My Fun Piano Studio

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Music Theory Worksheets–50+ Free Printables

The Ultimate Music Theory Worksheet Guide

Welcome to the Ultimate Music Theory Worksheet Guide

The definitive handbook for the effective use of theory worksheets–with engaging companion activities and over 50 free printables that make learning theory fun.

How to get started:

1. Click play to see a quick overview of the resources in the guide.

2. Scroll down to read the Ultimate Guide. To print any of the 50+ worksheets for free, just click on an image.

3. Apply the active learning ideas. Double the effectiveness of each printable by utilizing the fun companion activities described below.

View a specific category by clicking on any of the quick links below:

  • Circle of Fifths
  • Scales and Chords
  • Music Symbols
  • Music Alphabet

The Ultimate Music Theory Worksheet Guide

1. note names.

Pirate Note Name Worksheet

Help your new beginners master the notes as quickly as possible, and you’ll see that kids learn new pieces easier and with less frustration. This increases their satisfaction with your instruction and boosts their confidence. It’s true that time is a precious commodity during a lesson, but reserving time for note reading is worth every second! Read on for fun free music theory printables and ideas for applied learning activities that teach note identification.

Spot the Note--a note name worksheet

2. Use the printable to play a game . Give your students a copy of the worksheet and a handful of small candies like M&M’s. Call out a note name and ask your students to place a candy over the correct note. At the end of the game, students get to eat all the candies. This game works well both as a group game or in a private lesson.

3. You can also use this printout to give kids extra practice with the stem rules . Hand them the worksheet and ask them to add stems to all the notes. Turn it into a fun manipulative exercise by giving your students yarn or pretzel sticks that they can use to add the stems. I guarantee they’ll have a ball with this easy activity for your hands-on learners.


I designed Bubble Notes with new beginners in mind. When you’re working with students who are just being introduced to the notes on the staff, you’ll want to give them extra note identification practice, but they’ll feel overwhelmed if you hand them a standard note name worksheet . This worksheet only has treble notes middle C through G and the top notes of the bass staff , which are typically the first notes a beginner pianist learns in her method books. This worksheet has a fun them that’s appealing to young kids and they enjoy writing their answers inside the bubbles.

Black and white note identification worksheet

Remember that it is important to give your music students many frequent opportunities to practice note names . Practice note identification at every lesson with new beginners. If you have any students who are far along, but seem to struggle with some notes, I encourage you to pause and make time for reviewing note names. You’ll see dramatic improvement in their abilities and in their attitude towards music lessons. I’ve created quite a few note name activities, and I encourage you to utilize them to help kids master the notes as soon as possible. Their music studies will be much easier as soon as they do!

Try it today:

  • Print Polka Dot Notes and play the fun hands on activity described above that helps kids learn note names.
  • Give your young beginners a copy of Bubble Notes. See how many notes they correctly identify and then give them extra practice with problem notes.

2. Music Intervals

Music interval stars

I made Music Interval Stars for kids who are just getting introduced to music intervals. Keep in mind that you can start introducing intervals even to very young students. We sometimes think we need to wait, but it’s really not necessary. I’ve seen five year old kids quickly become proficient, and it puts them on a super fast track for reading music.

Here’s how I like to introduce intervals. I first show simple examples–the Music Interval Stars worksheet works great. We learn how to count the lines and spaces to give the interval a name. We’ll practice this for several weeks until I feel like the kids have a sound understanding of how intervals are classified by size. Then we’ll started working on rapid identification by sight (without counting lines and spaces).


Now let me share with you a great interval activity that will help your students with ear training and help them better understand how music works: Print out one of these worksheets and have your student identify all the intervals. Then highlight three or four of them and ask your student to play the notes and describe the sounds . First play the notes melodically and then harmonically. Ask leading questions to help your student get really specific in describing the characteristics of the sound. Does it sound happy or sad? Calm or tense? Do you think these notes could be used to end a song, or does it sound like the notes need resolution?

Here’s one more activity that will help your students really internalize these intervals. Ask your students to go home and compose a short song that contains all of the intervals you highlighted and discussed on the worksheet. Before turning them loose, you might help them analyze which of the intervals could be used for an interesting introduction, and which would give their piece a good conclusion. This simple activity will get you big results, and I encourage you to print out one of the worksheets today and try it with your students. You’ll be impressed by their creations and their retention of the material.

  • Print Music Interval Stars for your young students and Music Intervals for kids who are more advanced. Help students identify all the intervals on the page.
  • Highlight a few intervals from the worksheet. Play them and discuss the characteristics of the sound. Then invite students to create a song using these intervals.

3. The Circle of Fifths

Music theory worksheet for the circle of fifths

This particular printable is one of the most popular music theory worksheets on my website . It’s also one of my personal favorites because music students get to practice two important concepts that go hand in hand. To complete the worksheet, students first go around the circle and write the name of each key . Then students can go back through and practice writing the sharps and flats to complete each key signature. You can remind them to pay special attention to the correct placement of the sharps and flats . Give your students a new copy of this worksheet about every other month and before long they’ll be pros at using the circle of fifths and key signatures.

Circle of fifths worksheet for grayscale printing

Once completed, either of these printables can be used to play a game called “Dizzy Keynote Frenzy” . Sit near the piano and all you need is the printout, a marker, a die, and a token for each player. Place all tokens on the same wedge and player 1 rolls the die and moves that number of spaces around the circle. The student then has 30 seconds to play the keynote that corresponds to that section of the circle. If she answers correctly, she gets to write her initials in the space. The next player then takes a turn to roll the die. If his token lands on a space that already has initials, he looses that turn. Play continues until every wedge has a set of initials. The player who initialed the most sections of the circle of fifths wins.

I created a couple more variations on these activities so that you can find the one that best fits your goals for teaching your students. There are black and white copies for teachers who have a large class and can’t afford colored printing. There are music worksheets that focus on treble clef key signatures and others that focus on bass clef key signatures so that you can help your students become proficient with both clefs–especially when it comes to writing the sharps and flats on the correct line or space. To see these printables, visit circle of fifths worksheets .

  • Review two critical concepts at once with the colored circle of fifths worksheet above. Students get to identify each key and also practice writing sharps and flats to complete a key signature.
  • Use the completed worksheet to play the game “Dizzy Keynote Frenzy” (see instructions above).

4. Rhythm Worksheets

Best shot rhythm worksheet

Grab the printed worksheet, a basket and three beanbags or small balls. Hand your student the worksheet and ask him to give it his best shot and see if he can get a perfect score. Tell him that if he gets a perfect score, he’ll get to try his hand at scoring points with a real basket.

This music worksheet covers these rhythm topics:

  • Writing the counts beneath the notes in a measure
  • Adding barlines where needed to give each measure the correct number of beats

If the student misses an answer or two, help him understand how to get the correct answers and then let him have a turn tossing the beanbags or balls into the basket. Your student will have a blast and will probably remember this rhythm lesson years later!

Rhythm Worksheet: Time Signature Cookies

Each cookie displays a time signature that matches one of the example measures. You can have your students draw a line from the cookie to the correct measure, or you can ask them to write in the time signature for each measure. I usually prefer to have them write it in, just because I think it’s good practice for students.

If you have any students who miss several answers, go through the assignment with them and help them write the counts beneath each note or rest . I had one student who kept missing these until I finally discovered wasn’t giving the rests any beats.

Missing Bar Lines Printable

Turn this worksheet into a fun manipulative activity by giving your students pull-apart licorice or pretzel sticks. They can use the snacks to add the bar lines. They’ll be extra motivated to do their best if you tell them that they get to eat the snacks after they’ve correctly completed the exercise!

  • Grab a basket and a small ball and let kids “give it their best shot” after completing the worksheet.
  • Give kids a snack as they work on Missing Bar Lines. Pretzel sticks or licorice can be used for bar lines and your students will love it!

5. Piano Worksheets

Piano worksheet for learning names of piano keys

Fun Ideas for Active Learning: After completing the worksheet, ask kids to find and play each note on the piano. Or give the child a handful of blue, green, and orange beads and ask him to place a bead on the piano key that matches the highlighted keys on the printable. Have him name the key each time he places a bead.

Piano worksheets to learn finger numbers

Fun Ideas for Active Learning: Point to a number on the worksheet and ask your student to play a white key with that finger. Then point to another number and ask the child to play a black key with the correct finger. There are a lot of variations if you ask for right hand or left hand, or if your students know the names of the keys and you call out a finger number and the letter name of a key. For more music theory printables that are specific to the piano, see piano worksheets

  • Use Howdy, Partner to drill the names of the piano keys. Practice finding and playing each key on the physical piano after completing the worksheet.
  • Reinforce finger numbers with young kids by utilizing the finger numbers printout.

6. Scales and Chords

Music theory worksheet for learning the whole and half step pattern in major scales

Scale Detective lets kids imagine that they are detectives searching for the clue to how scales are formed. I love that the worksheet includes a keyboard diagram above the notes of the scale. This diagram is especially helpful for beginners who may not yet be able to quickly identify whole and half steps while viewing music notation. But when you relate those notes to the keyboard, it’s easy as pie to see where the half steps are.

Music theory worksheets to teach the whole and half step pattern in major scales

Scales help us understand how one note relates to another within a key, so I encourage you to have your student practice playing scales and know the theory behind how they are formed with half steps and whole steps. Click on the image to the right to print the older student version of the major scales activity.


Chords are also a super easy way to harmonize a melody when kids make up their own songs or want to embellish a simple piece. Teach kids the formula for building chords, and they’ll be able to play any chord they need. The worksheet featured here helps kids master the formula for building major chords. The half step formula is listed at the top of the page and students just color in the keys needed to complete each chord. This is one of my favorite music theory worksheets to use with older beginners. I like to help them learn their chords as quickly as possible so that they can start having fun with piano improv . And the older students really appreciate this–they’re excited to be able to start making their own impressive music after only a few lessons.

  • Help students figure out the whole half pattern in major scales with Scale Detective. They’ll better retain the information because they discovered it with their own brainpower.
  • Also use these worksheets to teach that each key has a tonal center called a tonic. Students can practice identifying the tonic for each scale on the printout.

7. Drawing Music Symbols


This worksheet will help your students pay attention to the details of the symbols and learn how to draw them correctly. Students first trace and then draw the brace, double bar line, bass clef, and treble clef. I’ve found that student are much more confident when then first get to trace the element. Then when they immediately draw it free hand much more accurately.

But don’t get me wrong! The first time students draw a brace or a clef it will look wacky. But with practice they’ll get better. And as your students begin composing their own songs or writing down a little ditty that they’ve improvised, they’ll be able to do so because you took the time to teach them how to draw these symbols.


The biggest monster for most students, however, is the quarter rest. That little squiggly line can cause a lot of frustration for kids. I like to have my students trace it, and then when they freehand I tell them that it looks kind of like a “Z” with a tail. These instructions seem to help and it’s fun to see kids improve as they continue to practice drawing music symbols.

8. Identifying Half Steps and Whole Steps

Music Theory Worksheet for teaching half steps and whole steps

You might go one step further and ask your students to play the notes on the keyboard. Kids who are kinesthetic learners will especially benefit from playing and vocalizing the steps they see.

I recommend that you begin with the keyboard worksheet and then introduce this worksheet that has notes on the staff. This worksheet can be used to build a foundation before delving into the identification of music intervals by type.

Help kids complete this worksheet by having them sit at the keyboard and play the notes. With time, students will be able to identify the steps without sitting at the piano, but this is a great way to help them visualize the distance between the notes.

  • Use the keyboard worksheet to introduce whole and half steps. Then have your student play whole and half steps on the piano.
  • Help students become proficient at classifying whole and half steps on the staff with the second worksheet from this section.

9. Treble Clef Notes and Bass Clef Notes

Free printable treble clef worksheet with alien theme

The most common issue I see is kids that are great with the right hand notes, but really struggle to identify bass clef notes. For whatever reason, kids always seem to need extra practice with those left hand notes, so you’ll want to visit often to print bass clef worksheets like the one you see here. You can view all bass clef worksheets by clicking bass clef worksheets

Bass Clef Notes Worksheet

Click on an image to the left to print in black and white.

  • Consider each student. Do any of them struggle with treble or bass clef notes?
  • Print a worksheet for each student that has difficulties. The activities in this section allow you to give special attention to a student’s particular weakness in note reading.

10. Rhythm Worksheets for New Beginners

Rhythm worksheets you can print for free

Do you have really young students who need extra reinforcement with rhythm basics? I created Playing With Rhythm especially for those little ones.

First review with your students what half notes and quarter notes look like. I usually point to a quarter note first and ask the kids to describe what it looks like. We conclude that it’s a black oval with a stem. Then I point to a half note and ask them to tell me what makes this note different from the first note. We conclude that it looks the same, except that it is “empty”.

Then play! Give kids this worksheet and ask them to “run around the playground” looking for all the half notes. Young kids think it’s fun to wander their pencil around this 2D playground and circle the half notes. And after they’ve identified over a dozen, they’ll confidently identify these rhythm notes next time they sit down with their method books.

Early Bird's Bed Head Rhythm Notes

  • Ask your young beginners to circle all the half notes on the Playing With Rhythm printout.
  • Invite students to give Early Bird a crazy hairdo by drawing lines to connect each note with its numeric value. Students will love this silly activity!

11. Music Alphabet

Music Alphabet  Worksheet

This first worksheet is for introducing the music alphabet. You can show them the print out and explain that the music alphabet is just like the regular alphabet, only easier because it has just 7 letters. Invite your student to point to each letter while you recite the music alphabet. Next, hand the child a pencil and ask her to copy the music alphabet onto the lines.

At the next few lessons, continue reviewing the music alphabet by asking the student to verbalize it with you and also write it down. When you think she’s got a good understanding, you’re ready to try this next worksheet.

Music Alphabet What's Next Worksheet

Either of this worksheets can be used with manipulatives. You can use alphabet letter tiles or beads and ask the student to place a bead of the correct letter on the black space. Adding this kind of variety to your lessons will help your students stay excited about piano.

  • Do you have any brand new beginners? Print the music alphabet worksheet and try the activity described above.
  • Use the What’s Next worksheet to evaluate whether your students fully understand that the music alphabet has only 7 letters and then it repeats.

12. Holiday Music Theory Worksheets

Music rhythmic dictation worksheet for Halloween

I’ve created lots of printables with holiday themes and will continue to add to more, so be sure to check back each time a holiday is approaching.


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The Ultimate Music Theory Worksheet Guide

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April 7, 2014 at 5:35 am

Thank you for this! My younger kids love doing worksheets with lots of bright colours like this!

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March 17, 2020 at 9:18 pm

Dear Kristen,

An SF Bay Area Piano Studio attempt to survive this Coronavirus Quarantine. Thanks for these worksheets during this time. These worksheets will complement my temporary online instruction for K12 after-school lessons.

Gregory Smith

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May 7, 2023 at 1:09 pm


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April 7, 2014 at 6:05 am

I’ve seen lots of students who are good at treble clef notes, but really struggle with the bass clef. I’ve tried asking parents to do flashcards at home, but it hasn’t really worked that well. I’m looking forward to trying your worksheets and these fun activities. Thank you!

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April 7, 2014 at 2:10 pm

Have I told you you’re awesome today? I think its fantastic how you create or find all these resources just to hook kids into music. As a public educator with very little resources, I love the free worksheets and activity ideas. Thank you!!!

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April 9, 2014 at 4:33 am

Thanks Beth, Jenny and Heather. I’m glad you like the worksheets!

I know what you mean, Teri. Families are busy and aren’t always able to help their students get in the extra practice they need. We just do the best we can during lessons and that’s why quick activities like these are perfect!

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April 7, 2014 at 10:34 pm

Wow what a useful fun set of resources – thank you!

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April 10, 2014 at 9:21 pm

Wow, wow, WOW! Thank you so much! I have a new 5 year old starting tomorrow. Will laminate and use these. YOu made my day!!

April 11, 2014 at 2:46 am

You’re welcome, Kelly. I’m so glad you’ll be able to use these worksheets and activities with your new student.

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April 22, 2014 at 4:41 pm

Thanks so much! So cute and great tools for teaching!

April 24, 2014 at 5:09 am

Thanks, Diane. I’m glad you visited my little website and that you like the worksheets.

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April 24, 2014 at 9:48 pm

Thank you, Kristin, for a terrific site. I look forward to using these worksheets with my students. I think note names in general are hard for some students.

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July 29, 2014 at 2:50 pm

This is an awesome resource. I teach K-2 music and I can certainly utilize this information.

July 30, 2014 at 4:02 am

Thanks, Bobby! I hope you’ll get lots of use out of these activities!

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July 31, 2014 at 10:55 am

Thanks so much for sharing these learning activities! I know several of my students who will love the cute pictures that somehow make worksheets more fun!

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August 12, 2014 at 12:51 pm

Thank you very much Kristin. They are very appreciated and my students will enjoy them. You are very kind!

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August 14, 2014 at 4:43 am

This is awesome! Thank you so much for selflessly sharing these learning activities. Absolutely a helpful and fun way to learn music theories. Love it :)

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August 14, 2014 at 2:36 pm

Note reading will be the best ones. for me. Thank you for your generosity!

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August 26, 2014 at 7:12 pm

My students are going to love these colorful worksheets with fun graphics! Thank you!

August 27, 2014 at 8:14 pm

You’re very welcome, Regina. Thanks for being so kind. Hope your students have a lot of fun!

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October 17, 2014 at 6:17 am

Thank you so much for these fabulous worksheets!! It makes music theory cool to teach and learn. Your hard work is appreciated!

October 17, 2014 at 6:26 am

Thanks, Roberta! It really has been a lot of work, but it’s worth it when I hear that these resources are helping you make music theory fun to learn. I hope you’ll keep in touch!

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October 20, 2014 at 7:03 am

wow, Im 57, has been teaching since 22! You think like I do! MUSIC HAS TO BE FUN!!! Not many music teachers in South Africa shares this attitude! I hope I can get these downloaded! BC…..Before Computer!

Kind regards

South Africa

October 21, 2014 at 5:22 am

Ilse, how wonderful that these worksheets are being used all the way in South Africa. It’s so fun that we can share ideas and help each other. Great job keeping the right frame of mind during so many years of teaching. You’re right, when music is fun, kids respond so much better. Your students are lucky to have you!

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November 12, 2014 at 10:31 pm

Thank you Kristin! So kind and generous of you to make these worksheets and activities available to all. I can only imagine the time and effort you have put into all this! With appreciation, Peter

December 17, 2014 at 6:30 am

Thanks, Peter! It has been a lot of effort to make these, but worth it when they help kids make more progress and help other teachers save time on lesson prep. Thanks for your kind comment.

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January 6, 2015 at 2:12 am

very very nice… Thank you

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January 13, 2015 at 12:22 am

I loved it! I share all the comments about music theory being fun fun fun! As a cultural & Arts teacher I try to find ways to make Culture, Arts & Music a fun experience for my students. Music theory can be very challenging. Thank you for these awesome Ideas! My musical & warm greetings from sunny Happy Island Of Aruba!

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March 4, 2015 at 8:36 am

Hi, I was struggling hard to teach my son (6yo) the music notes as I am not music trained. This site was an answered prayer! Thank You for your generous sharing for the spread of music education!! I teach mainly Visual Arts. Am very encouraged and inspired by blogs like yours and strive to give freely as well. Lots of Gratitude from the heart!

March 5, 2015 at 8:13 am

Angie, what a sweet comment. I’m so glad that these will help. And I’m super impressed that you’re teaching the notes to your son. Keep up your great work–giving your son a music education will enrich his life in so many ways and he’ll be so grateful for all the time and effort you’re investing to help him grow. What a wonderful mother you are!

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March 24, 2015 at 9:54 am

I super love it. THANKS for the great help :)))))

March 25, 2015 at 4:15 am

Thanks Kesha! You’re super too–keep up your great work!

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April 17, 2015 at 1:38 pm

Thank you so much for these worksheets! My son has autism, visual processing disorder and dyslexia and has been taking piano lessons for almost one year. He has been making steady progress, but we are still having trouble learning the note names. Also each time a new concept is introduced, it is difficult for him to master it. These worksheets are a answer to prayer for us. They are visually spaced so well it is easy for him to see what he is supposed to be learning without the “extra fluff”! We are making more progress since we found them than we had before. He is truly enjoying learning the piano and this has given him such a much needed confidence boost. Thank you! Thank you!

April 17, 2015 at 4:33 pm

Allison, thank you for taking the time to share your son’s progress. That is wonderful! It warms my heart to hear that something I created has played a small role in helping your son with his musical education. You’re a great mom for being so involved in his lessons and for giving him the gift of music.

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January 19, 2017 at 3:26 pm

Thank you for helping kids learn music. The are I live in doesn’t focus on music like when I was young. My kids are missing out on band and basics. This makes it easier for me to teach them to read music and appreciate it.

January 24, 2017 at 4:07 am

So glad these are helpful, Laura. You’re a great mom for filling in the gaps in your children’s education.

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April 19, 2017 at 9:29 am

These resources are very useful. i’m very excited to use all of these in our workshop. It’s really a great help. Thank you very much Kristin for your very creative mind and generous heart to share all of your ideas with us. May God bless you always for thinking others.

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April 21, 2017 at 2:38 pm

Hi Kristin!

I love your site, and I use A LOT of your free printables for my students! I was wondering if you had any more worksheets on note values than listed here? Maybe some with time signatures or adding up the note values or creating rhythms. Thanks!

April 23, 2017 at 3:27 pm

So glad that these worksheets are helpful! You’re right, I do need to get more rhythm worksheets uploaded. There are some scattered throughout the holidays, so anytime that you’re approaching a holiday, you can use those for the worksheets. But I’ll definitely need to add some more general use worksheets.

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June 13, 2017 at 2:04 am

Thank you for making all of these great resources available! I will be starting to teach lessons this summer after a hiatus. I am excited to try these ideas with my new students!

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July 20, 2017 at 11:17 pm

Love your ideas. look forward to using more, just got a new 6yr old student

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August 2, 2017 at 4:41 am

Terima kasih (Thank u) from Indonesia. This is my first year being a music teacher in a formal school. These worksheets help me a lot

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January 31, 2018 at 5:52 pm

Question. Do you have the answer keys to these worksheets? My kids take piano, but I don’t play. Their teacher wants them to practice note identification and I love these….but I have no idea if they are correct or not. Thank yo!!!

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February 15, 2018 at 1:36 pm

Thanks so much for these free printables!! I have a Life Skills music student who is moving to the far, far north of Canada where there is no school past Grade 8 (age 13 or so). He loves music and has perfect pitch, so I’m glad I was able to print some music worksheets for him to take along when he moves.

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March 10, 2018 at 7:29 pm

Thanks so much! You have really encouraged me to start a group pre-piano class. I have some fun games and ideas to get it going. I also do a lot with movement since I am a retired general music teacher so I feel confident I have enough to get started!

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April 24, 2018 at 10:32 pm

I am looking for a printable that I saw online yesterday. (But can’t find today!) it was a picture of an elephant with a bird on its head and a fly on the bird’s head. It was a fun way of illustrating the e,b,and f lines on the treble clef. Was this one on your printables?

April 25, 2018 at 3:09 am

Hi Debbie! Yes, a link to the printable can be found on the Treble Clef Worksheets page. Best wishes for you and your students!

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September 12, 2018 at 2:15 am

Thank you so much for these worksheets! I’m glad that there are a variety of resources that I can use to make the lesson more interesting and meaningful for my younger students. I’ve only taught piano lessons for one year so things like this have really helped me get started and know how to teach my students.

September 12, 2018 at 4:41 pm

Thanks for your kind comment! I’m so glad these are helpful and wish you and your students a great year.

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October 9, 2018 at 2:34 am

Just found your website tonight while looking for resources to teach my children Music Theory for our homeschool. Thank you so much for developing and sharing all these pro tables and taking the time to explain how to use them! We will be using this resource a lot, and I will share it with others.

October 9, 2018 at 7:53 pm

So glad these help! Good luck with your homeschooling!

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December 31, 2018 at 2:25 am

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January 20, 2019 at 4:48 pm

These music sheets will really help me on my test

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March 26, 2019 at 12:14 am

Thank you so much! What a resource!

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March 28, 2019 at 8:28 am

I was pleasantly surprised when I found these helpful, colourful and creative worksheets. Thank you so much!

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April 28, 2019 at 7:56 pm

Your site has great ideas for my special education students in middle school. They have just the right amount of examples to accommodate middle school students in my LIMMS classes! I loved them all! I only copied a few right now but perfect for my intervals, and scales lessons! Thank you so much! The students will love them. I can also leave these for a sub to use as well!

April 30, 2019 at 5:15 am

Jean, your kind comment made my day. I’m so happy to hear that these worksheets are helping your students. Keep up your great work!

May 14, 2019 at 1:46 pm

These are fabulous. I teach chorus in a k-12 and i find them really helpful in my classes as well! great job on your website too!

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August 21, 2019 at 9:05 pm

You made these sheets right around when my baby was born and now she is 5 and using them. It’s amazing how your effort is still helping parents after many years and will continue to help. Thank you for this!

October 10, 2019 at 6:14 pm

Oh how wonderful! Your comment made me smile, and I’m so happy that your daughter is enjoying these theory worksheets.

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August 28, 2019 at 11:11 pm

These worksheets are really great! I was asked to teach the little kids this year, and I didn’t have much fun stuff for them, so this is a wonderful find. I know it took a lot of work and time to put these together. Thank you so much!

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September 18, 2019 at 6:20 am

Wow! Thank you so much, these worksheets and tips are amazing and so helpful when still finding your teaching feet.

October 10, 2019 at 6:11 pm

So glad these ideas are helpful! I wish you big success!

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October 1, 2019 at 5:55 am

I teach grades 1-9 and have found your worksheets extremely useful. They are set out very logically and the instructions are clear. Thank you for your hard work – it is truly appreciated.

October 10, 2019 at 6:02 pm

Thanks Tessa! Keep up your great work with those students–they’re so lucky to have you!

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November 14, 2019 at 4:49 pm

I have been looking for something to add a little fun to my studio! This looks like just what I need!!!

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November 23, 2019 at 7:18 am

thanks for the information

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November 24, 2019 at 1:03 am

I teach piano from 6-13. Your data is wonderful. Thanks to you I think I can have a fun class with my children. Thank for the data

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February 26, 2020 at 11:47 pm

Thank you fo these sheets!

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February 27, 2020 at 10:50 am

Thank you so much for these wonderful worksheets which you offer for free on your website. I give piano lessons and they are very useful and also fun to help improve students’ music theory. I really appreciate your generosity! May God bless you and reward you for all the hard work you put into making them! Greetings from Romania!

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February 28, 2020 at 5:10 pm

These are a lifesaver. Thank you.

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March 20, 2020 at 2:14 am

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March 27, 2020 at 9:28 pm

Thanks alot – I was looking for things to give my students to print at home during coronavirus lockdown and a couple of these were perfect – the ball bouncing one is great cause it gives them something non-computer oriented to do.

Thanks so much!

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March 28, 2020 at 3:17 pm

Good info. Lucky me I recently found your website by chance (stumbleupon). I have saved as a favorite for later!

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April 1, 2020 at 9:47 pm

Thank you so much for all the worksheets. Like most of the world, we are going though the COVID19 (corona virus) social distancing. In a time like this, I am thankful for your dedication to music, as we are unable to have our regular, face-to-face private piano lessons. These worksheets will really keep my students thinking, practicing, and enjoying music! Thanks again!

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June 5, 2020 at 4:50 pm

This is a great resource for a mom who is unversed in piano herself but still trying to encourage her child’s interest and supplement the piano instruction at home. The activities are attractive and well thought out. We all benefit from your years of on-hand experience with youngsters and older students alike. Thank you very much for organizing it so well and for making it free! This mom and 6 year old are very grateful.

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September 5, 2020 at 4:30 am

Thank you very much for the worksheets! I complied them and will put it in binder for my kids. Its a very big help especially during this pandemic! I love the cartoons too! Thank you again!

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September 20, 2020 at 7:56 pm

Thank you! I am doing assessments to start the year and was looking for ways to do this with my online lessons. Your wonderful worksheets fit the bill perfectly! I have downloaded almost all of them listed here. The students will love it – much more fun than just showing them flashcards and having them name notes, intervals, etc.

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October 13, 2020 at 3:53 pm

So grateful for what you have done here! This is a God-send! Blessings to you!

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January 12, 2021 at 4:23 pm

These are so creative! Thank you!

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February 18, 2021 at 8:09 pm

Your worksheets are fun and engaging! Thank you so much for providing some much needed resources for my Annual “Piano Practice Challenge” where students complete theory pages to reach their goal line.

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May 7, 2021 at 12:10 pm

I just found your website while looking for ideas to help a young student. Your worksheets and ideas, including the group activities, are amazing!!! Thank you SO much for sharing!!

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June 6, 2021 at 7:36 pm

Thank you for sharing all of this material. Very nice Work!

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December 2, 2021 at 9:06 am

Thank you so much for these :) I teach piano to younger students and some of these sheets will be their Christmas ‘homework’! Thanks again

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September 14, 2022 at 12:43 am

Thank you so much for these neat worksheets! I have some very young beginner pianists, & I need a little extra time & material to cover with them. I really appreciate your help!

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July 12, 2023 at 11:36 am

Thank you so much for all these cute and colorful worksheets! I am a special needs kids’ teacher, and I am also teaching music to them. All these worksheets are very easy for them to understand. I really appreciate you made it all free and share it with everyone! God bless!

July 19, 2023 at 6:40 am

Thanks Jillian—that was so kind of you. I’m so glad these resources are helping the special needs kids you teach.

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July 14, 2023 at 2:52 pm

Thanks for sharing all these fun activity and ideas. Do you have the formula sheet for minor chords like you do for the major chords? I am also be interested in formula sheet for diminished and augmented chords. I’m willing to pay for them.

July 19, 2023 at 6:51 am

Thanks Janet for your kind comment and your question. I don’t have those worksheets right now, but I’m glad you told me it’s something that would be helpful for you. I’m hoping to have some time to create new resources after my kids resume school. I’ll notify everyone on the newsletter when new resources are available :)

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Free Printable Music Notes Worksheets

Free Printable Music Notes Worksheet PDF | Free Printable Music Notes Worksheets | Free Printable Music Notes Chart

If you’ve been helping your kids learn their notes (here’s our FREE PRINTABLE MUSIC NOTES CHART !), you’ll want some music notes worksheets to help with that!

Start with this one to learn the notes. ⬇️

The download links for these worksheets for practice naming the notes after you’ve learned them are below.

Free Printable Music Notes Worksheet PDF | Free Printable Music Notes Worksheets | Free Printable Music Notes Chart

I made 3 different music notes worksheets levels:

LEVEL 1 looks just like the study sheet, except the note names are removed.

LEVEL 2 has each row mixed up a little, but space notes and line notes are still kept separate.

LEVEL 3 mixes up space and line notes for the treble clef and then the bass clef.

Another way to use these worksheets is for the parent or teacher to take a blank worksheet and point to the notes completely out of order – check your student’s response time and take mental note of what note takes them more time to identify than others, then work a little extra on those troublesome notes.


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Check out these new note identification worksheets we have that spell words!

Free Note Identification Worksheet | Note Spelling worksheets

Let me know in the comments below what other kinds of music worksheets you are interested in seeing here on Moms Printables!


Free Printable Music Notes Worksheet PDF | Free Printable Music Notes Worksheets | Free Printable Music Notes Chart

These clef tracing worksheets are fun, too!

Treble Clef Tracing Worksheet PDF | Bass Clef Tracing Worksheet PDF | How to draw a treble clef worksheet | How to draw a bass clef worksheet | Free PDF on Moms Printables blog!

Thank you so much for these free worksheets! I’m so happy I found them. I teach 30 private lessons per week, and these are perfect for some of my young piano students. Just wondering….. Do you have notation work sheets where the notes make words?

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I’m so glad to hear that these are helpful! I have notespeller pages on my to-do list, so I will bump that up to the top. ?? Check back in a week or so…..

New post is live! 🙂

Pingback: FREE! Note Identification Worksheets for Piano (spell a word) - Mom's Printables

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Let's Crossword | Music Theory Worksheet - Bass Clef Note Names (Digital Print)

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Let's Crossword | Bass Clef Note Name Worksheet

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Note naming worksheet for music classes

Note naming worksheet for music classes

Subject: Music

Age range: 7-11

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Passionate About Music Education

Last updated

4 April 2024

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Pitch and stave note name development.

Note naming worksheet where every bar spells out a word.

Perfect for a starter activity, homework or cover lesson activity.

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Music Theory Worksheets Bundle for Secondary Music Classes

In this bundle you will find a wealth of different music theory resources that are perfect for KS3 and KS4 general music classes. All resources have been used and taught in the classroom and cater for a variety of different musical abilities. Most tasks have a practical element that can be used in the classroom with either keyboards, tuned percussion or the student's own instrument.

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10 FREE Treble Clef Note Name Worksheets (2023)

It shouldn’t be the bedrock of your teaching strategy, but it’s perfectly fine to use in moderation, especially if they’re engaging and well done! 

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Table of Contents

#1 Simple Fill In the Treble Clef

#2 create your own saying, #3 fill in the missing letters, #4 write the notes, #5 solve the words, #6 mystery songs in treble clef, #7 lines vs. spaces, #8 secret message in treble clef.

This worksheet plays on that with the hidden message idea while practicing the G clef or Treble Clef. 

#9 Drawing Practice

#10 music vocab/ treble clef note practice.

Zach VanderGraaff is a K-5 music teacher in Michigan with 12 years of experience. He's the President of the Michigan Kodaly Educators and founder of the Dynamic Music Room.

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Caitlin Clark says 'people should not be using my name' to push hateful agendas

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There's a lot of discussion surrounding Caitlin Clark and her performance on the basketball court, but the WNBA's No. 1 overall draft pick has also been at the center of debates that aren't related to the sport, and "it's disappointing" to her.

Clark has monumentally boosted interest in women's basketball, but as a white basketball player, her name and fame have been used to incite culture wars , most notably on social media. There's also been heated debates about her play and why she didn't make the USA Basketball Olympic roster .

Before the Indiana Fever's contest against the Atlanta Dream Thursday night, Clark was asked about how she's been thrust into these debates despite keeping a low profile on social media. The Fever star said it's "something I can't control" and that she doesn't see people weaponizing her name for arguments.

"I don't put too much thought and time into thinking about things like that, and to be honest, I don't see a lot of it," Clark said. "Basketball is my job. Everything on the outside, I can't control that, so I'm not going to spend time thinking about that.

"I'm just here to play basketball. I'm here to have fun. I'm trying to help our team win," she added.

I asked #IndianaFever ’s Caitlin Clark directly about her name being weaponized for racism/misogyny (as Dijonai Carrington alluded to): “It’s disappointing. … Everybody in our world deserves the same amount of respect. The women in our league deserve the same amount of respect.” — James Boyd (@RomeovilleKid) June 13, 2024

Clark was later asked Thursday about her response to people using her name for racist and misogynistic arguments, and she said every player in the league deserves the same respect.

"People should not be using my name to push those agendas. It's disappointing. It's not acceptable," Clark said. "Treating every single woman in this league with the same amount of respect, I think it's just a basic human thing that everybody should do."

Clark and the Fever continue their season on Thursday night in their first home game in nearly two weeks.

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Happy Birthday, Meryl Streep! 10 Things You Might Not Know About the Screen Icon

By Francesca Pellegrini

Image may contain Meryl Streep Adult Person Accessories Glasses Head Face Clothing Long Sleeve Sleeve and Blazer

The great Meryl Streep, who celebrates her 75th birthday today, was born in Summit, New Jersey, on June 22, 1949, the daughter of a pharmaceutical executive and an artist. After graduating cum laude from Vassar College in 1971, and earning her MFA from the Yale School of Drama four years later, she made her Broadway debut in a 1975 production of Trelawny of the Wells at the Vivian Beaumont Theate. Her first film role, in Fred Zinnemann’s feminist melodrama Julia , starring Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave, would follow in 1977.

Now, nearly 50 years later, Streep is the most Oscar-nominated actor ever (she’s been up 21 times), and tied with Ingrid Bergman and Frances McDormand for the second-most wins (three each; Katharine Hepburn remains the only actor to win four). Here, to celebrate her birthday, we’ve gathered 10 things you might not have known about Meryl Streep, one of our greatest living actors.

Her real name

Meryl Streep

The name Meryl is an invention of her father’s. The actress, born Mary Louise Streep, takes her first name from her mother and grandmother, both named Mary. (Streep’s eldest daughter, Mamie, is another Mary, born Mary Willa Gummer.) Her middle name is derived from her mother’s best friend, Louise Buckman.

Her early aspirations as a soprano

The actress inherited a beautiful soprano voice from her mother. After singing in a school recital at the age of 12, Meryl began taking opera lessons from Estelle Liebling. She stopped after four years, however, later admitting that she was “singing something I didn’t feel and didn’t understand.”

She’s always been popular

While attending Bernards High School in Bernardsville, New Jersey, Streep became a cheerleader for the Mountaineers. She went on to be crowned homecoming queen as a senior.

Her great lost love

Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep dated John Cazale, her co-star in The Deer Hunter, for two years, until his death from lung cancer in 1978. Six months later, she married sculptor Don Gummer.

Her (largely invented) cold war with Madonna

Though Streep and Michelle Pfeiffer had also been on the table, in 1996 Alan Parker chose Madonna for the role of the iconic former first lady of Argentina in the musical Evita . Three years later, however, Streep got her revenge on the Queen of Pop when Wes Craven picked her over Miss Ciccone for the film Music of the Heart . Since the role required her to play the violin, Streep spent two months practicing for five to six hours a day.

That said, rumors that Streep had taken the Evita decision badly, snarling to the New York Times that she “could rip [Madonna’s] throat out. I can sing better than she can, if that counts for anything,” were pure fiction. “Why would I say that?” Streep told USA Today in 2008. “I was out of the running by the time they got the movie together. It’s a fabulous story, though. Oh, and I don’t think I can sing better than her. And I certainly can’t dance better.”

She was given Bette Davis’s blessing

At the beginning of her career, Streep received a letter from none other than Bette Davis. In it, the star of All About Eve said that Streep reminded her of herself, and hoped they would have the chance to work together one day. (Could you imagine?)

…but not Katharine Hepburn’s

On the contrary, Katherine Hepburn was not a big fan, suggesting to biographer A. Scott Berg that she could almost hear the gears turning in Streep’s head. (“Click, click, click,” as Hepburn put it.)

On the accents

Known for her ability to mimic any accent—just see her work in Sophie’s Choice , Out of Africa , A Cry in the Dark , The Iron Lady , or August: Osage County , among other great examples—she was asked one day in Belfast how she managed it. Streep replied, in a perfect Belfast accent, “I listen.”

On that speech from The Devil Wears Prada

The decision to use the color cerulean in her iconic speech in The Devil Wears Prada was made after screenwriter Aline Brosh McKenna sent Streep a list of blue shades to choose from.

The roles she’s lost

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Among the (rare) roles that Streep has lost during her extraordinary career? Dwan in King Kong (which went to Jessica Lange), Michelle Stratton in American Gigolo (Lauren Hutton), Patsy Cline in Sweet Dreams (Lange again), Miss Kenton in The Remains of the Day (Emma Thompson), and Elizabeth I in Elizabeth (Cate Blanchett).

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NBC4 Washington

Will Russia compete as ROC again? What to know for 2024 Olympics

Here's how russia will operate at the paris games., by sanjesh singh • published 6 hours ago • updated 6 hours ago.

Since 2016, Russia has had to compete under differing names at the Olympics .

That's the year it was revealed numerous Russian athletes had been involved in a years-long, state-sponsored doping scheme , which saw the nation collect plenty of medals.

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The International Olympic Committee (IOC) suspended Russia in 2017, but several Russian athletes who were not involved in the scheme won an appeal to compete in ensuing global competitions.

However, those athletes had to go by different names since competitions refuse to name Russia outright in the scheme's aftermath due to the bans.

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At the 2018 Winter Olympics , for example, Russian athletes who passed drug tests competed under the "Olympic Athletes from Russia," or OAR, delegation.

During the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo , Russian athletes competed under the " Russian Olympic Committee ," or ROC, delegation.

Will Russia compete as ROC again at the 2024 Olympics in Paris ? Here's what to know:

What does ROC mean at the Olympics?

ROC at the Olympics refers to the "Russian Olympic Committee," which is the name Russian athletes compete under since Russia is banned due to its involvement in the war with Ukraine .

Why did Russia change to ROC?

The ROC name actually came to be at the Tokyo Olympics since Russia was banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency in 2019 for its state-sponsored doping program.

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2024 Paris Olympics: See dates, sports, how to watch and more

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Here are the rules for the 2024 Olympics in Paris

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Get to know Team USA Olympians ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics

However, the athletes approved to compete cannot use the Russian flag or national anthem throughout the Olympics.

What will Russia go by at the 2024 Olympics?

Russia will not compete as ROC in Paris. Instead, Russian athletes will fall under the Individual Neutral Athletes delegation, or AIN (IOC country code after the French name Athlètes Individuels Neutres).

Can Russian athletes compete in the 2024 Olympics?

Yes, Russian athletes can compete in Paris, but they must be approved to do so. The same applies to Belarusian competitors. As of June 15, there were a combined 25 Russian and Belarusian athletes who were approved to compete in neutral events .

However, Russian and Belarusian athletes are barred from participating in the Paris Opening Ceremony .

How many Russian athletes will be at the 2024 Olympics?

It's not yet known how many Russian and Belarusian athletes will compete in Paris. However, the IOC did give an estimation.

“The maximum number, which is unlikely to be reached, would be 55 and 28 respectively,” the IOC told CNN .

For comparison's sake, Russia had 330 athletes in Tokyo, while Belarus had 104.

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71-year-old might not have won Miss Texas USA, but she still made history

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At age 71, Marissa Teijo of El Paso made history over the weekend as the oldest contestant in the Miss Texas USA pageant.

A preliminary to Miss USA, the Miss Texas USA pageant was held last weekend at the Hilton Post Oak Hotel in Houston. The winner of Miss Texas USA represents the state in the Miss USA competition, and the winner of Miss USA represents the nation in the Miss Universe competition.

One contestant in particular caught the nation's attention: Teijo.

71-year-old Miss Texas contestant 'chases dreams'

Although she didn't win the Miss Texas USA contest, she said competing against 100 other women motivated her to chase her dreams. It's never too late, Teijo said in an email.

“I feel that all women now have a new stage of opportunity, strength and beauty,” she said.

Teijo, who was born and raised in El Paso, said she’s excited to inspire El Pasoans and Texans to break barriers in their fields of interest, regardless of age.

The Miss Universe organization lifted rules to be more inclusive by removing age limits for contestants vying for the crown this year. Contestants now also may be married, pregnant or divorced. The organization has drawn intense scrutiny in recent months after the  resignations of Miss USA and Miss Teen USA  in May. But that hasn't dissuaded Teijo.

Jackie Garcia-Martinez, CEO of Bazaar Models, who represents Teijo, said the agency is also proud to represent diverse women. Seven other young women from El Paso competed in the pageant.

“I represent women of all shapes, ages and races. As I prepare my team to compete at Miss Texas, I’m thrilled to support these women who inspire me as a leader every day,” she said before the event.

Who won Miss Texas 2024?

Aarieanna Ware, last year's Miss Dallas winner, was named Miss Texas USA on Saturday. She will represent Texas in the Miss USA competition Aug. 4 in Hollywood, Calif.

Which state has the most Miss USA winners?

Texas has produced more Miss USA winners than any other state, according to Pageant Planet . Ten Texas queens have won the national title. In second, California claims six former titleholders, while New York, Hawaii and Illinois have produced four titleholders each.

USA TODAY staff writer Maria Cortes Gonzalez contributed to this report.

Watch CBS News

How did Juneteenth get its name? Here's the story behind the holiday's title

By Emily Mae Czachor

June 19, 2024 / 7:00 AM EDT / CBS News

June 19 marks the third consecutive year of Juneteenth as a federally recognized United States holiday. Also known as  Freedom Day , Emancipation Day or America's second Independence Day, Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S. after the Civil War. 

Many Americans have celebrated it annually for more than a century, even though the holiday was not officially added to the national calendar until 2021. As the  Black Lives Matter movement gained renewed power across the country and abroad the previous year with the police killings of Black Americans like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor , public calls grew louder for the federal government to acknowledge emancipation as the critical turning point it was in U.S. history. Advocates sought, again, for leaders to codify the Juneteenth holiday into law, decades after communities began to push for broader recognition of Juneteenth as an emblem of unity, power and resilience in the wake of the police beating of Rodney King in 1991.

Federal recognition came in 2021. A bill to solidify Juneteenth National Independence Day as a legal public holiday passed almost unanimously through both chambers of Congress before being signed by President Biden on June 18. At a White House ceremony held for the occasion, Mr. Biden said: "All Americans can feel the power of this day, and learn from our history." It was the first time a national holiday was established in the U.S. since Martin Luther King Jr. Day was set to honor the late civil rights leader's birthday in 1983.

Juneteenth became a legal federal holiday in the U.S. on the eve of its earliest nationwide observance on June 19, 2021. It is observed and celebrated each year on that same date. 

The origins of Juneteenth

The name, Juneteenth, is a portmanteau, combining June and nineteenth. Its origins date back to June 19, 1865 , when the last group of people enslaved in the southern U.S. were informed of their freedom under the Emancipation Proclamation. President Abraham Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation more than two years earlier, on Jan. 1, 1863, declaring that everyone held as a slave was, and would continue to be, free. 

The proclamation took effect as the country neared its second year of the Civil War and technically applied to enslaved people in Confederate states. However, it could not actually be implemented in Confederate territory, and the war would not end in victory for the Union Army until much later, in the spring of 1865. In Texas, the westernmost state controlled by the Confederacy, news of freedom and the tenets of the Emancipation Proclamation arrived that summer. On June 19, thousands of Union soldiers reached Galveston Bay, along the northeastern coast of Texas in the Gulf of Mexico, and announced that all enslaved people in the state were freed by executive order. 


At the time, more than 250,000 Black people were being held as slaves in Texas alone, according to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, which writes in a description of the holiday that the "historical legacy of Juneteenth shows the value of never giving up hope in uncertain times." Once the Emancipation Proclamation laid its roots in Texas, those freed from slavery declared the day of its arrival "Juneteenth" in homage to the date when it finally happened. 

Although the Emancipation Proclamation set the stage, critically, for an end to slavery throughout the U.S., it was the 13th Amendment to the Constitution that actually did it. The amendment's passage through Congress and across Lincoln's desk began in January 1865. It was ratified in December of that year, abolishing slavery nationwide.

How to celebrate Juneteenth

Observing Juneteenth each year on June 19 does memorialize that specific day in Galveston in 1865, but it is also symbolic. Many regard the holiday as a joyful anniversary of independence and an opportunity to remember the country's foundation on centuries of slavery.

Historically, communities in different parts of the U.S. have celebrated Emancipation Day on different dates, a tradition that nodded to the fact that news of the Emancipation Proclamation reached people enslaved by the Confederacy at different times after the Civil War. In Florida, for example, advocates in 2021 pushed for the state to recognize and observe Emancipation Day on May 20, because that was the date in 1865 when news of Lincoln's executive decree reached enslaved people there. Washington, D.C., has in the past observed a city-wide Emancipation Day on April 16.

Juneteenth celebrations vary. Public festivities often include parades, parties, concerts, educational workshops and other cultural events centered on art and cuisine. For some, commemorating Juneteenth is mainly about tapping into the spirit of the holiday. Koritha Mitchell, an English professor at Ohio State University who celebrated Juneteenth growing up in a small town outside of Houston, told CBS News in 2021 that, for her, the day revolved around family and "creating community and connection."  

Opal Lee, the retired teacher and counselor whose activism played a huge role in Juneteenth becoming a federally recognized holiday, recalled joyful memories of the annual celebrations in the Texas town where she lived as a child.

"When I was a little one and we lived in Marshall, Texas, we'd go to the fairground," she said in a  CBS News interview  in 2022. "There'd be games and food and food and food. I'm here to tell ya it was like Christmas!"

Lee, now 97, became known as the "Grandmother of Juneteenth" for her famous trek from Fort Worth, Texas, to Washington, D.C., to ultimately deliver 1.5 million signatures to Congress advocating for a law to make the date a federal holiday. She shared her thoughts on the essence of Juneteenth in that 2022 interview. 

"People think it's a Black thing when it's not. It's not a Texas thing. It's not that," Lee said. "Juneteenth means freedom, and I mean for everybody!"

Emily Mae Czachor is a reporter and news editor at She covers breaking news, often focusing on crime and extreme weather. Emily Mae has previously written for outlets including the Los Angeles Times, BuzzFeed and Newsweek.

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An “Em” by any other name would smell as sweet.

Emma Stone is “fine” with not being called my her birth name, Emily.

“I just called you Emma,” “Today” show host Craig Melvin said to the actress during an appearance Thursday alongside her “Kinds of Kindness” co-star Jesse Plemons.

Emma Stone

“Are we still going by Emma? Or Emily? There’s been some confusion over your name.”

Stone, 35, clarified, “I’m fine either way, I really am. My real name is Emily, though.”

When Melvin asked why she’s “been allowing” everyone to call her Emma “for all these years,” she explained that the name Emily Stone was already “taken” when she went to go register with the Screen Actors Guild.

“It’s sort of like when you register a business, and you can’t have the same name as someone else,” she said.

Emma Stone

The Oscar winner insisted she’s been introducing herself as Emily her “whole life” but told the anchor he can call her “whatever” he wants.

“You can make up a name!” she quipped.

During an April conversation with the Hollywood Reporter alongside her “The Curse” co-star Nathan Fielder, the actor interrupted the interviewer to say, “Her name’s Emily, but she goes by Emma professionally. So when there’s people that don’t know her, I end up saying Emma. But I’m going to just say Emily from here on.”

Stone interjected to let the reporter know, “You can say Emma. You can say anything.”

Emma Stone

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When asked if “people in the industry” call her Emily, the “Poor Things” star replied, “When I get to know them, people that I work with do. It’s just because my name was taken [by another actress in SAG].”

Stone said she “freaked out a couple of years ago” and “was like, ‘I can’t do it anymore. Just call me Emily.'”

“Nathan calls me Em, which is easier,” she made sure to add.

The actress noted that it “would be so nice” for fans to address her by her given moniker, confessing, “I would like to be Emily.”

Emma Stone

Stone previously admitted that she once wanted to be called Emma due to her fascination with Spice Girls member Emma Bunton (Baby Spice).

“Growing up, I was super blonde, and my real name is Emily, but I wanted to be called Emma because of Baby Spice. And guess what? Now I am,” she told Jimmy Fallon during a “Tonight Show” appearance in November 2018.

“It wasn’t necessarily because of her, but yes, in second grade, did I go up to the teacher on the first day and ask her to call me Emma? Yes, I did.”

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Emma Stone


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International Football

International Football

Riccardo Calafiori, an Italian centre-back in name, hair and pedigree

DORTMUND, GERMANY - JUNE 15: Riccardo Calafiori of Italy gestures during the UEFA EURO 2024 group stage match between Italy and Albania at Football Stadium Dortmund on June 15, 2024 in Dortmund, Germany. (Photo by Matt McNulty - UEFA/UEFA via Getty Images)

In the bunkered press room at the Allianz Stadium in Turin, Jose Mourinho tried to explain Roma’s defeat to Juventus .

Roma’s squad, he claimed, was not deep enough to compete. “The three defenders I had on the bench were (Bryan) Reynolds, (Marash) Kumbulla and ( Riccardo) Calafiori ,” he said. Mourinho then paused for effect. He bobbled his head, raised his eyebrows and made a clicking sound to let it sink in.


In hindsight, he was proven more right than wrong.

Reynolds, the now 22-year-old, seven-cap USMNT full-back, was sold to Westerlo in Belgium last summer. Kumbulla never looked like the €30million (£25.3m, $32.2m) player Roma signed from Hellas Verona in summer 2021. Quite the opposite. The 24-year-old finished last season on loan at relegation-bound Sassuolo.

But if the clip of that press conference from two and a half years ago recently went viral, it is because Mourinho was wrong about Calafiori.

On Saturday night in Dortmund, Calafiori lined up to sing the opening lyric of the Inno di Marmeli. The 22-year-old was one of the Fratelli d’Italia preparing to face Albania in Italy’s opening group game of Euro 2024.

In his Adidas anthem jacket, with his long hair held back by a thin headband, Calafiori at least fit the identikit of hall of famers such as Paolo Maldini, Alessandro Nesta and Fabio Cannavaro, the latter who effectively won the Ballon d’Or with a performance at that same stadium. “Cannavaro! Cannavaro! CANNAVARO!” Sky Italia commentator Fabio Caressa crescendo-ed as one German attack after another bounced off him in the 2006 World Cup semi-finals.

Hair vibes are immaculate 💇‍♂️🇮🇹 #EURO2024 | @Azzurri — Lega Serie A (@SerieA) June 16, 2024

“ Italy doesn’t have enough talent in this generation,” Mourinho said a fortnight ago.

But when the countdown to kick-off against Albania ended and referee Felix Zwayer blew his whistle, Calafiori smoothed down his blue jersey as if it were a Superman costume.

Italy may have conceded 11 seconds later, when Federico Dimarco inexplicably sent a throw-in back into his penalty area for Nedim Bajrami to blast into the roof of Gianluigi Donnarumma ’s net. But, other than a scare in second-half stoppage time, Calafiori and his centre-back partner Alessandro Bastoni , who headed Italy’s swift equaliser, offered a persuasive vision of what the team’s defence can look like in the era after Leonardo Bonucci and Giorgio Chiellini.

The Albania game was only Calafiori’s third cap.

He had not played a single minute for Italy’s senior side until the pre-Euros warm-up friendlies this month against Turkey and Bosnia-Herzegovina and did not know if he would make the final 26-man squad for the tournament. But groin surgery in early June ruled Francesco Acerbi, Italy’s most experienced defender, out of the Euros and their most precocious one, Giorgio Scalvini, tore an anterior cruciate knee ligament (ACL) in Atalanta’s final game of an extended season.

All of a sudden, Calafiori’s pathway to a start became a ‘via libera’ (the coast is clear). He did not need to revert to the nickname his father gave him, ‘ruspa’ (bulldozer), to elbow his way into the side. Coach Luciano Spalletti still could have picked Roma’s Gianluca Mancini , as he did in the qualifiers. But throughout his nine-month tenure, Spalletti has expressed a preference for hybrid players who play multiple roles rather than single positions.

Tactically, Calafiori was the revelation of last season in Serie A — and a bargain, as Bologna signed him from Switzerland’s Basel last summer for €4million (£3.4m/$4.3m at the current exchange rates).

Calafiori’s agent, Alessandro Lucci, had sought a club where he could reinvent himself. Clubs around Europe had tended to consider Calafiori a full-back. After all, it was the position he had played in Roma’s academy and through the age groups for Italy. But at Basel, Heiko Vogel, the sporting director turned interim coach (curious, eh?), tried him a few times through the middle.

Bologna’s vision for Calafiori aligned with Lucci’s idea for the player, so they bought him for coach Thiago Motta to develop at the heart of his defence. The potential he excavated was huge.

Calafiori laid on five assists as Bologna qualified for Europe’s elite club competition proper for the first time. No central defender set his team-mates up more in Serie A. But Calafiori had to wait until his last game of the season to get among the goals himself.

That May morning, he went out for coffee with Bologna’s captain, and fellow Roman, Lorenzo De Silvestri. “I told him tonight you’re going to score,” said De Silvestri. He could feel it. His instincts were spot on.

Calafiori found the net twice as Bologna went 3-0 up against Juventus (it finished 3-3). In a memorable post-match interview, in which his girlfriend Benedetta kissed him while he answered questions about playing like John Stones , another team-mate, the uncontainable and ever cheerful Riccardo Orsolini shouted: “He was like Maldini!”

And yet Stones is the player Calafiori got compared to most last season: the build-up schemes designed by Motta involved him moving into midfield. “His style of play is closest to mine,” Calafiori said. “Stones is my reference. It’s not off-the-cuff when I go into midfield. It’s following the guidelines of the coach. He saw me in this role. I’ve learned oceans off him. The mister (coach) is revolutionary, smart, demanding and clear in what he wants.”


Spalletti was in attendance for that Juventus game. But he must have made up his mind to bring Calafiori to Germany earlier. The call-up was not a reward for one performance but an entire season. Calafiori was in The Athletic’s Team of the Year in Serie A.

For someone with flowers in his name (Fiori in Italian), he hasn’t half blossomed.

As a kid in Roma’s academy, Calafiori used to get a lift to training with Daniele De Rossi, that club’s now head coach who recently lamented the haste with which the club sold him to Basel in summer 2022 (a fact made all the worse by the lack of a buy-back or sell-on clause in his contract).

Yet in October 2018, Calafiori had blown out his left knee in a Youth League game against Viktoria Plzen. It was the sort of injury that left his team-mates anxious, their heads in their hands. “My strength came from the fact I was so young I didn’t think too much about it and grasp the gravity of the situation,” he has said. “I never thought about giving up and calling it a day. I couldn’t wait to get back on the pitch.”

Calafiori’s then agent, the late Mino Raiola, made sure he got the best care possible, and sent him to the same specialist in America as had treated Zlatan Ibrahimovic. He came back stronger, but opportunities at Roma were still few and far between. Aleksandar Kolarov had yet to retire. Leonardo Spinazzola joined in the kind of form he took into the previous Euros three years ago, when, until he tore an Achilles tendon in the quarter-final against Belgium , he was Italy’s X factor. And Calafiori was still considered a full-back.

But how he has evolved. To watch him now is to see the future of centre-back play.

Bologna will not want to lose him — not on the cheap anyway, as Basel have a sell-on clause between 40 and 50 per cent. Motta wants Calafiori to follow him to his new employers Juventus. The likes of Bayern Munich have made inquiries. Manchester City are curious.

“Riccardo showed us he can be trusted and that he’s got the quality to be an international footballer,” Spalletti said. “When you have the ball, you are a defender. When he has it, you have to chase him, because he wants to go and score.”

Calafiori’s bulldozing runs were one of the features of his domineering performance against Albania.

9 – Riccardo #Calafiori vs Albania ( #Euro2024 📷) 9 Duels (1st among Azzurri) 6 Duels Won (1st among Azzurri) 5 Possessions Won (no Azzurri did better) 3 Interceptions (no Azzurri did better) 117 Touches (only 3 players did better) Total. — OptaPaolo (@OptaPaolo) June 16, 2024

Much has been made of this national team being Inter, the new champions of Italy. And blue and black fingerprints were all over that 2-1 defeat of Albania. Dimarco gave away the opening goal, Bastoni got it back to 1-1 and Nicolo Barella scored the winner. But it is actually a national team that speaks Roman.

Calafiori, Davide Frattesi , Gianluca Scamacca and Lorenzo Pellegrini all have accents from the Eternal City. The last time four players from Italy’s capital started for their country was in the opening game of the 2002 World Cup finals, against Ecuador . It is one of the many things that made Calafiori’s debut that little bit easier.

“I’m speechless,” he said after Saturday’s game. “I didn’t know I’d even make the final squad let alone start. All I felt was happiness because it’s a dream come true.”

Mourinho has been right about a lot of things in his career. But he was wrong about Kevin De Bruyne and Mohamed Salah at Chelsea . Turns out he was too hasty in his judgment of Calafiori, too.

(Top photo: Matt McNulty – UEFA/UEFA via Getty Images)

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James Horncastle

James Horncastle covers Serie A for The Athletic. He joins from ESPN and is working on a book about Roberto Baggio.


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  27. Emma Stone clarifies she's 'fine' with not being called by her birth name

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  29. Note Name Worksheets & Teaching Resources

    This product includes 10 music worksheets Spring-themed focused on note name identification practice, sight-reading, and support strong note recognition skills in the treble clef. There is zero prep time with this worksheet, just print and copy.

  30. Riccardo Calafiori, an Italian centre-back in name, hair and pedigree

    The Albania game was only Calafiori's third cap. He had not played a single minute for Italy's senior side until the pre-Euros warm-up friendlies this month against Turkey and Bosnia ...