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Finding a supervisor.

A supervisor is a professor who oversees your research and the development of your thesis. They provide mentorship, support, and guidance throughout your studies. 

Your relationship with your supervisor will be an important factor in your experience and success as a graduate student. Focus on finding a supervisor who shares your research interests, complements your research and learning style, and supports you in your research and academic goals.

Learn more about supervisory roles and responsibilities in the  Guide for Graduate Research and Supervision .

This video will help you as you prepare to research, contact, and select a supervisor for your graduate studies.

Do you need a supervisor?

Looking for a supervisor, contacting potential supervisors, meeting potential supervisors.

Supervisors are not required for Waterloo professional coursework and professional  online programs .

Some research-based master's and doctoral programs require a supervisor prior to applying while others may assign a supervisor once you have started in your program. Contact your department/program  graduate co-ordinator  to determine if having a supervisor before you apply is required for your program.

Your graduate coordinator will be able to answer questions about program requirements, the admission process, supplemental materials, and funding opportunities.

Visit Faculty or Department websites to learn more about faculty members in your desired field. Faculty profiles or websites will often provide details about conference participation, course instruction, publications, and CVs. Consider how your research interests and experience may intersect with a faculty member's and identify opportunities to expand you knowledge in a desired area.

Use your findings to create a shortlist of potential supervisors to explore further.

The next step is to contact the supervisors on your list. Be sure to tailor your email for each potential supervisor. Your goal is to stand out and generate interest in working with you.

  • Use proper letter format, formal salutations – Professor/Dr. (last name) and close with “Yours sincerely” followed by your full name and contact information
  • Attach your CV and current transcripts
  • Specify the program for which you are applying
  • Ask if they are accepting graduate students under their supervision for your desired admit term
  • If you already have funding or a scholarship, specify the source, value, and duration
  • Explain your interest in graduate studies, your academic and career goals, and your research experience
  • Explain your interest in the faculty member and discuss how your research aligns with theirs (this can be a great way to differentiate yourself and make a strong case for your candidacy)
  • Suggest a follow-up meeting with options for date and time

Once you hear back from an interested potential supervisor, you may wish to arrange for a phone call or virtual meeting. We suggest using that time to learn more about the faculty member’s experience, expectations, and availability.

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Connecting with a Supervisor

How to find and connect with potential supervisors.

Your relationship with your supervisor will be one of the most important factors contributing to the success of your graduate studies. Taking the time to find a supervisor who will complement your research and learning style will help to ensure the success of this relationship. Below are some important considerations to assist you in your efforts.

Do you need to select a supervisor?

Every department at McGill has different admissions procedures. While some will expect you to connect with a potential supervisor prior to applying, others will assign a supervisor to you after you have been accepted. Make sure to carefully read the requirements of the program into which you are applying, available on the departmental website, to find out the supervisory procedures for that department. If it is unclear, contact the Graduate Program Director to clarify.

Identify Potential Supervisors

  • Browse our Program Pages to identify the department in which your research of interest is taking place.
  • Develop a shortlist of potential supervisors from the Faculty members working in your area. In comparing them, try to identify who would be the ideal supervisor for you both in terms of research interests and teaching/learning style.
  • Review Faculty member research profiles to locate potential supervisors with research interests similar to your own. Check Departmental websites under the menu heading ‘Faculty’.
  • Think laterally – if you don’t find what you’re looking for in one department, look at the research profiles of Faculty in related fields.

What to look for

By looking at a Faculty member’s CV and talking to them as well as to their current and former students, you can get a good idea as to who might be the best supervisor for you. 

A good supervisor should be able to provide you with some direction, while allowing you to take initiative. There are a number of factors that can promote a successful supervisory relationship. These include:

  • Expertise : Are they working on your area of research?
  • Experience: Have they supervised many students before?
  • Availability : Will they be available to meet with you when you need them?
  • Research agenda : How active is their research?
  • Publishing: How often do they publish? Do they co-author with other professors in the department or with students?
  • Collegiality and interpersonal relationship: How well will you get on with each other?

Make a connection

Prior to researching and speaking to potential supervisors, make sure to contact the academic unit offering your program in order to establish a relationship. 

The Graduate Program Coordinator will be your main contact person within the unit and will provide you with pertinent information. They will answer your questions about program requirements, the admissions process, supplemental materials, funding opportunities and the procedure for finding a supervisor within the department.

When you are ready to contact potential supervisors, approaching them by email is a good initial step. Ensure that your messages are tailored to each professor, not generic. You must catch the interest of the professor quickly and make a good first impression.

  • Write a concise and professional letter.  The message should start with Dear Professor/Dr. (lastname) and end with "Yours sincerely" followed by your full name and contact information (or the formal equivalent in a message written in French). 
  • Attach your Curriculum Vitae and unofficial transcripts. Note, you may complete and submit the Canadian Common CV . State why you are writing  (e.g.  I am applying to the M.Sc. program in specify program).
  • State why you are interested in graduate studies (including career goals) and emphasize any research or leadership experience and analytical skills.
  • If you already have funding, state the amount, duration and source.
  • State why you are approaching this particular professor, and why your research interests and goals are a good match. Refer briefly to specific published articles by the professor that interest you.
  • Offer an opportunity for further discussion (teleconference, videoconference, or if you are in Montreal, an in-person interview).

Questions and issues to discuss with potential supervisors:

  • Capacity:  Does the professor currently have graduate students? Not enough? Too many? Looking for more?
  • Expectations: Working hours, frequency of student-supervisor meetings, group meetings, reports, record keeping, contribution to general duties, assistance from and to other personnel/students, and meeting program milestones.
  • Expected attendance at journal clubs, seminars, etc, aside from official requirements of the Graduate Program.
  • Financial considerations: stipend, presentation/attendance at conferences.
  • Conventions on authorship (within the norms of the discipline and McGill’s Regulation on the Conduct of Research .
  • Review of written work : extent of supervisor’s involvement with student’s presentations, thesis preparation, time frame for return of comments, etc.
  • Supervisory style: keeping in mind the questions above.
  • Student Success :   how many students have they supervised through to graduation? Have the students finished their program in good time? Have many of the students published? How have the students done in the job market?
  • Personality: trust your instincts as to whether you would be a good match.

Visit Campus

If at all possible, try to visit McGill and meet with your potential supervisor. Not only will this give you an opportunity to show them how excited you are to work together, but it will also allow you to get a sense of their personality. After identifying potential supervisors, call or email them to find out if they are taking on new students.

Away from McGill?

If you are unable to visit with your potential supervisor in person, you will need to rely on communication by phone, email or videoconference. Even if you are communicating at a distance, try to establish a personal connection. Show your potential supervisor why you are interested in working with them in particular.

Talk to current/former students

Talking to the current and former students of a potential supervisor is a good way to find out about their supervisory style, and will allow you to determine whether you work in a similar way.

  • If you are visiting McGill, consider meeting up with some students in person to discuss working with this supervisor.
  • If not, ask either the professor or the Graduate Program Coordinator/Secretary to provide you with email addresses or phone numbers.

Questions to ask current/former students

  • What has been their experience working with this supervisor? Is the supervisor readily available when questions or problems arise?
  • What is expected of them as graduate students working under this supervisor? Does the supervisor take a hands-on or laissez-faire approach to supervision?
  • What do they feel are this supervisor’s strengths in terms of graduate supervision?
  • What do they feel are their weaknesses in terms of graduate supervision?

Department and University Information

Graduate and postdoctoral studies.

School of Graduate Studies

Find a supervisor.

If you’re enrolled in a thesis-based graduate program, you will conduct your own research under the guidance of a supervisor. You are responsible for selecting your research topic and seeking out a potential supervisor.

The supervisory relationship is a foundation of graduate education, particularly in the doctoral-stream programs.

The success of good supervision is a shared responsibility. It depends on both student and supervisor communicating well, being tolerant and understanding, and each holding the other to high standards. The graduate unit (department, centre, or institute) also plays a role, providing clarity and consistency of expectations, upholding academic standards, administering the program fairly and effectively, and intervening where necessary to help resolve problems.

Prof. Arthur Ripstein

“ I enjoy teaching graduate courses and seminars, but my favourite part is supervising dissertations.

Choose a supervisor.

The responsibility to find a supervisor, in most graduate units, rests with the student. Securing a supervisor may however even be a condition of admission. Some graduate units assign a supervisor, typically in master’s programs. How do you know? Check your graduate handbook or with your graduate administrator.

Full members of graduate faculty may serve as the sole or major thesis supervisor for either doctoral or master’s students in the graduate unit while associate members of graduate faculty may serve as members of a doctoral supervisory committee, but may only be the sole or major supervisor for master’s students.

Faculty members A to Z listing .

Get Advice & Support

Talk to your graduate unit. Read your graduate handbook. Know what procedures your graduate unit has in place to help you find a supervisor, or to change a supervisor in the unlikely event that becomes necessary.

The SGS Graduate Supervision Guidelines – Students is a good resource, a set of best practices, general guidelines, policies, and suggestions that provide direction on choosing a supervisor, establishing a supervisory committee, and maintaining a productive working relationship among all three. The guidelines include a supervision checklist for students.

Identify Clear Expectations

Your supervision relationship will benefit from having clear, shared expectations with your supervisor. Set timelines for each stage of work. Identify preferred methods of communication. Discuss intellectual property issues. Complete an intellectual property awareness form . Identify publication expectations and other matters.

Know Your Deadlines

All doctoral students are required to have a supervisor and supervisory committee in place by the end of the second year of their program. Some graduate units have earlier deadlines. Securing a supervisor, supervisory committee and an approved thesis proposal is a requirement for doctoral students to achieve candidacy in their program. Know your deadlines. Compliance with the deadlines is required to maintain satisfactory progress and good academic standing in your degree program.

Maintain Healthy Supervisory Relations

A doctoral student is expected to meet with the supervisory committee at least once a year, and more often if the committee so requires. Supervisory Committee meetings are vital for monitoring doctoral progress in a doctoral program.

The supervisory committee consists of your supervisor and at least two faculty members. Its role is to provide support to you and your supervisor by broadening and deepening the range of expertise and experience available, and by offering advice about, and assessment of, your work. Graduate students who establish their supervisory committees early in their programs and who meet with their committees regularly, tend to complete their degree programs successfully, and sooner than students who wait to establish their committees.

Further information on maintaining good academic standing and supervision is found in the General Regulations section of the SGS Calendar and on the policies and guidelines page of this website.

Recognize Your Supervisor

Do you know a great graduate supervisor who has made a big difference in a student’s development as a researcher and in pursuing future academic and professional careers? The JJ Berry Smith Award for Doctoral Supervision recognizes outstanding performance in the multiple roles associated with doctoral supervision. It is awarded annually to an active faculty member who, over a minimum of 15 years, has demonstrated excellence in supervision at U of T. Recognize your supervisor.

When Problems Arise

Should a problem arise in your supervisory relationship, try to resolve the difficulty amicably through informal discussion first. If that does not resolve the problem, there are several avenues to pursue within your graduate unit: the supervisory committee, the Graduate Coordinator and the Chair of the graduate unit. If the graduate unit is unable to find a satisfactory solution, advice may be sought from the Vice-Dean, Students, School of Graduate Studies. If all else fails, and if the nature of the issue is academic, you have recourse to a formal academic appeal.

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Become a Graduate Student

  • Finding a research supervisor

Graduate students in research-intensive programs (i.e., one that requires a thesis) will often need a faculty supervisor.

We strongly encourage you check with your graduate program of interest to see if a supervisor is needed, and to find a supervisor at the time of application if necessary. This will increase your chances at admission, and allow for a better and more productive graduate student experience .

Finding a Supervisor

There are a few ways you can find a supervisor:

  • If you are an undergraduate student at Memorial, consider the senior courses you are taking or have taken that interest you the most. If the subject matter is something that you can envision studying further independently, talk to the course instructor about either supervising you for a master’s project, or advice on who might be looking for graduate students in that area.
  • Talk to current graduate students about their experience working with their supervisors or other faculty members in your discipline. 
  • If you completed your prior degree at a different university, you have a few options. Try reviewing the faculty directory on the departmental website . They should offer a list of all active faculty members, their research interests, publications, current and past graduate students, and contact information. Try looking at the faculty directors of multiple departments that might be related to your field of study.
  • Do a search using , using keywords that best describe your research interests. The search results should yield several names of faculty members in your area of interest along with their contact information. You can also search for faculty members who are specifically seeking graduate students and willing to supervise . Please keep in mind not all of Memorial’s graduate supervisors are listed on this site.
  • Contact the Graduate Officer of the academic unit or program you are interested in, and ask for suggestions on faculty members who might be looking for students. Graduate Officers can also provide important information on admission and program requirements, the application review process, and funding awarded for students in research programs.

Contacting a Supervisor

When contacting potential supervisors, it is important to make a good first impression. We suggest you take the following steps:

  • Review the faculty member’s information online and become familiar with their research. Consider their publications as well as those of their graduate students.
  • Write a concise introductory email to the faculty member you would like to work with. Introduce yourself, your academic credentials (GPA, academic awards, research experience, etc.), and the kind of research you would like to pursue and the reason for it. Tailor your email to the individual recipient and do not send a general email to multiple faculty members.
  • Use formal salutations (“Dr./Professor” followed by last name) and close (“Yours sincerely” followed by your name and contact information). Attach your current CV and transcripts.
  • If you have your own funding (e.g., external scholarship), specify the source and amount you have been awarded.
  • Advise them you have applied for a graduate program at Memorial University and ask them if they might be interested in serving as your supervisor for a program.
  • Ask for further discussion by phone, videoconference or in person (if possible).
  • If you don’t receive an immediate response, do not be discouraged. Faculty members might just need some time to review and get back to you, especially in the middle of a busy semester or during the summer if they are in the field or away at a conference.

Questions to Ask a Supervisor

When communicating with potential supervisors, it is important to discuss a few topics in addition to research interests and plans:

  • Most full-time graduate students in research programs must be funded. Ask about funding levels for your program and options for scholarships in your field.
  • Ask about potential start date for your program and whether they might be away on research leave at any point during your study period.
  • Discuss the work of the faculty member’s current and past graduate students. What kind of research are current graduate students doing now, and what kind of careers do former graduate students now have?
  • What kind of professional skills training opportunities will you have as a graduate student? Will you be able to publish, present at conferences, and network with peers?
  • What is the faculty member’s supervisory style? Do they meet with graduate students frequently, or expect graduate students to work fairly independently?

If you have any other questions, please reach out. The School of Graduate Studies, as well as 60 academic units across all of Memorial’s campuses, are committed to making the admissions process clear and seamless. In addition to our Graduate Officers, who can serve as invaluable resources for you, our dedicated team of professional staff are available to answer any question you might have, within one business day.

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Finding a supervisor for your MSc or PhD

All students must secure an appropriate LMP Graduate faculty supervisor before initial registration in a graduate program.

Selecting a supervisor is of utmost importance and should be made carefully. 

Although you are encouraged to contact potential supervisors before being admitted, supervisors can only officially accept you as a student after you have met the admission requirements and received an offer of admission (see MSc and PhD application process and deadlines ). 

The process is complete when the faculty member agrees to accept you into their research program and agrees to pay the required stipend.

You should then notify the graduate office of the agreement by email ( [email protected] ) and copy the supervisor. 

  • International (visa) students:  you are encouraged to contact faculty members during the application phase in order to have the support of a potential supervisor prior to the application deadline. You may be recommended for admission but will not gain admission without securing a supervisor.  

Tips for selecting a supervisor 

  • Go the  Faculty Directory : you can filter by those accepting MSc or PhD, using the 'refine by' field. We regularly update our website to reflect who is accepting students. Only faculty  marked ‘yes’ under Graduate Faculty will supervise students . 
  • Browse through the list of researchers to find potential supervisors. 
  • Read publications from potential supervisors to determine whether the research topics align with your interests. 
  • why you are interested in the laboratory;
  • describe your educational background;
  • provide a short description of your past research experience(s), and;
  • request an interview. 

See  Supervision Guidelines for Students and Faculty   on the School of Graduate Studies website.

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Find a supervisor

Before being admitted to a research program, you must have a professor who agrees to act as your major research paper or thesis supervisor. The supervisor will guide you throughout your research and the writing of your project. We strongly recommend that you find a supervisor before submitting your application.

Before you contact a potential supervisor

Here is some advice to follow before you make the first contact:

  • When possible, talk to professors in the academic unit about your field of interest, and find out who would be best able to supervise you.
  • Take a look a the  list of available MRP and Thesis supervisors  (PDF, 147KB)
  • Read the scholarly publications of  potential supervisors  to see if their field of research and methods are tailored to the topic or project you have in mind.
  • Make a list of questions to ask during the interview and points to be addressed.
  • When meeting with a potential supervisor, you should make sure to come prepared with as much information as possible about your topic of interest.

Making first contact

  • Send an e-mail to the potential supervisors to introduce yourself.
  • State clearly, what your interests are and how they match those of the professors you are contacting.
  • Include information on your academic background.

When you meet with a potential supervisor come prepared with as much information about your topic as possible. Make a list for yourself of questions you would like to ask and issues you would like to discuss when you meet, and bring this list to the meeting.

If you cannot come on campus for your meeting, ask for a telephone or Internet interview.

Remember, a professor is not obliged to agree to supervise you if he or she feel the collaboration will not be successful due to a lack of compatibility.

Following your meeting

After establishing a good relationship with your supervisor, here are the next steps:

  • if you have not done so already,  submit your application and prepare your documents ;
  • familiarize yourself with  course sequences  and  program requirements ;
  • keep in regular contact with the professor who has agreed to supervise you and start reading articles related to your areas of interest.

University of Saskatchewan

Tips for finding a supervisor

You and your supervisor will be working closely together. Invest time at the beginning of the relationship and make a good first impression.

Before you start

Do your research. You should know:

  • What program you want to take ? Sometimes your field of study may have a different name at our university.
  • What are the admission requirements for your chosen program? Remember some programs may have higher than the minimum admission requirement. Some programs may require additional documentation such as a GRE. Check what is required for your program.
  • What area of research do you want to pursue? Are there professors doing research in the area of interest to you?
  • You should identify one or two professors who are doing research in an area closely related to what you are interested in.


The more specific you can be in your first email the better success you will have. You should:

  • Read the Professor's webpage;
  • Check out any online publications that are available and read them;
  • Inform yourself about the specifics of the program to which you want to apply. 

Writing Tips

Professors get dozens of emails from potential students. If you want to get your email noticed, you must give the professor the information they need, quickly, clearly, and professionally.

  • Use proper titles – Dr. Smith;
  • Keep your email short, just three paragraphs, no more than 250 words;
  • Use complete sentences;
  • Use spell check.

Introduce yourself: Tell the professor in two or three sentences who you are. State your degree level and your research area. Give a clear statement indicating that you meet the admission requirements which includes your grade point average and, if required, your English proficiency test results. If you do not have proof of English proficiency, state when you plan to take an approved test.

Dear Dr. Smith, My name is XX XX and I am from the University of XX . I am in my final year of a masters in Biology with focus on plant breeding research. My GPA is 86% and my TOEFL iBT is 100.

Make a connection and provide reasons to be considered: Use specific references to make a connection between the work that you have been doing and the research projects that the professor is working on. Important points to include:

  • Papers, journal articles, either published, accepted or submitted.
  • Conference papers given;
  • Scholarships won

My current research project for my master’s program is in canola breeding for fungus disease resistance and I have just submitted a co-authored article which was accepted by XXX. I have attached a brief research interest statement with more details. I was reading about recent work in genetically modified wheat on the website and it looks very interesting. I am interested in building upon my master’s experience and expanding my research into related areas. I have attached a copy of my C.V. for your review.

State your request ; tell the professor what you are looking for.

I wish to begin a PhD program in XX in September YYYY and would be very interested in working under your supervision. I would appreciate if you could review the attached documents and let me know what the possibilities might be.  

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York University

Finding a Supervisor

How to seek a postdoctoral fellow position at york.

Any individual interested in becoming a Postdoctoral Fellow at York is responsible for taking the required first step of securing the support of at least one prospective supervisor who is a York faculty member. Requests and/or proposals for this support must be made directly by the prospective Fellow to the prospective supervisor.

To find and contact a prospective supervisor, the potential postdoctoral fellow is advised to:

  • Visit the websites of the Faculties, departments and units of interest to them to see if there are any postdoctoral opportunities available;
  • Browse the Research Chairs section of the York Research website;
  • Every department at York has a website which can be found online by clicking on the relevant Faculty ;
  • Each departmental page has an online list of faculty members and their research topics.
  • Once a potentially compatible faculty member is identified, requests and/or proposals for a postdoctoral supervisory relationship can be made directly to the specific faculty member(s);
  • It is also recommended that interested applicants review the available external funding opportunities , in tandem with a search for a prospective supervisor, to become aware of potential funding sources which they may use to fund their research at York.

two students talking, sitting at the table

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how to get a supervisor for phd in canada

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Are you looking for a supervisor to support your PhD application?

A faculty supervisor is a key source of support for PhD students. Supervisors help students achieve their academic goals, develop their research independence, and grow their professional networks. Connecting with faculty members and finding the right supervisor is an important part of the application process for the PhD program. Read the advice below to help you connect with faculty members in your area of interest.

Understand the Requirements

  • First, make sure you understand the admission requirements for SPPH PhD applications. PhD applicants are required to have supervisor support for their applications.
  • Learn more about the role of a faculty supervisor from Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS) here . Also review the information on who can be a supervisor or co-supervisor.

Focus your Search

  • We strongly recommend that you use the Research Supervisor tool on UBC Graduate School website. Use keywords related to your research interests when using the search engine.
  • Establish that your research interests align with the faculty member’s research interests. Familiarize yourself with their work, read their recent publications and past theses/dissertations that they supervised. Be certain that their research aligns with what you want to study.
  • When you find your desired supervisor, please use the Supervision Enquiry button on the right of the faculty profile in G+PS Website. This webform will provide the needed information for faculty members to get to you know better.
  • If your desired faculty member does not have the Supervision Enquiry Form option or does not have a profile , you may send them an email directly. Please make sure to include your degree,  a short overview of your research background, and short paragraph explaining why you want to work with them.

Additional tips for making a good impression

  • Do not send non-specific, mass emails to everyone in the department hoping for a match.
  • Include a brief outline of your academic background, why you are interested in working with the faculty member, and what experience you could bring to the department. The supervision enquiry form guides you with targeted questions.
  • Highlight your achievements and why you are a top student. Faculty members receive dozens of requests from prospective students.
  • Demonstrate that you are familiar with their research.
  • Convey the specific ways you are a good fit for the program.
  • Convey the specific ways the program/lab/faculty member is a good fit for the research you are interested in/already conducting.
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Finding a Supervisor

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Finding a Supervisor for Graduate Studies in Education

Your supervisor is a crucial part of your research and your graduate experience at Lakehead; often, your supervisor will be your best resource during your studies. Your supervisor, both at the MEd and PhD level, will help to guide you through your program and will provide you with important feedback during your studies. Supervisors also support your academic growth by acting as a mentor; supervisors will often assist you in scholarly activities beyond your thesis or dissertation such as providing you with advice on publishing your work and presenting at conferences.

If you are working towards your PhD in Educational Studies or you choose to complete a thesis or portfolio as part of your MEd, you must find a faculty member who is willing to serve as your supervisor. Potential supervisors must be actively engaged in research and have relevant expertise in your area of interest, as well as be willing to supervise your research. When looking for a potential supervisor, you may want to use the following strategies:

  • Look online : Use our Faculty and Staff page to learn about each faculty member's area of interest as well as the completed theses, portfolios, or dissertations that they have supervised
  • Speak with the Department Chair : The Departmental Chair of Graduate Studies and Research in Education (as listed on the Faculty and Staff page ) can help to point you in the right direction. If you have a research idea, the Chair can direct you to a faculty member who may be interested in working with you and supervising your research
  • Speak with other students : Your classmates often have a good understanding of a faculty member's research interests and might able to suggest a suitable supervisor for your research

Once you find a Supervisor

Once you have found a supervisor for your thesis, portfolio, or dissertation, both you and your supervisor will need to complete the following before you begin to perform research or develop your work:

Develop a plan on how and when to communicate; having a clear idea of how to communicate will benefit both you and your supervisor

Your supervisor will help guide you with what is required to complete your thesis, portfolio, or dissertation and will also advise you on how to prepare the preparatory work such as your comprehensive portfolio (PhD students) and proposal (MEd and PhD students)

  • Your supervisor will then contact potential committee members to determine if they are available and willing to be part of your thesis, portfolio, or dissertation committee

Note : For an overview of graduate student and supervisory responsibilities, please see Lakehead University's Principles for Graduate Supervision .

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Graduate Admissions

Tips for finding a supervisor.

Some programs will require you to identify a prospective supervisor at the point of application. Having the agreement of a faculty member to review your application as a potential supervisor is a competitive advantage in submitting an application (though not a guarantee of admission) and is required for some UNBC programs.

Finding a prospective supervisor

How to approach a potential supervisor, what not to do, additional resources.

Finding a prospective supervisor starts with searching our supervisor directory and reviewing our graduate programs to find a faculty member whose research focus aligns closely with your area of interest. Once you have identified a faculty member you are enthusiastic about potentially working with, you should reach out by email. Please review the guidelines below before approaching a potential supervisor.

Search the supervisor directory

Faculty members receive a lot of inquiries from potential students so you will want to make your initial inquiry relevant, concise and specific. Here are some tips on approaching a potential supervisor:

  • Research the faculty member first . Review their published work and, if they have one, their profile or website. Make sure you understand their research and areas of interest.
  • Use our standard subject line. In your email subject, use this format: Supervisory Inquiry: Your Name, program applying to, Semester of admission. Example: " Supervisor Inquiry: Jane Smith, MSc NRES, Fall 2023 )". This will help our professors triage applicants who have reviewed our guidelines first.
  • Be specific in your email. In order to stand out, instead of writing "Dear Professor", address the faculty member by their title (e.g. "Hello Dr. Smith"). Faculty members receive unsolicited emails sent to multiple people at one time and this can make it difficult for them to prioritize a serious inquiry. Generic emails will not receive a reply.
  • Be brief in your introduction . Provide a quick summary of who you are and your academic qualifications. Highlight a couple of your areas of strength/features as a prospective student.
  • Connect to their research . In your email approach, you should demonstrate you understand their active areas of research and briefly outline how this fits with your intended area of research.
  • End on a thank you . In concluding your email, thank the faculty member for taking time to review your request.
  • Be patient waiting for a reply. Start this process early. It may take time to hear back and you don't want to leave this to the last minute.
  • Ask permission. After you have engaged in a dialogue, ask if they would be comfortable with you referencing them as a prospective supervisor in your application. Remember - a faculty member's agreement to consider your application is not a guarantee of admission.

Our faculty members are excited to work with new graduate students and welcome serious inquiries. You will want your request to stand out - some faculty members receive hundreds of requests to supervise annually! With that in mind, here are some pitfalls to avoid:

  • Don't send a generic inquiry. Follow the guidance above. An email like the example below is unlikely to receive a reply.

Dear Professor,

My name is Jane and I am looking to enrol in a Master's degree at your university. I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and I'm looking for a supervisor. Can you supervise me?

  • Don't email multiple professors at once. You need to demonstrate a linkage between your area of intended research and the prospective supervisor's expertise. By emailing more than one professor (especially in a single email), you are signalling that your inquiry is not focused and intentional.
  • Don't expect an instant reply. If you've followed our guidance and sent a thoughtful and well-developed approach, it still may take some time to hear back from a professor. We encourage you to start your application process early to leave time for a reply. Avoid sending multiple follow up emails.
  • Use our standard subject line in your email (e.g. "Supervisor Inquiry: Jane Smith, MSc NRES, Fall 2023"). This will help your email get noticed.

There are a lot of great resources on the Internet about how to approach a prospective supervisor that you may wish to consult. Here are some links to get you started:

  • Dear Dr. Neufeld - an article from a Professor with an annotated sample approach email
  • How to Find a Supervisor for your PhD - a guide from Oxford with good general advice
  • So, you want to go to grad school? Nail the inquiry email - from a STEM perspective
  • Graduate School
  • Newsletters
  • GradProspect

November 2023

Top tip: finding and reaching out to a potential supervisor.

Supervisors are faculty members who mentor graduate students in their research. As a comprehensive university with more than 2,000 potential supervisors, there is a high probability that UBC will have a supervisor for your research interests.

If you’re applying to a research-based master’s or a doctoral program, you might have to identify a prospective supervisor prior to applying for admission. Please check in the degree program listing under "Admission Information & Requirements - 3. Prepare Application" to learn about what the program expects of you with regard to commitment from supervisors.

Finding a supervisor

Use our  Supervisor search tool  to identify potential supervisors by keywords, program, role and last name. Keywords will be interpreted as OR options. To search for exact passphrases put the words in quotes, e.g. "solid state physics." By reviewing a potential supervisor’s profile, you can find out details such as theirsupervision history, a list of their publications, as well as a checklist of handy tips on reaching out. 

Our  Research Projects search tool  allows you to sort through a selection of faculty members who are looking for new graduate students based on their research interests.. They may have specified particular projects they wish to fill. Please ensure to review the departmental profile of each faculty member to learn more about their research interests and to ensure a good fit to your intended studies at UBC.

In addition to our Supervisor and Research Project search tools, there may be other ways to find a suitable supervisor. For example, for a topic such as Sustainability you can check the  Sustainability Expert Finder  to identify potential supervisors working in that area.

Reaching out to a potential supervisor 

Do your research.  Start by viewing their profiles online and reading a couple of their publications to familiarize yourself with their work.

Be specific.  Write a brief email to them indicating your awareness of their research and how it fits with your interests. If possible, refer to their publications. In the same email, let them know your intention to apply to their graduate program and express your interest in working with them. 

Show you’re serious and well qualified.  Tell them a couple of strong points about your background and who you’ve worked with on research projects. 

Wait before following up.  Faculty members are busy and they will likely not get to your email right away. That doesn’t necessarily mean they haven’t received it or that they are ignoring you. Give them some time. Review that you’ve been compelling in your outreach, and think about a follow-up email if you haven’t heard from them in a couple of weeks. 

Make the ask.  Finally, ask if it is OK to refer to them as a prospective supervisor in your application.

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Strategic Priorities

  • Strategic Plan 2019-2024
  • Improving Student Funding
  • Promoting Excellence in Graduate Programs
  • Enhancing Graduate Supervision
  • Advancing Indigenous Inclusion
  • Supporting Student Development and Success
  • Reimagining Graduate Education
  • Enriching the Student Experience


  • Public Scholars Initiative
  • 3 Minute Thesis (3MT)
  • PhD Career Outcomes

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Current student resources, find your phd supervisor.

Before completing your application, you must have a faculty member agree to supervise your thesis work if you are admitted to the PhD program. This agreement fosters a close link between a student’s research interest and those of the prospective supervisor, which in turn helps to promote the student’s success in the PhD program and its timely completion.

Matching with a supervisor occurs during the  mandatory applicant screening process .

How to identify a prospective PhD supervisor

To identify a faculty member who might be an appropriate match with your research interest, review our faculty directory and filter by “Accepting Students.” You will find a list of all faculty who are currently able to supervise PhD students as well as their contact information.

Become familiar with the faculty member’s research by reading a selection of her/his publications.

After you have found a potential match through the  mandatory applicant screening process  and have been approved to submit your application you will need to have the faculty member sign the PhD Thesis Supervision Form and Funding Policy Acknowledgment Form, which is to be submitted with your application package. You will access this form in the SGS on-line application.

The number of faculty members in a position to take on new PhD students varies year to year depending upon current supervision load, leaves, and sabbatical plans. Junior faculty members, working in collaboration with senior faculty members, from time to time agree to supervise doctoral students.

Connecting with a prospective PhD Supervisor

The  mandatory applicant screening process  will determine if and when it will be appropriate to reach out to prospective supervisors.

Selecting a supervisor is perhaps the next most important decision you’ll make after deciding to pursue a PhD. Your supervisor is your guide throughout the program and is integral in helping you reach the milestones that lead to successful completion of a thesis. The investments you both make are huge and the fit must be mutual.

When you engage with faculty at Bloomberg Nursing who are prospective supervisors, they will assess whether they are able to help you given their interests and constraints/commitments and your skills, strengths, and aspirations. You, in turn, will focus on whether they are a good fit for you, in terms of their interests and your needs. When requesting a meeting with a potential supervisor, you should provide your CV and any publications you have completed in the last 5 years.  Prepare for meetings with prospective supervisors by reading their work and drafting questions to ask them.

To help you prepare for a meeting, here are some documents we suggest:

  • Canadian Association for Graduate Students.  Your Future: A Guide for Potential Graduate Students : This document is offers guidance in selecting a graduate program and a supervisor, as well as in seeking financial support for graduate study. Pay particular attention to the specific questions you can and should ask of a potential supervisor.
  • The School of Graduate Studies supervision guidelines for prospective and current students . Pay particular attention to Graduate Supervision:  Guidelines for Students ,  Faculty and Administrators . Like the other guide from the CAGS above, this document contains a helpful list of questions for potential supervisors.

Ideally, you and your supervisor will be interested in the same subject matter and/or population and share preferences for research methods (i.e. qualitative vs. quantitative, and even in terms of specific designs within these traditions, such as randomized trials). However, sometimes successful student/supervisor pairings bring together individuals who are not necessarily exact matches across these parameters and sometimes matches that are not immediately obvious can turn out to be logical and fruitful.

It’s important to remember that:

  • Your precise research question and design usually crystallizes in the first year or two of doctoral work, as you complete course work, attend seminars, and have discussions with your supervisor and committee. Your applicant statement must provide some early ideas that you have about possible projects that reflect an understanding of research and researchable questions. You are normally looking for fit, broadly speaking, rather than a supervisor who is an exact match for the specific question and design you may have at the time of your application.
  • A mutual interest on the part of a student and their supervisor in a common clinical phenomenon or in similar concepts or research methods can be what it takes to make a strong match, rather than common specialization in a particular disease or age group or both.

You and your supervisor will assemble a committee of faculty members to oversee your thesis work. These professors offer additional viewpoints on your work as it evolves and complement your supervisor’s expertise, particularly in specific subject matter or technical aspects of your research.

If you have difficulty identifying a supervisor, please contact Dr. Samantha Mayo, PhD Program Director for assistance:

Educational resources and simple solutions for your research journey

how to get a supervisor for phd in canada

Bringing Out the Best in the PhD Student–Supervisor Relationship

how to get a supervisor for phd in canada

Once you decide to embark on your PhD journey, one of the most important decisions is choosing a PhD thesis supervisor. Every research student grapples with the question of “How to find a PhD supervisor”, more so if they are dealing with physical disabilities or mental health issues. The final choice determines not only the success and quality of your research but also your well-being throughout the program.

Table of Contents

Qualities of a good PhD supervisor

Wondering how to choose a PhD supervisor or what to ask a potential PhD supervisor? Here are the key roles that your supervisor can (and should) play:

Bridging cultural differences

A good supervisor will do their best to make a student comfortable if they are in an unfamiliar geographical and/or cultural setting. They should help a student overcome barriers or biases faced if they’re part of a minority group. When finding a PhD supervisor, see if they make you feel at home and eager to start work.

Supporting students with physical or mental disabilities

When looking at how to choose a PhD supervisor, look for one who will advise how PhD students with disabilities can work effectively by suggesting suitable adjustments or flexibility. Awareness about neurodiversity is on the rise and it is one of the things that should be on your list of what to ask a potential PhD supervisor. Supervisors are becoming increasingly sensitive and more equipped to handle students’ emotional barriers such as lack of motivation, impostor syndrome, and fear of failure.

Navigating administrative and regulatory affairs

If you are new to the institute, system, or country, find a PhD supervisor who can guide you regarding university protocols and regulations, administrative and technical support, etc.

Choose a PhD supervisor who will help connect you with other researchers and forge collaborations and connections to further your research and career.

Being approachable and open to communication

When figuring out how to find a PhD supervisor, it is most important that you choose one who will be available and easy to contact.

Stimulating intellectual growth

An encouraging supervisor should throw challenges at you. They should encourage you to think out of the box and not follow the beaten path.

How to choose a good PhD supervisor

Now that you know the kind of support you can expect, here are some tips on how to choose a good PhD supervisor for your doctoral journey.

Read recent publications by potential supervisors

Check if their area of research is a match with yours and if their experience and expertise align with what you are looking for.

Talk to past and current students

Get an idea about the lab culture and ask about a potential PhD supervisor’s approach to students with disabilities and students from minority communities.

Meet in person if possible

Get to know the personality of your potential supervisor and understand their availability and commitment better. Inform them about any physical or mental health issues and ask your potential PhD supervisor about arrangements to manage these conditions.

how to get a supervisor for phd in canada

Maximizing support and assistance from your supervisor

Your relationship with your PhD guide is not a one-way street. We just discussed the qualities of a good PhD supervisor and how to choose a good PhD supervisor. But how can  you  make sure that your guide will be happy to help you?

Identify specific needs

If you are managing a disability or chronic illness, here’s what you should do and what to ask a potential PhD supervisor:

  • Be upfront with your supervisor and discuss any likely effects of your condition in advance.
  • Ask a potential PhD supervisor about resources applicable to your particular condition (e.g., software to assist students with visual difficulties, communication aids, or additional financial support as a disabled student).
  • Work with your supervisor to draw up a realistic plan for conducting and monitoring your project to help keep your research on track.

  Be honest

One key tip on how to find a PhD supervisor is to be transparent about your work and progress. Do not hide any inadvertent errors you may have made in your experiment or analyses. Always keep your supervisor “in the loop”! Honesty in every aspect of your work and working relationship will help build trust.

Be realistic

Ask your potential PhD supervisor about and align your expectations for work and a work-life balance with them. Set realistic expectations and targets; this will be even more important if health challenges are likely to affect your work pace. Your supervisor can then manage expectations and support your progress in the face of these challenges.

Be independent

No supervisor encourages hand holding. When choosing a PhD supervisor, you must demonstrate independence to inculcate your supervisor’s trust in you. Here are some ways you could to this:

  • Meet agreed deadlines and responsibilities as best you can.
  • Show that you have worked on feedback they have provided.
  • Offer your help on projects, especially if it helps you learn a new skill. Inform your supervisor that you are open to providing assistance with peer review, for example.

Knowing what to ask a potential PhD supervisor combined with a demonstration of responsibility

When choosing a Phd supervisor, know that your supervisor may be simultaneously running many projects. Different students might be at different stages of their PhD, and it is up to the supervisor how to manage each student’s requirements. Trust their approach on this.

Have open conversations

Have regular meetings with your supervisor (every week or 10 days) to discuss your research progress, drafts of upcoming papers, and even emotional roadblocks if any. Understand their working and communication style and adapt accordingly.

Have open conversations about your state of mind; your supervisor is sure to hear you out and offer guidance and motivation.

To conclude

Answering the question of how to find a PhD supervisor may take some effort and time. Moreover, arriving at a comfortable working arrangement with your chosen supervisor may also take some fine-tuning. You should strive to streamline your working style to motivate your supervisor to help you.

Choose a good PhD supervisor who will offer support beyond academic aspects for your overall welfare. That being said, recognize that your supervisor is not your de facto counsellor. You may even leverage other support systems (support groups, online forums, or professional counsellors) to complement the guidance and motivation provided by your supervisor.

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Finding a Supervisor

Not all programs require you to secure a supervisor before applying. Generally, research-based programs require a supervisor for your thesis project. The Master of Science in Bioscience, Technology, & Public Policy and the Master of Environmental & Social Change programs require that you find a supervisor and write a research proposal before being admitted.

For the Master of Science in Applied Computer Science & Society program, a supervisor is required if you are applying to the research-based program. Applicants to the Master’s in Development Practice: Indigenous Development program are not obligated to consult with or secure a supervisor before applying. Upon admission to the MDP, students will be assigned an academic supervisor according to their area of interest. If you are unsure if you need to find a supervisor, you should contact the program chair .

If you have been advised that you require a Graduate Supervisor, you will need to contact professors to determine if they are taking on new graduate students. The first step is often to browse the web pages of faculty members in your department to see which research projects interest you. To contact a professor, be sure to send a tailored enquiry, rather than a generic message, attach a copy of your Curriculum Vitae, and offer an opportunity for further discussion (via teleconference, video-conference, or in-person interview).

You may also consider contacting the Graduate Program Chair with a brief research proposal, asking if they could recommend anyone in the program engaging in similar work. It is always a good idea to reach out to the Graduate Program Chair before applying to any graduate program. They will be your main point of contact to answer questions about eligibility requirements, funding, or assistantship opportunities.

A Graduate Advisor is responsible for assisting students with planning a program of study and ensuring that students are aware of all general regulations, program requirements, and degree regulations of the graduate department. Advisors also attend all supervisory committee meetings as well as student thesis, clinical or technical practicum examinations and prepare an annual report of the progress of the graduate student.

A Graduate Supervisor is responsible for supervising and providing guidance on all aspects of a student’s thesis, practicum, or research program and staying informed of the student’s progress and preparing an annual report summarizing progress in research, clinical, or technical activities and ensuring that scientific research is conducted in a way that is effective and safe. Supervisors review and evaluate student theses and major research papers in draft and final form and attend all supervisory committee meetings as well as student thesis, clinical or technical practicum examinations.

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Identify a Potential Supervisor

After identifying and contacting potential supervisors, remember to complete the application process .

  • Identify a potential supervisor

In our program, you will work closely with an academic supervisor.  Our faculty members are active researchers whose interests span the breadth of the discipline. We have research strengths in coastal systems, geomatics, human geography, physical geography, and resources management.

See a list of faculty members who are eligible to supervise graduate students and their interests below.

Name Specialization

Arctic weather and climate; weather impacts on communities/industry; storm impacts on coastal waves/water level; alpine/glacier weather; synoptic climatology; extensive Arctic/alpine field work

GIS; spatial analysis and modelling

Socio-ecological systems; spatial modelling; plurality of knowledge; tundra

Climate policy and practice; forest governance; Africa studies; global value chains; Indigenous environmental stewardship and co-management

Transformative governance; planetary health; decolonizing energy; decolonizing the academy; climate justice; social justice; environmental racism; health equity; Indigenous-settler relations; research ethics, relationality, and accountability; community-based participatory research
Health; long-term care; seniors; older adults; services
Remote sensing; coastal oceanography; wetlands; biogeophysical processes
Conservation science; wildlife; community-engaged research; Indigenous knowledge and collaboration; conservation ethics; the "human predator"; marine-terrestrial interactions; niche space

Water; community; nature-based solutions; techno-ecological synergy
Biogeography; wildlife; marine; whales
Social, environmental, and regulatory aspects of coastal aquaculture; Southeast Asia
International development resource management; Latin America; Brazil
Energy geography; sustainability transitions; diffusion of innovations; renewable energy transformations
Geomorphology; sediment transport; flow-vegetation interaction; bedrock canyons
Quaternary geomorphology, geochronology, ice sheet dynamics, glacial erosion, glacial lake outburst floods

Urban geography; cultural landscape studies; historical cartography; history of geographical thought
Remote sensing; cryosphere with specialization in Arctic sea ice
Critical Indigenous geographies; human-environmental interaction; political ecology; tribal cultural resource preservation; science/technology studies 

Community-based and Indigenous-led research; water and land governance; community mapping; social justice
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  • Phd in Canada

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Study in Canada

Why Study Ph.D. in Canada?

Let’s Look at the Numbers!

  • As per QS World University Rankings 2023, 3 Canadian universities are in the top 50 list – the University of Toronto (Rank 34) ,  McGill University (Rank 31) and the University of British Columbia (Rank 47) .
  • In Canada, the University sector is the 2nd largest research driver in the country after the private sector.
  • Fortune Magazine has named Toronto the best international city to live in.

Following are some reasons to study PhD in Canada for international students:

Globally Recognized Degree : There are 3-4 universities in Canada for PhD that rank among the top 150 in the world. These top-ranked Canadian universities provide world-class research facilities as well as teachers with the most up-to-date academic expertise.

Post-study opportunity : After completing your Ph.D. programs in Canada, you can stay for up to three years through the PGWPP. After which you can apply for permanent residency in Canada.

Affordability : In Canada, the cost of earning a Ph.D. ranges from 4,000 to 19,000 CAD. When compared to other destinations to study abroad such as the United States and the United Kingdom, this is significantly low.

Scholarships : There are a number of Ph.D. scholarships in Canada for international students. Ontario Trillium Scholarships, Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, Ontario Graduate Scholarships, and others are among the most popular scholarships. Some of these scholarships include a yearly stipend of 15,000 to 40,000 Canadian dollars.

Work-study opportunities : During the academic year, PhD students in Canada can work for 10 hours every week. This enables you to fund and sustain your everyday costs while learning and getting experience in the field.

Ph.D. in Canada: Highlights

Duration 3-6 years
Research Universities Around 100
Academic Year September to April
Fees 4,000 to 19,000 CAD
Funding up to Up to 40,000 CAD a year
Work-study opportunities 10 hours a week
PGWP duration At least 3 years

Academic Year for Ph.D. in Canada

The academic year in Canada begins from September to April, but semester dates vary by province and university.

Top Canadian University Rankings for Ph.D. in Canada

University of Toronto 31
University of British Columbia 47
McGill University 31
McMaster University 152
University of Montreal 116
University of Alberta 110
University of Ottawa 237
University of Calgary 242
Simon Fraser University 13
University of Waterloo 154
Western University 172
Dalhousie University 12
UniversitiĂŠ Laval 433
Queen’s University 216
University of Manitoba 651-700
University of Victoria 359
York University 162
University of Guelph 591-600
University of Saskatchewan 465
Carleton University 601-650

Universities Within Canadian Provinces and Territories

Because of its huge geographic size and colonial past, Canada has evolved a federal structure consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Provinces are self-governing sovereign entities (equivalent to states in the United States), whereas territories are governed by the federal government.

Here is the list of the 10 Canadian provinces:

  • British Columbia
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Saskatchewan

Best Cities to Study in Canada

Here is the list of some best cities to study in Canada:

  • Study in Montreal
  • Study in QuĂŠbec City
  • Study in Edmonton
  • Study in Vancouver
  • Study in Toronto

Research Universities and Graduate Schools

In Canada, there are approximately 100 research universities. These universities frequently hold their doctoral programs in specialized graduate schools that have all of the necessary resources and expertise to let students complete advanced postgraduate (or ‘graduate’) degrees. Depending on how they are funded, Canadian universities can be either public or private. Public universities (the majority) are funded by their respective provinces or territories and tend to provide a broader range of academic options, including doctoral programs. Private universities are smaller as well as more specialized and are sponsored by third-party sources.

Are You Planning to Pursue Ph.D. in Canada? Click Here to Book Your Free 1-On-1 Session with Experts

Eligibility criteria for ph.d. programs in canada.

Strong Academic Credentials Standardized Test Scores Strong Academic Profile
Master’s degree in relevant field with minimum grades required completion of specific prerequisite courses Competitive in some universities Many universities require scores as well as TOEFL/IELTS Academic & Research projects, and/or publications/work experience

As a PhD aspirant, you need to properly network with a professor (supervisor, mentor) who has accepted to supervise your research and thesis work. The first step is to send out networking letters to professors whose areas of expertise match your interests and then wait for their reply.

A student who wants to pursue PhD programs in Canada must meet the eligibility criteria mentioned below:

  • Master’s degree with excellent academic records
  • Strong GRE or GMAT score
  • Scores of language proficiency test:
  • TOEFL: 100 (iBT) , 600 (pBT)

Know more about Entry Requirements for Canadian Universities .

Powerful Reasons to Study in Canada

Quality of education at par with that of the USA Ph.D. supported by government and industrial sector collaborations Diverse class Student clubs/organizations Immigration friendly; Post-study stay back option of 3 years
Most sought-after research destination Management Accounting available are higher than in other nations Cross-cultural exposure Focus on ECA A strong economy with the low unemployment rate

Related Blog: Top Reasons to Study in Canada .

Popular Ph.D. Courses in Canada

Following is the list of popular courses to study Ph.D. in Canada for Indian students:

  • Natural Sciences & Mathematics
  • Social Sciences
  • Medicine & Health
  • Business & Management
  • Engineering & Technology
  • PhD in computer science in Canada
  • Agriculture & Forestry
  • Applied Sciences
  • Environment and Earth Sciences

Cost of Education for Ph.D. in Canada

Duration Cost of Education per annum (Tuition Plus Living)
Usually between 3-4 years, Occasionally it might become longer. Living Costs: CAD 15,000-20,000 per annum.

Funding beyond 6 years becomes limited per annum (Tuition Plus Living)

Financial aid is available from universities as part of acceptance to Ph.D. programs. This financial aid can come as graduate assistantships in varied forms, including teaching and research assistantships, fellowships, and/or tuition waivers.

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship award, for example, comes in at CA$50,000 (~US$37,210) per year for highly qualified international and local Ph.D. students in the fields of social sciences and/or humanities, natural sciences and/or engineering and health.

The  Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation doctoral scholarships award $40,000 (~US$29,770) per year for three years to Canadian citizens and foreign students -with applications particularly welcomed from students from developing countries.

The University of British Columbia Four Year Doctoral Fellowship meanwhile, provides a stipend of at least CA$18,200 (~US$13,545) per year plus full tuition for outstanding international/home doctoral students for all four years of their studies.

Ph.D. Course Duration in Canada

Some Ph.D. programs in Canada last 2-3 years, while others last up to ten years, it is heavily dependent on the type of university you will attend and the field you will pursue.

  • Management: 4 years
  • Accounting: 4 years
  • Organization Studies: 5 years
  • Finance: 4-5 years
  • Industrial Engineering: 4 years
  • Civil Engineering: 3 years
  • Philosophy: 4 years
  • Social Sciences: 4 years
  • Anthropology: 2-3 years
  • IT: 3-4 years

PhD Program Structure

The doctorate in Canada is typically the last ‘terminal degree,’ or the greatest level of academic certification that a student can achieve after earning a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree.

Along with the traditional academic Ph.D., a variety of doctoral degrees are offered, including professional doctorates such as the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) and Doctor of Education (EdD).

Supervision and Research for Ph.D. in Canada

Your Ph.D. will be completed under the supervision of at least one academic supervisor. They’ll be an expert in your overall subject and field. Other members of your graduate school may assist you with supervision and training, especially if your degree requires additional classes and coursework. The completion of a Ph.D. thesis will be the primary criterion of your degree. If you are pursuing a professional doctorate degree, such as a DBA or an EdD, you will have to concentrate on practical work and case studies along with your academic research. A thesis will still be required, although it may be shorter and complemented by other resources.

Assessment and Examination for Ph.D. in Canada

The originality and quality of your doctoral thesis are the major factors for evaluating a Canadian Ph.D.

After you submit your thesis, it will be read and considered by a committee of examiners (which will include at least one external expert). After that, you’ll have a verbal presentation of your thesis.

This process may be slightly more involved than viva voce, which is commonly done in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Instead of discussing your work in a room,’ you may be expected to give a presentation about your research before being questioned about its content and significance.

The examiners will next meet separately to determine whether or not you performed well on the examination and if you have performed well then you will be awarded your PhD.

Admission Requirements for Ph.D. in Canada

A Master’s degree in a relevant field is usually the minimal PhD requirement in Canada. PhD admission in Canada can be quite tough. Students frequently take classes and modules together, and graduate institutions only accept a specific number of students each year. This means that your previous academic achievements will be examined carefully.

GPA Scores for Ph.D. in Canada

Instead of just providing your final degree result, you will be asked to offer a Grade Point Average (GPA) score. The GPA system is widely used in the United States and Canada (as well as a few other nations), although it is less widespread in the United Kingdom and Europe. It gives you a more comprehensive picture of your total performance over the course of your studies.

A GPA of 3.0 or better is usually required for admission to a Canadian PhD program.

Graduate Admissions Tests for Ph.D. in Canada

As part of your application, you may be asked to submit a score from the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) or the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). This allows universities to evaluate applicants’ readiness for higher graduate work and, in some cases, choose between candidates with similar academic histories.

Specific criteria (and expected scores) differ per university and graduate school, so double-check ahead of time.

Language Requirements for Ph.D. in Canada

You can consider the following language proficiency test for pursuing a Ph.D. program in Canada:

Student Visas in Canada

Canada is a kind and friendly country that is keen to attract international students. Its student visa and immigration systems reflect this. To enter Canada as a student and stay for your PhD, you’ll typically require two documents: • Electronic travel authorization • Study Permit

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Applying for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA)

The majority of overseas students will require permission for studying in Canada. You can obtain this by submitting an application for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA). This document serves as your visa, allowing you to enter Canada. The application process for an eTA is convenient and it is done online.

Along with your passport information and payment details, you would need to pay a fee of CAD 7 It’s important to note that while your eTA permits you to enter Canada, it doesn’t give you the right to stay there for the duration of your PhD. To do so, you must first apply for your Study Permit.

Cotutelle Programs in Canada

In addition to the traditional Ph.D. process, several Canadian universities collaborate with other international schools to offer a ‘cotutelle’ (French for ‘co-tutored’) route to a Ph.D. These programs require students to spend time at two distinct universities, each of which supervises, examines, and awards the Ph.D. project. A cotutelle agreement, unlike some other joint PhDs, is usually tailored to the student’s thesis rather than a long-term cooperation between two (or more) universities.

This option may or may not be available at each Canadian university. It is recommended to contact the University for More Information.

A Sneak Peek into the Ph.D. Application Process in Canada

The following documents are required:

  • College Transcripts
  • Detailed Resume
  • Scanned Copy of the Passport
  • Some universities additionally ask for a research proposal
  • Application Form
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Letters of Recommendation

Learn more on How to Apply for PhD Abroad .

Intake & Application Deadlines for PhD in Canada

Canadian PhDs follow a 3-semester deadline system

  • Fall (September to December)
  • Winter (January to April)
  • Summer (May to August)

The funding available to study in Canada is maximized for autumn, so it is preferred over the other two-semester intakes. The deadlines are different for all universities; nonetheless, the commencement dates for applications are more or less in September.

Know more about the Upcoming Intake to Study in Canada .

Student Visa Terms and Provisions for PhD in Canada

International students need study permits to pursue their PhD in Canada. You must submit a visa application online, and submit relevant documents to the VFS office. Additionally, an acceptance letter from the specific department of your university, proof of adequate funds, and a cover letter to the Canadian High Commission are also required.

Usually, students need to commit to specific hours of teaching or research as part of their assistantships and are generally not allowed to preoccupy themselves with any other form of employment on or off campus. Post-degree, a work permit must be applied for within 90 days and the student must carry a valid study permit to acquire this work permit.

Related Blog: Things to Consider Before Pursuing a Ph.D Abroad

How to Apply for Ph.D. in Canada?

Decide the type of ph.d. course you want to pursue.

You can pursue structured or open Ph.D. programs in Canada. The research studies for the Structured Ph.D. program are determined by the university. For an Open Ph.D., you must propose and outline your own research subject. You must choose a supervisor for one of the two courses who will guide you through the research process. Some colleges may require a letter of support from your supervisor in addition to your application.

Submit Research Outline

If you want to pursue open PhD programs in Canada, you’ll need to submit a research proposal outlining the scope of your subject and its relevance in today’s world. The proposal must be written in accordance with the university’s research requirements.

Apply Online and Submit Relevant Documents

Submit your application online with the university of your choice and pay the application fees. While submitting your application, make sure that you are submitting all the required documents in the correct sequence and order. Following is the list of documents that are generally required for PhD courses in Canada:

  • Academic transcripts
  • Score of language proficiency test
  • Portfolios (if required)

Give the Interview

Some universities in Canada conduct virtual interviews before selecting you.

Get Your Study Permit

After receiving your letter of acceptance you must start applying for a study permit. Following is the list of documents required for applying for study permit in Canada:

  • Health insurance
  • Proof of sufficient funds
  • Medical certificate
  • Acceptance letter from the university
  • Language proficiency test results
  • The intention of leaving back to home country

Tuition Fees for Ph.D. in Canada for Indian Students

Fees for Ph.D. programs in Canada typically range from CAD $2,500 to $17,000 per year, while certain programs of Ph.D. in Canada cost up to CAD $25,000.

Recent Fee Changes for International Students

From 2018, local and international Ph.D. students at the University of Toronto will be charged the same fees. This implies that you’ll pay the same as a local Canadian student for your Ph.D.

Brock University has started covering international Ph.D. expenses through its own grants.

Following is the list of Ph.D. fees in Canada at the top universities:

University of Toronto 4.9 lakhs
University of British Columbia 4.8 lakhs
McGill University 10.6 lakhs
McMaster University 8.9 lakhs
University of Montreal 4.1 lakhs
University of Alberta 5.1 lakhs
University of Ottawa 3.8 lakhs
University of Calgary 7 lakhs
University of Waterloo 7.4 lakhs
Western University 6.2 lakhs

Ph.D. in Canada Scholarships

There are a number of top universities in Canada for PhD. Following is the list of most renowned scholarships to study PhD in Canada for Indian students:

  • Ontario Trillium Scholarship: 40,000 CAD a year (renewable)
  • Ontario Graduate Scholarship: 15,000 CAD
  • Robert Hartog Graduate Scholarship: 5,000 CAD (renewable)
  • UAlberta Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship: 45,000 CAD (for two years)
  • The University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowship: 18,000 CAD per year
  • UBC four-year Doctoral Scholarship: 18,200 CAD per year (stipend)
  • Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship: 40,000 CAD
  • Ontario Graduate Fellowship: 12,000 CAD (renewable)
  • Hira and Renu Ahuja International Graduate Scholarship: 20,000 CAD

So, these were some Ph.D. scholarships in Canada.

Government Scholarships for Indian Students in Canada

Following is the list of government scholarships to study PhD in Canada for Indian students:

  • IDRC Research Awards
  • Vanier Graduate Scholarships
  • Ontario Trillium

Non – Government Scholarships for PhD in Canada

Following is the list of non-government scholarships to study PhD in Canada for Indian students:

  • Anne Vale Ecological Fund
  • Canada Memorial
  • Trudeau Scholarship & Fellowship

Other Funding Opportunities for PhD in Canada

Teaching/Research Assistantship : In a research assistantship, you would have to assist a faculty member with data collection, lab organization, report writing, analysis, and other tasks.

Work-Study : With a study permit, you can work for ten hours per week while pursuing your PhD in Canada. The government sets the salaries for part-time employment to ensure that everyone receives a minimum wage.

Ph.D. in Canada Without IELTS

English proficiency is required for Ph.D. admission in Canada. Most major colleges require EILTS, while many university courses do not require IELTS scores.

Following is the list of some universities that allow students to pursue PhD in Canada without IELTS:

  • University of Winnipeg
  • University of Saskatchewan
  • University of Regina
  • Brock University
  • Memorial University

Ph.D. in Canada Without GRE

Despite the fact that many institutions require GRE scores for Ph.D. admission in Canada but there are some universities in Canada that do not require GRE scores. Following is the list of some universities that allow students to pursue Ph.D. in Canada without the GRE:

  • Trent University
  • Lake head University
  • Laval University
  • Carleton University
  • Royal Roads University
  • Laurentian University

Ph.D. in Canada Without GMAT

A GMAT score is required for pursuing Ph.D. in management in Canada. The GMAT is needed by nearly all major universities. On the other hand, several universities do not require the scores of GMAT.

Following is the list of some universities that allow students to pursue PhD in Canada without GMAT:

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Canada is one of the most popular destinations for international students worldwide. The ... Know More >

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Can I work in Canada after my PhD?

Yes. You’ll be a strong candidate for a variety of jobs in, research and other fields as a PhD graduate. Furthermore, Canada will be eager to keep you, and the country’s post-study immigration system is geared to make that option as appealing as possible. The post-graduation work permit (PGWP) allows international graduates of Canadian universities to reside and work in the country for up to three years after receiving their doctorate degree.

Is college cheaper than university in Canada?

College is usually less expensive than university. This is because college programs are typically shorter than university ones, and universities are generally held in higher regard. Your decision between college and university is largely influenced by the type of career you wish to follow. The tuition fee in Universities per year generally ranges between CAD 25 – 40K for Bachelor’s degree programs, whereas the tuition fee at colleges generally ranges between CAD 12K and 25K.

Do Indian students get scholarships in Canada

The Government of Canada and many post-secondary schools provide students with various sorts of scholarship awards, grants, or bursaries to help them pay for their studies. This attracts a big number of Indian students who wish to pursue higher education and a better quality of life in Canada.

How much percentage is required to earn a scholarship in Canada?

To be considered for a scholarship, a candidate must have scored at least 80% in their class 12 examination. In addition, the candidate’s parent’s annual income should not exceed Rs. 4.5 lacs.

Which language proficiency test should I consider for pursuing PhD in Canada?

Below is the list of the most renowned language proficiency test that you can consider for pursuing PhD in Canada:

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PhD in Canada Program Overview

Canada is a popular destination for Indian students due to its high-quality education system. The world-famous universities of Canada offer extensive research facilities, faculty, and academic excellence to their students. Canadian universities offer extensive research opportunities with access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources. These Canadian universities' rigorous academic standards and research excellence make them popular for pursuing a PhD degree. 

Universities in Canada emphasize the development of both academic and professional skills in their PhD Programs. Students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills while pursuing their doctorate. These facilities by Canada and its universities make it an attractive destination for doctoral degrees. It is the dream of International students to pursue their PhD in Canada. However, most of the students could not fulfill their dream of pursuing their doctoral degree in Canada due to the highly competitive admission process, expensive course fees, and high cost of living.

Most of the students give up their dream of getting a doctoral degree from  Canada due to these reasons. To help students fulfill their dream of getting a doctoral degree from Canada a comparatively affordable fees and an easy admission process, an online PhD which is also known as Doctorate of Business Administration(DBA) has been started. Online PhD/DBA is designed for working professionals who have relevant experience of 3  to 5 years. Working professionals who wish for a flexible learning mode with a simple admission process can enroll in this doctoral program from Canada.  


Online PhD /DBA is offered by the most prominent and highly esteemed universities in Canada. Pursuing an Online PhD/DBA is equivalent to pursuing an On-Campus PhD in Canada. This doctorate program is offered in 3 years and is structured for working professionals who want to enhance their knowledge and expertise in the field of advanced research. Online DBA is a comprehensive program that offers flexibility and affordability to working professionals in the pursuit of their doctoral degrees from Canada. This program is highly flexible and working professionals can easily manage their professional commitments and a doctoral degree at the same time without quitting their current job. 

The admission process for PhD programs in countries like Canada is very competitive and challenging. Students have to fulfill a long list of eligibility criteria and go through an intensive competition to get PhD admission in Canada. The process is so rigid that students have to wait for years to be considered by Canadian Universities for admission to a PhD program. These challenges do not end with the completion of admission only. A long waiting list for approval of a student visa is a big challenge. Enrolling in an Online PhD/DBA in Canada will eliminate these complexities and challenges in the admission process.

The admission process for an Online PhD/DBA program is very simple and students do not face any difficulty. There is no requirement for visa approvals as this Online PhD/DBA can be pursued remotely. The program is also very uncomplicated in an Online PhD/DBA as there is no requirement for language eligibility tests and the arrangement of a supervisor before admission. There is no entrance test for admission to this doctoral degree in Canada as admission is offered directly. 

Overall, an Online PhD/DBA program i.e. PhD for Working Professionals from Canada greatly helps students fulfill their dream of pursuing an International doctorate with much flexibility and affordability and equips them with a comprehensive understanding of advanced research. 

Key Highlights of PhD in Canada In India

Some of the key highlights of the Online PhD/DBA program that students must take into account before making a decision- 

  • Get the opportunity to pursue a globally recognized Online PhD/DBA program from Canada that is at par with On-Campus PhD.
  • Get an opportunity to obtain a doctoral degree from a highly acclaimed and world-renowned Canadian University by enrolling in an Online PhD/DBA program.
  • Take advantage of the advanced and state-of-the-art research facilities that prestigious Canadian universities are offering in Online PhD/DBA programs.
  • Manage your professional commitments while pursuing a doctoral degree in Canada by enrolling in an Online PhD/DBA program.
  • Online PhD/DBA offers numerous opportunities to build stronger networks and connections which will significantly help in career growth and progression.
  • Obtain an Online doctorate from a prestigious university in Canada within 3 years which is comparatively less than the On-Campus PhD in Canada.
  • Online PhD/DBA is an affordable and cost-effective way of obtaining a doctoral degree from Canada in comparison to On-Campus PhD.
  • Online PhD/DBA does not require proof of language proficiency tests such as TOEFL and IELTS, unlike On-Campus PhD in Canada.
  • There is no entrance test to enroll in an Online PhD/DBA program as required in an On-campus PhD in Canada.
  • No need to wait for the student visa to be processed and approved as the classes can be joined remotely.
  • No need to arrange a supervisor before admission to the Online PhD/DBA program. 
  • Connect with highly experienced professors and academicians with a well-developed Learning Management System (LMS).

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PhD in Canada Course Subjects/Syllabus

The curriculum of an Online PhD/DBA program is very broad and diverse. This doctoral program is offered in 3 years making it the most convenient way to obtain a doctorate. Unlike on-campus PhD in Canada which is based on academic focus, Online PhD/DBA focuses on practical and application-based research. The syllabus is updated and caters to the demand of the latest industry trends. 

Here is a detailed overview of the Online PhD/DBA program in Canada-

PhD in Canada Eligibility & Duration

Candidates who are interested in pursuing their PhD in Canada must meet the eligibility criteria to get admission. The eligibility criteria for pursuing PhD in Canada are mentioned below- 

  • Master's degree- To be eligible for a PhD program in Canada, students must have completed their master's degree with strong academic credentials. A degree that is equivalent to a master's can also be considered for admission in Canada.
  • Proof of Language Proficiency- Proof of language proficiency also constitutes a significant part of the eligibility requirement for admission in PhD program in Canada.  Students applying for PhD in Canada must have qualified language proficiency tests such as TOEFL and IELTS for English language. Some of the Canadian universities also ask for language proficiency in French and to be eligible for that students must qualify for DALF and DELF language proficiency tests. 
  • Arrangement of Supervisor-  Students who are willing to enroll in the PhD program in Canada should reach out to the faculty members of the particular university for research supervision. Arrangement of the supervisor is a must for admission in PhD program in Canada. 
  • Research Proposal- A detailed research proposal that specifies the research objective, methodologies, literature review, and hypothesis is required by the Canadian university from the students who are willing to enroll in their PhD program.
  • Statement of purpose (SOP)- A statement of purpose that describes the research interests and professional ambitions of the students is also required by the Canadian universities offering PhD programs.
  • Letter of Recommendation (LOR)- Students need to obtain 2 to 3 letters of recommendation from their employers or faculty members and submit them to the Canadian University they want to enroll for their PhD. 
  • Valid Passport- A valid passport is also required to apply for a student visa in Canada. 

Students willing to apply for the on-campus PhD in Canada must meet the above eligibility criteria to secure admission to an Online PhD/DBA program. These eligibility criteria are full of challenges and complexities and most of the students cannot fulfill them. Meanwhile, students applying for Online PhD/DBA in Canada are not required to meet such intensive eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria for online PhD/DBA in Canada are mentioned below-

  • Student must have completed a Bachelor’s degree from an approved University/Institution with a relevant work experience of 3 to 5 years. 
  • A master's degree or equivalent from a recognized university/institution. 

Duration: The duration of an On-Campus PhD in  Canada is 4 to 6 years which is a long time to pursue a doctoral degree. On the other hand, the duration of the Online PhD/DBA program in Canada is offered in only three years. Students pursuing this program can utilize this duration to continue their professional journey with significant flexibility and time management. 

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Program Fees for PhD in Canada

Starting at ₹ 6,776/month

Program Fee: ₹60,000 - ₹2,50,000

Low Cost EMI Available


The Fee structure of pursuing an On-campus PhD in Canada depends from university to university. The average fee for an On-campus PhD in Canada may cost students from CAN 8000 to CAD 20,000 per year. This makes Canada one of the most expensive destinations to pursue a doctorate. Only students who have strong financial roots can afford this expensive fee structure. Although Canada offers funding and scholarship opportunities, the competition is so high that only a fraction of students benefit from them. The high cost of living in Canada makes it more difficult for students to pursue an on-campus PhD in Canada. On an average students are required to spend CAD 800 to CAD 1500 per month additionally for their food, accommodation, traveling, etc. This put a significant burden on the students to manage their finances for PhD in Canada. 

On the other hand, students who enroll in Online PhD/DBA programs in Canada have a very cost-effective and affordable fee structure. Students enrolling in Online PhD/DBA in Canada are required to pay INR 7,00,000 (Without Immersion) and INR 9,75,000 (With Immersion) for the entire course fees. Students also make remarkable savings in their additional expenses as this doctoral degree can be obtained remotely. The Online PhD/DBA also offers flexibility that allows students to continue their jobs which acts as the primary source to fund this doctoral degree in Canada.

PhD in Canada Admission Procedure

The admission process for PhD in Canada is long and involves the following steps mentioned below-

  • Select the appropriate PhD program-  Student can start their admission process for PhD in Canada by choosing the appropriate university.
  • Arrange for supervisor- After choosing the appropriate Canadian university offering PhD program, the students have d look for and get in touch with the faculty members of that particular university who are interested in supervising the specific research topic.
  • Compile application material- After arranging with the supervisor, students need to gather and compile strong application material for admission in PhD from Canada. The application material should consist- 
  • Statement of Purpose 
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Proof of Language Proficiency
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Application Form
  • Submit your application- Most Canadian universities use an online application system. Students need to create an account and complete the application form for the PhD program they are interested in.
  • Application Review- The university’s admissions committee will review the application and the documents attached to it. This process can take several weeks to months.
  • Interview- If the application is shortlisted, Students may be invited for an interview. The interview can be conducted in person or online. Generally, an interview involves discussions about the research interests of the students and how it fits with them. 
  • Admission Offer- If the student is selected after the interview, he/she will receive an admission offer from the university. Students need to accept the offer by the specified deadline and pay the initial fee to secure PhD seat. 
  • Apply for Student Visa- After accepting the admission offer from the university, students need to apply for a student visa to attend the university. 
  • Start the PhD program- After approval of student visa, students may relocate to Canada to start their PhD program.

The admission process outlined above caters to the On-campus PhD program in Canada. The process is very rigid and time-consuming. Students have to dedicate themselves to the admission process only. Meanwhile, students opting for Online PhD/DBA programs in Canada can complete their admission in a few simple steps. The admission procedure for Online PhD/DBA in Canada is stated below- 

  • Step 1- Select the appropriate Canadian university offering an Online PhD/DBA program. 
  • Step 2- Open the designated University's official website.
  • Step 3-  Click to open the University's admissions page.
  • Step 4- Enter the information requested by the university to proceed with the admission application.
  • Step 5-  Select the "Review" button to check your admissions information.
  • Step 6 - Once your application has been reviewed, click the submit button and wait for a response from the university's admissions committee. 
  • Step 7- If applicable, submit your statement of purpose (SOP), recommendation letters (LORs), resume, and cover letter to the university. 
  • Step 8-  Following the verification of your application, the university admissions committee will extend an admissions offer.
  • Step 9- After accepting the admissions offer, make the first installment payment for the online PhD/DBA program. 
  • Step 10- Once the fee has been paid, your admission will be verified. 
  • Step 11- The university will provide you with your enrollment number and unique student ID a few days after the admissions process is completed. 
  • Step 12- Start the Online PhD/DBA program in Canada by accessing the Learning Management System (LMS).

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Growth of Online Education in India

  • Online education in India is set to grow at a CAGR of 19.9% by 2030.
  • Skill development and employment are the major driving forces for this growth.
  • Higher education is gaining popularity in this online medium.
  • Financially affordability is a significant contributor to this boom.
  • The increased adoption of technologies, i.e., the Internet and smartphones, has increased accessibility significantly.
  • The advantage of flexibility in terms of time and location is the key highlight.

Growth of Online Education in India

Education Loan/EMI Facilities for PhD in Canada

Students pursuing an Online PhD/DBA in Canada have the option of paying their course fees through easy EMI options and loans. Students can make use of this facility to lower their burden of fee payment by paying it in easy installments.  In contrast, students enrolling in on-campus PhD programs in Canada do not have any EMI and Loan options to pay their fees. Students have to pay their annual fees at one time. This puts a significant burden on the students which can deviate their focus from the doctorate.

Apply For No Cost EMI


Is PhD in Canada Worth it?

Yes, pursuing PhD from Canada is the best decision to navigate one’s career at the advanced levels. The state-of-the-art facilities for research in Canadian universities make it one of the most popular destinations for pursuing a doctorate. The faculty of Canadian universities are highly experienced and knowledgeable enough to supervise standard research. 

A doctorate from Canada has a great significance and reputation in the industry. A PhD from Canada is a great choice for career progression. Due to the lengthy admission process and highly demanding eligibility requirements, most of the students do not get admission to PhD in Canada. These students can still fulfill their dream of pursuing their doctorate in Canada. By joining an Online PhD/DBA program in Canada, students can accomplish their dream of pursuing their doctorate in Canada. The program is designed while focusing on the need for working professionals.

The program is highly flexible for working professionals which lets them manage their professional journey with a doctoral degree. The Online PhD/DBA is offered through the well-developed Learning Management System (LMS) of the university with the highly experienced faculty of the Canadian University. The program runs for three years offering advanced knowledge and expertise in the field of advanced business research. 

Overall, pursuing an Online PhD/DBA in Canada is a smart move that offers significant knowledge and expertise. Upon completion, students are entitled to add a “Dr” prefix to their name. 

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Job Opportunity after PhD in Canada

With the help of Canada’s excellent education system and cutting-edge research, students can pursue a variety of rewarding job options across numerous industries. Upon completion of this doctorate from Canada, students can join at the highest levels in the organization. 

Here are some of the most popular and highly admired career opportunities for students upon completion of a doctorate from Canada-


INR 8.25 LPA


INR 10.40 LPA

Senior Writer

INR 5.98 LPA

Product Manager

INR 18.00 LPA 

Top Universities for PhD in Canada 

Here is the list of top Universities in Canada that are world-renowned for their doctorate due to pioneering research facilities- 

  • University of Toronto
  • Toronto Mississauga Scarborough
  • University of Trinity College
  • University of Waterloo
  •  University of Windsor
  • Dalhousie University

Students who are willing to undertake the highly flexible and affordable Online PhD/DBA program can consider these universities-

  • Swiss School of Business and Management 
  • Golden Gate University 
  • Rushford Business School 
  • Geneva Business School 

Top Recruiters for PhD in Canada

Top recruiters hire students after completing PhD in Canada. Leading universities, government agencies, consulting firms, and tech giants approach doctorate students for hiring and placements. With the compilation of  PhD in Canada, students demonstrate a high level of intellectual proficiency which applies to these sectors. 

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Let's clear up some doubts about PhD in Canada

1 who can apply for the  phd program in canada.

The eligibility requirements for enrolling in the PhD program in Canada vary from university to university. Some eligibility requirements are basic and the same for every university. Every Canadian University offering PhD requires strong academic records and educational background. Generally, a master’s degree is an equivalent qualification is must for applying for PhD program in Canada. The Universities in Canada also demand proof of language proficiency for admission to their PhD program. Proof of language proficiency such as TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE (if the doctorate is imparted in English) and  DALF and DELF (if the doctorate is imparted in French) is a must at the application stage. Arrangement for a supervisor from the faculty of a particular Canadian university who is willing to supervise the students in their selected area is also required. Following this, a research proposal, letter of recommendation, statement of purpose, and a valid passport are also required at the time of filling out the application for PhD in Canada. 

On the other hand, students applying for the Online PhD/DBA program in Canada are required to meet just a few easy eligibility requirements. The eligibility criteria for Online PhD/DBA in Canada is a Bachelor's degree with 3 to 5 years of relevant work experience or a master’s degree. 

2 What is the duration of PhD in Canada?

The duration of PhD in Canada can range from 4 to 6 years of rigorous academic coursework. Meanwhile, the duration of an Online PhD/DBA in Canada is just 3 years with flexible academic progression.

3 What is the fee structure of PhD in Canada?

The fee structure for an On-Campus PhD in Canada is comparatively higher than most of the foreign countries. The average fee for an On-campus PhD in Canada may cost students from CAN 8000 to CAD 20,000 per year. The Canadian government offers several grants and scholarship facilities to the PhD students but there is a high competition to get that. Most of the students have to continue their On-campus PhD in Canada without any grants or scholarships. 

On the other hand, the fee structure of Online PhD/DBA in Canada is highly affordable compared to the On-Campus Ph. Students enrolling in Online PhD/DBA in Canada are required to pay INR 7,00,000 (Without Immersion) and INR 9,75,000 (With Immersion) for the entire course fees. 

4 Do I have to leave my current job to pursue PhD in Canada?

This greatly depends on the mode of PhD you are enrolling in Canada. An On-Campus PhD in Canada has fixed schedules and students enrolling in this program do not have flexibility for other commitments. So to pursue an On-Campus PhD in Canada, you must leave your current job. Meanwhile, you can continue your job while pursuing a doctoral degree in  Canada by enrolling in an Online PhD/DBA. With the remarkable offer in this program, you can continue your job while pursuing your PhD in Canada. 

5 Is the admission process to PhD in Canada difficult?

Yes, the admission process for an On-Campus PhD in Canada is very difficult. The process is very tiring and challenging.  The admission process for an on-campus PhD in Canada can take several months which exhausts the students. The most demotivating part of the admission process in Canada is visa approval. Students have to wait for months to get their student visa approved. 

Students can get admission with ease to PhD programs in Canada by opting for the Online PhD/DBA program. The admission process for Online PhD/DBA in Canada is very simple and can be completed within a few days. 

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  1. How I Got a Supervisor For PhD Research in Canada

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  2. How to get a Masters or PhD supervisor in Canada

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  3. Tips on Getting a Supervisor for M.Sc or PhD research in Canada and USA

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  4. 100% Fully Funded Scholarship In Canada

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  5. How To Apply for PhD in Canada in 2024? Know About Requirements for PhD

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  6. How to become a PhD guide

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  1. How to find Scholarship position

  2. How to find a PhD Supervisor|| Indian students who wish to study PhD abroad||PhD||Dr_kreative

  3. USA 100% Scholarships

  4. How to Email a Potential Research Supervisor/Professor (MSc./PhD Applicants-USA/Canada)

  5. How to avoid Toxic PhD Labs: Strategies for Research Success #phd #research #drjyotibala

  6. How to escape a toxic PhD advisor?


  1. Finding a supervisor

    The next step is to contact the supervisors on your list. Be sure to tailor your email for each potential supervisor. Your goal is to stand out and generate interest in working with you. Use proper letter format, formal salutations - Professor/Dr. (last name) and close with "Yours sincerely" followed by your full name and contact information.

  2. How to Contact Supervisors For MSc & PhD in Canada

    Discover the key to securing a supervisor for your MSc or PhD in Canada with these five essential tips. Learn effective strategies to receive quick responses...

  3. Connecting with a Supervisor

    The message should start with Dear Professor/Dr. (lastname) and end with "Yours sincerely" followed by your full name and contact information (or the formal equivalent in a message written in French). Attach your Curriculum Vitae and unofficial transcripts. Note, you may complete and submit the Canadian Common CV.

  4. Find a Supervisor

    You are responsible for selecting your research topic and seeking out a potential supervisor. The supervisory relationship is a foundation of graduate education, particularly in the doctoral-stream programs. The success of good supervision is a shared responsibility. It depends on both student and supervisor communicating well, being tolerant ...

  5. Finding a research supervisor

    We strongly encourage you check with your graduate program of interest to see if a supervisor is needed, and to find a supervisor at the time of application if necessary. This will increase your chances at admission, and allow for a better and more productive graduate student experience. Finding a Supervisor

  6. Finding a supervisor for your MSc or PhD

    Tips for selecting a supervisor. Go the Faculty Directory: you can filter by those accepting MSc or PhD, using the 'refine by' field. We regularly update our website to reflect who is accepting students. Only faculty marked 'yes' under Graduate Faculty will supervise students . Browse through the list of researchers to find potential ...

  7. Find a supervisor

    Before you contact a potential supervisor. Here is some advice to follow before you make the first contact: When possible, talk to professors in the academic unit about your field of interest, and find out who would be best able to supervise you.; Take a look a the list of available MRP and Thesis supervisors (PDF, 147KB); Read the scholarly publications of potential supervisors to see if ...

  8. Tips for finding a supervisor

    Writing Tips. Professors get dozens of emails from potential students. If you want to get your email noticed, you must give the professor the information they need, quickly, clearly, and professionally. Use proper titles - Dr. Smith; Keep your email short, just three paragraphs, no more than 250 words; Use complete sentences;

  9. Finding a Supervisor

    To find and contact a prospective supervisor, the potential postdoctoral fellow is advised to: Visit the websites of the Faculties, departments and units of interest to them to see if there are any postdoctoral opportunities available; Browse the Research Chairs section of the York Research website; Review faculty member profiles:

  10. Looking for a supervisor

    A faculty supervisor is a key source of support for PhD students. Supervisors help students achieve their academic goals, develop their research independence, and grow their professional networks. ... Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z3. Tel 604 822 2772. Fax 604 822 4994. Website Email [email protected].

  11. Finding a Supervisor

    Finding a Supervisor for Graduate Studies in Education. Your supervisor is a crucial part of your research and your graduate experience at Lakehead; often, your supervisor will be your best resource during your studies. Your supervisor, both at the MEd and PhD level, will help to guide you through your program and will provide you with ...

  12. Tips for finding a supervisor

    How to approach a potential supervisor. Faculty members receive a lot of inquiries from potential students so you will want to make your initial inquiry relevant, concise and specific. Here are some tips on approaching a potential supervisor: Research the faculty member first. Review their published work and, if they have one, their profile or ...

  13. Top tip: Finding and reaching out to a potential supervisor

    In addition to our Supervisor and Research Project search tools, there may be other ways to find a suitable supervisor. For example, for a topic such as Sustainability you can check the Sustainability Expert Finder to identify potential supervisors working in that area. Reaching out to a potential supervisor Do your research.

  14. PDF How to Find a Graduate Supervisor

    nt.How to Find Your Best Match Once you've decided on your area of study, and, if your graduate program of interest requires you to find a supervisor at the time of appli. ation, you can begin your search.Talk to your current professors as well as. raduate students in your faculty. They can provide insight into supervis.

  15. Finding a Supervisor

    Before contacting a supervisor, ensure they are listed as currently available to supervise and their research areas of interest match your desired field of research. Contact us. Student Service Portal. Phone: 780-492-4567. Toll-Free: 1-888-492-8089. Supervisors Contact List.

  16. Find your PhD Supervisor

    These professors offer additional viewpoints on your work as it evolves and complement your supervisor's expertise, particularly in specific subject matter or technical aspects of your research. If you have difficulty identifying a supervisor, please contact Dr. Samantha Mayo, PhD Program Director for assistance: [email protected].

  17. How to find a PhD supervisor

    One key tip on how to find a PhD supervisor is to be transparent about your work and progress. Do not hide any inadvertent errors you may have made in your experiment or analyses. Always keep your supervisor "in the loop"! Honesty in every aspect of your work and working relationship will help build trust. Be realistic.

  18. Finding a Supervisor

    If you have been advised that you require a Graduate Supervisor, you will need to contact professors to determine if they are taking on new graduate students. The first step is often to browse the web pages of faculty members in your department to see which research projects interest you. To contact a professor, be sure to send a tailored ...

  19. Identify a Potential Supervisor

    Identify a Potential Supervisor. After identifying and contacting potential supervisors, remember to complete the application process. Identify a potential supervisor. In our program, you will work closely with an academic supervisor. Our faculty members are active researchers whose interests span the breadth of the discipline.

  20. How to Study a PhD in Canada

    If applying for an open PhD, you'll need to submit a research proposal following the guidelines set by your university and generally outlining what you want to research, and why this is a worthwhile project. 3. Apply online, paying the appropriate application fee and attaching the necessary documents to your application.

  21. How to Find and Contact Potential Supervisors while Applying ...

    The majority of Masters (MS) programs in Canada require securing a potential supervisor in your desired field of studies prior to submitting an application.If you are particularly keen on pursuing a thesis-based or research-based Master's program, this is kind of mandatory. In fact, even if you are looking for MS at the top universities in the US, contacting potential supervisors is recommended.

  22. How to get a Masters or PhD supervisor in Canada

    Hi, welcome to my channel🤗. I'm so glad that you are here. In this video, I will give you some tips that will help you secure a graduate supervisor in Canad...

  23. PhD in Canada: Elevate Your Academic Journey

    Affordability: In Canada, the cost of earning a Ph.D. ranges from 4,000 to 19,000 CAD. When compared to other destinations to study abroad such as the United States and the United Kingdom, this is significantly low. Scholarships: There are a number of Ph.D. scholarships in Canada for international students.

  24. Accreditation and registration

    Whether you are a new Monash supervisor, or have been a supervisor with us for some time, it is important to familiarise yourself with our Supervisor Framework and understand the eligibility criteria, supervision roles, loads and limits for all supervisor categories. Understanding this information will help you determine which category is most appropriate for you, and provides clear guidance ...

  25. PhD In Canada (Doctorate/DBA Degree Online, Fees 2024)

    The fee structure for an On-Campus PhD in Canada is comparatively higher than most of the foreign countries. The average fee for an On-campus PhD in Canada may cost students from CAN 8000 to CAD 20,000 per year. The Canadian government offers several grants and scholarship facilities to the PhD students but there is a high competition to get that.