Research Paper Writing Guides

Research Paper Introduction

Last updated on: Mar 5, 2024

5 Steps to Write an Excellent Research Paper Introduction - With Examples & Tips

By: Betty P.

11 min read

Reviewed By: Rylee W.

Published on: Jan 12, 2024

How to Write an Introduction for a Research Paper

When it comes to research papers, an introduction is the first impression that you make on your readers, so it’s important to make it clear and engaging.

When writing a research paper, the introduction presents a unique challenge: A research paper introduction has to be more than just engaging. The main point of the introduction section is to present your research topic clearly and comprehensively. This becomes quite difficult if you don’t know what to include and how to structure it.

This blog will guide you through the process of writing an introduction for a research paper step-by-step. By following these steps, you will be able to write an introduction that sets the tone for your research paper and prepares your readers for what they will learn from it. 

Let’s get into it!

How to Write an Introduction for a Research Paper

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The Purpose of a Research Paper Introduction

The introduction is the first part of a research paper, where the topic is introduced, and some background and context are provided. As a writer, you need a research paper introduction that has four main goals:

  • To inform your readers about the general subject of your paper and why it is important or relevant.
  • To provide the necessary background information, your readers need to understand the topic.
  • To establish your research question and thesis statement, which are the main points and arguments of your paper.
  • To preview the main points and structure of your paper, which are the subtopics and evidence that you are going to present.

A research paper introduction is not just a summary of your paper, but a gateway to lead your readers into your specific topic. Through the introduction, you need to equip your readers with the necessary information for them to navigate and understand your research.

Characteristics of a Good Research Paper Introduction

Here are some qualities that your research paper introduction should possess:

  • It should be clear and concise, avoiding unnecessary and irrelevant details.
  • It should be engaging and interesting, using a hook or a catchy opening sentence to capture the attention of readers.
  • It should follow a clear and logical structure and transition from one idea to another.
  • It should be relevant and focused, addressing the specific purpose and scope of the paper 
  • It should convey the relevance or importance of the topic in light of existing research and discourse.
  • It should present the writer’s own voice and original perspective on the topic.

5 Steps for Writing an Excellent Research Paper Introduction

Now that you know what a research paper introduction aims to achieve, let’s get into the steps that will help you fulfill your introduction goals effectively. 

Writing your introduction step-by-step will ensure that you cover all the parts of the introduction in the research paper. These include presenting an engaging hook, providing background and context to your topic, presenting your main questions and objectives, and mentioning the structure.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Identify the Purpose and Scope of your Research Paper

Before you start writing your introduction, you need to have a clear idea of what your paper is about and what you want to achieve with it. 

That is, before you can dive into writing, you should complete all the prewriting steps, which include: 

  • Defining your topic 
  • Craft specific research problems or questions
  • Deciding the methods, techniques, and arguments that  you will address in your paper. 
  • Finally, you should have a research paper outline, so that you can describe the structure at the end of the introduction.

Writing a good introduction will only become possible if you know your research through and through.

Step 2: Introduce the Topic with an Engaging Hook

The first step of writing a research paper introduction is to capture the attention and interest of your readers. You want to make your readers curious and motivated to read your paper. 

You can do this by using a hook or a catchy opening sentence, such as a quote, a statistic, a question, a story, or a surprising fact. You can also use a rhetorical device, such as a contrast, a comparison, or a paradox, to create interest and intrigue.

Some points to keep in mind when crafting an engaging opening:

  • Keep the hook strictly relevant to your topic. 
  • It should be directly related to the main premises of your research paper

Here’s an example of an engaging opening for a research paper:

Step 3: Provide some background information and context for your topic.

After you introduce your general subject, you need to give some background information and context for your topic. 

This can include the history, significance, current state, or gaps of knowledge of your topic. The point of it is to provide the necessary and essential information readers need to know before getting into your main argument. 

You should also explain why your topic is important or relevant for your field or audience. This will help the reader situate your research work within a larger academic discourse. 

Let’s continue with the example above:

Step 4: Present your research question & objectives

Your research question is the central question that you want to answer in your paper. All of your subsequent arguments revolve around it and build up to answer that question. Your research question should be clear, concise, and specific. 

Moreover, they should also be debatable, meaning that they can be challenged or supported by evidence.

In addition to presenting your main questions in the introduction, you should also lay out your research objectives. That is, explain what you aim to achieve through this research in concrete and quantifiable terms.

Here is an example:

Step 5: Preview the main points and structure of your paper

After you present your research question and thesis statement, you need to preview the main points and structure of your paper. 

This means that you need to briefly outline the subtopics that you will cover in your research paper. You should also indicate how you will organize your paper, such as by chronological order, thematic order, or methodological order.

Let’s build upon the example from previous steps to show you how it’s done:

Research Paper Introduction Examples

Here are a few research paper introduction examples that will help put the writing steps in perspective. 

First, let us put together the introduction presented above step-by-step. Here’s the complete sample introduction:

Check out these introductions as well: 

Research papers introduction APA

Quantitative Research Introduction Example

Introduction for a Research Paper Sample

Craft Better Introductions With These Writing Tips

Following the steps and examples above will help you craft a strong and acceptable introduction. However, you can make it even better with the following tips. 

  • Create a Research Space (CARS model)

The CARS model is a framework that can help you structure your introduction, especially in STEM fields. It consists of three rhetorical steps that help you structure your introduction:

Step 1: Establish a research territory by explaining the general topic and its importance, relevance, or state of knowledge.

Step 2: Establish a niche by identifying a gap, problem, question, or challenge in the existing research on the topic.

Step 3: Occupy the niche by stating your research question, thesis statement, purpose, findings, and structure of your paper.

  • Use a Funnel Approach 

Start with a broad and general introduction of your topic, and then narrow it down to your specific research problem and thesis statement. This will help you to provide a clear and logical structure for your introduction.

  • Tailor the Introduction According to the Type of Research

Specific parts of an introduction may vary with different kinds of research. For instance, in scientific research papers, you need to provide a hypothesis instead of research questions. Similarly, in some cases, you need to provide a problem statement or focus on a research problem. 

Although the general structure of the introduction remains the same across various types and disciplines, remember that the content must be tailored accordingly. Always keep the conventions and standards of your particular field in mind when working on a research introduction.

  • Write the Introduction at the End 

Sometimes, it is easier to write the introduction after you have completed the main body and conclusion of your paper. 

This way, you will have a clear overview of your paper and its main arguments, and you can tailor your introduction accordingly. You can also avoid repeating or contradicting yourself, and ensure that your introduction matches the tone and style of your paper.

Alternatively, you can write a draft introduction to start your paper. However, you still need to come back and polish this introduction after completing the paper.

  • Revise and Edit your Introduction

After you finish writing your introduction, check it for any errors, inconsistencies, or gaps. Make sure that your introduction is coherent, concise, and complete. You can also ask for feedback from your peers, mentors, or professional editors.

Now that you have learned how to write an effective introduction, you are all set to start! With the help of the examples and tips above, you can make your introductions stand out. 

Remember, writing a good introduction can help you make a lasting impression on your readers and motivate them to read your paper. So always write it with focus and follow the steps.

If you need more help with your research paper, you can contact for professional assistance. 

We are a reliable and affordable research paper writing service that can help you with any aspect of your research paper. Whether you need help with choosing a topic, writing an introduction, or any other step, we have a team of expert writers to help you out.

So get professional paper writing help today!

Betty P.

Betty is a freelance writer and researcher. She has a Masters in literature and enjoys providing writing services to her clients. Betty is an avid reader and loves learning new things. She has provided writing services to clients from all academic levels and related academic fields.

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How to Write a Research Paper Introduction

Harish M

Ready to write a research paper but unsure where to start? Crafting an engaging introduction is key to setting the stage for your work and capturing your reader's interest. A well-written introduction provides the necessary background, defines the research problem, and highlights the significance of your study.

In this article, we'll guide you through the essential components of a compelling research paper introduction and share practical tips and examples to help you kick off your writing journey with confidence. From crafting a captivating opening statement to structuring your introduction for maximum impact, you'll learn how to create an introduction that sets the tone for a successful research paper.

Understanding the Purpose of a Research Paper Introduction

A research paper introduction serves as a roadmap for your readers, guiding them through the key aspects of your study. It should pique their interest, provide essential background information, and clearly state the research problem or question you aim to address.

Three Key Questions Your Introduction Should Answer

  • What am I writing about?
  • Why is it important?
  • What do I want the reader to know about it?

By answering these questions, you set the stage for your research and help readers understand its significance within the broader field.

Establishing Context and Defining the Research Problem

A well-crafted introduction should begin broadly, introducing the topic, then narrowing down to the focused research question or hypothesis. It should engage readers, making them eager to explore your findings and insights.

Key Components of an Effective Introduction

A compelling research paper introduction should include several key components that set the stage for your study and engage your readers. Let's explore these essential elements:

Background Information and Research Context

Provide relevant background information to contextualize your research topic. This may include:

  • Summarizing existing research and conclusions on the topic
  • Connecting your study to current issues or debates in the field
  • Identifying gaps or problems in previous research that your study aims to address

By establishing the research context, you demonstrate your awareness of the field and position your own approach within the larger scholarly conversation.

Research Problem, Objectives, and Questions

Clearly define the specific research problem or question your paper addresses. This is the core of your introduction and should be stated concisely and precisely.

Emphasize the importance and relevance of your research problem, explaining why it needs to be addressed and how it contributes to the field.

Scope, Limitations, and Methodology

Outline the scope of your research, specifying what your study will and will not cover. Acknowledge any limitations or constraints that may affect your findings.

Briefly introduce your research methodology, providing an overview of the approaches, techniques, or data sources you will use to address your research problem.

By including these key components, you create a roadmap for your readers, guiding them through the essential aspects of your study and setting the stage for the rest of your paper.

Crafting a Captivating Opening Statement

Your research paper introduction is your first chance to make a lasting impression on your readers. A captivating opening statement should not only introduce your topic but also grab the reader's attention and provide a brief overview of your research [15]. Consider these strategies for crafting an engaging opening:

Hook Your Readers

  • Start with a thought-provoking question or a surprising fact related to your research topic.
  • Use a relevant quote or anecdote to illustrate the importance of your study.
  • Highlight a current event or real-world problem that your research addresses.

Set the Stage

After capturing your readers' attention, provide a brief overview of your research topic and its significance. This sets the stage for your study and helps readers understand the broader context of your work. Be specific and informative, avoiding generic introductory phrases [16].

Narrow Down to Your Research Focus

Begin with a broad introduction to your topic, then gradually narrow down to your focused research question or hypothesis. This funnel approach helps guide readers from the general context to the specific focus of your study, making it easier for them to follow your line of reasoning.

By crafting a captivating opening statement that hooks your readers, sets the stage for your research, and narrows down to your specific focus, you'll create an engaging and informative introduction that sets the tone for a compelling research paper.

Establishing the Research Context and Background

Establishing the research context and background is crucial for setting the stage and providing readers with the necessary information to understand the significance of your study. A well-crafted background section should follow a logical sequence, starting with a brief overview of the research topic and its importance in the field.

Highlighting Gaps and Unresolved Issues

  • Identify the gaps in existing knowledge or unresolved issues that your study aims to address.
  • Summarize key findings from relevant literature to establish the context and rationale for conducting the research.
  • Explain how your study contributes to filling these gaps or resolving the identified issues.

By highlighting the gaps and unresolved issues, you demonstrate the novelty and relevance of your research, making it clear why your study is needed and how it advances the field.

Providing Essential Context

When providing context, maintain a balance between offering essential information and appealing to a broader audience. Avoid ambiguity, unrelated themes, and poor organization to ensure that your background section is engaging and easy to follow.

Defining the Research Objectives and Questions

Defining clear research objectives and questions is crucial for guiding your study and providing a roadmap for your introduction. Research objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) statements that define the scope and direction of your research. They differ from research questions, which are broad statements that guide the overall direction of the research, and hypotheses, which are predictive theories expressed in general terms.

To craft effective research objectives, follow these steps:

  • Identify the research problem and gaps in existing knowledge
  • Review past studies on similar subjects
  • Define the research question(s)
  • Revise and relate the research problem based on the defined question(s) and identified gaps
  • Describe the step-by-step detail of the concept
  • Indicate the intention regarding the agenda of the paper
  • Focus on the research itself and define the specific aims of the study

Examples of Research Objectives

  • Identifying the antiviral chemical constituents in a plant
  • Assessing employee perceptions of digital transformation in retail HR
  • Evaluating the potential application of AI techniques for estimating best-corrected visual acuity
  • Investigating whether sport influences psychological parameters in the personality of asthmatic children

Structuring Your Introduction for Maximum Impact

When it comes to structuring your research paper introduction for maximum impact, consider using the CARS (Create a Research Space) Model as a framework]. This model helps you organize your introduction in a logical and engaging manner, guiding readers through the key aspects of your study.

The CARS Model: A Three-Step Approach

  • Provide background information and context for your research topic
  • Highlight the importance and relevance of the subject matter
  • Cite relevant literature to support your claims
  • Identify gaps or unresolved issues in the existing research
  • Explain how your study addresses these gaps or problems
  • Emphasize the novelty and significance of your approach
  • State your research objectives, questions, or hypotheses
  • Briefly outline your methodology and approach
  • Preview the main findings or arguments of your paper

Keep in mind that the specific structure of your introduction may vary depending on the type of research paper you're writing. For example, an empirical research paper may require a more detailed methodology section, while an argumentative paper may focus more on engaging with various sources and perspectives.

By following the CARS Model and tailoring your introduction to the specific needs of your research paper, you can create a well-structured and impactful introduction that sets the stage for a compelling study.

Writing a compelling research paper introduction is essential for engaging your readers and setting the stage for your study. By understanding the purpose of the introduction, incorporating key components, and structuring it effectively, you can create a roadmap that guides readers through your research and highlights its significance.

As you embark on your research journey, remember to craft a captivating opening statement, establish the research context and background, define clear objectives and questions, and follow the CARS Model for maximum impact. With these tips and examples in mind, you'll be well-equipped to write an introduction that captures your readers' attention and sets the tone for a successful research paper.

1. What is the best way to begin an introduction in a research paper? 

To start an introduction for a research paper effectively, begin with a broad overview of the topic. Then, provide general background information, gradually narrowing down to specific background research. Conclude with a focused research question, hypothesis, or thesis statement, moving from a general overview to specific details.

2. How should examples be introduced in a research paper? 

When introducing examples in a research paper, it is crucial to judiciously provide evidence where necessary. Use phrases that clearly explain how the evidence supports your argument. Emphasize your point by highlighting a specific situation to make your example more impactful.

3. What are the five essential parts of a research paper introduction? 

According to Creswell, a strong introduction in a research paper should include five key components: (a) establishing the problem that led to the study, (b) reviewing the literature related to the problem, (c) identifying gaps in the literature, (d) targeting an audience and outlining the significance of the problem for them, and (e) highlighting the importance of addressing these gaps.

4. How can one craft an effective introductory sentence? 

To write a compelling introductory sentence, keep it concise and straightforward. Introduce an unexpected element to grab attention, and avoid repeating the title. Incorporate the word "you" to engage directly with the readers. Clearly outline what will follow in the text, explain the importance of the article, address a concern or problem that the readers might have, and be cautious when using stories to ensure they add value to the point being made.

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How To Write an Introduction for a Research Paper

Posted by Rene Tetzner | Jul 20, 2021 | Paper Writing Advice | 0 |

How To Write an Introduction for a Research Paper

Expert Advice on How To Write an Introduction for a Research Paper It may be that determining exactly how to write an introduction for a research paper is often so notoriously difficult simply because an introduction constitutes the beginning of a paper, and beginnings should, if at all possible, be just right. This is certainly the case with the introduction to a research paper, which can effectively engage, bore or even repel readers within a few paragraphs or even a few sentences. The ingredients that add up to success are not always obvious, however, and in most fields of study disciplinary conventions, publisher guidelines and mentor instructions can shape an introduction as much as the research topic itself does. Learning how to write an introduction for a research paper therefore means not only learning how to convey the nature and importance of your research, but also learning about the relevant conventions, guidelines and instructions and how they should be applied to your introduction.

The opening sentence tends to be a matter of particularly serious concern for authors who are planning how to write an introduction for a research paper. In fact, that first sentence can hold up the entire show, so to speak, as a researcher struggles with an introductory statement, idea, situation, quotation, anecdote or some other effective means of addressing the anticipated audience, engaging readers, announcing the topic under investigation, setting the stage for the research problem and making good use of the keywords that appear in the paper’s title. An excellent opening sentence can achieve all these things and more, but such a sentence may only be attainable once the rest of the paper is drafted and the author knows exactly what the paper contains and precisely what direction the main argument took. That is why many academics and scientists believe that writing the introduction after the rest of the paper has been drafted is an effective approach to how to write an introduction for a research paper. A particularly efficient strategy is to begin by constructing a detailed outline for the introduction with notes about required facts, ideas and other material. The author can then use this outline to move forward with the writing process, adding information to the outline as the work proceeds and ultimately returning to draft the introduction after the other sections have taken shape.

how to write an intro to a research essay

Selecting the introductory material and organising its presentation are vital aspects of how to write an introduction for a research paper. The guidelines provided by a journal or instructor may offer advice on recommended contents for introductions, and in some cases these might be very specific indeed, but if such instructions are lacking, reading successful research papers in your field that have contents similar to or closely related to your topic should give you an idea of appropriate introductory material. Generally speaking, careful attention to the following kinds of information will prove essential for deciding how to write an introduction for a research paper: • Context and background so that readers can understand the current situation and the research problem. Such material may be very short and to the point or extremely long and detailed, but anchoring your work in time and place as well as in your discipline is advisable. • A clear explanation of exactly what the research problem is and why investigating it is a valuable and necessary task. Explicit articulation of the problem and its impact will interest readers and help clarify the value, objectives and implications of the research. • A brief summary of the most relevant published scholarship. The goal is to reveal the current state of knowledge and any neglected areas, unproved assumptions, misconceptions, gaps or other weaknesses that necessitate the new research and its contributions to understanding and practice. • Some indication of the methods that will be used and why. Like the summary of scholarship, this part should be very brief (with detailed discussion saved for the Methods section) and the primary point should be to offer a justifiable rationale for your research approaches. • Questions and hypotheses developed from the research problem and your plan to examine it via specific methods. Research questions and hypotheses are not always necessary, but they can provide focus and are a common aspect of how to write an introduction for a research paper in the sciences. • Definitions and explanations of any theories, concepts, terms and abbreviations with which your anticipated audience may not be familiar. Some guidelines on how to write an introduction for a research paper will want definitions listed separately and most will request that authors avoid jargon altogether. • A summary or outline of the structure of the rest of the paper. This often appears as a few sentences or an entire paragraph at the end of the introduction, but information on what is to come can be offered to readers at any appropriate point in the introduction.

Expert advice about how to write an introduction for a research paper often recommends that these types of information appear more or less in the order I have listed them here, but they can be arranged differently for an effective presentation as long as the structure observes the relevant guidelines for how to write an introduction for a research paper. Keep in mind, however, that the information categories I have listed here are interrelated, so there is a tendency for such material to overlap and become entangled as an introduction is drafted. This can contribute to a gradual and sophisticated development of a research paper’s argument, but it is essential to avoid unnecessary repetition, maintain accuracy and clarity, and strive for a writing style that is formal, professional, authoritative and grammatically correct. Proofreading and editing are therefore indispensible aspects of how to write an introduction for a research paper that will engage readers and encourage them to read on.

how to write an intro to a research essay

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