary statement for each job you apply for to further tailor it to the position.

E. Avoiding Common Resume Mistakes

Finally, make sure to avoid common resume mistakes, such as typos, incorrect grammar or punctuation, and outdated formatting. Keep your resume clean, concise, and easy to read. Also, avoid using industry jargon or acronyms that hiring managers may not understand. Remember, your resume is a reflection of your professionalism and attention to detail, so take the time to make sure it’s perfect.

Following these tips can help you create a graphic designer resume that stands out and gets you noticed by employers. Remember to tailor your resume for each job, use strong action verbs and keywords, showcase your accomplishments, write a compelling objective or summary statement, and avoid common resume mistakes. With a great resume, you’ll be one step closer to landing your dream job in the exciting world of graphic design.

Examples of Graphic Designer Resumes

When it comes to creating your graphic designer resume, it’s important to include the essential sections such as your qualifications and skills, work experience, education, and portfolio. Additionally, having a well-designed and visually appealing resume can help catch the attention of potential employers.

Here are three examples of graphic designer resumes:

Example One: Entry-level Graphic Designer Resume

Qualifications and Skills:

  • Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
  • Experience with creating logos, branding materials, and marketing collateral
  • Familiarity with designing for web and print media
  • Strong attention to detail and ability to meet tight deadlines
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills

Work Experience:

  • Design Intern at XYZ Company (Summer 2020)
  • Freelance Graphic Designer for local small businesses (2019-present)
  • Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design from ABC University (Graduated May 2020)
  • Link to online portfolio

Example Two: Senior Graphic Designer Resume

  • Extensive experience with Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
  • Strong understanding of branding, typography, and layout design
  • Expertise in creating marketing materials for both print and digital media
  • Skilled in project management and team leadership
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills
  • Senior Graphic Designer at XYZ Company (2016-present)
  • Graphic Designer at ABC Agency (2012-2016)
  • Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design from DEF University (Graduated May 2012)

Example Three: Graphic Designer Resume with No Experience

To obtain a graphic design position at XYZ Company and leverage my creativity and design skills.

  • Understanding of typography and layout design
  • Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design from GHI University (Expected graduation May 2021)
  • Link to online portfolio showcasing class projects and personal designs

When creating a graphic designer resume with no experience, focus on highlighting your skills and education. Make sure your portfolio showcases your creativity and design abilities, even if it includes projects from school or personal work. Remember to tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for and highlight relevant skills for the position.

Designing your Graphic Designer Resume

As a graphic designer, it’s crucial to make your resume visually appealing and attention-grabbing. Here are some tips to help you design a standout resume:

A. Choosing the Right Font and Color Scheme

When choosing fonts and colors for your resume, consider your personal brand and target industry. Opt for legible, professional fonts and choose colors that complement each other and are easy on the eyes. Avoid using too many colors or too many different fonts.

B. Tips for Layout and Design

Keep your resume clean and organized with a clear hierarchy of information. Use bullet points to break up text and make it easier to read. Use white space to balance the design and avoid clutter. Consider using a grid system to create a balanced layout.

C. Using Visuals to Enhance your Resume

As a graphic designer, you have the advantage of incorporating visuals into your resume. Use icons, graphics or charts to highlight key information or skills. Make sure the visuals are relevant to the content.

D. Creating a Digital Portfolio

A digital portfolio is a great way to showcase your work and skills. Make sure to include a link to your portfolio in your resume. Choose a platform that best suits your needs and showcase your best work. Keep it updated and relevant to your career goals.

By following these tips, you can create a visually appealing and professional resume that showcases your skills and experience as a graphic designer.

Cover Letter Writing Tips for Graphic Designers

If you’re a graphic designer looking for a job, you need a killer resume and a compelling cover letter to seal the deal. In this section, we’ll give you some tips on how to craft a cover letter that will make you stand out from the crowd.

A. Purpose and Importance of a Cover Letter

A cover letter is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to a potential employer and provide additional context to your resume. It should highlight your unique skills and experiences that make you the best candidate for the job. A well-written cover letter can make a significant impact on a hiring manager and make you more memorable compared to other applicants.

B. Key Elements of a Cover Letter

A great cover letter should address the specific needs and requirements of the job you are applying for. Here are some key elements to include in your cover letter:

  • Greeting and introduction
  • Explanation of why you’re interested in the job
  • Highlight of your most relevant skills and experiences
  • Evidence of your knowledge of the company or industry
  • Closing and call to action

C. Writing a Compelling Opening Paragraph

The first paragraph of your cover letter is the most important one because it sets the tone for the entire letter. You want to grab the hiring manager’s attention and make them want to keep reading. Here are some tips for writing a compelling opening paragraph:

  • Start with a strong opening statement that highlights your enthusiasm for the job.
  • Provide context to your application by mentioning where you found the job posting.
  • Mention specific aspects of the job and the company that interest you and how you can contribute to their success.

D. Showcasing Your Accomplishments in a Cover Letter

Your cover letter is a great opportunity to showcase your accomplishments and how they relate to the job you are applying for. Here are some tips for showcasing your accomplishments:

  • Use concrete examples of projects you’ve worked on and how they’ve made an impact.
  • Quantify your achievements by including metrics that show the results you’ve achieved.
  • Highlight your skills and how they have helped you succeed in your previous roles.

When writing a cover letter and showcasing your accomplishments, remember to keep it concise, relevant and professional. Following these tips will help you create a winning cover letter that will help you land your dream job in the graphic design industry.

Resume Review Checklist for Graphic Designers

As a graphic designer, your resume is a reflection of your creativity, skills, and experience. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that your resume stands out and communicates your abilities effectively. Here are some tips to consider when reviewing and editing your resume.

A. A Step-by-Step Guide to Reviewing your Resume

  • Start with a clear objective statement that communicates your career goals and aspirations.
  • Ensure that your contact information is up-to-date and easy to find.
  • Review your work experience section and make sure it is relevant to the position you are applying for.
  • Use action verbs when describing your tasks and achievements to make your statements more powerful.
  • Include your education, certifications, and relevant skills in a separate section.

B. Tips for Proofreading and Editing

Once you have reviewed the content, it’s time to hone in on the details. Here are some tips to consider when proofreading and editing:

  • Use a consistent format and style throughout.
  • Check for typos, spelling errors, and grammatical mistakes.
  • Ensure that your font is easy to read and not too small.
  • Use bullet points and headings to break up the text and make it easier to read.
  • Have someone else review your resume for feedback and suggestions.

C. Common Resume Mistakes to Avoid

To help make sure your resume stands out, avoid these common mistakes:

  • Using a generic and unoriginal objective statement.
  • Including irrelevant work experience or information.
  • Focusing too much on responsibilities and not enough on achievements.
  • Using too many buzzwords or jargon that may not be understood by everyone.
  • Submitting a resume that is too long or too short.

By reviewing and editing your resume with these tips and tools in mind, you can ensure that your graphic design skills and experience are well-communicated, and your next job opportunity is closer than ever!

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Graphic Designer Resume Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

Julia Gergelova — Resume Writer

Even for a creative professional and communicator of concepts, the idea of crafting your own graphic designer resume might seem quite daunting. But with our easy-to-follow guide, you'll be able to tackle this challenge head-on! So, keep on reading and discover our resume writing tips, graphic designer resume samples, plenty of detailed examples, and templates you can easily adjust to your liking.

Graphic Designer Resume Sample

In this guide, we teach you:

  • How to properly format your graphic designer resume
  • How to write a strong graphic designer professional summary
  • How to select the best graphic design soft and hard skills for your resume
  • How to quantify your graphic design work experience
  • How to effectively list education in your graphic designer CV
  • Where to look for suitable work opportunities for job-seeking graphic designers

1. How to properly format your graphic designer resume

The format of your graphic designer CV turns into the first demonstration of your design skills and creative approach in the eyes of a hiring manager.

No wonder you're taking your resume preparation with all seriousness. When it comes to the overall look of your designer CV, you may consider four areas:

  • The best graphic design software for writing a resume

As a graphic designer, you'll definitely appreciate Adobe InDesign as the main tool for creating your curriculum, as you'll have full control of text layout.

You can also make your own personalized logo and graphic elements for individual sections in Adobe Illustrator and import them easily into your InDesign document.

Finest resume fonts for your graphic designer CV

You have probably guessed that Comic Sans is not the road you should take. With so many fonts, however, what should you use instead?

Many would like to reach for some stylish typeface, but remember that your resume should be easy-to-read and easy-to-skim in the first place. Fair typography options for your CV could be:

  • Merriweather

If you do opt for a more creative approach, these 10 fonts will undoubtedly capture a hiring manager's attention.

  • Top graphic design resume layout

Any art director will pay close attention to your resume layout. Make sure you position individual sections in a way they are easily readable.

Remember to use white space between content areas and between graphic icons and your text, allowing a reader to rest their eyes.

In order to distribute your segments wisely, you may consider a two-column layout with sections such as personal information, portfolio link, soft skills and hard skills on the left.

The main part of your page would then typically serve sections containing your graphic designer professional experience, education, certifications, awards and interests, using a reverse-chronological order .

Extra elements in your graphic designer resume

Nothing can distract a hiring manager’s attention from the content like flashy graphic elements and use of bright colors can do. Let us then avoid it. 

If you're hesitating whether to use bold colors or images to express your style, make sure you don't overdo it. "Less is sometimes more" has never been truer. 

Pick your color scheme wisely, focusing on subtle hues. You can still get extra attention using your own icons as focal points leading to the desirable area of your resume.

As a proper graphic designer, you'll certainly put a lot of effort into making the form of your resume unique, and that is great. Just keep in mind that form is here to guide us in the content and not to distract us from it.

Choose your preferred template and make your resume shine.

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2. how to write a strong graphic designer professional summary.

Start the main part of the page with a concise and to-the-point professional summary . Make it stand out by using keywords from the job posting you're applying for.

Some examples of key expressions that you may incorporate in your summary could be:

  • detail-oriented
  • extensive experience with managing branding projects
  • specializes in digital marketing campaigns
  • possessing expert skills in creating illustrations

Here's an example of an effective professional summary for your graphic designer resume

Creative and detail-oriented graphic designer with extensive experience in managing branding projects. Specializes in digital marketing campaigns and possesses expert skills in creating illustrations. Passionate about transforming ideas into captivating designs. Excels at crafting visually stunning designs that resonate with target audiences. With a proven track record of delivering exceptional results and bringing a strategic mindset and artistic flair to every project.

3. How to select the best graphic design soft and hard skills for your resume

As a graphic expert, there is no doubt you know your tools. Adobe Suite is a must, but any extra knowledge makes a difference. Don't be too humble when it comes to naming relevant programs you master, and include them in your hard skills section.

Best hard skills on a graphic designer resume

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Animate
  • HTML/Web Design
  • UI & UX

Many graphic designers focus on naming hard skills and tend to undervalue the soft ones. You know you're creative, and you should certainly mention it, but any art director will also appreciate the following competencies:

Best soft skills for a graphic designer resume

  • Active listening
  • Outstanding communication
  • Time management
  • Planning and organization
  • Taking criticism

Check for more hard and sof skills to put on your CV.

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4. How to quantify your graphic design work experience

Your work experience section is here to describe your main responsibilities and work achievements in each of the relevant positions you've held. Remember to add quantifiable data, such as percentages and numerical results, as these will become a tangible proof of your distinct contributions.

How to list achievements on a graphic designer resume

  • Developed 20+ marketing programs while helped clients cut their costs by an average of 10%.
  • Developed 50+ graphic design projects (presentations, brochures, newsletters).
  • Designed 13+ company websites.

5. How to effectively list education in your graphic designer CV

Whether you've already successfully finished your studies or you're still studying, you may as well mention your main academic achievements , university projects relevant to the position, or even areas of passion if it's related to the job you're applying for.

How to list education on your graphic designer resume

University of Europe BA UI/UX Design 2008 – 2011

  • Area of passion: Mobile Interface Design
  • Best Commercial Illustration Award, 2010

Oh, and don't forget to complement your graphic designer resume with a link to a website or portfolio showcasing your completed work.

This invaluable addition serves as a visual testament to your experience and creativity, providing potential employers with a firsthand glimpse into your design prowess.

6. Valuable job search resources for graphic designers

Unfortunately, a top-notch graphic designer resume alone isn't enough to land you the job you want. Before you start putting together your resume, you'll need to find a job posting that's worth the effort. If you're unsure of where to look for suitable work opportunities, you can find some inspiration below: 

  • Industry-specific job boards: Websites like Creativepool , Creative Hotlist , or Design Jobs Board bring you closer to opportunities tailored to graphic designers across various industries.
  • General job search platforms: Although job-searching with platforms like Glassdoor , Indeed , Monster , and SimplyHired might require you to do a bit more sifting, since these websites are much broader in focus, looking at them is well-worth your time. 
  • LinkedIn: If there's one platform you shouldn't overlook, it's LinkedIn . This powerhouse of a platform allows you to connect with potential employers and fellow industry professionals from the comforts of your home. 
  • Professional associations: You can also join organizations like the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) or the Graphic Artists Guild for access to job boards, events, and resources specific to graphic design professionals.
  • Online portfolio: When it comes to presenting your skills, a picture is worth a thousand words. Don't forget to add links to your online portfolios to your resume. And if you still don't have one, you can remedy the situation with platforms like Adobe Portfolio , Carbonmade , Behance , and Dribbble .
  • Graphic designer communities and forums: Join graphic design communities and groups on platforms like Graphic Design Forum , Facebook, or Reddit to network with other designers, share insights, and discover job opportunities and freelance gigs.
  • Specialized publications: To succeed in this dynamic profession, you need to stay updated on the latest trends. To do that, we recommend keeping up with media like “ Communication Arts ,” “ Print Magazine ” or “ Eye Magazine .”

Before we part ways, let us remind you that the process of job hunting can sometimes be tough. Rejections are an inevitable part of everybody's career journey. But despite these initial setbacks, you'll secure the job you actually want sooner or later. That's why you need to stay persistent, determined, and have a standout graphic designer resume!

Graphic Designer Resume FAQ

First of all, you need to review the job posting carefully and identify keywords and phrases related to the employer’s requirements, such as "Photoshop," "Illustrator," "branding," and "user experience." Then, you need to incorporate these keywords naturally throughout your resume, especially in the skills section and work experience bullet points. Including the right keywords in your resume is essential if you're submitting your job application via the ATS .

Unfortunately, there isn't one correct answer because there isn't just one ATS software used by every single company. But there are some rules that apply universally to all: use standard fonts such as Arial or Calibri; avoid using images, graphics, or tables on your resume; opt for a one-column resume layout; incorporate relevant keywords throughout your resume; and save your graphic designer resume as a PDF or Word file to preserve formatting.

Including quantifiable data in your graphic designer resume makes your professional achievements and results more tangible and impactful. For example, you can mention that you increased website traffic by 30% through the redesign of a company's branding or that you reduced production costs by 20% through the implementation of more efficient design processes.

Action verbs add impact and clarity to your resume by describing your accomplishments and responsibilities in a concise and dynamic way. When writing your work experience section, start your bullet points with strong action verbs such as "designed," "created," "implemented," and "collaborated" to showcase your contributions and achievements.

While not necessary, including continuing education or professional development on your resume can demonstrate your commitment to staying current with industry trends and technologies. For example, you can note down any relevant courses, workshops, certifications, or conferences that enhanced your skills and knowledge as a graphic designer.

Julia Gergelova — Resume Writer

Julia Gergelova

Julia is a professional writer, translator and graphic designer. She holds degrees in translation and interpretation, and has international work experience from a number of different countries in Europe as well as China and Panama. Julia formerly taught academic writing and as a graphic designer contributed to outlets such as  The Business of Business . She has a passion for lifelong learning and good coffee.

All art / design resume examples

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  • Interior Designer
  • Photographer
  • Product Designer
  • Video Editor

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resume sample of graphic designer

Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

Graphic Designer Resume Examples

Create a winning graphic designer resume using professional examples

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Graphic Designing Resume Samples

1. Candidate seeking Graphic Designer Manager role:

Resume summary statement:

A creative and dedicated graphic designer who has a solid background in digital and print media design. Exceptional performance in producing business marketing designs.

  • Increased effectiveness of marketing by producing customized marketing designs
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction by meeting their needs and expectations
  • Fostered creativity in the marketing department
  • Taught the use of Photoshop and Dreamweaver

2. Candidate seeking Graphic Designer role:

Resume summary statement:  A highly experienced graphic designer with 5 years of experience. Proficiency in Dreamweaver, Illustrator, and InDesign. Goal oriented and customer focused.

  • Collaborated with other professionals to develop creative designs
  • Followed client specifications to satisfy their needs
  • Fostered the culture of creativity in my organization
  • Helped professionals address marketing concerns through graphic design

Graphic Designer Resume Vocabulary & Writing Tips

To draw the hiring manager’s interest, keywords relevant to the job must be used appropriately. Use of such words is an indication that you are well versed with the job.

Words to Use

  • Symmetrical
  • Display type
  • White space

Action Verbs

  • Participate
  • Demonstrate

Graphic Designer Resume Tips and Ideas

In this digital age, the services of graphic designers are in demand. Graphic designers can work in several industries to help companies prepare presentations for various functions.

When writing a graphic designer resume, you must provide evidence that you are experienced and skilled in this area. Attaching a portfolio to show some of the work you have done in the past is beneficial.

Besides graphic design skills, the resume should indicate other abilities such as creativity, customer focus, flexibility, and attention to detail. All these factors matter since graphic designers must work with other professionals .

To create an excellent graphic designer resume, you can use online resume generators . The following graphic designer  resume guidelines  will also come in handy if you want your resume to stand out.

  • A chronological format is ideal
  • Some job settings allow for functional and combination formats
  • Using a resume maker can help

Factors to consider when writing a graphic designer resume include:

  • Content organization and spacing
  • Titles and subheadings
  • Contact information
  • Resume objective

Work experience

  • Educational background
  • Volunteer work
  • Personal interests

Resume Length

1 x Letter Page (8.5” x 11”)

The type of  resume format  to use when seeking a graphic designer role depends on the organization. In the corporate sector, a chronological format would be best. In this format, the resume highlights work experience in reverse chronological order  while outlining the most recent job first.

Some hiring managers are interested mainly in the skills an individual possesses . In such a case, a graphic designer’s  resume format  can be functional or combination. Such  resume models  are useful in describing why an applicant is the best fit for the job.

When writing your resume, you should aim at drawing the attention of the hiring manager. Using the right layout and clear fonts can make it more legible , which makes the work of the hiring manager easy.

Online resume builders are useful in creating excellent resume formats. The  resume templates  can be customized to suit specific job requirements. You can also get valuable insight from professional resume examples,  which will guide you in crafting a winning resume.

The design used in your resume tells a lot about your design capabilities. Moreover, it can convince the hiring manager to choose you.

Some of the factors to consider when writing a graphic designer resume include content organization and spacing, colors used in the font and headings , titles, and subheadings. Make sure the colors, titles, and subtitles are relevant to the job specifications.

Even the sections should be organized in a way that the hiring manager can follow through smoothly.

In the U.S., graphic designer resumes do not require an applicant’s photo. The inclusion of photos in the resume could lead to cases of discrimination.

In places like  Spain , France, and Germany, photos are commonly used in resumes. A resume must include a headshot at the top.

Sections of a Graphic Designer Resume

Graphic designer resumes must have clearly organized sections. Each of these sections should give insight into the qualifications you possess.

Although the sections are separate, they often complement each other. You might mention a particular skill in the skill section, and the hiring manager could want to see if you actually applied such a skill in your past work experience.

Above all, make sure the sections don’t contradict each other. You shouldn’t provide a portfolio that reflects an entirely different experience from that contained in the  work experience section .

The major  sections relevant to a graphic designer resume  include:

Optional sections that could help the resume stand out include:

The length of a graphic designer resume should be one or two pages. However, graphic designers can attach some of their work to the resume in a portfolio.

Graphic Designer Resume Section Headings

The most important graphic designer resume section headings include the following.

Undoubtedly, an applicant must show that they have the required experience in the job. While indicating your experience, don’t forget to highlight the knowledge you acquired from previous jobs.

In this section, the responsibilities and achievements you had are just as important as listing past jobs. They give employers insight into what you’re capable of doing.

Hiring managers are only interested in the skills that are relevant to the graphic designer job. This includes both soft and technical skills .

When you mention critical skills here, you should also back it up in the work experience section. This will further convince hiring managers that you possess a high proficiency in the skill.

An updated portfolio in a graphic designer resume is essential. It provides tangible proof of the projects that you completed.

Remember to provide a short description of the portfolio items, especially when the benefit to clients may not be visible just from looking. Mention how the projects matched and exceeded client expectations.

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  • Fresher Graphic Designer Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Fresher Graphic Designer Resumes:

  • Creating basic designs for social media posts
  • Assisting senior designers in creating mockups and presentations
  • Designing basic logos and branding materials
  • Creating simple illustrations and icons
  • Editing and retouching images
  • Creating basic layouts for print materials such as brochures and flyers
  • Assisting in the production of marketing materials such as banners and posters
  • Researching design trends and presenting findings to the team
  • Participating in brainstorming sessions for new design projects
  • Learning and practicing design software and tools such as Adobe Creative Suite.

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Fresher Graphic Designer Resume Example:

  • Expertly managed brand logo designs for a large portfolio of clients, refining and creating new visuals to fit each unique characteristics of business needs
  • Utilized creative skills to develop digital graphics, illustrations, animations, and various marketing and advertising materials
  • Implemented customer feedback to create careful design changes to digital media and printed materials
  • Collaborated effectively with team members to generate unique ideas and concepts to represent products, services or brand awareness
  • Leveraged industry-specific techniques to create graphics for websites and webpages, as well as packaging, brochures, and product designs
  • Applied established research techniques towards color selection, as well as text styles and layouts for printed content
  • Utilized graphic design software effectively to build high-quality visuals, animations, and designs for presentation content
  • Consistently employed customer feedback into design strategies to create customer satisfaction and tangible results on the bottom line
  • Self-taught the utilization of modern graphic design tools to assemble and manipulate visuals to an established quality standard
  • Brand Identity Design
  • Logo Creation
  • Digital Media Design
  • Visual Layout Design
  • Creative Idea Development
  • Illustration/Animation
  • Color Theory
  • Web/Mobile Design
  • Packaging/Brochure Design
  • Print Design
  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, AfterEffects, Acrobat, etc.)
  • 3D Animation/Modeling
  • User Interface (UI) Design
  • Video Editing
  • Digital Drawing
  • Photography
  • Project Management
  • Research/Analysis
  • Quality Assurance/Testing
  • Art Direction

Top Skills & Keywords for Fresher Graphic Designer Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign)
  • Layout Design
  • Digital Design
  • Branding and Identity Design
  • UI/UX Design
  • Illustration
  • Motion Graphics

Soft Skills

  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Attention to Detail
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Communication and Presentation Skills
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Customer Service and Client Management
  • Organization and Planning
  • Active Listening and Feedback Incorporation
  • Technical Proficiency
  • Positive Attitude and Enthusiasm

Resume Action Verbs for Fresher Graphic Designers:

  • Conceptualized
  • Illustrated
  • Collaborated
  • Brainstormed
  • Implemented
  • Synthesized
  • Experimented

Generate Your Resume Summary

resume sample of graphic designer

Resume FAQs for Fresher Graphic Designers:

How long should i make my fresher graphic designer resume, what is the best way to format a fresher graphic designer resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a fresher graphic designer resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a fresher graphic designer, compare your fresher graphic designer resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Fresher Graphic Designer job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Fresher Graphic Designers:

Junior graphic designer, graphic design intern, entry level graphic designer, freelance graphic designer, professional graphic designer, senior graphic designer, beginner graphic designer, content designer.

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    Mission. The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue Writing Lab serves the Purdue, West Lafayette, campus and coordinates with local literacy initiatives.

  27. Interior Design Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    1. Create a profile by summarizing your interior design qualifications. A resume profile summary for an interior designer should briefly display your professional experience, skills, and achievements. Tailor it to the job description of the open position and emphasize your professional competencies to impress employers and secure employment.