Essay On Advertisement

500 words essay on advertisement.

We all are living in the age of advertisements. When you step out, just take a quick look around and you will lay eyes upon at least one advertisement in whichever form. In today’s modern world of trade and business, advertisement plays an essential role. All traders, big and small, make use of it to advertise their goods and services. Through essay on advertisement, we will go through the advantages and ways of advertisements.

essay on advertisement

The Various Ways Of Advertisement

Advertisements help people become aware of any product or service through the use of commercial methods. This kind of publicity helps to endorse a specific interest of a person for product sale.

As the world is becoming more competitive now, everyone wants to be ahead in the competition. Thus, the advertisement also comes under the same category. Advertising is done in a lot of ways.

There is an employment column which lists down job vacancies that is beneficial for unemployed candidates. Similarly, matrimonial advertisement help people find a bride or groom for marriageable prospects.

Further, advertising also happens to find lost people, shops, plots, good and more. Through this, people get to know about a nearby shop is on sale or the availability of a new tutor or coaching centre.

Nowadays, advertisements have evolved from newspapers to the internet. Earlier there were advertisements in movie theatres, magazines, building walls. But now, we have the television and internet which advertises goods and services.

As a large section of society spends a lot of time on the internet, people are targeting their ads towards it. A single ad posting on the internet reaches to millions of people within a matter of few seconds. Thus, advertising in any form is effective.

Benefits of Advertisements

As advertisements are everywhere, for some magazines and newspapers, it is their main source of income generation. It not only benefit the producer but also the consumer. It is because producers get sales and consumer gets the right product.

Moreover, the models who act in the advertisements also earn a handsome amount of money . When we look at technology, we learn that advertising is critical for establishing contact between seller and buyer.

This medium helps the customers to learn about the existence and use of such goods which are ready to avail in the market. Moreover, advertisement manages to reach the nooks and corners of the world to target their potential customers.

Therefore, it benefits a lot of people. Through advertising, people also become aware of the price difference and quality in the market. This allows them to make good choices and not fall to scams.

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Conclusion of Essay On Advertisement

All in all, advertisements are very useful but they can also be damaging. Thus, it is upon us to use them with sense and ensure they are entertaining and educative. None of us can escape advertisements as we are already at this age. But, what we can do is use our intelligence for weeding out the bad ones and benefitting from the right ones.

FAQ on Essay On Advertisement

Question 1: What is the importance of advertisement in our life?

Answer 1: Advertising is the best way to communicate with customers. It helps informs the customers about the brands available in the market and the variety of products which can be useful to them.

Question 2: What are the advantages of advertising?

Answer 2: The advantages of advertising are that firstly, it introduces a new product in the market. Thus, it helps in expanding the market. As a result, sales also increase. Consumers become aware of and receive better quality products.

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3. The Role That Consumer Behavior Plays on Advertising and Cancel Culture

4. Should Artists Music Be Used in Advertisements

5. Typography: From Billboards to Street Signs

6. Way of Struggling Brands and Advertising or Word-Of-Mouth

7. How Advertising Influences Consumer Behaviour

8. The Advertisement Analysis Of The Pears Soap

9. The Analysis Of Small World Machines Advertisement

10. That’s Nutellable’: An Analysis Of Advertisement Of Nutella

11. Analysis Of Comcast Advertisement, A Popular Ad

12. Advertisement Analysis: Analysing The Old Spice Ad

13. Ad Analysis Of The Allies, Hitler’s Campaign

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15. Ad Analysis: The Objectification And Sexism In Original Red

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Essay on Advertisements

An advertisement in a business setting plays an essential role in influencing consumers’ purchase behavior. It impacts their buying behavior by creating a desire to purchase the products, arousing their interest, and attracting attention. A good advertisement elevates brand awareness and increases sales. Primarily, it is an excellent way for consumers to explore the products and services they need. There are several advertisements encompassing webs, videos, or prints that consider the promotion of an attractive lifestyle alongside various marketing strategies and techniques, that the study elucidates.

Print advertisement; entails printing hard copy publications likely to get read by consumers, certainly the target audience. A specific successful newspaper ad lights up McDonald’s ‘Open All Night’ campaign that took the advantage of its golden arches logo (Lyones 221). The newspaper contains information that peaks the curiosity of readers who are the consumers, particularly indicating that the fast-food restaurant remains open all night. The ad focuses on desired qualities of friendly audience reception, high levels of audience attention, and strong credibility.

The McDonald’s newspaper features an open-ended conversation about the product or service and the frequency, efficiency, memorability, and psychological incentives to purchase. It is financially sensitive and integrates a financial breakdown of the products and services, hence quite detailed to attract a large base of consumers. Besides, the newspaper ad fosters marketing strategies that add value with coupons, convey a unified message, and select publications suiting the profile of target demographics. It traps consumers’ attention, specifically eighteen to twenty-four years personnel who are online subscribers and those above thirty-five years who read print newspapers.

Video advertisement; is a marketing strategy implying the use of short and informative videos promoting a product and occurring before, during, and after the main video. For example, Canada’s HP Elite Dragonfly ad is a successful video ad of six seconds. Here, a woman holds the piece of hardware flying via rooftops with an accompaniment of the tagline, “lighter than air” (Renwang et al. 27). The ad significantly tells the story and creates a buzz. It begins, delivers its point, and ends before users scroll past it, creating anxiety. It is precise, conveys information straightforwardly and interestingly, improves sales volume, and reaches a broad audience. The target audience here is business entrepreneurs aged above eighteen years. The ad conveys an efficient message to influence a better engagement. It uses marketing strategies including teasing the audience, optimizing the landing page, and including an enticing thumbnail to promote its products and services.

Web advertisement is a form of marketing promotion of products and services to its target audience via the internet. For instance, Gumption Agency uses a web-based social media platform to describe its product selection philosophy (Vanessa 9). It focuses on creating consumers’ smart, strong, sassy, and spunky feelings. Also, its web assumes an ecommerce design with photos of females modeling the products of a gorgeous palette of pinks and reds to yield a lady powder. Gumption’s online store primarily proves the impact of strong branding at the center of any successful web design. The target audience here is social media users and their associated online channels. The ad attracts consumers’ attention by directing them to the website. The social media ad is much more affordable where owners access a broad audience and stretch their marketing base even on a shoestring budget.

In conclusion, business entities thrive per focused advertisement. Video, newspaper print, and web ads are so diverse to capture the attention of a large market base. A business orientation to the marketing strategies in these ads will yield desirable production.

Works Cited

Friedman, Vanessa J., et al. “The Use of Social Media as a Persuasive Platform to Facilitate Nutrition and Health Behavior Change in Young Adults: Web-Based Conversation Study.”  Journal of Medical Internet Research  24.5 (2022): e28063.

Kincheloe, Joe L. “McDonald’s, power, and children: Ronald McDonald/Ray Kroc does it all for you.”  Kinderculture . Routledge, 2018. 219-248.

Song, Renwang, et al. “Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Multidomain Heterogeneous Information Entropy Fusion and Model Self-Optimisation.”  Shock and Vibration  2022 (2022).

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Advertisement Essay: Writing Tips and Topics

how to write advertisement essay

Advertisements are everywhere, from the streets to your mobile phone. On average, people get to see up to 5,000 advertisements and brands in a day. More than 153 of these advertisements get registered in our minds. Advertisements are not just popular, but subconsciously, they form some of our thinking patterns.

Considering the popularity of ads and their importance, it would not be out of place if you are asked to write an advertisement analysis essay. It is commonplace for college essays . This advertisement essay will help you know more about how to write an essay on advertisement.

With advertisement analysis essay examples, you get to learn more about the world of advertisement. There are several ways to write an advertisement essay, from a rhetorical analysis of an advertisement essay to a visual analysis essay advertisement. You can learn about how to write them from our tips on how to write an advertisement analysis essay.

Tips On How To Write An Advertisement Analysis Essay

You do not need an advertisement analysis essay sample to write an advertisement analysis essay. With these tips outlining how you should write an advertisement essay, you can write a good essay. Follow these steps carefully and you will be able to familiarize yourself with these types of essays.

The advertisement analysis introduction is very important. You need to catch the attention of your audience from the first word. Assume your reader has never seen the ad or know the product and include a description of the product and its history.

The introduction of the advertisement analysis should be focused on the subject matter which is the advertisement. You should also point out how the advertisement paints the product as being better than any other product in the market. If the ad doesn’t contain any such description, it is not so effective. After you have done justice to the introduction, your next paragraph should contain the thesis statement.

This part of the essay embodies the description of your point of view on the advertisement. The thesis of an advertisement essay tells you the message the advertisement conveys and how it conveys it. Your thesis should include the aim of the advertisement, whether to improve sales or to make customers carry out a particular action. You want to keep the part of the essay as short and as simple as you can. It should not be longer than a paragraph.

The body of your analysis should build upon your thesis statement, elaborating on various points of the advertisement and how they are used to achieve the aim of the advertisement. One of the details that would be included in the paragraphs of the essay is the set of people or group for which the advertisement was intended.

You should also highlight the popularity and effectiveness of the ad. Why the advertisement was able to become popular and draw people is important in your analysis. The analysis of an advertisement will also have examples of the rhetorical appeals which are ethos, pathos, and logos. The ethos pathos logos advertisement essay part consists of how the rhetorical appeals are used to draw the attention of the audience.

Logos pertains to the logical appeals of the ad, ethos describes its ethical appeal and pathos illustrates its emotional appeal. Any rhetorical analysis essay example advertisement should contain an analysis of the appeals. After writing all the points that you be reviewed while writing an analyzing advertisement essay, you can move on to the last point in the essay.

Your conclusion is the last paragraph after you have written all your relevant points in your analyze advertisement essay assignment. This paragraph should restate the key points you raised in your analysis in summary form. You should also state if the objective of the advertisement was achieved or not.

Following these steps and tips will help you write a great analysis of an advertisement even if it is a print advertisement analysis essay. Now that you know how to write an analysis essay on an advertisement, let’s look at advertisement essay topics that you can practice your prowess on.

Examples of Advertisement Essay Topics

You don’t have to wait until you have an assignment on advertisement analysis before you understand how to write it. You can practice with these topics and other sample advertisement analysis essay. Once you have seen an advertisement analysis essay example and practised the writing of advertisement analysis essays, you will not find it difficult when you have an assignment on it.

Some of the topics you can practice with are:

  • Analysis of a TV Advertisement
  • Selling Women on a King’s Length Advertisement Analysis
  • Advertisement Analysis of a Mermaid Advertisement
  • Advertisement Analysis on the Use of Women in Sport Advertisements
  • Accessing the Company Motive in Media Advertisements
  • Analysis of Vice Principals on HBO Advertisement
  • Advertisement Analysis of Coca-Cola Advertisements

Using the outlined tips and these advertisement essay examples, you can write an advertisement essay sample. You can also check an advertisement analysis essay sample online if you get stuck.

Difference Between An Advertisement Essay and An Advertisement Project

An advertisement project is quite different from an advertisement essay. A school advertisement project could mean in-depth research into an aspect of advertising. These projects are book advertisement projects. Advertisement projects in this regard are longer than an advertisement essay will be.

Advertisement projects could also be the practical execution of an advertisement. You can also be asked to do these projects in the form of coming up with creative advertisement project ideas. These ideas could be implemented in fun ways like the sales of a school play ticket.

Now that you know the difference between advertisement essays and projects, let’s look at how you can make your project ideas stand out above the rest.

How Your Advertisement Project Ideas Can Stand Out?

Devising great project ideas is not as difficult as you might think it is. You just have to put your imagination to it and keep the following tips in mind.

  • Incorporate the pop culture influence
  • Put cute animals in your ads
  • Do funny advertisements; everyone loves a good laugh
  • Freebies, Freebies, Freebies; not only will they help people remember the brand but it could also get their loyalty
  • Use puns; It stays in people’s memories
  • Add some street art to your buildings
  • Think outside the box. Do something unusual
  • Try jingles; those songs and words never really get old
  • Make use of innuendos; give people something to think about for a few minutes after seeing your ad.

Do not worry too much about how you can create an advertisement project. Put one or more of these ideas into good use and you will be able to do so without stress. Contact a writing service and ask for hep. Professionals surely know how to do it properly. Now you know how to write an essay on advertisements and create a great advertisement project.

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Essay on Importance of Advertisement

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Advertisement in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Advertisement


Advertisements play a crucial role in today’s world. They are a bridge between producers and consumers, providing valuable information about products and services.

Role in Economy

Consumer awareness.

Advertisements educate consumers, helping them make informed decisions. They provide details about product features, benefits, and prices.

Supporting Media

Advertisements fund many free-to-use platforms like newspapers and websites. Without ads, these services might not exist.

250 Words Essay on Importance of Advertisement

Advertisements are an indispensable part of modern commerce and industry. They serve as the bridge between producers and consumers, acting as a powerful tool for businesses to promote their products and services.

Driving Economic Growth

Advertisements stimulate economic growth by increasing demand. They educate consumers about new products, triggering a desire to purchase. This demand prompts businesses to produce more, thereby boosting economic activity.

Facilitating Informed Decisions

Advertisements provide valuable information that helps consumers make informed decisions. They contain details about product features, prices, and comparisons, empowering consumers to choose what best suits their needs and budget.

Enhancing Brand Image

Advertisements play a crucial role in building and reinforcing a brand’s image. They help businesses communicate their values and mission, shaping public perception and fostering customer loyalty.

Supporting Media and Entertainment

Advertisements fund many forms of media and entertainment. They provide revenue for television, radio, print, and digital platforms, enabling them to deliver content to audiences at low or no cost.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Advertisement

Introduction to advertisement.

Advertising is an essential component of modern trade and business, making it a crucial part of our economic system. It is a powerful tool used by businesses to inform, persuade, and remind consumers about their products or services. In essence, advertising is a communication bridge between the producer and the consumer.

Advertising plays a pivotal role in stimulating economic growth. By promoting a product or service, it creates awareness among consumers, thereby generating demand. This increased demand leads to higher production levels, contributing to economies of scale and fostering economic development. Moreover, advertising is a significant source of revenue for numerous sectors such as media, design, and marketing, indirectly supporting economic growth.

Creating Informed Consumers

Advertisements are not just promotional tools but also informative platforms. They educate consumers about various products, their uses, prices, and availability. This information allows consumers to make informed decisions, compare different products, and choose the one that best suits their needs. In this way, advertising enhances consumer welfare and ensures market transparency.

Enhancing Brand Image and Value

Facilitating market competition.

Advertising fosters healthy competition in the market. It offers a platform for businesses to showcase their unique selling propositions, encouraging innovation and improvement in product quality. This competition benefits consumers as they get access to better products and services at competitive prices.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

In conclusion, advertising plays a vital role in today’s economic structure. It drives economic growth, creates informed consumers, enhances brand value, and facilitates market competition. However, it is important to consider the ethical implications of advertising practices to ensure consumer protection. As future business leaders, college students must understand the importance of advertising and its impact on society, economics, and consumer behavior. The power of advertising, when harnessed correctly, can lead to business success and societal benefits.

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essays about advertisements

Home — Essay Samples — Business — Advertisement — Advertising in the modern society


Advertising in The Modern Society

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Published: Jan 29, 2019

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Works Cited

  • Hartmann, P., & Brugger, C. (2018). Advertising jingles and brand associations: The effect of jingle style, product involvement, and the mediating role of brand-music associations. Psychology of Music, 46(4), 516-533. doi:10.1177/0305735617709893
  • Lonsdale, A. J., & North, A. C. (2011). Why do we listen to music? A uses and gratifications analysis. British Journal of Psychology, 102(1), 108-134. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.2010.02035.x
  • Dahlen, M., Lange, F., & Smith, T. (2010). Marketing communications: A brand narrative approach. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Bruner, G. C., & Kumar, A. (2007). Explaining consumer acceptance of handheld internet devices. Journal of Business Research, 60(6), 566-575. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2007.01.001
  • North, A. C., Hargreaves, D. J., & O'Neill, S. A. (2000). The importance of music to adolescents. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 70(2), 255-272. doi:10.1348/000709900158083
  • MacInnis, D. J., & Park, C. W. (1991). The differential role of characteristics of music on high- and low-involvement consumers' processing of ads. Journal of Consumer Research, 18(2), 161-173. doi:10.1086/209245
  • Vesset, D., & Schmid, T. (2014). The effect of music in advertising on choice behavior: Classical versus top-forty music in TV commercials. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 13(5), 329-335. doi:10.1002/cb.1506
  • Kellaris, J. J., & Kent, R. J. (1993). An exploratory investigation of responses elicited by music varying in tempo, tonality, and texture. Journal of Consumer Psychology , 2(4), 381-401. doi:10.1207/s15327663jcp0204_06
  • Shanks, I., & Hodkinson, I. (2006). 'Music and fashion are my life': On aesthetics, identity and the cultural significance of style tribes. Young, 14(3), 235-256. doi:10.1177/1103308806066994
  • Shimp, T. A. (2007). Advertising, promotion, and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. Cengage Learning.

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essays about advertisements

Effects of Advertising on People Essay

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Description of budweiser beer advertisement, effects of advertising on people: from opinion to evidence, a comparison of advertising effects in the united states & the arab world, conclusion & recommendations.

In recent years, one of the signature strengths of the advertising industry has been its unfaltering capacity to transform ostensibly mundane objects into extremely enviable products (Trampe et al., 2009). But as products transform into entities of desire once placed in advertisements, they trigger important self-processes and different meanings to the target audience, some of which are positive while others negative.

Interestingly, a wealth of literature demonstrates that the goal of advertising has shifted from the creation of empowerment and consumer fulfillment to premeditated creation of a mood of restless dissatisfaction with what people have and what they are so that they go out and purchase more (Gannon & Lawson, n.d.; Harris et al., 2009). Using the recently released advertisement on Budweiser’s beer brands, the present paper purposes to discuss the effects of advertisements on people.

Early this year, Anheuser-Busch InBev, the company that makes Budweiser beer brands, created a series of advertisements to coincide with the official launch of the 2013 American Super Bowl. One particular advertisement for a Budweiser beer brand chronicles a seemingly close bond a Clydesdale foul shares with his trainer, eliciting deep sentiments of brotherhood, luck, superstition, traditions and rituals (Rotunno, 2013).

The advertisement features slim women serving beer in sexy and cool environments, while the Clydesdale trainer demonstrates a high level of cool demeanor and strong physical configuration. It is important to note that the trainer used in the ad happens to be a renowned personality who has acted in the movie “Transformers” (Just Jared, Inc., 2013).

One particular executive of the beer making company suggests that the American Super Bowl is the ultimate beer occasion and that watching football is one of the most essential beer drinking occasions, hence fans must drink beer to be associated with the game that is the icon of beer drinking occasions in the United States (Rotunno, 2013).

Advertising has been defined in the literature as a form of communication employed to promote products and services of an organization “primarily to generate sales and secondary to create a brand identity, introduce new products and services, communicating a change in the existing product line and helps in communicating social messages to the masses” (Kumar, 2012 p. 22). These are noble objectives by any standards, but it is evident that contemporary advertising goes beyond these objectives into other inconceivable intentions.

Modern-day advertising, in my view, affects people more negatively than positively. From the example of the Budweiser beer advertisement, it is clear that those who were behind this advertisement wanted people to not only view beer drinking as a valuable experience that can be equated to the American Super Bowl, but to also think that alcoholism is linked to cherished personal characteristics such as establishment of close bonds, sociability, elegance, and physical attractiveness.

The framers of these advertisement also wanted the target audience to internalize the misplaced belief that drinking beer is associated with cool sporting events such as the Super Bowl, and is also a spring board to a wide range of attributes that are so much cherished by young people, among them success, relaxation, cool demeanor, popularity, romance, and adventure.

More importantly, the framers of the advertisement used a popular celebrity to demonstrate to the audience that their beer brands are for people who want to make it in life. Such misplaced perceptions contained in the beer advertisement, in my view, have only served to brainwash the masses into reinforcing drinking behavior and internalizing other social vices such as crime, hooliganism, irresponsibility, family breakdowns and poverty.

Numerous studies have been conducted to demonstrate the effects of advertisements on people. The first of these effects is encouragement and reinforcement of undesirable behavior and consumption patterns.

In their seminal article about the effects of alcohol advertising on young people, Smith and Foxcroft (2009) acknowledge that “healthcare researchers and workers have shown associations between exposure to alcohol advertising and drinking behavior in cross-sectional surveys” (p. 4). This particular study found that onset of alcohol consumption in adolescent non-drinkers at baseline was substantially associated with exposure to alcohol advertisements in traditional, print and electronic media.

Within the food sector, a number of reviews have investigated research studies on advertising to young people and came to a conclusion that food advertising triggers immense preferences and purchase intentions of the food items being advertised (Harris et al., 2009). Health officials in the United States, for example, are of the opinion that obesity among young people is on the increase due to exposure to intense advertisements for calorie-dense low-nutrient foods.

The second negative effect of advertising is that it sows among us seeds of unhappiness and discord (Gannon & Lawson, n.d). As a matter of fact, the advertising industry has received widespread criticism “for bringing materialism to its height; for replacing inner happiness and intrinsic motivation with the drive to be productive in society only in order to consume and buy happiness” (Hayko, 2010 p. 80).

The beer advertisement discussed in this paper, for example, works in principle by making the target audience believe that their lives will forever be empty unless they align themselves with the ‘next big thing’, which undoubtedly is the consumption of alcohol on the sidelines of a big Super Bowl Match.

Additionally, extant literature demonstrates that people who fail to achieve the desired body image as is transmitted in a particular advertisement often develop disturbed mood swings as well as low self-esteem and self-image ratings (Joshi et al., 2004). Such attributes, in my view, only serve to sow amongst us seeds of unhappiness and discord, not mentioning that they prevent us from achieving our full potential.

Third, advertisements have come under constant criticism for increasingly consumer debt due to increasingly lavish consumer lifestyle (Gannon & Lawson, n.d.). When advertisers use sleek beautiful girls to advertise a particular line of clothes on the television, a sizeable number of consumers are overtaken by raw desires and sublime stimulation to have such clothes and would rather creep into greater debt to ensure they have the clothes in their possession.

Many music icons have experienced bankruptcy due to lavish spending habits reinforced by exposure to advertisements. Additionally, consumer debt due to lavish spending is a predictor to family breakdowns and irresponsible behavior (Trampe et al., 2009).

The fourth effect of advertisements on the people is that they perpetuate a life that is filled with lies and deceptions as most ads are not representations of truth.

While it is obvious that the methods in which situations are availed to the target audience through advertisements are not realistic, organizations want people to believe that they should live the life that they avail to them on screen (Hayko, 2010). Such a trend is worrying as it takes away people’s inherent right to make independent decisions by substituting their most intimate thoughts with the advertiser’s own ideas and conceptions of what should be.

Lastly, advertisements have been blamed for perpetuating a life of impulsivity and sensitivity to pleasure and reward, particularly among young people. Extant literature demonstrates that “young people who already have problems related to alcohol are likely to be particularly vulnerable to alcohol advertising, with the vulnerability increasing with increasing alcohol consumption” (Anderson, 2007 p. 10).

Indeed, it has been mentioned in the literature that advertising manipulates the vulnerability among young people by shaping their attitudes, value systems, perceptions and expectations of the product being advertised, which then influence the decisions they make regarding the use of the product (Gordon et al., 2010; Joshi et al., 2004).

Many young girls, for example, have ended up in hospital with disfigured faces after trying out some cosmetics they saw on television commercials. Instead of seeking for more information regarding such creams, young people respond to their impulsivity and sensitivity to pleasure and reward by trying out the creams with the view to look similar to the sleek images appearing on the advertisement.

The effects of advertising on people are influenced by a multiplicity of variables such as culture, traditions, beliefs, values and expectations (Kalliny, 2010).

Extant literature demonstrates that loosely aggregated societies are more likely to be influenced by advertisements than communal societies owing to the fact that they do not subscribe to the same traditions, values and culture (Al-Olayen & Karande, 2000). In this respect, it can be argued that people in the United States are more likely to be responsive to advertisements than people in the Arab world owing to the fact that they subscribe to diverse cultural values, beliefs and backgrounds.

Conversely, people in the Arab world are likely to first evaluate the advertising against what is provided for by the strict Islamic culture before deciding to internalize or discard the message being advertised. This exploration implies that the social fabric and societal cohesion to a large extent determines the effects advertisements have on people.

Drawing from the above discussion, it can be concluded that although advertisements have positive impacts on people, they also posses negative ramifications in terms of encouraging and reinforcing undesirable behavior and consumption patterns, sowing among us seeds of unhappiness and discord, increasing consumer debt due to lavish consumer lifestyles, perpetuating a life full of lies and deceptions, and providing support to a life of impulsivity and sensitivity to pleasure and reward.

The negative effects, it seems, continue to eclipse the benefits of advertising. More poignantly, it has been demonstrated that these effects affect young people and vulnerable groups within the population. This is a dangerous precedent by any standards because the young people are the future of tomorrow.

Owing to these negative effects, governments should attempt to regulate advertising, particularly when it is targeted at young people. Today, more than ever before, it is clear that most advertising executives will stop at nothing to create advertisements that make their products and services sell, even if such efforts mean circumventing ethical and moral benchmarks. In such a situation, government regulation is the only viable option.

Still, the government and other interested stakeholders such as local and municipal authorities could consider banning advertising in public places. Such a ban would ensure that people are less exposed to harmful content contained in the advertisements. Another set of recommendations include controlling advertising on the Internet to protect vulnerable groups of the population, introducing taxes on advertisements to discourage usage, and encouraging self-regulation among players in a bid to stamp out negative advertising.

Al-Olayen, F. S., & Karande, K. (2000). A content analysis of magazine advertisements from the United States and the Arab World. Journal of Advertising, 29 (3), 69-82.

Anderson, P. (2007). The impact of alcohol advertising . Web.

Gannon, Z., & Lawson, N. The advertising effect: How do we get the balance of advertising right? Web.

Gordon, R., Hastings, G., & Moodie, C. (2010). Alcohol marketing and young people’s drinking: What the evidence base suggests for policy. Journal of Public Affairs, 10 (1/2), 88-101.

Harris, J. L., Bargh, J. A., & Brownell, K. D. (2009). Priming effects of television food advertising on eating behavior. Health Psychology, 28 (4), 404-413. Web.

Hayko, G. (2010). Effects of advertising on society: A Review. HOHONU, 8 , 79-82. Web.

Joshi, R., Herman, C. P., & Polivy, J. (2004). Self-enhancing effects to thin body images. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 35( 3), 333-341.

Just Jared, Inc. (2013). Budweiser Super Bowl Commercial: ‘Clydesdales horses.’ Web.

Kalliny, M. (2010). Are they really that different from us? A comparison of Arab and American Newspaper Advertising. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, 32 (1), 95-108.

Kumar, A. (2012). Dimensionality of consumer beliefs toward billboard advertising. Journal of Marketing & Communication, 8( 1), 22-26.

Rotunno, T. (2013). Budweiser unveils its super bowl ad lineup . Web.

Smith, L. A., & Foxcroft, D.R. (2009). The effect of alcohol advertising and marketing on drinking behavior in young people: A Systematic review. BMC Public Health, 9 (2), 1-11.

Trampe, D., Stapel, D. A., & Siero, F. W. (2009). The self-activation effect of advertisements: Ads can affect whether and how consumers think about the self. Advances in Consumer Research, 36( 6), 1030-1045.

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IvyPanda. (2018, December 19). Effects of Advertising on People.

"Effects of Advertising on People." IvyPanda , 19 Dec. 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Effects of Advertising on People'. 19 December.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Effects of Advertising on People." December 19, 2018.

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Importance of Advertising Essay | Essay on Importance of Advertising for Students and Children

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Importance of Advertising Essay: Advertising is the way to sell products or goods to customers—a creative way to communicate with potential buyers. The media world is the glamorous world of all the products. There are many mediums through which we can communicate with the buyers. There are four types of advertising display, video, mobile and native. The best way to communicate with today’s customers is online advertisements. The big houses invest a fair amount of capital in advertising. Here are a few essays on the importance of advertising with different lengths to prepare better for exams, competitive papers and speeches.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Importance of Advertising for Students and Kids in English

We provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic “Importance of Advertising” for reference.

Short Essay on Importance of Advertising 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Importance of Advertising is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Advertising promotes a product, brand or service to a viewership to attract interest, sales and profits. All types of business houses and industries are dependent on the ad world to boost sales. This creative world is beneficial for sellers as well as buyers. Sellers get a right margin and can explore different market by advertisements.

Buyers benefit because they get to make an informed decision. A wide variety of product range is there to choose which gives birth to a healthy competition. A rise in people’s standard of living is there because a better choice and quality of products are available at lower costs. There are different mediums for promoting products like the press, outdoor, film, radio, television, direct mail, and internet. The ad world has brought about significant changes in our daily life choices and lifestyle. In this modern era, it is possible to control the ads according to your taste and preferences due to artificial intelligence.

The pace at which the advertising world is growing is phenomenal. The world can enjoy development due to changes in the media world. Advertising is an essential tool of progress for society and business industry to maintain healthy competition and reach out to different markets.


Advertising is the way or a medium to reach out to buyers and different markets. It is a marketing tactic that helps to reach out to more people and help in selling. As said in the book of Industrial quotes on advertising “Making promises and keeping them is a great way to build a brand.” To tell customers about the benefits of the product and its features advertisement is the way. It is a powerful way to reach maximum potential customers.

Benefits of advertising

The world of advertising benefits traders, buyers and society in various ways. There is not any age group or any gender which is affected by the ad world. Traders can tell about their products and its benefits. They can reach a broad market and maintain their current prices as a check on them is always there. If a product’s name does not meet the potential buyers, it is as good as sitting on the shelf. For a brand image, advertising is the route to follow. People relate to an ad before they relate to a product.

The buyers can make a well-informed decision about the product they want to buy. It is possible to compare other products easily. The most significant benefit for the customer is that prices remain controlled due to the healthy competition. Manufacturers are careful about the product quality due to the awareness in the buyers.

The society has better quality products which further raises the standard of living. The media influence all the members of the community. More job opportunities are there due to advertising as all the significant industry houses have a separate department related to the ad world. Creativity and innovation flourish in society.

There is not a single day in our life in which advertising does not form part of it. From simple decisions like which cereal to buy for breakfast to purchase for a wedding is influenced by advertisement. Over time, the advertising changes have brought different media in pictures like Goggle ad, Facebook ad and other online platforms. Advertising has made the product selling easier and reaches far-away markets. A healthy competitive market has given us better quality products. A new age has brought even more dynamic changes in advertising like the popups of the products seen on the internet can be controlled according to our likings.

Long Essay on Importance of Advertising 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Importance of Advertising is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Once upon a time, an advertisement was a word, but as the world’s story progressed, the word advertisement’s narrative got its meaning too. Advertising is the way or a medium to sell a product or an idea to its potential customers. Let’s look at the history of advertisement. We can safely go back to Egyptians, who will take pride in starting this revolutionary advertising phenomenon in their carving and writing period.

History of the advertising world

The world’s first written advertisement dates back to Thebes’ ruins known to the ancient Egyptians as Waset.  Before the beginning of the written advertisements, a verbal form was existing in which shopkeepers would shout out and call out to their customers. The first written advertisement is as impressive as the advertising world. In the book,” Story of Advertising “by James Wood tells us about the ad. It was given by a weaver Hapu, in which he declared to give half a gold coin in exchange for any news for his man slave Shem and a full gold coin if returned to the shop of Hapu, the weaver, were to your heart’s desire the best cloth. Such a brilliant way to start and get to tell people about the product sold. Further on, as we move in the history of advertisements from shouting stall owners to a flag or a sign was nailed as it explained better than the shopkeepers’ cries.

The Industrial Revolution brought on an entirely different form of media in existence in the 17th century. This era marks the beginning of flyers and trade cards as newspapers, magazines, gazettes, and journals were mass-produced. The machine period, namely radio and television, was the greatest revolution in the world of advertisement. Along with print media, these were a completely different form of selling ideas and goods. As David Ogilvy said, a pioneer in the advertising world, “ The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible”. The digitalization of the world took the industry to another level. The forms of advertisements, namely three print, radio, and television, got another addition World Wide Web.

There is a chain of events that lead to the expansion of online advertisements.

  • Facebook ads in 2007 increased the venues for trade houses in the field of advertisements.
  • Gmail ads in 2005 started along with Google Adwords for advertisers.
  • Goggle acquired YouTube, which trafficked the ad world towards it.
  • Instagram ads changed the face of the media again.

Nowadays, a significant chunk of capital is invested in advertising by all big industries. It is beneficial for both the consumers as well as sellers.

Importance of advertising

When we advertise a product or a service provided, it helps us reach more people, which allows our industry’s growth. We should study the importance of advertising in three lights consumer, seller and society. All three benefit from the media world, which is a big influencer in our lives nowadays. Ad world influences our daily life—any gender, class or age group all impacted by this beautiful world of media.

Benefits for sellers

Increasing sales- Competitive times like these, we need to inform people about our products to attain a high sales level. Advertisement is a regular feature to maintain the level of profits. For the product to not keep sitting on the shelf, it is vital to inform consumers about its features.

Helps in exploring markets- The world has increased due to technology changes, requiring exploring different media available. The best way to reach an overseas market or maintain your potential customer’s sales is to advertise the products available. Price control-Retailers can charge higher prices for the same products if the consumer is not informed before about its price, so a critical tool to control and keep a check in the market is advertisements. Travelling salesman- Advertisement acts like a travelling sales associate for the middleman. The primary reason that no more travelling salesperson exists in big industry houses nowadays money is spent on advertisements to tell about the products to consumers.

Benefits to consumers

The main aim of advertisements is to satisfy the needs of the customers and society. Well informed decision- Most of the time, we go to the market with a mindset to buy a specific brand product as we have full information about its features and already compared it with its rival products. It helps save time and make a well-informed decision. Survival of right quality products- As consumers are well informed, any goods of low quality does not survive in the market as it will not be getting good feedback.

Benefits to society

Improves the standard of living: Those products which were luxury before have become available to the consumer. The result is an increase in the market consumption pattern as better quality products are available with a broader range of choices.

Awareness: As we are well informed about the product are knowledgeable about the market and features of the product increase. As a result, general understanding and knowledge power come into society.

Importance of Advertising Essay Conclusion

The media world’s target is to promote growth in sales of products and the organisation’s growth. Eventually, results in pulling up the living standards of the society as we choose to make from a wide variety of products and better quality of products. All lead to healthy competition between the industries. This beautiful world of advertisements has brought a change in the job industry, but the human mind’s creativity level has reached great heights. As it is a competitive online market nowadays, this will revolutionize the field of advertisement. It will be all human-controlled to check on the content of the ads which they want to watch. The most worthy splurge now is awaited in this industry for the future by using artificial intelligence. Lead to automated decisions based on data collection, data analysis, and additional observations hence change the world of advertisements altogether. a

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  • Essay On Advertisement

Advertisement Essay

500+ words essay on advertisement.

Advertisement is a means to make people aware of any product or service using commercial methods. It is a sort of publicity designed to endorse a person’s specific interest intended for product sale. We live in an era where advertisement plays a vital role in promoting business and products. Whether big or small, all brands and companies advertise their products on various mass media platforms. When we step outside our houses, we get to see advertisements for different brands in the form of a billboard, flyers, posters, etc.

In this essay on advertisements, we will discuss the advantages and different ways of creating ads.

The Various Ways of Advertisement

In this modern world of competition, everybody wants to be ahead. So, in this scenario, the advertisement comes in. We get to see or hear advertisements for several things. It proves beneficial for business people and can be used in various forms. Job vacancy ads posted in the employment column prove highly advantageous for the unemployed. Matrimonial ads also provide a trusted platform for both bride and groom for marriage proposals.

People can advertise their shop or property they want to sell, and anyone who wants to buy it can contact the person after seeing the advertisement. Through advertising, we can also find lost people, plots, goods, homes, etc. Previously, we used to see traditional advertisements in magazines, newspapers, and building walls. But, still, today, the most meaningful way of advertising is through television. Advertising your product or brand on television will help to reach the masses.

There are numerous positive effects of advertisement, and due to this, more businesses utilise this medium for their branding and marketing. Big and small companies spend the maximum of their budget on advertising, creating great ads for a positive impression on people. The best and most influential platform for advertisement is the World Wide Web. People are very active on social media in today’s world, and posting a single ad can reach millions of people easily in just a few seconds. Other forms of advertising are banners, posters, road crossings, flyers, billboards, digital screens, walls and railway stations. Sometimes, you can find them written or painted on trains, vehicles, and buses.

Benefits of Advertising

Advertisement is considered the prime means of generating income for magazines, television, and newspapers. They are beneficial for producers as well as consumers. Producers earn loads of money by spending their resources on advertisements. Models also make a handsome income by acting in ads to promote products and services.

In the technologically advanced business world, advertising has been seen to play a critical role in the establishment of contact between sellers and buyers. It is a medium by which the customer learns about the existence and use of goods available in the marketplace. As there is a lot of competition among businesses in various domains, advertisement has become a profitable investment that helps companies reach nooks and corners of the world and target their potential customers.

Drawbacks of Advertising

As every technology has some good and bad points, the same holds for advertisements. It has its share of disadvantages. An advertisement creates an artificial demand for things that we don’t need. It compels us to purchase expensive items. It has also been seen to generate disagreement within the family when the children make wishes for all those advertised goods that they see on television that are beyond the spending capacity of parents.

Watching your favourite stars promoting alcohol, cigarettes, etc., negatively impacts people who follow them. Another disadvantage of advertisement is that superior quality products that are not advertised lose their worth, and inferior ones enjoy more visibility in the market. This proves a means to cheat the innocent public. Buyers also suffer as the cost of advertisement adds to the entire production cost.

Conclusion of Essay on Advertisement

So, we know that advertisements are essential to launching your brand or product in this competitive market. Creative ads will help you to attract more people. These ads are entertaining as well as educational. Signing a celebrity or known personality will be the icing on the cake to advertise your product.

Students of the CBSE Board can get essays based on different topics from the BYJU’S website. They can visit our CBSE Essay page and learn more about essays.

Frequently Asked Questions on Advertisement Essay

What are the advantages of an advertisement.

Advertisements are good sources of information for ordinary people. They reach the public sooner and help in the faster marketing of a product. Advertisements also help in the sustenance of the product in the competitive world.

What are some of the traditional ways of advertisement?

Magazines, newspapers, paintings and posters are some of the traditional ways of advertising a product.

Is advertising good or bad for society?

Although advertisements are majorly beneficial for society, advertisements of harmful or illegal products can pose a threat to the younger section of society.

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Starting an Essay on Advertising

Jason Burrey

Table of Contents

To start off, whenever you are writing an essay on a particular topic, the first thing is to strive to make your audience get a picture of what you are talking about. The best way to do so is by first defining your topic or explaining what it is that you aim to achieve or how the reader will benefit. As far as advertising goes, we are going to look at some of the angles an advertising essay can be approached from.

Essay on Advertising: Sample Approaches

Essay on Advertising : Sample Approaches

The first way to approach advertising essays can be through looking at how advertisements are brought to life from conception to implementation. This means looking at the different players in the industry and what they do. How they impact advertising and their ways of doing business. This alone can be approached from many different angles depending on the resources one has as a writer and how far they are willing to go to find out the finer details. This is where as an advertising essay writer ; one can cover various media used to roll out advertising campaigns. Whether it is television, the internet, outdoor advertising, print, audio or audio-visual media the list is endless.

Advertising Organization

Advertising Organization

Figure 2 advertising medium

While writing this sort of essay, it is also important to look at how the whole organizations of the industry including the key figures that make advertisements come to life. This includes companies and advertising agencies that create the adverts.

Advertisements are a huge part of our everyday lives; everywhere we go we see different types of ads which appeal to different target audiences differently. Advertising techniques have changed along the way, and this also influences the way companies/business sell to their customers, with the internet or online advertisements, we have seen more online business or e-commerce which has, in turn, forced businesses to do doorstep deliveries. This mostly is common in food and fashion industries.

A Look at Writing Essay on Advertising Ethics

Ethics can be defined as the moral principles that govern a person or group’s behavior. Code of ethics is used by companies, professional organizations and individuals, it contains some rules and principle which help them in making decisions between right and wrong.

Lately, there has been major controversy in the ethics of advertising. A good example is a Calvin Klein undergarment advertisement that appeared in Times Square. On a billboard was a photo of two children in underwear, standing on a sofa, smiling and playful. The advertisement was criticized as sexual and promoting pedophilia.

Some advertisements are very creative and fun; however, with the competitive nature of the industry, they are continuously becoming unethical in comparison to the advertisements in the 50’s. For example:

  • Television consumers today are exposed to many ads which interrupt attention to their most favorite programs.
  • Advertisements wrongly target vulnerable populations with a poor diet such as fast foods the likes of KFC or McDonald’s, hence lifestyle diseases such as obesity or diabetes at a very young age.
  • Some ads brainwash children who attend to them reducing the children into nagging and pestering towards parents in relation to advertised products.
  • Using obscene materials and content has been a great ethical disaster in advertising. Obscenity such as sex appeals has been used to attract viewership a practice that is not ideal for an ethical society.

An ethical ad is the one which does not lie, does not make any fake or false claims and is in the limit of decency. Nowadays advertisers only focus on their sales; they just want to attract customers and increase their sales. They present their ads in such a way that people start thinking that this is the best product as compared to others however most products are found to be fake, false and misleading customers.

Nevertheless, the positive side of advertisements cannot be ignored. Of course, advertising increases awareness about services and products of organizations without which the profitability and sale of these products would be difficult. In other words, demand is a product of advertising since it educates potential consumers about new market offers.

As you can see, there are a lot of angles one can approach an essay on advertising as has been highlighted above. My hope is that this has been an eye opener on the essay possibilities in this industry.

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Advertisement Analysis – How to Write & Ad Analysis Essay Examples

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In this day and age, advertising is everywhere, from billboards and TV commercials to social media feeds and mobile apps. It’s an essential tool many companies use to draw customers’ attention and showcase their products and services. However, creating a compelling and distinctive advertisement is more challenging than it seems, and professionals often rely on ad analysis to achieve this goal. Advertisement analysis is a form of research that examines advertisements’ effectiveness and impact on society. Below, we will discuss how advertisement analysis can help businesses develop successful ad campaigns while ensuring their ads are ethical and socially responsible.

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Ad analysis is a type of research that experts use to develop compelling and eye-catching advertisements . It addresses each step of the ad’s creation process. Such an approach has become increasingly common because it shows marketing techniques’ impact on human consciousness. Experts evaluate the effectiveness of an ad using qualitative and quantitative methods , which help them create better advertisements. Language, imagery, and music used in a successful marketing campaign are just a few examples of what makes up effective ad messaging.

How to analyze the advertisement? While every company and its marketing team may have their own approach to ad analysis, the framework usually includes these 5 major steps:

Gather information. Before starting a project, looking up information about the product is vital. Make a SWOT analysis of the company for which you are conducting an ad analysis. This method will help you identify potential market opportunities and internal weaknesses.

Find target-audience preferences. To choose the perfect media tools for your marketing campaign, you must know your ad’s target audience . Knowing your audience will also assist you in learning how to convince the customers to get interested and purchase the product you are advertising.

Start questioning. You have to create a list of detailed inquiries regarding the advertisement. These questions will aid in finding information about the message or context of the ad . Also, it will help you understand which areas require more research and improvement.

Examine the strategic and tactical components. During this step, you first need to identify the objective. Make sure the message is conveyed clearly so the advertisement can serve its intended purpose. Then, you need to identify the target message. It’ll help to create a brief messaging framework.

Onlook the results. You have to watch whether your advertisement analysis works or not. Analyze how many new customers you receive after publication and your product’s popularity level. That way, you will both improve your research and gain experience for your next project.

Here you can find 2 incredible examples of advertisement analysis essays! The primary focus of each report is to examine how the created advertisement will affect potential customers.

Essay sample #1 – Pepsi advertisement

Target Audience: Pepsi targets consumers in their teens, early 20s, and early middle age. Pepsi print is of bright color , and that instantly attracts customers’ attention. In the commercial, many young people with happy smiles enjoy life, skating on the board and drinking Pepsi.

Implicit messages: The appearance of joyful teens in the Pepsi ad makes you want to buy this drink. The advertisement suggests that after consuming the product, you’ll feel like you’re living your best life.

Essay sample #2 – YSL perfume advertisement

Target Audience: YSL perfume advertisement targets women of early middle age. In the ad, the women are confident, independent, and successful. The advertisement connects the sensation of freedom and high status in society to the perfume itself.

Implicit messages: The advertisement appeals to those who want to make their own rules. YSL customers are women, so the company creates an image of powerful yet feminine females. The commercial suggests that after buying the perfume, you will embrace freedom and will be able to set old bridges on fire.

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  • Multinational Relationship Marketing: Chinese Experiences Business essay sample: The main themes of the article concern the very cultural and religious peculiarities of the Chinese nation and the effect those peculiarities have upon marketing, advertising, and pricing.
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  • Masiya Company's Quality Management Issues Business essay sample: The aim of this paper includes discussing current issues in the Masiya company which have been collected by interviewing different company members.
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  • Marketing Strategy for Asda Business essay sample: Asda is a retailing store which is a subsidiary of Wal-Mart. The retail store is based in the United Kingdom and is among the largest retail store in the United Kingdom.
  • The Aspects of International Marketing Business essay sample: Starting with market research as the basis for entering into an international market, companies need to make proper decisions on whether to go abroad, how to enter markets, etc.
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  • Consumer Attitude & Behavior in Marketing Campaign Business essay sample: This study provides information on how consumer motivation and decision-making strategies differ between different products depending on their level of importance.
  • Social Media Role in Business-to-Business Business essay sample: Social media is mainly a combination of internet tools that combine information technology with social interaction.
  • Coca-Cola: Marketing Policies and Processes Business essay sample: This essay shall discuss the importance of marketing orientation of an organization, study the key elements of a marketing plan and how successfully these are being used by Coca Cola.
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  • Honey Monster Cereal Products: Brand Extension Business essay sample: Brand extension is one facet of brand positioning. Honey Monster has evolved from a product promoting mascot into a company banner due to its acceptability and popularity.
  • The Carbon Trust Standard Company Business essay sample: Carbon Trust is a society-friendly organization. Emission of carbon leads to changes in the climate and problems to human health.
  • Total Quality Management: Value Chain Management Definition Business essay sample: We can argue that quality management plays an important role for each business process because all of them can shape the price of the commodities.
  • Strategic Management by Example IKEA Business essay sample: In order to succeed on the global scale, giant retailer like IKEA needs effective marketing strategies and philosophies, unique corporate vision and outstanding product management.
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  • We Simplify the Internet: Internet Accessability for SMEs Business essay sample: The mission statement of WSI Internet Consulting is increasing the growth and profitability of SMEs businesses through an enhanced and efficient provision of internet solutions.
  • Distribution Strategies of the Nike Company Business essay sample: Discussing the drivers of Nike's widespread growth, and examining the role of word of ‘word-of-mouth’ and television in advertising products in expanding production and outreach.
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BusinessEssay. (2024, May 11). Advertisement Analysis – How to Write & Ad Analysis Essay Examples.

"Advertisement Analysis – How to Write & Ad Analysis Essay Examples." BusinessEssay , 11 May 2024,

BusinessEssay . (2024) 'Advertisement Analysis – How to Write & Ad Analysis Essay Examples'. 11 May.

BusinessEssay . 2024. "Advertisement Analysis – How to Write & Ad Analysis Essay Examples." May 11, 2024.

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BusinessEssay . "Advertisement Analysis – How to Write & Ad Analysis Essay Examples." May 11, 2024.

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2020 Theses Doctoral

Essays on Advertising

Choi, Woohyun

According to eMarketer, the total advertising spend in US alone was estimated to be over $238 billion. Firms invest large amounts of money in advertising to promote and inform consumers about their products and services, as well as to persuade them to purchase. The broad theme of advertising has been examined from many different angles in the marketing literature, ranging from empirically measuring effects of TV ads on sales to analytically characterizing the key economic forces stemming from enhanced targetability in online advertising. The purpose of my dissertation is to study some of the key questions which remain unaddressed in the advertising literature. In the first essay, I examine firms' choices of advertising content in a competitive setting. I demonstrate that competitive forces sometimes induces firms to choose advertising content that shifts consumers' perception of product quality. While this strategy hurts firms in a monopoly setting, it increases their profits under competition because it may increase the utility of their offering in comparison with the competing offering. In the second essay, I investigate the optimal mechanism for selling online ads in a learning environment. Specifically, I show that when ad sellers, such as Google, design their ad auctions, it is optimal for them to favor new advertisers in the auction in order to expedite learning their ad performance. In the third essay, I study the impact of tracking consumers' Internet activities on the online advertising ecosystem in the presence of regulations that, motivated by privacy concerns, endow consumers with the choice to have their online activity be tracked or not. I find that when ad effectiveness is intermediate, fewer ads are shown to opt-in consumers, who can be tracked and have their funnel stages inferred by advertisers, than to opt-out consumers, who cannot be tracked. In this case, consumers trade-off the benefit of seeing fewer ads by opting-in to tracking (positive instrumental value of privacy) with the disutility they feel from giving up their privacy (intrinsic cost of privacy). Overall, these findings shed light on novel strategic forces that provide guidance for marketers' advertising decisions in three distinct contexts.

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  • United States
  • Internet marketing
  • Internet advertising
  • Television advertising
  • Competition
  • Google (Firm)

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Essay on Advertising: Top 9 Essays | Product Promotion | Marketing

essays about advertisements

Here is a compilation of essays on ‘Advertising’ for class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Find paragraphs, long and short essays on ‘Advertising’ especially written for school and college students.

Essay on Advertising

Essay Contents:

  • Essay on the Regulation of Advertising


Essay # 1. Definition of Advertising:

The term has been defined differently by differ­ent authorities but more or less convey the same idea.

According to W.J. Stanton, “Advertising consists of all the activities involved in presenting to group, a non-personal, oral or visual, openly-sponsored message regarding a product or service or idea. The message called an advertisement is disseminated through one or more media and is paid for by an identified sponsor.”

According to American Marketing Association, “Any paid form of non-personal communication of ideas, goods, or services by business firms is identified in the advertising message intended to lead to a sale immediately or eventually”. Advertising is a specific attempt to popularise a specific product or service at a certain cost.

According to Prof. Albert Fray, advertising involves “the pre­paration of visual and oral messages and their dissemination through paid media for the purpose of making people aware of and favourably inclined towards a product, brand, service, institution, idea or point of view.”

Thus, it can be stated that advertising is the principal method of demand creation. Advertising is also called impersonal salesmanship by means of which sales message is conveyed to millions of buyers through printed words or symbols for influencing the consumer’s choice of goods in the market.

Of the four steps in demand creation:

(i) Drawing attention,

(ii) Stimula­ting interest,

(iii) Arousing desire, and

(iv) Securing action, advertising is effective in the first three steps, while salesmanship goes in for secu­ring action.

Essay # 2. Objectives of Advertising:

Advertising is aimed at selling something, whether a product, or service, or an idea. The primary object of advertising is to make the consumers aware as regards the availability and usefulness of a particular product or service. It seeks to establish communication between the producer/seller and the consumer.

The objects of advertising, as listed by Mathews, Buzzel, Levitt and Frank, are as follows:

(a) To make an immediate sale;

(b) To build primary demand;

(c) To introduce a price deal;

(d) To inform about a product’s availability;

(e) To build brand recognition or image and brand insistence or loyalty;

(f) To help salesmen by building an awareness of a product among the retailers/consumers;

(g) To create a reputation for service, reliability or research strength;

(h) To increase one’s market share;

(i) To modify existing product appeals and buying motives;

(j) To inform about new product’s availability, features, or price;

(k) To increase the frequency of use of a product;

(l) To increase the number or quality of retail outlets;

(m) To build an over-all company image;

(n) To effect immediate buying action;

(o) To reach new areas or new segments of peculation within existing areas; and

(p) To develop overseas markets.

Essay # 3. Salient Features of Advertising:

The concept, content, and scope of advertising reflect the following salient features:

1. It is a paid form of non-personal communication of ideas car goods or services by the business firms.

2. It is a specific attempt to popularise a specific product or service.

3. It is a record containing visual or oral messages through which an advertiser wants to convey.

4. It is a kind of ‘salesmanship in print’ as it persuades a buyer to possess by drawing his attention, stimulating his interest, and arousing his desire.

5. It is one of the channels of information for the consumers and customers.

Essay # 4. Classifications of Advertising:

Advertising may be broadly classified from the points of view: business aims, coverage, users, and nature of appeal.

This is condensed in a chart below:

Classifications of Advertising

(i) Primary Demand Advertising:

Where advertising is aimed at introducing a product or service which has been newly developed or invented, it is known as primary demand advertising. Such advertisements are directed to­wards a class of customers for products like cars, washing machines, refri­gerators, T.V., or watches. This is also described as selective demand advertising.

(ii) Product or Institutional Advertising:

Where advertising seeks to cash in on the popular brand of a product, such as Dalda, Amul Milk or Butter, Red Label Brooke Bond Tea, it is called product advertising. On the other hand, where it is aimed at capitalising on the name of the manufacturer, who is reputed to produce quality goods, such as Tata, D.C.M., Bombay Dyeing, Bajaj, it is known as institutional advertising.

Product advertising is also called selective or brand advertising.

Institutional advertising is sponsored by the producer or manufacturer. Its purpose is to create goodwill towards the institution. This may be sub-classified into three heads like patronage advertising, public relations advertising, and public service advertising.

(iii) Co-Operative Advertising:

Where advertising is sponsored jointly by the manufacturers, wholesalers or dealers and its cost is borne by them, it is cooperative advertising. This type of advertisement is found in the case of products like electric fans, T.V. sets, etc.

(iv) Commercial Advertising:

Where advertising aims at increasing the sales of any product or service, it becomes business or commercial adverti­sing. It may be selective depending upon the product types such as farm products, professional doctors, engineers, architects, and accountants also fall under this classification.

(v) Non-Commercial Advertising:

This is undertaken by charitable institutions for raising public donations or funds to meet certain special purposes. 

(vi) Local/National/International Advertising:

The advertising circula­ted to a defined area is local advertising. National advertising, meant for the entire national, is limited within the boundaries of a country. International advertising covers either the whole globe or continent or a specific foreign country.

(vii) Consumers/Industrial/Trade Advertising:

The advertisements relating to domestic or household items fall under consumers advertising. The adver­tisements relating to the products which are usually consumed by the indus­tries are industrial advertising and the trade advertising relates to a particular trade of wholesaling or retailing.

(viii) Rational and Emotional Advertising:

These categories are not exa­ctly the types of advertisements. These fall within the categories of pro­duct or brand advertising and are aimed at selective demand advertising.

Rational advertising, while explaining the medicinal quality or other cha­racteristics of a product, is done for cosmetic and perfumes. Emotional advertising attempts to focus the image of a product by attaching an emoti­onal feeling of at consumer. For example, the advertisement of a Lux-Soap, being, used by a glamourous movie star, raises emotions in the minds of younger girls or housewives.

Essay # 5. Steps in Advertising Process:

The advertising process consists of the following steps and each of them virtually is a decision-making process:

1. Defining Advertising Goals

2. Preparing the Advertising Budget

3. Designing the Message

4. Selecting the Media

5. Timing of Advertising

6. Getting the Decisions Implemented  and

7. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Advertising.

(1) Defining Advertising Goals:

There are many objectives, some are immediate, e.g. to increase the sales or to retain the market, while some ultimate, e.g. creating a new demand, fighting out a competitor, etc.

There are other types of goals also—calling the attention of the buyers or dealers to a new price structure or a new showroom or to build morale of the sales force (because if there is extensive advertisement the sales force is strengthened to mate approaches to the buyers).

(2) Preparing the Advertising Budget:

The concern must pre­pare a specific budget for advertising expenses. This is a vital step in the process.

The amount of budget depends on various factors:

(a) The scale of production.

(b) The plant capacity.

(c) The availability of the working capital.

(d) Whether it is a budget for a routine advertisement or a campaign advertisement and what type of campaign.

The common methods of preparing advertising budget are:

(a) How much money the con­cern can afford to pay.

(b) How much percentage of the total sales revenue shall be spent on advertisement,

(c) To spend as much money as competitors are spending,

(d) To spend as much money as will be required to fulfill the ultimate objective. Different mathematical models are prepared for the purposes.

(3) Designing the Message:

There is invariably a message in every advertisement copy which attracts the readers. As time passes new types of copies have to be created for new excitements and to fit in changing circumstances. The copy must have a scientific ‘lay out’ with a caption or heading and then the text.

Generally, pictures are used because pictures are more attractive and explanatory than words. Pictures may be of the product (with their outer and inner views), of the factory, of a user, of a popular figure like a film artist or a player, etc. recommending the product, etc. Different colours are used, whenever possible.

An advertisement copy must satisfy three characteristics: “desirability, exclusiveness and believability”. Advertising agencies engage expert copy writers who have imagination and knowledge and commercial artists for the purpose. Every copy shall create a ‘value’ in the minds of the readers which will have lasting effect.

The different ‘values’ are: curio­sity, instinct, emotion, memorising, suggestion, etc. David Ogilvy, a founder of one of the biggest advertising agencies of the world, said “To attract women, show babies or men; to attract men, show women”. The copy must be written from readers’ viewpoint with precision, brevity and without any exaggeration. Each copy must have originality and not, imitating others’ copies.

(4) Selecting the Media:

Perhaps it is more important to select the media or channels through which the message will be comm­unicated. Media selection is a specialist’s job and most of the advertisers depend on advertising agencies who appoint specialised media managers, each manager is expert in a particular kind of medium.

The different media are: newspapers, journals, posters, handbills, cinema slides, hoarding, radio, television, etc. Besides, there are calendars, diaries, various kinds of small gifts in the forms of stationery goods like paperweight, penholders, desk calendars, etc. All these collectively are known as publicity media, not exactly advertising media.

A number of media can be used simultaneously.

Everything depends on three fac­tors:

(a) What is the nature of the product or services,

(b) What is the nature of the potential, buyers,

(c) The budget of expenditure which can be afforded.

Direct mailing of catalogues and price lists (as mostly done for mail order business) is an effective device. For a very big concern with a wide range of products and varying market, computer is used for decision-making in media selection and mathematical models are prepared.

(5) Timing of Advertising:

Advertising must be done at the proper time when there is a buying spree among the customers in case of fashionable goods or gadgets or at the beginning of the season in case of seasonal products. Advertisements of clothes, transistors, hotels, etc., are mostly found just before the Pujas or Diwali as people have the ‘bonus’ money to spend and people are compelled to make purchases on social obligations.

(6) Getting the Decisions Implemented:

All the decisions as discussed above must have to be implemented. Some firms have a separate publicity department and appoint publicity offi­cers to look after the execution of the decisions. In majority cases publicity officers are not asked to execute the decisions but to participate, as experts, in the decision-making process but the implementation is done through Advertising Agents.

In many cases, the producer prepares the budget and determines the goals but leaves the remaining process of advertising in the hands of the advertising agents, who take commission on the total expenditure as well as service charges and direct costs (e.g., block-making, printing, paper, or other materials used, etc.).

(7) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Advertising:

This is the Controlling function of the advertising process. Such eva­luation is necessary because on the basis of experience the next phase of advertising will begin. If necessary, modifications have to be made.

There are various methods of such evaluation:

(a) Opinion research:

Poten­tial buyers are individually asked of their opinions about or reactions to the advertisements released,

(b) Recognition and recall tests:

Potential buyers are tested as to whether they remember the advertisements and were impressive to them,

(c) Keying:

Different addresses of the concern are given in the copies of advertisement or coupons are attached to the copies which have to be filled in, detached and sent to the advertiser for further enqui­ries or orders.

It is watched, orders or enquiries are coming in what number to what addresses or coupons are being sent detached from which newspapers and journals. The advertiser gets an idea which media are more effective. Advertisements will be repeated or intensified through the more effective media.

Essay # 6. Importance of Advertising:

It is advertising that enab­les the businessman to make continuous mass production for the wide international market. Not only does it convey sales information to potential buyers far and near, it contains positive force determining the action of buyers as well. It applies a veiled method of persuasion to secure patronage for the product. Advertising ensures the introduction and acceptance of a new product in the market.

In the case of existing products, advertising has paved the way for a steadily rising flow of goods to the market. Advertising is a potent and recognised means of sales promotion. When used effectively, it benefits the producers, traders, consumers and country’s economy.

In the modern business world, it is one of the important functions that increa­ses sales, persuades dealers, increases per-capita income, enhances receptiveness of a new product or model, eliminates seasonal fluctuations and raises the standard of living. The relatively insignificant amount with which this marvellous result can be secured has made advertising a boon to the businessmen.

(i) Market Expansion:

Advertising enables the manufac­turer to expand the market for products by creating new markets and retain­ing existing ones. It carries repeated sales messages to millions of buyers and brings customers from remote or inaccessible areas.

(ii) Direct Appeal to Consumers:

Through advertising, manufacturers can appeal directly to consumers and influence their buying habits. Consequ­ently, buyers and producers are freed from the clutches of middlemen.

(iii) Buyers Education in Using New Products:

It helps to overcome old habits of the consumers and to educate them in the use of new products, or in the new use of existing products.

(iv) Removal of Seasonal Fluctuations:

Seasonal fluctuations in demand are eliminated by advertising. Because of creating a steady demand, it has made continuous production more certain and effective.

(v) Reduction in Selling Price:

Advertising speeds up sales and pro­duction turnover. Through a large volume of business, it lowers both selling and production costs. As a result, advertising in many cases has reduced the selling price of goods.

(vi) Price Stability:

Manufacturers invariably maintain resale prices of advertised products. Advertisement of resale prices permits to keep prices within reasonable limits; and buyers are assured of more or less the same price, wherever they may purchase goods.

(vii) Quality Products:

Advertising is usually made under a particular brand name, otherwise it becomes too expensive for the business. Because of this practice, advertising tends to create confidence in buyers about the quality of advertised products.

(viii) Promotion of Goodwill:

It acquaints the people with the name of producer and guides them to improve living through better buying. Adverti­sing leads to the establishment of producer’s goodwill which results in repeat sales.

(ix) Freedom of Press:

Advertising helps to maintain the free and independent status of the press. As newspapers are mostly financed by adver­tising income, they need not be tied down on financial grounds to any party or group.

(x) Higher Standard of Living:

Advertising promotes greater consump­tion, increased production and larger employment. The effect of these improvements is inevitably reflected in lower prices, better quality and greater variety of goods to the consumer. Advertising contributes towards a fuller way of life through happy and contented living.

Essay # 7. Benefits of Advertising:

Advertising benefits a variety of sections of society, such as:

(i) manufacturers/producers;

(ii) Wholesalers/ retailers;

(iii) Consumers;

(iv) Salesmen; and

(v) The community.

(i) Benefits to Manufacturers/Producers:

(a) Advertising results in an increase in sales and, consequently, increase in profits.

(b) It enables an easy introduction of newly developed products/ services.

(c) It helps build the image of the product and its manufacturer/producer.

(d) It establishes a direct contact between the manufacturer and the consumers such that middleman have no scope to push up prices, and thus assists in maximising the profit margin.

(ii) Benefits to Wholesalers/Retailers:

(a) It is easy to find customers for their goods as the consumers are already aware of the goods being available and their usefulness to them.

(b) Advertising increases demand for the products and helps increase sales which lead to quick turnover and increased profits.

(c) The image of the product and its manufacturer/producer, as built up by advertising, will also add to the prestige of the wholesalers/retailers.

(iii) Benefits to Consumers:

(a) For consumers in general, adver­tising means a guarantee as regards quality and suitability of the product/ service which is advertised. But, in some cases, it may not really be so.

However, if the claims made in an advertisement are found by the consumers to be true, they take to using that product on a regular basis, thus pushing up its sales. This, in turn, enables the manufacturer/producer to lower the cost, improve the quality of the product still further, and also earn increased profits.

(b) Advertising is the main source of knowledge as regards the place and time of availability of a product or service. This means, the consumers do not have to run from one shop to another to get the desired product or service.

(c) Advertisements by manufacturers/producers of identical products will enable the consumers to compare the merits of individual products, such that they will be in a position to pick and choose the products which best satisfy their needs and desires.

(d) Most modern advertising is highly educative and useful for the consumers. It leads to better standard of living.

(iv) Benefits to Salesmen:

Salesmanship and advertising play a complementary and supplementary role for one another.

The benefits derived by salesmen from advertising are as follows:

(i) Goods which are already extensively advertised on the media are easy to be introduced in the market.

(ii) As advertising will effectively perform the spadework as regards providing useful information about the product/service to the dealers and consumers, salesmen do not have to make much sales efforts.

(iii) Advertising helps salesmen to establish more stable relationships with customers.

(iv) Salesmen are able to measure as to how far advertising has succee­ded in creating product awareness among customers.

(v) Benefits to the Community at Large:

(i) Modern adverti­sing has become highly educative in nature. It brings to the people valuable knowledge about goods and services which is not easily available elsewhere. In a sense, advertising is an index to the level of civilisation.

(ii) Advertising leads to an increase in production which, on its part, gives rise to greater employment opportunities, increasing income levels, and better standards of living for the people.

(iii) Advertising helps people to know as to what products are avail­able to satisfy their felt needs and desires. It also creates in them an awareness of the needs which they may not have felt before.

For example, it is only due to advertising that articles, like cars, refrigerators, T.V. sets, etc., which were earlier regarded as luxuries causing wasteful expen­diture, can today be seen in many households, whether in urban or rural areas.

Undoubtedly, this has meant extra hours of work for the matters of the family to add to their income so as to meet expenditure on such items. But advertising has succeeded in promoting an awareness about the usefulness of these items. As Sir Winston Churchill put it, “Advertising nourishes the consuming power of man. It creates wants for a better standard of living. It spurs individual exertion and greater production.”

(iv) Advertising revenue leads to low production costs of newspapers and magazines which, in a democratic set-up, are invaluable watch-dogs of the public interest. For example, minus advertising revenue, a copy of the Hindustan Times or the Times of India would sell for more than Rs. 50.

Further, it is because of the huge revenue earned by both radio and television from commercial advertising that the Government has abolished the annual licence fee in respect of radio and T.V. sets.

(v) Advertising helps copy writers and artistes to earn their living. It also enriches the social and cultural life of people.

Essay # 8. Criticisms of Advertising:

Although the merits of advertising far outweigh its faults, the criticisms cannot be neglected.

The following are the important criticisms of advertising:

(i) Unbalanced Advertising:

Advertising is sometimes made in such an excessive and unbalanced manner that it increases the cost of marketing and hence, the price of products rather than reducing prices.

(ii) Combative Advertising:

Advertising, instead of creating new demand, is often directed to transfer customers from one producer to another. Combative advertising represents a sheer waste from the social point of view.

(iii) False Advertising:

Advertising fails to achieve its objectives and destroys public confidence in those cases where false and exaggerated claims are made about the virtues of products in advertising.

(iv) Deceptive Advertising:

Advertising has been used to defraud buy­ers by inducing them to purchase goods of doubtful value.

(v) Lack of Dignity:

In their zeal for demand creation, advertisers sometimes adopt objectionable practices that are totally devoid of ethical sense, moral value or public decency.

(vi) Propensity to Artificial Living:

Advertising creates tastes and desires for some products in such a way that many persons are forced to buy things beyond their means, and others are discontented for not being able to buy the product.

Essay # 9. Regulation of Advertising:

The importance of advertising can be fully realized provided the abuses thereof are stopped. In order to eliminate the defects of advertising, a number of measures have been devised by the businessmen as well as by the Government.

The usual measures that are applied may be stated as follows:

(a) Obscene advertisements are tota­lly banned by statutes, as they offend public moral,

(b) Noisy advertisements through the use of loud-speakers or beating drums are restricted, since they appear as a public nuisance,

(c) Writings on the walls or other public places are prohibited by injunction,

(d) To guard against deceptive adverti­sing, regulatory laws are enforced by the State.

In our country, the Essen­tial Commodities and Drugs Act has been passed for controlling the sale of medicines, food products and some other essential items. But unfortuna­tely, the legislation has lost much of its strength in the absence of admi­nistrative vigilance and rigid enforcement,

(e) The chambers of commerce set up “better business bureaus” to regulate advertising, and

(f) The consumers’ associations or their cooperatives raise some voice against unethical advertising.

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Guest Essay

Surgeon General: Why I’m Calling for a Warning Label on Social Media Platforms

An illustration of a girl lying in bed in a darkened room. The glow from her phone illuminates her pillow with a warning sign, a triangle with an exclamation point inside it.

By Vivek H. Murthy

Dr. Murthy is the surgeon general.

One of the most important lessons I learned in medical school was that in an emergency, you don’t have the luxury to wait for perfect information. You assess the available facts, you use your best judgment, and you act quickly.

The mental health crisis among young people is an emergency — and social media has emerged as an important contributor. Adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of anxiety and depression symptoms, and the average daily use in this age group, as of the summer of 2023, was 4.8 hours . Additionally, nearly half of adolescents say social media makes them feel worse about their bodies.

It is time to require a surgeon general’s warning label on social media platforms, stating that social media is associated with significant mental health harms for adolescents. A surgeon general’s warning label, which requires congressional action, would regularly remind parents and adolescents that social media has not been proved safe. Evidence from tobacco studies show that warning labels can increase awareness and change behavior. When asked if a warning from the surgeon general would prompt them to limit or monitor their children’s social media use, 76 percent of people in one recent survey of Latino parents said yes.

To be clear, a warning label would not, on its own, make social media safe for young people. The advisory I issued a year ago about social media and young people’s mental health included specific recommendations for policymakers, platforms and the public to make social media safer for kids. Such measures, which already have strong bipartisan support, remain the priority.

Legislation from Congress should shield young people from online harassment, abuse and exploitation and from exposure to extreme violence and sexual content that too often appears in algorithm-driven feeds. The measures should prevent platforms from collecting sensitive data from children and should restrict the use of features like push notifications, autoplay and infinite scroll, which prey on developing brains and contribute to excessive use.

Additionally, companies must be required to share all of their data on health effects with independent scientists and the public — currently they do not — and allow independent safety audits. While the platforms claim they are making their products safer, Americans need more than words. We need proof.

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Amy Coney Barrett Sounds Fed Up with Clarence Thomas’ Sloppy Originalism

This is part of  Opinionpalooza , Slate’s coverage of the major decisions from the Supreme Court this June. Alongside  Amicus , we kicked things off this year by explaining  How Originalism Ate the Law . The best way to support our work is by joining  Slate Plus . (If you are already a member, consider a  donation  or  merch !)

A minor dispute over a trademark registration erupted into a heated battle over originalism at the Supreme Court last week, splintering the justices into warring camps over the value and practicality of history in constitutional analysis. No surprise there—as the term accelerates toward a contentious finale, the tensions roiling major cases are bound to spill over into littler ones. What’s remarkable is who seized on this squabble over intellectual property to launch a scathing salvo against the conservative majority’s “laser-like focus” on “supposed history and tradition”: Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative who presented as a true believer in originalism when joining the Supreme Court four years ago. Barrett’s latest opinion exudes disenchantment with the methodology, at least as it’s used by this court; it also suggests she has buyer’s remorse about signing on to Bruen , a significant expansion of the Second Amendment that’s arguably the most radical and unworkable “originalist” opinion she’s joined so far.

We will know soon enough. Last week’s squabble reads like shadowboxing over a much bigger decision to come: U.S. v. Rahimi , a follow-up to the Bruen decision. Rahimi gives the court an opportunity to walk back the most disastrous and lethal aspects of its Second Amendment extremism. Barrett now seems like she may be eager to take it.

Vidal v. Elster , last Thursday’s decision, is not the kind of case that usually makes headlines. Steve Elster is a labor lawyer who wanted to trademark the phrase “Trump too small,” inspired by Sen. Marco Rubio’s crude debate joke about Donald Trump’s hands in 2016. The Patent and Trademark Office, however, refused to register the trademark, citing a law that bars trademarks made up of a name “identifying a particular living individual except by his written consent.” (Needless to say, the former president did not give his consent.) Elster sued, alleging a violation of the First Amendment. He pointed out that the Supreme Court has held that two similar provisions of federal law violate free speech, one that bars disparaging trademarks and another that bars “ immoral or scandalous ” trademarks. So, he argued, the prohibition against trademarks that use other people’s names—the so-called names clause—should also be declared unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court unanimously ruled against Elster, upholding the statute. But the justices fractured badly on the reason why, dividing more or less into a 5–4 split. Writing for the five men, Justice Clarence Thomas relied exclusively upon history (or his version of it) to resolve the case. Typically, he explained, laws that discriminate on the basis of content—that is, their “topic,” “idea,” or “message”—are subject to heightened scrutiny under the First Amendment. And by targeting trademarks that reference other people, the “names clause” is a “content-based regulation of speech.” But Thomas then declared that the law is not constitutionally suspect because it aligns with the “history and tradition” of the nation “since the founding.” Trademark restrictions “have always turned on a mark’s content” yet “have always coexisted with the First Amendment,” so they represent an exception to the usual constitutional limitations. Embarking upon a grand journey from the 1700s through today, Thomas presented a smattering of comparable laws from the past to demonstrate this “historical rule.” In short, he concluded, it has always been done, so it always may be done. Case closed.

In a separate opinion, Barrett agreed with Thomas’ bottom line but sharply disagreed with pretty much everything else. His history-only approach, she wrote, was “wrong twice over”: Thomas both botched the relevant history and failed to make a persuasive case for its use in the first place. Start with “the court’s evidence.” Thomas’ law-office history , Barrett explained, consists of “loosely related cases from the late-19th and early-20th centuries” that do not “establish a historical analogue for the names clause.” His analysis of these cases is shallow and often dubious; Barrett highlighted unfounded inferences in Thomas’ skim of the historical record, questioning his generalizations from a handful of archaic decisions. She also noted that Thomas declined to “fully grapple with countervailing evidence,” citing old decisions that cut against his conclusory assertions.

Clearly, Barrett is growing tired of her colleague’s bogus originalism: She also criticized his highly selective frolic through the archives in last term’s Samia v. U.S. , questioning his reliance on a somewhat random “snapshot” of history to cut back protections of the Sixth Amendment. “The court overclaims,” the justice wrote then, risking “undermining the force of historical arguments when they matter most.”

But this time, Barrett’s critique cuts much deeper: Thomas, she wrote, “never explains why hunting for historical forebears on a restriction-by-restriction basis is the right way to analyze the constitutional question.” The majority “presents tradition itself as the constitutional argument,” as though it is “dispositive of the First Amendment issue,” without any “theoretical justification.” In a passage that must have made the liberal justices proud, Barrett continued: “Relying exclusively on history and tradition may seem like a way of avoiding judge-made tests. But a rule rendering tradition dispositive is itself a judge-made test. And I do not see a good reason to resolve this case using that approach rather than by adopting a generally applicable principle.” Plucking out historical anecdotes, ad libbing some connective tissue, then presenting the result as a constitutional principle “misses the forest for the trees.” When applying “broadly worded” constitutional text, “courts must inevitably articulate principles to resolve individual cases.” This approach brings sorely needed “clarity to the law.”

Barrett sketched out a better path: assessing the “names clause” within a framework “grounded in both trademark law and First Amendment precedent.” When the government “opens its property to speech,” she wrote, restrictions are permissible so long as they aren’t cover for the “official suppression of ideas.” Thus, courts should uphold trademark laws if they “are reasonable in light of the trademark system’s purpose.”

Why did Barrett spill so much ink repudiating Thomas’ opinion when the two justices landed in the same place? Her opinion reads like a rebuttal of Bruen , Thomas’ 2022 decision establishing a novel right to carry guns in public—which Barrett joined in full. Bruen marked a sea change because it upended the way courts looked at firearm restrictions. Previously, the courts of appeals applied heightened scrutiny to gun laws, asking whether the regulation was carefully drawn to further public safety. SCOTUS applies this test in countless other contexts, including the First Amendment and equal protection. It requires judges to balance the interests on both sides, a well-worn tool of judicial review. Yet Thomas spurned this “means-ends scrutiny,” demanding that courts rely exclusively on the nation’s “history and tradition”: A gun restriction, he wrote, is only constitutional if it has a sufficient number of “historical analogues” from the distant past.

This brand-new test has flummoxed the lower courts and led to ludicrous outcomes —partly because judges are not historians and have no reliable way to produce a complete historical record, and also because American society has evolved to the point that a great deal of “tradition” now looks barbaric . This term, the Supreme Court has been confronted with the fallout from Bruen in a follow-up called Rahimi , which asks whether domestic abusers have a right to bear arms . During oral arguments in Rahimi , Barrett sounded deeply uncomfortable with what her court had wrought. Rahimi has not yet been decided. But Barrett’s concurrence in Elster reads like a preview of her opinion in that case. The justice seems to have second thoughts about pinning constitutional interpretation entirely on a court’s amateur historical analysis; she now seems to see the immense value in “adopting a generally applicable principle” that courts can apply across cases.

The liberal justices were right there alongside Barrett in Elster , gladly signing on to her more sensible approach to the case. Justice Sonia Sotomayor also wrote a separate concurrence raising many of Barrett’s objections, taking more explicit aim at Bruen and the “confusion” it has caused. And some of Barrett’s Elster concurrence echoes a recent opinion by Justice Elena Kagan—which Barrett notably joined—that offered an alternative to Thomas’ rigid focus on founding-era history in a case upholding the constitutionality of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

This shadowboxing foreshadows a bitter split in Rahimi , though with Barrett and the liberals appear poised to wind up on the winning side. There’s no doubt that Barrett is still a Second Amendment enthusiast , but with one more vote, this bloc is well positioned to walk back the excesses of Bruen . What’s certain right now is that the justice, at a minimum, has serious doubts about the legitimacy and workability of this Supreme Court’s sloppy, results-oriented originalism . That doesn’t mean Barrett has abandoned her broader commitment to the conservative legal movement’s cause. But it does signal a disillusionment with conservative orthodoxies that could put her vote up for grabs in cases much more important than a trademark dispute.

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    Advertisement The Supreme Court unanimously ruled against Elster, upholding the statute. But the justices fractured badly on the reason why, dividing more or less into a 5-4 split.