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Biochemistry Personal Statement Examples

Sample statement.

My interest in science first began as a child watching science fiction television programmes and I was thrilled when I got older to discover that molecules and biochemistry really existed.

I became fascinated with how life works at a molecular level and that something as tiny as a water molecule can make such an impact on our daily lives. I feel that the study of Biochemistry is the key to understanding everything about our life process and how we can ensure the survival of the human race.

At school I worked hard to acquire the skill set I would need to study Biochemistry at university by taking Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. I also spent many hours studying around these subjects outside of lessons to equip myself with as much knowledge as I could.

In particular I find genetics highly interesting and with this in mind I completed a work experience placement in a hospital laboratory where I was able to observe the staff, take part in data collection, and get hands-on experience with laboratory equipment.

When I am not studying I enjoy travelling, dining out, and I am still very interested in science fiction films and television programmes. I also participate in several local sports teams including football, rugby, and cricket.

I find an active lifestyle outside of the classroom helps me to balance my studies and allows me to work more thoroughly when I am in the classroom.

After completing my work experience at the hospital I began working part time in my local Boots store pharmacy department to further my knowledge of diseases, medicines, and treatments.

This role also taught me about teamwork and encouraged me to gain a sense of responsibility and maturity that I feel will help me through my university career.

I look forward to gaining a more in depth understand of Biochemistry during my time with your university and having my analytical and research skills stretched. The new challenges I will face will give me the skill set I need to be successful in my future career as a Biochemist.

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Submitted by Sophie


I’ve always had one goal in life, to help others and better the world. Although as a child I was never sure how I could do this. As I grew and went to school I quickly found that the sciences were my favourite subjects. I was always so amazed by how we knew so much about the smallest things in the world such as atoms and their sub particles - this always left me curious to discover more. I would constantly ask questions and when given the answer, question that too. However, coming from a younger naive self affected by the loss of loved ones, my questions became more difficult such as ‘why can’t we cure cancer?’.

I was always given answers which were never enough for me and didn't give me the knowledge I craved. From a young age these unsatisfactory answers and my curiosity led me to dive deeper into my studies. With the help of my father I was quickly learning more and more about current affairs in the science community. We would read New Scientist together and discuss topics such as black holes and DNA. Whilst I always enjoyed the school teaching where I learnt the proven facts; it was always the research that interested me most. Not knowing the answer, as frustrating as it is, has always been the thing that fueled my desire to learn more. Studying Biology and Chemistry at A Level keeps me curious, learning about the processes that shape the world we live in and make us who we are is something that continually keeps me wanting more.

After completing the Biochemistry module in my A Level course, I felt a passion growing; for every fact I learnt I only had more questions. It gets to the point where the teacher can no longer answer these questions - in fact nobody can. I found myself looping back to a constant array of unsatisfactory answers. The classroom is where I have found my desire in life, I want to face the complex questions we struggle to answer and provide the solution which right now may seem impossible. How better can I do this than by merging my goals and desires?

To enter a field of research, one in which I can aid in the search for cures and treatments to life-threatening diseases, I am able to quench my thirst for knowledge and help others in need. More specifically, I want to go into Breast Cancer Research. After seeing the damage it does to the world and the personal effect it has had on my family, I am passionate in putting all of my efforts into the eradication of the disease. This is why a Biochemistry course is a perfect fit for me. Not only will allow me to keep learning about a subject I’m so passionate about at a higher level, but it will open the door to a world I am so eager to enter. I’ve already started in my efforts as a member of the school’s charity committee; we continuously raise money towards multiple charities including Cancer Research and Macmillan. I also work alongside Legacy 4 Lucy and WhizzKidz in the preparation and execution of an annual charity ball. Last summer we raised £9000 and I’m hoping to surpass this figure at next year’s ball.

As I continue to be full of questions, I carry on taking my learning outside of the classroom, this is why I take such pleasure in my extracurricular courses completed through Future Learn. After learning about the rapid progression in cancer medications over the past 100 years, I am amazed that chemotherapy once involved toxic mustard gas, especially considering we are now on the brink of using monoclonal antibodies for targeted therapy. This reminds me that whilst the science community faces extreme difficulties in providing treatment without damaging healthy cells, there is a solution to the problem - even if it is yet to be found. I know that a future in research won't be an easy future, but that only motivates me more because my thirst for knowledge compels me to rise to the challenge.

I have learnt vital skills from many years’ participation in my schools debating societies, which have aided me throughout the difficult transition into A Level and which will continue to help me through future struggles. The perseverance I have is what makes me fit for the course. Once set on a goal, I am determined to achieve it which is why I know I am capable of succeeding in this Biochemistry course.

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Biochemistry Personal Statement Examples

  • 1 Personal Statement Example Links
  • 2 Career Opportunities
  • 3 UK Admission Requirements
  • 4 UK Earnings Potential For Biochemists
  • 5 Similar Courses in UK
  • 6 UK Curriculum
  • 7 Alumni Network

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Captivated by the intricate chemistry of life and the molecules that drive biological processes? Eager to unravel the secrets of DNA, proteins, and metabolic pathways?

Pursuing a course in Biochemistry can immerse you in the fascinating world where biology meets chemistry, equipping you with the tools to understand and manipulate the molecular foundations of life itself.

Biochemistry is a fascinating and complex science that combines the principles of biology and chemistry. It is a field of study that focuses on the structure, function, and interactions of molecules within living organisms. Biochemistry is a rapidly growing field and is essential for understanding the complexities of life.

The study of biochemistry requires a strong background in both biology and chemistry. Students must have a solid understanding of the principles of both sciences in order to be successful in the field. In addition, a strong knowledge of mathematics and physics is also beneficial.

When applying to a biochemistry program, it is important to include a personal statement that explains why you are interested in the field and why you would be a good fit for the program. Your personal statement should emphasize your academic achievements, research experience, and any extracurricular activities that demonstrate your commitment to the field.

In addition to a personal statement, applicants must also provide a course overview. This should include a description of the courses you plan to take, the research projects you plan to undertake, and any other relevant information.

Biochemistry is a challenging and rewarding field of study that can lead to a variety of career opportunities. With the right preparation and dedication, you can become a successful biochemist.

👍 When writing a personal statement: Highlight your passion for the course, demonstrating your understanding of it. Use relevant personal experiences, coursework, or work history to showcase how these have fostered your interest and readiness for the course.

Career Opportunities

A degree in biochemistry can open up a variety of career opportunities in both the public and private sectors.

In the public sector, graduates with a biochemistry degree can pursue a career in research and development, working for government agencies, universities, and research institutes. These roles may involve conducting experiments, analyzing data, and writing reports.

In the private sector, biochemistry graduates can find employment in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries. These roles may involve developing new drugs and treatments, testing new products, and conducting clinical trials.

Biochemistry graduates can also pursue careers in the food and beverage industry, working in product development, quality assurance, and research.

Other potential career paths include teaching and lecturing at universities and colleges, working in the environmental sector, and providing scientific advice to businesses and organizations.

Finally, graduates with a biochemistry degree can also pursue a career in healthcare, working as a medical laboratory technologist, medical scientist, or clinical biochemist. These roles involve conducting laboratory tests and analyzing biological samples to diagnose and treat diseases.

UK Admission Requirements

The entry requirements for a Biochemistry course at a UK university vary depending on the institution and the specific course. Generally, however, the entry requirements for a Biochemistry course include a minimum of two A-Levels in Chemistry, Biology, or a related subject, as well as a minimum of five GCSEs , including Maths and English, with grades of C or higher.

In addition to the academic qualifications, some universities may also require applicants to have a minimum of three years of relevant work experience or a relevant degree.

The grades required for entry into a Biochemistry course are usually higher than those required for other science courses. For example, some universities may require applicants to have A-Levels in Chemistry and Biology with grades of A or higher, or an equivalent qualification.

The entry criteria for a Biochemistry course may also vary depending on the university. For example, some universities may require applicants to have a minimum of two A-Levels in Chemistry, Biology, or a related subject, as well as a minimum of five GCSEs, including Maths and English, with grades of C or higher.

Other universities may require applicants to have a minimum of three A-Levels in Chemistry, Biology, or a related subject, as well as a minimum of five GCSEs, including Maths and English, with grades of C or higher.

UK Earnings Potential For Biochemists

The average earnings for someone with a degree in biochemistry can vary significantly depending on the job and the location. According to the UK Office for National Statistics, the median salary for a biochemist in the UK was £34,845 in 2019. This figure is expected to increase over the next few years as the demand for biochemists with higher qualifications increases.

In terms of trends in the job market, the demand for biochemists is expected to rise as the need for research and development in the field increases. Additionally, biochemists are increasingly being sought after for roles in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, where salaries tend to be higher.

Furthermore, the rise of artificial intelligence and big data is creating more opportunities for biochemists to develop and apply innovative solutions to complex problems.

Overall, the job market for biochemists is expected to remain strong in the coming years, with salaries continuing to increase as demand for qualified professionals grows.

Similar Courses in UK

Other related university courses in the UK related to biochemistry include:

1. Molecular Biology: This course focuses on the study of the structure and function of genes and their products, such as proteins and enzymes. It also covers topics such as gene expression, gene regulation, and genetic engineering. The key difference between biochemistry and molecular biology is that biochemistry focuses more on the chemical processes within cells, while molecular biology focuses more on the genetic and molecular aspects of cells.

2. Microbiology: This course focuses on the study of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. It covers topics such as microbial physiology, genetics, and ecology. The key difference between biochemistry and microbiology is that biochemistry focuses more on the chemical processes within cells, while microbiology focuses more on the study of microorganisms.

3. Biomedical Science: This course focuses on the study of the human body and its diseases. It covers topics such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology. The key difference between biochemistry and biomedical science is that biochemistry focuses more on the chemical processes within cells, while biomedical science focuses more on the study of the human body and its diseases.

UK Curriculum

Biochemistry is a subject that covers a wide range of topics, from the molecular basis of life to the biochemical processes that occur in living organisms. In a university course, the topics covered may include:

  • Introduction to Biochemistry: This module provides an overview of the fundamentals of biochemistry, including the structure and function of biomolecules, the role of enzymes in biochemical reactions, and the role of metabolism in living organisms.
  • Molecular Biology: This module covers the structure and function of DNA, RNA, and proteins, as well as the processes of gene expression and regulation.
  • Metabolism: This module explores the biochemical processes that occur in living organisms, including the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
  • Enzymology: This module covers the structure and function of enzymes, as well as their role in biochemical reactions.
  • Biochemical Techniques: This module covers the techniques used in biochemistry, such as chromatography, electrophoresis, and spectroscopy.
  • Cell Biology: This module covers the structure and function of cells, as well as the processes of cell division and differentiation.
  • Immunology: This module covers the structure and function of the immune system, as well as the role of antibodies and antigens in the immune response.

In addition to the topics covered in the course, students may also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience.

Alumni Network

Notable alumni from the course of Biochemistry include Nobel Prize Laureate Professor Peter Doherty, who is a professor at the University of Melbourne and a world-renowned immunologist. He is a leader in his field, having made groundbreaking discoveries in the understanding of the immune system. He is currently working on the development of vaccines and treatments for infectious diseases, as well as researching the effects of climate change on the immune system.

Other notable alumni from the course of Biochemistry include Professor David J. Craik, a professor at the University of Queensland and a leader in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology. He has made significant contributions to the understanding of protein structure and function, and is currently researching the role of proteins in the development of diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s.

The university offers a number of alumni events and networking opportunities for biochemistry alumni. These include the Biochemistry Alumni Network, which is a platform for alumni to connect with each other and share ideas and experiences. The network also hosts a number of events such as seminars, workshops and networking events. The university also offers an annual Biochemistry Alumni Award, which recognizes the achievements of alumni in their field.

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Sample Personal Statement Biochemistry

successful biochemistry personal statement

by Talha Omer, MBA, M.Eng., Harvard & Cornell Grad

In personal statement samples by field.

The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to top Ph.D. programs in biochemistry. Variations of this personal statement got accepted at University of Utah and Johns Hopkins. Read this essay to understand what a top personal statement in biochemistry should look like.

The day I dared to tell my parents, with a transcript in my hands with excellent grades in humanities, that I had decided to study Biology rather than Philosophy… the day I dared to ask my supervisor to change my research focus to fish virology, which had a high risk of failure… the day I dared to stand in front of an audience attending an international zoology congress, barely prepared to present my very first paper … are the moments that made me realize my daring nature and my passion for my domain.

Research captivated me from the beginning of my undergraduate thesis. My newfound fascination blossomed under the aegis of my Biochemistry Professor. My professor was a research enthusiast and an inspirational teacher. He combined knowledge with research in a truly intriguing way that traditional teachers simply could not equal. Therefore, despite growing up in a culture where doctors and engineers are the only scientific community accorded social preeminence, I embraced research as my vocation.

Becoming a dedicated researcher was tough, especially in Canada, where few institutes are committed to producing meaningful research work in Biosciences. Nonetheless, I have persevered, always striving for perfection and never allowing limited resources to hinder my progress. Indeed, the hurdles I have faced have only deepened my passion for research.

In research, more than in any other field, it is often the tortoise who wins the race. Consistency and hard work outstrip ingenuity. Excellence is acquired through unwavering passion rather than God-giftedness. Research demands consistency more than anything. Here, we learn why things sometimes operate differently than we want. Every day, we regather our energies, return to our work, and patiently proceed toward perfection.

Graduate school is the next logical step in a career dedicated to scientific research. For me, research in Biosciences is about responsibility, individuality, and the discovery of new branches of innovation. My experience in a non-traditional research environment will add immense value to the well-structured research-oriented set-up of graduate school.

In the summer of 2021, hoping to experience firsthand the application of the research tools in biochemistry, I began working with stressors that affect the immune system of foals. I was fascinated by the sensitive nature of this system and by the delicate balance in which disturbances cause autoimmune, allergic, and inflammatory responses. I recorded the numerical data and published my research in the Journal of Veterinary Science.

The diversity of nature unfolded further when as a principal investigator, I started working on interferon regulatory proteins in Cyprinus carpio. My research uncovered evidence that the fish body, even under healthy conditions, produced these proteins to counteract the viral attack. Ranging from IRF1 to IRF8, I isolated all transcriptional factors of IFNs proteins expression. I extended my project to gene sequencing by applying BLAST and arranging partial sequences. My work was later authenticated by RCMB (Research Centre in Molecular Biology), and a corresponding research paper was published in the Annual Review of Biochemistry. My future strategy would be to develop IFN vaccines because these vaccines, if successful, will enhance the overall immune system.

Soon afterward, I joined a project on the characterization of an inflammatory cytokine, TNF. I was responsible for training three undergraduate students in molecular biology techniques. Considering my deep curiosity in this domain, my supervisor made me part of two senior Ph.D. student teams. We worked on the characterization of MHC class II (Major Histocompatibility Complex) in Labeo rohita and Cyprinus carpio. Upon contact with foreign prions, toxins, poisons, viruses, and bacteria, these antigenic molecules are expressed naturally by dendritic phagocytes, B cells, and T cells.

While gathering data about Egyptian mummies and reading about curse diseases, I initially dismissed it as a perverse form of fictional beauty. Microorganisms have been close partners of human beings for centuries. However, while reading the paper “Pharaohs and Mummies: Diseases of Ancient Egypt and Modern Approaches,” I appreciated Mycobacterium’s enduring nature and concluded that these particles have been co-evolving with humans.

My childhood fascinations ceased to exist within the boundaries of strategies viruses employ during the “encephalitic” and “paralytic” phases of rabies. Instead, my curiosity embraced the swaths of molecular details of simple queries to complex inter-connected abstractions. How viruses use tricks to escape our defense system, and how HIV rapid mutation potential benefitted the viruses, but most mutations are deleterious to human beings.

All these have become new avenues of research for me. Working in Dr. Wayne Potts and Dr. Saveez Saffarian’s labs is particularly interesting in this scenario.

I look at microbes from a different perspective: they have enormous potential, and if something has potential, there is always a way to turn it to use. Therefore, we must search for a meaningful channel into which it can be diverted. Now, we are standing at a very primitive stage and must proceed with immense care.

After earning my Ph.D., I see myself working as a research scientist cum teacher of Virology and Biochemistry. I want to pass on to future generations of scientists the passion for research with which my teachers inspired me. My faith in mixing teaching and research work has strengthened as a lecturer.

If I were asked to give a single reason to pursue a graduate degree, my answer would be love. I love my subject and can achieve something marvelous in this discipline to help make the world a better place.


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Biochemistry Personal Statement (Emily Ng)

Emily Ng is currently studying MBioch Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular) at the University of Oxford. Emily completed her A-Levels at Help Academy and will be graduating in 2023.  This personal statement was part of her successful application to  University of Oxford, Imperial College London, UCL, King’s College London,   and  University of St Andrews  for Biochemistry.

My first riveting encounter with Biochemistry was during a conversation about the coiling of DNA around histones. It enables us to accomplish the otherwise impossible task of compacting 3 meters worth of DNA into a tiny nucleus that is only 10 microns in diameter! The discussion then progressed into a debate on how the development of this phenomena was critical in producing the organisms that we know today. I was fascinated by how Biochemistry looks at the mechanisms of life through a microscope, and that it represents the unseen architecture that builds up our complex life.

I was fortunate to have arranged work experience with a plastic surgeon at Sunway Medical Centre, and was amazed at the skin grafting technology that improved the quality of life of a patient suffering from Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Intrigued, I sought out to learn more. After extensive research, I was excited to find an article in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology on the use of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSC) in Skin Regeneration. This brought me back to a Biology lesson, when I was first introduced to iPSC, and wondered, how do cells differentiate to take on such diverse roles in our bodies? And how do slight differences in a cell give rise to different organisms? It is questions like these that fuel my curiosity but it wasn’t very long before I realised an answer would surely, but rather ironically, lead to more questions. However, I believe that is the beauty of studying the complexity of life.

 The article on iPSC also lead me to the ongoing research by Stanford University on using iPSC as a vaccine for cancer. Though many questions still surround their ability to replicate their success with mice in human cells, such topics spark my interest and I intend to follow its development closely and hopefully contribute to it one day.

When I picked up the book ‘Mitochondria and The Meaning of Life’ by Nick Lane, I learned that a single structural difference of the mitochondria – its double membrane, saved us, eukaryotes from the same slimy fate of bacteria. Reflecting on this, I realised how smart tiny cells are, and how by understanding their chemical compositions, we can harvest their ingenuity, just like this year’s Nobel Laureates. Their success in the manipulation of the T-cell proteins (CTLA-4 and PD-1) can change the future of cancer treatment! It dawned on me that not only must we constantly add to our wealth of knowledge but it is imperative that we’re able to transform it into something that can benefit the public. Hence, it affirmed my decision in pursuing a career in research and innovation.

My interest in innovation stemmed from my participation in the Seimens-STEM competition. We were challenged to design a sustainable ‘green’ city of the future, and my idea to harvest energy by using genetically engineered enzymes to digest waste in landfills secured me the winning prize. Moreover, participating in such competitions and various debates expanded my scientific and general knowledge as well as honed my presentation skills.

What I am today is built upon the foundation acquired in school as the Deputy Head Prefect, President of the Mathematics club, Vice President of the Red Cross Society and as a certified medic in First Aid and CPR. These experiences instilled a strong sense of responsibility and taught me how to work under pressure. In addition, pursuing piano up to Grade 8 (ABRSM) taught me to value persistence and discipline in achieving my goals.

Biochemistry is where all my interests align, and pursuing it in your esteemed university will give me the best chance to delve deeper into the realm of science and to pursue scientific mysteries. For all we know, scientific achievements such as identifying the cure to cancer are just at the ends of our fingertips, waiting to be found.

DISCLAIMER:  The personal statements on this site are strictly meant as a starting point to give an idea of how successful personal statements look like. There is no surefire formula to writing good personal statements.  COLLEGELAH IS STRICTLY AGAINST PLAGIARISM OF ANY KIND .  UCAS employs a plagiarism check system  that checks applicants’ work against other published writing so please  DO NOT PLAGIARISE.

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Successful Personal Statement For Chemistry At Oxford

Last Updated: 7th April 2022

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Chemistry applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Oxford University. The Chemistry Course at Oxford is taught in a world-leading chemistry department with state-of-the-art teaching and research laboratories and world-class research.

Read on to see how this candidate wrote a Personal Statement that helped secure their place on a reputable degree. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:

Enrolling on our Oxford Chemistry comprehensive Programme will give you access to Personal Statement redrafts. 

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Chemistry Personal Statement

Few aspects of our lives remain unaffected by the fundamental subject of chemistry. Chemists have revolutionised the way we live; from the medicines we use to the water we drink, it is hard to imagine what our everyday life would be like without the help of this vast subject. I wish to be a part of the chemical discoveries of the future which is what entices me to study chemistry in greater depth at university.

My interest in chemistry has developed a great deal since starting the AS level course. Each time I learn something new, it inspires me to develop my knowledge even further. I have particularly enjoyed the organic chemistry involved in the AS course due to the practical work it entails. Laboratory work for me is enjoyable because it provides an opportunity to test out the theoretical knowledge you have gained and is also great fun! For example, I particularly enjoyed making azo dyes as it was interesting to recreate a process in the lab which is so frequently used in industry.

I have been able to develop my passion for chemistry through wider reading. I have recently enjoyed reading Molecules at an Exhibition. The range of molecules which can have profound effects on our lives surprised me and showed me again how relevant chemistry is to our lives. I have a subscription to New Scientist. An article I particularly enjoyed reading over the summer was “Rogue elements” which explores some of the unanswered questions associated with the periodic table. For example, when the elements will stop and whether superheavy elements, which exist for fractions of a second only one atom at a time, can be considered elements at all. The article also looked at the issues of where to place the elements hydrogen and helium and where the metal/non-metal divide should be. This showed me that although the periodic table is often considered to be complete, there is still much to uncover. Reading Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You introduced me to the concept of relativity and I was amazed to find out how this theory affects chemistry as well as physics. For example without relativity the properties of some of the heavier elements such as gold would simply not be the same. I have been developing my interest in maths and have taken up AS further maths which will be largely self-taught, I know this will complement the chemistry syllabus.

Recently I took part in a UNIQ summer school at Oxford University which allowed me to have a great insight into undergraduate chemistry. I thoroughly enjoyed my week, particularly the lecture on chirality. This was a new concept for me and I was surprised by the huge differences that can result from this form of isomerism. My subject knowledge was greatly enhanced and the skills I gained have been even more valuable. I was taught to question, develop and evaluate my knowledge at every stage and become a more independent learner.

During Year 12 I acted as a science tutor for GCSE students, helping them with exam technique. I found that explaining the subject matter to others helped to enhance and consolidate my own knowledge. My success both in and out of school was rewarded when I received Clevedon’s 2014 Academic Achievement Award in chemistry.

I enjoy playing the piano and recently achieved Grade 6 during my GCSE year, developing my time management skills. My other hobbies include drama and singing and I am a member of Clevedon Light Opera Club as well as the school choir. I have taken part in several productions as well as performing in school stage shows and concerts. All of which contributed to me gaining my Gold Arts Award. I volunteer with a Rainbow group. When I started I found the prospect of running activities for a group of people quite daunting, but 2 years later I think my confidence and communication skills have improved greatly. I have developed my knowledge, skills and aptitude both in and out of school and I look forward to being able to extend these further by studying at university.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

This is a well written and well-structured statement. The student places points in order of relevance, making the statement easy to read. All points are clearly explained, and their impacts on the student are clear. There is a clear introduction, main body and conclusion.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

Although the statement is written in a logical order, there are a lot of paragraphs. Whilst it is very good that the student has a wide range of interests and hobbies, the student dedicates two paragraphs to these. It would have been possible to shorten the statement by removing some of the points mentioned, without taking away from the quality of the statement. The student clearly has many experiences from outside of the A-level syllabus, such as the UNIQ summer school and working as a GCSE science tutor. Whilst is it of course important to describe individual experiences and achievements, focussing on the positives alone limits the impact that mentioning such experiences will have. It would have been nice to see what challenges the student faced through their experiences, and how the student overcame these.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

This is an excellent statement. The Personal Statement is clearly written and easy to read. The length of the statement could have been reduced, however, there are no other areas in which the student needs to make significant improvements.

This Personal Statement for Chemistry is a great example of a well-written Statement that demonstrates a wealth of experience and interest, vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Oxford, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

You can find more successful personal statements and our expert guides on our Free Personal Statement Resources page.

Our expert tutors are on hand to help you craft the perfect Personal Statement for your Oxford Chemistry application.

With our  Oxford Chemistry Premium Programme, we help you craft the perfect Personal   Statement , perform strongly on the Written Test  and teach you how to  Interview effectively .

Discover our Oxford Chemistry Premium Programme  by clicking the button below to  enrol and triple your chances of success.

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Biochemistry Personal Statement

You can discover how to write an outstanding Oxford Biochemistry personal statement by using our trusted methods.

Oxford Biochemistry Personal Statement

Within 48 hours, you can get feedback on your personal statement for Oxford Biochemistry.

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Personal statements for every course

For a range of programmes, including Oxford Biochemistry, our Oxbridge tutors have plenty of experience in crafting the perfect personal statement. Our tutors can help you write a successful Oxford Biochemistry personal statement, making sure that you include relevant experience, key points and write with the correct structure.

In a nutshell...

  • Personal statement evaluation within 48 hours
  • Reduce your word count by 20%
  • Analysed by Oxbridge Tutors

Line-by-line feedback

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  • Tailored to your needs

How it Works...

For many applicants, the reason that they lose on out securing a place on the Oxford Biochemistry course is because their personal statement just isn’t good enough. It can be difficult to know what to write in your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement and how to stand out to the admissions tutors. Watch this video to learn more about we can help you to craft the perfect Oxford Biochemistry personal statement.

How Oxbridge Mind’s Personal Statement Check works

For many applicants, the reason that they lose on out securing a place on the Oxford Biochemistry course is because their personal statement just isn't good enough.

Personal Statement Editing in 60 Seconds

Would you watch rather than read? ? Watch the video ☝️

How we can help

Response in 48 hours.

No matter what stage you're at - first, second, or tenth draft - you can send us your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement. Also, if you'd like us to focus on a specific aspect of your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement, such as word count or structure, please let us know.

After carefully evaluating your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement, our Oxbridge experts will provide an assessment of what you did well and where you could make some improvements.

Once you've read your feedback, you'll feel confident and ready to improve your personal statement for Oxford Biochemistry. If you'd like, you can also send us a new draft at this point.

After making any changes needed, you can now upload your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement to UCAS!

Your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement will be attentively reviewed by our Oxbridge Biochemistry tutors to make sure it matches our high standards.


Complete with an analysis summary

We will provide you with line-by-line analysis for your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement, as well as comments on how you performed in each of the crucial areas that the Oxford Biochemistry admissions team will be focusing on.

Write, revise and repeat

Consider the improvements we've recommended after reading our feedback for your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement. You are welcome to get in touch with us at any stage for more guidance or to ask for another Oxford Biochemistry personal statement review!


1-1 sessions with Zoom Tutoring

  • Discuss & Rewrite LIVE

Your Oxbridge Biochemistry tutor will evaluate your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement and provide some initial feedback prior to your one-on-one meeting to make the most of the time you have together.

You can go over your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement with your tutor in real-time and receive continuous advice.

Following the session, you can revise your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement at your own pace and reach out to your tutor if you have any more questions.

Let’s work through an example

Reducing word count.

Our Oxbridge tutors will be able to help you reduce your word count and refine your writing to make you stand out.

Work Experience

With the help of your Oxbridge tutor, you'll be able to link any relevant work experience to your interest and passion for Biochemistry.

Spelling and Grammar

Oxbridge Mind's expert tutors will provide a complete analysis of the spelling, grammar, tone and paragraph structure of your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement.

Excerpt from a Biochemistry Personal Statement…

My interest in science first began as a child watching science fiction television programmes and I was thrilled when I got older to discover that molecules and biochemistry really existed. I became fascinated with how life works at a molecular level and that something as tiny as a water molecule can make such an impact on our daily lives. I feel that the study of Biochemistry is the key to understanding everything about our life process and how we can ensure the survival of the human race. At school I worked hard to acquire the skill set I would need to study Biochemistry at university by taking Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. I also spent many hours studying around these subjects outside of lessons to equip myself with as much knowledge as I could. In particular I find genetics highly interesting and with this in mind I completed a work experience placement in a hospital laboratory where I was able to observe the staff, take part in data collection, and get hands-on experience with laboratory equipment.

Extra Reading

We will help you link books and talks you've experienced to specific modules in the Oxford Biochemistry course.

Motivation for Biochemistry

You'll learn how to best articulate your reasons for studying Biochemistry in the Oxbridge learning environment.

Language Style

Your Oxford Biochemistry tutor will adjust your sentence structure, tone of voice and the balance between different sub topics.

How can we improve your Personal Statement?

Personal analysis.

Rather than just giving you generic advice, we'll evaluate your writing and give personal feedback.

Reducing Word Count

We will teach you how to write more succinctly, as sticking to the 4,000 character limit can be hard.

Improving Language

Our Oxbridge tutors have expert knowledge when it comes to writing personal statements.

  • Grammar Checking

We'll make sure that your spelling and grammar is perfect before you submit your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement.

Reviewed by Biochemistry Tutors

Your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement will be proofread by a group of tutors who are familiar with the requirements of Oxbridge..

1-to-1 Feedback Lessons

You will receive continuous support to make sure your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement is excellent.

Our students love us


I'm so thankful for the help Shameena gave! She managed to cut out 1,000 characters from my medicine personal statement! She also gave some great insights into how I could improve.


Thanks to Oxbridge Mind's Personal Statement check I managed to get invited to 4 interviews! They were very quick in their turnaround, and were able to address the areas I needed to edit.


I was surprised by how detailed Oxbridge Mind were in their feedback - they noticed things my head of sixth form didn’t. I liked the fact that I could Skype the tutor and discuss the edits through with her.


I had my medicine personal statement reviewed 4 times by Oxbridge Mind and they went above and beyond what I expected! They are a group of enthusiastic and professional teachers!


October 2019

The feedback they gave was very constructive and helped me cut down words. They took extra care to make sure I understood the feedback they were giving, and implement it effectively.


September 2018

I would highly recommend the Oxbridge Mind medicine personal statement review. They made sure they didn't just rewrite my personal statement but instead gave some real individual feedback!


August 2017

I could not recommend this website more! I bought a medicine personal statement check from many companies but theirs was the best. They also responded within 24h before my UCAS deadline


August 2019

I had a two hour 1-1 session with Alice who was so helpful in cutting down my medicine personal statement. She helped me with my surgical work experience paragraph, which had a few lengthy sentences.


September 2019

The medicine personal statement check happened so quickly - I got it back instantly. I have no complaints at all! Speed was good - I got it back within 2 days. The analysis was detailed and clear to me.


At first I was reluctant as I was skeptical that it was cheaper than most providers. However, I was very happy! My editor, Shameena, spotted grammar mistakes and helped me cut my word count


If it wasn't for Oxbridge Mind, I would never have known how to write a medicine personal statement so well. They helped teach me how to make links between my work experience and my skills.

Our packages

Your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement will be assessed by a qualified Oxbridge tutor, and all of our packages come with content, composition, and grammatical analysis. Your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement will be sent to you within 48 hours, whichever package you choose, or your money back.

  • 1 Personal Statement Check
  • Expert Feedback in 48h
  • Real-Time Feedback
  • Analysis on Character Limit
  • Writing Suggestions
  • 2 Personal Statement Checks
  • 3 Personal Statement Checks

Our proven 4-Step Method

Step 1

Send us your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement

No matter what stage you’re at – first, second, or tenth draft – you can send us your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement. Also, if you’d like us to focus on a specific aspect of your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement, such as word count or structure, please let us know.

Step 2

We’ll analyse your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement

Step 3

Write, Revise & Repeat

Once you’ve read your feedback, you’ll feel confident and ready to improve your personal statement for Oxford Biochemistry. If you’d like, you can also send us a new draft at this point.

Step 4

Submit and Relax

Still got questions don’t worry, we’ve got you covered., frequently asked questions, i need my oxford biochemistry personal statement check back within 24 hours. can you help me.

We provide an express service upon request, so please let us know if you need your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement sooner and why in your email to us, and we'll be able to help you out.

Can I ask you to write my Oxford Biochemistry personal statement for me?

We can't write your personal statement for you. If we are requested to do this for your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement, we'll have to politely decline.

Will my Oxford Biochemistry personal statement be secure?

Your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement will only be seen by our Oxbridge tutors, and your data will be encrypted and secured in accordance with our privacy policy.

I'm worried about the word count for my Oxford Biochemistry personal statement. Can you help?

Absolutely! Just let us know that you want to reduce the word count for your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement and we'll be happy to help.

I'm an international student - I'm worried my English isn't good enough for the Oxford Biochemistry personal statement.

We can provide a customised service to make sure that your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement satisfies the English language requirements for Oxbridge.

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IRS makes Direct File a permanent option to file federal tax returns; expanded access for more taxpayers planned for the 2025 filing season

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IR-2024-151, May 30, 2024

WASHINGTON — Following a successful filing season pilot and feedback from a variety of partners, the Internal Revenue Service announced today that it will make Direct File a permanent option for filing federal tax returns starting in the 2025 tax season.

The agency is exploring ways to expand Direct File to make more taxpayers eligible in the 2025 filing season and beyond by examining options to broaden Direct File’s availability across the nation, including covering more tax situations and inviting all states to partner with Direct File next year.

The IRS plans to announce additional details on the 2025 expansion in the coming months.

The decision follows a highly successful, limited pilot during the 2024 filing season, where 140,803 taxpayers in 12 states filed their taxes using Direct File. The IRS closely analyzed data collected during the pilot, held numerous meetings with diverse groups of stakeholders and gathered feedback from individual Direct File users, state officials and representatives across the tax landscape. The IRS heard directly from hundreds of organizations across the country, more than a hundred members of Congress and from those interested in using Direct File in the future. The IRS has also heard from a limited number of stakeholders who believe the current free electronic filing options provided by third party vendors are adequate.

The IRS will continue data analysis and stakeholder engagement to identify improvements to Direct File; however, initial post-pilot analysis yielded enough information for the decision to make Direct File a permanent filing option. The IRS noted that an early decision on 2025 was critical for planning and programming both for the IRS and for additional states to join the program. IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel recommended to Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen to make Direct File permanent. He cited overwhelming satisfaction from users and improved ease of tax filing among the reasons for his recommendation, which Secretary Yellen has accepted.

“The clear message is that many taxpayers across the nation want the IRS to provide more than one no-cost option for filing electronically,” said IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel. “So, starting with the 2025 filing season, the IRS will make Direct File a permanent option for filing federal tax returns. Giving taxpayers additional options strengthens the tax filing system. And adding Direct File to the menu of filing options fits squarely into our effort to make taxes as easy as possible for Americans, including saving time and money.”

State and eligibility expansion

Building on the success of the limited pilot – where taxpayers with relatively simple tax situations in 12 states were eligible to use Direct File – the IRS is examining ways to expand eligibility to more taxpayers across the country. For the 2025 filing season, the IRS will work with all states that want to partner with Direct File, and there will be no limit to the number of states that can participate in the coming year. The agency expects several new states will choose to participate.

The IRS is also exploring ways to gradually expand the scope of tax situations supported by Direct File. Over the coming years, the agency’s goal is to expand Direct File to support most common tax situations, with a particular focus on those situations that impact working families. Announcements about new state partners and expanded eligibility are expected in the coming months.

“User experience – both within the product and integration with state tax systems – will continue to be the foundation for Direct File moving forward,” Werfel said. “We will focus, first and foremost, on continuing to get it right. Accuracy and comprehensive tax credit uptake will be paramount concerns to ensure taxpayers file a correct return and get the refund they’re entitled to. And our North Star will be improving the experience of tax filing itself and helping taxpayers meet their obligations as easily and quickly as possible.”

Direct File’s role in the tax system

During the agency’s review, many taxpayers told the IRS they want no-cost filing options. Millions of taxpayers who did not live in one of the 12 pilot states visited the Direct File website to learn more about this option or asked live chat assistors to make Direct File available in their state.

As a permanent filing option, Direct File will continue to be one option among many from which taxpayers can choose. It is not meant to replace other important options by tax professionals or commercial software providers, who are critical partners with the IRS in delivering a successful tax system for the nation. The IRS also remains committed to the ongoing relationship with Free File Inc., which has served taxpayers for two decades in the joint effort to provide free commercial software. Earlier this month, the IRS signed a five-year extension with industry to continue Free File.

As the IRS works to expand Direct File, it will also work to strengthen all free filing options for taxpayers, including Free File, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (VITA) and the Tax Counseling for the Elderly program (TCE).

Pilot analysis and feedback

In the six weeks following the close of the Direct File pilot, the IRS closely analyzed pilot data and gathered feedback from diverse groups of stakeholders, including Direct File users, state officials and representatives across the country’s tax community.

While data analysis and partner engagement are ongoing, the IRS’ post-pilot analysis has yielded three conclusions that support making Direct File a permanent tax filing solution:

1. Taxpayers overwhelmingly liked using Direct File

As detailed in the IRS Direct File Pilot: Filing Season 2024 After Action Report PDF , more than 15,000 Direct File users participated in the General Services Administration’s Touchpoints survey, which collects comprehensive user feedback about government systems:

  • 90% of respondents ranked their experience as Excellent or Above Average.
  • When asked what they particularly liked, respondents most commonly cited Direct File’s ease of use, trustworthiness and that it was free.
  • Additionally, 86% of respondents said that their experience with Direct File increased their trust in the IRS.
  • 90% of survey respondents who used customer support rated that experience as Excellent or Above Average.

For the primary quantitative measure of taxpayer opinions of Direct File, the IRS selected the Net Promoter Score (NPS) customer sentiment metric, which asks users, “On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend Direct File to a friend or family member?” NPS scores range from -100-+100. Direct File has a NPS of +74. If compared to benchmark scores from financial services companies, Direct File would lead in eight of nine categories.

2. Direct File made the tax filing experience easier

Direct File’s users reported saving time: Filing taxes with Direct File generally took less than an hour, and many reported filing in as little as 30 minutes. Nearly half of Direct File users reported paying for tax preparation the previous year, and the Treasury Department estimates that Direct File users saved $5.6 million in tax preparation fees this filing season.

3. Direct File helps catalyze the IRS’s digital transformation

To build Direct File, the IRS assembled a team of experienced tax experts, digital product specialists, engineers and data scientists from across the federal government. The agency partnered with the U.S. Digital Service and GSA’s 18F, as well as private sector partners, who all brought critical agile technology expertise. Working side by side at IRS headquarters and collaborating with remote team members across the country, the Direct File team developed and delivered a strong technology product.

The Direct File pilot also gave the IRS the chance to test customer service innovations on a large scale.

Live Chat served as Direct File’s primary customer support channel because it could be integrated directly into the product. This allowed customer support to gradually expand in concert with the overall number of users in each phase of the pilot. The IRS is exploring how this approach could impact taxpayer service overall as the agency works to provide taxpayers with more choices in how they can interact with the IRS.

“We’re mindful that the most important decision we made during the pilot was to focus on executional certainty,” Werfel said. “We took the time to get it right. We found the right first step to test the demand and the user experience and build a strong product. We will apply that same critical lesson for next year as we take a strategic approach to expanding Direct File’s availability and capabilities.”

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Biomedical Science Personal Statement Examples

successful biochemistry personal statement

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  1. Biochemistry Personal Statement Essay Example

    successful biochemistry personal statement

  2. Biomedical Sciences personal statement example

    successful biochemistry personal statement

  3. Biomedical Science Personal Statement

    successful biochemistry personal statement

  4. Top Biomedical Science Personal Statement by Practiced Writer

    successful biochemistry personal statement

  5. Biochemistry personal statement example

    successful biochemistry personal statement

  6. How To Write A Good Personal Statement For Biomedical Science

    successful biochemistry personal statement


  1. MIT student explains how curiosity saved his life

  2. CHAPTER 4: Full Length Lecture of Biochemistry

  3. Write an Incredible Personal Statement: 3 Steps with Examples

  4. #Section =A #jeemain 24-January-2023 shift = 2 Given below are two statements

  5. Section = A #jeemain #2023(29 January Shift 1) For certain chemical reaction



  1. Biochemistry Personal Statement Examples

    Biochemistry Personal Statement Examples . Biochemistry Personal Statement Example 1. The need to survive is a remarkable thing, for it has allowed evolution to equip organisms with a range of extraordinary capabilities in order to stay alive. Since reading 'Why Geese Don't Get Obese' by Widmaier, my interests have developed in the molecular ...

  2. A Biochemistry Personal Statement written by an Oxford Graduate

    EXEMPLAR BIOCHEMISTRY PERSONAL STATEMENT WITH ANNOTATIONS FROM SUCCESSFUL STUDENT. An article outlining the strengths of a Biochemistry personal statement written by a successful Oxford applicant. A simple fact sparked my desire to study Biochemistry. I am small, in stature, and I wondered why. My curiosity led me to research X chromosome ...

  3. Biochemistry Personal Statement Example 9

    This personal statement is unrated. Biochemistry has the power to unlock key mysteries of the physical world with the potential to improve the quality of life, offering to explore the inter-relationship between Chemistry and Biology which I noticed in my first term of biology: as water was said to be a polar compound, I was able to prove this ...

  4. Biochemistry Personal Statement Examples

    Biochemistry Personal Statement Examples | Uni Compare. Boost your employability with a Computer Science degree! Study Geology at Southampton, a course with a high degree of fieldwork! Taken from 65,000+ data points from students attending university to help future generations. Discover university rankings devised from data collected from ...

  5. Biochemistry Personal Statement

    Sample Statement. My interest in science first began as a child watching science fiction television programmes and I was thrilled when I got older to discover that molecules and biochemistry really existed. I became fascinated with how life works at a molecular level and that something as tiny as a water molecule can make such an impact on our ...

  6. Oxford Biochemistry Personal Statement: TOP 10 Tips

    A Biochemistry personal statement for Oxford should include information about the candidate's academic achievements, extracurricular activities, research experience, and personal qualities that are relevant to the program. It should also include specific examples of how the candidate has demonstrated analytical skills, critical thinking, and ...

  7. Biochemistry Personal Statement 1

    More specifically, I want to go into Breast Cancer Research. After seeing the damage it does to the world and the personal effect it has had on my family, I am passionate in putting all of my efforts into the eradication of the disease. This is why a Biochemistry course is a perfect fit for me.

  8. Biochemistry degree personal statement example (1a)

    Biochemistry degree personal statement example (1a) This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our collection of sample personal statements. The nature of Biology is one of change; life forms are constantly ...

  9. Biochemistry Personal Statement Examples

    Explore compelling biochemistry personal statement examples. Craft a standout application with curated samples at your fingertips. ... Students must have a solid understanding of the principles of both sciences in order to be successful in the field. In addition, a strong knowledge of mathematics and physics is also beneficial. ...

  10. Biochemistry and Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example

    This personal statement is unrated. The study of biological processes at a molecular level, as well as how this affects the larger components of a living organism - cells and organs - deeply interests me. The potential for new discoveries of ways to win at the evolutionary arms race human beings have against viruses, parasites and cancers is ...

  11. Sample Personal Statement Biochemistry

    Sample Personal Statement Biochemistry. The following personal statement is written by an applicant who got accepted to top Ph.D. programs in biochemistry. Variations of this personal statement got accepted at University of Utah and Johns Hopkins. Read this essay to understand what a top personal statement in biochemistry should look like.

  12. Personal statements for university applications

    Personal statements for university applications. An important part of your UCAS application is the personal statement. The purpose of a personal statement is to show a university why you want to study a subject at the higher education level, how you will handle the demands of a university degree and to tell them a little about yourself.

  13. Biochemistry Model Personal Statement

    Contact Us. Biochemistry Model Personal Statement. This is the personal statement of a successful Oxbridge Biochemistry applicant. Searching for how underlying biochemical mechanisms work showed me the fascinating complexity of the molecular world. I first experienced this through Plasmodium's cunning method of recombining var genes to display ...

  14. Biochemistry degree personal statement example (1b) Cambridge offer

    Biochemistry degree personal statement example (1b) Cambridge offer. This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our collection of sample personal statements. The human body consists of just three main elements ...

  15. Successful Personal Statement For Natural Sciences (Biological) At

    Good Points Of The Personal Statement. Very well-written with a clear introduction, main body, and conclusion. This statement begins by setting the scene as to why Natural Science, and in particular, Biology, is important to both the world and the applicant. The student clearly explains their interest in Biology and then goes on to explain ...

  16. Biochemistry Personal Statement (Emily Ng)

    Emily Ng is currently studying MBioch Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular) at the University of Oxford. Emily completed her A-Levels at Help Academy and will be graduating in 2023. This personal statement was part of her successful application to University of Oxford, Imperial College London, UCL, King's College London, and University of St Andrews for Biochemistry.

  17. Biochemistry degree personal statement example (1d) Oxford offer

    Biochemistry degree personal statement example (1d) Oxford offer. This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our collection of sample personal statements. In the sciences, every answer raises a new question.

  18. Biochemistry Personal Statement Example 10

    Biochemistry Personal Statement Example 10. The intricate processes of life are all governed by chemical reactions. Breaking bonds, forming bonds and electrons moving from one entity to another are concepts that have always fascinated me. However, the application of such reactions in living organisms is what has led me towards Biochemistry.

  19. Successful Personal Statement For Chemistry At Oxford

    Chemistry Personal Statement. Few aspects of our lives remain unaffected by the fundamental subject of chemistry. Chemists have revolutionised the way we live; from the medicines we use to the water we drink, it is hard to imagine what our everyday life would be like without the help of this vast subject. I wish to be a part of the chemical ...

  20. Oxford Biochemistry Personal Statement

    Our packages. Your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement will be assessed by a qualified Oxbridge tutor, and all of our packages come with content, composition, and grammatical analysis. Your Oxford Biochemistry personal statement will be sent to you within 48 hours, whichever package you choose, or your money back.

  21. PDF A Guide to Personal Statements

    Keep it simple. Keep it short. (Tip 1: Leave it until last) (Tip 2: Draft 5 first sentences) "My first exposure to the concept of genetic disease was whilst doing work experience at a deaf school. I found it incredible that the assortment of four bases could have such a tangible effect on health and development.

  22. Biochemistry and Biomedicine Personal Statement Example

    Classical music is a big part of my life outside studying; my main instrument is the piano. Composing and playing music is my way of expressing myself; I love relaxing at the piano keyboard. I enjoy playing a varied range of composers from the early baroque period right up until the present day. Developing valuable life and communication skills ...

  23. Direct File's role in the tax system

    IRS Statements and Announcements; IR-2024-151, May 30, 2024. WASHINGTON — Following a successful filing season pilot and feedback from a variety of partners, the Internal Revenue Service announced today that it will make Direct File a permanent option for filing federal tax returns starting in the 2025 tax season.

  24. Biomedical Science Personal Statement Examples

    Biomedical Science Personal Statement Example 27. The human body is undoubtedly the earth's most impressive creation - six million years of evolution has resulted in this complex system, with all parts working together to maintain life. Throughout my high school years, I have been interested in the intersection of biology and medicine...