
The Giver Compare And Contrast Essay

The Giver Compare and Contrast By: Nick R “I feel sorry for anyone who is in a place where he feels strange and stupid.” (Lowe) This is true because no place is perfect and that is why The Giver is a dystopian novel and not like our world. Although The Giver our modern-day society are different, they have many similarities, such as Climate/Weather, Birthdays, jobs, and Families, color. The giver is similar but also different in many ways like the giver has laws and our society has laws they just have different laws like you can only have two children 1 boy and 1 girl. When our world you can have as many kids as you like. Or in the giver you don’t name your kids. In the giver the Name giver makes the names of the kids in the society. Also, in the giver there are no cars allowed. But in our world cars are allowed and we use them very often. …show more content…

But in the giver, their colors grey and black. But in the giver on the covers, you might see a red house or a red apple that is because Jonas the main character is chosen to be the receiver of memory and one of their memories Jonas saw color. So, in the end there was color in the giver, but they found a way to take the color out completely but now it’s grey and black. The Giver and our world are very different but also alike. Societies like ours have climate and weather so does the Giver, but The Giver controls the climate, and our world has tried that but it is just not possible, yet. In the Giver they had snow and rain and other climates, but they eliminated that to try to make a perfect utopia, but this book is a dystopian novel. The Giver is very different because of all the things I mentioned like climate, laws and color. Like how I said the giver is very similar but dislike because… this book is a dystopian novel and if I were to describe it I say dystopian novel so over all I think that this is a very good book and you should pick

Similarities Between The Giver And Fahrenheit 451

“Most of us knew in our bones that things with the world weren’t right long before they became a crisis” (Pernell Plath Meier). This quote means that people in these dystopias probably felt that somehow their life was not perfect even though they may have been told that it was. In the dystopian societies of The Giver and Fahrenheit 451 there are some similarities such as laws and people, although there are many differences such as mechanical hounds (Fahrenheit 451) and not seeing in color (The Giver). Although in both societies there are laws and citizens, still the people live very differently.

Emma And Clueless Comparison Essay

It was more difficult to find differences between the two than similarities. There are so many characters that resemble each other, with personality alone, that anyone could tell the movie was “like totally” based on the novel. They show so much comparability that has been changed the slightest, to bring the novel back into a 20th century classic that everyone loves. Some distinct contrasts include the time eras, clothing styles, and age difference. While many more similarities exist including: the main characters losing their mothers, their outrageous wealth, and the dominant roles played within their communities and

Compare And Contrast The Giver

Connor McBride’s Compare & Contrast Essay Connor McBride Staci Nazareth English, Grade 7 17/3/2023 (Mar 17, 2023)   “Behind him, across vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too. But perhaps it was only an echo,” (Lowry 225)  This quote shows how The Giver book by Lois Lowry is more powerful than the movie counterpart.

The Giver And Beowulf Comparison

The Giver took place in a futuristic community while Beowulf took place in the medieval times. The main characters are both called for a very important job as leaders, but the challenges that they face are very different. Beowulf’s test are physical battles that risk his life, while Jonas’s battles are more pain inflicted on him to understand the real world. The end result of the journeys differ as well. Beowulf results in death while his name lives on.

Compare And Contrast The Giver And Today

Compare and contrast essay By: Gabrielle Kurtz The giver society and today are similar and different. The giver is uniform, routine, planned out, and all the same. The giver society and today are very different in some ways and similar in others. In a world where color and emotion dont exist.

Hunger Games The Giver Analysis

While Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is a novel based on a society that problems occur from inequality and differences, focuses on the survival and which the main character Katniss stands out as a leader, and The Giver by Lois Lowry is a novel based on a society that problems occur from being too perfect and same, focuses on the importance of memory and past and which the main character Jonas stands out as a rebel for himself and very few people; both texts share similarities such as being dystopian novels which symbols used and one teenager stands out from a society and rebels. On the one hand, Hunger Games and The Giver contrast in many ways. Comparing the societies of these novels based on; while Hunger Games has a story of a society which

Similarities And Differences Between The Giver Movie And Movie

There are many similarities between the movie and book versions of The Giver. One of the biggest similarities is how Jonas’s view of the Community changes throughout the plot. In the book, as Jonas receives memories about the past, he begins to hate the Community and his life in it. He tries to share memories with his friends and family and wants things to change. Likewise, in the movie, Jonas acts similarly.

Imagine living in a world with no freedom, choice, individuality, and color. Would you want to live in a world like this? Most of you would have said no, but a boy named Jonas has no choice, but to adhere to his community’s rules. In the book and the movie, “The Giver”, by Louis Lowery, Jonas finds it difficult to accept his community’s way of life. However, after he becomes the receiver of memory, he challenges the community after discovering what the world used to be like before sameness.

Essay Comparing The Giver And Fahrenheit 451

When we compare the dystopian/utopian film, The Giver, and the dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451, it's clear that there are some similarities and some differences. Though some are very difficult to find, there are others that are very obvious. The three obvious topics are, the way the characters cope or try to change their situation, the setting of the book, and the government or leaders that they both have. First and foremost, there are similarities and differences between the characters in both works.

Similarities Between The Giver And Our Society

Finally, they get rid of many different activities they don 't like. But in our world, we have all these things, and they will never be taken away from us. This was my final example of our differences between The Giver and our society. There are some similarities between The Giver and our society, but there are many more differences, like families, rules, and personal freedoms. I think that our societies will never be the same because we are two different societies we always change.

Differences In Uglie's The Giver And Uglies

Books in the same genre always have key similarities; that’s why they’re in the same genre. But, they also have their differences that make them make unique. This holds true for the books The Giver and Uglies. They both deal with the idea of a utopian society; perfection. There are several comparisons between The Giver and Uglies such as the rules they have, the adventures that the main characters have, the love story between the characters, and the main characters themselves.

Literary Analysis: The Giver By Lois Lowry

Literary Analysis: The Giver Imagine a world where everything seems perfect but truly it is not as pleasant as it appears. In The Giver by Lois Lowry shows us a community in the future with no feelings at all. Jonas a twelve year old boy knows his life as it is and one evening he learns the truth about the community. Jonas set’s off into a adventure to change it all. Character,conflict,and symbolism makes the reader see thru the eyes of a twelve year old in a place of slavery disguised without anyone knowing it.

The Giver And Fahrenheit 451 Essay

The Giver and other dystopian novels like Fahrenheit 451 have some similarities and differences in the story line. First, The Giver and Fahrenheit 451 both share the fact that people are being controlled on the amount of knowledge that they know. Additionally, both societies have no idea of how they came to be. On the other hand, in The Giver Jonas slowly starts to realize that something about him is changing because he can see the color red but, in Fahrenheit 451 Guy Montag just wants to take a risk because of his curiosity. Second, in Fahrenheit 451, Montag is a “firefighter” except, in his society he starts the fire instead of putting them out, while in The Giver the jobs/assignments are practical for everyday life in the community.

Analytical Essay On The Giver

In Lois Lowry’s novel The Giver that is the reality. The catch? The catch is freedom. There is no room for being different, no room for spontaneity, no room for experimentation and breaking the rules.

The Giver: A Perfect Society

While a dystopian society may seem perfect, the novel represents the limitations and expectations of an ideal community. The Giver displays the similarities and differences of our modern world versus the “flawless” model of a perfect society. In a perfect society, everyone must be the same. To make sure of synchronization in the community, there must be discipline.

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Imagine living in heaven, but with a few tweaks, everyone is the same, no more painful memories and regrets, and no more war or starvation.At first glance, that sounds amazing, doesn’t it?Well, it’s not, living in a democratic society with freedom is better than living in a utopian society.In this society, in exchange for peace, you lose a lot of your humanity like your individuality,the right to make your own decisions, and even some of your own emotions. Your individuality is something you make of yourself, it’s what makes you special and different from the others around you.In the community there is no such thing as individuality everyone is the same no one has a favorite color or animal because there are none.This is hinted in the book like when Jonas told lily that her comfort obeject (an elahpant) existed once and she responded skeptically “Right, sure jonas.” Let me ask you something, this morning while you were getting dressed did you stop and stare at your closet pondering about what to wear from the mean outfits you have or did you quickly pick out a uniform you wear everyday and everywhere.The right to make are own decisions is something almost everyone has and does every day.In the community you don’t get that choice, instead everything is chosen for you your job, your home, your clothes, your family, your

Essay about Comparing In Our World and the World of The Giver

    The story in The Giver by Lois Lowry takes place in a community that is not normal. People cannot see color, it is an offense for somebody to touch others, and the community assigns people jobs and children. This unnamed community shown through Jonas’ eye, the main character in this novel, is a perfect society. There is no war, crime, and hunger. Most readers might take it for granted that the community in The Giver differs from the real society. However, there are several affinities between the society in present day and that in this fiction: estrangement of elderly people, suffering of surrogate mothers, and wanting of euthanasia.

The Giver Dialectical Journal Essay

1.) People are not allowed to go outside after the specified curfew, this can help prevent someone getting injured, kidnapped, and just ensure a higher level of security for the residents in the society.

The Giver by Lois Lowry Essay

In the novel The Giver by Lois Lowry, the receivers are the only people who have feelings and memories. The elders are the people who choose what the best is for their people in the community and sometimes they go to the receiver for help on making the right decisions. The people from the community do not see color, or have freedom on making a decision for them. There is no love, feelings, and grandparents. Jonas is assigned to be the next receiver of the community; He was trained by the giver, who transfers memories of the pain and pleasures of life, who also shows him the truth and reality that is hidden to the community. Jonas’s community does not represent the ideal of society because there are no choices or distinctions between men

Argumentative Essay On The Giver

I think the giver by Lois Lowry is interesting story about a world without the right to choose your jobs. They live in a dystopia like world. The world they live in is almost isolated, they don’t know about colors, music, or even some animals. My final reason on why the giver is a dystopia is because they don’t have any feelings, and if they do they have to get them taken away, I couldn’t imagine a world without feelings.

The Giver Response Essay

“’Memories are forever”’ (Lowry). People make new memories every day without even realizing it. Some good some bad, that’s just the way of life, but in The Giver nobody knows what happened before them. People barley remember what their childhood was like, they don’t understand the importance of memory and that memories are forever. Aspects of life, rules, and prosperities between our world and Jonas’ world are very different yet have some similarities. Things that are crucial to the characters in The Giver are not as meaningful to the people in our world.

The Giver Essay

     This book is about a boy names Jonas. Jonas lives in a futuristic society where there is no pain, fear, war, and hatred. There is also no prejudice, since everyone looks and acts basically the same, there is very little competition. They have also eliminated choice.

The Giver Book Comparison

What is The Giver you may ask? The Giver is a 1993 American young adult dystopian novel by Lois Lowry. The Giver takes place in an advanced society which seems to be a utopian but ends up being a dystopian as the story ends. There's a 12-year-old boy named Jonas. Their communities eliminated pain and strife by converting everyone to become so called “equal", they also removed emotional feelings like love. Jonas is selected to become the Receiver of Memory which is the person who stores all the past memories of the time before everyone was equal. There may be times where one must receive the wisdom gained from history to help the community's decision making. Jonas has trouble with concepts of all the new emotions and things introduced to him:

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The setting of The Giver takes place in a fictional community known as the “Sameness”. Life here is supposed to be "perfect" because there is no pain or suffering. They don’t have to take

The Giver And Fahrenheit 451 Comparison Essay

The definition of Dystopia is an imaginary world in which things are horrific, unpleasant, and bad. “The Giver”, “Fahrenheit 451”, and our society all have many faults and things that make each very unpleasant and not enjoyable for the people living in the societies. “The Giver” takes place in a community in which people cannot see color and cannot feel emotions. The people do not realize how much they’re missing out on, as they are clueless, and they live shallow and meaningless lives. “Fahrenheit 451” takes place in a world in which books are banned, and knowledge is discouraged. The people don’t want to expand their views or their knowledge and they all live unhappy and hollow lives. Our society gives each person more choices to each individual citizen, but with choice comes consequence. People can be happy in our society and live fruitful lives, but many are not as enthusiastic about life as many

The Giver Compare And Contrast

You are about to experience a brief compare and contrast paper between reality and a fantasy. In which our world is no long a mass chaos but everyone is equal to each other. I am going to compare the book to the movie. Many things are different and most are the same, but i'm going to point of the differences today between the movie and the book.

The novel I chose, The Giver by Lois Lowry, was made into a movie in 2014. While the movie was accurate on several points, there are many differences between it and the original book. I enjoyed both the book and the movie, and found it easy to pick out most of the similarities differences. Some were harder to find, but with al closer look they were also relatively simple to find. While most of the plot remain the same between the two, there are many changes in who the character are and what they do that affect the story in major ways.

The Giver by Lois Lowry is a Utopia because no one is ever starving, no one really feels pain, and they can’t choose wrong. Throughout our world I have seen many people on the sides of streets having no food, no home, and no family with no one helping them to have a better life. I have also seen people helping the homeless and shelters but in this book they don’t need to do that because everybody already has a home and food. Plus they don’t have to ask for money and food, they already have it.

The Similarities Between 'The Giver': Comparing The Book And Movie

The Similarities between The Giver and The Giver movie is that Jonas lives in the same community. Also, there are the exact same characters in the book. The book and movie have Jonas watch the release of the baby twin. Jonas decides to leave the community after what he saw. During the escape, Jonas also crosses the boundary that brings all the colors and memories back.

The Giver Comparison Essay

“The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared. (Lowry, Goodreads). In other words it’s saying the pain Jonas is feeling is mental and emotional but not physical. The giver is making Jonas feel these memories and they're coming back to his head. And by sharing memories it lets you get help or makes you feel good because people can help you. My Thesis is comparing and contrasting modern day to the Giver.

A Comparison of Mahatma Gandhi and Jonas from “The Giver” A brief summary of their situations Jonas is the main protagonist in the book and movie “The Giver”. The story takes place in a futuristic environment where there is no war, no pain or suffering. In this community you don’t even make choices yourself; the elders do. They decide what you’re supposed to do at any time, and even what line of work you’re supposed to have.

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Compare and Contrast Essay Sample: The Giver Novel vs. Movie

In 2014, Phillip Noyce made a movie version of Lois Lowry’s novel “The Giver”. Both the book and the movie are set in a community and tell the story of a young boy named Jonas. In both versions, a man named ‘The Giver’ gives Jonas memories about snow, war, grandparents, and more. Throughout the movie version of The Giver, what Jonas goes through is very similar to what happens to him in Lowry’s novel. However the movie is slightly different from the book, they both have setting, plot , and characters. The movie is told mostly through Jonas' mind instead of narration, it ends in a different way from the book.

The novel The Giver has many similarities and differences between the movie. Later in the story, Jonas runs away and takes Gabriel and hides from the night guards and planes. In contrast Jonas runs away, goes to the nurture center to get Gabriel,  then gets chased out, he then goes off of the border on to another land. The other characters don’t show up very often and  don’t have many lines. For example Jonas’ friends Asher and Fiona the movie leaves out details about them such as what they do for training and how they are doing. The change of characters, changed the movie to all of Jonas and makes it more less interesting than the novel. In the novel, the reader discovers many things about their community and how they have to, can’t be outside at a certain time, have to tell them about their dreams every morning, and more. The movie is more focused on a single story line.

Another difference between the novel and movie of The Giver is the characters. Lowry wrote the novel with the characters at the age of twelve where they get their assignments. As in the movie the characters are around the age of eighteen however, they still have the ceremony where they get their assignments. For instance Asher (Jonas’ Friend) gets Recreation of Director in the novel, However in the movie Asher gets Drone Pilot.  Brenton Thwaites who plays Jonas in the movie, uses the actions to reveal Jonas’ thoughts. In addition, there are voice overs, such as when Jonas is looking and thinking about something. While these elements help the audience know about Jonas' character, Jonas’ feelings in the movie are way more clearer than the are in the book.

The ending of the movie version of The Giver is very different from the book. Although parts of the movie are left out of the movie.

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Comparing The Differences: The Giver Book and Movie

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