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ZIMSEC is an autonomous parastatal under the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture. It is an internationally accredited examinations board. Its syllabuses were evaluated by the National Academic Recognition and Information Centre (NARIC) in the UK, and found to be equivalent to the General Certificate of Education Standard offered in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, United States of America and the other English speaking countries, hence the internationally recognized qualifications conferred by the Council.

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Zimsec Continuous Assessment Learning Activities (CALA)

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Continuous Assessment Learning Activities CALA) is a student continuous assessment method that was set to be implemented for the November 2021 session Zimsec examinations.

CALA includes learning activities, projects or assessment that require learners to perform, demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and proficiency. It contributes to 30 percent to the students’ final marks, while the rest 70 percent is gained with end of year in class examinations.

CALA was announced in March 2021 by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE), be implemented for grade 7, Form 4 and Upper 6, 2021 candidates. The CALA programme is not new as it is part of the 2015 adopted new curriculum but was set aside due to lack of resources for implementing it.

CALA for external and private students

External and private candidates wishing to sit for Zimsec November examinations will have to approach their examination centres for assessment. At their centres, they will be given their CALA tasks and questions to perform at home and submit at a set date.

Example of a Form 4 Mathematics CALA task

Cala component a.

  • LEARNING AREA: Mathematics
  • LEVEL: Form 4
  • CALA TYPE: Pen and paper
  • SYLLABUS TOPIC: Statistics Pg 63
  • SYLLLABUS SUB-TOPIC: Data representation Pg 63
  • CALA TITLE: Safety of learners when crossing the junction at your school.


  • Data collection
  • Data representation
  • Measures of Central tendency

Your school is on a busy road .

  • CALA DESCRIPTION: This CALA consists of three parts,Part A ,Part B ,Part C
  • Collect data within a period of 15 minutes to determine the number of traffic the traversing the junction at your school.
  • Draw an appropriate graph to show this information.
  • Analyse your data and make recommendations to the relevant authorities.

You may use the following points

  • Choose a time in the morning between 0630 and 0730
  • You can use tally system to count number of traffic passing through the road
  • You can use graph where required


Marks will be awarded for

  • Evidence of method used to collect data
  • Knowledge of data presentation
  • Ability to present data clearly
  • Knowledge of data analysis

Example of a Form 4 Principles of Accounts CALA task

  • CALA TYPE: Pen and Paper and Practical
  • CALA TITLE: Financial Literacy and Record Keeping


  • Data collection and classification
  • Research and analysis
  • Data presentation
  • Calculations and numerical skills
  • Interpreting numerical values

Learners are increasingly engaged in entrepreneurship, selling sweets, vegetables, freezits, tomatoes and participate in school and at home. Some are performing well and some are failing due to lack of financial knowledge.


Develop a research plan in order to come up with a brief report outlining how you can offer a solution to the above-mentioned problem. The plan should encompass the following parts, Part A, Part B and Part C.

  • Research on a goods sold at your school or nearby Tuckshop or business(10)
  • Observe and collect data concerning the quantities bought and sold by one business of your choice (15)
  • Record the data in your diary (5)
  • Draw up the subsidiary book , i.e columns and labellings of columns (5)
  • Record the information collected in the subsidiary book (15)
  • Interpret the information presented and analyse the usefulness of such information (10)
  • You may consider the filing of collected documents
  • You are reminded of the need to present the data accurately and neatness


  • LEARNING AREA: Principles of Accounts
  • DURATION: 3 Weeks
  • LEVEL: O Level
  • SYLLABUS TOPIC: Books of Accounts(Syllabus page 18 )
  • SYLLLABUS SUB-TOPIC: Subsidiary Book
  • CALA TITLE: Financial Literacy And Record Keeping


  • Demonstrating research techniques
  • Showing evidence of research through record keeping
  • Drawing up subsidiary books from such information
  • Using the information recorded to analyse the business performance


By the end of the CALA the learner must be able to:

  • Demonstrate research techniques
  • Show evidence of research through record keeping
  • Draw up subsidiary books from such information
  • Use the information recorded to analyse the business performance


Assessment will be based on evidence of:

  • Selection of the appropriate research technique to gather information
  • Submission of researched information
  • Selection of the relevant subsidiary book and recording of researched information
  • Presentation and accuracy of the information recorded
  • Ability to analyse financial information and suggestion on the usefulness of such information.

CALA Context

Students will collect, calculate and interpret accounting data on local small businesses. They will record and interpret the subsidiary books for the small firms.

Teacher Notes

Teachers should allow adequate time for the collection of the data and calculation of accounting data prior to pupils responding to the CALA items. Teacher should guide students on the research techniques to use and how they are collected.


  • DATE OF SUBMISSION:30/06/2021
  • LEVEL: O level
  • TITLE: Financial Literacy And Record Keeping

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Zimbabwe Profiles

Essential Guidance for Students and Parents Following ZIMSEC O Level Results 2023

Essential Guidance for Students and Parents Following ZIMSEC O Level Results 2023 post thumbnail image

Table of Contents

Navigating the Next Steps After ZIMSEC O Level Results 2023

Understanding your results: what comes next.

The recent release of the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) Ordinary Level results marks a significant milestone in your academic journey. Whether the outcome brings celebration or disappointment, it’s important to understand that your O Level results are just one chapter in your educational story. Now, the journey continues as you explore your options for the future.  Here is some essential guidance and advice for both parents and students following the release of the ZIMSEC O Level results.

  • Also Read:  ZIMSEC November 2023 Ordinary O Level  Results Statistics: Pass Rate, Boys Vs Girls, Candidates, Special Needs Candidates

For the Aspiring A-Level Scholars:

Choosing the right subject combination – ensuring three as & 15 points:.

When contemplating your subject choices, it’s essential to focus on securing three As, a task often challenging to predict accurately. While your instincts may guide you, seeking advice from teachers proves invaluable in this decision-making process. It’s important to note that while well-meaning, input from relatives may not always align with academic realities. Additionally, consider the academic reputation of your school, as institutions with a strong track record often provide an environment conducive to achieving top grades.

Reflecting on Effort and Enjoyment:

Upon successfully navigating your subjects, it’s time to reflect on your efforts and personal enjoyment. Identify the three subjects where you may not have invested sufficient effort juxtaposed with those that genuinely captivated your interest. For instance, if torn between Biology and Physics, and you have an A in both, consider which subject you passed without putting as much effort and which you genuinely loved.

Embracing Traditional Combinations:

In navigating subject combinations, traditional pairings such as Mathematics-Biology-Chemistry or Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry often emerge as steadfast choices. These combinations offer a solid foundation across core disciplines, aligning well with both academic pursuits and future career paths. While it’s tempting to explore unconventional combinations, it’s advisable to prioritize coherence and relevance over novelty.

Essential Guidance for Students and Parents Following ZIMSEC O Level Results 2023

Specializing Wisely:

When crafting your subject selection, sticking to one specialty—be it sciences, commercials, or arts—can prove advantageous. Mixing subjects across specialties, such as Mathematics, Biology, and Geography, may present challenges during university admissions. In many degree programs, subjects like Geography may not be considered as distinct as the sciences or commerce subjects. Consequently, earning three As in such a combination may translate to fewer points in university admissions criteria.

By adhering to these guidelines and considering each aspect thoughtfully, you pave the way for a well-rounded and purpose-driven academic journey.

Choosing The Right School For Advanced Level

When choosing an A level school, it’s essential to look beyond O level performance and study previous years’ trends. Some schools may excel at O levels but falter at A levels, making historical data crucial for decision-making. Analyzing trends helps assess the school’s consistency, subject-specific strengths, teaching methods, and student support structures. It allows students to align their academic goals with the school’s capabilities and make informed choices for their A level education, ensuring a solid foundation for future endeavors.

Essential Guidance for Students and Parents Following ZIMSEC O Level Results 2023

For Those Who Faced Challenges:  Exploring Alternative Pathways Beyond Advanced Level

If your O Level results weren’t as you hoped, or if you’re considering different paths, don’t worry—there are alternative options available.

When faced with the dilemma of an unsatisfactory subject combination, it’s crucial to explore viable alternatives and chart a course that aligns with your long-term goals and aspirations. Here’s a detailed expansion on the two primary options available:

Option 1: Repeating and Rewriting Your O Level Exams

If the current combination fails to meet your expectations, one viable path involves repeating  and rewriting your exams again. This decision requires a commitment to work harder, rectify past mistakes, and strive for improvement. Here’s a breakdown of this option:

  • Repeat and Redouble Efforts : Choosing to repeat allows for a fresh start, providing an opportunity to delve deeper into subjects and refine understanding.
  • Correcting Mistakes : Reflect on past errors and areas of weakness to devise a targeted improvement plan. Utilize resources such as tutoring, additional study materials, and academic support services to address shortcomings.
  • Persistence and Determination : Understand that success may not come immediately. Persistence and determination are essential virtues in navigating academic challenges.
  • Considerations Beyond Academics : While focusing on academic improvement, it’s crucial to manage external factors. Postponing major life decisions such as marriage or starting a family can alleviate distractions and allow for undivided focus on academic endeavors.

Option 2: Exploring Alternative Pathways

Should the prospect of repeating prove unfeasible or undesirable, an array of alternative pathways exists beyond traditional academic routes. These starting points offer opportunities for skill development, career advancement, and professional fulfillment:

  • Polytechnic Education : Polytechnic institutions offer practical, skills-focused education across various disciplines. Pursuing a polytechnic diploma equips individuals with hands-on expertise and prepares them for diverse career paths.
  • Apprenticeship Programs : Apprenticeships provide a blend of classroom instruction and on-the-job training, facilitating skill acquisition in specialized fields such as trades, technology, and craftsmanship.
  • Teachers College : Embarking on a journey in education through a teachers college diploma offers opportunities to shape young minds and contribute to the academic community.
  • Nursing Certification : The healthcare sector presents avenues for career growth through nursing certification programs. Options such as Registered General Nurse (RGN) or Primary Care Nurse (PCN) provide pathways to making a meaningful impact in healthcare delivery and also provide opportunities for emigrating.
  • Civil Service Careers : Exploring opportunities within civil service, including roles in law enforcement such as police, prisons, or military service, offers avenues for public service and professional development.

Each of these pathways serves as a launching pad for personal and professional growth, with opportunities to advance to higher education or specialized training programs in the future. By carefully evaluating individual interests, aptitudes, and long-term goals, individuals can navigate these options to carve out fulfilling career trajectories.

Seeking Guidance: Your Support System

Navigating the post-O Level landscape can be daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. Reach out to your teachers, academic advisors, and trusted adults for guidance. They can provide valuable insights, help you explore your options, and offer support as you make important decisions about your future.

Embracing the Journey: What Lies Ahead?

As you reflect on your O Level results and consider your next steps, remember that this is just the beginning of your educational journey. Embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, and don’t be afraid to explore different paths. Your journey is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to success.

In the wake of the results release, one question remains: What path will you choose to shape your academic and professional future? Take your time, explore your options, and remember that your journey is yours to define.

Conclusion: Charting Your Course Forward

The release of the ZIMSEC O Level results marks the beginning of a new chapter in your academic journey. Whether you’re pursuing Advanced Level studies, exploring alternative pathways, or seeking guidance, remember that there are opportunities waiting for you.

By understanding your options, seeking guidance, and embracing the journey ahead, you can chart a course towards a future filled with promise and possibility. As you embark on this next phase of your educational journey, trust in yourself, stay open to new possibilities, and never underestimate the power of perseverance and determination.

The road ahead may be challenging, but with courage and determination, you can navigate it successfully.

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Golf carts are disappearing from Ontario golf courses. Course owners think it's the work of professionals

At least 18 courses have been hit in the last 3 years, with 4 thefts in may.

Security camera footage from Settler’s Ghost Golf Course near Barrie, Ont. shows a man driving golf carts away from the course.

Social Sharing

The security footage is clear. It's the middle of the night. A man pushes a golf cart out of frame. The other, wearing a hoodie and medical mask, follows behind driving another cart as quickly as it will go. 

In the early hours of April 19, the thieves load 11 carts onto a trailer attached to a heavy-duty pickup truck, then drive away from Settlers; Ghost Golf Club about 20 kilometres northeast of Barrie, Ont.

"It's that violation feeling," said David Graham, general manager at Settlers' Ghost, who noted that the stolen carts were outside in the brightly lit parking lot with their keys removed. "Then you have that anger or sadness and wondering, 'Did I do something wrong that someone came and took all the carts?' "

This incident is just one of at least 18 similar thefts at golf courses in Ontario in the last few years, course owners say. In many cases, a large number of carts are stolen from courses that park them outside where they're easily accessible, though thieves still have to find a way to start them and get them off the lot. The number of thefts and the level of organization required to pull them off has course owners convinced the incidents are linked, and the work of professionals.

A man with glasses stands in front of golf carts at a golf course near Barrie, Ontario.

Thefts on the upswing

According to a list provided by the National Golf Course Owners Association Canada (NGCOA), at least 192 golf carts have been stolen from 18 Ontario golf courses since 2021, with the majority stolen in 2022 and 2024. 

In one instance, 44 carts were stolen from Rockway Glen Estate Golf Course and Winery near St. Catharines, Ont., in November 2022. 

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People are stealing golf carts all over Ontario

The latest known incident happened on May 30, when 12 carts were stolen from Wolf Run Golf Club in Janetville, Ont., about 40 kilometres west of Peterborough, Ont. It's one of many cottage country courses that have been hit.

The carts at Wolf Run have since been found by police, according to general manager Stephen Kostoff.

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) for the city of Kawartha Lakes said they worked with local police to search a property in the township on June 1. They found the stolen golf carts, arrested a 44-year-old man and charged him with possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000. 

Owners suspect thieves working in teams

Golf course owners are convinced the level of organization it takes to transport a fleet of golf carts means professionals are behind the thefts.

"To move one golf cart, some guy can do that with a pickup truck. To move six golf carts, you need a flatbed [truck]," said Blair Breen, regional director of the central Ontario chapter of the NGCOA. 

"You need to be working as a team."

A man is standing in front of a golf course wearing a light blue shirt.

Golf course owners and distributors suspect there is a thriving black market for golf carts ever since prices shot up during the pandemic. According to the University of North Carolina Charlotte Urban Institute  in Charlotte, N.C., a parts shortage in the U.S. resulted in higher prices.  

"It's quick and easy money," said Rob Davis, sales manager with Turf Care Products. The golf-cart distributor says he provides golf carts to about a third of all the golf courses in Ontario.

He had eight carts stolen in March from his warehouse in Keswick, Ont., about 70 kilometres north of Toronto. He said all the golf carts he sells are imported from the U.S., where they're manufactured. 

Before the pandemic, his carts sold for about $6,000 each. They now cost at least $10,000. 

Davis says he's never seen thefts spike like this since he started in the business in the 1990s. 

"It's very disappointing," he said, noting his team is routinely scouring websites like Kijiji for the stolen carts, as each one has a unique serial number associated with it, but nothing has turned up so far. 

"We have no idea where the carts are going," he said. "It's like finding a needle in a haystack."

According to Davis, golf cart distributors in other areas of the country say they haven't experienced an increase in thefts.

However, he says there are many uses for the carts apart from on the links.

"Trailer parks, cottages, farmers — everybody that needs … a smaller vehicle to move across their properties is a buyer for used golf carts," he said. 

A row of golf carts is parked by a golf course on a sunny day.

OPP investigating

Because some of the thefts are happening in different jurisdictions, Breen is calling on the OPP and local police to find out if the cases are linked and where the stolen carts are going.

"I'm hoping the police services are communicating with each other," he said. 

The OPP for Central Region confirms it began on investigation on April 19 into the theft from Settlers' Ghost Golf Club. 

"We cannot determine whether the thefts at various golf courses are related," OPP spokesperson Brooklyn Harker told CBC News in an email, also noting that OPP are "actively investigating the increase in golf cart thefts." 


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Lisa Xing is a senior reporter with CBC News in Toronto. Email her at [email protected].

  • Follow @LisaYaxiXing on Twitter.

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PGA Quality. Community Focused.

Golf course.

Physical Address: University of Idaho Golf Course 1215 Nez Perce Dr. Moscow, ID 83844

Mailing Address: Cole Mize Director of Golf University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Dr. MS 2380 Moscow, ID 83844-2380

Phone: 208-885-6171

Fax: 208-885-0558

Email: [email protected]

Web: U of I Golf Course

Course Improvement Tournament

September 30, 2023

Course Improvement Tournament

Vandal Junior Golf

Additional Information

Course policies.

  • No outside alcohol allowed on course.
  • Each player must have their own set of clubs.
  • Shirts and shoes must be worn on course.
  • No radio or music on course.
  • Children under five must stay in golf cart.
  • All yardages are measured to the center of the green.
  • No more than five minutes break at turn.
  • Pace of play should not exceed 2 hours 15 minutes per nine holes.
  • Please repair all ball marks and maintain pace of play.

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  1. Zimsec November 2022 Mathematics Paper 2 Leaked

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  2. Zimsec and Cambridge GCE Tutorials: Easiest and Challenging A Level

    zimsec course work

  3. ZIMSEC Ordinary & Advanced Level Certificates Released

    zimsec course work

  4. Zimsec A Level Pure Mathematics Past Exam Papers

    zimsec course work

  5. Amazing How To Write A Report O Level Zimsec Non Chronological

    zimsec course work


    zimsec course work


  1. Zimsec November 2020, Combined Science Paper 2, Solutions for Section D / Physics section

  2. ZIMSEC COMBINED SCIENCE CHEMISTRY (electronic configuration)

  3. ZIMSEC November 2007, Maths Paper 2, Solutions for Section A

  4. Zimsec June 2019, Combined Science Paper 1 solutions

  5. Zimsec Nov 2023, Combined Science P2, Final exam tips for Chemistry section

  6. Zimsec November 2020, Combined Science Paper 2, Solutions for Section A


  1. Workcentre

    Welcome to the ZIMSEC Work Centre. Here you will be able to perform some of the services that required paperwork online, saving you time and also saving the environment. All you have to do is select any one of the menus above and start working.

  2. Zimsec

    Why ZIMSEC. Indigenization of the curriculum is guaranteed, ensuring that education is made relevant to the socio-economic environment. In particular teaching and assessment, materials are drawn from an environment with which learners are familiar and to which they can relate and apply their learning. More About Us.


    4.8 familiarize with the world of work through work related learning leading to selection of a career that matches one's inclination 5.0 METHODOLOGY AND TIME ALLOCATION This syllabus is based upon a learner-centred, hands on, multi-cultural, interactive and real life approach. It promotes innovation, assertiveness, self-motivation,

  4. History Syllabus: Forms 1

    History-Syllabus-min - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. the new curriculum o level zimsec history syllabus

  5. Zimsec O and A level past exam questions and marking schemes

    Resources Available on the app. O level past exam questions and marking schemes. A level past exam questions and marking schemes. O and A level Notes. A level blue books. O level green books. For More Resources Check out the Zambuko website. Click the link below and locate the zambuko website. Zambuko Zimsec Resources.


    • Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC) ... • Work-related learning • Role play • Project • Resource person • Folklore • E-learning Time Allocation For the successful and effective coverage of this sylla-bus, 5 periods of 35 to 40 minutes should be allocated

  7. O-LEVEL-ENGLISH-400501-NOV22

    O-LEVEL-ENGLISH-400501-NOV22. Download. Download 2035. File Size 438.53 KB. File Count 1. Create Date May 26, 2023. Last Updated May 26, 2023.

  8. Our Mandate

    ZIMSEC core functions are as follows: To organize and conduct examinations in subjects that form part of a course of primary or secondary education as the Minister may in writing request. To consider and approve subjects suitable for examinations. To appoint panels or boards of examiners. To approve and register examination centres.


    The subject will be examined in 5 papers as shown in the table below. Paper Type of Paper Duration Weighting. 1 Multiple Choice 1 hour 10 2 Structured 2 hours 30 3 Practical Test 3 hours 40 4 SBA (School Based Assessment) Coursework 10 5 Project Project 10 Total 100%. Computer Science Syllabus Forms 1 - 4. 27.

  10. Marks Capture System

    ZIMSEC is an autonomous parastatal under the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture. It is an internationally accredited examinations board. Its syllabuses were evaluated by the National Academic Recognition and Information Centre (NARIC) in the UK, and found to be equivalent to the General Certificate of Education Standard offered in ...

  11. Zimsec Continuous Assessment Learning Activities (CALA)

    CALA) is a student continuous assessment method that was set to be implemented for the November 2021 session Zimsec examinations. CALA includes learning activities, projects or assessment that require learners to perform, demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and proficiency. It contributes to 30 percent to the students' final marks ...

  12. Essential Guidance for Students and Parents Following ZIMSEC O Level

    Option 1: Repeating and Rewriting Your O Level Exams. If the current combination fails to meet your expectations, one viable path involves repeating and rewriting your exams again. This decision requires a commitment to work harder, rectify past mistakes, and strive for improvement. Here's a breakdown of this option:

  13. Facts About Zimsec Certificates » SyTech Advisor

    ZIMSEC General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (commonly referred to as "A-Levels"), a final school leaving qualification (Year 13) awarded to pupils completing high school or pre-university education. Zimsec certificates are issued only for subjects in which candidates achieve grade E or better. This means that any subjects scored less ...

  14. Zimsec Computer science Tutorials

    Welcome to the ZIMSEC Computer Science Tutorials YouTube channel! Here, you will find a variety of tutorials and resources to help you learn and understand t...

  15. PDF Software Engineering Syllabus

    This course equips the learner with fundamentals of software engineering including understanding system re-quirements, effective methods of design, coding, testing, teamwork and the application of software engineering tools. The course provides an opportunity for the learner to identify socio-economic problems in a real world set-

  16. Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) Zimbabwe General

    - drawing a map showing the route taken by the Pioneer column and describing the main events along the course; 6.5.2 Early Resistance Explain the causes, course and results of the Anglo-Ndebele war of 1893-4; - The Anglo-Ndebele War of 1893-4 causes, course and results; Explain the causes, course and results of the Ndebele and Shona rising ...

  17. PDF Business Enterprise Skills Syllabus

    • Group work • Research • Problem solving • Demonstrations • Educational tours • School on the shop floor • Guided discovery • Seminars • Project work • Shadowing 5.1.2 Time Allocation To enable adequate coverage of the content, Form 5 to 6 Business Enterprise Skills should be allocated at least 8

  18. Our Services

    Progressively improving for a better world. Our services offer comprehensive diagnostic services ranging from haematology, microbiology, immunochemistry, serology, virology and antenatal care test. Our confidence lies in the competency of our team and modern equipment that are reliable and efficient. Our comprehensive range of tests are ...

  19. Golf carts are disappearing from Ontario golf courses. Course owners

    The sheer number of carts being taken has golf course owners convinced the thefts are linked and the work of professional thieves. At least 18 courses have been hit in the last 3 years, with 4 ...

  20. What rights does Trump lose as a felon? And more of your ...

    Donald Trump's conviction by a New York jury on 34 felony counts is historic and unprecedented. No former president or major party presidential candidate has also been a felon.


    3. Team work 4. Health issues 5. Safety 6. Disaster risk management 7. Food security 8. Technology 9. Sexuality, HIV and AIDS 10. Heritage studies 11. Environmental issues 12. Enterprise 2.0 PRESENTATION OF SYLLABUS The Economics syllabus is a four year course covering from Form 1 - 4. It includes the competency matrix and highlights a list ...

  22. 10 In-Demand Jobs You Can Get with a Business Degree (2024)

    Of all bachelor's degrees conferred in the 2018-19 academic year, the greatest number were conferred in business [].You can apply the skills you develop while earning a business degree in many industries. Whether you're just graduating or looking to pivot to a new career in business, consider these quickly growing (and high-paying) jobs you can apply for with a business degree.

  23. Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: What's the Difference?

    Every job requires a combination of hard and soft skills. Hard skills refer to technical skills, and represent the specialized knowledge you bring to particular roles. Soft skills, on the other hand, refer to workplace skills and represent how you approach your work.. In this article, we'll go over hard vs. soft skills and discuss how to leverage both to further your career.

  24. New Training Coordinator Course

    The NTCC is a 6-hr. training session specifically developed for training coordinators, instructors and background investigators who currently work at an agency with a TCOLE training contract. This FREE course will be held on 7/10/24 at the Temple Police Department located at 209 East Avenue "A" in Temple, Texas.To register, CLICK HERE

  25. MoSCoW method

    The MoSCoW method is a prioritization technique used in management, business analysis, project management, and software development to reach a common understanding with stakeholders on the importance they place on the delivery of each requirement; it is also known as MoSCoW prioritization or MoSCoW analysis.. The term MOSCOW itself is an acronym derived from the first letter of each of four ...

  26. 4 Phases of the Project Management Lifecycle Explained

    Take online courses or watch tutorials. Online courses and tutorials offer a visual way to grasp key project management concepts, including the four lifecycle phases. Network with project managers. Engaging in discussions with other project managers allows you to gain first-hand accounts of how the project lifecycle works.

  27. Golf Course

    University of Idaho Golf Course 1215 Nez Perce Dr. Moscow, ID 83844. Mailing Address: Cole Mize Director of Golf University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Dr. MS 2380 Moscow, ID 83844-2380. Phone: 208-885-6171 . Fax: 208-885-0558 . Email: [email protected]. Web: U of I Golf Course. Get Directions.

  28. Work in Russia: How to Find a Job in Moscow and Other Cities

    Companies may hire you to work illegally and every three months you have to return to your country and obtain another visa. The working visa, on the other hand, is the one you obtain when you get officially hired. It gives you the possibility to stay and work in Russia from 1 to 3 years (it depends on the specialization).

  29. Online Courses

    The best work will receive expert evaluation by the course authors. In case of successful completion of the course using this option, you will receive a certificate from the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. You can contact the course administrators with any additional questions at [email protected] Go to the course

  30. Introduction to Microsoft Excel

    In a video that plays in a split-screen with your work area, your instructor will walk you through these steps: ... "I directly applied the concepts and skills I learned from my courses to an exciting new project at work." Larry W. Learner since 2021 "When I need courses on topics that my university doesn't offer, Coursera is one of the best ...