APA Title Page (Cover Page) Format, Example, & Templates

Saul Mcleod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul Mcleod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

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Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

On This Page:

In APA Style (7th edition), the cover page, or title page, should include:
  • A running head (professional papers only) and page number
  • The title of the paper
  • The name of the author(s)
  • The institutional affiliation
  • An author note; optional (professional papers only)
  • A student paper should also include course information
Note : APA 7 provides slightly different directions for formatting the title pages of professional papers (e.g., those intended for scholarly publication) and student papers (e.g., those turned in for credit in a high school or college course).

Professional paper APA title page

An example of an APA format reference page

Student paper APA title page

An example of an APA format reference page

Formatting an APA title page

Note : All text on the title page should be double-spaced and typed in either 12-point, Times New Roman font. In the 7th edition, APA increaded the flexibility regarding font options: which now include Calibri 11, Arial 11, Lucida Sans Unicode 10, Times New Roman 12, or Georgia 11. All words should be centered, and capitalize the first letter of important words.

Running Head

In the 7th edition of the APA style manual, running heads are only required for professional papers that are being submitted for publication (student papers do not require a running head, but still need a page number).

Your title page should contain a running head that is flush left at the top of the page and a page number that is flush right at the top of the page.

Place the running head in the page’s header:

  • The running head is the abbreviated title of the paper (IN UPPERCASE LETTERS) aligned left on the page header of all pages, including the title page. APA (7th edition) guidelines require that running heads be a maximum of 50 characters (spaces count as characters).
  • The “Running head:” label used in the APA sixth edition is no longer used.
  • Place the page number in this same header, but align right, beginning with page number 1 on the title page.
  • This header should be 1 inch from the top. Some instructors allow for 1/2 inch, too, but the default is 1 inch.

Paper Title

Position the title of the paper in the upper half of the page. The title should be centered and written in boldface, and important words should be capitalized.

The APA recommends that your title should be a maximum of 12 words and should not contain abbreviations or words that serve no purpose.

Author Name(s)

Institutional affiliation.

Position the school or university’s name below the author(s) name, centered.

A student paper should also include the course number and name, instructor name, and assignment due date.

Further Information

  • APA Student Title Page Guide
  • APA Referencing
  • How to Write a Lab Report
  • Essay Writing Guide for Psychology Students
  • APA Style Citations & References
  • Example of an APA Formatted Paper

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  • The Complete Guide to APA Format in 2020

APA Title Page / Cover Page

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  • Websites and Online Sources
  • Journals and Periodicals
  • Other Print Sources
  • Other Non-Print Sources
  • In-text Citations
  • Footnotes and Endnotes
  • Using MyBib Responsibly
  • Miscellaneous Questions

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Details to include

The title page (also known as the cover page) is the front page of your paper. It should contain:

  • The running head , a header at the top of the page.
  • The first page number .
  • The title of the paper
  • The institution for which you writing.

Running head

The running head should be in the top-left corner of the page in uppercase. It should include a shortened title of your paper. On the front page only, it should also be prepended with "Running head:".

First page number

The first page number -- generally page 1 -- should be in the top-right corner of the page. Both the page number and the running head should be a half inch from the top of the page.

The title of the paper can contain upper and lowercase letters, and ideally should be no more than 12 words in length. It should be direct, and should not contain abbreviations or other unnecessary words. It should not span longer than 2 lines. The first letter of each word should be uppercase, except for articles (a, an, the), and conjunctions (and, but, for, or, yet).

Underneath the title should be your name (or the author's name if you're not the author). It should be displayed as the first name , middle initial , and last name . Do not add titles (such as Dr.) to the beginning, or qualifications (such as PhD) to the end of an author's name.

Your institution

Finally, underneath the author's name, state the full name of the institution or school you're writing the paper for.

The font for all text on the title page should be Times New Roman, size 12pt, with double line-spacing.

A correct title page will look like the below image:

APA format example title page

After completing your title page you will move on to writing an abstract of your paper.

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The 7th edition of the APA title page (introduced in 2019) has separate formatting guidelines for student and professional research papers. It replaced the APA 6th edition, which was introduced in 2009. The APA 7 formatting guidelines allow for more flexibility when it comes to font size and style. 

If you have questions about how to format your cover page, this article is for you. We will be taking a look at the formatting guidelines for the APA style cover page for students as well as professional papers. In order to help you create an appropriate cover page, we’ve also included an APA 7 title page template and plenty of APA cover page examples. 

What is the title page for an APA paper?

The APA title page is the first page of your academic paper that provides information on the title, author(s), professors, and institutions affiliated with your research paper. There are separate APA cover page formats for student and professional papers.

An APA 7 title page consists of the following components:

Student paper

  • Page number*
  • Title of the paper
  • Name of author(s)
  • Institutional affiliation
  • Name and number of the course
  • Name of professor(s)
  • Date of submission

*A running head (shortened version of the title) is generally not required for student papers unless explicitly stated by the professor.

Professional paper

  • Page number 
  • Running head 
  • Institutional affiliation(s)
  • Author note (Author’s ORCID iD, affiliation changes, disclosures of conflicts of interest, and the author’s contact information)

Now that we’ve gotten a gist of the APA title page format, let’s understand how to construct cover pages for both these versions in detail.

How to construct an APA title page

Before you start formatting the APA first page, there are a few ground rules you must consider. Here are the rules for formatting an APA title page:

  • Leave a one-inch margin for all pages. 
  • Use double spacing throughout your cover page.
  • Maintain consistency in font size and style. 
  • Avoid using any titles (Dr, Prof) or degrees (MA, PhD).
  • Include the running header and the page number on the top left and right corners respectively. (Simply include the page number for student papers.)
  • After leaving 4–5 lines, input and centrally align the title of your paper.
  • Include the first, middle, and last name(s) of the author(s) respectively, exactly below the title.
  • Include the name of the affiliated university/universities below the names of the authors involved.
  • For student papers, include the name of the course professor and the due date below the affiliated university. 
  • For professional papers, include the author note a few lines below the affiliated university/universities.
  • The author note should be bolded and centrally aligned.
  • Details such as the author’s ORCID iD, contact information, affiliation changes, and disclosures of conflicts of interest should be right aligned and placed under the author note.  

The APA 7 format is pretty flexible when it comes to the font style. You can use any of the following font styles in your paper:

  • 12-point Times New Roman 
  • 11-point Calibri
  • 11-point Arial
  • 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode  
  • 11-point Georgia  
  • 10-point Computer Modern  

Now, let’s take a closer look at how to construct the individual elements of both student and professional versions of APA 7th edition title pages:

The following APA cover page examples will help you locate the exact position of each component. These examples cover both, student and professional papers and will guide you in constructing your own cover page. We’ve labeled each of these components and will guide you on how to format them.

Here are the main components of the above APA title page examples:

1. Page number

The page number in an APA style title page should be present on the top right corner of each page and the title page should always be considered page number “1”.

Follow these steps to correctly format the page number in Microsoft Word: 

  • Activate the header by double-clicking on the top of the page.
  • Click on the “Insert” tab.
  • Select the “Page numbers” option.
  •  Hover over “Top of Page” and select “Plain Number 3”.

Once this process is complete, you should have a page number for all your sheets.

2. Running head

A running head consists of the title of your paper in all caps. It is compulsory when it comes to professional research papers, but is generally not mandatory for student papers.  

The running head should be in line with the page number, left aligned, and under 50 characters long (including spaces). If your title is longer, you’ll have to shorten it so it can fit the character count of the running head. Make sure to include the main idea of the title here and exclude the less important parts.

Here’s an example of an APA format title along with the running head:

Passing the Genetic Torch: Examining the Mechanisms of Genetic Variation


3. APA title

The title of your APA cover page must be succinct, informative, and eye-catching. It should also contain the relevant keywords of your paper, essentially providing a gist of your paper. Although not mandatory, it is a good idea to limit your title to under 12 words.

Here’s how to create your APA format title as per the specified guidelines:

  • Position your title 4–5 lines from the top of your page.
  • Select your title to centrally align and bold it.
  • Use the title case* while creating your heading.

*Capitalize the first letter of each word apart from articles and prepositions.

4. Name of the author(s)

After adding your title, mention the name of the authors under the title of the paper (leave a blank line in between). The APA formatting guidelines for the names of authors are different for student and professional papers.

Take a look:

Student papers

Student papers only include the names of authors involved in the process of writing the paper.

  • Make sure to include the first, middle, and last names of the authors in precisely this order.
  • In the case of two authors, separate the names with an “and”.
  • In the case of three or more authors, separate each name with a comma and input the last name with an Oxford comma as well as an “and”.
  • Don’t mention titles such as “Dr” and “Prof” or degrees such as “MA” and “PhD”.

Professional papers  

The names of authors in professional papers follow similar guidelines to those of student papers. However, they do include a few additional elements.

  • In the case of multiple affiliated institutions, use superscript numbers after the names of the authors. 

5. Institutional affiliations

An author’s institutional affiliation is placed below their name on an APA cover page.

  • Add the department and university name, separated by a comma. 
  • In the case of multiple affiliations, mention the institutions corresponding to each author in the order of their names.
  • Add a superscript number before the name of each institution to indicate the corresponding author.

6. Name and number of the course

It’s mandatory to include the name and number of the course for student papers . 

  • Align the information centrally and place it below the institutional affiliation. 
  • Write the course number in all caps followed by the course name and separate them by a colon. (For example: HISTORYLIT303: Historical Writing)
  • Write the name of your course professor below the course name and number and align it centrally.
  • Include the designation as well as the first and last name of your professor. 

7. Author note

Professional papers often contain an author note.

  • Place the “Author Note” label at the bottom half of the page, bolded and aligned centrally.
  • Add an indent of 0.5 inches for all entries in the author note and align them to the left.
  • Follow the author’s names with their ORCID iDs.
  • Mention any changes in the authors’ affiliation.
  • Disclose any conflicts of interest.
  • Add the authors’ contact information.

8. Date of submission

The date of submission for the paper is only to be included for student papers and should be placed below the professor’s name. 

  • Centrally align the date of submission using the “Month, Day, Year” format. 
  • Spell out the month and avoid abbreviating it. 
  • Include the complete year instead of just the last two digits.

Here’s an example: October 02, 2023

APA 7 title page template

Our expertise in providing superior paper editing services has helped us create an APA 7 title page template for students and research professionals. These templates are written using the 12-point Times New Roman font. They also follow all the guidelines for an APA 7 cover page that we’ve highlighted above.  

  APA 7 Title Page Template for Students

APA 7 Title Page Template for Professionals

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APA cover (title) page: format and templates

APA cover page

There are two types of title page required for APA style papers, a professional and a student version.

Student APA cover page

As long as students do not have any specific guidance from their instructors in regards to a cover page format, they should include the following elements on their cover page:

  • Running head : only for APA 6th you write "Running head: TITLE" as a header. APA 7th does not require a running head.
  • Title of the paper : three to four lines down from the top of the title page, centered and in bold for APA 7 (APA 6 does not have a title in bold).
  • Name of author(s) : include a double-spaced blank line between the paper title and the author name(s).
  • Affiliation for each author (the university attended, including department)
  • Course number and name
  • Name of instructor
  • Due date of the assignment (date format used in your location)
  • Page number (included on all pages), cover page is number 1.
  • Times New Roman is the preferred font, 12-point .
  • Double spacing
  • 1 inch margins

Layout of an APA cover page for a student paper

We created a a student APA cover page template of both 6th & 7th edition, which you can download:

word icon

Professional APA cover page

A professional APA cover page should include the following elements:

  • Name of each author : include a double-spaced blank line between the paper title and the author names.
  • Affiliation for each author: give the name of the institution at which the research was carried out.
  • Author note : see the specific instructions below.
  • Running head (included on all pages): for APA 6th you write "Running head: TITLE" and for APA 7th only the title in caps is required (omitting the phrase running head).
  • Page number (included on all pages): page 1 is the cover page.
  • Times New Roman is the preferred font, 12 -point.

Layout of an APA cover page for a professional paper

Since there are a few slight differences between the professional cover page in APA 6th and 7th edition, we created a template for each version, which you can download.

APA cover page: Author note format

An author note in a professional paper can be found at the bottom of the cover page. It is usually composed of four paragraphs.

  • In the first paragraph : for APA 6, give the name of the author and their affiliation. For APA 7, give the authors' ORCID iDs. Omit this part if the authors don't have ORCID iDs.
  • Second paragraph : Specify any changes of affiliation (for both APA 6 & 7). Use the following format: “[Author’s name] is now at [affiliation].” This paragraph may also clarify the death of an author.
  • Third paragraph : give any confidentiality disclosures and/or acknowledgments.
  • Fourth paragraph : give the contact information of the author(s).

Format : start this section in the bottom half of the title page, below the affiliations. Leave a minimum of one blank line between the affiliation and the author note title. Center the title “Author Note” in bold. The first line of each paragraph should be indented and all aligned to the left.

Further reading

For more details not covered in this guide, take a look at the following sources:

📝 Student and Professional APA cover page (7th ed.)

🌐 APA 6th cover page tutorial

Frequently Asked Questions about APA cover (title) page

The title page of a student paper serves as a representation of the author. It is a mere formality, as it makes your paper appear more academic. As a student, the title page helps your instructor identify on a glance who wrote the paper, what the topic is, and for what course. In sum, a student should add a title page when indicated.

The title page of a professional paper serves as a representation of the author. For professionals, the function of a title page is to introduce the reader to the main facts of the paper, such as the author, the topic, the year of publication, and contact information. In sum, a professional should add a title page to comply with academic standards.

No. According to APA style, the title's font of a title page should not include any type of Word Art or "fun" fonts of any kind. APA style indicates titles should be written in the same font as the rest of the text, it should centered and in bold (for APA 7).

Yes, APA style's title page should be formated as page 1 of the paper, followed by the abstract page as page 2.

If you learn better by watching than by reading, here are two YouTube tutorials that will help you create a title page: APA Style 7th Edition: Student Paper Formatting and APA Style 7th Edition: Professional Paper Formatting by Samuel Forlenza, PhD.

APA 6th edition vs APA 7th edition

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APA Formatting and Citation (7th Ed.) | Generator, Template, Examples

Published on November 6, 2020 by Raimo Streefkerk . Revised on January 17, 2024.

The 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual provides guidelines for clear communication , citing sources , and formatting documents. This article focuses on paper formatting.

Generate accurate APA citations with Scribbr

Throughout your paper, you need to apply the following APA format guidelines:

  • Set page margins to 1 inch on all sides.
  • Double-space all text, including headings.
  • Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inches.
  • Use an accessible font (e.g., Times New Roman 12pt., Arial 11pt., or Georgia 11pt.).
  • Include a page number on every page.

APA format (7th edition)

Let an expert format your paper

Our APA formatting experts can help you to format your paper according to APA guidelines. They can help you with:

  • Margins, line spacing, and indentation
  • Font and headings
  • Running head and page numbering

essay cover page apa 7

Table of contents

How to set up apa format (with template), apa alphabetization guidelines, apa format template [free download], page header, headings and subheadings, reference page, tables and figures, frequently asked questions about apa format.

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essay cover page apa 7

References are ordered alphabetically by the first author’s last name. If the author is unknown, order the reference entry by the first meaningful word of the title (ignoring articles: “the”, “a”, or “an”).

Why set up APA format from scratch if you can download Scribbr’s template for free?

Student papers and professional papers have slightly different guidelines regarding the title page, abstract, and running head. Our template is available in Word and Google Docs format for both versions.

  • Student paper: Word | Google Docs
  • Professional paper: Word | Google Docs

In an APA Style paper, every page has a page header. For student papers, the page header usually consists of just a page number in the page’s top-right corner. For professional papers intended for publication, it also includes a running head .

A running head is simply the paper’s title in all capital letters. It is left-aligned and can be up to 50 characters in length. Longer titles are abbreviated .

APA running head (7th edition)

APA headings have five possible levels. Heading level 1 is used for main sections such as “ Methods ” or “ Results ”. Heading levels 2 to 5 are used for subheadings. Each heading level is formatted differently.

Want to know how many heading levels you should use, when to use which heading level, and how to set up heading styles in Word or Google Docs? Then check out our in-depth article on APA headings .

APA headings (7th edition)

The title page is the first page of an APA Style paper. There are different guidelines for student and professional papers.

Both versions include the paper title and author’s name and affiliation. The student version includes the course number and name, instructor name, and due date of the assignment. The professional version includes an author note and running head .

For more information on writing a striking title, crediting multiple authors (with different affiliations), and writing the author note, check out our in-depth article on the APA title page .

APA title page - student version (7th edition)

The abstract is a 150–250 word summary of your paper. An abstract is usually required in professional papers, but it’s rare to include one in student papers (except for longer texts like theses and dissertations).

The abstract is placed on a separate page after the title page . At the top of the page, write the section label “Abstract” (bold and centered). The contents of the abstract appear directly under the label. Unlike regular paragraphs, the first line is not indented. Abstracts are usually written as a single paragraph without headings or blank lines.

Directly below the abstract, you may list three to five relevant keywords . On a new line, write the label “Keywords:” (italicized and indented), followed by the keywords in lowercase letters, separated by commas.

APA abstract (7th edition)

APA Style does not provide guidelines for formatting the table of contents . It’s also not a required paper element in either professional or student papers. If your instructor wants you to include a table of contents, it’s best to follow the general guidelines.

Place the table of contents on a separate page between the abstract and introduction. Write the section label “Contents” at the top (bold and centered), press “Enter” once, and list the important headings with corresponding page numbers.

The APA reference page is placed after the main body of your paper but before any appendices . Here you list all sources that you’ve cited in your paper (through APA in-text citations ). APA provides guidelines for formatting the references as well as the page itself.

Creating APA Style references

Play around with the Scribbr Citation Example Generator below to learn about the APA reference format of the most common source types or generate APA citations for free with Scribbr’s APA Citation Generator .

Formatting the reference page

Write the section label “References” at the top of a new page (bold and centered). Place the reference entries directly under the label in alphabetical order.

Finally, apply a hanging indent , meaning the first line of each reference is left-aligned, and all subsequent lines are indented 0.5 inches.

APA reference page (7th edition)

Tables and figures are presented in a similar format. They’re preceded by a number and title and followed by explanatory notes (if necessary).

Use bold styling for the word “Table” or “Figure” and the number, and place the title on a separate line directly below it (in italics and title case). Try to keep tables clean; don’t use any vertical lines, use as few horizontal lines as possible, and keep row and column labels concise.

Keep the design of figures as simple as possible. Include labels and a legend if needed, and only use color when necessary (not to make it look more appealing).

Check out our in-depth article about table and figure notes to learn when to use notes and how to format them.

APA table (7th edition)

The easiest way to set up APA format in Word is to download Scribbr’s free APA format template for student papers or professional papers.

Alternatively, you can watch Scribbr’s 5-minute step-by-step tutorial or check out our APA format guide with examples.

APA Style papers should be written in a font that is legible and widely accessible. For example:

  • Times New Roman (12pt.)
  • Arial (11pt.)
  • Calibri (11pt.)
  • Georgia (11pt.)

The same font and font size is used throughout the document, including the running head , page numbers, headings , and the reference page . Text in footnotes and figure images may be smaller and use single line spacing.

You need an APA in-text citation and reference entry . Each source type has its own format; for example, a webpage citation is different from a book citation .

Use Scribbr’s free APA Citation Generator to generate flawless citations in seconds or take a look at our APA citation examples .

Yes, page numbers are included on all pages, including the title page , table of contents , and reference page . Page numbers should be right-aligned in the page header.

To insert page numbers in Microsoft Word or Google Docs, click ‘Insert’ and then ‘Page number’.

APA format is widely used by professionals, researchers, and students in the social and behavioral sciences, including fields like education, psychology, and business.

Be sure to check the guidelines of your university or the journal you want to be published in to double-check which style you should be using.

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

Streefkerk, R. (2024, January 17). APA Formatting and Citation (7th Ed.) | Generator, Template, Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved July 17, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/apa-style/format/

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Raimo Streefkerk

Raimo Streefkerk

Other students also liked, apa title page (7th edition) | template for students & professionals, creating apa reference entries, beginner's guide to apa in-text citation, scribbr apa citation checker.

An innovative new tool that checks your APA citations with AI software. Say goodbye to inaccurate citations!

APA 7th Edition Cover Page

Title Page Components

In the past APA didn’t really pay much attention to student papers, but in APA7 they have been explicit about how to create that perfect paper (it’s a simplified professional paper). In this blog post we’re just going to look at cover pages for an assignment.

No Running Head

A running head has never been required at Bank Street, although many students have placed then in their assignments and Integrated Master’s Projects (IMPs).

Sample Cover Page

Making Books in the Elementary Classroom

John Student

Childhood General Education: Bank Street College of Education

EDUC 500-B1: Child Development

Janet Instructor

March 18, 2020

  • The title page is always number 1
  • Start 3-4 lines from the top of the page
  • APA7 suggests a title of no more than 12 words. 
  • Capitalize any word 4 letters or more in the title.
  • Student’s name. 
  • Add program + Bank Street College of Education
  • Instructor full name 
  • Add the date the assignment is due
  • Times New Roman 12 pt.
  • Calibri 11 pt.
  • Ariel 11 pt.
  • Lucinda Sans Unicode 10 pt.
  • Georgia 11 pt.

As always double space everything.

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  1. General Format

    essay cover page apa 7

  2. APA Style Guide

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  3. Purdue Owl Apa Format Title Page 7Th Edition

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  4. sample cover page apa

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  6. 10 APA Cover Page Templates to Download

    essay cover page apa 7


  1. APA 7th style references/ Hindi/ Urdu Tutorial/ Formatting APA references & APA reference page

  2. APA 7th Edition: Using Oxford Commas

  3. LESSON 78

  4. How to format a thesis cover page, section break, different numbers and automatic table of contents

  5. LESSON 77

  6. APA Formatting Video Series(#2): Formatting the Cover Page


  1. Title page setup

    Follow the guidelines described next to format each element of the student title page. Place the title three to four lines down from the top of the title page. Center it and type it in bold font. Capitalize major words of the title. Place the main title and any subtitle on separate double-spaced lines if desired.

  2. PDF Student Paper Setup Guide, APA Style 7th Edition

    Indent the first line of every paragraph of text 0.5 in. using the tab key or the paragraph-formatting function of your word-processing program. Page numbers: Put a page number in the top right corner of every page, including the title page or cover page, which is page 1. Student papers do not require a running head on any page.

  3. APA Title Page (7th edition)

    The student version of the APA title page should include the following information (double spaced and centered): Paper title. Author name. Department and university name. Course number and name. Instructor name. Due date of the assignment. The professional title page also includes an author note (flushed left), but not a course name, instructor ...

  4. APA Sample Paper

    Media Files: APA Sample Student Paper , APA Sample Professional Paper This resource is enhanced by Acrobat PDF files. Download the free Acrobat Reader. Note: The APA Publication Manual, 7 th Edition specifies different formatting conventions for student and professional papers (i.e., papers written for credit in a course and papers intended for scholarly publication).

  5. APA Title Page (Cover Page) Format, Example, & Templates

    In APA Style (7th edition), the cover page, or title page, should include: A running head (professional papers only) and page number. The title of the paper. The name of the author (s) The institutional affiliation. An author note; optional (professional papers only) A student paper should also include course information.

  6. PDF Student Title Page Guide, APA Style 7th Edition

    Title Page Content. student title page includes the following elements: title of the paper. author(s) ° include the full names of all authors of the paper; use the form first name, middle initial, last name (e.g., Betsy R. Klein) ° if two authors, separate with the word "and". (e.g., Ainsley E. Baum and Lucy K. Reid)

  7. APA Title Page / Cover Page

    Title. The title of the paper can contain upper and lowercase letters, and ideally should be no more than 12 words in length. It should be direct, and should not contain abbreviations or other unnecessary words. It should not span longer than 2 lines. The first letter of each word should be uppercase, except for articles (a, an, the), and ...


    tu. ent title page in APA, 7th edition. 1. First, use the Insert Page Number button on the Insert Tab of a Microsoft Word document to insert a plain page nu. be. at the right margin of the header.2. Next, 3 or 4 lines down from your paper's. top margin, type your paper's title. The title's typeface sh. ul.


    student title page in APA, 7th edition. 1. First, use the Insert Page Number button on the Insert Tab of a Microsoft Word document to insert a plain page number at the right margin of the header. 2. Next, 3 or 4 lines down from your paper's top margin, type your paper's title. The title's typeface should appear in boldface and title case. 3.

  10. How to Create an APA Title Page

    APA 7 title page template. Our expertise in providing superior paper editing services has helped us create an APA 7 title page template for students and research professionals. These templates are written using the 12-point Times New Roman font. They also follow all the guidelines for an APA 7 cover page that we've highlighted above.

  11. Fillable Template and Sample Paper

    Download this Word document, fill out the title page and get writing! Sample Paper APA 7th ed. Our APA sample paper shows you how to format the main parts of a basic research paper. APA 7th Sample Papers from Purdue Owl << Previous: Block Quotations; Next: Government Documents and Legal Materials >>

  12. APA cover (title) page: format and templates

    Title of the paper: three to four lines down from the top of the title page, centered and in bold for APA 7 (APA 6 does not have a title in bold). Name of each author: include a double-spaced blank line between the paper title and the author names. Affiliation for each author: give the name of the institution at which the research was carried out.

  13. APA Style Title Page, APA 7th Title Page, APA Title Page Format

    In this blog post, we will explore the essential components of an APA title page and provide a step-by-step guide to help you create a polished and professional-looking title page for your academic papers. APA Style (7 th edition) provides different guidelines for formatting a student and a professional title page. Professional APA title page.

  14. How to Create a 7th Edition APA Cover Page Presented by a College

    Learn how to create a strong 7th edition APA cover page straight from a college professor. You will get a clear understanding of how to format your work with...

  15. APA Formatting and Style Guide (7th Edition)

    Basic guidelines for formatting the reference list at the end of a standard APA research paper. Author/Authors. Rules for handling works by a single author or multiple authors that apply to all APA-style references in your reference list, regardless of the type of work (book, article, electronic resource, etc.)

  16. APA 7th Ed Paper and Title Page Format

    In this video, Purdue Global Learning and Development Specialist, Chrissine Cairns, demonstrates how to format a paper and title page in APA Style (7 Ed.).No...

  17. APA format for academic papers and essays

    Throughout your paper, you need to apply the following APA format guidelines: Set page margins to 1 inch on all sides. Double-space all text, including headings. Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5 inches. Use an accessible font (e.g., Times New Roman 12pt., Arial 11pt., or Georgia 11pt.).

  18. Sample papers

    These sample papers demonstrate APA Style formatting standards for different student paper types. Students may write the same types of papers as professional authors (e.g., quantitative studies, literature reviews) or other types of papers for course assignments (e.g., reaction or response papers, discussion posts), dissertations, and theses.

  19. PDF APA 7 Student Sample Paper

    In this sample paper, we've put four blank lines above the title. Commented [AF3]: Authors' names are written below the title, with one double-spaced blank line between them. Names should be written as follows: First name, middle initial(s), last name. Commented [AF4]: Authors' affiliations follow immediately after their names.

  20. PDF Hi, APA Styler! your paper or assignment

    This sample paper PDF contains annota ons that draw aten on to key APA Style content and forma ng such as the tle page, headings, in-text cita ons, references, and more. Relevant sec ons of the seventh edi on of the Publication Manual are also provided for your reference. https://apastyle.org. You can find this sample paper and many other ...

  21. APA 7th Edition Cover Page

    The title page is always number 1. Make the title short and clear. Start 3-4 lines from the top of the page. APA7 suggests a title of no more than 12 words. Capitalize any word 4 letters or more in the title. Student's name. Add program + Bank Street College of Education. Instructor full name. Add the date the assignment is due.