
Apology Letter For Not Submitting Assignment

Apology Letter For Not Submitting Assignment

If you would like to apologize for not being able to submit your assignment, here is a sample apology letter for not submitting an assignment.

[Professor’s Name]

Subject: Apology for Not Submitting Assignment

Dear [Name],

I am writing this letter to express my regret at not submitting the [subject] assignment on time for this month.

I understand you gave us adequate time to carry out the research and prepare for the assignment. However, I had to travel out-of-town with my family due to personal commitments. Since it was an unexpected incident, I did not have the sense to inform you of the same.

I have done part of the assignment and can show you the same. But I did not find enough time to finish it, due to which I could not submit. I kindly request you to understand my situation and grant me a 5-day extension.

[Your Name]

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Apologize For a Missed Deadline

I am truly sorry and very embarrassed about not finishing the report by the deadline. I know you are eager to have the entire study completed by June 1, so I am working nights to have this to you by May 25. You can count on it being delivered by special mail on or before that date. I will do everything I can to make this project a success. I appreciate the opportunity to work on it, and I thank you for your patience.

My response to your January 5 survey is enclosed. I apologize for missing your January 15 deadline. Our students returned to school on January 7, and I have been very busy with the new semester. Still, I have made every effort to give you accurate information. Even though my response is late, I hope you will be able to use it in your final document.

We are sorry that we were unable to deliver your furniture yesterday. Because we have only two delivery people, we were left shorthanded when one of them became ill.

To ensure that this does not happen again, we have hired temporary workers and rescheduled your delivery appointment for 9:00 a.m. Friday morning. We appreciate your patience. Your business is important to us, and we hope that this incident will not hurt our relationship.

I am sorry I missed last week's deadline for registration for the small business owners' convention. I was not sure until today whether I would be able to attend. I hope you are still able to accept my registration, which I have included with a check. If so, please send me confirmation of my enrollment; if not, please return the check to me. Thank you for your assistance with this matter.

I apologize for not getting the brochure materials to you on time. Unfortunately, we needed some changes in the art work, and they will take several more days to complete. I should have all the materials ready by Tuesday of next week, and will deliver them to you personally at that time. I would appreciate your printing the brochures as soon as possible after that.

I realize that this tardiness affects your printing schedule, and apologize for any inconvenience this delay may have caused you.

How to Write this Apology Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines

Apologize for a missed deadline as soon as possible after the incident. The tone of your letter should be very considerate and respectful because you have probably caused some inconvenience. The letter should focus on actions taken to make up for the missed deadline. A sincere, well-worded apology followed by positive action can do much to undo any damage to your reputation.

  • Begin with a straightforward apology.
  • State what action you will take to remedy the situation. Explain (but do not excuse) your tardiness, if appropriate. Reaffirm your commitment to making things right.
  • Thank the reader for his or her understanding. Indicate that you value your business relationship and assure the reader you will not repeat your tardiness.

Write Your apology in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases

1 begin with a straightforward apology., sample sentences for step 1.

  • I am sorry I missed the deadline yesterday. I know it was an important one.
  • We are sorry that the motor you ordered arrived after the date requested for delivery.
  • Thank you for your generous offer to extend the deadline. This will help us immensely. Nevertheless, we apologize for putting you in this position.
  • I apologize for not getting the Doe report to you on Wednesday.
  • I apologize for missing today's deadline for getting all blueprints for the new Springfield office complex to the surveyors.
  • Although tomorrow is the deadline we agreed upon for finishing our project, I must apologize for the fact that it will not be completed.
  • We apologize for not installing your new water heater on the day we had planned.

Key Phrases for Step 1

  • accept our sincerest apologies
  • apologize for not getting the report to you on time
  • apologize for putting you in this position
  • apologize for not getting the claim information to you earlier
  • apologize for not being ready to install your
  • apologize for missing this morning's deadline
  • delays due to inadequate planning
  • inadvertently filed instead of mailed
  • problems completing your newsletter on time
  • simply too big for me to finish in the allotted time
  • sorry I missed the deadline
  • sorry that it arrived after the deadline
  • sorry about the missed deadline
  • was under the false impression that
  • will be impossible to complete the project by the deadline

2 State what action you will take to remedy the situation. Explain (but do not excuse) your tardiness, if appropriate. Reaffirm your commitment to making things right.

Sample sentences for step 2.

  • Although I have been working overtime on this project for the past few days, I underestimated the time it would take to process the Doe data. But, as you can see by the enclosed sample of my work-in-progress, the project is progressing well.
  • We take full responsibility for missing the deadline. We have assigned extra personnel to the Doe contract to ensure that this project is indeed done by Wednesday.
  • Unusual weather conditions kept our driver from keeping to his schedule. Nevertheless, we take full responsibility and pledge to do our best to ensure that this will not happen again.
  • I have not yet received the needed information on the Doe contract from Jane. She has promised me that as soon as she returns from the convention, she will send the documents to me by express mail. We can trust Jane to do this.
  • I have no excuse for my tardiness. You will have a copy of the finished report on your desk first thing tomorrow morning.
  • I have already gotten in touch with Doe Surveyors and they assure me that they do not need the blueprints today. Nevertheless, I am committed to meeting the deadline, so they will have the prints by this afternoon.
  • We at Doe Water Heaters pride ourselves on prompt service. Unfortunately, the sudden freeze has overloaded our delivery personnel, but we promise that we will install your new heater tomorrow morning.

Key Phrases for Step 2

  • revised a more realistic plan for
  • as soon as I sign the documents
  • as soon as she returns she will
  • called the company this morning and
  • committed to timely performance
  • confirmed that he received it this morning
  • devote extra energy to ensuring its accuracy
  • discuss ways in which this project can
  • first thing tomorrow morning
  • full responsibility for missing the deadline
  • has promised me that
  • have already called ahead to make sure that
  • have been working overtime on this project
  • have assigned extra personnel to
  • have already gotten in touch with
  • said he had a detailed list for
  • the completed report will be on your desk by
  • they have assured me that
  • to compensate for your inconvenience we will
  • underestimated the time it would take
  • will mail a copy to you
  • will send the documents by express mail

3 Thank the reader for his or her understanding. Indicate that you value your business relationship and assure the reader you will not repeat your tardiness.

Sample sentences for step 3.

  • I will not let this happen again. I appreciate your understanding and your willingness to keep working with us.
  • Since we are in the same business as you are, we understand that the prompt delivery of merchandise is essential for the company to function smoothly.
  • We value the business relationship we have with your company and are eager to keep you as one of our satisfied customers. We thank you for your tolerance of this unusual situation, and promise you prompt delivery of future reports.
  • Thank you for working with us to develop an alternate plan for completion. We have always considered it a pleasure to work with your friendly staff.
  • I know this deadline was a top priority for you. It was for me, too, and I assure you I will meet the next one.
  • I want to thank you for the way you handled this problem. I am sure I placed you in an awkward position, and for that I apologize. I am committed to this project and assure you this will not happen again.
  • We understand that such inconveniences can be very frustrating. Thank you for your patience.
  • I know what it is like to have someone fail to follow through on a commitment, so I sincerely appreciate your patience. I assure you that the report will be on your desk Monday morning.
  • We consider you one of our best clients, and appreciate your willingness to extend the deadline.

Key Phrases for Step 3

  • always considered it a pleasure to work with your
  • am committed to this project
  • appreciate your understanding
  • appreciate your willingness to extend the
  • appreciate your giving us the opportunity to
  • assure you I will not repeat my tardiness
  • assure you prompt delivery of the
  • assure you that this
  • eager to keep you as one of our many satisfied customers
  • essential to the smooth functioning of your company
  • let us know what you would like us to do
  • sincerely appreciate your patience
  • sincerely appreciate the confidence that
  • thank you for the way you handled this problem
  • thank you for your understanding
  • thank you for your patience
  • thank you for working with us on
  • the confidence you have placed in our staff
  • the assurance of my full cooperation
  • value the business relationship we have with your company
  • value customers like you
  • will meet future deadlines
  • will not let this happen again
  • will keep in close touch with
  • you are generous to
  • your willingness to work with us
  • your tolerance of this unusual situation

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Apology Letters , Letters

Apology Letter for Late Submission of Report

An apology letter for late submission of report is an official letter written to your manager explaining why you missed a given deadline to submit documents, work, projects or assignments supposed to be handed in on a specific date. It is important to write such a letter to give honest and detailed reasons for the delays to avoid being penalized or fired.

All employers should learn how to write apology letters for late submission by reading a few samples of the same to learn the format and how the content should be put across.

Letter Format

(Your Name)(Your Address)

(Your City)

(Skip a line)

To (Position of Your Recipient)

(Company or Organization Name)


I am writing this letter with sincere sorrow and kindly asking for an apology for the late submission of (Name of the project) which was to be due and handed in on (Date). I failed to do this because (Write and explain your reasons for the missed deadline here)

(Skip a line before this paragraph) I will be early in the future. (Promise that the missed deadline will not repeat next time)

Kindly receive my sincere apologies. Thank you.

Yours Faithfully,

(Your signature)

(Your name)

(Your Position)

Immaculate Brown652 3rd Lane

Atlanta, Georgia

To the Managing Director,

Rich & Rich Investments

Linus Drive

24th September, 2018

Dear Madam,


Kindly receive my sincere apology for submitting the financial report of the business year 2017-2018 that was to be handed in on 22nd September, 2018 at 10.00 AM. I am sorry I failed on the deadline because the financial auditors met very late for the auditing task before they could give me their findings. It wasn’t my wish to inconvenience you and the company at large. On their part, they had technical issues with the computers which were being handled by the IT department and took too long.

I have written the full financial report indicating all the necessary details and have attached the audit papers to the report. I will make sure to inform you next time in case there are going to be delays in submitting any reports. Otherwise this will not happen again in the future.

I really hope that my apology will be accepted. Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

Immaculate Brown


More Apology and Excuse Letters for Late Submission

  • Letter for Late Submission of Assignment
  • Apology Email for Late Submission of Documents
  • Letter to the Principal for Late Submission of an Assignment

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Missed the Deadline? Here’s How to Write an Effective Apology Letter (Tips & Examples)

Apology Letter For Late Submission

Are you tired of having to make excuses for late submissions? Take responsibility for your actions and write an effective apology letter to maintain trust and professionalism in your personal and professional relationships.

In this article, we will help you to write your own apology letter. We’ll also provide a sample apology letter and template that you can download and customize to fit your needs. 

Don’t let late submissions affect your relationships – take action today and write an apology letter.

Why You Should Write An Apology Letter For Late Submission

An apology letter for late submission is a written expression of regret for not being able to submit a task or deliverable on time. It is a way of acknowledging that you have caused inconvenience or disappointment to someone else and shows that you are taking responsibility for your actions.

Writing an apology letter has several benefits, such as:

  • It demonstrates professionalism
  • Shows respect for the recipient
  • Helps to maintain a positive relationship with the recipient

Types Of Apology Letter For Late Submission

The type of apology letter you choose should be appropriate for the situation and the recipient. There are several types of apology letters for late submission, depending on the situation and the recipient. Some common types include:

  • Personal Apology Letter

This type of letter is written to a specific individual, such as a teacher, supervisor, or coworker, to apologize for a late submission. It is more personal and focuses on the relationship between the writer and the recipient.

  • Formal Apology Letter

This type of letter is written to a more formal organization, such as a company or government agency, to apologize for a late submission. It is more formal in tone and language and may follow a specific format or style guide.

  • Email Apology Letter

An email apology letter is a written apology sent via email, becoming increasingly common in the digital age. It should still maintain a professional tone and follow the conventions of a formal letter, such as including a subject line, greeting, body, closing, and signature.

  • Collective Apology Letter

A group writes this type of letter to individuals to apologize for late submission on behalf of the group. It is written to a specific individual or organization and takes a more collective approach to the apology.

  • Public Apology Letter

A public apology letter is written to make a public apology , such as in a newspaper or social media. It is written to a larger audience and may address the wider impact of the late submission rather than just the relationship with a specific individual or organization.

When To Write An Apology Letter For Late Submission

An apology letter for late submission should be sent as soon as possible after the submission has been made. The sooner you apologize, the better, as it shows that you are responsible for your actions and committed to making things right.

It’s important to note that even if the late submission has not had a significant impact, it is still good practice to apologize and take responsibility for your actions. This demonstrates professionalism and respect for the recipient and the expectations set.

How To Write An Apology Letter For Late Submission

Writing an effective apology letter for late submission can help to maintain trust and professionalism in personal and professional relationships. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write an apology letter for late submission:

  • Start with a proper salutation

Professionally Addressing the receiver is crucial. Use the recipient’s name and title in the greeting. “Dear Mr. Smith.” “Dear Sir/Madam” is best if you don’t know the recipient’s name. This respects the receiver and provides a professional tone for the message.

  • Express your regret

The letter’s opening should clearly express your regret for the late submission. Use phrases such as “I am sorry” or “Please accept my apologies” to show that you are taking responsibility for your actions and expressing sincere regret.

  • Explain the reason for the delay.

Provide a short explanation for the late submission, as the recipient may be intrigued. Give a straightforward explanation without criticizing others. Consider a personal emergency. “A family emergency took up more time and attention than I thought,” you may remark.

  • Offer a solution

If possible, offer a solution to compensate for the inconvenience caused by the late submission. This could include a revised deadline or a plan to complete the work as soon as possible. For example, “I will be working around the clock to complete the project by the end of next week.”

  • Take responsibility

Accepting responsibility for the late submission is crucial in maintaining a positive relationship with the recipient. Express your commitment to ensuring that it does not happen again. For example, “I understand the importance of meeting deadlines, and I will make sure to better plan and prioritize my tasks in the future.”

  • Conclude the letter

End the letter by thanking the recipient for their understanding and reiterating your regret for the inconvenience. For example, “Thank you for your understanding, and please let me know if there is anything else I can do to compensate for the delay.”

  • Proofread the letter

Before sending the letter, it’s important to proofread it carefully to ensure no typos or grammatical errors. A well-written and error-free letter shows that you take the apology and the recipient’s time seriously.

Sample And Template

Here is a sample apology letter for the late submission and a template you can customize.

Dear (Recipient),

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to sincerely apologize for the late submission of (Project/Assignment/Task). I understand that the deadline was (date) and that my tardiness has caused inconvenience and disappointment.

Please allow me to offer my sincerest apologies for any trouble I have caused. The delay was due to (provide a reason for the delay, e.g. personal circumstances, technical difficulties, etc.). Despite my best efforts to complete the task on time, I was unable to do so.

I understand that timely submission of work is important, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I would like to assure you that I am taking steps to prevent this from happening in the future. I have learned from this experience, and I am confident that it will not occur again.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to make amends for my mistake. I am willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that this does not negatively impact our working relationship.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. I look forward to the opportunity to make things right.

(Your Name)

Key Takeaways

  • An apology letter for late submission is a written expression of regret for not being able to submit a task or deliverable on time and shows responsibility for one’s actions.
  • An apology letter has several benefits, such as demonstrating professionalism, showing respect for the recipient, and helping maintain a positive relationship.
  • There are several types of apology letters for late submission, including personal apology letters, formal apology letters, email apology letters, collective apology letters, and public apology letters.
  • An apology letter should be sent as soon as possible after the submission has been made, and even if the impact is not significant, it is still good practice to apologize.
  • Writing an effective apology letter involves addressing the recipient professionally, expressing regret, providing a reason for the delay, offering a solution, accepting responsibility, concluding the letter, and proofreading it for errors.

Apology Letter For Different Scenarios

  • The Power of a Sincere Apology: Writing Effective Letters
  • Rebuilding Relationships through a Personal Apology Letter
  • Crafting the Perfect Business Apology Letter (A Step-by-Step Guide)
  • The Importance of Apology Letters in Maintaining Positive Customer Relationships
  • The Key to Building Customer Loyalty: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Apology Letters for Poor Service
  • Missed the Deadline? Here’s How to Write an Effective Apology Letter
  • The Power of a Professional Apology Letter in the Workplace
  • Making Amends: A Guide to Writing a Formal Letter of Apology
  • Owning Up to Mistakes: How to Write an Apology Letter for Cancelling an Event
  • The Role of Empathy in Third-Party Apology Letters
  • Why Politicians Should Admit Their Mistakes: Saying Sorry Through Apology Letter

Other Types of Letters

  • Letter of Introduction
  • Letter of Invitation
  • Letter of Interest
  • Letter of Resignation
  • Letter of Intent
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Cover Letter
  • Letter of Acceptance
  • Proof of Employment Letter
  • Leave of Absence Letter
  • Letter of Agreement
  • Announcement Letter
  • Apology Letter
  • Letter of Appeal

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Emails In English

Email Sample, Free to Use Email Templates

Apology for Late Submission of Assignment – Sample Email Apologizing for Late Submission of Masters Assignment

Apology for Late Submission of Assignment – Sample Email Apologizing for Late Submission of Masters Assignment

To:        _________@____.__ (Receiver’s email address) Bcc/Cc: _________@____.__ (Bcc/ Cc receiver’s email address)

From:   _________@____.__ (Sender’s email address)

Subject: Apology for delay in submission

Respected Sir/Madam, My name is ___________ (name) and I am studying in __________ (department) in your College. My student ID number is __________ (mention student ID number).

With the help of this email, I most sincerely apologize for the delay in submission of ________ (mention assignment name) having assignment code _________ (mention code). Respected, the reason behind the same is _________ (I was not well/ ill health/ was absent/any other) and due to which I failed to submit the assignment by the due date i.e. __/__/_____ (date). I apologize for the same and ensure that the stated assignment will be submitted by me before __/__/____ (Date) without any further delays.

I shall be obliged for your kind consideration and forgiveness in this regard.

Thanking you,

Sincerely, _____________ (name), _____________ (roll number)

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Late Submission Apology

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What are the key elements to include in an apology letter for a delayed assignment submission?

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Writing an apology letter for the late submission of an assignment is important to show accountability and express regret for the delay. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to write an effective apology letter:

Start with a polite and respectful salutation: Begin the letter by addressing the recipient in a formal manner, such as "Dear [Teacher's Name]" or "Dear Sir/Madam."

State the purpose of the letter: Clearly mention that the letter is an apology for the late submission of the assignment.

Acknowledge the mistake and take responsibility: Admit your mistake and take full responsibility for not meeting the deadline. This shows accountability and sincerity.

Explain the reason for the delay (if applicable): If there was a valid reason for the late submission, briefly explain it. However, avoid making excuses and focus on taking responsibility for the delay.

Express regret and apology: Show genuine remorse for the inconvenience caused by the late submission. Use sincere and apologetic language to convey your regret.

Assure it won't happen again: Assure the recipient that you have learned from the experience and will make every effort to ensure timely submissions in the future. This demonstrates your commitment to improvement.

Request for understanding or consideration: Politely request the recipient's understanding or ask if there is any possibility of resubmitting the assignment for partial credit or feedback.

Close the letter with a polite closing: End the letter with a polite closing, such as "Sincerely," or "Best regards," followed by your name.

Proofread and edit: Before sending the letter, make sure to proofread it for any errors or typos. Edit the content to ensure clarity and coherence.

Here is an example of an apology letter for the late submission of an assignment:

[Your Name] [Your Student ID/Class] [Contact Information]

[Teacher's Name] [School/University Name] [Address]

Dear [Teacher's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to sincerely apologise for the late submission of my [Assignment/Project Name] that was due on [Due Date]. I understand the importance of timely submissions and take full responsibility for not meeting the deadline.

Unfortunately, [briefly explain the reason for the delay, if applicable]. However, I want to emphasize that this is not an excuse but rather an explanation for my failure to submit the assignment on time.

I deeply regret any inconvenience this may have caused you and the disruption it might have caused to the class schedule. I assure you that this situation does not reflect my usual commitment to my studies. I have taken steps to ensure that such delays will not occur in the future.

If there's any possibility of resubmitting the assignment for partial credit or for feedback, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity. I value your guidance and expertise, and I believe that your feedback will be invaluable for my learning and improvement.

Thank you for your understanding and your dedication as a teacher. I will make sure to manage my time more effectively in the future to avoid any further delays.

Learn more:

  • How to write an apology letter for the late submission ... - Quora
  • Apology Letter for Being Late in Submission - Sample Letter - Uno Assignment Help
  • Apology Letter To Teacher For Late Submission | English Templates

Apology Letter for Late Submission of Documents- Samples

Apology letters for late submissions.

In any institution that we are associated with, we need to comply with deadlines. Be it the submission of assignments in our schools and colleges, or a project report of our office, timely submission plays a vital role in any organization or institution. A large part of the evaluation is also based on this because it portrays how sincere and dedicated a person is in their professional front. Today, let’s see the samples for Apology Letter for Late Submission of Documents.

An ideal apology letter should have the following elements

Given below are some of the samples that can be used for writing apology letters, say to your teachers or boss, for a late submission. 

(Recipient’s Name)

(Recipient’s Designation)

I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. I promise to send you the documents at the earliest. Please let me also know if any requirements need to be completed for the process. 

I assure you that I will not repeat this mistake. 

(Your name)

(Name of the School)

Dear Sir/Madam 

Yours faithfully 

(Company name) 

(Company Name)

Thanking you 

At the foremost, I would like to inform you that I am extremely apologetic for not being able to apply on time. I was just on the way to submitting the application but the car that I was traveling in crashed into a nearby divider. This had me hospitalized for several days and led to the delay of my submission, despite having it ready before time. 


Dear Sir/ Madam/ (name of the recipient)

Thanking you, 

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English Summary

Write A Apology Letter To Teacher For Late Submission Of Assignment In English

Mr Thomas Lyly English Teacher City Government School Kochi

02/03/2023 Teacher, This is Arohi F from 8th C class. I am writing this letter to apologise to you for the late submission of the assignment. I am very sorry for the late submission of the assignment. There is no correct explanation for the reason for my late submission.

Yes, I put off my work because I was lazy. I understand that there was sufficient time for doing the assignment and submitting it on the said date. I am very sorry for being irresponsible and not punctual. I know the importance of these values in a student’s life.

I kindly request that you accept my apology. I also request that you check and evaluate my assignment, which was submitted today, two days after the due date. I promise you that I will never repeat this mistake and that I will always be punctual.

Yours faithfully Arohi

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Explanation letter for late submission of project

Apology Letter for Late Submission of Project

Reaching the deadline for the job is very important. Many organizations also evaluate the performance of an employee based on this attribute.

There are different other things in an organization that are related to the project that is being accomplished by a person. The employee must submit the project on time. Sometimes, the employees are unable to meet the deadline due to many reasons. Not being able to submit work on time can create a lot of problems in the workplace.

The organization may face inconvenience. This type of problem is often faced by employees. They need to fix this problem if they want to save their job. The best thing they can do to solve the issue of tardiness in the submission of a project is to write an apology letter.

The importance of writing an apology letter

Employees often write an apology letter to their employer when they don’t meet the deadline due to any reason. The purpose of apologizing is to solve the problem.

Writing an apology letter is the best way to communicate between the employer and employee when the employee does not want the employer to judge him. Moreover, it is also very effective for those who want to keep a good relationship with their employer.

Here is a sample apology letter for you that you can use to save your time. If this letter does not follow your situation, you can modify it to customize it according to your needs.

Sample Letter -1

Respected Sir,

Please accept my apologies for being late in submitting the project. I intended to submit my work last Monday. However, due to an emergency, I could not do so. My mother was not feeling well, and I had to take her to another city for medication.

I promise that this will never happen again. Please accept my apologies for showing unintentional tardiness. I look forward to your consideration.

Yours sincerely

Apology Letter for Late Submission of Project

Letter File Size 98 KB

Sample Letter -2

I regret submitting the project [PROJECT NAME] late. The project was due to be submitted on November 23rd; however, it is November 28 today, and I apologize for the tardiness caused by me.

I had an unexpected family event that consumed most of my time, and I couldn’t focus on the project. The nature of the event was such that I couldn’t avoid participating. I hope you will understand my situation.

I assure you that complete the project in one day and will submit it to the [DEPARTMENT] on November 30 at the earliest.

Yours sincerely.

Apology Letter for Late Submission of Project

Sample Letter -3

Apology letter in response to the warning letter issued for late submission of the project

I am writing this in response to a warning letter issued to me dated [DATE] for tardiness in submitting the project [TITLE].

I apologize for submitting the project late. I had some unavoidable circumstances that caused me not to work on the project at my full. I assure you that this will not happen again as I must fulfill my professional responsibilities without delay.

Currently, I am taking up the project [TITLE] and will convince you to appreciate my work by completing it on time.

Apology letter in response to the warning letter issued for late submission of project

Sample Letter -4

Explanation letter for late submission of project/report

Mr. John allocated me the project [TITLE] on July 3rd, when I was already occupied with other work. The project [other titles] was due to be completed on July 05 I and my team was working to finish it on time.

I requested Mr. John not to allocate me the project [TITLE] now as I may not be able to complete it on time; however, he didn’t agree.

Meanwhile, I started working on this new project but couldn’t complete it on time, although I tried my best. The reason for the delay was, as I mentioned above, that I had less time to complete it.

I have always taken my responsibilities seriously, and this delay in submission was obvious. I hope it helps to clear my situation, and the management must keep confidence in my abilities and good deeds.

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Home » Apology Letter For Work Not Done (15+ Samples)

Apology Letter For Work Not Done (15+ Samples)

apology letter for not submitting assignment on time

Apology letter for work not done is the letter that should be written when you miss the deadline for your work or activity. In this letter, you may offer reasons for not being able to complete your work on time and also mention your plans for avoiding it in future. This type of letter should have a polite tone so that you can get a positive answer for it. If you are about to write an apology letter then these will help you a lot in writing this type of apology letter effectively.

Apology Letter For Work Not Done

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to apologize for not doing my work. I was supposed to finish my project before the deadline but I couldn’t manage it. The reason behind it was that some personal issues came up and I couldn’t concentrate on my work.

I hope you can forgive me for this mistake of mine and give me another chance in your organization.

Yours sincerely,

I am writing this letter to apologize for not doing my work on time. I know that you expect me to do my work properly, but I failed to do so.

I will try my best not to make the same mistake again in future.

I hope this apology letter will suffice your anger and help you forgive me.

Dear (name),

I am writing this letter to apologize for my lack of work performance. This has been a difficult time for me, and I have not been able to devote the time that I would like to this project.

I can assure you that this will not happen again, as I have made arrangements with my supervisor to ensure that my workload is more manageable. I apologize for any inconvenience my lack of attention may have caused.

(your name)

I am so sorry that I have not completed my work on time. I am really sorry for being absent from the office on Wednesday and Thursday as well. This is not going to happen again in future as I know that it is not acceptable for you as well. I promise that I will work hard from now on so that you are satisfied with my work and will not face any problems in future.

Please accept my apology for this mistake and let me know if there is anything else that needs to be done related to this issue.

I am writing to apologize for not completing my assignment on time. I know that it is important for you and the company, and I am sorry that I have not been able to do what was expected of me.

I will make sure that this does not happen again in the future, and I promise that I will complete all the tasks on time from now on.

I am writing to apologize for the delay in completing my work. I have been extremely busy with my daily chores and could not find time to complete my assignment. I hope you are not upset with me as it has never been my intention to delay the submission of my work. I will ensure that such an issue does not arise in future and complete all assignments on time.

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter to apologize for the work that I did not do on time. I know how important the work is and how much you rely on me to do a good job. I realize that my mistakes have caused you a lot of trouble and inconvenience. I want to thank you  and hoping for another chance to prove myself worthy of your trust and confidence in me.

I promise that I will never let you down again because this time, I understand my responsibilities more clearly than before. This is why I am asking for another chance to do what needs to be done as soon as possible so that we can avoid further problems with our clients.

Please accept my apology for not doing what was expected of me earlier.

Dear Mr./Ms. __________,

I am writing to apologize for the work that was not done. I understand that this is an inconvenience and I am sorry. I had intended to do the work, but a personal matter came up unexpectedly and prevented me from completing it on time.

I have been working in this position for about two years now and have a good track record for completing projects on time. I have also worked with many different people and have never had any issues with them before or after their project has been completed. I will make sure this does not happen again.

I hope that you will accept my apology and allow me to continue working with your company.

Dear Mr. Smith,

I write to apologize for the work not done on the project on time.

It was my mistake that I did not complete the project on time and I am very sorry for it. I know how important the project is for you and I am really sorry that I could not complete it on time.

I will try my best to make sure such mistakes do not happen in future and hope that you will give me another chance.

I am writing this letter to apologize for the work that I have not done. The reason for my not doing the work is because I lost my documents which were related to the project. I am really sorry for this incident and will try my best to complete it as soon as possible.

I hope you will consider my request and give me another chance to complete this project.

I am very sorry to inform you that I was unable to complete the project on time. My computer was infected by a virus and all my files were lost. I am working hard to restore the data, but it may take some more time. I hope you understand my situation and I promise to deliver the work before the deadline.

I will try my best to get the work done as soon as possible.

I am writing this letter to apologize for the work not done by me in the office. Due to some personal problems and circumstances, I was unable to complete my work on time. I have been working here for the last 2 years and have never taken leave without prior notice. My previous performance was also good and you had no complaints about my work. But this time, it was unavoidable due to my personal problems and circumstances.

I hope you understand my situation and will give me another chance to prove myself again. I promise that I will give 100% effort in all future assignments.

I am writing this letter to apologize for not doing my work on time. I sincerely regret not meeting the deadline and can assure you that it will never happen again. I had planned to finish my work by today but due to some unforeseen circumstances, I was unable to complete it in time. However, I have taken care of your instructions and have worked hard to produce a quality product.

I understand that you might be upset with me for not completing the task on time but please do understand that it is not easy to complete something when there are other important things going on in life.

I promise that if you give me another chance, I will try my best not only for you but also for myself so that I do not disappoint anyone ever again.

Thank you for giving me another chance and allowing me to explain myself regarding what happened recently.

I am writing this letter to express my sincere apologies to you. I regret to inform you that the project assigned to me has not been completed due to some unavoidable circumstances.

As I was busy with other personal matters, I could not give enough time and attention to it. For this reason, I am unable to complete the project on time. I request you to kindly consider my apology and give me another chance to complete the project as soon as possible.

I assure you that I will work harder than before so that no such incidents happen in future again.

John Peteru

I am writing this letter to apologize for not completing the work that was assigned to me. I am really sorry for the inconvenience caused to you and your organization due to my negligence. The reason for this delay is because of my personal commitments and family issues that forced me to take leave from office. I understand that this may have affected your business as well as reputation in front of your clients and customers which can cause a negative impact on your business.

I hope that you will forgive me for my conduct and let me know if there is any other work that you want me to do. I look forward to working with you again in future projects and assignments.

I am writing this letter to apologize for not completing my work on time. I have been very busy with my personal life and I have neglected my work at the office which has led to this inefficiency.

I know that it is unacceptable and I hope that you will forgive me for this lapse. I will try my best to make up for it by working extra hours or doing whatever is necessary to ensure that such a thing does not happen again.

I would like to apologize again for my poor performance and hope that you will consider this letter as an apology from me.

I am writing this letter to apologize for not completing my work on time. I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. The reason for the delay was because of an urgent meeting at the office.

I understand that it is important for us to meet deadlines and deliver our work within a time-frame. I will ensure that I complete all my tasks on time in future.

I request you to consider this as a lapse and accept my sincere apology for the same.

Thanks for your support and understanding in this matter and I look forward to working with you again

I am writing this letter to apologize for not completing the work assigned to me. I was supposed to complete a report on the topic “The Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries” and hand it over to my professor, but unfortunately I could not do it due to some unavoidable circumstances. The reason behind not completing the work is mentioned below:

On Monday, I was supposed to go to the library and do some research on the topic but as I had some other work pending in my office, I could not go there. On Tuesday too, I could not go due to the same reason and on Wednesday also because of some personal problems.

I am writing this letter to apologize for the incomplete work that I submitted to you. I was unable to complete the project as I had to take care of my mother who was ill. She is now recovering but I do not want you to be disappointed with my performance.

I have been working with your company for three years and have always done my best. But this time it was out of my control. I hope you will give me another chance and allow me to complete the project in the next couple of days.

I will make sure that this does not happen again in future.

Thanking you.

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Letter to Employer to Apologize for Not Completing Work on Time

Write this type of letter to apologize to your employer for not completing work on time. Include any relevant details, such as the project details, any information regarding why the work completion was delayed, and when you anticipate getting the work done.

[Your letterhead, if desired; if not, your return address]

[Date of letter—month, day, and year]

[Recipient's first and last names] [Company name] [Street or P.O. box address] [City, State ZIP code]

Dear [recipient's name]:

I am writing to let you know that I have not yet completed the work project that was due to you today. I sincerely and profusely apologize for this delay and for any problems it might cause for you or for the rest of the team members. I had set aside a certain number of hours to complete the work, and unfortunately, I had not anticipated that the work would take as long as it has taken. I anticipate that I will complete the work by two days from now and will send the completed project to you sooner if I am able to do so more quickly.

Thank you for your patience, and again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this delay.


[Sender's first and last names]

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Home » Letters » School » Apology Letter to Teacher for Not Doing Assignment – Sample Apology for Not Doing Assignment in School

Apology Letter to Teacher for Not Doing Assignment – Sample Apology for Not Doing Assignment in School

apology letter for not submitting assignment on time

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To, The Class Teacher, _________ (Name of the Teacher) _________ (Mention Class), _________ (Name of the School)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

From, _________ (Name of the Student)

Subject: Apology for not submitting the assignment

Most humbly, I __________ (Name of the Student) a student of your class i.e. ________ (Class) having roll number __________ (Roll Number) write this to apologize for not submitting the assignment for _______ (mention subject).

The mentioned assignment was to be submitted by __/__/____ (date) and due to the reason _______ (mention reason), I failed to submit the mentioned assignment. I apologize for the same and expect your kind forgiveness.

Yours Sincerely, __________ (Name), __________ (Signature), __________ (Roll Number)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Your name, class, roll number, a sincere apology for not completing the assignment, a specific reason for not submitting it, the subject of the assignment, and the original submission date.
  • Address the teacher respectfully, using "Sir/Madam" or "Dear Sir/Madam."
  • Yes, providing a genuine reason helps the teacher understand the circumstances and may influence their response.
  • Yes, expressing regret demonstrates accountability and respect for the teacher's expectations.
  • Conclude with a polite closing, such as "Yours sincerely," followed by your name, signature, and roll number for identification.

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  • apology letter for non-submission of assignment

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