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How Technology Has Changed Our Lives Essay | Technology Has Changed Our Life Positively, Impact of Technology in Day To Day Life

December 3, 2021 by Prasanna

How Technology Has Changed Our Lives Essay: Technological innovations, applications, and advancements have impacted human civilization through ages that gradually transformed our lives. Technology has taken a key role for societies to thrive and evolve, while at the same time the structure and aspirations of human societies have been modified based on how they are being influenced by technology. As technological systems reflect the very essence of a population’s needs, human societies and their technology has become inseparable from one another. Our lives move around technology that results in the development of further innovations and applications to meet the needs of society.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on How Technology Has Changed Our Lives

Technology affecting the way of life

We all know that necessity is the mother of invention; so all invented technology came into place to meet the needs of people. Once developed, it changed our lives and behaviors in society, which may result in new ways of life. The people may simply use the technology to survive, or it may help the society to evolve and attain progress by creating a greater level of efficiency. At the same time, technological developments may even change the lifestyle and habits of people to the point of affecting human adaptive mechanisms and thus facilitating further technological evolution. Throughout the years, technology has kept providing us with amazing resources that can bring a vast difference in our everyday lives.

Every human society in the modern world has experienced technology as a utility and means of living more efficient lives. The infiltration of technology into our lives has been gradual and sometimes we may not even realize the extent to which technology has become part of our every waking moment. From the tiny to the enormous, every application of modern technology is opening a new world to us.

Technology is everywhere

The field of communication has seen very quick and significant changes in technology. Communication is immediate regardless of if a person is right there or across the globe. The education system has adapted new technology where students have the freedom to learn at any time and location of their choice through online facilities. The need for comfort and convenience has always been a strong motivator for the emergence of new technologies.

Access to any information is just a matter of a few clicks on the devices. The definition of entertainment has taken a new form with the latest technology. There has been a drastic change in our personal lives as we are open to numerous choices but we need to keep pace with their rapidly changing profiles. The most noticeable change in our lives has been the introduction of social media. This culture of getting involved in social networking through online mode has developed too fast. It allows a virtual entry into the lives of others in real-time whether they’re friends, followers, or celebrities.

Technology controlling us

Technology has made our lives faster and convenient by changing the way we do everything. As we move forward, technology accompanies us. We are surrounded by technology and become dependent on it. As we look around us and realize how technology has positively changed our lives, we must also remember how technology is controlling our lives by influencing our thought processes, ideas, and preferences. The big question is, whether we are using technology or being used by technology?

Too much dependence on technology has restricted the scope to flourish our creative and intellectual abilities. We are shifting to quantity from quality in terms of time, emotions, and relations. Our lives are getting trapped within technology and we feel helpless without the support. Technology is like an elevator that can take us to new heights as we desire, but we have to be ready to use the staircase as well in case it fails.

How Technology Has Changed Our Lives

Short Essay on How Technology Has Changed Our Lives


Technology has changed our lives and has made the world smaller with faster communication, instant information access, and online interactions. Technological advancements have brought everything to our fingertips, making life more enjoyable and convenient. Today, if you want to find something out, it only requires a couple of clicks on the internet. There is literally an app for anything, which renders instant and relevant information. From learning, traveling, dining to almost anything that you can think of is accessible through app technology.

Technology and Future

Technology has revolutionized our daily lives by giving us access to amazing tools and resources. Modern technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices which are faster, more portable, high-powered, and user-friendly. All these revolutions of technology have made our lives better, easier, faster, and more fulfilling. Technology has changed how we can entertain ourselves, interact with each other, and consume all types of information. There are so many new technologies evolving day by day that it seems overwhelming to adapt and keep track of. There is no doubt that the future of technology will continue to revolutionize our lives. In the coming days, driverless cars may be the new trend and robots will replace humans in factories.

The Online World

The latest technology trend has driven our daily lives centered on online activities more than ever before. Almost every aspect of our daily routines can be catered to online today, so it seems inevitable that our time spent online will only increase. Online accessibility to anything of our choice gives us a satisfactory level of convenience. It has changed our habits and preferences as well. But it has also made us vulnerable. Every digital footprint we make online is recorded and can be used by cybercriminals in unethical ways again by using some latest technology. So we have to be careful and updated while getting adapted to new technology.

FAQ’s on How Technology Has Changed Our Lives Essay

Question 1. Which app has helped us reach out somewhere more conveniently?

Answer: If we want to know how to reach somewhere, an app like Google Maps helps us get thereby giving the best route complete with directions, as well as satellite imaging.

Question 2. What is the impact of technology in the communication arena?

Answer: There are various online social networking sites that give us a chance to meet the rest of the world and make communication direct on this platform. It not only has changed the process of communication but also the way to build relationships.

Question 3 . How does the online mode of learning and education help us?

Answer: Education has now migrated from the classroom to the online platform and become accessible from any part of the world.

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IELTS Writing Task 2: New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time


Updated On Jan 18, 2024


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IELTS Writing Task 2: New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time

IELTS Writing Prediction Questions for 2024

Achieving proficiency in the Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing module for questions, ‘IELTS Writing Task 2: New Technologies have Changed the Way Children Spend their Free Time’ poses a difficulty for numerous test-takers. Hence, it is essential to enhance your essay writing abilities before undertaking the IELTS to ensure success.

The IELTS Writing Task 2 is a crucial part of both the General Training and Academic versions of the IELTS exam. It assesses your ability to write a well-structured and cohesive essay in response to a given topic.

In this task, you will be presented with an Opinion Essay prompt, where you are presented with a statement or opinion, and you are asked to either agree or disagree with it.

To effectively prepare for the IELTS Writing Task 2, it is highly recommended to practice with a variety of sample essays. IELTSMaterial.com offers a comprehensive collection of IELTS writing task 2 practice tests , that can help you hone your essay writing skills and achieve a high score in the exam.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

Structure Breakdown

Band 7 Sample Answer for IELTS Writing Task 2: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time

Currently, it is true that the way children spend their leisure time has been changed by new technology. While this has several benefits, In my opinion, the the drawbacks far outweigh them.

To begin with, computer games tend to be enjoyable for many kids and can potentially enhance their cognitive abilities. Strategic video games, for instance, compel players to hone their problem-solving aptitude and adapt to unforeseen circumstances. As a result, children who regularly play such games are likely to sharpen their logical reasoning and problem-solving prowess. Furthermore, the vast trove of easily accessible information online can benefit young people through early internet exposure. When children are able to surf the web from a young age, they can embark on the learning process sooner and accelerate their knowledge acquisition as they mature.

However, I would argue that the advantages discussed above are outweighed by the disadvantages. One main drawback is that children who enjoy spending time in front of the computer screen are often reluctant to do exercise. Low physical activity levels are likely to result in children becoming overweight, and in turn, they would end up being obese. In addition, some games tempt people to continue playing for hours, which could lead to gaming addiction. In role-playing games, for instance, people might need to stay in front of the computer for several hours in order to progress to higher levels, and therefore children may spend an excessive amount of time on games.

In conclusion, while there are some advantages to children spending time on advanced technologies, it seems to me that the disadvantages are more significant. Technology has been triumphant over sundry verticals nowadays which has modified the leisure time spent by the children around. (285 words)

Band 7 Vocabulary

  • Cognitive :

Meaning : Related to mental processes such as thinking, learning, and remembering.

Example : Engaging in chess or other strategic board games can enhance children’s cognitive development by stimulating critical thinking.

  • Strategic :

Meaning : Involving a plan or strategy to achieve a specific goal.

Example : Playing strategic sports, like chess or soccer, encourages children to think strategically and make quick decisions on the field.

  • Reluctant :

Meaning : Unwilling or hesitant to do something.

Example : Children who prefer indoor activities may be reluctant to participate in outdoor adventures like hiking or camping.

Meaning : Extremely overweight, often to the point of negatively affecting health.

Example : Unhealthy eating habits, combined with a lack of physical activity, can lead to children becoming obese over time.

  • Addiction :

Meaning : A compulsive and harmful dependence on a substance or activity.

Example : Excessive engagement in social media can lead to addiction, where individuals find it challenging to disconnect from online platforms.

  • Excessive :

Meaning : Going beyond what is necessary or normal.

Example : Spending an excessive amount of time on video games may result in children neglecting other important aspects of their lives.

  • Triumphant :

Meaning : Having achieved victory or success.

Example : The local soccer team was triumphant in the championship, celebrating their hard-earned victory.

Meaning : Various or diverse.

Example : Outdoor activities offer sundry options for children, from hiking and biking to exploring nature and playing team sports.

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Band 8 Sample Answer for IELTS Writing Task 2: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time

In today’s digital era, children’s leisure activities have undergone a profound transformation due to the pervasive influence of innovative technologies. While concerns about potential drawbacks are valid, I contend that the benefits derived from these technological advancements far outweigh any associated disadvantages for today’s youth.

The ubiquity of screens and digital interfaces has redefined how the younger generation engages with their free time, marking a paradigm shift in childhood experiences. Despite concerns about adverse effects, particularly excessive screen time, a judicious approach to technological integration, coupled with parental guidance, can effectively navigate these challenges. Concerns include potential hazards to physical and mental well-being, with research linking extended screen usage to decreased physical activity and an increased risk of obesity among children. Overexposure to digital interfaces is associated with potential setbacks in cognitive development, academic performance, and social skills. However, responsible technological use can mitigate these risks.

On the positive side, technology significantly benefits child development and learning. Educational applications and interactive games offer captivating alternatives to traditional learning methods, making subjects like math, science, and language more engaging. Video games, when approached responsibly, facilitate the development of problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and hand-eye coordination. Social media platforms and messaging applications serve as invaluable tools for maintaining connections in an interconnected world.

In conclusion, while adopting technology in children’s leisure activities raises concerns, the transformative potential for development and education cannot be overlooked. By carefully navigating risks through parental guidance and responsible usage, we can harness the myriad benefits that technology brings to the lives of today’s tech-savvy youth. (258 words).

Band 8 Vocabulary

Meaning : Having deep significance or impact.

Example : The digital revolution has had a profound effect on how children experience leisure.

  • Pervasive :

Meaning : Spread widely and consistently throughout an area or group.

Example : Technology has become pervasive, influencing every aspect of children’s daily lives.

Meaning : The state of being present, appearing, or found everywhere.

Example : The ubiquity of smartphones highlights their integral role in contemporary society.

  • Paradigm Shift :

Meaning : A fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.

Example : The advent of digital technology represents a paradigm shift in how children engage with entertainment.

  • Judicious :

Meaning : Showing wisdom and good judgment in decision-making.

Example : A judicious approach to screen time involves balancing technology use with other activities.

Meaning : Harmful or unfavorable.

Example : Excessive screen time can have adverse effects on a child’s physical and mental well-being.

Meaning : To lessen the severity or impact of something.

Example : Parental guidance can help mitigate the potential risks associated with technology use.

  • Interactive :

Meaning : Involving communication or action between people or things.

Example : Educational apps provide an interactive learning experience for children.

  • Captivating :

Meaning : Attracting and holding the interest or attention.

Example : Video games with captivating storylines can engage children in constructive ways.

  • Invaluable :

Meaning : Extremely useful or indispensable.

Example : Social media has become an invaluable tool for staying connected with friends and family.

Practice & Prepare with IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Questions and Answers

Band 9 Sample Answer for IELTS Writing Task 2: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time

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Technology has been triumphant over sundry verticals nowadays which has modified the leisure time spent by the children around. Although that comes along with the pace digitization has been moving ahead with and could prove advantageous in the same regard, however, it has its major share of drawbacks that supersedes its advantages in the long marathon. In the forthcoming paragraphs, this essay will analyze both sides.

There are a few pros to children putting their hours of free time in learning the advancement of the technologies and the modus operandi of the same as that keeps them moving and aligning with the dynamic world, especially, during current times. It enhances their digital knowledge that somehow has become the need of the hour in every walks of life. Using technology not only improves children’s technical skills, but also keeps them engaged and focused, enhancing their expertise in this area. For example, learning coding, programming, and web development expands their knowledge and prepares them for future job opportunities.

However, there are also significant downsides to children’s technology use. Exposure at a young age can be harmful to children’s development and thinking. Teens are more vulnerable to cybercrimes and phishing. Inappropriate content and sites can also do more harm than good. Heavy technology use has health risks. Violent graphics in games are another major concern. Certain dangerous games like “Bluewhale” have been banned after being linked to youth suicide. Overall, while technology has benefits, uncontrolled use at a young age poses risks of crime, inappropriate content, and physical and mental health issues.

All in all, it could be concluded that although technical expansion is a requirement right now, the pitfalls of children spending their free time on the same often overtakes its advantages and is riskier in the long run. (297 words)

Band 9 Vocabulary

Example : The team was triumphant in the championship, celebrating their hard-fought victory.

Example : The museum displayed a sundry collection of artifacts from different cultures and time periods.

  • Digitization :

Meaning : The process of converting information into digital format.

Example : The rapid digitization of historical documents has made them more accessible to researchers.

  • Advantageous :

Meaning : Beneficial or favorable.

Example : Regular exercise is advantageous for maintaining good health and overall well-being.

  • Modus Operand i:

Meaning : A particular way of doing something; method or procedure.

Example : Detectives carefully analyzed the criminal’s modus operandi to solve the mysterious case.

  • Drawbacks :

Meaning : Disadvantages or negative aspects.

Example : Despite the benefits of remote work, there are drawbacks, such as potential feelings of isolation.

Meaning : Advantages or positive aspects.

Example : Pursuing a higher education degree has numerous pros, including expanded career opportunities.

  • Discernment :

Meaning : The ability to judge or understand things clearly.

Example : Developing discernment is crucial when evaluating the reliability of information in the age of misinformation.

Meaning : Skill or expertise in a particular area.

Example : A successful entrepreneur often possesses financial acumen, enabling them to make wise business decisions.

  • Proliferation :

Meaning : Rapid and widespread growth.

Example : The proliferation of social media platforms has changed the way people communicate and share information.

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Connectors Used in the Above Sample Answers of IELTS Writing Task 2: New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time

Connectors , also known as connectives or transition words, are words or phrases that link ideas or parts of a sentence or paragraph together. Here are some of the connectors used in the above sample answers:

  • Furthermore
  • In addition
  • On the flip side
  • On the positive side

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Nafia Zuhana is an experienced content writer and IELTS Trainer. Currently, she is guiding students who are appearing for IELTS General and Academic exams through ieltsmaterial.com. With an 8.5 score herself, she trains and provides test takers with strategies, tips, and nuances on how to crack the IELTS Exam. She holds a degree in Master of Arts – Creative Writing, Oxford Brookes University, UK. She has worked with The Hindu for over a year as an English language trainer.

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Post your Comments

how technology has changed our lives essay ielts

Posted on Nov 8, 2021

Throughout the last decade, the digital age has arise with every child spending most of their time watching videos or playing games. I believe, advanced technologies has a detrimental impact on children’s quality of time spent. First of all, no one can deny the beneficial effects of technology and its progression over time and how it facilitated many processes. For instance, it enabled the children to receive additional online courses in times as the pandemic. Secondly, novel technology now provides evolution of some games that work on the IQ and mind-developing skills for children. On the contrary, nowadays families hardly have the opportunity to spend time with their offspring because of the endless series of games which highlights a lack of family time ritual. Adding to this, studies has shown that in the last decade autism and other psychological issues cases have sharply increased with regard to the excessive use of technology rather than spending time with real people. Also, spending more time indoors will be likely to increase obesity rate amongst children due to the sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. In conclusion, modern technologies has benefits to some extent but many disadvantages. Children do not become enthusiastic with to spend time with their parents at the playground as they would be to receive a new iPad, for instance.

Gina Saavedra Mancipe

Posted on Oct 25, 2021

The whole world has been changing through the years as a consequence of multiples factors. Clearly, one of them is technology. Everyone is affected by this, especially children, who have found a new way to spent their free time. I agree with the fact that there are more disadvantages than advantages to this statement.

Studies have revealed that the young population is more vulnerable nowadays. They prefer to be at home playing online games or using social media on their phone instead of going out and meet their friends. So, the physical and mental conditions are affected. As a kid, it is essential to make a face to face friendships to develop social skills. In time, it helps them to build strong bases in their identity. Also, mental health can be more balanced and stable. Additionally, practising outdoor sports such a football or basketball improve physical condition, growing healthy youth. Severe sickness can be prevented, such as diabetes or obesity, by instilling training habits at early ages.

On the other hand, there are also several advantages. When parents know what kind of technology or content by the meticulous selection, technology can improve cognitive development. There are plenty of video games that require particular strategies to reach goals. The brain is stimulated through diversion, and the kids do not realize it. They can learn other languages, interact with other children on the other side of the world, mathematics or abstract reasoning. As a consequence, other diverse skills are introduced to their lives. In conclusion, excessing the use of technology brings more disadvantages than advantages. Kids with excellent physical and mental health are more important than sick and antisocial but strategic creatures.

Janice Thompson

Overall band: 5.0

Grammar: Concentrate on tenses. You have used “spent” in place of “spend”. Collocations: “growing healthy youth” is wrong usage. Lexical Resource: The word “technology” has been used many times.

Maimuna Zaman

Posted on Aug 21, 2021

The development of new technologies has drastically changed the way children spend their free time. This fact has both advantages and disadvantages and in this essay, I will discuss both. In my opinion, I firmly believe the disadvantages outweigh the advantages and that is because the emergence of these new technologies have had bad effects on children’s health and turned them into lazy sloth bears. To begin with, the arrival of this modern machinery has been beneficial for the little ones. Machines like computers, laptops, tablets, i-phones provide an open window for these little ones to grasp more knowledge and broaden their horizons. In their free time they can read articles, books apart from their academic guides on computers, laptops and learn about geography, astronomy and other things. With the advancement of science, they can socialise with kids from other countries and learn their cultures and languages. On the contrary, the development of this modern automation had an immense amount of bad effects on kids’ lives. For instance, in their spare hours, they stay indoors playing video games instead of going out and participating in outdoor activities. As a result, young ones are falling prey to obesity and laziness at a very young age. According to some recent reports and studies in the US heart problems, obesity and other ailments have become common in teenagers now. To put it more simply, in the past teenagers used to be more active and their life expectancy rates used to be higher as they used to spend their spare hours playing outdoor games like football, cricket and many different sports. To conclude, like the two sides of a coin there are both benefits and downfalls to the emergence of modern automation. As mentioned earlier in the essay, I hold the view that the disadvantages of this contemporary machinery outweigh the advantages as they have awful effects on children’s well-being.

Adithya Sridhar

Posted on Aug 18, 2021

Yes, I agree to the fact that the spare time of children are easily influenced by the modern technological advancements. However, these evolving technologies help them stay updated to the digital world, still it is a wolf under the skin of a sheep as its negative impacts outweigh the benefits. On one hand, the digitalization of the world has demanded the parents and the society to make their kids indulge with techs which would help them survive in the modern world. The gaming sector has also started evolving targeting the younger generation with survival and strategy games that help in unlocking the logical and aptitude thinking in children. There are games and applications that are developed even for the newborns that would enhance their cerebral activity with multiple colors and patterns. On the other hand, I would have to lend my voice to the fact that the digital era has totally disrupted the physical growth and activities of the children. Before the technical advancements, children would step out and play their favorite sport along with their real friends whatsoever the weather be. But the kids of these generation are deprived of the fun from outdoor and indoor games as they spend their leisure time in playing virtual games with virtual people who may be real or could be a bot. These have lead to medical and mental health problems like childhood obesity, retinal damage, syndromes. In conclusion, even though the modern technology has improved the way and the pace in which a child learns and spend its free time, it also has its own adverse effects on the factors that are beyond our imagination.

Sunil Chaudhary

Posted on Jul 31, 2018

Nice blog. Thanks for sharing

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Sample technology writing topics for task 2

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Technology essay topics (IELTS writing task 2)

  • Do you think that technological advancement has brought more harm than good? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
  • What technologies did you use to help you in your studies? Describe how it has helped you. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
  • With the latest technological advancements, dating is now possible online. Would you recommend online dating for your single friends? What are the advantages and disadvantages of online dating? Site some examples to support your answer.
  • All inventions and discoveries like the discovery of fire and electricity have impacts on our lives so much so that people can no longer live without them. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • The internet has a bigger impact on people’s lives because it is more popular than television. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support you position.
  • Is it good for children to start using computers from an early age and spend long hours on it? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Explain your choice by using specific reasons and details.
  • The internet and technology, like mobile phones and laptops, are connecting us to each other every hour of the day via networking sites and applications. Do you think it’s an advantage or disadvantage? Explain your answer. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
  • Some companies spend a lot of money on scientific research and use animals for testing. Many argue that this is for a just cause while others say otherwise. Do the advantages of using animals in research outweigh its disadvantages?

Technology writing task 2 – questions that reference email and communication.

Remember that a lot of common topics go together – a technology task 2 might also mention the internet, communication or education. You might get a task 2 technology and social media question. On the other hand, you might see a writing task 2 related to technology that doesn’t even mention the word ‘technology’ – like the one below!

  • E-mail is now the easiest way to communicate with families and friends all over the world. Some people say that it does not have the sincerity of handwritten letters. Do you agree or disagree? Give specific details and examples to support your opinion.
  • With the speed and ease of viral communication do you think it will totally replace papers and letters in their old form? If that happens, will it be for the better? Explain and provide specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

IELTS Writing Task Questions about Technology and science

  • There are opinions that technology and science are beneficial but also destructive. Due to technological advancement, mankind has irrevocably ruined nature and environment and affected the climate. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Technology and Education

You might also see a writing task 2 about technology and education. Again, here, the word ‘technology’ is not even mentioned, as the question is referring to the internet.

  • In the future people will not need to have schools, galleries, museums or libraries because everything from education to culture and entertainment will be available online. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  • Being literate in technology or the internet is so popular that many believe that it will no longer be necessary to read conventional books as the main source of material for education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Technology and Society

IELTS writing task 2 technology topics with a requirement to agree or disagree can be challenging when there is not always a clear argument but it’s important to remember that the examiner is not looking for a list of reasons, but rather a clear main point with supporting arguments.

  • Advancement in technology helps to improve the standard of life. Meanwhile, according to data, while the average change in society in developing countries is positive, in richer countries this can be exactly the opposite. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?

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  • In the developed world, technological progress is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of radical technological advancements.
  • At the present time, artificial intelligence of some technologies is advancing rapidly, especially in the driving sector. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?

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IELTS Essay: Information Technology

by Dave | IELTS Writing Task 2 Real Past Tests Sample Answers | 9 Comments

IELTS Essay: Information Technology

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of information technology from the real IELTS recent exam.

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Information technology is changing many aspects of our lives and now dominates our home, leisure and work activities.

To what extent do the benefits of information technology outweigh the disadvantages?

Some today would argue that the revolution in information technology has a pernicious impact generally. In my opinion, the drawbacks related to social interaction do not outweigh the positive possibilities now available to the average person.

The legitimately worrying disadvantages to information technology concern interpersonal relationships. In the past, social interactions in person were more common. Today, a majority of conversations take place through messaging apps and on social media. The short-term result is that communication skills are in decline. The longer-term implications will create wider social trends. As people interact and form groups online they are more prone to groupthink and radicalization. What would normally be mitigated by one’s circle of friends and families, can now grow unabated in the virtual sphere with possible negative results for all of society.

The main advantages of the current age are increases in what is possible. These possibilities are most basically conveniences. Users can save time by taking advantage of their phones to send emails, make calls, organize their day and undertake a variety of other tasks. As technology evolves, it has even become more common for employees to work remotely and therefore conserve time and energy commuting to and from the office. Beyond these simple comforts, people are able to accomplish more with digital devices. This includes the ability to write with word processors, edit video on various applications, and then post and interact with a global audience through the internet and sites such as YouTube.

In conclusion, despite the threat of a less socially active world, there are justifying benefits concerning human potentiality. Both the positives and negatives must be weighed and managed carefully.

1. Some today would argue that the revolution in information technology has a pernicious impact generally. 2. In my opinion, the drawbacks related to social interaction do not outweigh the positive possibilities now available to the average person.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. The legitimately worrying disadvantages to information technology concern interpersonal relationships. 2. In the past, social interactions in person were more common. 3. Today, a majority of conversations take place through messaging apps and on social media. 4. The short-term result is that communication skills are in decline. 5. The longer-term implications will create wider social trends. 6. As people interact and form groups online they are more prone to groupthink and radicalization. 7. What would normally be mitigated by one’s circle of friends and families, can now grow unabated in the virtual sphere with possible negative results for all of society.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • Vary long and short sentences.
  • Keep adding more detail.
  • Finish development.

1. The main advantages of the current age are increases in what is possible. 2. These possibilities are most basically conveniences. 3. Users can save time by taking advantage of their phones to send emails, make calls, organize their day and undertake a variety of other tasks. 4. As technology evolves, it has even become more common for employees to work remotely and therefore conserve time and energy commuting to and from the office. 5. Beyond these simple comforts, people are able to accomplish more with digital devices. 6. This includes the ability to write with word processors, edit video on various applications, and then post and interact with a global audience through the internet and sites such as YouTube.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.
  • Develop the example fully.
  • State the results as well.

1. In conclusion, despite the threat of a less socially active world, there are justifying benefits concerning human potentiality. 2. Both the positives and negatives must be weighed and managed carefully.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Some today would argue that the revolution in information technology has a pernicious impact generally . In my opinion, the drawbacks related to social interaction do not outweigh the positive possibilities now available to the average person.

The legitimately worrying disadvantages to information technology concern interpersonal relationships . In the past, social interactions in person were more common . Today, a majority of conversations take place through messaging apps and on social media . The short-term result is that communication skills are in decline . The longer-term implications will create wider social trends . As people interact and form groups online they are more prone to groupthink and radicalization . What would normally be mitigated by one’s circle of friends and families, can now grow unabated in the virtual sphere with possible negative results for all of society.

The main advantages of the current age are increases in what is possible. These possibilities are most basically conveniences . Users can save time by taking advantage of their phones to send emails, make calls, organize their day and undertake a variety of other tasks . As technology evolves , it has even become more common for employees to work remotely and therefore conserve time and energy commuting to and from the office. Beyond these simple comforts , people are able to accomplish more with digital devices . This includes the ability to write with word processors , edit video on various applications, and then post and interact with a global audience through the internet and sites such as YouTube.

In conclusion, despite the threat of a less socially active world , there are justifying benefits concerning human potentiality . Both the positives and negatives must be weighed and managed carefully .

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

argue claim

revolution big change

information technology internet, computers, etc.

pernicious impact bad effect

generally overall

drawbacks downsides

related to concerning

social interaction people talking

outweigh stronger than

positive possibilities good opportunities

available can happen

legitimately worrying disadvantages real dangerous downsides

concern interpersonal relationships have to do with people interacting

common happens a lot

majority most of

take place happen

messaging apps Facebook messenger, ios messenger, etc.

social media Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.

short-term result not that far in the future

communication skills talking to people

in decline getting worse

longer-term implications in the future ramifications

wider social trends patterns for all of society

form groups online become part of online communities

more prone to groupthink more likely to think the same as others

radicalization becoming extreme

normally in most cases

mitigated weakened

circle of friends people around you

grow unabated increase with no limits

virtual sphere online world

possible potential

results effects

current age nowadays

possibilities potential chances

most basically conveniences essentially make life easier

users people using services

taking advantage of exploiting

organize order

undertake do

variety different kinds

tasks objectives

evolves changes

work remotely work from home

therefore thus

conserve maintain

commuting traveling to work or school

beyond these simple comforts past these conveniences

accomplish get done

digital devices phones, computers, etc.

includes concerns

word processors MS word, Google docs, etc.

edit video work with video files

various different kinds of

post put online

interact with talk with

global audience the whole world

despite regardless of

threat risk

less socially active world people communicating less and less

justifying makes sense

concerning having to do with

potentiality possibilities

managed carefully watched with care


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈɑːgjuː   ˌrɛvəˈluːʃən   ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən tɛkˈnɒləʤi   pɜːˈnɪʃəs ˈɪmpækt   ˈʤɛnərəli ˈdrɔːbæks   rɪˈleɪtɪd tuː   ˈsəʊʃəl ˌɪntərˈækʃən   aʊtˈweɪ   ˈpɒzətɪv ˌpɒsəˈbɪlɪtiz   əˈveɪləbl   lɪˈʤɪtɪmɪtli ˈwʌriɪŋ ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪʤɪz   kənˈsɜːn ˌɪntəˈpɜːsən(ə)l rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps ˈkɒmən   məˈʤɒrɪti   teɪk pleɪs   ˈmɛsɪʤɪŋ æps   ˈsəʊʃəl ˈmiːdiə   ʃɔːt-tɜːm rɪˈzʌlt   kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən skɪlz   ɪn dɪˈklaɪn   ˈlɒŋgə-tɜːm ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃənz   ˈwaɪdə ˈsəʊʃəl trɛndz fɔːm gruːps ˈɒnˌlaɪn   mɔː prəʊn tuː gruːpθɪŋk   ˈrædɪkəlaɪˈzeɪʃən ˈnɔːməli   ˈmɪtɪgeɪtɪd   ˈsɜːkl ɒv frɛndz   grəʊ ˌʌnəˈbeɪtɪd   ˈvɜːtjʊəl sfɪə   ˈpɒsəbl   rɪˈzʌlts   ˈkʌrənt eɪʤ   ˌpɒsəˈbɪlɪtiz   məʊst ˈbeɪsɪkəli kənˈviːniənsɪz ˈjuːzəz   ˈteɪkɪŋ ədˈvɑːntɪʤ ɒv   ˈɔːgənaɪz   ˌʌndəˈteɪk   vəˈraɪəti   tɑːsks ɪˈvɒlvz wɜːk rɪˈməʊtli   ˈðeəfɔː   kənˈsɜːv   kəˈmjuːtɪŋ   bɪˈjɒnd ðiːz ˈsɪmpl ˈkʌmfəts əˈkɒmplɪʃ   ˈdɪʤɪtl dɪˈvaɪsɪz   ɪnˈkluːdz   wɜːd ˈprəʊsɛsəz ˈɛdɪt ˈvɪdɪəʊ   ˈveərɪəs   pəʊst   ˌɪntərˈækt wɪð   ˈgləʊbəl ˈɔːdiəns   dɪsˈpaɪt   θrɛt   lɛs ˈsəʊʃəli ˈæktɪv wɜːld ˈʤʌstɪfaɪɪŋ   kənˈsɜːnɪŋ   pəʊˌtɛnʃɪˈælɪti ˈmænɪʤd ˈkeəfli

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Some today would a______e that the r____________n in i_____________________y has a p_______________________________y . In my opinion, the d______________s r____________o s________________________n do not o________________h the p_____________________s now a_____________e to the average person.

The l_____________________________________s to information technology c__________n i______________________________s . In the past, social interactions in person were more c______n . Today, a m__________y of conversations t__________e through m____________________s and on s_______________a . The s___________________t is that c________________________s are i____________e . The l________________________s will create w__________________s . As people interact and f______________________e they are m________________o g_______________k and r________________n . What would n____________y be m_____________d by one’s c_________________s and families, can now g____________________d in the v_________________e with p______________e negative r__________s for all of society.

The main advantages of the c_________________e are increases in what is possible. These p______________s are m_______________________________s . U______s can save time by t_________________________f their phones to send emails, make calls, o____________e their day and u___________e a v_______y of other t_______s . As technology e__________s , it has even become more common for employees to w________________y and t___________e c__________e time and energy c__________g to and from the office. B_______________________________s , people are able to a_____________h more with d_______________s . This i__________s the ability to write with w____________________s , e_____________o on v__________s applications, and then p____t and i________________h a g____________e through the internet and sites such as YouTube.

In conclusion, d_________e the t________t of a l__________________________d , there are j___________g benefits c____________g human p_____________y . Both the positives and negatives must be weighed and m_____________________y .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching videos from The New York Times YouTube channel below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :


Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

  • Do you use a computer?
  • Is it important to have a fast computer?
  • What applications do you use the most?
  • Is it possible to live today without a computer?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topic below:

More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programmes to get their news and instead read online.

Is this a positive or negative development?

IELTS Essay: Internet News

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Taimoor khan

This is usefull


Thanks, Taimoor!

Rosy Mathew

Please give feedback- Many people today do not feel safe either at home or when they are out. What are the causes? What are the solutions? 

It is incredibly common for people to feel unsafe all the time, whether they are at home or out. This essay will explore the various reasons behind this troubling phenomenon and suggest measures to tackle it.

To begin with, it seems that the primary reason people have a sense of insecurity is the increase in crime rates. Due to an exponential increase in criminal activities, people may perceive that something wrong can happen to them as well. For instance, petty crimes such as thefts, burglaries, or pick-pocketing are typical nowadays. Besides, fraudulent online activities are also an alarming concern. Although the advent of the internet is a boon, its downsides cannot be ignored. Phishing, identity theft, and cyber hacking are some salient examples that bring about cautiousness in people with their online work.

Furthermore, technological advancement and globalization have played a huge role in sensitizing people to all kinds of news, be it local or international. People can access foreign news by sitting in their homes, and thus, get worried about what is happening miles away. Because of television and smartphones, people have started to think that whatever henious events are occurring at a distance may occur either to them or in their surroundings. These circumstances, therefore, are engendering fear among people.

Turning to the possible remedies, the main step has to be taken by governments. They must increase policing to ensure every neighbourhood is patrolled in order to catch any potential law-breakers. Since there will be more police forces, people may feel more secure. Another solution is to use modern technology. People can install Wi-Fi enabled CCTV surveillance in their homes. Hence, they can constantly keep an eye on their properties. Also, parents can install an anti-virus program to keep hacking at bay. Lastly, people should avoid traveling alone or late at night. If they have to do so, they must ensure no stranger is following them. Also, individuals can carry safety devices, namely pepper spray or whistles, to protect themselves from getting attacked.

To conclude, despite the fact that crime rates have increased significantly and the global broadcast of the news is causing people to become insecure, the aforementioned measures, such as augmenting the number of police personnel, surveillance devices, and taking general precautions, can ensure the safety of the citizenry.


It’s too long – how long did it take to write it?

Other than that the examples are great and really detailed.

Try to reduce the number of linking words that you are using.

Rosy Mathew

It took 45 minutes. Thanks Dave for feedback.

No problem, Rosy!


Most valuable page

Thanks, Roshani!

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1. What technology do people currently use?

Technology appears everywhere. We use our phones a lot, and within that small device, we have a lot of technologies like wifi, bluetooth, airdrop, … and so on. I guess in the future people will use tons of other cool tech stuff!

2. Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?

I believe that is mainly because they simply want to sell more. It’s a part of consumerism. They launch new lines of products every quarter or year to boost their sales and create this belief that the items one bought 3 months ago is now obsolete, although it still functions perfectly.

3. Why are people so keen on buying iPhones even though they haven’t changed much from one iPhone to the next?

Well, the same thing I just said, consumerism. If one doesn’t get the latest product, the IP 14 promax for example, he might feel that he is falling behind , despite the fact that the IP 12 is still functioning well. Another reason is simply because they want to experience the latest feature such as the “Dynamic Island” on IP 14, and because they can afford it.

4. Why do technology companies keep upgrading their products?

Products are being upgraded constantly is a must when it comes to competition. Nokia is an example of a company that refused to renew themselves, and now that empire is a thing of the past! So I think If you can upgrade your products and have a “Selling point”, that’s your competitive edge in this market.

5. What changes has the development of technology brought about in our lives?

Many things have changed, both positively and negatively. As I can find anything I want online with just a few clicks, I have access to a wide range of products, and I can do comparison shopping to get the best deal. However, there are downsides as we become increasingly dependent on technology. Chat GPT, which is a new kind of AI, is an example. Many students just don’t bother to use their brains to paraphrase or write essays anymore, instead they just need to write the question in the bot and then … everything else is just brainless “copy and paste”.

6. Does the development of technology affect the way we study? How?

Definitely, as technology evolves, students can search for free materials in nearly all fields. Take IELTS as an example, you can literally study IELTS with zero cost thanks to google, there are slides and videos about all 4 skills! On the other hand, the dependence on AI as Chat GPT is a threat that negatively affects students if used the wrong way.

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How has technology changed people’s lives?

This is funny writing

IELTS essay How has technology changed people’s lives?

  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ? One main idea per paragraph
  • Include an introduction and conclusion
  • Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
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  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ? Present relevant ideas
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technological innovations have affected our lives. Do you agree or disagree?

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Include an introduction and conclusion

A conclusion is essential for IELTS writing task 2. It is more important than most people realise. You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay.

The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has already been presented in the essay – it is just the repetition of some information written in the introduction paragraph and supporting paragraphs.

The conclusion paragraph only has 3 sentences:

  • Restatement of thesis
  • Prediction or recommendation

To summarize, a robotic teacher does not have the necessary disciple to properly give instructions to students and actually works to retard the ability of a student to comprehend new lessons. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of running a classroom completely by a machine cannot be supported. After thorough analysis on this subject, it is predicted that the adverse effects of the debate over technology-driven teaching will always be greater than the positive effects, and because of this, classroom teachers will never be substituted for technology.

Start your conclusion with a linking phrase. Here are some examples:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To summarize
  • In a nutshell

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

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It is not wise for an industry to replace its inexperienced but old workers with new and young yet inexperienced individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Poor nutrition and obesity is a problem in many developed countries, and some people believe that a tax on fast food would reduce the problem. do you agree, the best way to solve the world's environmental problem is to increase the price of fuels. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement, some people think the best way to motivate and exchange people to work hard is to pay them based on how much they produce and sell. do you agree or disagree include relevant example., in the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. the only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages.


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IELTS Syllabus: Sections, Books, and Preparation Tips

how technology has changed our lives essay ielts

Shubhankar Das

Content Writer Study Abroad Exams | Updated On - Jul 9, 2024

IELTS syllabus is designed to evaluate a candidate's English language proficiency . There are mainly two types of exams, Academic and General Training.  IELTS exam syllabus contains four sections; reading, writing, speaking, and listening. IELTS syllabus for reading and writing is different for academic and general exam modules , and the speaking and listening sections consist of the same exam pattern. You will be allocated  2 hours and 45 minutes  to complete the exam. The reading, writing, and listening test of IELTS exam pattern was conducted on the same day. The speaking test is generally conducted within 7 days after or before the exam date. The overall score ranges on a scale of 0-9 band . To get admission to some of the top universities worldwide, you need to achieve a minimum of 7+ bands in IELTS. With regular practice with sample papers and reading books, candidates can effectively prepare for IELTS examination pattern.


  • Exam Syllabus
  • Preparation Books
  • Preparation Tips

IELTS Exam Syllabus

IELTS exam syllabus contains four sections; reading, speaking, writing, and listening . Each analyzes the candidate's English language proficiency to study or migration process abroad. Every section of IELTS syllabus contributes 25% to the overall score . You must have a clear idea about the examination pattern before completing IELTS registration process .

IELTS Syllabus for Reading

your ability to comprehend the main concepts, general ideas, and logical arguments in a text is tested by reading IELTS test syllabus. The reading section of IELTS is different for both the Academic and General Training test modules. Candidates are given 60 minutes to complete the reading tests. A total of 40 questions are there in reading IELTS syllabus and pattern, and candidates are given a score between 0-9 band.

Evaluate English reading abilities for the academic environment. Evaluate English reading abilities for daily English-speaking environments.
Topics are sourced from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers. Topics are sourced from books, magazines, newspapers, notices, advertisements, company handbooks, and guidelines.

IELTS Syllabus for Writing

IELTS syllabus 2024 for writing includes detailed and descriptive writing. The writing exam pattern for IELTS is divided into two tasks. In task 1 you have to write over 150 words and over 250 words for writing task 2. You are given 60 minutes to complete the writing section.

Task 1–150 Words Presented with a graph, table, chart, or diagram and are asked to describe, summarize, or explain the information. Presented with a situation and asked to write a letter requesting information or explaining the situation. The letter can be personal, semi-formal, or formal style.
Task 2–250 Words Asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem. Must be written in a formal style. Asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem. Write in a more personal style than the academic writing task, 2.

IELTS Syllabus for Speaking

Speaking IELTS exam syllabus and pattern consist of i n terviews between the candidate and the examiner. The candidate's knowledge and skills to do effective communication in the English language are evaluated in IELTS speaking section. A total time of 11 to 14 minutes is allocated to answer 3 parts of the speaking IELTS syllabus.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Candidates are asked to answer questions about themselves and a range of familiar topics, like home, family, studies, work, and interests. 

This part contains 4–5 minutes.

Candidates are given a cue card that asks them to talk about a particular topic. 

This part contains 3–4 minutes.

Candidates are asked further questions and have to discuss the topic in Part 2. 

This part contains 4–5 minutes.

IELTS Syllabus for Listening

IELTS syllabus for listening consists of 4 sections . The topics in IELTS listening  are divided into 40 questions. You will be allocated  30 minutes to complete this section. Academic and IELTS general exam patterns are the same for the listening test.

Section 1 Conversation between two people in an everyday social context.
Section 2 A monologue set in an everyday social context.
Section 3 A conversation between up to four people set in an educational or training context.
Section 4 A monologue on an academic subject, like a university lecture.


Books are the best and most convenient way to effectively prepare for IELTS exam subjects. The best IELTS books contain customized and updated study materials , sample questions with answers, and preparation tips. IELTS exam books help candidates to prepare for the exam from their convenient places and time. You can refer to the list below to check some of the best books for IELTS course syllabus preparation.

  • The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS
  • Official IELTS Practice Materials
  • Barron’s IELTS Superpack
  • IELTS Foundation: Coursebook
  • Mometrix IELTS Books for General Academic Training

Tips to Prepare for IELTS Syllabus

To achieve a good band score in IELTS, candidates need effective preparation. Taking coaching classes, reading books, and regularly solving practice papers helps the candidates to understand IELTS syllabus and pattern. Here are some tips to prepare for IELTS syllabus that can help the candidates answer the questions effectively.

  • Understand the questions carefully and focus on finding answers from the passage.
  • Write within the given word limit for each question.
  • Write precise, relevant answers. Avoid writing long paragraphs and sentences.
  • Listen to the questions asked carefully, and answer directly.
  • Be precise, grammatically correct, and to the point.
  • Use an active voice. Avoid writing in the passive voice.
  • Focus on vocabulary, range of tenses, grammar, and sentence structure.
  • Revise and proofread for spelling and grammar errors before submission.

IELTS exam syllabus is designed to test a candidate's English skills for work, PR, or study abroad. Academic and IELTS general syllabus are different for reading and writing sections. The Reading and Writing sections evaluate the candidate's ability to understand and communicate. The Listening section includes lectures and note-taking activities. For speaking, candidates need to discuss personal details and a given topic. You will be advised to practice IELTS grammar syllabus to give effective answers.

Ques: What is the IELTS syllabus?

Ans : The IELTS syllabus evaluates a candidate’s English language proficiency across four areas - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The test focuses on the candidate’s language abilities to move to an English-speaking country.

Ques: What is tested in the listening section?

Ans : The listening section tests your ability to understand conversations and monologues in standard English. A variety of native English speakers and accents are used in the listening section.

Ques: What is tested in the reading section?

Ans : The reading section tests your ability to understand factual information, ideas, opinions, and attitudes contained in texts. The texts include articles, reports, books, letters, and brochures.

Ques: Which book is best for IELTS preparation?

Ans : There are many best books available for IELTS preparation; The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS., Barron's IELTS Superpack, Simone Braverman's Target Band 7, etc.

Ques: What is tested in the writing section?

Ans : The writing section tests the candidate’s ability to write on topics of general interest. Candidates have to write 150 words for writing task 1, and 250 words for writing task 2.


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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 882 - which transportation you think has changed people's lives, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, different transportation vehicles have transformed our lives and helped us advance as a civilisation. which transportation among the following do you think has changed people's lives the most, automobiles.

  • IELTS Essay
  • Writing Task 2

how technology has changed our lives essay ielts

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  1. Technology has made our life easier

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  2. IELTS Writing Task 2: 'technology' essay

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  3. Long Essay on How Technology Has Changed Our Lives

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  4. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Technology (Real Past Exam

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  5. Technology has revolutionized leisure activities

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  6. IELTS Writing Task 2: New Technologies have Changed the Way Children

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  9. IELTS Writing Task 2: 'technology' topic

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