11.1 An Introduction to Human Resource Management

  • What has been the evolution of human resource management (HRM) over the years, and what is the current value it provides to an organization?

Human resource management over the years has served many purposes within an organization. From its earliest inception as a primarily compliance-type function, it has further expanded and evolved into its current state as a key driver of human capital development. In the book HR From the Outside In (Ulrich, Younger, Brockbank, Younger, 2012), the authors describe the evolution of HR work in “waves”. 1 Wave 1 focused on the administrative work of HR personnel, such as the terms and conditions of work, delivery of HR services, and regulatory compliance. This administrative side still exists in HR today, but it is often accomplished differently via technology and outsourcing solutions. The quality of HR services and HR’s credibility came from the ability to run administrative processes and solve administrative issues effectively. Wave 2 focused on the design of innovative HR practice areas such as compensation, learning, communication, and sourcing. The HR professionals in these practice areas began to interact and share with each other to build a consistent approach to human resource management. The HR credibility in Wave 2 came from the delivery of best-practice HR solutions.

Wave 3 HR, over the last 15–20 years or so, has focused on the integration of HR strategy with the overall business strategy. Human resources appropriately began to look at the business strategy to determine what HR priorities to work on and how to best use resources. HR began to be a true partner to the business, and the credibility of HR was dependent upon HR having a seat at the table when the business was having strategic discussions. In Wave 4, HR continues to be a partner to the business, but has also become a competitive practice for responding to external business conditions. HR looks outside their organizations to customers, investors, and communities to define success—in the form of customer share, investor confidence, and community reputation. HR’s credibility is thus defined in terms of its ability to support and drive these external metrics. Although each “wave” of HR’s evolution is important and must be managed effectively, it is the “outside in” perspective that allows the human resource management function to shine via the external reputation and successes of the organization.

Catching the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Human resources outsourcing—entrepreneurial ventures.

Human resources is a key function within any company, but not all companies are able to afford or justify full-time HR staff. Over the last decade, HR outsourcing has become a good business decision for many small companies whose current staff doesn’t have the bandwidth or expertise to take on the risks of employee relations issues, benefits and payroll, or HR compliance responsibilities. This has led many HR practitioners to try out their entrepreneurial skills in the areas of HR outsourcing and “fractional HR.”

Human resources outsourcing is very commonly used by smaller companies (and often large companies too) to cover such tasks as benefits and payroll management. This is an area that has been outsourced to third parties for many years. More recent is the trend to have “fractional HR” resources to help with the daily/weekly/monthly HR compliance, employee relations, and talent management issues that companies need to address. Fractional HR is a growing industry, and it has become the service offering of many entrepreneurial HR ventures. Fractional HR is essentially as it sounds—it is the offering of HR services to a company on a part-time or intermittent basis when the company may not be able to justify the cost of a full-time HR resource. An HR professional can be available onsite for a specified number of hours or days weekly or monthly, depending on the company’s needs and budget. The HR professional handles everything from HR compliance issues and training to employee issues support. Also, for companies that are keen on development of employees, the HR resource can drive the talent management processes—such as performance management, succession planning, training, and development—for companies who require more than just basic HR compliance services.

How does a business leader decide whether HR outsourcing is needed? There are generally two factors that drive a leader to consider fractional HR or HR outsourcing—time and risk. If a leader is spending too much time on HR issues and employee relations, he may decide that it is a smart tradeoff to outsource these tasks to a professional. In addition, the risk inherent in some HR issues can be very great, so the threat of having a lawsuit or feeling that the company is exposed can lead the company to seek help from a fractional HR professional.

HR entrepreneurs have taken full advantage of this important trend, which many say will likely continue as small companies grow and large companies decide to off-load HR work to third parties. Some HR companies offer fractional HR as part of their stated HR services, in addition to payroll and benefits support, compensation, and other HR programmatic support. Having a fractional HR resource in place will often illuminate the need for other HR services and program builds, which are generally supported by those same companies. Whether you are an individual HR practitioner or have a small company of HR practitioners and consultants, fractional HR and HR outsourcing can be a very viable and financially rewarding business model. It can also be very personally rewarding, as the HR professional enables smaller companies to grow and thrive, knowing that its HR compliance and processes are covered.

  • What do you believe is contributing to the growth of the fractional HR and HR outsourcing trend? Do you expect this trend to continue?
  • At what point should a company consider bringing on a full-time HR resource instead of using a fractional HR resource? What questions should the company ask itself?

Human resource management provides value to an organization, to a large extent, via its management of the overall employee life cycle that employees follow—from hiring and onboarding, to performance management and talent development, all the way through to transitions such as job change and promotion, to retirement and exit. Human capital is a key competitive advantage to companies, and those who utilize their human resource partners effectively to drive their human capital strategy will reap the benefits.

Human resource management includes the leadership and facilitation of the following key life cycle process areas:

  • Human resources compliance
  • Employee selection, hiring, and onboarding
  • Performance management
  • Compensation rewards and benefits
  • Talent development and succession planning

Human resources is responsible for driving the strategy and policies in these areas to be in accordance with and in support of the overall business strategy. Each of these areas provides a key benefit to the organization and impacts the organization’s value proposition to its employees.

Concept Check

  • How has the function of human resource management evolved over the years?
  • In what way do you usually interact with human resources?

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  • Authors: David S. Bright, Anastasia H. Cortes
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Principles of Management
  • Publication date: Mar 20, 2019
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/principles-management/pages/1-introduction
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The Borgen Project

Topic 1: Introduction to Human Resources Management

introduction for human resource assignment

Human Resource Management was originally known as personnel or people management. In the past, its role was quite limited. Within any company or organization, HRM is a formal way of managing people. It is a fundamental part of any organization and its management.

The main responsibilities of the personnel department include hiring, evaluating, training, and compensation of employees. The human resources department deals with any issues facing the staff in their working capacity within an organization. HR is concerned with specific work practices and how they affect the organization’s performance.

Today, Human Resources Management deals with:

  • Anything related to managing people within a company or organization. This means decisions, strategies, principles, operations, practices, functions, activities, and the methods used to manage employees.
  • The type of relationships people have in their places of employment and anything that affects those relationships in a positive or negative way.
  • Ensuring that employees are satisfied with the conditions of their employment. This leads to better services and production of goods and helps the company’s success.

When we talk about human resources in a business situation it means the workforce, i.e., the employees of a company and what skills and energy they bring. This includes any ideas, creativity, knowledge, and talents that employees bring with them and use to help the organization be successful. In other words, the resources a person has or the knowledge and experience developed over the years.

HRM focuses on bringing in (recruiting) new employees with new talents for the company and managing employees. Another function is to guide and help said employees by providing direction when necessary. In a large organization, with a lot of people, it is important to have a department that specifically focuses on staff issues. These issues are things like hiring, performance management, organizational development, training, occupational health and safety, motivation incentives, communication, workplace culture, and environment.

Human Resource Management is now a vital part of any organization. Every company or organization is required to have this department. It helps with increasing the morale of workers by working on relations between employees and their employers and constantly striving to make them better. The HR department also provides any support employees need to assist them improve their performance.

The HRM function extends to assessing the productivity and/or success of every department in an organization or business. It assists each department and helps them improve their work. It also intervenes

when necessary to help solve any problems that might arise with regards to employees’ work. Getting better results from the company’s workers is another job of HRM.

When a business has valuable, rare, and/or unique human resources it will always have a competitive advantage over other similar organizations.

Below are the criteria used in Human Resource Management – when using these effectively, a company can make an impact in its particular field.

– Value Building : People who try hard to decrease costs and to provide a service or product unique to customers, can increase their own value as employees and that of the company. Organizations also use empowerment programs, quality initiatives, and strive for continual improvement in order to increase the value that employees bring to the company.

– Rarity : When the skills, knowledge, and abilities of employees are not equally available to all companies in the same field, the company that has these people, has a very strong advantage. This is why top companies endeavor to hire and train the best and the brightest employees. This way they gain advantage over their competitors. In some cases, companies will even go to court to stop other organizations from taking away their valued employees. This proves that some companies have clearly identified the value and the uniqueness of certain employees.

– Incomparability : Employees give their companies competitive advantage when their capabilities and contributions cannot be reproduced by others. That is, the knowledge and skills that they bring to the organization are unique and not easily found elsewhere. Certain corporations such as Disney, Southwest Airlines, and Whole Foods have, over the years, developed very distinctive cultures that get the most from employees. These cultures are difficult for other organizations to imitate. Southwest Airlines, for example, rewards the employees who perform well. It is also able to maintain employees’ loyalty through offering free airfares and profit sharing in the company.

– Organized work force : People with unique talents can help a company achieve a competitive advantage when they can easily be reassigned to work on new projects without much notice. In order for this to happen teamwork and co-operation are needed and the creation of an organized system.

The criteria above show the importance of people power and also the link between human resources management and performance management. Many high-functioning organizations now know that their success depends on the knowledge and skills of their employees, or, their human capital. Human capital is aligned with the economic value of employees with the right knowledge, skills, and abilities. Their knowledge and skills have economic value. Managing human capital properly is imperative for any organization wanting to maintain a competitive advantage. In some ways it is the most important part of an organization’s human resource function.

The Objectives of HRM

The objectives of HRM are the goals of an organization. Individual or group activities are then organized in such a way so as to achieve those objectives or goals. Organizations and companies aim to secure and manage certain resources, including human resources, to achieve the specified goals.

Human resources must therefore be managed in a way that uses their resources to achieve the organizational objectives/goals. Basically, the objectives of HRM come from and contribute to achieving organizational objectives.

Objectives of HRM:

  • To establish and use a workforce that is able and motivated, in order to achieve the goals of an organization.
  • To create the desirable organizational structure and working relationships among all the members of the organization.
  • To integrate individuals and/or groups within the company by matching their goals with those of the company.
  • To ensure individuals and groups have the right opportunities to develop and grow with the organization.
  • To use what human resources a company has in the most effective way to achieve organizational goals.
  • To ensure wages are fair and adequate and provide incentives and benefits thereby satisfying both individuals and groups. Also, to ensure ways of allowing recognition for challenging work, prestige, security and status.
  • To have continual high employee morale and good human relations by establishing and improving conditions and facilities within the organization.
  • To improve the human assets by providing appropriate training programs on a continual basis.
  • To try to effect socio-economic change in areas such as unemployment, under-employment and inequality by distributing income and wealth. This way society can benefit. Added employment opportunities for women and the disadvantaged will also be impacted in a positive way.
  • To offer opportunities for expression.
  • To ensure that the organizational leadership works in a fair, acceptable and efficient manner.
  • To ensure a good working atmosphere and employment stability by having proper facilities and working conditions.

Functions of Human Resource Management (HRM)

Human resource management must plan, develop, and administer policies and programs that can make the best use of an organization’s human resources. This is the part of management’s role which deals with people at work and their relationships within the organization. Its aims are:

  • To use human resources as effectively as possible;
  • To ensure the best possible working relationships among all members of the organization; and
  • To assist individuals to reach their highest potential.

introduction for human resource assignment

In Human Resource Management, there are four major areas:

  • Employee development, and
  • Employee maintenance.

These four areas and any associated functions share a common aim. That is to have enough competent employees with the skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience needed to achieve further organizational objectives. Each human resource function (above) can be appointed to one of the four areas of personnel responsibility but there are also other functions that are designed for different purposes. For example, performance evaluation processes provide a stimulus and guide employee development. They are valuable for salary administration purposes also. The purpose of the compensation function is as a stimulus to keep valuable employees and also to attract potential employees. Below is a description of the typical human resource functions

Human Resource Planning

The human resource planning function serves to determine the number and type of employees needed to achieve the company’s goals. Research is performed in this function because planning requires information to be collected and analyzed for the forecasting of human resource supplies and the prediction of future human resource needs. Staffing and employee development are key human resource planning strategies.

Job Analysis

Job analysis is deciding on the job description and the human requirements that are needed for said job. The job description should include the skills and experience needed to perform the job. A job description clearly sets out work duties and activities that employees will be expected to perform. Job descriptions are essential because the information they provide to employees, managers, and personnel people influences personnel programs and practices.

Recruitment and selection of human resources (people) is what staffing is mostly concerned with. Human resource planning and recruiting is done before selecting people for positions. Recruiting is the personnel function of finding and hiring the best qualified applicants to fill job vacancies.

The selection function is used to choose the most qualified applicants for hiring from those attracted to the organization by the recruiting function. During the selection process, human resource staff are involved in assisting managers to decide which applicants to select for the given jobs and which ones to reject.


Orientation is done in order to introduce a new employee to the new job and the employer. It is a way for new employees to get to know more intimate aspects of their job, including pay and benefits, working hours, and company policies and expectations.

Training and Development

Training and development is used as a means of providing employees with the skills and knowledge to do their jobs well. It must be provided to all employees. In addition to providing training for new or inexperienced employees, organizations often provide training for experienced employees as well. This may be because their jobs are undergoing change or the company needs them to work more effectively. Development programs are also done to equip employees for higher level responsibilities. Training and development programs are ways of making sure that employees can handle the stresses of their jobs and perform well.

Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is an evaluation of an employee and his/her performance to make sure that said employee is working well and at acceptable levels. Human resource personnel are usually responsible for developing appraisal systems. The actual assessment of employee performance is done by supervisors and managers. Performance appraisal is necessary because the results of the appraisal can be used to motivate and guide employees’ performance. It also provides a basis for pay, promotions, and any disciplinary action if necessary.

Career Planning

Career planning is a process where an employee explores his/her interests and abilities and strategically works towards job goals. It has come about partly because many employees’ feel the need to grow in their jobs and to advance in their careers.


It is the HR department that determines how much employees should be paid for certain jobs using a system of assessment. Compensation costs companies a lot so it is something that needs serious attention in the human resource planning stage. Compensation affects staffing because people generally want to work for an organization that offers more pay in exchange for the work done. It provides an important motivation for employees to achieve more in their jobs and reach higher levels. As such, it is related to employee development.

Work benefits are also referred to as fringe benefits. They are non-wage compensation that employees get in addition to their usual wages. Benefits are legally required items but employers can also more at their discretion. The cost of benefits is so high that they have become a huge consideration in human

resources planning. Benefits are mostly related to the maintenance area because they provide for many basic employee needs.

Labor Relations

Labor relations relates to the practice of managing employees who are members of a union. Unions provide employees with strength in numbers and have representatives who can advocate on their behalf if necessary, to deal with any discrepancies in pay, benefits, working conditions, and other work aspects. HR personnel are responsible for negotiating with unions and resolving any disputes.


Record-keeping is essential and the most basic function of HR. Recording, maintaining and retrieving employee information when needed is done by the HR personnel. The type of records kept are related to the employees and include employment history, resumes, medical records, promotions, transfers, working hours, and lateness, etc. Keeping records up-to-date is a vital HR function. Employees today want to know what is in their personnel records and why certain things are there or not there.

Personnel records provide the following:

a) Up-to-date information about employees.

b) Procedures for comparing employees and their work to other employees.

c) Procedures for recruiting new employees, e.g. by showing the rates of pay.

d) Record of previous action taken regarding employees.

e) Statistics which check and guide personnel policies.

f) Information regarding legal requirements and how to comply with them.

Personnel Research

Research activities are an essential function of HR personnel. Research is done with the aim of obtaining personnel specific information in order to develop programs that work for an organization. Planning and reviewing are vital. Areas, such as recruitment, employee turnover, training, and terminations are all important areas to be researched. Employee opinions are also very important and can be obtained through surveys about wages, promotions, welfare services, conditions, job security and the like.

Even though research is so important, many companies neglect it because personnel people are too busy dealing with other more immediate problems.

Research is not done to deal with problems but to prevent them from occurring in the first place. The responsibility for research lies initially with the HR department but line supervisors and executives at all levels of management should assist. Trade unions and other organizations can give some assistance also and it should be made use of.

HR functions also include managing change, introducing new technology, innovation and diversity. Regular social audits of HR functions are necessary because of the large role HR plays within any organization. HR’s ultimate goal is to provide a link between the organization and the employees because the organization needs employees’ commitment. Employees need to be made aware of things like sales growth, restructuring plans, sharp price movements and any challenges facing the country and their organization in particular. This can be done by videos, films, lectures and booklets.

The main responsibilities of a human resource manager are:

– To fully develop knowledge of corporate culture, plans and policies.

– To initiate change where necessary and act as a facilitator.

– To actively participate in formulating company strategy.

– To be a consultant to change.

– To ensure communication remains open between the HR department and individuals and groups inside and outside the organization.

– To identify and advance HR strategies that match the company’s business strategy.

– To develop particular organizational teams and assist in the effective working relationships between the teams and individuals.

– To ensure the organization’s goals are achieved by effective co-operation of employees.

– To identify any problems, particularly in the HR area, and to find effective solutions.

– To contribute to the co-ordination and support services for HRD programs.

– To assess the effectiveness of HRD programs and to do research in order to find out how the HRD has affected (improved or otherwise) individual or organizational performance.

Pat McLagan is an award-winning author, speaker and coach of leadership development and management. She has identified nine new roles of HR.

  • To bring the issues and trends concerning an organization’s external and internal people to the attention of decision-makers, and to recommend long-term strategies to support organizational excellence and endurance.
  • To design and prepare HR systems and actions for implementation so that they can produce maximum impact on organizational performance and development.
  • To facilitate the development and implementation of strategies for transforming one’s own organization by pursuing values and visions.
  • To create the smoothest flow of products and services to customers; to ensure the best and most flexible use of resources and competencies; and to create commitment among the people who help us to meet customers’ needs whether those people work directly for the organization or not.
  • To identify learning needs and then design and develop structured learning programs and materials to help accelerate learning for individuals and groups.
  • To help individuals and groups work in new situations and to expand and change their views so that people in power can participate in leadership.
  • To help people assess their competencies, values, and goals so that they can identify, plan, and implement development actions.
  • To assist individuals to add value in the workplace and to focus on the interventions and interpersonal skills for helping people change and sustain change.
  • To assess HRD practices and programs and their impact and to communicate results so that the organization and its people accelerate their change and development.

In recent years, Human Resource Management has received increasing attention. Its importance has been recognized and its role has changed from the traditional personnel management role to a more human resource management role.

introduction for human resource assignment

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HR Mavericks

Human Resources (Intro to HR)

Wendy N. Kelly, MSHRM, PHR, SHRM-CP

What Is Human Resources (HR)?

"It requires more than being a good "people person"—the passion comes from wanting to create a positive employee experience for everyone in the office. . . . If you want to help people look forward to Monday morning, then come join the best profession." — Ryan Archibald

The History of HR

How is hr changing.

  • Health and wellness. Now more than ever employees are taking measures to live a healthier lifestyle and HR will have to find more ways for the organization to support its employees. For example, organizations could provide mental health services, or flexible work schedules to encourage employee health.
  • Laws and regulations. Post pandemic, we have seen an influx of new laws and regulations, such as vaccine mandates. These mandates are impacting the workplace; as HR grapples with recruiting and retaining talent. Requests for reasonable accommodations and religious exemptions have spiked. Therefore; it is imperative for HR professionals to stay abreast as to what is happening within the industry. .
  • Great resignation. The fight for talent continues, and employees are demanding more. In the past, organizations provided employees the benefits typically without any input, now that the tides are shifting HR will need to determine what benefits employees are wanting and how it aligns with the organization's goals.
  • Engagement. Now that the workforce is shifting to a remote work environment, HR will need to become more creative in keeping its remote employees engaged while maintaining a positive company culture.

Why Is HR an Important Part of Every Business?

Strategic management.

“Find a mentor on the business side. The best HR professionals are the ones that understand the business and can align with HR solutions.” — Katie Dykstra

Wages and Salaries

Benefits administration, mitigating liability issues, training and development, employee satisfaction.

"Human Resources is about the Humans. There is an old stereotype that HR was there to just push papers and make sure the company didn't get sued. Which, partly true, we do a lot of documentation management to help companies not get sued. But we do that by making sure that the company is being fair and treating all employees equally.” — Heather Anderson SHRM-CP

Recruiting and Onboarding

Maintaining compliance, what does an hr department do.

“HR is a challenging yet extremely rewarding career … My advice for early career professionals would be to create a career plan that articulates: what are your assets, what are your aspirations, and what does the market need? When those three sync up it provides clarity to where you should spend your time.” — Kiy Watts, former VP of people and culture for the Atlanta Hawks

Human Resources Planning

  • Strategic Direction – Understanding key mission goals and future objectives set by organization leadership and how the workforce needs to be aligned to achieve them.
  • Supply Analysis – Understanding the current workforce and how it is projected to change over time, due to attrition and other trends.
  • Demand Analysis – Understanding the organization's current and future workforce requirements.
  • Gap Analysis — Understanding the gaps between workforce demand and supply and defining top priority gaps with the greatest impact on organizational performance.
  • Solution Implementation — The appropriate workforce interventions and activities to close identified workforce gaps and enable your organization to meet its strategic goals.
  • Monitoring progress — Monitoring the performance of solutions and their impact on the gaps they were designed to address, and continuously improving the solutions to maximize their effectiveness .

Recruitment and Selection

Performance management, career planning, different roles within hr, workplace safety, talent management, how does hr support employees, creativity and innovation, how to know if hr is the career for you.

  • You care about people
  • You enjoy strategizing
  • You handle conflict well
  • You enjoy variety

Career Path

"The experience that you have working as a compensation specialist at a large firm will be very different from being an HR department of one at a small start-up. . . . Are you looking at doing more strategic HR or are you wanting to be in the weeds of paperwork and day-to-day HR tasks? Each career path in HR is very different!" — Chris Ruddy

Wendy N. Kelly, MSHRM, PHR, SHRM-CP

Wendy N. Kelly, MSHRM, PHR, SHRM-CP


Eddy’s HR Mavericks Encyclopedia

Wendy N. Kelly, MSHRM, PHR, SHRM-CP

  • Eddy Overview
  • People Management
  • Time Tracking
  • Training Tracking
  • HR Encyclopedia
  • HR Mavericks Podcast
  • Help Center
  • Contact Support

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Human Resource Management

(24 reviews)

introduction for human resource assignment

Copyright Year: 2016

ISBN 13: 9781946135117

Publisher: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing

Language: English

Formats Available

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Learn more about reviews.

Reviewed by Steve Custer, Professor, Oakland City University on 11/17/23

This text covered a wide range of HR competencies. At first, I was not expecting to find such a comprehensive text, particularly in light of the fact that the copyright was 2016 - well before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, I was pleasantly... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

This text covered a wide range of HR competencies. At first, I was not expecting to find such a comprehensive text, particularly in light of the fact that the copyright was 2016 - well before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, I was pleasantly surprised and found the material to cover the subject matter quite well.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

I found the text to contain a high degree of accuracy in addressing the fundamental elements of human resource management inherent to most organizations.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

Aside from some name changes in functional areas that have occurred in recent years (safety and health to risk management, compensation and benefits to total rewards, training and development to learning and development - just to name a few), the essence of the content remains pertinent to today's organizational culture.

Clarity rating: 5

This text was easy to read and should be very understandable to both undergraduate and graduate students in either traditional or adult learner formats.

Consistency rating: 5

The text was consistent in its definitions of the functional areas of HRM and in the resources provided.

Modularity rating: 5

It would be very reasonable to devise a schedule of learning activities from the contents of this text.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

This material is grouped in a logical fashion and could be tailored to fit a variety of course delivery options.

Interface rating: 5

This reader did not experience any issues in this regard.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

This reader did not note any grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The text places a priority on respecting diversity and devotes significant coverage to this important realm.

As a certified HR professional, I found this text helpful in guiding students to a greater understanding of human resource management.

introduction for human resource assignment

Reviewed by Sungdoo Kim, Associate Professor, Northeastern Illinois University on 5/9/23

It covers all major HR topics. It even includes chapters on communication and motivation that are not typically included in traditional HRM textbooks. One issue, though, it is too lean on some major topics like job analysis, HR planning, benefits,... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

It covers all major HR topics. It even includes chapters on communication and motivation that are not typically included in traditional HRM textbooks. One issue, though, it is too lean on some major topics like job analysis, HR planning, benefits, pay policy, incentive (pay for contribution).

I do not see any issues in accuracy.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 2

I think the biggest issue with this book is the content update. As the role of HR is complying with and adapting to rapidly changing work environment like new legislations, new developments in training and staffing, etc., it is critical that HR book needs to be updated frequently. That being said, given so many benefits open books can offer students, I think instructors can supply up-to-date knowledge through separate materials (exercise, cases, assignments, news articles), supplementing the book.

The book is written in an easy to understanding manner with many real-world examples. Those who have a difficulty understanding traditional textbook would have a better time with this book as it focuses less on abstract concepts but more on practical use of those concepts.

Yes, this book is well organized from the start to the end, starting with the broad overview of HRM and trends to end with topics such as labor relations and international HR which is typical in other HRM textbooks. The book is consistent across all the chapters in terms of its components (topic discussions, key takeaway, cases, and team activity).

Each chapter consists of several sub units that are well fit together and help readers understand the topic in a step-by-step manner. At the end of each chapter, key takeaway section looks like a good wrap-up and the cases and team activity assignments are very useful in teaching students hands-on knowledge.

Each chapter is presented in a logical, clear fashion.

Interface rating: 4

I do not see any glaring issues on this, though I think they may use more images to illustrate hear and there.

No grammatical errors noticed.

No issues on this aspect. Actually, this book, unlike other traditional HRM books spend more space on diversity and multiculturalism (see ch.3).

Reviewed by Robert Eliason, Lecturer, James Madison University on 4/12/23

This professionally prepared textbook offers a wide overview of the management of Human Resources. Although over 10 years old, the book is up-to-date enough to serve as a primary textbook or a supplemental resource for a Human Resource Management... read more

This professionally prepared textbook offers a wide overview of the management of Human Resources. Although over 10 years old, the book is up-to-date enough to serve as a primary textbook or a supplemental resource for a Human Resource Management class. This text covers a wide range of topics in the Human Resource Management field. Created as a published textbook, it has examples, illustrations, pictures, graphs, and charts to enhance the content. It generally covers tests, assessments, and software but does not go into specific tools in these areas. The text fails to provide an index or glossary.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

The overall content is high quality and free of errors. It has a quality fitting a professional textbook in the HRM field. Being over a decade old, it does not reflect Generation Z or many minority groups in society.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 3

The text was written in 2011 with a publishing edition in 2016. The publisher does not want to receive attribution. Updates and improvements are not likely. The content remains basically sound but fails to include any content from the last decade. Additional content could easily be added and fit into the framework provided.

Clarity rating: 4

The text does contain a large amount of technical language that is well defined and easily understood. Key terms are bolded but the text is not consistent in providing definitions nor is there a directory of key terms with definitions.

As a professionally constructed textbook, it is well organized with chapters that are all structured on the same order, layout, and boxes.

The text is structured with defined chapters and subchapters allowing the content to be delivered in any order desired. Each chapter is followed by cases and problems related to that chapter. The text provides a summary at the end of each chapter.

The chapters do flow in an acceptable structure that has special topics at the front, follows employee paths from recruitment to termination, and then adds additional topics at the end. It could have been structured better if it gathered relevant topics together. The text does make it easy to assign chapters in a more logical order.

Links to videos mostly work. Clearly the book was created as a printed text so navigation within the text does not work. Links to other sections in the text do not work in the PDF version.

The text contains no grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 3

The text does discuss diversity and multiculturalism. The photos throughout the book largely portray white males and females in workplace settings.

This textbook would work well as a supplemental source or as a primary text if you add additional content to bring it up-to-date.

Reviewed by Donala Kawaauhau, Associate Professor, Hawaii Community College on 12/12/22

The text covers all topics associated with the appropriate performance of a Human Resource Manager. It also introduces the reader to additional elements associated with strategic planning and performance focused on legal compliance. read more

The text covers all topics associated with the appropriate performance of a Human Resource Manager. It also introduces the reader to additional elements associated with strategic planning and performance focused on legal compliance.

The text did a great job explaining and describing the various tasks and performance measures of and in the field of Human Resource Management. The discussion of and on racial situations were perspective based and read as an outlier in an otherwise legally driven field focused on quantifiable employee performance and compensation, but the rest of the text did an excellent job preparing its reader for and on what to expect if and when employed in the field of Human Resources or in the field of general management.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

The text provided an up to date analysis of Human Resource Management and presented the reader with tools that can assist them in their preparation for work in the field.

Clarity rating: 3

The text did an excellent job presenting multi-dimensional topics in a clear and comprehensive way. Steps were broken down and connected appropriately to assist with reader comprehension. The chapter on multiculturalism confused the clarity of the topic of EEO compliance. The topic of multiculturalism is of great importance in the field and should be discussed within the realm of equal employment expectations to ensure the avoidance of illegal activity (accidental or otherwise) in the recruiting and hiring process.

Consistency rating: 4

The topics in the text were exceptionally consistent throughout. The only outlier is the section on diversity and multiculturalism, which brought in statements that could be seen as legally problematic in both public and private sector Human Resource environments.

The text segments topics well and allows for comprehensive learning at both the micro and macro level.

Topics in the text are organized well with generalized introductions that are further dissected and broken down in later chapters. Chapters make references to one another and all tie together well.

The interface was excellent. The text loaded appropriately and all images appeared without incident.

The text was well written. No significant grammatical errors were found.

This is a very difficult topic to discuss in general but it is next to impossible to appropriately discuss in the field of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Managers are expected and required to ensure that the most qualified employees are hired, that all employees are treated equally, and that discrimination or preferential treatment does not exist at or on any level within the organization. Having to balance that requirement with the essential discussion of diversity means that language must be purposeful and devoid of any possible misinterpretation to ensure consistent legal compliance. Human Resource Management is required to follow the law and even a hint of predetermined prejudice can cost a company millions even if coming from a place of good intentions. The chapter on diversity and multiculturalism fails to make mention of that and contains language that may cause a learner to carry with them misunderstandings of and on the field of Human Resources that could lead to their eventual termination. Statements on the truth of the field as it stands is essential and should be added to the chapter to ensure that learners understand what can happen if they get ahead of the law when working in the field.

A substantial amount of work went into the creation of this text, which is full of important and useful information on the processes and tools of and in the field of Human Resource Management.

Reviewed by Angela Hayslett, Lecturer, James Madison University on 9/18/22

This book covers most key HR areas with just enough depth. This book could benefit from including a wider array of HR policies affecting employee rights and restrictions. read more

This book covers most key HR areas with just enough depth. This book could benefit from including a wider array of HR policies affecting employee rights and restrictions.

Content seems to be consistent with other similar texts.

This book addresses generational differences in HR management, and a chapter on diversity and multiculturalism, both of which are timely and should be relevant for years to come.

Keywords and terminology are defined and examples are used to help with understanding of text.

Each chapter follows a similar structure.

The book design uses sections, headings, bold text, enumeration, bullets, etc. to help organize and structure the topics. It is easy to follow and digest.

Some chapters are organized in a logical order of the chronological stages of HR management. Each chapter consistently concludes with case studies and problems.

It was not immediately apparent how to navigate to the next page. Instead of a task bar at the bottom of the website, a next page button at the bottom of the reading or something similar to the scroll up arrow that hovers over the text would be more obvious. Hyperlinks allow readers to easily navigate to videos and different sections of the book. There is an effective search feature that allows you to search by keywords. Images are clear.

No grammatical issues were observed.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

Some of the examples given may show a bias to who is reading the text, but care is given to provide background to the issues of how bias and discrimination impact the workplace.

This is a great option to orient students to the function and role of human resource professionals. Relevant examples are included and information is presented in an easy to read format.

Reviewed by Elizabeth C. Orozco Reilly, Professor, Loyola Marymount University on 2/18/22

This book covers the basics of HRM and is suitable as an introduction to the vast array of topics in the field. It provides a professor with competent summaries of each chapter at the end, which could also be used to frame the chapters. The... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

This book covers the basics of HRM and is suitable as an introduction to the vast array of topics in the field. It provides a professor with competent summaries of each chapter at the end, which could also be used to frame the chapters. The principal limitations of this text are the dated references, broken links, and lack of discussion of how diversity, equity, and inclusion is fundamental to achieving socially just organizations.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

Insofar as this book provides a fundamental overview of the broad functional areas of HRM, it presents accurate information about what each area is. As references are quite dated by 2022, which is when this review is written, there are more current examples that would resonate better with students.

Because of the changing nature of HRM and the sheer number of professional settings for which this work is applicable, all topics should be supplemented with relevant and timely case studies to personalize students’ experiences of the topic. For example, there are no cases relevant to educational settings, yet all educational institutions have HR departments or divisions—and it is applicable subject matter for all educators, whether K-12 or higher education.

Most of the author’s references cited are a decade or older old at this point, requiring the professor to provide newer research to supplement or build on more background that is frequently aged. The diversity, equity, and inclusion theme is missing for the most part, and this warrants extensive discussion in many of the topics covered. For example, implicit bias is a natural topic for HRM courses.

Many examples are provided for the principles of each functional area. For example, in the chapter on communication (Chapter 9), explanations are fulsome and then the charts and opportunities for students to consider their own circumstances, help build deeper understanding.

The book has a standard format that is internally consistent. Narrative is frequently enhanced with tables, graphs, charts, etc., and this is very helpful to summarize concepts.

Modularity rating: 4

My view is that these chapters are stand-alone topics that, for the most part, could easily be taught in any order, or prioritized or eliminated for shorter modules within a more global course on business functions.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 3

Overall, the book is well organized and easy to follow. Learning Objectives, Key Take-Aways, Exercises, Case Studies, and References are very helpful to get the professor started on their lessons, presentations, and application of the content. The links in the digital PDFs link back to topics within the book as well as to external topics. One issue is that when you click on an external link, you cannot then easily get back to the section of the book you were reading, as the default is back to the beginning of the book. In addition, many links are broken, which occurs enough so as to affect the flow. As mentioned, references are very dated, so professors should check topics for updated content, research, case law, etc.

Interface rating: 2

The links in the digital PDFs link back to topics within the book as well as to external topics. One issue is that when you click on an internal or external link, you cannot then easily get back to the section of the book you were reading, as the default is either not available for internal links or sends you back to the beginning of the book with external links. In addition, many links are broken, which occurs enough so as to affect the flow.

The book is free of grammatical issues.

Cultural Relevance rating: 2

I am waiting for an HRM book that has diversity, equity, and inclusion as a through line for each functional area and topic. With the exception of Chapter 3, which is only six pages, DEI is missing and is not presented or revisited as issues relevant to the many facets of HRM, and yet its relevance warrants extensive discussion in many of the topics covered in the book. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are key issues in HR and the topic demands addressing and requires relevant, current content.

I have reviewed and used a variety of HRM books over the years, and while the fundamentals of the functional areas are present in all of them, including this text, one of the challenges of keeping this field relevant and rigorous for our students is presenting current examples, laws, policies, and trends to supplement the basics. While this book can provide some of these basics, professors would do well to supplement with generous amounts of additional materials. I do appreciate that is is open access, as students can learn the basics without paying for a really expensive textbook.

Reviewed by Steven Dickson, Adjunct Professor, Southern Oregon University on 1/2/22

This is an excellent open-source text for use in any business course with a focus on human resources as an occupation or a function. Student reception of the text was in the affirmative for courses Strategic Staffing and Principles of Human... read more

This is an excellent open-source text for use in any business course with a focus on human resources as an occupation or a function. Student reception of the text was in the affirmative for courses Strategic Staffing and Principles of Human Resource Management.

The foundational content of the book is good; however, there exists a need for a text revision due to changes in the working environment.

The content of the text is applicable across small to large business operations. Great introductory text.

The text was easy to read and the content is applicable to practice.

The text is consistent with the theme specific to the practice of human resources throughout.

The text is easily divided into sections into strategic learning/teaching sections.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The framework of the text is easily followed and has a clear flow. Some of the subunits may need to be reorganized based on the course focus.

The text is a PDF that is easily navigatable and searchable.

No significant grammatical errors were seen.

No significant culturally discrepant material was noted; however, an update/revision of the text may be warranted.

Reviewed by Kevin Knotts, Assistant Professor, Marshall University on 10/28/21

The textbook provides an overview of most key areas in HRM that would be covered in an introductory or survey course. Any introductory HRM textbook should cover HRM strategy, diversity/EEOC, recruitment and selection, comp and benefits, turnover,... read more

The textbook provides an overview of most key areas in HRM that would be covered in an introductory or survey course. Any introductory HRM textbook should cover HRM strategy, diversity/EEOC, recruitment and selection, comp and benefits, turnover, training and development, and performances with additional focus where the author feels it needs to be devoted - communication, safety, international HRM, etc. This textbook provides coverage of most major HRM areas and there is no truly lacking areas that needed to be completely added.

There are some areas that could have a bit more detail provide or additional chapters provided on that material. For example, EEOC should potentially have its own chapter to fully provide the context and understanding of the different laws. Another example is that compensation and benefits are combined into a single chapter. There are so many different areas that have to be considered in the context of these two areas that separation of them into two chapters would allow for a more comprehensive coverage of both key HRM issues.

Overall, there was not many errors throughout the text and it appears to be mostly unbiased. There were some definitions that were proposed by the textbook that could have discussion on the specifics of the text; however, for the most part the content was accurately conveyed with few errors.

This is probably the area of the textbook that I am the most concerned about as an instructor. Per the nature of the content covered in HRM with the everchanging landscape and adjustments that have to be made, the structure and framing of the textbook give me concerns over my ability to use it for a longer period of time without having to make major adjustments. There are a multitude of different change to legislative actions that occur every year that would impact different elements of these chapters. One way to potentially address this is through updating of supplementary materials to provide instructors with more current information. If I were to use this, I would assume that I would need to bring in a large amount of outside materials to make the material be as up to date and relevant as possible for the students in the course.

The clarity of the textbook was well done. I did not see any major issues that I would run into when having students use this text. While there is some jargon that is used throughout the textbook, it is relevant to the field and the terminology that would be used - that is, when working students would need to know this jargon anyways and the textbook provides the introduction to that.

The text is generally consistent with terminology and framework, following a similar pattern throughout chapters. Additionally, most of the terminology is comparable to what would be used outside of the context, however, with the everchanging landscape of HRM, there are obviously changes to terminology that are not captured due to the older materials used. This would be a relatively easy item for an instructor to incorporate into the materials they were covering.

The modularity of the textbook is well done. The material is broken down into smaller, readable sections that a reader can easily get through or digest in smaller components. The information is also prepared in a way that would be easy to move the material around within a course to adequately compose the course in the instructor's desirable manner.

The topics are presented in a logical manner. For the most part, there is a order in which material should be covered. This text covers it in that manner. In the very few instances that it is not, the modularity of text would allow the items to be moved around.

Interface rating: 3

There were no major concerns regarding interface, but there was several items that did not seem to work properly for links and the layouts sometimes seemed to not be clear. This isn't a total problem, but there is the possibility for improvement to make sure that all video links are up to date and work, proper formatting of tables/figures, etc.

Grammatical Errors rating: 4

There did not appear to be any major grammatical errors. As I reviewed the grammar, I came across a few minor errors, but they were few and far between. I may have missed more grammatical errors, but for the most part, I did not notice major errors throughout the text.

There was adequate coverage to cultural elements throughout the text by having both a chapter on diversity/multiculturalism and international HRM. These are two major areas that help to provide a cultural understanding within the context of HRM. A separate chapter on EEOC laws could have been included to help strengthen the arguments and framing. The language did not appear to be culturally insensitive or offensive in any way - a suggest, similar to my prior comments would be to update the material as need be to be more up to date with current terminology.

Reviewed by Satoris Howes, Professor, Oregon State University on 8/17/20

The main content includes areas that are of most importance for HR practitioners, although some areas are missing and/or under-represented. I think this is to be expected of most any book, and completely understand and appreciate the difficulty in... read more

The main content includes areas that are of most importance for HR practitioners, although some areas are missing and/or under-represented. I think this is to be expected of most any book, and completely understand and appreciate the difficulty in creating a truly comprehensive yet reasonable-length book. Overall, there is much to like, and most of the main topics that are usually covered (and those covered for SHRM certification) are included. In terms of some specifics, I liked that there was a section on alternate dispute resolution when discussing performance management issues. I don’t see that in all HR books but it is quite valuable. The section on employee separation – I personally don’t like the term “rightsizing” as I think it likely has negative “PR” connotations. In addition, in today’s world, I think a discussion of furloughs is needed, as they are quite prevalent. I feel like HR has gotten much more savvy in recent times in terms of possible ways to deal with economic woes, and examples that are more recent (e.g., related to how companies have handled things during the COVID-19 pandemic) would be helpful. Given that many of the references/examples are from 2011, this is an area where much supplementation would be necessary. In Chapter 11 (on Employee Assessment) there are also areas I would feel the need to supplement. For example, given the animosity associated with performance appraisals, I typically like to discuss the reasons for / purposes of performance appraisal and link it more clearly to strategic imperatives. I like how motivational theories are brought into the section on compensation (termed pay theories in this book) as I think that is a key element of compensation that is not always considered. I didn’t see any mention of corporate social responsibility and felt the discussion of ethics was a bit short, so those would also be areas I’d supplement. In sum, the basic comprehensiveness is fine for a standard undergraduate HR text. I would feel the need to supplement in many areas, whether wholly (e.g., CSR issues, HRIS, impact of AI, ) or to bring in more detail (e.g., ethics). In order to make room for this during a term, I’d likely not use the chapter on communication, as we cover that in our OB course and there wasn’t really anything in that chapter that seemed HR-specific.

Most of the information is accurate. However, due to the outdated nature of some of the information (the book was originally published in 2011 and this version was adapted/published in 2016 yet it seems like things weren’t updated beyond 2011…), there is some misinformation within the text that an instructor would want to be aware of. For example, Table 10.1 shows the various employment-at-will exceptions by state. Unfortunately, there are several that appear to be wrong. At the very minimum, I would recommend alerting students to the need to check on their state’s requirements and restrictions when it comes to any law as legal issues are quite fluid. To be fair, this is an issue that any textbook would have after a couple years. In addition, some links to YouTube videos no longer work so that is something to also be aware of (though the ones that do work are valuable and/or fun in many cases).

This book was originally produced in 2011 and adapted/published to the current version in 2016. While much of the basic information is still very much relevant (basic terminology and general HR concepts) some things are simply out-of-date (e.g., legal findings mentioned earlier) or haven’t updated to be fully reflect today’s realities (e.g., furloughs, gig work, AI). As I noted earlier, this is a fine basic text with most content areas included, but you should definitely plan to supplement the content to ensure you’re up-to-date with what you’re covering. This is true for any HR book that is over 3 years old. Unfortunately, given most of the information in this book is from 2011, with just a few updates in 2016, there is much to update. Is it worth compiling all of that separately versus going with a more recent/updated text? I’m not sure.

This is a clear positive for the book. I like that it is clear and there are light-hearted / funny examples that I think would appeal to students (e.g., Jack Sparrow and Barbossa negotiation video link). The cases, while sometimes a bit simplistic, are good ways to engage students in a discussion, though again with the simplicity they are likely somewhat shorter discussions (or well-suited to an online forum perhaps?). Overall, the text is well-suited for an undergraduate course (again, if supplemented content-wise), but would be far too simplistic for a graduate course.

No problems with consistency. The layout of the chapters were fine and consistent with one another. Some chapters felt far shorter with less information than others though, so it might be worth combining the chapters when covering them (e.g., Chapters 10 and 11 – both on performance management).

I have no problems here either. The chapters essentially stand on their own so you can teach them out of order, and there are links to related material in other chapters in case more explanation is needed. The text is also easily searchable, and Table of Contents easy to decipher, so the book seems easy in that respect.

The author(s) is(are) upfront about the point that there is not a separate chapter focused on HRM laws, and that instead the laws are presented in the relevant chapters. I typically like to cover a separate section on legal issues as many laws cut across HR activities and I don’t want students to be confused. I find that many students already think that many laws only apply to the hiring of people and not to things like training and development opportunities or performance management. I like to talk about them early in the course and briefly refer back to that when we get to various chapters / content. So I feel like I would be supplementing this book with a separate section just on legal issues, and it may become overly redundant when presented again later. Alternatively, it could be seen as a great reminder / refresher of information. Regardless, I’d be supplementing beyond what is here to discuss HRM laws as a separate unit/section. Job analysis is in the section on recruitment. I have never taught it there, so that’s odd for me. And no mention of O*NET? That’s a clear miss IMHO. This said, the general organization is fine if you’re okay with legal things being interspersed, etc. – and like I noted earlier, the text is easily searchable and there are links throughout that take you to areas in other parts of the text that are relevant, so that’s nice.

I had no problems with the basic interface. I was disappointed there was no subject index, but at least there is the possibility of searching in the text. Some searches are just funky (e.g., searching for ONET, it gave me “monetary” and I got nothing for O*NET, so it may be there and I just overlooked it and am not choosing the right search term). Many videos on YouTube have been removed so that’s no good, but within the text itself the links appear to work.

I may have missed some, but I didn’t see any problems here. Things were clear and easy to read, unlike some open source texts I’ve seen that feel like they were thrown together with typos and poor grammar.

Given the importance of diversity and inclusion in today’s world, and for HR in particular, I think this chapter could really be expanded on. Certainly, the surface of this issue is covered, but there is a lot more that could be done to discuss this topic. Many HR managers are struggling to update their DEI policies and create a diverse workforce, so more tangible discussions of ways to ensure equity beyond the four-fifths rule is needed. In addition, the reference to research in this chapter was a bit light, and the recommendations seemed a tad trite at times. Again, it’s great there is a chapter and the material is broached, but more depth would be ideal. In addition – the stock photos most definitely do not reflect a diverse population and should be updated accordingly so that students can relate to the profession.

If you’re looking for a basic, inexpensive option for an undergraduate HR course, and you’re willing to supplement (in some cases considerably) in order to bring in important topics and ensure the material is up-to-date, this book works. There are definitely things to like about the book, and aspects that deserve kudos. Unfortunately, as with any textbook, there are things that are missing and/or don’t work for my particular style of teaching an HR course. With some updating, I think I’d love this option. With it being so outdated, I just can’t bring myself to be excited about it as an easy option to adopt.

Reviewed by Julia Carr, Professor, James Madison University on 7/30/20

The topics covered by the book are comprehensive and reflect the areas an HR manager would deal with on a daily basis. The book begins with a very good overview of human resources with sets the stage for the information to follow. It is well... read more

The topics covered by the book are comprehensive and reflect the areas an HR manager would deal with on a daily basis. The book begins with a very good overview of human resources with sets the stage for the information to follow. It is well organized and the Key-Takeaways will be very helpful for students as well as the way the important vocabulary is called out in bold.

The content is accurate, error-free and unbiased. It provides a good foundational knowledge for those seeking an introduction to human resource management and development. It does need to be updated with present day statistics. It does indicated that it was updated in 2016, however most of the references were from 2010 or 2011 or earlier. In addition, I would recommend a more robust group of references to deepen the content presented.

The general content covered is good and relevant to a person learning about the basics of human resource management. It hits the major functional areas if HR that I am teaching in an Introduction to HR type of class. Much of the data presented is coming from statistics gathered in 2011 or earlier. In addition there are topics where significant changes have been made since 2011, such as web-based training delivery platforms, employment law, challenges of labor unions and examples shared related to sexual orientation. That being said it is tough to keep this information up to date. There are many areas that are presented that would be very helpful to student with no background in human resource management such as the introduction of a SWOT analysis and then the practical example that follows and the forms presented such as in the section on job analysis

The text is written in an organized fashion that is easy to follow. Technical terminology is bolded and definitions are provided for additional clarity.

The text is consistent in the framework and it is very easy to follow. In addition, as an instructor, it is helpful because each chapter has the same flow and consistent ancillary items.

The design of the text lends itself to a flexible course design. It would be easy to change the organizational structure to cover things in a different order or to leave a section out if it was not relevant to course objectives. However, the topic order that the text follows work well as is and does not need much, if any adaptation.

The topics in this text were sequenced well and very easy to work though. The organization was such that it built on the basic introductory topics to the more technical concepts.

There were no significant interface issues that I encountered. I did use mainly the printable PDF version because from past experience I thought that is what my students would primarily use. There are some videos that require additional login credentials.

I did not see any glaring issues here. I do think a more robust discussion of these topics could be presented. As I said previously, much has occurred in this area since 2011. It is stated that this textbook was updated in 2016, but the references in the Diversity and Multiculturalism chapter are from 2010 and 2011. This is a chapter given the present state of our society that I feel warrants expansion and deeper coverage of the areas presented.

This textbook provides a solid foundation in human resource management and development. I would consider adopting it for my class if the information was updated and brought into present day terminology and issues/challenges. I love the organization, key takeaways and may of the exercises. I also appreciate the cases and the connection between many of the concepts to practical workplace examples.

Reviewed by Lauren Maguire, Professor, Bunker Hill Community College on 5/27/20

The text provides a solid overview of the tenants of HR Management. It is somewhat technical in its approach, but touches on all important areas of a introductory review. read more

The text provides a solid overview of the tenants of HR Management. It is somewhat technical in its approach, but touches on all important areas of a introductory review.

Content is accurate, error-free and unbiased.

The approach to the subject matter is broad and offers examples across the spectrum.

The reading level is fairly high. The text uses some business jargon and occasionally refers to concepts that may not be readily understandable to entry level students.

The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework.

The material is broken down within each chapter. Each concept is addressed individually and also as a whole.

The text manages the information in a clear and effective manner.

The text is free of significant interface issues, including navigation problems, distortion of images/charts, and any other display features that may distract or confuse the reader.

The text discusses a variety of corporate situations and managerial tools. It assumes a formal business structure which does not always address the many different cultural and personality issues which complicate HR Management.

A solid option and valuable OER resource.

Reviewed by Joshua Jensen, Adjunct Professor, SHRM-SCP, George Fox University on 4/3/20

This textbook addresses a wide range of important topics relevant to human resource management today. The text covers most of the key areas that should be considered in an undergraduate course on human resource management. Strengths of the text... read more

This textbook addresses a wide range of important topics relevant to human resource management today. The text covers most of the key areas that should be considered in an undergraduate course on human resource management. Strengths of the text include content related to the strategic role of HR (Chapter 2), which is placed toward the front of the text (as it should be), along with content related to HR’s role in retention of top talent (Chapter 7). A weaknesses of the text relates to the inclusion of a chapter on successful employee communication (Chapter 9). This is indeed an important topic but one that is often covered in other undergraduate courses. Another weakness of the text is that it is very thin on any content related to Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), which in today’s global business environment is a critical component of an effective human resource management function. On a final note, a considerable difference between this text and most other HR texts is that it addresses applicable HR/employment laws within each respective section of the text, whereas many other human resource management texts dedicate an entire chapter to HR/employment laws. The approach of this text makes more sense as these concepts are often first exposure for many students in an undergraduate human resource management course.

The content of the text is accurate and relatively free from error. The text does a good job of providing sources for most information. However, I would recommend inclusion of more rigorous, academic sources to complement the existing professional sources referenced throughout the text. Several of the URLs and links provided throughout the text are broken and need updated. Human resource management changes so frequently and any textbook on the subject must also be updated frequently, as discussed below.

Human resource management is a highly dynamic subject matter. Just this week Congress and the President enacted significant new legislation related to human resource management and employment matters due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a good example of just how fast things can change in the field of human resource management. While I wouldn’t expect a textbook on human resource management to be updated in real-time, I would expect that it be reviewed at least every two years, if not every year. Some content of the text is outdated and in need of refreshing. Many of the data points and sources used throughout the text are outdated – some by nearly 10 years. The text does not provide adequate coverage of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), which is a critical component of any human resource department today. On a final note, in the discussion regarding skills necessary for human resource management, the discussion on HR certification only covers the Human Resource Certification Institute’s (HRCI) PHR, SPHR, and GPHR certifications. The text makes no mention of the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) HR certifications which came on the scene over 5 years ago. The SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP today are highly recognized and sought-after standards in the human resource field.

The text is well written with regard to clarity. Human resource management is a complex subject matter, yet the text does a very good job of addressing difficult topics in a clear, easy to understand manner. It provides the perfect balance of informal and technical language.

The text is internally consistent in terms structure and style. The terminology, framework, and flow of the text is very good. Chapters are sequenced in a logical format, and chapters have a similar look and feel. No inconsistencies were noted.

The modularity of the text provides for ease of breaking down concepts and looking at individual components within chapters. The Table of Contents guides the reader to particular sections within each chapter which is helpful. The text is organized by relevant chapters and then each chapter is organized with multiple sections that are of reasonable length with appropriate section headings that are easy to follow. Overall the book is easy to navigate.

Overall the text is organized very well, the structural consistency is good, and the content flows in a very effective manner. Organization is critical to a complex subject matter, and this text provides that.

The text is laid out well and is visually appealing. It is more “exciting” from a visual perspective than many e-texts I have come across. Sections are properly titled and they are chunked into sections that contain manageable amounts of information. However, as mentioned previously, many of the URLs and links throughout the text are broken and don’t work. Many of the video links do not work as well.

The text is well-edited and relatively free from grammatical and typographical errors.

I appreciate the fact that the text had a separate chapter on Diversity and Multiculturalism (Chapter 3). That said, it could be more robust, and include other forms of bias not mentioned (such as unconscious bias). In general, the discussions on diversity and inclusion are well laid out. One issue that I would point out is that while there are few images and pictures sprinkled throughout the text, these images do not portray much diversity – they mostly reflect individuals of Caucasian decent with very little cultural diversity reflected. Consideration of updating the images and pictures to reflect the more current diverse workforce is recommended.

Overall, this open textbook on Human Resource Management is a good open textbook that is a viable alternative to expensive big-publisher textbooks on the subject matter for an undergraduate class. While the textbook is not perfect (and no textbook is), I support adoption of this open textbook for undergraduate human resource management courses facilitated by a human resource management professional who can supplement the text with updated materials and cases to give students a relevant and current overview of the human resource management field.

Reviewed by Jiwon Suh, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Arlington on 2/5/20

The author covers pretty much every topic that should be covered in HR management. Especially, I like that the author places Strategic HR management upfront. Additionally, I like that the author has a chapter 9: Successful Employee Communication... read more

The author covers pretty much every topic that should be covered in HR management. Especially, I like that the author places Strategic HR management upfront. Additionally, I like that the author has a chapter 9: Successful Employee Communication which is not normally covered by other textbooks. This topic is very important, particularly to HR managers.

I did not come across any inaccuracies. But, I found some tables do not have references.

This textbook needs to be updated. Tables are mostly from 2010 - 2011 which are perceived old. For example, Table 14.2 Top Global 100 Companies is based on 2010 data. We all know that the contents in the table are no longer true. Also, youtube videos should be replaced with more recent examples.

This textbook is written concisely, and I believe students would easily be able to read and understand.

The structure and style are great and consistent. I also like the cases that are included at the end of the each chapter. It will be easily used by instructors.

The content is adequately divided into small pieces. Yes, the modularity is great.

The organization of the chapters are good, easy to follow, and very logical.

No serious issue, but some minor issues as I mentioned earlier. Some tables do not include references.

I did not come across any grammatical errors.

I did not notice any cultural insensitivity. Diversity and cultural perspectives are a very important topic in HR management and the textbook successfully includes the topic.

Generally, this textbook is in excellent shape and I am considering to adopt. However, I strongly recommend to update or publish the next version.

Reviewed by Patturaja Selvaraj, Assistant Professor, Gettysburg College on 3/14/19

The textbook covers the most important topics in Human Resource Management. Diversity is vital for the success of organizations. A full fledged chapter covers the aspects of diversity and multiculturalism. The following topics could have been... read more

The textbook covers the most important topics in Human Resource Management. Diversity is vital for the success of organizations. A full fledged chapter covers the aspects of diversity and multiculturalism. The following topics could have been covered in detail: Equal Employment Opportunity and the legal environment, Employee Benefits, HR Analytics (could have been a separate chapter), Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) and Talent Management. Employee engagement is emerging as an important area in HRM. A separate chapter about employee engagement would have added great value. Subject index at the end would be of great help.

I did not come across any inaccuracies in the textbook. The information and examples provided is accurate and unbiased. Some of the practical aspects of HRM are justified using theories. It provides an opportunity for the participants to know about the theoretical underpinnings as well.

Constant changes in laws and regulations make it difficult to incorporate the amendments, as and when it takes place. Some of the examples are dated. The text is simple, hence incorporating updates will not be an issue.

The content is simple and well structured. The examples provided for the concepts would help students to learn the concepts clearly and grasp it quickly. The cases provided at the end of every chapter is also very helpful.

I found the textbook to be consistent. There is not much of overlap between chapters. The book chapters are arranged in a logical chronological order , which provides an opportunity for the students to built on the concepts learnt in earlier chapters.

The textbook is divided into different sections and organized very well. It is easy to read and understand each section. The table of contents provide link to different sections, which makes it easy to access the particular section in the textbook.

The content and topics are arranged in a logical order. Students would be curious to know about the benefits that they would be entitled for, as an employee. It would help to provide more details about employee benefits.

There is a scope for improvement, although I did not encounter major issues. 1) some of the links require login credentials. 2) Some of the video links did not work. for examples the link provided in page 125 (Silly Job interviews: Monty Python) did not work. 3) issue with page lay out for tables and figures. for example In page 35. the table heading appears in page 35 whereas the table appears in page 36.

The textbook appears inclusive. It is neither insensitive nor offensive. It has a separate chapter dedicated towards diversity and multiculturalism.

This is a good text book for a beginner to understand the basic functions of Human Resource Management and it also provides practitioner focus. The book is very practical and interesting. The cases and video links provided would help the students to understand the concept in a better way. The text book can covers some topics in greater detail like - In the job analysis topic, detailed coverage of techniques for collecting data for job analysis and also mention about different job analysis technique could have incorporated. Similarly, in Chapter 2, the author could have mentioned how HR practices change depending on the strategy of the organization like cost leadership, differentiation and focus. While discussing about different techniques of selection, discussing about group discussion, case method, case competition conducted by different organizations would have helped students to know more about different and contemporary techniques. While discussing about pay for performance , it would have helped to know about advantages and disadvantages of pay for performance and conditions in which it can/cannot be used. Overall, it is a comprehensive textbook.

Reviewed by Lee Myers, Faculty, Linn-Benton Community College on 2/13/19

The (2016) content is appropriate for a survey course in Human Resources Management. It is geared toward helping current and future supervisors and managers understand the functions, roles, and practices needed to manage employees. While the... read more

The (2016) content is appropriate for a survey course in Human Resources Management. It is geared toward helping current and future supervisors and managers understand the functions, roles, and practices needed to manage employees. While the practical examples and applications are dated (2011) key HRM terms are relevant and are clearly communicated. The specific sections of the text that are limited and could use more detail:

1. Laws, regulations, and policies. Laws have been amended, legislation has been passed and agency regulations have changed since 2011 (e.g., the Affordable Care Act, FSLA, Privacy Law, OSHA, IRS (tax) and Labor Law)

2. Include a new section on HRM digital technology, (e.g., Talent websites, social media, video job interviewing, mobile apps and optimization, cloud-based record management, analytics, and predictive modeling, real-time and always-on feedback systems)

The text is relatively free from errors. Authors have taken care to represent several sources and practices applicable to various public and private organizations as well as industries and company size. Relevance and reflection of recent research are a greater concern.

Specific content reflecting "current practices" and organizations dated. Updates would be time-consuming in order to replace existing content. Most examples are from resources dated 2011 or prior.

The writing style is conversational and has limited jargon. It is appropriate for most students at the community college level.

Consistency rating: 3

The framework is consistent from section to section. The section content does build upon previously discussed and defined terminology.

The content is broken down in a format where cross-reference links are embedded into section areas. While the intention is to help the reader either skip to a section or review content from an earlier section, it be may not be all that helpful to the reader. A possible alternative to this formatting would be: 1. Including a glossary of terms and subject index. 2. Including a typeface whereby the key terms are not only bolded but the definition of the term is also designated by italics or linked to a lookup feature.

Modularity rating: 3

Most Human Resources Management activities do not happen in a vacuum, therefore, the difficulty of creating a text that is modular reflect this challenge. The text is broken down according to basic HR functions and concepts and has some potential of reorganization and standalone capability.

There are some distortion and sizing issues with images and charts. Some video quality is marginal.

Most resource direct links are currently available, though have not been updated with current material. (e.g., Dictionary of Occupational Titles -could be updated to using O*Net Online, YouTube videos could be searched for more current content and higher quality video, SHRM resources replaced by sources that do not require access rights or logins.)

Few grammatical, word usage or typographical errors were noted.

To be more reflective and sensitive to the current workforce and cultures, additional content would make the text more inclusive. (e.g., gender identity, sexual orientation, single parenting and caregiving, biculturalism, veteran status, and disabilities.)

The basic structure (headings and numbering) allows users to navigate throughout the document and appear to be conducive to assistive technology. YouTube videos allow for closed captioning and transcripts increasing accessibility.

Reviewed by Huh-Jung Hahn, Assistant Professor, Winona State University on 5/21/18

The textbook is very comprehensive, covering various subjects adequately. Unlike most other HRM textbooks, some unique chapters (e.g., Chapter 3 and Chapter 9) are included. However, some areas can be improved by adding more explanations or... read more

The textbook is very comprehensive, covering various subjects adequately. Unlike most other HRM textbooks, some unique chapters (e.g., Chapter 3 and Chapter 9) are included. However, some areas can be improved by adding more explanations or detailed information. My overall impression about the contents is that they are short and simple. This is fine for a survey textbook, but can be too brief for students wanting to study the topics in depth. Furthermore, it would help to have an index or glossary at the end.

Overall, the content is conveyed accurately with a neutral tone.

Some of the HR content (e.g. laws and regulations) requires continuous updates due to constant changes. Considering that the textbook was written several years ago, an update is recommended in terms of the content and the supplementary materials.

The author did an excellent job on clarity of the content. The content was very straight-forward and well-guided for readers.

The textbook has a high-level of consistency in terms of terminologies, interfaces, and organizations.

The textbook's modularity is excellent. The content is adequately divided into smaller chunks.

The topics are arranged in a logical order. Also, chapters throughout the textbook did a great job on connecting different topics by referring to other chapters appropriately. This may help students understand the interconnectivity of contents.

There were no significant interface issues. The textbook's interface was easy to follow and consistent throughout the chapters. However, I recommend addressing an issue regarding page layout for tables or figures. Specifically, several pages do not present tables or figures despite showing only their titles. For example, the title of a table is placed on page 254, while the actual table is shown on page 255. Similar issues are found on pages 269-270 and pages 295-296.

I did not notice any grammatical errors.

I did not notice any cultural insensitivity or offensiveness in the content. Rather, the textbook puts the importance of cultural perspectives as one of the key fundamentals for good HR practice; this was done by placing the subject of diversity and multi-culturalism at the front of the textbook while other HR textbooks do not.

The author did an excellent job on making the content very practical and interesting. Each chapter has a good balance of containing both general information and the necessary how-to's for particular, real-world situations. Human Resources Recall, cases, and exercises at the end of each chapter are very critical and thought-evoking - one of the best that I have ever seen. Lastly, this book leaves a very positive impression in regards to the quality of open textbooks. This reviewer hopes the use of open textbooks becomes more mainstream throughout universities and other teaching institutions.

Reviewed by Joseph Frank, Adjunct Instructor / Manager HR Reporting and Compliance, Fontbonne University on 5/21/18

The book covers a wide variety of topics related to human resources management. There is 1 brief mention of analytics for candidate sourcing, but much more discussion of HR analytics is needed in order to bring this forward to present day. The... read more

The book covers a wide variety of topics related to human resources management.

There is 1 brief mention of analytics for candidate sourcing, but much more discussion of HR analytics is needed in order to bring this forward to present day. The HR analytics subfield has grown dramatically in its significance to the field during the past decade. Also the related subfield of HR Information Systems is barely mentioned at all. A solid understanding of HR practice requires knowledge of how these subfields work and how they relate to the other subfields such as recruitment, training, compensation, benefits, etc.

The content is somewhat accurate but not always unbiased. For example, the discussion of how we define diversity vs multiculturalism is not necessarily how I would have constructed it. Another example is Table 2.2. It is a good summary of the 4 stages in business lifecycle but “Seattle University presentation” is not the original source of this! That’s like the kind of citation an undergraduate student might use in a paper. The citations URLs overall – when they are not broken links -- are from random local news and other types of websites that are rather dated (like jobs.aol.com) way too often. These are the kinds of sources that disappear quickly. Academic citations would be much more stable, but admittedly less digestible for the average student. However, more solid academic citations would be more useful as resources to give students for writing their own academically rigorous papers.

HR is a difficult topic to keep up-to-date. The activities are actually really good and pretty much timeless, especially the suggested group activities (although most of those would be hard to do in an online class, could be useful face-to-face).

I have several concerns in the discussion of generational differences. The “Generation Y” case study reads really outdated. Millennials now make up a slight majority of the workforce. Would be more compelling as a discussion of how Generation Z – the group really entering the workforce and college in the next 5 years – as Digital Natives differs from Millennial, Gen X, Baby Boomer and the earlier generations work styles. Lots of articles are out there now that could be cited about “the 5 generations now in the workforce.” This quote is also outdated and conflicts with current reality: "It is expected that over the next ten years, over 40 percent of the workforce will retire, and there will not be enough younger workers to take the jobs once held by the retiring workforce (Fernandez, 2007)". In fact, Baby Boomers – and some of the older generation too -- have stuck around. Because of the 2009 recession, many could not afford to retire when they planned. As an instructor with this book I would have to supplement with more current articles.

The section about PHR, SPHR and GPHR is now outdated since SHRM is now offering their own competing credentials. That’s a confusing landscape even for seasoned HR pros – needs some explanation for students to understand how and why to pursue those HRCI credentials instead of SHRM-CP, etc.

Also I have several concerns in the areas of compensation and benefits. The ACA discussion is very, very outdated. Section 6.4 should be called Benefits instead of Other Types of Compensation, and the title of Chapter 6 should be Total Rewards in order to be current with the jargon typically used today in the professionals of compensation and benefits.

Also policies and employee relations matters need updating. Sections about social media recruiting are very outdated (reflecting a 2011-12 timeframe). Issues with mobile device usage by nonexempt workers (i.e., Chicago Police Department) and overtime eligibility not addressed. Map of “right-to-work” states is also outdated given the political debates in several states on this issue. Internet usage policy is mentioned but nothing specifically about employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act (even in non-union employers) to conduct protected concerted activity online. This has in practice limited the legal scope of Internet acceptable use and social media policies.

The writing is accessible, conversational without being unprofessional, and generally clear even when addressing complex, confusing jargon-laden HR topics. This is where this book excels!

The framework and terminology used are generally consistent without the textbook, although not always consistent with the terminology actually used by current-day HR practitioners.

It would be pretty easy for me as an instructor to pick and choose chapters from this book to utilize and not stick with the textbook order. For example, I would pretty much scrap Chapter 6 (compensation and benefits) and replace with more current articles that reflect current practice in Total Rewards, particularly the impacts of the Affordable Care Act. But much of the other content I could use without too many changes and without much concern that the chapter refers to the previous chapter a great deal.

The content generally flows well, although some of the "key takeaways" call-out boxes could be shorter and more succinct.

Most of the video links did not work for me, and the ones that did were pretty low-quality videos. Maybe that's just a function of my connection speed, but could use enhancement. Many of the images were stock photos of questionable relevance to the content.

The grammar and the writing style were generally easy to follow and there were few typographical errors.

The discussion of multiculturalism vs diversity is a good one, but leaves out the most common diversity and inclusion training concept in U.S. corporations today: unconscious bias. Also the imagery is still mostly white faces in this chapter, which is also problematic. Aspiring HR practitioners are in my experience more diverse than the general student population. Overall, the book has too many white faces in its imagery (whether stock photos or cartoons) which is problematic given the increasingly diverse U.S. student body and workforce. A textbook about HR matters including diversity and Equal Employment Opportunity needs to be especially cognizant of this.

Many videos required a login; and many of the URLs deep-linking to specific articles from HRE, SHRM, etc don’t work anymore.

Reviewed by Mussie Tessema, Professor, Winona State University on 5/21/18

The textbook covers most HR topics that are found in other HRM textbooks. Although many issues related to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) were discussed in different chapters, it would have been good if an entire chapter had been devoted to... read more

The textbook covers most HR topics that are found in other HRM textbooks. Although many issues related to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) were discussed in different chapters, it would have been good if an entire chapter had been devoted to EEO. Besides, compensation and benefits were discussed in one chapter (chapter 6), which should have been discussed under two separate chapters given the size, variety, and importance of employee benefits. Unlike other HRM textbook, however, the textbook includes full-fledged chapters on communication (chapter 9), and diversity and multiculturism (chapter 3), which are both important in effectively managing an organizational workforce.

The content of the textbook is accurate and unbiassed. It covers fair presentation of the theoretical and practical aspects of HRM and includes references of all sources used, which also improve their verification and credibility.

The content of the textbook is relevant to the respective HR topics/issues, although some of the data/information are not updated. The textbook was originally published in 2011/2012 and used sources from 2005-2010. Since its publication, there have been some legislative (laws and regulations) changes which have impacted some HR practices. Overall, the textbook is written in such a way that makes future updates relatively simple.

The textbook is written clearly and offers good examples and explanations of HR concepts and terminology.

The style and presentation of the content of the textbook is consistent across all 14 chapters, which makes it easy to follow.

The 14 chapters are divided into HR topics and sub-topics, which are also arranged in manageable sizes for the reader. Such presentation also makes navigation and assigning readings to students easy and straightforward.

The textbook presented the 14 chapters in a logical and straight forward manner. It assigned learning objectives for each chapter and section, which allow students what to expect from each chapter/section.

The textbook is free of any issues with the interface or distortion of images/charts, and any other display features that may distract or confuse the reader. The only problem I encountered was with some links that required login credentials (e.g. video link: Chapter 2.2- How Would You Handle This).

The textbook does not contain grammatical errors that would be distracting to students. I only found a few typo-errors, which could be easily corrected. For example, on page 23, “… and expectations are different(Capezza, 2010).” There is no space between the word ‘different’ and ‘(Capezza)’. Also, there is no space between ‘200,000’ and ‘total’ on page 393, “… incidence rate=number of injuries and illness × 200,000total hours worked by all employees…”.

The textbook does not have insensitive or offensive examples. Unlike other HRM textbooks, it dedicated a chapter to “diversity and multiculturism” (chapter 3), which is also presented fairly. It also makes a good point in that while diversity is about the ingredients, the mix of people and perspectives, inclusion is about the container, the place that allows employees to feel they belong, to feel both accepted and different. Cultural sensitivity is a critical issue in managing people in an organization.

It is one of the best textbooks I have used. It presents both the theoretical and practical aspects of HRM in appealing and convincing way. Overall, it is clear and easy to follow and is a great textbook for course in HRM for undergrad students. My two comments are: Adding two more chapters: Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and employee benefits and updating the text with most recent laws and regulations.

Reviewed by Denise Potosky, Professor, Penn State University on 2/1/18

The textbook covers most of the main topics typically associated with HRM and includes a "linked" table of contents. The definition of HRM in Chapter 1 (“the process of employing people, training them, compensating them, developing policies... read more

The textbook covers most of the main topics typically associated with HRM and includes a "linked" table of contents. The definition of HRM in Chapter 1 (“the process of employing people, training them, compensating them, developing policies relating to them, and developing strategies to retain them”) is used to set up most of the subsequent chapters in the text. But this definition is narrower and more basic than the implied definition of HRM according to Ulrich’s model presented in Chapter 2, in which a manager of HR needs to be a strategic partner, change agent, administrative and functional expert, human capital developer, and an employee advocate. I wish the text were organized to address the latter definition, as it would be more comprehensive and suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate level students interested in managing human resources and/or becoming HR managers.

The depth of coverage varies for each topic. The information on compensation, for example, is quite detailed and interesting, but the information on selection tends to "mention" ideas rather than develop details.

In Chapter 4, the section on job analysis seems peculiar. First, figure 4 provides a very simple process model (e.g., select the jobs to study, determine information needed, identify sources of data…), but then quickly introduces forms and questionnaires. Where are students of this course supposed to get the questionnaires? Then task vs. competency-based approaches are described, but there is no mention of worker-based job analysis approaches. If a competency approach focuses on KSAOs, is it still a job analysis?

And why not use O*Net to help identify essential tasks of common jobs?

A lot of the information presented is general and most information is accurate, albeit dated in places.

Some of the information provided is incorrect. For example, in the context of selection tests in Chapter 5, the author states, “Personality tests such as Meyers-Briggs and the “Big Five” personality factors may be measured and then compared with successful employee scores.” The Meyers Briggs measures personality style and preferences, not personality traits, and is not valid for use in selection.

In other places, the presentation of information is peculiar and somewhat misleading, if not incorrect. For example, when presenting cognitive ability tests, the author writes, “A cognitive ability test measures intelligences, such as numerical ability and reasoning. The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is an example of a cognitive ability test. It is important to note that some cognitive ability tests can have disparate impact. For example, in EEOC v. Ford Motor Co. and United Automobile Workers of America, African Americans were rejected from an apprentice program after taking a cognitive test known as the Apprenticeship Training Selection System (ATSS)1. The test showed significant disparate impact on African Americans, and it was then replaced by a different selection procedure, after costing Ford $8.55 million. Some sample test categories might include the following…”

The SAT is considered as an entrance exam by some universities, and the ATSS showed disparate impact against African Americans. In fact, many if not most cognitive ability tests administered in the U.S., including the SAT, are associated with disparate impact. This is an important consideration, but is it part of the definition of what cognitive ability tests are? Why not have a separate paragraph about disparate impact in selection tests, which would include considering how interviews and various tests might create adverse impact?

Another example where accuracy can be questioned is the statement “Most expatriates go through four phases of adjustment when they move overseas for an assignment.” (Chapter 14). A few studies have found some support for the culture shock model of adjustment, but several studies have found that this model is not very accurate. Further, expatriation is only one type of global assignment, and is not necessarily the most popular type of global work performed in organizations today. More recent research evidence would really help to update the material presented.

An HRM textbook can be difficult to keep up-to-date, and the author has done a good job in terms of the many laws and changes to HR systems that have occurred since the 1980s. That said, the underlying assumptions and research evidence for the different recommendations regarding key HR practices do not always reflect current thinking in the field. There is so much to cover and keep up-to-date, it might be helpful to have co-authors from different areas of expertise in the different HR functional areas work on this textbook.

In addition, some of the actitivities seem dated. For example, in chapter 1 the exercise reads: "In a group of two to three people, research possible career paths in HRM and prepare a PowerPoint presentation to discuss your findings." In an online course (likely to use an online textbook), student teams are likely to use other, newer presentation technology and formats.

The language used throughout the book is professional and accessible, but sometimes the author assumes that little to no explanation is necessary for examples or key points. For example, I watched the Wendy’s 1989 training video (Chapter 8), but whatever the author implied was excellent about this training video was not obvious to me. The author states, “This excellent training video was used at Wendy’s to teach employees how to grill the perfect burger. Although the video is over twenty years old, the concepts used in it are still true today.” What concepts? Why is this video excellent?

The author writes, "this book is equally important to someone who wants to be an HR manager and to someone who will manage a business," but for the most part this book assumes that the reader is a student looking to begin a career as an HR manager. All of the information and cases put the reader in the role of an HR manager or consultant. For example, in chapter 1, "You have just been hired to work in the human resource department of a small company. You heard about the job through a conference you attended, put on by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)." Why would anyone not already pursuing a career in HRM attend a SHRM conference?

For someone going into HR, some of the scenarios make it seem deceptively easy to change an organization's culture or people's attitudes towards, say, training or performance. In several places, key information is presented more like "do's and don'ts" advice than evidence-based guidelines.

The overall format of the book is very consistent, with key concepts presented at the beginning and summary definitions and exercises presented at the end of each chapter. Some of these exercises and cases seem quite good and interesting.

This is a difficult criterion to evaluate because certain concepts and practices in HRM would be difficult to move around in a 100% modular fashion in a course. For example, job analysis and specification needs to come before recruitment, which logically precedes information on selection, training, and performance appraisal. Overall, this textbook does a fairly good job addressing so many different but related concepts and practices in separate chapters, and as such could probably be reorganized to some extent.

One thing that could be improved, however, is the fact that in the first five chapters, the author often mentions that other topics will be covered later in the book. For example, several legal concepts are embedded in the material for different chapters, but sometimes this information seems "too little, too late" in that students may not have the opportunity to develop an overall understanding of the U.S. legal framework for employment. By the time they get to international HRM in Chapter 14, it may not be obvious why the managers in the case about operating in Peru were unable to anticipate cultural and legal differences.

The opening case for chapter 4, similar to the one used in the other chapters, seems to refer to a 50-employee company. Is the author recommending a job analysis for 50 employees? Wouldn’t employees in a smaller firm have more overlap between jobs? What about person-job fit or person-organization fit?

Most of the opening chapter cases put the reader in the role of an HR manager in a small firm, but chapter 7 abruptly tells the reader to change roles to an “HR consultant.”

The overall organization and flow of the chapters is clear.

The interface is ok. There aren't many images or figures. The figures are fairly small on the screen, and it would be good to have a "click to enlarge" link associated with some of them.

Most of the video links return the message, "“Flash-embedded videos are no longer supported…but you can watch on YouTube.” The video on "Stereotypes and the Effect on Privilege" in chapter 3 is no longer available on YouTube.

Grammatical Errors rating: 3

The use of second person and especially second person commands adds a “preachy” tone. For example, “Make sure that job announcements aren’t posted only for your Facebook friends to see; post them in a variety of places to gain the largest and most diverse response.”

Although the sentences are grammatically correct, it is not appropriate to change person and verb tense and voice so frequentialy within paragraphs. For example, “Once you have developed your recruitment plan, recruited people, and now have plenty of people to choose from, you can begin the selection process. The selection process refers to the steps involved in choosing people who have the right qualifications to fill a current or future job opening. Usually, managers and supervisors will be ultimately responsible for the hiring of individuals…”

I did not find this text to be insensitive or offensive. In chapter 3, the author perhaps approaches inclusiveness to a fault. multiculturalism is not defined, but focuses on inclusiveness, understanding, and respect, “looks at” unequal power and privilege, i.e., whether “advantages are based on a system in which one race, gender, and sexual orientation is predominant in setting societal rules and norms.” Although the author claims that “the idea of power and privilege is not about “white male bashing” but understanding our own stereotypes and systems of advantage so we can be more inclusive with our coworkers, employees, and managers.” Yet, in a U.S. business school classroom context, it is difficult to imagine that a white, heterosexual, male student won’t view this as some sort of intervention. At the end of the chapter, the focus on inclusiveness and respect seems to fade into the background: “Multiculturalism is a term that is similar to diversity, but it focuses on development of a greater understanding of how power in society can be unequal due to race, gender, sexual orientation, power, and privilege.” In the chapter on selection, a few of the example interview questions are confusing and may suggest an implicit bias. For example, “You can’t ask direct questions about marital status or ages of children. An alternative may be to ask, ‘Do you have any restrictions on your ability to travel, since this job requires 50 percent travel?’” This example made me pause, as it seems to imply that readers assume that a job candidate's willingness to travel is somehow connected to their marital status or family situation. Why is a question about travel an alternative to a question about marital/family status?

I appreciate and admire the effort that went into preparing this text, as I believe it is a tremendous endeavor in a rapidly changing field that functions in so many different ways in different types of organizations.

The exercises and case examples are a strength and they reflect the author's commitment to students application of course concepts and their development of critical thinking skills.

Reviewed by Valerie Wallingford, Professor, Bemidji State University on 4/11/17

The majority of the HRM topics included in most HRM textbooks. That being said there area few areas that were left out or could be elaborated upon: Equal Employment Opportunity should have an entire chapter devoted to it. Workforce, jobs, and job... read more

The majority of the HRM topics included in most HRM textbooks. That being said there area few areas that were left out or could be elaborated upon: Equal Employment Opportunity should have an entire chapter devoted to it. Workforce, jobs, and job analysis should have an entire chapter devoted to it. Training & development were combined in one chapter and possibly should have a chapter devoted to each topic. Compensation & benefits were combined in one chapter and possibly should have a chapter devoted to each topic. There should be a chapter devoted to employee rights and responsibilities. A new release is probably due to discuss changes in healthcare, etc.

Content was accurately represented (just needs to be updated with most recent laws and regulations), error-free, and unbiased with good examples and links that support the content.

The most recent reference source noted was 2012 which is already 5 years old. A newer release would be good to make sure that recent changes in laws and regulations are covered such as with healthcare requirements.

The text was written so that students would easily be able to read and comprehend the material.

All chapters utilized consistent terminology, style and structure which makes it easy to follow.

It is consistent in that chapter concepts are introduced and further expanded upon, therefore, I see no disruption to the reader so yes the book's content has modularity.

I think the organization is for the most part good. However, equal employment opportunity should be covered early on and as I mentioned in #1 there are chapters that combine two important topics that should be in separate chapters, etc.

Some videos required additional login information that I was not able to view. For the most part the book's interface was good.

There were no grammatical errors that I found.

The content was written with no biases, it utilized good examples that were inclusive. I did not perceive anything to be insensitive or offensive.

I teach a senior undergraduate level HRM course and this course needs to cover the latest in rules and regulations which this text does not in some case. Therefore, I would not adopt this text for my course but it may be appropriate for lower level HRM courses.

Reviewed by Kathy Milhauser, Professor, Concordia University Portland on 12/5/16

The text covers most of the necessary material to support an introductory course in Human Resource Management for undergraduate business students. One topic that I don’t always see emphasized in textbooks that was included here was Retention of... read more

The text covers most of the necessary material to support an introductory course in Human Resource Management for undergraduate business students. One topic that I don’t always see emphasized in textbooks that was included here was Retention of employees (Chapter 7) and Communication (Chapter 9) which I believe could be left out, since this is covered in lower division courses on organizational behavior and communication. The only thing I didn’t see that is included in the text I am currently using was a chapter on Job Design.

I didn’t see any accuracy issues, other than issues with the use of data and sources that are a few years old that may no longer be accurate. Details in the Relevance section.

I didn’t find all of the videos to be as helpful as I would have liked, and didn’t feel that they were tied in very well with the key points in the text (i.e. Dilbert Video in Chapter 1). Text uses data from 2010 census that should be updated (Figure 1.6). Generational differences article was from 2005.

The book was primarily written to the potential HR Manager. I prefer a perspective that speaks to any potential/future manager in a way that holds each accountable for managing human resources, not looking to a formal HR Manager to do so. Sections on how to develop an HRM Plan, for example, would not be relevant to managers of other functions, even though the tasks in the HRM Plan might represent valuable work for any manager to perform.

I really like some of the examples and explanations of concepts. Section 3.2 does an especially good job of defining and illustrating issues of privilege that can be encountered in the workplace. Chapter 4 on Recruitment is also very clearly laid out and would be simple for students to follow. Good integration of motivational theories to help students think about various compensation plans in Chapter 5.

I found the style and structure of the text to be consistent.

The text could easily be aligned to a 10 week term or 15 week semester course, as the chapters can be assigned singly or in pairs to students and support classroom activities and projects. Chapters could also be assigned and used out of order.

I thought the flow of the text was fine. I can see following the flow of the chapters in a course, or changing the order of some of the chapters, and don’t see any issues with this in the design of the text.

Getting back to the text after watching a video required using the back button – it would be easy for students to be distracted by the additional videos offered, and not go back to their reading. There were also some links that required a user. i.d. and password that I wasn’t able to access (api.wistia.com . . .). There were also YouTube videos linked to the text that are no longer available (i.e. Chapter 3). Video in Chapter 4 on Top Interview Questions wanted viewer to click on Subscribe.

I saw only a few very minor grammatical errors that would not be distracting to students.

There was a very good chapter on Diversity and Multiculturalism (Chapter 3) and another on International HRM (Chapter 14) that were very good and added to the global relevance and cultural issues in organizations.

I think this is a great book, and could be an asset to a course in Human Resource Management for undergrad students. It is well written and provides clear, easily usable activities, exercises, and cases. My only issues are that there are some issues with some of the videos and quite a few of the resources need to be updated to ensure relevance.

Reviewed by Tom Zeni, Assistant Professor, West Virginia University on 12/5/16

The book includes all of the major HR functional areas and topics included in most HRM textbooks. To their credit, the author choose to include several additional sections (such as communication, management & leadership styles, and... read more

The book includes all of the major HR functional areas and topics included in most HRM textbooks. To their credit, the author choose to include several additional sections (such as communication, management & leadership styles, and multiculturalism) that are not found in traditional HRM texts. There have been several key legislative changes which have impacted the field of HRM since the text's last update. Discussions surrounding the Affordable Care Act and recent changes to the FLSA should be added to subsequent releases. I was not able to locate an index or glossary per se, however, a list of references is provided at the end of each major topic.

I did not observe any inaccuracies in reading the text and the language used is objective and neutral.

The book is definitely arranged to make future updates relatively simple. In my earlier comments, I suggested several potential updates which could be (along with all others) seamlessly integrated into the existing work.

The author does an excellent job of keeping the text readable, particularly when addressing topics that can sometimes get bogged down in legalese and other jargon (we love or acronyms). The author introduces the language of HR in a way an everyday reader can interpret.

The text follows a general format throughout making it easy to navigate on all platforms.

In its current form, the text is reasonable modular. Chapters are broken into topics and these are referenced in the Table of Contents making navigation straightforward. Within each topic are various subtopics. These are arranged and blocked in manageable sizes for the reader. As a recommendation for improvement, the author may wish to consider revisiting the topics/subtopics. In many cases throughout the text, the number of subtopics under and topic heading are fairly large. It would benefit the reader to either have more topics with fewer subtopics, or to have subtopics referenced in the Table of Contents for easy navigation.

The topics are presented in a fairly standard fashion that mimics the flow of human capital through an organization. Many HR areas overlap, and I commend the author on the introduction of topics when necessary to fully explain a concept, while indicating the topic will be discussed in further detail later (see, for example, the treatment of EEOC concerns in Chapter 3 on Diversity & Multiculturalism and how it is revisited again in Chapters 4 and 5). This is a glaring omission in many other works, and it serves to make the concepts feel isolated and distinct when they are very much interrelated. Bravo!

I did not observe any issues with the interface or distortion. I will note that at least one video link I attempted to follow required login credentials and I was therefore not able to view it (see Chapter 2.2 "How Would You Handle This?).

I did not notice any grammatical errors in the book.

The text includes a chapter on the front end devoted to Diversity and Multiculturalism. I see this as an improvement over many texts that do not have a devoted chapter on the subject, or that "tuck it away" towards the end. Cultural sensitivity is an important issue in HR and General Management, and introducing the topic up front allows the reader to consider cultural issues throughout the remainder of the text. The author does a noticeably good job of selecting images and stories the reflect cultural diversity as well.

One of the more comprehensive (yet readable) HR textbooks I have encountered. Each chapter opens with a short vignette that puts the reader into a lifelike and highly probable scenario, engaging their interest in what's to come. This is a refreshing change over the traditional chapter opening highlighting a corporate operating lesson. Beyond the text, the book is embedded with external resources that are both interesting and relevant, improving the reader's overall experience. Each section is organized by learning objectives, chapters close with summaries and exercises... this book delivers everything a traditional textbook has to offer and then some!

Reviewed by Valerie Barnett, Instructor, Kansas State University on 8/21/16

The textbook covers some topics in depth, but leaves key elements out of other topic areas. For example, the section related to workforce planning in chapter 2 does not completely cover supply and demand and does not discuss actions that can be... read more

The textbook covers some topics in depth, but leaves key elements out of other topic areas. For example, the section related to workforce planning in chapter 2 does not completely cover supply and demand and does not discuss actions that can be taken to respond to anticipated surpluses and shortages. Background and reference checks were not covered in the chapter on selection. Employment laws were covered briefly in chapter 3 and interspersed throughout the text. It felt like a piecemeal approach.

The textbook included complete chapters on employee communication, retention and motivation, and safety and health. These are topics I normally reference, but do not cover in depth in my course.

I did not find any inaccuracies. However, I found that in some places the author used different terminology than what is normally used by human resource management professionals.

The textbook was originally published around 2011 and key cases and laws are not included in the text. Many of the YouTube videos are available, but are dated.

The book provides good examples and cases to explore the concepts and terminology.

Modularity rating: 2

The book incorporates the practice of introducing a topic and then indicating that the topic will be explored further in later sections and chapters of the textbook. This practice would make it hard to assign chapters out of order.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 2

The chapters are not organized in the order I normally teach the topics and topics are covered in more than one chapter. Compensation and benefits are discussed in the same chapter. Typically I use texts that include separate chapters for pay structure, incentive pay and benefits and I cover the topics in more depth.

The interface is fairly clean. Several of the videos required an access authentication code. However, most of the links to videos worked.

I did not find any problems with the grammar in the textbook.

I did not notice any insensitive or offensive examples or references in the text.

This book does not fit my needs. According to the preface, "competing books are focused on the academic part of HRM, which is necessary in a university or college setting. However, the goal with this book is not only to provide the necessary academic background information but also to present the material with a practitioner’s focus on both large and small businesses." I needed the book to go into more depth in some areas and include less information on other topics.

The organization of the topics and the flow of the textbook also does not work with the way I teach my class.

However, I will use this textbook as a source for my teaching. The text includes excellent cases, discussion questions, tables, videos, etc. that I can use to enhance the class.

Reviewed by Marilyn Byrd, Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma on 1/12/15

The author covered the most commonly discussed topics that are found in HRM textbooks. Setting this textbook apart from others was the inclusion of a standalone chapter on communication. This is sensible since communication is critical to managing... read more

The author covered the most commonly discussed topics that are found in HRM textbooks. Setting this textbook apart from others was the inclusion of a standalone chapter on communication. This is sensible since communication is critical to managing people. The inclusion of a section on workplace bullying and workplace violence is also timely and not commonly provided in detail to which the author presented. Also I was pleased to see a discussion on career development and succession planning these items are often missing from HRM textbooks.

The author included discussion of SIGs, professional organizations, and conferences as a useful way for professionals to enhance their professional expertise and as a source for jobs. This is another discussion that is timely and well needed.

Based on the other HRM textbooks I have used, the author gives an accurate presentation of HRM. By using examples like the Fortune 500 Focus and links to resources that support the discussion, the author gives credibility to the content.

It can be taken into consideration that the time lapse between writing the content and the actual publication there may be more updated information available. I did not necessarily discover that in this text, although I did note the latest reference sources were 2012.

Clear and reader friendly.

The textbook was consistent in layout and presentation of content across all 14 chapters.

The author sectioned each chapter and assigned learning objectives for each section. This is a technique I have not encountered widely and sets this textbook apart from others. It also makes it easier to assign readings to students.Assigning learning objectives for each section allows students to self-check before moving on to the next section.

Organization and structure of the textbook was clear and easy to follow. In some places, the author highlighted or numbered items and this makes it easier for points to "jump out." It is often a challenge to encourage students to read--this technique may be more motivating.

Visually, the book was appealing and I did not note issues that would confuse the reader. The one thing I noted was the need to have spacing between paragraphs. There was not a distinguishable separation in most cases.

I encountered no grammatical errors.

Chapter 3 was devoted to topics of diversity and culture. This textbook presented a realistic discussion of diversity that is not encountered in most of the HRM textbooks I have used. The discussion of power and privilege was most needed. Most HRM textbooks omit this discussion. Instead other textbooks will present diversity from the perspective of "diversity is appreciated" but lack a discussion of cultural sensitivity. I also appreciate how the chapter addressed diversity training with an emphasis on power and privilege---this is an approach lacking (in general).

This book delivered what the author promised---a textbook that is practitioner focused. Human resource management is a course that needs a "how to" approach as well as a conceptual approach so that students can see how to perform tasks. I have used and read several HRM textbooks--this one is the most useful I have found. For example, the author described for students how to design training programs and how to make relevant. The author gave examples of types of issues that might be causing performance issues--this is particularly useful for students who have not been in management positions. These types of examples places the content into context. The author described how to design a performance appraisal system and how to write job descriptions. The author described practical examples of theory--for example instead of stating what a Theory X manager might do, the author gave an example. The "how to" approach and designing the textbook for the HRM practitioner is what makes this HRM textbook unique. The cases, scenarios, team activities, and video examples are what students need to make the concepts come to life.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: The Role of Human Resources
  • Chapter 2: Developing and Implementing Strategic HRM Plans
  • Chapter 3: Diversity and Multiculturalism
  • Chapter 4: Recruitment
  • Chapter 5: Selection
  • Chapter 6: Compensation and Benefits
  • Chapter 7: Retention and Motivation
  • Chapter 8: Training and Development
  • Chapter 9: Successful Employee Communication
  • Chapter 10: Managing Employee Performance
  • Chapter 11: Employee Assessment
  • Chapter 12: Working with Labor Unions
  • Chapter 13: Safety and Health at Work
  • Chapter 14: International HRM

Ancillary Material

About the book.

Human Resource Management teaches HRM strategies and theories that any manager—not just those in HR—needs to know about recruiting, selecting, training, and compensating people.

Most students will be managing people at some point in their careers and not necessarily in a human resource management capacity. As businesses cut back, they may outsource HR duties to outside vendors. Or, in smaller businesses, the HR department is sometimes small or non-existent, and managers from other departments have to perform their own HRM. Therefore, teaching HRM from the perspective of a general manager, in addition to an HR manager, provides more relevance to students' careers and will give them a competitive advantage in the workplace.

This text also provides practical applications of theory relevant to today's workplace. You won't find discussions about “posting vacancies on a job board” or “sending memos.” In the real world, HRM leverages technology in every aspect of the job—from online training modules to technology for better managing flex-time workers and telecommuters.

Consider how most companies have gone “paperless” with pay stubs by using software. While such technology has made HRM easier, it has also created a new set of challenges. For example, how does a manager actually implement a new pay system? Therefore, it's important for students to understand what kinds of platforms exist in today's workplace to enhance their effectiveness as future managers.

The conversational style of Human Resource Management engages students, while the academic rigor of its content provides them with the tools that any manager needs—whether they work in HR or a different department. PLUS it offers an array of supplements that gives them practice creating real HR documents and role-playing real HR scenarios. Add value to your students' education, enhance the relevance of your curriculum, and make your students more employable by adopting this book for your HRM class. Read it now online today!

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17.2: An Introduction to Human Resource Management

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What has been the evolution of human resource management (HRM) over the years, and what is the current value it provides to an organization?

Human resource management over the years has served many purposes within an organization. From its earliest inception as a primarily compliance-type function, it has further expanded and evolved into its current state as a key driver of human capital development. In the book HR From the Outside In (Ulrich, Younger, Brockbank, Younger, 2012), the authors describe the evolution of HR work in “waves”. Wave 1 focused on the administrative work of HR personnel, such as the terms and conditions of work, delivery of HR services, and regulatory compliance. This administrative side still exists in HR today, but it is often accomplished differently via technology and outsourcing solutions. The quality of HR services and HR’s credibility came from the ability to run administrative processes and solve administrative issues effectively. Wave 2 focused on the design of innovative HR practice areas such as compensation, learning, communication, and sourcing. The HR professionals in these practice areas began to interact and share with each other to build a consistent approach to human resource management. The HR credibility in Wave 2 came from the delivery of best-practice HR solutions.

Wave 3 HR, over the last 15–20 years or so, has focused on the integration of HR strategy with the overall business strategy. Human resources appropriately began to look at the business strategy to determine what HR priorities to work on and how to best use resources. HR began to be a true partner to the business, and the credibility of HR was dependent upon HR having a seat at the table when the business was having strategic discussions. In Wave 4, HR continues to be a partner to the business, but has also become a competitive practice for responding to external business conditions. HR looks outside their organizations to customers, investors, and communities to define success—in the form of customer share, investor confidence, and community reputation. HR’s credibility is thus defined in terms of its ability to support and drive these external metrics. Although each “wave” of HR’s evolution is important and must be managed effectively, it is the “outside in” perspective that allows the human resource management function to shine via the external reputation and successes of the organization.

A graphical representation shows the evolution of H R work in four waves.

catching the entrepreneurial spirit

Human Resources Outsourcing—Entrepreneurial Ventures

Human resources is a key function within any company, but not all companies are able to afford or justify full-time HR staff. Over the last decade, HR outsourcing has become a good business decision for many small companies whose current staff doesn’t have the bandwidth or expertise to take on the risks of employee relations issues, benefits and payroll, or HR compliance responsibilities. This has led many HR practitioners to try out their entrepreneurial skills in the areas of HR outsourcing and “fractional HR.”

Human resources outsourcing is very commonly used by smaller companies (and often large companies too) to cover such tasks as benefits and payroll management. This is an area that has been outsourced to third parties for many years. More recent is the trend to have “fractional HR” resources to help with the daily/weekly/monthly HR compliance, employee relations, and talent management issues that companies need to address. Fractional HR is a growing industry, and it has become the service offering of many entrepreneurial HR ventures. Fractional HR is essentially as it sounds—it is the offering of HR services to a company on a part-time or intermittent basis when the company may not be able to justify the cost of a full-time HR resource. An HR professional can be available onsite for a specified number of hours or days weekly or monthly, depending on the company’s needs and budget. The HR professional handles everything from HR compliance issues and training to employee issues support. Also, for companies that are keen on development of employees, the HR resource can drive the talent management processes—such as performance management, succession planning, training, and development—for companies who require more than just basic HR compliance services.

How does a business leader decide whether HR outsourcing is needed? There are generally two factors that drive a leader to consider fractional HR or HR outsourcing—time and risk. If a leader is spending too much time on HR issues and employee relations, he may decide that it is a smart tradeoff to outsource these tasks to a professional. In addition, the risk inherent in some HR issues can be very great, so the threat of having a lawsuit or feeling that the company is exposed can lead the company to seek help from a fractional HR professional.

HR entrepreneurs have taken full advantage of this important trend, which many say will likely continue as small companies grow and large companies decide to off-load HR work to third parties. Some HR companies offer fractional HR as part of their stated HR services, in addition to payroll and benefits support, compensation, and other HR programmatic support. Having a fractional HR resource in place will often illuminate the need for other HR services and program builds, which are generally supported by those same companies. Whether you are an individual HR practitioner or have a small company of HR practitioners and consultants, fractional HR and HR outsourcing can be a very viable and financially rewarding business model. It can also be very personally rewarding, as the HR professional enables smaller companies to grow and thrive, knowing that its HR compliance and processes are covered.

Discussion Questions

  • At what point should a company consider bringing on a full-time HR resource instead of using a fractional HR resource? What questions should the company ask itself?

Human resource management provides value to an organization, to a large extent, via its management of the overall employee life cycle that employees follow—from hiring and onboarding, to performance management and talent development, all the way through to transitions such as job change and promotion, to retirement and exit. Human capital is a key competitive advantage to companies, and those who utilize their human resource partners effectively to drive their human capital strategy will reap the benefits.

Human resource management includes the leadership and facilitation of the following key life cycle process areas:

  • Human resources compliance
  • Employee selection, hiring, and onboarding
  • Performance management
  • Compensation rewards and benefits
  • Talent development and succession planning

Human resources is responsible for driving the strategy and policies in these areas to be in accordance with and in support of the overall business strategy. Each of these areas provides a key benefit to the organization and impacts the organization’s value proposition to its employees.

concept check

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University of Minnesota

Human Resource Management: HR for People Managers Specialization

Become a better manager of people. Develop strategies and skills for hiring, managing performance, and rewarding employees.

Taught in English

Some content may not be translated

John W. Budd

Instructors: John W. Budd +5 more


Stacy Doepner-Hove

Financial aid available

187,518 already enrolled

Coursera Plus

Specialization - 5 course series

(11,696 reviews)

Recommended experience

Beginner level

The ideal learner will have at least two years of college experience, but college experience is not required. Work experience is not necessary.

What you'll learn

Understanding alternative approaches to managing human resources and appreciating the diversity of factors that motivate workers

Applying best practices for hiring and rewarding employees, and for managing employee performance

Avoiding key mistakes in (mis)managing human resources

Skills you'll gain

  • Human Resources (HR)
  • Performance Management
  • interviewing
  • managing people

Details to know

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Do you have people reporting to you that need managing? Or perhaps you want to consider a career in human resources? Or freshen up your HR knowledge?

This specialization provides a robust introduction to the key principles, policies, and practices of human resource management . The specialization begins with a foundational course that considers alternative approaches to managing human resources, provides a background to the U.S. legal context in which employees are hired, fired, rewarded, and managed, and outlines the different reasons that people are motivated to work. The remaining three courses tackle three core areas that all managers should understand: hiring employees, evaluating their performance, and rewarding them. Throughout the courses, an accessible, scientific approach is embraced such that best practices and practical tips are informed by research, but presented in accessible, applied ways.

Upon completing the specialization, learners will have a deeper understanding of what works in the workplace, including a toolkit of best practices for hiring, managing, and rewarding employees.

The specialization will be valuable for managers and entrepreneurs taking on these responsibilities as well as anyone else interested in the fundamental principles of human resource management. The Capstone Project will provide an opportunity to apply this knowledge to a real situation, including your own organization or work unit if desired.

Applied Learning Project

The projects apply the knowledge learned to specific work groups of your choosing (e.g., your own work team). You will learn how to proactively identify key challenges around staffing, performance management, and compensation and then use this to construct strategies and plans for addressing these challenges in the context of your chosen work group.

Preparing to Manage Human Resources

One way or another, all employees are managed. But approaches to managing employees varying from employee-to-employee, job-to-job, manager-to-manager, organization-to-organization, and country-to-country. This course provides a foundation for developing your own approach to skillfully managing employees by illustrating alternative human resource management (HRM) strategies, introducing the importance of the legal context, and thinking about what motivates employees. This will then give you the factual and conceptual basis for developing specific, critical HRM skills in subsequent courses on hiring employees, managing performance, and rewarding employees. Don't know anything about HRM? That's OK! Leave this course with a new-found understanding of the range of options available for managing employees, a grasp of what makes workers tick, and the readiness to develop your own HRM skills.

Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding Employees

Finding and hiring the right people is often cited as the number one concern of businesses today. It seems we are all competing for the best and brightest workers. As you will see in our time together in the second course, a critical component of the People Manager Value Proposition is to hire talented people who enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals. This course is an introduction into the topic of recruitment, selection and onboarding.

At the outset of the course we will explore the importance of linking recruitment goals with overall company strategy. We then look at a number of options to recruit and select employees both effectively and legally. Throughout the course we will examine current issues in talent acquisition, such as how companies are now leveraging social media and hiring analytics to ensure better quality hires. At the conclusion of the course, we look at how to onboard employees to promote employee commitment and engagement.

Managing Employee Performance

Once you have hired good employees, the next step that successful people managers take is to develop the full potential of their employees. Performance management is a process that helps managers achieve the goal of getting the best from their employees.

In this third course in the Human Resources for People Managers specialization, we will discuss the skills and key processes you will need to develop your employees to attain department and organizational goals. These skills will include setting clear expectations, providing positive and corrective feedback, and delivering an effective performance appraisal.

Managing Employee Compensation

Whether you're writing paychecks or wondering where yours comes from, this course is for you!

We begin by asking: "To succeed, what kind of a person does your organization need to attract, retain, and motivate?" From there, we'll explain how to align your organization's objectives, its pay philosophy, and ultimately the way it designs and implements its salary structure, short-term incentives, long-term incentives, and benefits. Interested in learning more about the technical aspects of compensation, but don't know where to begin? We'll give an overview of key the key technical skills: compliance with pay regulations, understanding stock options, shopping for health insurance and pension providers, and designing incentive plans. Lastly, we'll discuss non-monetary methods of motivating employees. Upon completing the course, you should be able to have an understanding of compensation both strategically and technically. Learners will also gain introductory familiarity with pay regulation in the US.

Human Resources Management Capstone: HR for People Managers

This specialization provides a robust introduction to the key principles, policies, and practices of human resource management, with a focus on understanding managerial choices and constraints, acquiring and onboarding talent, managing employee performance, and rewarding employees. The capstone project provides learners with the opportunity to apply these key principles and practices to a real-world workplace (including a learner's own workplace if desired). Specifically, the capstone project will involve identifying the key human resources challenges for a workplace--including the most pressing motivational, selection, performance evaluation, and reward issues. And for each of these areas, learners will devise a multi-step action plan for addressing the challenges identified.

introduction for human resource assignment

The University of Minnesota is among the largest public research universities in the country, offering undergraduate, graduate, and professional students a multitude of opportunities for study and research. Located at the heart of one of the nation’s most vibrant, diverse metropolitan communities, students on the campuses in Minneapolis and St. Paul benefit from extensive partnerships with world-renowned health centers, international corporations, government agencies, and arts, nonprofit, and public service organizations.

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Frequently asked questions

How long does it take to complete the specialization.

There are four topic courses and one Capstone course in the Specialization. Each topic course and the capstone course will last approximately 4 weeks.

How often is each course in the Specialization offered?

Courses will run with cohorts starting approximately every two weeks.

What background knowledge is necessary?

The ideal learner will have at least two years of college experience, but college experience is not required.This course covers the fundamentals of human resources at a sophisticated beginners level. It is beginners level because no prior experience or courses in human resources are necessary, but it is a college-level course in which learners are expected to think carefully about conceptual and practical issues.

Do I need to take the courses in a specific order?

Taking the courses in sequence is strongly recommended.

Will I earn university credit for completing the Specialization?

No. Not at this time.

What will I be able to do upon completing the Specialization?

You will be better able to manage people. You will understand the legal environment for managing people and you will have a deeper understanding of what motivates employees. You will be able to effectively hire and integrate new employees, motivate them and manage their performance, and compensate and reward them. You will also be able to avoid key mistakes. If you are a manager, you will also be able to have a more productive relationship with your HR person; if you are starting a career in HR, you will be able to complete basic HR tasks.

How is this learning experience different from other similar learning experiences?

Most courses on managing people emphasize personal leadership and therefore are focused on soft skills to develop good relationships--being compassionate, a good listener, transparent, ethical, collaborative, and the like. Our course is different in focusing on better policies for managing people--best practices for hiring employees, doing performance appraisals, rewarding them. This course is also unique in allowing managers to get a better understanding of what HR professionals in their organizations do, and therefore hopefully have better relationships with them. Finally, our course is unique in bringing a realistic, multidisciplinary approach to managing people. A lot of approaches emphasize a single motivational approach, often rooted in psychology (e.g., find your inner passion). Our courses recognize that employees are diverse and have many motivations, and we infuse our courses with economic, psychological, and other perspectives, not just a singular perspective.

Is work experience necessary?

No. The course material is most directly relevant to managers taking on responsibilities for hiring, motivating, and managing others, but others who are interested in the fundamental principles of human resource management will find the material valuable with or without prior work experience. The context of the material is not limited to any particular occupations, industries, or regions.

Is this course really 100% online? Do I need to attend any classes in person?

This course is completely online, so there’s no need to show up to a classroom in person. You can access your lectures, readings and assignments anytime and anywhere via the web or your mobile device.

What is the refund policy?

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Human Resource Management: An introduction

Learning objectives.

  • Define HRM and explain its evolution over the years.
  • Explain the role of HRM in organizations.
  • Define, discuss and explain the major HRM activities.
  • Explain the professional and personal skills needed to be successful in HRM.
  • Understand the role of the Ontario HR professional – HRPA.
  • Understand how the business context influences HRM.

Every organization, large or small, uses a variety of capital to make the business work. Capital includes cash, valuables, or goods used to generate income for a business. For example, a retail store uses registers and inventory, while a consulting firm may have proprietary software or buildings. No matter the industry, all companies have one thing in common: they must view people as intellectual capital. This will be our focus throughout the text: achieving organizational effectiveness through the use of people’s skills and abilities.

What Is HRM?

Human Resource Management (HRM) is an integrated set of processes, practices, programs, and systems in an organization that focuses on the effective deployment and development of its employees.  These processes include employing people, training them, compensating them, developing policies relating to them, and developing strategies to retain them. It is, by most accounts, one of the most critical functions of an organization, because for an organization to be efficient, it needs employees and systems that support them. Think of an organization that you admire (you can use Fortune’s ranking of the World’s Most Admired companies and Canada’s Top 100 employers , an annual ranking). If you look closely at these companies, you’ll find that they are all built, without exception, around efficient, strong, and innovative HR processes.

HRM: A Short History

As a field, HRM has a long history. It takes root in the study of psychology, organizational behaviour, and industrial engineering. The field has undergone many changes over the last twenty years, giving it an even more important role in today’s organizations. In the past, human resource management (HRM) was called the personnel department. This department was in charge of hiring people and dealing with the paperwork related to employment. More recently, however, the personnel department has been divided into human resource management and human resource development, as these functions continue to evolve. More recently, HR departments often contain “people” and “culture” in their nomenclature in order to broaden the understanding of the organizational influence of HR. HRM is crucial to an organization’s success and serves a key support role in a company’s strategic planning because so many businesses today depend on people to support their vision and accomplish their mission.

Figure 1.1. Examples of Differences between Personnel Management and HRM

In the book HR From the Outside In (Ulrich, Younger, Brockbank, & Ulrich, 2012), the authors describe the evolution of HR work in four “waves”. 1  (see Figure 1.2).

Early 1900s: Wave 1 focused on the administrative work of HR personnel, such as the terms and conditions of work, delivery of HR services, and regulatory compliance (e.g., payroll). This administrative side still exists in HR today, but it is often accomplished differently via technology and outsourcing solutions.

1970s: Wave 2 focused on the design of innovative HR practice areas, such as, compensation, learning, and sourcing. The HR professionals in these practice areas began to interact and share with each other to build a consistent approach to human resource management. The HR credibility in Wave 2 came from the delivery of “best-practice” HR solutions.

1990s: Wave 3 has focused on the integration of HR strategy with the overall business strategy. Human resources appropriately began to look at the business strategy to determine what HRM priorities to work on and how to best use resources. HR began to be a true partner to the business, and the credibility of HRM was dependent upon HR having a seat at the table when the business was having strategic discussions.

2000s: In Wave 4, HRM continues to be a partner to the business, but has also become a competitive practice for responding to external business conditions. Organizations get ahead of the competition with their HRM practices.

Although each “wave” of HRM’s evolution is important and must be managed effectively, it is the “outside in” perspective that allows the human resource management function to shine via the external reputation and successes of the organization.

Figure 1 .2. 

Diagram of 4 waves of HR evolution as described in the text.

The Role of HRM in Organizations

HRM is an ‘umbrella’ term for many different and interrelated functions. It is necessary to point out at the very beginning of this text, that every manager has a role relating to human resource management. Just because we do not have the title of HR manager, it does not mean we won’t perform all or at least some of the HRM tasks. For example, most managers deal with the selection, compensation, and motivation of employees—making these aspects not only part of HRM but also part of management in general. Most experts agree on eight main roles that HRM plays in an organization. These roles are described in the following sections.

Legislation and Law

It is very important that human resource managers are aware of all the laws that affect the workplace and they ensure that the processes in place abide by them. An HRM manager will work under the following legal frameworks:

  • Federal Government
  • Provincial Government
  • Health and Safety Requirements
  • Labour Laws
  • Employment Standards

The legal environment of HRM is always changing, therefore, HRM must always be aware of changes taking place and then communicate the changes to the entire management organization. In this textbook, we have decided to address these laws in each relevant chapter instead of presenting them in a single chapter.

Corporate Policies

In addition to having to comply with the requirements mandated by law, every organization may have their own set of unique policies. These policies can be set to ensure fairness (e.g., vacation policy above and beyond those legally mandated), to enhance effectiveness (e.g., internet usage policy), or simply to reinforce the culture (e.g., dress code). Some of the roles of HRM are to identify issues that can be addressed by implementing a policy; these can range from chronic tardiness of employees to a lack of decorum in meetings. HRM, management and executives are all involved in the process of developing policies. For example, the HRM professional will likely recognize the need for a new policy or a change of policy, they will then seek opinions on the policy, write the policy, and then communicate that policy to employees. The range of policies that can be designed is endless; here are a few examples of innovative policies that can be found in some companies, including giving time-off to employees to volunteer in community organizations (to promote well-being and group work) and eliminating job titles.

Job Analysis and Design

Organizations rely on the execution of numerous and varied tasks. These tasks, which are often carried by employees, have to be structured in such a way to maximize efficiency. They should be clear and distinct from each other. They should also be performed by capable employees. HRM supports the definition, documentation and organization of these tasks through the processes of job analysis and job design..

Talent Acquisition

You need the right people to perform tasks and get work done in the organization. Even with the most sophisticated machines, humans are still needed, therefore, one of the major tasks in HRM is talent acquisition.. Talent acquisition involves the entire hiring process from posting a job to negotiating a salary package. Within the talent acquisition function, there are four main steps:

  • Talent Management Strategy
  • Human Resource (Capital) Plan
  • Recruitment Plan
  • Selection Process

Training and Development

Once we have spent the time to hire new employees, we want to make sure they are trained to do the job and continue to grow and develop new skills. This results in higher productivity for the organization. Training is also a key component in employee motivation. Employees who feel they are developing their skills tend to be happier in their jobs, which results in an increase of employee performance, productivity and retention.. Examples of training courses and programs might include the following:

  • Job skills training, such as how to use a computer program
  • Training on communication
  • Team-building activities
  • Policy and legal training, such as sexual harassment training, safety training and ethics training
  • Time management skills

Performance Assessment and Management

Employee performance is a support role provided by HRM to the organization and management. HR has the responsibility of designing, maintaining and administering an organization’s performance management policies and systems. Basically, people have to be good at what they do. In a coffee shop, baristas have to produce a great cup of coffee, within a certain amount of time, and serve it to the customer in a pleasant manner. Every job is different and quite complex when you think of the different ways in which performance is defined. It is the role of the HRM professional to devise systems to measure this performance with precision and use this information to help the employee and the organization. Performance appraisal systems may include:

  • A 360 appraisal process
  • A behaviour checklist
  • A graphic rating scale
  • MBO or management by objectives
  • Annual employee performance appraisals
  • Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

However, assessing performance is only the beginning. Once a measure of performance is obtained, the HRM professional uses it for multiple purposes, including:

  • Provide feedback for employees
  • Determine compensation (e.g., bonus, raise, etc.)
  • Take disciplinary measures
  • Support career development

Compensation and Benefits Administration

HRM professionals need to determine that compensation is fair, meets industry standards, and is high enough to entice people to work for the organization. Compensation includes anything the employee receives for his or her work. In addition, HRM professionals need to make sure the pay is comparable to what other people performing similar jobs are being paid. This involves setting up pay systems that take into consideration the number of years with the organization, years of experience, education, and also considers the results of external salary surveys. e.g. Hays Canada.. Total compensation (package) may include the following:

  • Group Life and Health Insurance
  • Retirement pension plans
  • Stock grants and purchase plans
  • Vacation time
  • Sick leave and benefits
  • Tuition reimbursement

Labour Relations

A labour union, also called a trade union or worker’s union, is an organization that represents the collective interests of employees. HRM professionals are involved in the negotiation (collective bargaining) and management of union contracts. These contracts typically cover compensation, work schedules, benefits, discipline, and other work-related processes. Unions are very prevalent throughout Canada. As such, an understanding of labour unions is very important to be effective.

Health and Safety

worker in a butcher shop wearing mark

  • Chemical hazards
  • Heating and ventilation requirements
  • Use of “no fragrance” zones
  • Protection of private employee information

HR Analytics

introduction for human resource assignment

Like every function in organizations, HRM has been drastically affected by technology. Today, a vast amount of information is collected about employees via Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS). This information, in turn, can be used to support management decisions using sophisticated analytical tools. For example, a financial institution can implement quarterly employee satisfaction surveys (ESAT) and investigate predictors of ‘dips’ and ‘jumps’ in satisfaction. It could uncover that those employees working on the investment side of the business tend to be very stressed during the preparation of end-of-quarter fund performance reporting. Knowing this, they could implement special communication efforts and improved processes or training for those employees during critical business cycles of the year. We take a closer look at this exciting and relatively new HR function in Chapter 11 “HR Analytics”.

HRM as an Integrated Set of Processes.

HRM relies upon a sophisticated set of integrated process to help the organization manage human capital. The effectiveness of HRM lies in how well integrated these processes are and how well aligned they are with the mission and strategy of the organization. For example, a new policy on workplace safety protocols will only be effective if employees are trained to understand and respect it. In addition, that policy has little chance of taking hold if it is not part of the performance appraisal process. Finally, in a unionized environment, any policy will have to be designed with the cooperation of the labour union so that it is integrated into the collective agreement.

Ulrich, D., Younger, J., Brockbank, W. and Ulrich, M. (2012), “HR talent and the new HR competencies”, Strategic HR Review , Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 217-222.

Human Resources Management - 2nd Ontario Edition Copyright © 2022 by Elizabeth Cameron is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Human Resources Management


Table of Contents

Course contents.

  • About This Course
  • Course Contents at a Glance
  • Learning Outcomes

Faculty Resources

  • Faculty Resources Overview
  • Offline Content Access
  • PowerPoints
  • Assignments
  • Discussions with Solutions
  • Interactives
  • Question Banks
  • I Need Help

Resources: Discussions and Assignments

  • Module 1 Discussion: The Role of Human Resources
  • Module 2 Discussion: Human Resource Strategy and Planning
  • Module 2 Assignment: Becoming a Changemaker
  • Module 3 Discussion: People Analytics and Human Capital Trends
  • Module 4 Discussion: Diversity in the Workplace
  • Module 4 Assignment: Develop a Diversity Allies Program
  • Module 5 Discussion: Workforce Planning
  • Module 5 Assignment: Job Description Research and Development
  • Module 6 Discussion: Recruitment and Selection
  • Module 6 Assignment: Employer Branding Overview
  • Module 7 Discussion: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees
  • Module 7 Assignment: Effective Onboarding Presentation
  • Module 8 Discussion: Compensation and Benefits
  • Module 9 Discussion: Performance Management and Appraisal
  • Module 10 Discussion: Building Positive Employee Relations
  • Module 10 Assignment: Performance Appraisal Training
  • Module 11 Discussion: Employee Termination
  • Module 12 Discussion: Employee Rights and Responsibilities
  • Module 13 Discussion: Union–Management Relations
  • Module 13 Assignment: The Future of Unions
  • Module 14 Discussion: Safety, Health, and Risk Management
  • Module 15 Discussion: Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Module 15 Assignment: HR’s Sustainability Role
  • Module 16 Discussion: Global Human Resources
  • Module 16 Assignment: Mastering Multiculturalism
  • Module 17 Discussion: Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Businesses
  • Module 17 Assignment: Skills for the Future
  • Module 17 Assignment: HR with Limited Resources

Module 1: The Role of Human Resources

  • Why It Matters: The Role of Human Resources
  • Introduction to Defining Human Resources Management
  • Human Resources Today
  • Introduction to Functions of Human Resources Management
  • Functions of Human Resources Management
  • Working in Human Resources
  • Training and Development
  • Getting a Job in Human Resources
  • Putting It Together: The Role of Human Resources
  • Discussion: The Role of Human Resources

Module 2: Human Resource Strategy and Planning

  • Why It Matters: Human Resource Strategy and Planning
  • Introduction to Foundations of Human Resources Management
  • Scientific Management Theories
  • Administrative Management Theories
  • Behavioral Management Theories
  • Modern Management Theories
  • Introduction to Strategic Management
  • Strategic Analysis
  • Strategy Formulation
  • Strategy Implementation
  • Introduction to Strategic Planning
  • Organizational Strategic Planning
  • The Process of Human Resources Planning
  • Creating a Human Resources Department
  • Putting It Together: Human Resource Strategy and Planning
  • Discussion: Human Resource Strategy and Planning
  • Assignment: Becoming a Changemaker

Module 3: Human Capital Trends

  • Why It Matters: People Analytics and Human Capital Trends
  • Introduction to People Analytics
  • What is People Analytics?
  • Adoption Trends
  • Implications of People Analytics
  • Introduction to Strategy and People Analytics
  • Impact of People Analytics on Strategy
  • Key Metrics
  • Challenges in People Analytics
  • Best Practices in People Analytics
  • Introduction to Human Capital Trends
  • Human Capital Trends
  • Putting It Together: People Analytics and Human Capital Trends
  • Discussion: People Analytics and Human Capital Trends

Module 4: Diversity in the Workplace

  • Why It Matters: Diversity in the Workplace
  • Introduction to Legislation
  • The Law and Discrimination
  • Anti-Discrimination Legislation
  • Supreme Court Cases
  • Interpreting the Law
  • Introduction to Equal Employment Opportunity
  • EEO Best Practices
  • EEO Complaints
  • EEO Violations
  • Introduction to Working with a Diverse Workforce
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Benefits of Diversity
  • Challenges of Diversity
  • Introduction to Promoting a Diverse Workforce
  • Developing a Diverse Workforce
  • Introduction to Current Diversity-Related Trends
  • Current Diversity-Related Trends
  • Putting It Together: Diversity in the Workplace
  • Discussion: Diversity in the Workplace
  • Assignment: Develop a Diversity Allies Program

Module 5: Workforce Planning

  • Why It Matters: Workforce Planning
  • Introduction to the Workforce Planning Process
  • Business Strategy and Workforce Planning
  • Assessing Current Human Resources
  • Labor Supply and Demand
  • Workforce Planning Outcomes
  • Introduction to the Job Analysis Process
  • What is Job Analysis?
  • Introduction to Job Descriptions
  • Job Descriptions
  • Introduction to Job Design
  • What is Job Design?
  • Job Design Theories
  • Putting It Together: Workforce Planning
  • Discussion: Workforce Planning
  • Assignment: Job Description Research and Development

Module 6: Recruitment and Selection

  • Why It Matters: Recruitment and Selection
  • Introduction to the Recruitment Process
  • The Recruitment Process
  • Employer Branding
  • Writing a Job Advertisement
  • Introduction to Recruitment Sources
  • Candidate Sourcing
  • Technology and Recruiting
  • Introduction to Avoiding Discrimination
  • Avoiding Discrimination in Recruiting
  • Introduction to the Selection Process
  • The Selection Process
  • Avoiding Bias in Selection
  • Interview Approaches
  • Putting It Together: Recruitment and Selection
  • Discussion: Recruitment and Selection
  • Assignment: Employer Branding Overview

Module 7: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees

  • Why It Matters: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees
  • Introduction to Onboarding Employees
  • Benefits of Onboarding
  • Methods of Onboarding
  • Introduction to Training Employees
  • Identifying Training Gaps
  • The ADDIE Model
  • Employee Training Methods
  • Evaluating Training Effectiveness
  • Introduction to Developing Employees
  • Employee Development
  • Career Management
  • Putting It Together: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees
  • Discussion: Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees
  • Assignment: Effective Onboarding Presentation

Module 8: Compensation and Benefits

  • Why It Matters: Compensation and Benefits
  • Introduction to The Law and Compensation
  • Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Equal Pay Act of 1963
  • Pay Equity Issues
  • Introduction to Types of Compensation
  • Compensation and Motivation
  • Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Rewards
  • Types of Compensation
  • Developing a Pay Structure
  • Introduction to Benefits and Benefit Trends
  • Benefit Trends
  • Putting It Together: Compensation and Benefits
  • Discussion: Compensation and Benefits

Module 9: Performance Management and Appraisal

  • Why It Matters: Performance Management and Appraisal
  • Introduction to Performance Management
  • Performance Management
  • Introduction to the Appraisal Process
  • Steps in the Appraisal Process
  • Appraisal Methods
  • Presenting an Appraisal
  • Introduction to Appraisal Effectiveness
  • Performance Management Errors
  • Improving Appraisal Effectiveness
  • Putting It Together: Performance Management and Appraisal
  • Discussion: Performance Management and Appraisal

Module 10: Building Positive Employee Relations

  • Why It Matters: Building Positive Employee Relations
  • Introduction to Employee Engagement
  • Results and Employee Engagement
  • Who is Responsible for Engagement?
  • Measuring Employee Engagement
  • Why Do Engagement Efforts Fail?
  • Introduction to Conflict at Work
  • The Impact of Conflict
  • Conflict Resolution at Work
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Putting It Together: Building Positive Employee Relations
  • Discussion: Building Positive Employee Relations
  • Assignment: Performance Appraisal Training

Module 11: Employee Termination

  • Why It Matters: Employee Termination
  • Introduction to Downsizing
  • Effects of Organizational Downsizing
  • Downsizing and Morale
  • Introduction to Effects of Termination
  • Legal and Ethical Termination
  • Termination Laws
  • Layoffs vs. Firing
  • Navigating Employee Termination
  • Putting It Together: Employee Termination
  • Discussion: Employee Termination

Module 12: Employee Rights and Responsibilities

  • Why It Matters: Employee Rights and Responsibilities
  • Introduction to Laws and Employee Rights
  • Employee Information
  • Employee Behavior Outside of Work
  • Introduction to Employee-Employer Contracts
  • Employment at Will Doctrine
  • Introduction to Disciplinary Factors and Guidelines
  • The Purpose of Discipline
  • Progressive Discipline
  • Formalizing Behavior Standards, Consequences, and Procedures
  • Putting It Together: Employee Rights and Responsibilities
  • Discussion: Employee Rights and Responsibilities

Module 13: Union-Management Relations

  • Why It Matters: Union–Management Relations
  • Introduction to Workers and Unions
  • Organizing a Union
  • Collective Bargaining
  • Introduction to Laws and Unions
  • Laws and Executive Orders
  • Janus v. AFSCME
  • Introduction to the Role of Unions
  • The Role of Unions
  • Putting It Together: Union–Management Relations
  • Discussion: Union–Management Relations
  • Assignment: The Future of Unions

Module 14: Safety, Health, and Risk Management

  • Why It Matters: Safety, Health, and Risk Management
  • Introduction to Workplace Safety and Health
  • Employer Requirements
  • Worker Rights
  • Record-Keeping Requirements
  • Safety and Health Standards
  • Introduction to Inspection and Enforcement
  • OSHA Inspection
  • OSHA Penalties
  • Introduction to Improving Workplace Safety
  • Workplace Safety Factors
  • HR and Health and Safety
  • Introduction to Risk Management
  • Risks in Human Resources
  • Managing Risk in Human Resources
  • Putting It Together: Safety, Health, and Risk Management
  • Discussion: Safety, Health, and Risk Management

Module 15: Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Why It Matters: Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Introduction to Ethics
  • Ethics in the Workplace
  • Ethics in Human Resources
  • Creating an Ethical Workplace
  • Introduction to Sustainability
  • What is Sustainability?
  • Human Resources and Sustainability
  • Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility
  • What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
  • Business and CSR
  • Embracing Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Putting It Together: Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Discussion: Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Assignment: HR’s Sustainability Role

Module 16: Global Human Resources

  • Why It Matters: Global Human Resources
  • Introduction to the Global Environment
  • Global Human Resources Management
  • Global Leadership
  • International Diversity
  • Introduction to Global Employee Engagement
  • Cultural Differences
  • Social Distance
  • Trust across Cultures
  • Global Communication
  • Putting It Together: Global Human Resources
  • Discussion: Global Human Resources
  • Assignment: Mastering Multiculturalism

Module 17: Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Businesses

  • Why It Matters: Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Businesses
  • Introduction to Determining HR Needs
  • Evaluating HR Needs
  • Authority and Accountability
  • Employees vs Contractors
  • Introduction to Employment Laws and Small Business
  • Federal Laws and Small Business
  • Introduction to Essential HR Resources
  • Job Descriptions in Small Business
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Small Business HR Resources
  • Introduction to Hiring for the Start-up Environment
  • Start-up Culture
  • Employee Success and Retention
  • Putting It Together: Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Businesses
  • Discussion: Human Resources in Small and Entrepreneurial Businesses
  • Assignment: Skills for the Future
  • Assignment: HR with Limited Resources

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Human Resource Management Assignment

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Human Resource Management Tutorial

  • HRM Tutorial
  • HRM – Introduction
  • HRM – HR & Business Strategy
  • HRM – Planning
  • HRM – Talent Management
  • HRM – Training & Development
  • HRM – Performance Management
  • HRM – Employee Engagement
  • HRM – Employee Performance
  • HRM – Compensation Management
  • HRM – Rewards & Recognition
  • HRM – Organizational Culture
  • HRM – Workplace Diversity
  • HRM – Industrial Relations
  • HRM – Dispute Resolution
  • HRM – Ethical Issues
  • HRM – Audit & Evaluation
  • HRM – International HRM
  • HRM – Small Scale Units
  • HRM Useful Resources
  • HRM - Quick Guide
  • HRM - Useful Resources
  • HRM - Discussion
  • Selected Reading
  • UPSC IAS Exams Notes
  • Developer's Best Practices
  • Questions and Answers
  • Effective Resume Writing
  • HR Interview Questions
  • Computer Glossary

HRM - Introduction

Human Resource Management (HRM) is an operation in companies designed to maximize employee performance in order to meet the employer's strategic goals and objectives. More precisely, HRM focuses on management of people within companies, emphasizing on policies and systems.

In short, HRM is the process of recruiting, selecting employees, providing proper orientation and induction, imparting proper training and developing skills.


HRM also includes employee assessment like performance appraisal, facilitating proper compensation and benefits, encouragement, maintaining proper relations with labor and with trade unions, and taking care of employee safety, welfare and health by complying with labor laws of the state or country concerned.

The Scope of HRM

The scope of HRM is very wide. It consists of all the functions that come under the banner of human resource management. The different functions are as follows −

Human Resources Planning

It is the process by which a company identifies how many positions are vacant and whether the company has excess staff or shortage of staff and subsequently deals with this need of excess or shortage.

Job Analysis Design

Job analysis can be defined as the process of noticing and regulating in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job.

Job analysis design is a process of designing jobs where evaluations are made regarding the data collected on a job. It gives an elaborate description about each and every job in the company.

Recruitment and Selection

With respect to the information collected from job analysis, the company prepares advertisements and publishes them on various social media platforms. This is known as recruitment .

A number of applications are received after the advertisement is presented, interviews are conducted and the deserving employees are selected. Thus, recruitment and selection is yet another essential area of HRM.

Orientation and Induction

After the employees are selected, an induction or orientation program is organized. The employees are updated about the background of the company as well as culture, values, and work ethics of the company and they are also introduced to the other employees.

Training and Development

Employees have to undergo a training program, which assists them to put up a better performance on the job. Sometimes, training is also conducted for currently working experienced staff so as to help them improve their skills further. This is known as refresher training .

Performance Appraisal

After the employees have put in around 1 year of service, performance appraisal is organized in order to check their performance. On the basis of these appraisals, future promotions, incentives, and increments in salary are decided.

Compensation Planning and Remuneration

Under compensation planning and remuneration, various rules and regulations regarding compensation and related aspects are taken care of. It is the duty of the HR department to look into remuneration and compensation planning.

Features of HRM

Human Resource Management as a discipline includes the following features −

It is pervasive in nature, as it is present in all industries.

It focuses on outcomes and not on rules.

It helps employees develop and groom their potential completely.

It motivates employees to give their best to the company.

It is all about people at work, as individuals as well as in groups.

It tries to put people on assigned tasks in order to have good production or results.

It helps a company achieve its goals in the future by facilitating work for competent and well-motivated employees.

It approaches to build and maintain cordial relationship among people working at various levels in the company.

Basically, we can say that HRM is a multi-disciplinary activity, utilizing knowledge and inputs drawn from psychology, economics, etc.

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1 Introduction to HRM: Meaning, definition, scope, objectives and functions of Human Resource Management

Garima Jain

1.      Learning Outcome:

After completing this module the students will be able to:

Understand the meaning and definition of

HRM. What is the scope of HRM.

Describe the Objectives of HRM.

Understand the functions of HRM.

2.      Introduction


Why name human resource management?

Human : refer to the skilled workforce in the organisation .

Resource : refer to limited availability or scarce.

Management : refer to maximise or proper utilisation and make best use of limited and a scarce resource.

The success of any organization depends upon how it manages its resources. While several resources are the non – humanresource such as land, capital, and equipment, it is the human resource and its management which is at the heart of an organization’s success.

Human Resource (HR) refers to all the people who work in an organization called personnel . Human Resource Management refers to the organizational function which includes practices that help the organization to deal effectively with its people during the various phases of the employment cycle. HRM is management function concerned with hiring, motivating, and maintaining people in an organisation. It focuses on people in the organisation.

Source : http://thesis.tcdhalls.com/images/hrm-thesis.jpg

1.1 According to Lawrence Appley, “Working with, for and through people is the way in which a manager accomplishes his job. Maintaining good human resources is a Manager’s responsibility. Providing human satisfaction from work output and relationship is a Manager’s obligation.”

1.2 In the words of Mr. NR Narayana Murthy, Chairman Emeritus, Infosys, “You must treat your employees with respect and dignity because in the most automated factory in the world, you need the power of human mind. That is what brings in innovation. If you want high quality minds to work for you, then you must protect the respect and dignity.”

1.3 In the words of John F. Kennedy, “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource.”

3.  Meaning and Definition

Essentially, the Human Resource Management (HRM) is a management function that deals with recruiting, selecting, training and developing human resource in an organization. It      isconcerned with the”people” dimension in management. It includes activities focusing on the effective use of human resources in an organization. It is concerned with thedevelopment of a highly motivated and smooth functioning workforce. It also includes planning, acquiring, developing, utilising and maintaining ‘human resources’ in theachievement of organizational goals.

3.1 According to Edwin B. Flippo , “Human resource management is the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of human resources to the end that individual, organizational and societial objectives are accomplished.”

3.2 The Indian Institute of Personnel Management defines HRM as, “Human resource management is a responsibility of all those who manage people as well as being a description of the work of those who are employed as specialists. It is that part of management which is concerned with people at work and with their relationships within an enterprise. It applies not only to industry and commerce but to all fields of employment.”

3.3 According to Tead and Metcaff , “Human resource management is the planning, supervision, direction and co-ordination of those activities of an organization which contribute to realising the definite purpose of that organization, with an animating spirit of co-operation and with a proper regard for the well-being of all the members of the organization.” 

3.4 Milkovich and Boudreau view HRM as, “A series of integrated decisions that form the employment relationship; their quality contributes to the ability of the organizations and the employees to achieve their objective.”

It is thus clear that human resource management is a specialized knowledge and practice concerned with the management of human resources in an organization. It constitutes a significant activity of the management. It attracts and selects capable men, organises them in productive groups, develops their potential, gives them necessary motivation and maintains their high morale.

Source: https://vacancycentre.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/human-resource-management-malta-hr-consultancy.jpg

4.   Scope of HRM

The scope of HRM is indeed vast. All major activities in the working life of a worker -from the time of his or her entry until he or she leaves- come under the purview of HRM.

Source: http://cf.ppt-online.org/files/slide/l/l1zGK5pQWmvhq3IjBEUfu8d2OgNT4nr7ta6xkD/slide-19.jpg

4.1. According to Dale Yoder , the scope of human resource management consists of the following functions:

  • 4.1.1.  Setting general and specific management policy for organisational relationships, and establishing and maintaining a suitable organisation for leadership and co-operation.
  • 4.1.2.  Collective bargaining, contract negotiation, contract administration and grievance handling.
  • 4.1.3.  Staffing the organisation, finding, getting and holding prescribed types and number of workers.
  • 4.1.4.  Aiding in the self-development of employees at all levels providing opportunities for personal development and growth as well as for acquiring requisite skill and experience.
  • 4.1.5.  Developing and maintaining motivation for workers by providing incentives.
  • 4.1.6.  Reviewing and auditing manpower management in the organisation.
  • 4.1.7.  Industrial relations research – carrying out studies designed to explain employee behavior

4.2. The Indian Institute of Personnel Management has described the scope of human resource management into the following aspects:

4.2.1. The Labour or Personnel Aspect: It is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, induction, transfer, promotion, demotion, termination, training and development, layoff and retrenchment, wage and salary administration (remuneration), incentives, productivity, etc.

4.2.2. The Welfare Aspect: This aspect is concerned with working conditions and amenities such as canteens, creches, rest rooms, lunch rooms, housing, transport, education, medical help, health and safety, washing facilities, recreation and cultural facilities, etc.

4.2.3. The Industrial Relations Aspect: This is concerned with the company’s relations with the employees. It includes union-management relations, joint consultation, negotiating, collective bargaining, grievance handling, disciplinary actions, settlement of industrial disputes, etc.

All the above aspects are concerned with human element in industry as distinct from the mechanical element.

Source: https://bitsthoughtideas.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/hrm1map_small.gif

5.   Objectives of HRM

The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of a competent and willing workforce to an organization. Apart from this, there are other objectives too.

Specifically, HRM objectives are four fold: societal, organisational, functional, and personal.

Figure 1 – Objectives of HRM

5.1. Societal Objectives

The societal objectives are socially and ethically responsible for the needs and challenges of society. While doing so, they have to minimize the negative impact of such demands upon the organisation. The failure of organisations to use their resources for society’s benefit in ethical ways may lead to restrictions. For example, the society may limit human resource decisions to laws that enforce reservation in hiring and laws that address discrimination, safety or other such areas of societal concern.

5.2. Organisational Objectives

The organisational objectives recognise the role of human resource management in bringing about organisational effectiveness. Human resource management is not an in    itself; it is only a means to assist the organisation with its primary objectives. Simply stated the human resource department exists to serve the rest of the organisation.

5.3. Functional Objectives

Functional objectives try to maintain the department’s contribution at a level appropriate to the organisation’s needs. Human resources are to be adjusted to suit the organisation ’s demands. The department’s level of service must be tailored to fit the organisation it serves.

5.4. Personal Objectives

Personal objectives assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least in so far as these goals enhance the individual’s contribution to the organisation. Personal objectives of employees must be met if they are to be maintained, retained and motivated. Otherwise, employee performance and satisfaction may decline giving rise to employee turnover.

6.   Functions of HRM

Human Resources management has an important role to play in equipping organizations to meet the challenges of an expanding and increasingly competitive sector. Increase in staff numbers, contractual diversification and changes in demographic profile which compel the HR managers to reconfigure the role and significance of human resources management.

Human Resource or Personnel Department is established in most of the organisations, under the charge of an executive known as Human Resource/Personnel Manager. This department plays an important role in the efficient management of human resources.

Some of the major functions of human resource management are as follows:

Managerial Functions

Operative Function

Advisory Function

Figure 2 – Functions of HRM

6.1. Managerial Functions:

The Human Resource Manager is a part of the organisational management. So he must perform the basic managerial functions of planning, organising, directing and controlling in relation to his department. These functions are briefly discussed below:

6.1.1.   Planning: To get things done through the subordinates, a manager must plan ahead. Planning is necessary to determine the goals of the organisation and lay down policies and procedures to reach the goals. For a human resource manager, planning means the determination of personnel programs that will contribute to the goals of the enterprise, i.e., anticipating vacancies, planning job requirements, job descriptions and determination of the sources of recruitment.

The process of personnel planning involves three essential steps. A supply and demand forecast for each job category is made. This step requires knowledge to both labour market conditions and the strategic posture and goals of the                          organization. Net shortage and excess of personnel by job category are projected for a specific time horizon. Plans are developed to eliminate the forecast shortages and excess of particular categories of human resources.

6.1.2.   Organizing: Once the human resource manager has established objectives and developed plans and programs to reach them, he must design and develop organisation structure to carry out the various operations. The organisation structure basically includes the following: Grouping of personnel activity logically into functions or positions; Assignment of different functions to different individuals; Delegation of authority according to the tasks assigned and responsibilities involved; Co-ordination of activities of different individuals.

6.1.3.   Directing: The plans are to be pure into effect by people. But how smoothly the plans are implemented depends on the motivation of people. The direction function of the personnel involved encouraging people to work willingly and effectively for the goals of the enterprise.

In other words, the direction function is meant to guide and motivate the people to accomplish the personnel programs. The personnel manager can motivate the employees in an organisation through career planning, salary administration, ensuring employee morale, developing cordial relationships and provision of safety requirements and welfare of employees.

The motivational function poses a great challenge for any manager. The personnel manager must have the ability to identify the needs of employees and the means and methods of satisfy those needs. Motivation is a continuous process as new needs and expectations emerge among employees when old ones are satisfied.

6.1.4.     Controlling: Controlling is concerned with the regulation of activities in accordance with the plans, which in turn have been formulated on the basis of the objectives of the organisation. Thus, controlling completes the cycle and leads back to planning. It involves the observation and comparison of results with the standards and correction of deviations that may occur.

Controlling helps the personnel manager to evaluate the control the performance of the personnel department in terms of various operative functions. It involves performance appraisal, critical examination of personnel records and statistics and personnel audit.

6.2. Operative Functions:

The operative functions are those tasks or duties which are specifically entrusted to the human resource or personnel department. These are concerned with employment, development, compensation, integration and maintenance of personnel of the organisation. The operative functions of human resource or personnel department are discussed below:

6.2.1.     Employment: The first operative function of the human resource of personnel department is the employment of proper kind and number of persons necessary to achieve the objectives of the organisation. This involves recruitment, selection, placement, etc. of the personnel.

Before these processes are performed, it is better to determine the manpower requirements both in terms of number and quality of the personnel. Recruitment and selection cover the sources of supply of labour and the devices designed to select the right type of people for various jobs. Induction and placement of personnel for their better performance also come under the employment or procurement function.

6.2.2.     Development: Training and development of personnel is a follow up of the employment function. It is a duty of management to train each employee property to develop technical skills for the job for which he has been employed and also to develop him for the higher jobs in the organisation. Proper development of personnel is necessary to increase their skills in doing their jobs and in satisfying their growth need. For this purpose, the personnel departments will device appropriate training programs. There are several on- the-job and off-the-job methods available for training purposes. A good training program should include a mixture of both types of methods. It is important to point out that personnel department arranges for training not only of new employees but also of old employees to update their knowledge in the use of latest techniques.

6.2.3.       Compensation : This function is concerned with the determination of adequate and equitable remuneration of the employees in the organisation of their contribution to the organisational goals. The personnel can be compensated both in terms of monetary as well as non-monetary rewards. Factors which must be borne in mind while fixing the remuneration of personnel are their basic needs, requirements of jobs, legal provisions regarding minimum wages, capacity of the organisation to pay, wage level afforded by competitors etc. For fixing the wage levels, the personnel department can make use of certain techniques like job evaluation and performance appraisal.

6.2.4.     Maintenance (Working Conditions and Welfare): Merely appointment and training of people is not sufficient; they must be provided with good working, conditions so that they may like their work and workplace and maintain their efficiency. Working conditions certainly influence the motivation and morale of the employees. These include measures taken for health, safety, and comfort of the workforce. The personnel department also provides for various welfare services which relate to the physical and social well-being of the employees. These may include provision of cafeteria, rest rooms, counseling, group insurance, education for children of employees, recreational facilities, etc.

6.2.5.     Motivation: Employees work in the organisation for the satisfaction of their needs. In many of the cases, it is found that they do not contribute towards the organisational goals as much as they can. This happens because employees are not adequately motivated. The human resource manager helps the various departmental managers to design a system of financial and non-financial rewards to motivate the employees.

6.2.6.     Personnel Records: The human resource or personnel department maintains the records of the employees working in the enterprise. It keeps full records of their training, achievements, transfer, promotion, etc. It also preserves many other records relating to the behaviour of personnel like absenteeism and labour turnover and the personnel programs and policies of the organisation.

6.2.7.     Industrial Relations: These days, the responsibility of maintaining good industrial relations is mainly discharged by the human resource manager. The human resource manager can help in collective bargaining, joint consultation and settlement of disputes, if the need arises. This is because of the fact that he is in possession of full information relating to personnel and has the working knowledge of various labour enactments. The human resource manager can do a great deal in maintaining industrial peace in the organisation as he is deeply associated with various committees on discipline, labour welfare, safety, grievance, etc. He helps in laying down the grievance procedure to redress the grievances of the employees. He also gives authentic information to the trade union leaders and conveys their views on various labour problems to the top management.

6.2.8.     Separation: Since the first function of human resource management is to procure the employees, it is logical that the last should be the separation and return of that person to society. Most people do not die on the job. The organisation is responsible for meeting certain requirements of due process in separation, as well as assuring that the returned person is in as good shape as possible. The personnel manager has to ensure the release of retirement benefits to the retiring personnel in time.

6.3. Advisory Functions:

Human resource manager has specialised education and training in managing human resources. He is an expert in his area and so can give advice on matters relating to human resources of the organisation. He offers his advice to:

6.3.1.     Advised to Top Management: Personnel manager advises the top management in formulation and evaluation of personnel programs, policies and procedures. He also gives advice for achieving and maintaining good human relations and high employee morale.

6.3.2.    Advised to Departmental Heads: Personnel manager offers advice to the heads of various departments on matters such as manpower planning, job analysis and design,  recruitment and selection, placement, training, performance appraisal, etc.

The functions are responsive to current staffing needs, but can be proactive in reshaping organizational objectives. All the functions of HRM are correlated with the core objectives of        HRM (Table 1).

For example- Personal objectives is sought to be realized through functions like remuneration, assessment etc.

                                                                   1-HRM Objectives and Functions


Human Resource Management is the management function that helps the managers to plan, recruit, select, train, develop, remunerate and maintain members for an organization.

Maintaining good human resources is the manager’s responsibility. Providing human satisfaction from work output and relationship is a manager’s obligation

The scope of HRM is very large. All major activities in the working life of a worker i.e. from the time of his or her entry until he or she leaves the organisation comes under the purview of HRM.

HRM has four objectives of societal, organizational, functional and personal development.

HR manager performs three functions within organizations like managerial, operative and advisory functions

Books and References

• Aswathappa, K. Human Resource Management. Tata McGraw-Hill. • Dessler, Varkkey. Human Resource Management. Pearson. • www.aast.edu/…/pdf_retreive.php?url…HRM12e_PPT…ppt.. • lib.vcomsats.edu.pk/library/MGT450/…/LECTURE%201%20new.ppt


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