Slavery Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

Explore the rich history of slavery through our comprehensive guide on slavery research paper topics . This page is designed for history students seeking in-depth insights into various aspects of slavery, including ancient, medieval, Islamic, and modern periods. We present an extensive list of slavery research paper topics categorized into 10 sections, each comprising 10 thought-provoking topics. Additionally, our article on slavery delves into the historical context, impact, and legacies of slavery, offering students a broad perspective for their research endeavors. Furthermore, we provide valuable tips on selecting and crafting compelling research paper topics on slavery, empowering students to develop well-structured and impactful papers. To support students in their academic journey, iResearchNet offers specialized writing services, featuring expert degree-holding writers, in-depth research, and customized solutions. Embrace the opportunity to excel in your history studies!

100 Slavery Research Paper Topics

In the annals of history, few topics have been as impactful and poignant as the institution of slavery. From ancient civilizations to modern societies, slavery has left an indelible mark on humanity, shaping economies, societies, and cultures throughout the ages. For students of history, delving into the complexities of slavery through research papers offers a unique opportunity to explore this dark chapter of human history and its enduring legacies. In this comprehensive section, we present a curated list of slavery research paper topics, meticulously organized into 10 categories, each encompassing 10 diverse and thought-provoking subjects. Our aim is to provide students with a wide array of historical themes and perspectives, covering ancient slavery, medieval slavery, Islamic slavery, slavery in the United States, modern slavery, slavery and human rights, slavery and economics, slavery and social movements, slavery and cultural impact, and slavery and historical memory. As we embark on this journey, we seek to foster a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics of slavery and its profound implications on the past, present, and future.

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  • The Role of Slavery in Ancient Civilizations: A Comparative Study
  • Slavery in Ancient Greece: Social and Economic Impact
  • Roman Slavery: From Captives to Household Servants
  • Slavery in Ancient Egypt: Labor and Society
  • Slavery in Mesopotamia: Legal Framework and Rights of Enslaved Individuals
  • Slavery in Ancient China: Patterns of Enslavement and Liberation
  • The Status of Slaves in Pre-Colonial Africa: A Case Study
  • Slavery in the Indus Valley Civilization: Evidence and Interpretations
  • The Treatment of Slaves in the Aztec Empire: Perspectives and Challenges
  • Slavery in the Mayan Civilization: Myths and Reality
  • Serfdom and Slavery in Medieval Europe: A Comparative Analysis
  • Slave Trade in the Byzantine Empire: Routes and Impact
  • Slavery in the Islamic Caliphates: Legal and Social Dimensions
  • The Role of Slavery in Feudal Japan: Samurai and Peasants
  • Slavery in Medieval China: Institutions and Reforms
  • The Slave Trade in Medieval Africa: Regional Variations and Consequences
  • Enslavement in the Viking Age: Raiding and Slave Markets
  • Slavery in the Middle Ages: Church, State, and Social Norms
  • The Experience of Slaves in Medieval Persia: Stories and Perspectives
  • Slave Revolts and Resistance in the Medieval World: Causes and Outcomes
  • Islamic Slavery and the Trans-Saharan Trade: Connections and Implications
  • The Role of Slavery in the Ottoman Empire: Administration and Abolition
  • Slavery in the Mamluk Sultanate: Military and Economic Contributions
  • The Treatment of Slaves in Medieval Islamic Society: Rights and Restrictions
  • Female Slaves in the Islamic World: Roles and Perceptions
  • Slavery in Medieval India: Influence of Islamic and Hindu Traditions
  • The African Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean: Trade Routes and Networks
  • Slavery and Conversion to Islam: Examining the Impact on Enslaved Individuals
  • The Experience of African Slaves in the Arab World: Cultural Identity and Resistance
  • Slavery in the Maldives: Local Practices and Global Influences
  • Slavery in the Southern Colonies: Labor Systems and Plantation Life
  • The Experience of Enslaved Individuals in the Northern States: Urban vs. Rural
  • Slave Trade and the Middle Passage: Trauma and Survival
  • The Role of Free Blacks in the Antebellum South: Rights and Restrictions
  • The Underground Railroad in the United States: Networks and Abolitionist Activity
  • Slavery and Indigenous Peoples: Interactions and Conflicts
  • The Economic Impact of Slavery on the United States: Cotton, Tobacco, and Beyond
  • Slavery and the US Constitution: Legal Framework and Political Debates
  • Slavery and the American Legal System: Court Cases and Precedents
  • The Legacy of Slavery in US Society: Racial Inequality and Systemic Racism
  • Slavery in the United States: From Colonial Times to the Civil War
  • The Abolitionist Movement in the United States: Key Figures and Campaigns
  • The Underground Railroad: Escaping Slavery and Freedom Seekers
  • Slavery and the American Civil War: Causes, Consequences, and Legacies
  • Slavery in Latin America: Plantations, Labor Systems, and Resistance
  • The British Abolition of the Slave Trade: Policy and Impact
  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Origins, Scale, and Aftermath
  • Slavery in the Caribbean: Plantation Economies and Cultural Heritage
  • The Impact of Slavery on African Societies: Continuity and Change
  • Modern-Day Slavery: Human Trafficking and Forced Labor in the 21st Century
  • Slavery and International Law: From Condemnation to Enforcement
  • The Role of Slavery in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Slavery Reparations: Historical Injustices and Contemporary Debates
  • The Legacies of Slavery: Intergenerational Trauma and Healing
  • The Fight for Abolition: Social Movements and Civil Rights Activism
  • Slavery in Modern Literature: Representation and Cultural Memory
  • The Impact of Slavery on Identity and Belonging: Descendants of Enslaved Individuals
  • Modern Slavery and Global Supply Chains: Corporate Responsibility and Accountability
  • The Role of Museums and Memorials in Preserving Slavery’s History
  • Slavery and Memory Studies: Commemoration and Remembrance
  • The Economics of Slavery: Plantations, Labor, and Capital Accumulation
  • The Impact of Slavery on Economic Development: Case Studies and Perspectives
  • Slavery and Trade Routes: The Triangular Trade and Its Consequences
  • Slavery and Industrialization: Labor Systems and Technological Advances
  • Slavery and Urbanization: The Role of Enslaved Individuals in Building Cities
  • The Economic Justifications for Slavery: Historical Debates and Perspectives
  • Slavery and Wealth Inequality: Historical and Contemporary Patterns
  • Slavery and Globalization: Connections and Disparities
  • The Role of Slave Labor in Building Infrastructures: Roads, Canals, and Railways
  • Slavery and Economic Migration: The Movement of Enslaved Individuals
  • Slave Revolts and Rebellions: Causes, Strategies, and Outcomes
  • Abolitionist Literature: Narratives of Freedom and Empowerment
  • The Role of Religion in the Abolitionist Movement: Faith and Advocacy
  • The Underground Railroad and Its Impact on African American Communities
  • Slavery and Women’s Rights: Intersectionality and Activism
  • The Role of Free African Americans in the Abolitionist Movement
  • Slave Songs and Music: Expressions of Resistance and Identity
  • Slave Codes and Laws: The Legal Framework of Enslavement
  • Slavery and Education: Restrictions, Access, and Agency
  • The Role of International Diplomacy in Abolitionist Efforts
  • Slavery in Art and Literature: Representations and Interpretations
  • The Influence of African Cultures on Slave Communities
  • Slavery and Memory in Visual Culture: Museums, Monuments, and Memorials
  • The Impact of Slave Narratives on Cultural Awareness and Empathy
  • Slavery in Folklore and Oral Traditions: Stories of Survival and Resilience
  • Slavery and Music: Contributions of Enslaved Africans to American Music
  • The Legacy of Slavery in Language and Linguistics: Words and Expressions
  • Slavery and Food: Culinary Traditions and Adaptations
  • The Representation of Slavery in Films and Media: Stereotypes and Revisionist Narratives
  • Slavery’s Influence on Fashion and Clothing: Textiles and Identity
  • The Politics of Memory: Commemorating and Memorializing Slavery
  • Slavery and Public History: Interpretation and Controversies
  • The Role of Confederate Monuments in Shaping Historical Narratives
  • Slavery and Heritage Tourism: Ethics and Responsibilities
  • The Memory of Slavery in African American Communities: Cultural Expressions
  • The Debate over Confederate Symbols and Names: Renaming and Removals
  • Slavery and Education: Teaching Difficult Histories in Schools
  • The Role of Historical Reenactments in Representing Slavery
  • Slavery in Family Histories: Genealogy and Ancestral Connections
  • The Future of Slavery Studies: Research Directions and Challenges

This comprehensive list of slavery research paper topics serves as a gateway for students to explore the multifaceted dimensions of slavery across different epochs and societies. From ancient civilizations to the present day, slavery has been a pervasive and deeply troubling institution that has shaped human history in profound ways. By examining these carefully selected topics, students can gain a deeper appreciation for the historical, social, economic, and cultural complexities surrounding slavery. Moreover, delving into these research paper ideas opens avenues for critical thinking, fostering empathy, and raising awareness about the enduring legacy of slavery in contemporary society. As we engage with these slavery research paper topics, it is crucial to approach them with sensitivity and a commitment to shedding light on the human experience, even in the darkest chapters of history.

Slavery: Exploring the History, Impact, and Legacies

Slavery stands as a harrowing chapter in human history, marked by its profound impact on societies, economies, and the lives of countless individuals. This article delves into the complex and troubling history of slavery, tracing its origins, evolution, and far-reaching consequences on both local and global scales. Additionally, it sheds light on the enduring legacies of slavery, as its shadows continue to cast a long and influential reach into the modern world. By examining the historical context of slavery and its multifaceted impact, we can better understand the challenges faced by enslaved people and the enduring repercussions felt across generations and continents.

The Origins of Slavery: Tracing the Roots

The history of slavery can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where individuals were subjected to forced labor and bondage. Exploring the origins of slavery illuminates the early forms of human exploitation and the development of slave systems in various societies, from Mesopotamia and Egypt to Greece and Rome. Understanding the earliest manifestations of slavery helps contextualize its transformation over time and its role in shaping societies.

Slavery in Medieval Times: Continuity and Change

As the world transitioned into the medieval period, the institution of slavery adapted and persisted. This topic examines the continuity of slavery in medieval Europe, Africa, and Asia, and delves into the changes and variations that occurred during this era. The rise of serfdom, indentured servitude, and chattel slavery all played significant roles in shaping the medieval world’s social, economic, and political landscape.

Islamic Slavery: Unraveling the Narrative

Islamic history also saw the presence of slavery, with a diverse range of experiences and practices within the Islamic world. This section explores the nuances of Islamic slavery, challenging misconceptions and providing a more nuanced understanding of its historical context. The discussion encompasses the role of slavery in Islamic societies, the treatment of enslaved people, and the Quranic teachings related to slavery.

Transatlantic Slave Trade: A Dark Era

One of the most infamous chapters in slavery’s history is the transatlantic slave trade, which forcibly transported millions of Africans to the Americas. This topic delves into the grim reality of the slave trade, analyzing its economic, social, and humanitarian ramifications. The harrowing journey of enslaved Africans, the brutal conditions of the Middle Passage, and the impacts on African societies are essential aspects of this exploration.

Slavery and Abolition Movements: Struggle for Freedom

The fight against slavery was met with resistance from enslaved individuals and abolition movements worldwide. This section examines the courageous efforts of abolitionists, enslaved rebels, and humanitarian activists in challenging the institution of slavery. The works of prominent figures such as Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, William Wilberforce, and Sojourner Truth are exemplars of the determination to end slavery.

Impact on Culture and Identity

Slavery profoundly influenced the cultural fabric and identities of both enslaved and enslaving societies. This topic investigates how cultural expressions, traditions, and identities were shaped by the institution of slavery, leaving indelible marks on the collective consciousness. From African cultural retentions in the Americas to the enduring legacy of slavery in shaping national identities, this section delves into the power of culture in preserving and challenging the past.

Slavery’s Economic Legacy: Prosperity Built on Exploitation

The economic impact of slavery cannot be underestimated, as it fueled the growth of industries and economies in different regions. This section delves into the economic repercussions of slavery, exploring its role in the accumulation of wealth and its lasting influence on global trade. The exploitative labor practices that underpinned the economies of plantation-based societies and their connection to contemporary economic systems are crucial aspects of this examination.

The Long Road to Emancipation: Legacies of Struggle

Even after the abolition of slavery, the legacy of oppression persisted through segregation, Jim Crow laws, and systemic racism. This topic examines the legacies of slavery’s aftermath and the ongoing struggles for equality and justice. The Civil Rights Movement in the United States and similar movements worldwide demonstrate the enduring efforts to dismantle the structures of racism and discrimination.

Slavery in the US: A Tumultuous History

Focusing on the United States, this category explores the unique history of slavery in the nation. From its early colonial beginnings to the Civil War and beyond, the United States grappled with the profound impact of slavery on its development. Examining slave narratives, the Underground Railroad, and the Emancipation Proclamation, this section highlights the complexities of slavery’s legacy in the US.

Slavery in the Modern World: Contemporary Forms of Exploitation

Despite its historical abolition, slavery has not been eradicated entirely. Modern slavery, including human trafficking and forced labor, continues to affect millions worldwide. This section sheds light on the modern manifestations of slavery and the challenges of combating this global issue. The examination includes efforts by international organizations, governments, and NGOs to address this ongoing human rights violation.

By examining these critical aspects of slavery, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the history, impact, and enduring legacies of this tragic institution. Through rigorous research and compassionate inquiry, we aim to honor the experiences of those who suffered under slavery while striving to create a more just and equitable world for all.

How to Choose Slavery Research Paper Topics

Choosing slavery research paper topics requires thoughtful consideration and a deep understanding of the historical, social, and cultural complexities surrounding this dark period in human history. While the topic selection process can be challenging, it is essential to find a subject that not only interests you but also allows for a comprehensive exploration of the issues related to slavery. Here are ten tips to guide you in selecting the most compelling slavery research paper topics:

  • Conduct Preliminary Research : Before settling on a specific topic, conduct preliminary research to familiarize yourself with various aspects of slavery. Read books, scholarly articles, and historical accounts to gain insight into different angles and perspectives. This will help you identify gaps in the existing literature and potential areas for further exploration.
  • Define Your Scope : Given the vastness of the subject, it is crucial to define the scope of your research paper. Consider the time period, geographic location, and specific themes you want to delve into. Whether you choose to focus on a particular region, a specific era, or a comparative analysis of different slave systems, defining your scope will provide clarity and direction.
  • Explore Different Perspectives : Slavery has left an indelible mark on various societies and individuals. Consider exploring different perspectives, such as the experiences of enslaved individuals, the role of slaveholders, the impact on economies, and the cultural and social repercussions. This multi-faceted approach will enrich your research and foster a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
  • Select a Specific Theme or Question : Rather than opting for a broad topic, narrow down your focus by selecting a specific theme or research question. For instance, you could investigate the resistance strategies employed by enslaved people, the economic motivations behind the transatlantic slave trade, or the role of women in slave societies. A focused approach will allow for in-depth analysis and a more cohesive research paper.
  • Consult with Your Instructor or Advisor : If you are struggling to choose a research paper topic, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your instructor or academic advisor. They can offer valuable insights, suggest potential slavery research paper topics, and provide feedback on the feasibility of your ideas.
  • Consider Understudied Topics : Exploring less-discussed or understudied topics can be a rewarding endeavor. Look for aspects of slavery that have not received as much scholarly attention and consider shedding light on these lesser-known areas. This can contribute to the broader understanding of the subject and make your research paper stand out.
  • Use Primary Sources : Incorporating primary sources in your research can add depth and authenticity to your paper. Letters, diaries, interviews, and official documents from the time of slavery provide firsthand accounts and perspectives, enriching your analysis and providing a more nuanced understanding of historical events.
  • Stay Ethical and Sensible : Slavery is a highly sensitive and traumatic subject. When choosing a research paper topic, ensure that you approach it with sensitivity and respect for the individuals who suffered under this institution. Avoid trivializing the experiences of enslaved people or using offensive language in your research.
  • Consider Comparative Studies : Comparing the experiences of enslaved people in different regions or exploring how slavery intersected with other historical events can yield fascinating insights. Comparative studies can highlight similarities and differences, providing a broader context for understanding the complexities of slavery.
  • Follow Your Passion : Ultimately, choose a slavery research paper topic that genuinely interests you. A passionate approach to your research will drive your motivation, commitment, and enthusiasm throughout the writing process. Embrace a topic that ignites your curiosity and allows you to make a meaningful contribution to the field of historical research.

In conclusion, selecting a research paper topic on slavery requires careful consideration of various factors, including scope, perspective, and sensitivity. By conducting thorough research and defining a focused theme or question, you can explore the depths of this complex historical period and contribute to a deeper understanding of the enduring legacies of slavery. Remember to seek guidance from your instructor, utilize primary sources, and stay passionate in your pursuit of knowledge. With these tips, you can embark on a compelling research journey that sheds light on the history, impact, and ongoing relevance of slavery in our world.

How to Write a Slavery Research Paper

Writing a slavery research paper requires careful planning, extensive research, and a thoughtful approach to address the complex historical, social, and cultural dimensions of this topic. Here are ten essential tips to guide you through the process of writing an engaging and well-structured slavery research paper:

  • Develop a Strong Thesis Statement : A compelling thesis statement is the foundation of your research paper. It should present a clear argument or claim that you will explore and support throughout your paper. Your thesis statement should be specific, concise, and indicative of the main focus of your research.
  • Conduct In-Depth Research : Thoroughly research your chosen topic using both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources include historical documents, letters, diaries, interviews, and other firsthand accounts from the time of slavery. Secondary sources encompass scholarly books, articles, and analyses that provide context and interpretations of historical events.
  • Organize Your Research : Organize your research material systematically to facilitate a coherent and logical structure for your paper. Create an outline that outlines the main sections and arguments you plan to cover. This will help you maintain a clear flow of ideas throughout your research paper.
  • Provide Historical Context : Begin your research paper by providing essential historical context. Explain the background of slavery, its origins, evolution, and global impact. Offer insights into the economic, social, and political forces that influenced the growth and sustenance of slavery in different regions.
  • Explore Various Perspectives : Dive into the multifaceted perspectives related to slavery. Consider the experiences of enslaved individuals, slaveholders, abolitionists, and the broader society. By exploring diverse viewpoints, you can present a well-rounded analysis of the complex issues surrounding slavery.
  • Analyze Primary Sources Critically : When using primary sources, analyze them critically to identify biases, gaps, and limitations. Interrogate the perspectives of the authors and the context in which the sources were created. Critical analysis of primary sources strengthens the authenticity and credibility of your research paper.
  • Utilize Comparative Analysis : Consider adopting a comparative approach to enrich your research. Compare and contrast different forms of slavery in various regions or analyze the impact of slavery on different social groups. Comparative analysis enhances the depth of your research and offers valuable insights.
  • Address the Legacy of Slavery : Acknowledge the ongoing implications of slavery in the modern world. Examine how slavery has shaped contemporary social, economic, and political structures. Addressing the legacy of slavery demonstrates the relevance of this historical topic in today’s society.
  • Cite Sources Properly : Ensure that you cite all your sources properly and adhere to the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). Accurate citation gives credit to the original authors, validates your research, and helps avoid plagiarism.
  • Revise and Edit Thoroughly : The final step is to revise and edit your research paper thoroughly. Review the content for coherence, clarity, and logical flow of ideas. Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to gain different perspectives on your work.

In conclusion, writing a slavery research paper demands meticulous research, critical analysis, and careful consideration of the historical context and its impact on contemporary society. By developing a strong thesis statement, organizing your research, and exploring various perspectives, you can create an engaging and comprehensive research paper on this crucial aspect of human history. Remember to acknowledge the ongoing legacy of slavery and cite your sources accurately. With dedication and attention to detail, you can produce a research paper that sheds light on the complexities of slavery and its enduring significance.

iResearchNet’s Writing Services:

Your partner in slavery research papers.

At iResearchNet, we understand the importance of producing high-quality and comprehensive slavery research papers. Our writing services are designed to assist students in delving into the intricate historical narratives of slavery while presenting well-researched and thought-provoking papers that meet academic standards. As your dedicated partner in slavery research, we offer a range of features and benefits to ensure a seamless and rewarding experience.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : Our team of writers consists of highly qualified experts with advanced degrees in history and related fields. They possess a deep understanding of slavery’s historical significance, allowing them to produce well-informed and authoritative research papers.
  • Custom Written Works : We recognize that each research paper is unique, and we tailor our writing services to meet your specific requirements. Our writers craft custom-written papers from scratch, ensuring originality and authenticity in every document.
  • In-Depth Research : Research is the foundation of any historical study, and our writers go the extra mile to conduct in-depth research using reputable sources, both primary and secondary. This comprehensive approach ensures the inclusion of valuable insights and evidence in your research paper.
  • Custom Formatting : Formatting a research paper in the appropriate citation style can be challenging. Rest assured, our writers are well-versed in various formatting styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard. Your paper will adhere to the required guidelines and be formatted professionally.
  • Top Quality : Quality is our utmost priority. We maintain rigorous standards throughout the writing process, ensuring that your research paper reflects academic excellence and meticulous attention to detail.
  • Customized Solutions : Whether you need assistance with topic selection, research, or the entire writing process, our services are tailored to meet your specific needs. You have the freedom to choose the level of support that suits your requirements best.
  • Flexible Pricing : We understand the financial constraints faced by students. Our pricing structure is designed to be flexible and affordable, ensuring that you receive excellent value for your investment.
  • Short Deadlines : If you are facing tight deadlines, worry not. Our writers are skilled at working efficiently and can deliver high-quality research papers within short timeframes.
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Partnering with iResearchNet means gaining access to a team of skilled professionals who are dedicated to helping you excel in your academic journey. Our comprehensive writing services will empower you to produce outstanding slavery research papers that demonstrate your passion for history, research, and critical analysis.

Through our expert guidance and support, you can confidently navigate the complexities of slavery research, engage with the historical narrative, and present well-crafted papers that contribute to a deeper understanding of this critical aspect of human history. Let iResearchNet be your trusted ally in unlocking the fascinating stories and legacies of slavery through your research papers.

Unleash Your Potential with iResearchNet’s Writing Services

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey into the fascinating world of slavery research? iResearchNet is here to empower you with our comprehensive and reliable writing services, dedicated to supporting students like you in your academic pursuits. Unleash your potential as a history scholar by harnessing the expertise of our experienced writers and the wealth of resources at your disposal.

Now is the time to embrace the challenge of slavery research and make your mark as a historian. With iResearchNet’s writing services as your trusted partner, you have the tools, expertise, and support you need to excel in your academic endeavors. Unleash your potential and unlock the captivating stories of slavery with confidence and academic excellence.

Take the first step towards a rewarding academic journey today. Contact iResearchNet and allow us to be your partner in crafting exceptional slavery research papers that leave a lasting impact. Embrace the legacy of history and illuminate the narratives of the past through your insightful research and thought-provoking papers. Together, we will make history in the realm of slavery research.


slavery research paper thesis statement

The University of Liverpool Repository

Exploring modern slavery and the modern slavery act 2015: how does the framing of modern slavery limit the efficacy of legal and policy responses to human trafficking and slavery..

slavery research paper thesis statement

In recent years interest in the issues of slavery and human trafficking has converged with the emergence of the concept of ‘modern slavery’. This thesis seeks to address the complex phenomenon of ‘modern slavery’ and analyse the effect it has on legislative responses to slavery and human trafficking, with a particular focus on the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It begins by locating the problem historically through its foundations in slavery and human trafficking and explores the incomplete nature of the abolition of the practices. These observations provide the context for analysis of the existing international anti-slavery and trafficking legal frameworks, the emergence of the concept of ‘modern slavery’ and the subsequent blurring of the legal boundaries between the practices. The complexity of the concept of ‘modern slavery’ is reflected in the variety of practices included within its scope and the lack of consensus among stakeholders concerning the meaning of the term. This thesis examines the phenomenon of ‘modern slavery’ and the conflation of human trafficking and slavery underneath the umbrella of ‘modern slavery’. It demonstrates that the shortcomings of the existing models of ‘modern slavery’ are themselves evident in the legal and policy responses to slavery and human trafficking. The overall effect of the uncritical use of the concept is a negative impact on potential victims of human trafficking and slavery, but also other exploitative practices. These observations are supported by doctrinal analysis of i) historical anti-slavery and trafficking movements ii) international frameworks and definitions of slavery and trafficking iii) existing academic literature examining the concept of ‘modern slavery’ and iiii) The Modern Slavery Act 2015. This thesis extends the existing literature by investigating how different conceptualisations of slavery impact the efficacy of anti-slavery legislation, specifically the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The thesis explores the disconnect between different sections of the literature of slavery and trafficking. The thesis argues in conclusion that the development of the concept of ‘modern slavery’ and the subsequent collapse of the legal boundaries between human trafficking and slavery has a potential threefold effect, which limits the utility of current anti-slavery/trafficking legal and policy responses.


  • Repository Staff Access

Research Support,  University of Liverpool Sydney Jones Library, Abercromby Square Liverpool L69 3DA,  UK +44 (0)151 794 0000

HIST 2320 - African American History from Slavery to Freedom

  • Getting to Know Your Topic

From Research Question to Thesis Statement

  • Finding Books
  • Finding Scholarly Journal Articles
  • Finding Primary Sources
  • Citation Help

Want to Browse Books for Inspiration?

Not sure what you want to investigate yet? Browsing the shelves can be a good way to find that first spark of inspiration. Below are the general history call numbers to get you started. However keep in mind that history can be a highly interdisciplinary subject, so once you get started with the research process don't worry if your work takes you away from these numbers.

If this is your first time using the Library of Congress call numbers don't hesitate to ask a librarian for help. 

C - Auxiliary Sciences of History

D - World History and History of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

E - History of the Americas

F - History of the Americas

  • What is a Research Question
  • Put your Question to the Test
  • What is a Thesis Statement
  • Tips for Writing/Drafting Thesis Statements

A research question is the question around which you center your research. It should be:

  • clear : it provides enough specifics that your audience can easily understand its purpose without needing additional explanation.
  • focused : it is narrow enough that it can be answered thoroughly in the space the writing task allows.
  • concise : it is expressed in the fewest possible words.
  • complex : it is not answerable with a simple “yes” or “no,” but rather requires synthesis and analysis of ideas and sources.
  • arguable : its potential answers are open to debate rather than accepted facts.

You should ask a question about an issue that you are genuinely curious and/or passionate about.

Unsure about your question? Put it to the test using these seven questions. 

  • Does my question allow for many possible answers? Is it flexible and open-ended?
  • Is it testable? Do I know what kind of evidence would allow an answer?
  • Can I break big “why” questions into empirically resolvable pieces?
  • Is the question clear and precise? Do I use vocabulary that is vague or needs definition?
  • Have I made the premises explicit?
  • Is it of a scale suitable to the length of the assignment?
  • Can I explain why the answer matters?

If your question didn't do so well, remember to talk to your professor before starting over. They can help enhance your question for historical exploration. 

The thesis statement is one or two sentences that states the main idea of a writing assignment and helps control the ideas within the paper.  It is not merely a topic but rather   identifies the topic to be discussed, as well as the purpose of the paper itself.

A thesis statement:

  • tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion.
  • is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.
  • directly answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. The subject, or topic, of an essay might be World War II or Moby Dick; a thesis must then offer a way to understand the war or the novel.
  • makes a claim that others might dispute.
  • is usually a single sentence near the beginning of your paper (most often, at the end of the first paragraph) that presents your argument to the reader. The rest of the paper, the body of the essay, gathers and organizes evidence that will persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation.

Know the topic . The topic should be something you know or can learn about. It is difficult to write a thesis statement, let alone a paper, on a topic that you know nothing about. Reflecting on personal experience and/or researching will help you know more information about your topic.

Limit your topic . Based on what you know and the required length of your final paper, limit your topic to a specific area. A broad scope will generally require a longer paper, while a narrow scope will be sufficiently proven by a shorter paper.

Brainstorm . If you are having trouble beginning your paper or writing your thesis, take a piece of paper and write down everything that comes to mind about your topic. Did you discover any new ideas or connections? Can you separate any of the things you jotted down into categories? Do you notice any themes? Think about using ideas generated during this process to shape your thesis statement and your paper.

Topic to Research Question

Every research project starts with a question. Your question will allow you to select, evaluate and interpret your sources systematically. The question you start with isn’t set in stone, but will be revisited and revised as you read and interact with the sources. 

Robert C. Williams suggests that  a research question might:

  • "ask  how or why  an event happened (causation, explanation)"
  • "ask what  the consequences  were of a particular event"
  • "discuss  the intellectual origins  of a particular idea"
  • "ask what  the cultural context  of an event was";
  • "ask  whether or not an individual was responsible  for a certain act"
  • "ask about  the social history  of a political event"
  • "quantify  broad trends in a society  at a particular time" (52)

Source: Williams, Robert C.  The Historian's Toolbox: A Student's Guide to the Theory and Craft of History . Second ed. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2007.

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Slavery - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

Slavery involves the ownership and forced labor of one person by another. Essays on slavery could explore its historical occurrences, the impact of slavery on contemporary racial relations, or discuss the legacies and traumas of slavery. It could also delve into the various forms of modern-day slavery and human trafficking. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Slavery you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

What is Worse than Slavery

Worse than Slavery , by David Oshinsky tells a sensitive and graphic storyline about the South. My first impression from just looking at the book made me think, what could be worse than slavery? Is it even possible for something to be just as gruesome as slavery? To be completely honest, before reading this book, I didn't know all the ins and outs about slavery, let alone about the Parchman State Penitentiary but reading this book really opened my eyes […]

The Development of America and the Impact of Slavery

In the time that Slavery was happening before the years of the Civil War era, America had continued to develop into their own independent country from the British. Even though many factors had been involved in the growth of America, Slavery had a major role in the development of America itself. The pronounced economy, idea of liberty, and culture would develop as slavery took place in the new land. Lonnie Bunch III, director of the Smithsonian quotes, African Americans helped […]

History: the Fall of the Roman Empire

Introduction The Roman Empire is said to have crumpled when the German brutes toppled the last Emperor, Romulus Augustus in 476 and presented a more equitable type of government which was fleeting. There exist many reasons regarding the fall of the Roman Empire. Every reason seemed to be intertwined with the other. Some of those who try and explain the fall of this empire blamed the initiation of Christianity. Constantine the Great initiated Christianity in 337 AD. Some people place […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

A History of Slavery in the United States

The number of slaves being held in the United States increased significantly during the 18th and early 19th centuries. Up to this point, slavery was primarily an institution limited to white men and few women. However, as whites became more prosperous, they began importing large numbers of free or indentured servants from Africa who were brought over as slaves for economic gain (El Hame). The public developed an increasing dislike for both these newcomers and their descendants - termed “mulattos” […]

Legacy of Slavery: from Juneteenth to Modern-Day Mass Incarceration

Some slaves new they were slaves and some didn't.Though President Abraham Lincoln put an end to slavery, slaves in Texas had no knowledge of their freedom until two and a half years later. On June 19, 1865 Union soldiers came to Galveston and declared the end of the Civil War, with General granger reading a lou a special declaration that ordered the freeing of 200,000 slaves in the state. Because of the major set back, many African Americans started a […]

The Definition of Racism

Racism has many definitions. However, in the past, people were identified by their country's geographic place, not by their skin color. This essay about the definition of racism will explore how it has changed over time. Racism can appear in many ways. The most common racism definition is that of a system of dominance, power, and privilege that is rooted in the historical oppression of subordinated groups that the dominant group views as inferior, deviant, or undesirable. The dominant group […]

How did Music Enhance the Experience of Slavery

African American slavery is remembered for its constant abuse and brutality towards African Americans. One aspect that is less known is the music. The music used during slavery and in the context of slavery enhanced the experience for both slave and slave master. Music in slavery came from different sources. There were many famous slave songs such as “Roll Jordan Roll” and “Follow The Drunkin’ Gourd”. As well as slaves who had musical talent, expressing their talent to their master […]

Sharecropping Better than Slavery

The historical fiction story Roll of Thunder hear my cry provides us with adequate information about sharecropping. It goes into detail about the poverty prevalent in sharecropping families and the struggle to escape its grasp. Take the quote, A tall, emaciated-looking boy popped suddenly from a forest trail and swung a thin arm around Stacey. It was T.J. Avery. His younger brother Claude emerged a moment later, smiling weakly as if it pained him to do so. Neither boy had […]

Jamaican Culture

The fashion industry is one which is evident in all areas in the world. In Jamaica, for instance, modern day fashion is encompassed within the ordinary dress code of people all over the country. Most of the clothes worn by people in Jamaica reflect a significant part of their cultural and religious beliefs. However, this fashion sense grows from their connection with one fashionably renowned African country, Ghana. Fashion design and contemporary wear in Jamaica is closely related to the […]

Slavery and Racism in “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is absolutely relating a message to readers about the ills of slavery but this is a complex matter. On the one hand, the only truly good and reliable character is Jim who, a slave, is subhuman. Also, twain wrote this book after slavery had been abolished, therefore, the fact that is significant. There are still several traces of some degree of racism in the novel, including the use of the n word and his tendency […]

Modern Slavery

Imagine stopping at the red light, you see this youthful face, standing at the corner of the street. You notice her high heels and rather skimpy clothes and you immediately and consciously register her as a streetwalker. All of a sudden, all the wrongdoings in the world and lack of character notions develop in your head pertaining to her. You see her low morals screaming loud and clear, you see the whore she is. All this thought process going on […]

The American Revolution

Role of slaves and Native Americans in the RevolutionThousands of African slaves and the Native American involvement in the fight for independence against the British colonial masters. Most of them were actively involved in the forefront of the war. They refused to stand aside and took the side of the war that they felt had an upper arm in winning and of course the one that offered better terms of their freedom when the war is won. The war was […]

The Impact of Slavery

The participation of England in the slave-trade began in the early 16th century, with the country, on par with Portugal, being the most successful in the trading business until the abolishment of Slavery in the UK in 1807. The original interest of the British traders was more-so with the produce from within Africa, such as ivory and gold, rather than the people of Africa itself. The interest shifted however when the demand for labourers increased and rich British figures became […]

Why Slavery was the Engine of American Economic Growth

America views slavery in a negative perspective. It's not very known that there were some positives aspects that benefited America's economy. From the years 1619 to 1865, slavery became very important to the South because it supported the economic side of agriculture. The slave-based economy was somewhat separate from the market revolution. If it wasn't for slavery, the North wouldn't have been able to grow when industrializing the cotton textile. Cotton textile was one of the first industrially producing businesses […]

The Reformation Evangelicalism and the British Anti-Slavery Movement

Throughout the last 500 years, there have been several great revivals of Christian evangelism, specifically with regards to human rights. Christians, particularly evangelicals, have been at the forefront of many social movements that would in the modern parlance be deemed social justice movements, such as the anti-slavery movement, Prohibition, and the broad, all encompassing poor relief of the Victorian Era. One of the most notable “ and most well documented “ of the aforementioned Christian humanitarian movements was the anti-slavery […]

The Issues of Slavery: Reflection in Literature

The age of Romanticism is characterized not only by the growth of cultural development of human society but also by the ongoing debates about the maintenance of the slave market and promotion of abolition ideas. There is much evidence that advocates on both sides of the issue relied on the moral and economic arguments for their positions. Different authors like, Mary Prince and Maria Edgeworth, take different positions on slavery because they view slavery in different ways and discuss different […]

Slave Narrative to the Black Lives Matter Movement

Black lives matter can be considered as an international movement, which has its origin in the African-American community. The primary objective of this movement is to campaign against systematic racism and violence towards the black people (Richardson, Elaine, and Alice 30). Most of these cases of violence and systematic racism were most evident among the slaves. Therefore, black lives matter movement was formed to help address some of the problems that slaves undergo. There were protests, which were held by […]

Slavery and Immigration

Life in the 16th century was tough mostly if you were a slave or servant. The world came a long way from when slave start to the end of it. It caused a bloody war where many people lost their lives, fighting for their right and believes. The North was a big attribute to this whole situation. It all started when a ship brought over 20 African slaves to America. People started noticing the New World, and they all wanted […]

What is Modern Slavery?

Many corporations today rely on the forced-employment of American prison inmates as a source of inexpensive labor. Most people believe the United States abolished slavery through the enactment of the thirteenth amendment, although this article clearly states that people can be subjugated into what would otherwise be unjust working-conditions if they have been sentenced to prison-time. The 13th Amendment states: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall […]

How did Slavery Shape Modern Society?

Slavery has never been abolished from America's way of thinking. (Nina Simone) Slavery still exist till this day, from forced labor, sex trafficking, debt bondage, child soldiers, and domestic servitude. Although slavery was abolished in 1865 in the United States, slavery continues to be a worldwide issue from forced child labor, sex trafficking, and debt bondage. Thousands of people suffer every year resulting in injury, kidnapping, and even death so the question remains does slavery still exist to this day? […]

Was Slavery the Cause of the Civil War Essay

The Civil War is a war that is taught about in every school throughout the United States of America, no matter if it’s the first grade or your senior year of college, you’ve heard about it every year in school since kindergarten in some form or another. The nation split into two parts. the Union also known as “the North” and the Confederate States of American, or just “The South”. It was a war that shaped history, the nation could […]

Making Racism Obsolete

Does racism still exist? Some would say no?, but some would agree that racism is a cut that won't heal. Molefi Kete Asante is a professor at Temple University and has written many books during his career. In this analysis I will dissect Asante's work covering racism from the past, present and the future moving forward. Asante argues that America is divided between two divisions, the Promise and the Wilderness. Historically, African Americans has been at a disadvantage politically, socially, […]

Racism and Slavery

During the colonial period, Americans came up with the idea to bring African men and women overseas and use them as slaves. The effects of slavery on African Americans were enormous, and the white men got higher ranked in the hierarchy than the back men because of the colour of their skin. In order to discuss the impact that slavery has had on today’s society, you need to first address why it actually occurred. During the 17th and 18th century, […]

Why is Slavery Wrong

Allow me to express to you why slavery was, is, and always will be wrong. Slaves went through drastic living conditions, treated as less than human, and even had no rights compared to whites during this time. Slavery is one of the foulest works of the 17th century as it is made very clear through the many novels and narratives about slavery as well as the African Americans who lived through it. Slavery should have never transpired at all and […]

Slavery in the South Vs North

Whether America is being praised or looked down upon, one indisputable fact is America has done great things. Some good and some bad, but great. It is also indisputable that every decision has made America what it is today. Especially in terms of slavery. Even though it may have been one of the most unethical practices America has ever partaken in, it is also without a doubt the most contributing factor to the foundation of the US. Back when the […]

Slavery Codes and Laws

Slavery in the American history is both clear and ambiguous. Enslaved people were property owned by white people, treated as property and traded regularly. Although this marked a tragedy in the American history, the story of slavery still affects a lot of US resident till today. With the growth of slaves' numbers there emerged the need to legalize, control and keep track of all slaves in America, thus our topic for this research paper. The Slavery Laws designed to keep […]

Racism in the United States of America

Racism is a common theme seen throughout history. Throughout history several groups of people have been affected by racism. Throughout history it hasn’t been just one group but many groups if not all have experienced it. In Contemporary Literature we explored topics of racism along with sexual assault. We learned that Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior;and that throughout history there have been […]

Slavery in Beloved

Modern American culture has largely forgotten about the establishment of slavery and the disturbing, psychological pain that Africans and African Americans had to endure. The history of black people in America has been filled with traumatic experiences, which has had a large impact on their personalities and their connection with themselves and others. In order to overcome the trauma of slavery requires remembering the atrocities faced by slaves rather than forgetting them.     Toni Morrison's novel Beloved extends the examination […]

The Legacy of Slavery

Slavery is when one person owning another person. The effects that slavery has had on the nation is something many people still struggle to understand. A recent article by Rochelle Riley for USA Today describes slavery as America's open wound, the painful injury that a third of America lives with and the rest of the country attempts to ignore because, for them, it is an ancient scar and, well, hasn't it healed by now? Slavery has left a very noticeable […]

Frederick Douglass Slavery

In 1845 nonfiction book Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, written and told by Frederick Douglass himself, Douglass tells the true story of the cold, harsh, unsettling conditions he was forced to experience as a slave in the 1800’s. Frederick reveals the transformation that took him from a boy slave into manhood and how he had to rely on his own intellect to make his cruel conditions just even the slightest bit better. This autobiography gives insight into an […]

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How To Write an Essay About Slavery

Understanding the history and impact of slavery.

Before you begin writing an essay about slavery, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of its history and impact. Slavery, the practice of owning and exploiting humans as property, has existed in various forms throughout history and across cultures. In your essay, focus on a specific era or type of slavery, such as the transatlantic slave trade, ancient slavery in Rome or Greece, or modern forms of slavery. Research the socio-economic and political contexts in which slavery existed, the life and treatment of slaves, and the long-term impacts on societies. Understanding the complexities and nuances of slavery will provide a solid foundation for your essay.

Formulating a Thesis Statement

A strong essay on slavery should be centered around a clear, concise thesis statement. This statement should present a specific angle or argument about slavery. For example, you might focus on the economic reasons behind the transatlantic slave trade, the psychological effects of slavery on individuals and communities, or the resistance and rebellion by slaves. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay and ensure that your analysis is focused and coherent.

Gathering and Analyzing Historical Evidence

To support your thesis, gather historical evidence from credible sources. This may include primary sources like slave narratives, letters, and legal documents, or secondary sources like scholarly articles and history books. Analyze this evidence critically, considering the context, perspective, and purpose of each source. Use this evidence to support your arguments and provide depth to your analysis of slavery.

Discussing the Legacy and Contemporary Relevance

In your essay, discuss the legacy of slavery and its contemporary relevance. This could include its impact on racial relations, economic structures, and cultural practices. Consider how the history of slavery continues to influence current social and political issues. This discussion will add depth to your essay, connecting historical analysis with present-day implications.

Concluding Your Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your analysis and restating your thesis in light of the evidence presented. Your conclusion should tie together your arguments and emphasize the significance of understanding slavery's history and impact. Reflect on the broader implications of your findings, such as the importance of historical memory and the need for ongoing dialogue and education about slavery.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, take the time to review and refine it. Ensure that your arguments are clearly articulated and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers, teachers, or historians to further refine your essay. A well-written essay on slavery will not only reflect your understanding of the topic but also demonstrate your ability to engage critically with complex historical subjects.

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University Statement

February 16, 2024

Dear Members of the Yale Community,

Several years ago, we embarked on a journey to understand better our university’s history—specifically Yale’s formative ties to slavery and the slave trade. We chose to do this because we have a responsibility to the pursuit of truth and the dissemination of knowledge, both foundational to the mission of our university. Confronting this history helps us to build a stronger community and realize our aspirations to create a better future.

Today, on behalf of Yale University, we recognize our university’s historical role in and associations with slavery, as well as the labor, the experiences, and the contributions of enslaved people to our university’s history, and we apologize for the ways that Yale’s leaders, over the course of our early history, participated in slavery. Acknowledging and apologizing for this history are only part of the path forward. These findings have propelled us toward meaningful action to address the continued effects of slavery in society today.

Since October 2020, members of the Yale and Slavery Research Project have conducted intensive research to provide a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of the university’s past. The Research Project included faculty, staff, students, and New Haven community members, and it was led by David W. Blight, Sterling Professor of History and director of the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition at Yale. Members of the group shared their results publicly as they did their work, and the university has steadily launched programs and initiatives in response.

The full findings from this project are now published by Yale University Press in a scholarly, peer-reviewed book authored by Professor Blight and members of the Yale and Slavery Research Project. Key findings and the full book are available to all online .

Yale and Slavery Research Findings

The Yale and Slavery Research Project has deepened greatly our understanding of our university’s history with slavery and the role of enslaved individuals who participated in the construction of a Yale building or whose labor enriched prominent leaders who made gifts to Yale. Although there are no known records of Yale University owning enslaved people, many of Yale’s Puritan founders owned enslaved people, as did a significant number of Yale’s early leaders and other prominent members of the university community, and the Research Project has identified over 200 of these enslaved people. The majority of those who were enslaved are identified as Black, but some are identified as Indigenous. Some of those enslaved participated in the construction of Connecticut Hall, the oldest building on campus. Others worked in cotton fields, rum refineries, and other punishing places in Connecticut or elsewhere, and their grueling labor benefited those who contributed funds to Yale.

We also know that prominent members of the Yale community joined with New Haven leaders and citizens to stop a proposal to build a college in New Haven for Black youth in 1831, which would have been America’s first Black college. Additional aspects of Yale’s history are illuminated in the book’s findings, including the Yale Civil War Memorial that honors those who fought for the North and the South without any mention of slavery or other context.

Our Forward-Looking Commitment

Today, we announce actions based upon the Research Project’s findings and our university’s history by focusing on systemic issues that echo in our nation’s legacy of slavery—specifically, increasing educational access and expanding educational pathways for local youth in the New Haven community. These build on the initiatives and programs we have launched throughout the past few years as members of the project shared their research.

The new work we undertake advances inclusive economic growth in New Haven. Aligned with our core educational mission, we also are ensuring that our history, in its entirety, is better reflected across campus, and we are creating widespread access to Yale’s historical findings. We highlight some of our commitments below. The full details of the university’s response are available on the Yale and Slavery Research Project website .

Increasing Educational Access and Excellence in Teaching and Research

The lost opportunity to build a college for Black youths in New Haven in 1831 prompts us to strengthen our partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities ( HBCU s) across the country today and expand educational pathways for young scholars in our home city.

  • New Haven School Teachers: New Haven, as well as the rest of the country, is dealing with an acute and ongoing teacher shortage; in our city, there were eighty teaching positions that went unfilled during the last academic year. There are many reasons for this shortage, including the high costs of acquiring certification and a Master’s in Teaching degree, compared to the relatively modest compensation in the profession. We are partnering with the New Haven Public School system, New Haven Promise, and Southern Connecticut State University to design and implement a new residency fellowship program to provide funding to aspiring teachers, so they can attain a Master’s in Teaching degree in exchange for a commitment of at least three years of service in the New Haven Public School system. Once launched, this fellowship program aims to place 100 teachers with master’s degrees into the city’s schools in five years. 
  • Yale and Slavery Teachers Institute Program: Yale is launching a four-year teacher’s institute in summer 2025 to foster innovation in the ways regional history is taught. This program will help K-12 teachers in New England meet new state mandates for incorporating Black and Indigenous history into their curricula. Each year, a cohort of teachers will engage with partners within and outside of the university community to study content and methods related to a particular theme, using the book Yale and Slavery: A History as a springboard. The first year of the program will focus on Indigenous history, followed by slavery in the north, and Reconstruction and the Black freedom struggle. Led by the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition at the Yale MacMillan Center, the program will provide a platform for teachers in New England to co-develop curricular materials, in collaboration with scholars, public historians, Native communities, and other groups. The pedagogical materials and methods created through the program will be disseminated broadly for the benefit of students, educators, and the general public throughout the region.
  • HBCU Research Partnerships: We continue to expand our research partnerships with HBCU s across the country with pathways programs for students, opportunities for faculty collaboration, and faculty exchange programs. The university will announce a significant new investment in the coming weeks.
  • New Haven Promise Program: In January 2022, Yale expanded its contribution to New Haven Promise , by 25 percent annually, from $4 million to $5 million, and extended its commitment through June 2026. New Haven Promise has supported more than 2,800 New Haven Public School students through scholarships and career development programs.
  • Pennington Fellowships: In December 2022, Yale launched a new scholarship to support New Haven high school graduates to attend one of our partner HBCU institutions (Hampton University, Howard University, Morehouse College, Morgan State University, North Carolina A&T State University, and Spelman College). The program is designed to help address historical disparities in educational opportunities for students from New Haven and will grow to include forty to fifty Pennington scholars at any given time, supporting students in their academic, financial, and career entry success.
  • Law School Access Program: Yale Law School’s pipeline program serves first-generation, low-income, and under-represented students from New Haven. The program invests in a class of up to twenty fellows who are passionate about uplifting their local communities in New Haven and Connecticut. Yale began centrally co-funding the program with the Law School in 2024 to ensure its long-term stability.
  • K-12 Educational Outreach in New Haven: Yale supports many programs for youth in New Haven and surrounding communities, and thousands of public school children take part in Yale-funded academic and social development programs . These include Yale’s Pathways to Science and Yale’s Pathways to Arts and Humanities programs.

Advancing Inclusive Economic Growth in New Haven

We remain committed to partnering with our home city of New Haven to create vibrant shared communities with increased economic opportunities. This builds on our ongoing work with the New Haven community, which includes increasing what was already the largest voluntary payment by a university to its host city in the country to approximately $135 million over six years and the creation of a new Center for Inclusive Growth to develop and implement strategies to grow the city economically.

  • Dixwell Plaza: Yale recently signed a ten-year letter of intent for space at Dixwell Plaza to support the development of a state-of-the-art mixed-use retail, residential, and cultural hub in Dixwell’s historically Black community center that is rooted in restorative economic development. Yale is working on this initiative with the Connecticut Community Outreach and Revitalization Program (ConnCORP), a local organization whose mission is to provide opportunities to New Haven’s underserved residents.
  • Community Investment Program: Yale’s community investment program works with independently owned retail businesses. Most recently, University Properties has supported a growing number of locally owned brick-and-mortar businesses, including restaurants and retail clothing stores. This program brings jobs to New Haven residents and expands the city’s tax base.

Acknowledging Our Past

The research findings make clear that Yale’s foundations are inextricably bound with the economic and political systems of slavery. That history is not fully evident on our campus, and we are working to ensure that our physical campus provides members of our community with a more complete view of the university’s history.

  • Transforming Connecticut Hall: Connecticut Hall, constructed in the mid-eighteenth century using in part the labor of enslaved people, is being reconstituted as a place of healing and communion as the new home of the Yale Chaplaincy. The Yale Committee for Art Representing Enslavement will make recommendations for how the building’s history with slavery can be acknowledged and made evident through art. The renovated building is currently slated to be reopened in summer 2026.
  • Civil War Memorial: Yale’s Civil War Memorial, located in Memorial Hall and dedicated in 1915, is a “Lost Cause” monument. However, the purpose and meaning of the memorial are largely unknown to most who walk past it. Recently, an educational display was installed near the memorial to inform visitors about its history and provide additional resources.
  • Committee for Art Recognizing Enslavement: In June 2023, we launched the Yale Committee for Art Recognizing Enslavement , which includes representatives from both the Yale and New Haven communities. The committee is working with (and soliciting input from) members of the campus and New Haven communities to commission works of art and related programming to address Yale’s historical roles in and associations with slavery and the slave trade, as well as the legacy of that history.
  • M.A. Privatim degrees: In April 2023, the Yale board of trustees voted to confer M.A. Privatim degrees on the Reverend James W. C. Pennington (c. 1807-1870) and the Reverend Alexander Crummell (1819-1898). Both men studied theology at Yale, but because they were Black, the university did not allow them to register formally for classes or matriculate for a degree. On September 14, 2023, the university held a ceremony to honor the two men and commemorate the conferral of the degrees.

Creating Widespread Access to Historical Findings

Yale and Slavery: A History provides a more complete narrative of Yale’s history and that of New Haven, Connecticut, and our nation. Aligned with our core educational mission, we will provide opportunities for communities within and beyond Yale’s campus to learn from the findings.

  • New Haven Museum Exhibition: Today, we open a new exhibition at the New Haven Museum, created in collaboration with the Yale University Library, Yale and Slavery Research Project, and the Museum. On view through the summer, the exhibition complements the publication of Yale and Slavery: A History and draws from the research project’s key findings in areas such as the economy and trade, Black churches and schools, the 1831 Black college proposal, and memory and memorialization in the 20th century and today. The exhibition has a special focus on stories of Black New Haven, including early Black students and alumni of Yale, from the 1830s to 1940. There is no admission fee for viewing the exhibition.
  • Book Distribution: We are providing copies of the book, Yale and Slavery: A History to each public library and high school in New Haven, as well as the local churches and other community organizations. We also have subsidized a free digital version that is available to everyone.
  • DeVane Lecture in Fall 2024: Professor Blight will teach the next DeVane Lecture in the fall 2024 semester. Students can take the course for credit, and the lectures are free to attend for New Haven and other local community members. His course will cover the findings of the Yale and Slavery Research Project and other related scholarly work. The lectures will be filmed and made available free online in 2025.
  • App-Guided Tour: A new app includes a map of key sites on campus and in New Haven with narration, offering users the opportunity to take a self-guided tour. The nineteen points of interest on the tour start with the John Pierpont House and end at Eli Whitney’s tomb in the Grove Street Cemetery.
  • Campus Tours: With a more accurate understanding of Yale’s history, we are updating campus tours so that they include the key findings from the Yale and Slavery Research Project, particularly concerning the Civil War Memorial and Connecticut Hall.

Working Together to Strengthen Our Community

Our commitments are ongoing, and there remains more to be accomplished in the years ahead. We have established the Committee on Addressing the Legacy of Slavery to seek broad input from faculty, students, staff, alumni, New Haven community members, and external experts and leaders on actions the university can take to address its history and legacy of slavery and create a stronger and more inclusive university community that pursues research, teaching, scholarship, practice, and preservation of the highest caliber. Secretary and Vice President for University Life Kimberly Goff-Crews will chair this committee.

We invite members of the Yale and New Haven communities to read the book and share with us their comments . The Committee on Addressing the Legacy of Slavery will review all input and consider future opportunities—with New Haven, other universities, and other communities—to improve access to education and enhance inclusive economic growth. The committee will report to the president. In the coming weeks, the committee will host listening sessions for faculty, students, staff, and alumni. The Committee for Art Recognizing Enslavement will also host forums for members of the community. These sessions will be posted on the Belonging at Yale calendar and the Yale and Slavery Research Project’s community input webpage . 

The Yale and Slavery Research Project has helped us gain a more complete understanding of our university’s history. The steps and initiatives Yale has established in response to the historical findings build on our continued commitments to the New Haven community and our ongoing Belonging at Yale work to enhance diversity, support equity, and promote an environment of welcome, inclusion, and respect.

Today, we mark one milestone in our journey to creating a stronger and more inclusive Yale and to confronting deeply rooted challenges in society to do our part in building “the beloved community” envisioned by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Our work continues, and we welcome your thoughts and hope you will engage with our history.

Peter Salovey, ’86 PhD President Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health, Management, and Sociology

Josh Bekenstein, ’80 BA Senior Trustee, Yale Corporation  

Slavery and the Civil War Essay

Theme essays. diversity, extra credit option. reconstruction, works cited.

During the period of 1820-1860, the life of white and black people in the South depended on developing the Institute of slavery which shaped not only social but also economic life of the region. The Institute of slavery was primarily for the Southern states, and this feature helped to distinguish the South from the other regions of the USA.

Slavery played the key role in shaping the economic and social life of the South because it influenced the trade and economic relations in the region as well as the social and class structure representing slave owners, white farmers without slaves, and slaves as the main labor force in the region.

The development of the South during the period of 1820-1860 was based on growing cotton intensively. To guarantee the enormous exports of cotton, it was necessary to rely on slaves as the main cheap or almost free workforce. The farmers of the South grew different crops, but the economic success was associated with the farms of those planters who lived in the regions with fertile soil and focused on growing cotton basing on slavery.

Thus, the prosperity of this or that white farmer and planter depended on using slaves in his farm or plantation. Slaves working for planters took the lowest social positions as well as free slaves living in cities whose economic situation was also problematic. The white population of the South was divided into slave owners and yeoman farmers who had no slaves.

Thus, having no opportunities to use the advantages of slavery, yeoman farmers relied on their families’ powers, and they were poorer in comparison with planters (Picture 1). However, not all the planters were equally successful in their economic situation. Many planters owned only a few slaves, and they also had to work at their plantations or perform definite duties.

Slaves were also different in their status because of the functions performed. From this point, the social stratification was necessary not only for dividing the Southern population into black slaves and white owners but also to demonstrate the differences within these two main classes (Davidson et al.).

As a result, different social classes had various cultures. It is important to note that slaves were more common features in spite of their status in families, and they were united regarding the culture which was reflected in their religion, vision, and songs. The difference in the social status of the white population was more obvious, and the single common feature was the prejudice and discrimination against slaves.

Picture 1. Yeoman Farmer’s House

The Civil War became the real challenge for the USA because it changed all the structures and institutions of the country reforming the aspects of the political, economic, and social life. Furthermore, the Civil War brought significant losses and sufferings for both the representatives of the Northern and Southern armies.

It is important to note that the situation of the Union in the war was more advantageous in comparison with the position of the Confederacy during the prolonged period of the war actions.

As a result, the South suffered from more significant economic and social changes as well as from extreme losses in the war in comparison with the North’s costs. Thus, the main impact of the Civil War was the abolition of slavery which changed the economic and social structures of the South and contributed to shifting the focus on the role of federal government.

The Civil War resulted in abolishing slavery and preserving the political unity of the country. Nevertheless, these positive outcomes were achieved at the expense of significant losses in the number of population and in promoting more sufferings for ordinary people. A lot of the Confederacy’s soldiers died at the battlefields, suffering from extreme wounds and the lack of food because of the problems with weapon and food provision.

During the war, the Union focused on abolishing slaves who were proclaimed free. Thus, former slaves from the Southern states were inclined to find jobs in the North or join the Union army.

As a result, the army of the Confederacy also began to suffer from the lack of forces (Davidson et al.). Moreover, the situation was problematic off the battlefield because all the issues of food provision and work at plantations and farms challenged women living in the Southern states.

The forces of the Union army were more balanced, and their losses were less significant than in the Southern states. Furthermore, the end of the war did not change the structure of the social life in the North significantly. The impact of the war was more important for the Southerners who had to build their economic and social life without references to slavery.

The next important change was the alternations in the social role of women. Many women had to work at farms in the South and to perform as nurses in the North (Picture 2). The vision of the women’s role in the society was changed in a way.

However, in spite of the fact that the population of the South had to rebuild the social structure and adapt to the new social and economic realities, the whole economic situation was changed for better with references to intensifying the international trade. Furthermore, the abolishment of slavery was oriented to the social and democratic progress in the country.

Picture 2. “Our Women and the War”. Harper’s Weekly, 1862

Diversity is one of the main characteristic features of the American nation from the early periods of its formation. The American nation cannot be discussed as a stable one because the formation of the nation depends on the active migration processes intensifying the general diversity. As a result, the American nation is characterized by the richness of cultures, values, and lifestyles.

This richness is also typical for the early period of the American history when the country’s population was diverse in relation to ethnicity, cultures, religion, and social status. From this point, diversity directly shaped the American nation because the country’s population never was identical.

The Americans respected diversity if the question was associated with the problem of first migrations and the Americans’ difference from the English population. To win independence, it was necessary to admit the difference from the English people, but diversity was also the trigger for conflicts between the Americans, Englishmen, and Frenchmen as well as Indian tribes.

The ethic diversity was not respected by the first Americans. The further importations of slaves to America worsened the situation, and ethnic diversity increased, involving cultural and social diversity.

Diversity was respected only with references to the negative consequences of slave importation. Thus, the Southerners focused on using black slaves for development of their plantations (Davidson et al.). From this point, white planers concentrated on the difference of blacks and used it for discrimination.

Furthermore, slavery also provoked the cultural and lifestyle diversity between the South and the North of the country which resulted in the Civil War because of impossibility to share different values typical for the Southerners and Northerners. Moreover, the diversity in lifestyles of the Southerners was deeper because it depended on the fact of having or not slaves.

Great religious diversity was also typical for the nation. White population followed different branches of Christianity relating to their roots, and black people developed their own religious movements contributing to diversifying the religious life of the Americans (Davidson et al.).

Thus, the aspects of diversity are reflected in each sphere of the first Americans’ life with references to differences in ethnicities, followed religions, cultures, values, lifestyles, and social patterns. This diversity also provoked a lot of conflicts in the history of the nation.

The role of women in the American society changed depending on the most important political and social changes. The periods of reforms and transformations also promoted the changes in the social positions of women. The most notable changes are typical for the period of the Jacksonian era and for the Civil War period.

The changes in the role of women are closely connected with the development of women’s movements during the 1850s and with the focus on women’s powers off the battlefield during the Civil War period.

During the Jacksonian era, women began to play significant roles in the religious and social life of the country. Having rather limited rights, women could realize their potentials only in relation to families and church work. That is why, many women paid much attention to their church duties and responsibilities.

Later, the church work was expanded, and women began to organize special religious groups in order to contribute to reforming definite aspects of the Church’s progress. Women also were the main members of the prayer meetings, and much attention was drawn to the charity activities and assistance to hospitals (Davidson et al.).

Women also played the significant role in the development of revivalism as the characteristic feature of the period. Moreover, the active church work and the focus on forming organizations was the first step to the progress of the women’s rights movements.

It is important to note that the participation of women in the social life was rather limited during a long period of time that is why membership and belonging to different church organizations as well as development of women’s rights movements contributed to increasing the role of women within the society. Proclaiming the necessity of abolishment, socially active women also concentrated on the idea of suffrage which was achieved later.

The period of the 1850s is closely connected with the growth of the women’s rights movements because it was the period of stating to the democratic rights and freedoms within the society (Davidson et al.). The next important event is the Civil War. The war influenced the position of the Southern white and black women significantly, revealing their powers and ability to overcome a lot of challenges.

The end of the Civil War provided women with the opportunity to achieve all the proclaimed ideals of the women’s rights movements along with changing the position of male and female slaves in the American society.

The development of the American nation is based on pursuing certain ideals and following definite values. The main values which are greatly important for the Americans are associated with the notions which had the significant meaning during the periods of migration and creating the independent state. The two main values are opportunity and equality.

These values are also fixed in the Constitution of the country in order to emphasize their extreme meaning for the whole nation.

Opportunity and equality are the values which are shaped with references to the economic and social ideals because all the Americans are equal, and each American should have the opportunity to achieve the individual goal. Nevertheless, in spite of the proclaimed ideals, the above-mentioned values were discussed during a long period of time only with references to the white population of the country.

The other values typical for the Americans are also based not on the religious, moral or cultural ideals but on the social aspects. During the Jacksonian era, the Americans focused on such values as the democratic society. Following the ideals of rights and freedoms, the American population intended to realize them completely within the developed democratic society (Davidson et al.).

Moreover, these ideals were correlated with such values as equality and opportunity. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that for many Americans the notions of democratic society, opportunity, and equality were directly connected with the economic growth. That is why, during long periods of time Americans concentrated on achieving freedoms along with pursuing the economic prosperity.

Thus, it is possible to determine such key values which regulate the social attitudes and inclinations of the Americans as equality and opportunity, freedoms and rights. In spite of the fact the USA was the country with the determined role of religion in the society, moral and religious aspects were not proclaimed as the basic values of the nation because of the prolonged focus of the Americans on their independence and prosperity.

From this point, opportunity, equality, freedoms, and rights are discussed as more significant values for the developed nation than the religious principles. The creation of the state independent from the influence of the British Empire resulted in determining the associated values and ideals which were pursued by the Americans during prolonged periods of the nation’s development.

The period of Reconstruction was oriented to adapting African Americans to the realities of the free social life and to rebuilding the economic structure of the South. The end of the Civil War guaranteed the abolishment of slavery, but the question of black people’s equality to the whites was rather controversial.

That is why, the period of Reconstruction was rather complex and had two opposite outcomes for the African Americans’ further life in the society and for the general economic progress of the states. Reconstruction was successful in providing such opportunities for African Americans as education and a choice to live in any region or to select the employer.

However, Reconstruction can also be discussed as a failure because the issues of racism were not overcome during the period, and the era of slavery was changed with the era of strict social segregation leading to significant discrimination of black people.

The positive changes in the life of African Americans after the Civil War were connected with receiving more opportunities for the social progress. Thus, many public schools were opened for the black population in order to increase the level of literacy (Picture 3). Furthermore, the impossibility to support the Southerners’ plantations without the free work of slaves led to changing the economic focus.

Thus, industrialization of the region could contribute to creating more workplaces for African Americans (Davidson et al.). Moreover, the racial and social equality should also be supported with references to providing more political rights for African Americans.

Reconstruction was the period of observing many black politicians at the American political arena. The question of blacks’ suffrage became one of the most discussed issues. From this point, during the period of Reconstruction African Americans did first steps on the path of equality.

Nevertheless, Reconstruction was also a great failure. The South remained unchanged in relation to the social relations between the whites and blacks. After the Civil War, segregation was intensified. The economic and social pressure as well as discrimination against the blacks was based on the developed concept of racism (Davidson et al.).

The Southerners preserved the prejudiced attitude toward the blacks, and prejudice and discrimination became the main challenge for African Americans in all the spheres of the life.

In spite of definite successes of Reconstruction, African Americans suffered from the results of segregation and discrimination, and they were prevented from changing their economic and social status.

Picture 3. Public Schools

Davidson, James, Brian DeLay, Christine Leigh Heyrman, Mark Lytle, and Michael Stoff. US: A Narrative History . USA: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Print.

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Students say it’s time for this university to acknowledge its ties to slavery

ST. LOUIS — Descendants of people enslaved by Saint Louis University are asking the administration to take formal steps toward acknowledging its history, including issuing a formal apology.

The new 10-point plan from the Descendants of the Saint Louis University Enslaved ( DSLUE ) also urges the university to create a memorial to commemorate enslaved ancestors and establish an endowment to issue cash payments to “restore to the descendants the economic benefit they were deprived of.” It’s part of a renewed push for the administration to take action after years of advocacy by the descendants and the local community.

Students passed a resolution last month asking the university to outline an action plan, and in a letter to DSLUE, St. Louis County NAACP president Adolphus M. Pruitt II threw support behind “the call for Saint Louis University (SLU) and the Society of the Jesuits (Society) to further acknowledge the harm that was inflicted upon these individuals and their descendants as a foundation for reconciliation and healing.”

The remedies, laid out by the descendants, also call for a focus on scholarships including tuition, room, board, fees, books and other related expenses for DSLUE descendants who seek to attend the school as well as entrepreneurial resources.

This, as the descendents pointed out, is consistent with was has been done at other universities including Princeton Theological Seminary, Virginia Theological Seminary and Loyola University Maryland.

READ MORE: Descendants of those enslaved by St. Louis University calculated their ancestors’ unpaid labor. Here’s how

“Saint Louis University has an opportunity to live up to their creed,” DSLUE executive director and founder Robin Proudie said.

Saint Louis University did not respond to a request for comment on the student resolution or a timeline for meeting the steps it lays out.

What are descendants and students asking for?

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DSLUE’s Robin Proudie holds a doll she says symbolizes her ancestor Henrietta Mills, who was enslaved by Saint Louis University enslaved in the 1800s. Photo by Gabrielle Hays/PBS NewsHour

Robin Proudie walked into Saint Louis University’s student center last month with a doll in her hand. Draped in kente cloth, the doll held a baby on her back. She symbolized Proudie’s ancestor Henrietta Mills, who was enslaved by the university in the 1800s. Proudie was on campus to speak to students about the descendants’ history and their work, and wanted a way for Mills to bear witness to the work she’s doing on her behalf.

“To let her know that your great, great, great, great grand baby is out here speaking up for you so that you will not be a nameless soul,” she said.

The university’s Student Government Association passed a resolution the same day, asking it to take action and reconcile its ties to slavery .

“It humbled me,” Proudie said. “It made me so proud of those young, brilliant leaders. They were crying. Some students were crying.”

“I think especially on SLU, on campus, there’s a sense of importance to our role as students because we know that we are more than just students, that we are people who have a voice and have feelings as well,” said Luke Busboom, speaker of the Senate for the student body.

Both Proudie and the students say they have both been in contact with the university since the resolution passed.

Similar student movements nationwide

The resolution comes after the descendants worked with an economist to release a dollar estimate of their ancestors’ unpaid labor.

According to the calculation, the total wealth acquired from stolen labor, including the construction of the Jesuit institution, was between $361 million and $70-plus billion.

“Our ancestors deserve to be taken from the darkness and brought into the light,” Proudie said during the announcement in February.

This latest effort comes at the heels of movements at other universities across the country, including Georgetown University, which in 2015 had to confront its own participation in the enslavement of hundreds of Black people.

“During that time, there were almost a hundred universities where students were protesting around the renaming of schools and, in honor of people who were enslavers or people who were involved in Jim Crow,” Justin Hansford, a Howard University law professor, said.

READ MORE: At least 70 people were enslaved by the Jesuits in St. Louis. Descendants are now telling their stories

At the time, Georgetown students held a sit-in protest in front of the university president’s office.

Hansford, who taught at SLU for several years and earned his law degree at Georgetown, also pointed to other student-led protests in recent years at Yale and Harvard, among other schools.

Yale had a building named after John Calhoun, an alumnus and former vice president who was an ardent supporter of slavery, while “University of Missouri had a major, major protest there at that time and all that came right in the middle of the protests that were happening in Ferguson,” said Hansford, also the executive director of the Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center.

Student protests would continue in the years after. Students at Georgetown voted to impose a fee on themselves in 2019 that would pay for reparations for the school’s slavery ties. About three years later, the university created a fund to award $400,000 annually to community-based projects that supported descendants of people enslaved on Jesuit plantations in Maryland.

For Hansford, students’ collective action shows the power young people have in moving the needle throughout history.

“The big takeaway is that you need to listen to the students and really understand that the students are our moral compass as a society,” he said. “They’re young and idealistic, they’re thinking about these issues more often than some adults.”

What’s next

Saint Louis University has named a point of contact in the president’s office, as well as with the university’s new vice president of special projects. These contacts have held two initial meetings with the descendants and their representatives, said Areva Martin, one of the lead attorneys representing DSLUE, said in a release.

“Although we’ve yet to receive a commitment from the school, we are encouraged by their outreach and are hopeful they will honor their mission and repair the harms done by quickly adopting this plan,” she said.

Samarya Hall, the group’s vice president of communications and internal affairs, was one of the students who got emotional after the vote.

“I think I was honestly in awe of the resilience of our people as Black people in America. We have experienced such hatred, and abuse and neglect by the powers that be,” she said. “But despite it, we thrive. We find joy, we love, and we continue living.”

In the end, Proudie said, seeing the student’s engaged affirmed that the work she was doing went far beyond her own family. “This is not just about families, the survivors,” she said. It’s about the community.

“It is about all of us who are descendants, who have ancestors who helped to build this university, this city, this community and this nation. And we are doing this for all of us.”

Gabrielle Hays is a Communities Correspondent for the PBS NewsHour out of St. Louis.

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