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Civilization V Tips & How To's

For vanilla civ 5, brave new world & gods and kings.

This guide features a selection of tips for Civ 5 and its DLC, Gods and Kings and Brave New World. Civilization 5 can be very difficult to master, and for people not used to the turn-based strategy genre, very difficult even on the "normal", Prince difficulty. Here I hope to offer helpful hints about managing your Civilization. If you'd like to provide a tip for this list, please send an email to [email protected] .

Civilization Management in Gods and Kings & Brave New World

Managing Your City - the Governor, Specialists, and Locking Tiles You can tweak cites to get maximum output of multiple resources when utilizing Specialists like Scientists and Engineers. Make sure the manual specialist control check box is clear, then select the priority for your city - food, production , etc. The Governor will choose the best tiles available for your workers and assign specialists that boost that resource, if available. After this, for each Specialist you add, the Governor will take a citizen off the worst tiles first, keeping your City's main priority intact while trying to prevent starvation. I say all this because you can only set one priorty for a city and seeking two or three goals requires some micromanagement of your population. You may tick food as the priority, lock a high gold tile, and assign some merchant and science specialists. Now your city is doing its best to make food to grow, some gold, and science. In this example, production may suffer.

You may choose to lock some tiles so that the Governor will not stop working them, which is very situational - perhaps you want to work a special tile with faith or culture while your city is set to prioritize food. To lock a tile, just click it when it's not worked and a lock icon will appear. Any that you select will be stuck, just as manual specialist control is automatically enabled when you assign those on your own. You can reset all tiles by clicking on the city's tile on the map while on the City management screen. The Governor wll unlock all tiles and pursue the priority you've set, while Specialists are not reassigned until you uncheck the manual box. The Governor is smart and usually efficient, but taking some control on your own can increase efficiency when you're pursuing multiple goals.

Food Focus is Important Aside from the Production trick below for very early in a game, you will want your Cities on Food focus for the majority of the game. This ensures maximum growth, and will define whether you're at 20 Pop or 30 by the mid-late game. If a City has very poor Production, you can purchase buildings there with Gold to help it keep up with the latest Technology. It's better to have more Citizens by the mid-game so that you can have a higher Scientific Output and be able to work more Specialists, particularly Scientists. This pretty much applies in every game, no matter the Civ. There are times you will want to Produce, and you may elect to keep a few Mine/Lumber Mill tiles locked to ensure a City grows AND Produces. You just never want 30 Turns to pass with your City nearly stagnant. You could have gained 3-5 Population in that time, which would speed up future Research and Production in that City. When you are rushing to build a Wonder, you may need to switch to Production to get it out before the AI can complete it, which is natural. This is why Wonder-whoring may be ultimately slowing down your Civilization's Scientific progress.

Lock Food Tiles and Focus Production Early-Game Trick Because the game calculates Growth first and Cities that have just grown always start at 0 Food (without Aqueduct), it is better to choose Production Focus from Citizen Management while manually locking Citizens to all Food tiles early in the game. When your City grows, the new Citizen will automatically be set to a Production Tile and contribute that toward the City's current build queue, since Growth comes before Production in the game code. This can shave a Turn off the City's current construction, which can have a big impact early in the game when costs are low. Later on, you can stop micromanaging and just leave the Cities to grow and set Food Focus.

Explore the Overviews You can learn a lot about your Civilization's status and that of Civs you have met through the various Overviews accessible in the top right of your screen. View Demographics to see how your Civ compares to others in a variety of categories from population , literacy (science progress), military strength, and more. The Diplomacy overview can show you the resources controlled by other Civs so you can set up trades to get Luxury and Strategic Resources. The Military screen can show you a quick list of all your units and help you find them on the map to invest in upgrades when you have researched new technology.

Have a Plan for your Start: Your First Social Policies You should choose whether you'll go Tradition, Liberty, Honor, or Piety for your first Social Policies . Tradition will help your Capital City more, and also provides some helpful gold and happiness for growing empires while allowing construction of the hanging gardens giving +6 food to the city that builds it. Liberty will help you to expand faster by providing a free worker and settler, reduce culture costs for founding new cities, and grant you a golden age. Liberty allows construction of the Pyramids, boosting the speed of tile improvements and granting free workers. You can unlock the Hanging Gardens and Pyramids by merely adopting the policies, not actually finishing the trees. Honor is a good choice for Eliminating Barbarians and later upgrading your Military. Your units will gain levels faster and you'll be given the opton of buildng the Statue of Zeus, which raises unit combat strength. Again, adopting it is enough.

This all goes hand in hand with your first city's build order. You CAN make up for mistakes, but it's best if you know how you'd like to open development of your Civilization. Research choices should at first be based on the luxury and food resources available in your land, so you can boost happiness, the growth of your Capital, and allow for expansion. Build a shrine or find some other means of generating Faith so that you can found a Pantheon and later a Religion to get extra bonuses. Because of all the bonuses you get from Religion, you may choose to found one faster than usual by starting with Piety which boosts production of shrines and temples, while giving you more faith and gold from those religious buildings. You may give your Religion a greater spread on your continent and reap more benefits from bonuses like Tithe. Getting to choose a Reformation belief for finishing the tree can allow you to get some great options, such as buying post-industrial units with Faith. In general, Piety starts are horrible, however, so do keep that in mind.

Scout New Lands You should build a Scout first to explore your continent and find ancient ruins (goodie huts) to get free tech, maps, unit upgrades, population, etc. This will also help your Civilization to find natural wonders, which increase happiness permanently. Eventually, make a trireme to explore the coast and locate all potential sea trade routes on your continent. Later, when your Civ is seaworthy (Astronomy Tech), explore the rest of the world with a Caravel and see what you're up against. The earlier you accomplish these things, the better for you get bonuses being first to meet a city state and knowing all Civs and their locations helps you build a strategy. You may go in thinkng you will get a Cultural Victory and ultmately switch tactics to Dominaton or Space Race depending on the circumstances. The more Civs you know that have researched a Tech, the lower the cost of that Tech as well!

Score Can Be a Good Indicator, but Demographics are Better When you view the Diplomacy screen, you'll see your current score. If you're higher than most Civs, you're doing fairly well but Score can be misleading as Wonders are valued highly while Military prowess is undervalued. Obviously, you want to be dominant in certain areas. Look to the Demographics screen to see where other Civs are passing you and shore up your weaknesses by booming research or building up your military.

Building New Cities and Expanding Your Civ's Land

Building Settlers Faster Cities do not grow while building a Settler; it cannot even stockpile food, but nor will the population starve. With early cities, put cities on Production focus when creating a Settler, and consider even manually taking them off food to shave a turn or two off the production time. In fact, you can do better than the Governor by putting all your workers on tiles that have 2 production or more. Unemployed citizens give +1 hammer, so unless there is Gold on a tile, there's no reason to use a +1 production tile when making a Settler. If you're surrounded by mainly food tiles, unemployed Citizens can make your Settler faster.

Now, things get more complicated when your city is developed. Cities get bonus production at certain levels of excess food . Citizens take 2 food each, so if you had 4 citizens, they would require 8 food. You get +1 hammer at 1 excess food, in our example you'd need 9 food. Further gains are made at +2 food, +4 food, +8 food, and +12 food. So, for our example city needing 8 food, if you made it to 20 food you would have +5 hammers. Thus, the best configuration for building Settlers fast depends on the land and tile improvements around your City. With a little tweakng, you may be able to shave a few turns off the build time. If you'd like further explanation of the excess food production bonus, see this video .

Chopping for Settlers & Chop/Swap Method While you can certainly save Forests for Wonders to help speed their production, you can also use them to help you get Settlers out faster. A Forest tile within your borders gives 20 Production when chopped. If you start the chop, then switch to the Settler when there is 1 turn left, you can put all that Production toward the Settler while losing growth on only one turn. You can swap back and forth between a Settler and building you need by doing this chop/swap method to get a Settler out while sacrificing little growth and getting progress toward a Granary or other helpful building. Be sure to have the City on Production Focus so that you get the most Production possible each turn.

Unhappy Civs: Be Careful About Expanding too Fast If your Civilization is low on happiness, don't expand to a new city just then unless you can afford to buy some buildings in the new settlement. Your Civ takes a happiness hit based on the number of cities 3 per City, plus 1 per Citizen - so a new City takes 4 Happiness. A rapidly growing new city can also cause problems, as it will add +1 Unhappiness each time it grows. Unless you really need to snag a tract of land make sure you can afford the happiness hit because unhappy civilizations take a loss to production and growth. If you are at or near 0, you may want to switch to Avoid Growth on your cities to prevent them causing Unhappiness.

Maximum Workable Tile Radius for Cities How far apart should cities be built in Civ 5? Cities can only work three tiles out. So, for optimal placement you'll want to shoot for placing new cities seven tiles away from one another. This could be visualised as:

+++ C ++++++ C +++

However, you shouldn't consider this a hard and fast rule. Sometimes it's better to have another city than be anal about their placement. Cities do not have to be massive, they can serve as outposts to give you a resource. That is one scenario in which the Avoid Growth button comes in handy. You can get control of a strategic resource, and tell the Governor not to allow the city to grow. Also, only extremely far into a normal game will your cities begin to even come close to working every tile avilable to them. Often, you'll work most of the good ones while utilizing specialists.

Gathering Distant Strategic/Luxury Resources Your cities can expand beyond the 3 workable tiles through culture, but they won't be able to work them. However, that doesn't mean you won't get resources for the land you control. If something you don't have, like a luxury or strategic resource, is situated up to 5 tiles away, you can eventually get posession of it through cultural land expansion. While you won't get the nifty gold bonus of collecting from Gems, you can at least get the +4 happiness having gems in your empire provides and use the extra resources for trade agreements with other Civs.

Land Ownership is Permanent, Unless War Causes Cities to Change Hands Unlike Civ 4, in Civilization 5 you will not be able to flip tiles claimed by another Civ's city. So, when your city's limits expand beyond the three tile workable limit , those efforts aren't wasted. You'll be the sole owner of those tiles, so you can get a city into position to work them or prevent another Civ from taking the resource. The only way to take control of tiles claimed by another Civ is to conquer them or use the Great General's Citadel ability. Every tile surrounding them becomes yours. Use with caution: stealing another Civ's land with a Great General can trigger war as it causes a Diplomatic Penalty .

Buying City Buildings with Gold Certain City Improvements are smart to buy quickly when you've just founded a city, and others are useless depending on the purpose of the city. Don't buy a market when a city has just been founded, instead buy a monument to expand your territory and gain control of those useful tiles and resources. One of the biggest factors when first starting a new city is getting the best tiles nearby. GIving your new city a culture boost will ensure tiles are bought quickly and automatically with culture. Otherwise, your city is best going for a food focus to take advantage of rapid early expansion. Have a worker nearby to begin improving important tiles soon after you use your settler.

Defending Your Cities Each City should have a ranged unit, though Cities have a high Combat Strength and 2 Tile Attack Range so can defend themselves from attack. Having a ranged unit in your city gives you a second attack to protect against small attacks, like those by Barbarians. You'll need an actual military with mobile units and solid numbers to survive a real war.

Progress is Kept When Switching Production You can invest a few turns into a unit or building project, switch to another building, and will find that all progress you'd gained on the previous unit/building will be kept. Use this to your advantage to keep cities efficient when a new vital building is coming up and you are waiting on the research project to finish.

Feeding New Cities With a Granary built and The Wheel researched, you can create Caravans that usually trade with other Civs, but you can use up a trade route to send food to one of your Cities. This food is not subtracted from the sender, so you incur no loss - just a nice boost of growth to your new city. Using Food Trade Routes, you can help the Population of a new City explode. Later in the game, Production Trade Routes become more valuable as City Growth slows.

Be Careful Expanding Near Other Civilizations and City-States . They do not like it when you expand too close and compete with them for land. If you do this too much, you can expect war. If you've already done this to a Civilization once, you should consider moving that next settler a couple of tiles further away. That is, unless you plan for the land to be yours soon anyway! You can try to be friendly and offer gifts to make that next settlement more acceptable, but be careful.

Game Option: Policy Saving & Ending Turns without Choosing If you've enabled the Policy Saving option before starting your game of Civ 5, you are able to save Policies until a later time. Perhaps you have finished Tradition, and do not want to adopt another Policy until your Civilization reaches the Renaissance to adopt Rationalism . The game doesn't make it clear how this is done, but a simple Right-Click on Choose Policy will cancel the notification and allow you to move on and end the turn. This does NOT work with Free Technologies. Those cannot be saved and you must choose the free tech when you complete the wonder that let you do this (for example the Great Library . Thus, you should time Free Techs for when you can select a more expensive or desirable tech after researching its prerequisite. You can get Oxford (safe) or GL (risky as someone else might build it) to 1 Turn remaining, then complete it when you've finished the prerequisite tech you need.

Workers: Building Tile Improvements

Roads - Trade Routes After the invention of the wheel, your workers can begin connecting your Cities by road. The connection usually makes up for the maintenance cost of the tiles and gives your units mobility to protect your land. Cities can also be connected via Rail to get a +25% Production bonus with the Railroad technology, and Harbors provide cities a means of connecting to the capital from afar. Certain types of terrain may also help to form City Connections dependng on the Civ you're playing. To learn more, read the City Guide .

Farms - Boosting Population Early on, farms will help you a lot. The more you have, the easier it is for your City to work Mines and other tiles that lack food without sacrificing Growth. Place Farms around Rivers first, as they will get +1 Food when you research Civil Service. Other Farms do not get +1 Food until much later in the game with the Fertilizer Tech.

Trading Posts - Increasing Gold Income Trading Posts are more valuable than ever in Civ 5's Brave New World DLC. Whether your goal is to gift to City-States, form Research Agreements, or buy units and buildings outright, there's always a way to spend your Civilization's money. Trading posts give +2 gold to a tile when Economics is researched. That may not seem like much, but with a bank and market it's 3. While in a golden age, it's more - any gold-producing tiles are worth +1 gold because of the golden age, and the bank and market will boost that amount 50% per tile. These fractions of a coin can and do add up.

Another nice thing about Trading posts is that you can build them without removing jungle or forest tiles, the former being wonderful for boosting Science once your Civilization has researched Education and can use Universities. You'll earn enough food (+2) to support a specialist as well, so you can further boost your scientific research.

Do not build many Trading Posts around your Scientific Cities, because they need Food more - the higher Population will produce more Science than a Trading Post with Rationalism. Ultimately, the best place to spam Trading Posts are around Puppet Cities. They are contributing little to your empire, and you do not control them. Putting Trading Posts around Puppets will slow their growth and building production while allowing them to give your Civilization more income.

Marble & Quarries - Faster Wonder Production When a city is working a Marble tile, it will have +15% production toward any Ancient or Classical wonders. You will need a Quarry to get this bonus, so Masonry needs to be researched. This bonus can stack with others, such as the two flat bonuses to ALL wonders with the Tradition social policy's +15% and Egypt's flat +20% bonus. Founding a Pantheon early can also give you a +15% bonus to building Ancient/Classical Wonders . Getting Marble through trade will not work. To get the bonus, the tile MUST be worked by the city producing the Wonder.

Landmarks & Archaeological Digs You used to consume Great Artists to create Landmarks to boost culture, but with Brave New World, you'll now receive those from converting Archaeological Digs. You don't get to choose where these are placed; rather, they are found randomly around the map at the advent of Archaeology. It matters little unless it is in your territory on a workable tile. Most players will use Digs to get a Great Work Artifact that can be stored in a city to provide +2 Culture and +2 Tourism, which matters more for the game's improved Cultural victory condition. If you want to win Culturally, you need to get to Archaeology and spam Archaeologists from Cities with Universities (they are required to educate Archaeologists). Then send them out after the Antiquity Sites around our lands and even in other Civs' territories if you have open borders. It's safe to steal one artifact per Civ (in general) but more than that may lead to war. Be sure and have a Museum or other building with an Art slot ready, because otherwise you will be forced to build a Landmark. Putting Landmarks in other Civs'/City States' territories gives a Diplomatic Boost.

Food Resources Resources like Cattle, Bananas and Wheat do not require tile improvements to get their benefit of extra food. Improvements simply provide extra boosts, like pastures giving +1 production for Cattle. You are forced to use these upgrades, as even a cattle on Grassland won't take a Farm to boost it to four food. There is only one case where I might not build an improvement, and that is when a Banana is on a Jungle tile. Jungle gives +2 Science with Universities, and you can get +2 more food from a Banana tile with a Granary in town. That pits +4 food, +2 science vs +5 food and the Science wins, big time unless that city is desperately in need of more food due to poor access to food tiles.

Only Appropriate Improvements are Available If a tile has a Luxury, Strategic, or Food resource available, your worker will be limited to building only the appropriate improvement for that tile. This is fine, but at times you may wish the restriction were lifted. Overall, you want to grab every resource your Civ can work. Don't bother improving food resources that are out of range. Otherwise, excess can be used to trade with other Civilizations.

Game Option: Stop Workers Replacing Improvements Hit ESC and go to Game Options > Gameplay. From there, you may want to check the box disabling Automated Workers from replacing tile improvements. I get thing set up the way I want with manual control, then let them fill in the gaps and it works out well for me. You may also stop them from removing tiles like Jungle and Forest, which is good if you prefer those tiles for whatever reason (Science from Jungle).

Tips Keeping your Civ Happy

Unhappy Civilizations At the early levels of unhappiness, your cities will simply suffer a growth penalty - an annoying one, bringing growth down by 75%. At -10 Unhappiness, your Civ will practically riot. Your military units will suffer a combat penalty and rebel units may pop up around your cities to attack and attempt to dethrone you. Raise happiness quickly to get out of this situation. Every turn your Civ is unhappy, it is not growing and you are falling behind other Civs in the game.

Generating Happiness The main source of Happiness in Civilization 5 are Luxury Resources. Acquire these by constructing tile improvements to connect them to your trade network. Strategic and Luxury Resources will be added to your total when the tile improvements are in place whether your City works the tile or not. Buy tiles with gold to speed up this process.

Trade is the second method of getting Luxury Resources for your Nation. Find Civs that have resources that you do not have and offer up extras of what you have - if you have three copper, you can trade off two of them and keep the +4 bonus for having the copper luxury resource. Trading off your last copy is a bad idea unless you're playing the Dutch, who'll get +2 happiness (half) if their last copy is traded. So, if there is a (1) next to an item in a trade, you'll be giving your last copy and losing any happiness bonuses or losing the Strategic Resource you need to make more units.

City States can give you Resources when you're allied with them. Provide gold gifts, do quests, and kill barbarians within their borders to boost your influence. At ally, they will give you a copy of all their strategic and luxury resources. Selecting City States by type and the resources they have is an important strategy to use for growing your Civ. Mercantile City States are the top target, as they give you Happiness at friends level and more at allies along with their available resources.

Religion plays a role in Happiness, as there are beliefs that can generate it, along with buildings you can buy with faith if you choose to unlock them when founding your religion. You can choose to take up the religion of another Civ if you like their bonuses.

Along with city population and a high number of cities, other things can impact happiness, such as a sustained war. Having your Civ influenced by another with a different ideology may put a penalty on you and press you to change. Civ 5 gives you a base amount of happiness based on the difficulty you're playing on - for example, on Warlord you will have a base happiness of 12. Bumping the difficulty up will lower this base to 9, making it slightly harder to keep the populace happy and productive.

Great People & Specialists

Specialists: Dual-Purposes Specialists serve a couple of purposes in Civ 5. First, they will generate a specific resource, be it gold, production, research, or culture. Secondarily, they'll generate Great Person points. You may be going for one or the other when allocating these. This is a feature in Civ that can go under-utilized by new players. It's very easy to keep progressing in the game without making tweaks to your specialists. You may only see them used when you select an off-beat focus such as science or culture. Even when focusing on food or production you can still utilize a specialist or two.

Boosting Specialist Output for more Gold, Research, or Culture Specialists of any kind benefit from % increases from buildings, down to the decimal. So, your +50% to research from a university will give you 4.5 beakers for a Scientist specialist that usually gave three. Any Wonders or National Wonders that increase Science Output work this way. This is but an example: it also works for merchants, engineers, musicians, writers, and artists.

Great People With the birth of each Great Person in your Civ, the cost of all future Great People will go up. That means that you going for a spread of all kinds may not be a wise idea, depending on your goals. If you want a Cultural victory, you still need Science, but will need to focus on Writers, Artists, and Musicians to generate those.

Where's the Culture Bomb? Great Artists used to be able to steal tiles by using a Culture Bomb of sorts that would convert one hex and all those surrounding it, giving you 7 new spaces of land. You could even steal them from enemies. Great Artists can now only create great works of art to raise culture and tourism or trigger a golden age. Great Generals are those who can steal land with their Citadel. It must be constructed inside or next to your border. This does the same as the culture bomb, but leaves behind a Citadel that gives a big defensive boost to units stationed inside. In most situations, you won't want the Citadel and can use a worker to change the tile to another improvement while keeping the new land for the glory of your Civilization. As before, these types of land grabs will piss off anyone with land nearby, especially if you flip control of their tiles.

Great Generals and Great Admirals Great Generals are earned over time as you defeat enemies. It'll take quite a bit of combat to fill the bar, which you can see when you look at the Military Overview screen (F3). Both Great Admirals and Generals give a +15% combat bonus to all friendly units within 2 tiles of them, so bring them along for big battles - especially helpful when taking cities, but keep them safe as they will be taken by opposing military units if vulnerable. Thankfully, they can stack with other military units which makes protecting them easy. Great Generals can build the Citadel, a powerful defensive tile improvement that steals surrounding hexes, making the territory yours. Because of its extreme defense, enemies moving next to it will take damage. This consumes the Great General. Great Admirals can instantly heal all adjacent naval units, giving you a big advantage in a large fleet engagement. Its use is very situational; far better to keep the +15% bonus unless you can prevent the destruction of multiple vessels by using the ability.

Science and Technological Advancement

Population & Raising Science Output Both the Library and Public School base the amount of Science generated by a city on its population. The University provides some flat Science and a +33% bonus to total output - ie all science multiplied by 1.33. Going further toward the Modern Era, you'll make Research Labs that boost Science by another +50% in the city. Have a library in all cities to build a National College for another 50%. Oxford University, a Natonal Wonder for having Universities in all cites will give you a free tech as well. You can place each of these buildings into your higher population city to get a massive boost to science output.

Specialists are Important With the bonuses provided by the University and Research Lab, each Scientist Specialist you assign to your buildings will provide much more than the +2 you see. You can put a total of four Scientists into your buildings in the Citizen Management area of the City Screen. Prioritize Science and these will already be filled. I like to fill all science slots, keep manual specialist control checked, then put the city's focus on food - it'll grow and the Science along with it.

Ideologies, Social Policies, and Religion The biggest boosts to your beaker output come from the Rationalism Social tree. You can get +2 Science per specialist, 25% faster Great Scientist generation, Science from trading posts and extra science from research agreements. As for Ideologies, Freedom is not a bad choice for Science. You can reduce the food needs of Specialists (you'll have them in every city when going hard Science), which will allow your cities to grow larger and produce even more. With Religion and when running out of direct science boosts from Ideologies, go for happiness and growth. Populaton is everything for a Scientific Civ after all, and your citizens must stay happy to keep growing in number.

Observatories Building a city next to a mountaiin (one tile away), you can make an Observatory that will boost Science another 50%. Finding a spot with only one mountain and loads of grassland, you could make what was once known as a super science city by gathering this extra boost. It is still worth it if the city will be only medium-sized, as the output increase is huge enough to provide Science in ample amounts.

Research Agreements Once you've researched Education, you can begin entering into Research Agreements with other Civs. First talk to them and go to discuss and sign a Declaration of Friendship. Both Civs need enough gold (300+ by modern era) to enter the agreement. You can gift gold if they can't afford it. After 30 turns, you'll receive a big boost to your research points that will inevitably grant you free technology. While the other Civ will get the same, you can gain an edge by doing these with multiple Civs - they'll get 1 tech each while you get 3 or more, advancing your technology swiftly. The Porcelain Tower and final social policy in Rationalism, Scientific Revolution, will each boost your take from RAs by 50%, ultimately doubling the research you get, which is based on your current tech level and the cost of all available projets - so knock out the cheap ones while the 30 turns pass so you can grab higher rank techs.

Stealing Technology When a Civ is more advanced than you, or at least knows technology you do not, use your spies (available in the Renaissance Era) to travel to their cities and attempt to steal tech. When they do, they'll level up, which makes them better at this. When a Civ has run dry of new tech, you can move them on to another. Later, that leveled up Spy can make a great Diplomat or be inserted into City States to Rig Elections and manipulate them into liking your Civ while reducing relations with others.

To learn more about outpacing your opponents in Research, read the Civ 5 Science Guide .

Using Religion to Win While Religion's benefits in the form of beliefs are obvious, Religion plays a role in Cultural Victory and can make this type of win much easier. Sharing a Religion will result in a 25% boost to Tourism output with other Civs when the majority of their Cities are following that same Religion. You can take on another Civ's Religion to do this or spread your own to their lands.

You may also tailor your Beliefs to aid in other types of Victory. Interfaith Dialog will give you Science each time you use a Missionary to spread Religion for example, and Beliefs can be chosen that allow you to purchase buildings that hold Great Works slots or even allow you to buy Military units with Faith to aid in a Domination Victory.

Religion and Diplomacy If a Civ did not get to found a Religion of their own, which is common, they will gladly accept your Religion if it spreads in their lands. Naturally, they will benefit from this - but so will you. Your Founder Belief is the obvious benefit, but other Civs under the influence of your Religion will gain a positive Diplomacy modifier. If a Civ has a Holy City, they are definitely trying to spread that Religion and will be angered by you converting their Citizens, however.

Inquisitors A little-known function of the Inquisitor is that they automatically stop Missionaries from spreading Religion in your lands. Positioning an Inquisitor within 1 hex of a City will prevent opposing Civs' Missionaries and Great Prophets from using the Spread Religion ability. This will not stop conversion through Religious Pressure, but does prevent them converting your people en masse with all the missionaries they may send throughout a game.

Removing a Holy City from the Game Inquisitors can also be used to remove a Holy City you have conquered (but only then). An Inquisitor using Remove Heresy in a Holy City will remove all other Religions but the one to which they're tied (yours), and in this case prevent it from coming back unless there are other Cities nearby of that Religion and spreading through pressure. Without a Holy City, most Religions will quickly die off.

Learning More Read my Guide to Religion to learn about the mechanics of spreading religion, the beliefs you may select, and how creating a popular Religion can help your Civilization.

Wonder Production

Don't Try to Build Every Wonder Just because another empire may get a Wonder, it doesn't mean you should try to build them all. Cities that are constantly building Wonders aren't growing to be better economically. They aren't getting those bonuses that regular buildings provide, and that can set them back. You can stunt your scientific growth by skipping those libraries in favor of building Wonders, and won't get the growth benefits of a granary. Be selective about your Wonders, and build only those that fit your long-term goals. If you want to win the Science victory, by all means make a Great Library for its great scientist points and free technology that can be timed to move you up to the next Era. It is harder to get this Wonder on higher difficulties, and it may be best to focus on growth and simply build a Library to get your science going sooner without risking the wasted production.

If Another Civ Builds a Wonder Before You When another Civ completes a Wonder you were working on, you'll get gold from scrapping your project, based on how much production had been put in. At least you can use this to buy an improvement. Installing Spies in other Civilizations can help you by giving you a head's up that they are starting a new Wonder, which may prompt you to rush it and go all out on production in the city or abandon the project if it is going to take a long time.

Military and War Tips

Having No Military is a Really, Really Bad Idea unless powerful allies. You should aim for a unit per city, at the very least but two would make you much less of an easy target. You have things that other Civilizations want, and even if you don't have something great you still have land. You must protect your people, so will need a larger military to maintain peace as you raise the game's difficulty.

Military Units and Health All units have 100 health. The difference between them is their combat strength. A powerful unit will deal more damage to a weak one, and take less in the process. This normalization of health and emphasis on combat strength and bonuses is a simple system, yet open to strategic use when you're familiar with the system. Other than Japan, due to Bushido, all other units will deal less damage when they are injured - which makes sense and adds some strategic depth. After all, an Archer with only 20 health and a pair of figures can only fire so many arrows when they attack, meaning your offensive unit will suffer less damage and likely with the battle.

Unit Health Regeneration Units that take no action on a turn, either skipping or fortifying, inside friendly territory regenerate +20 heath per turn, be it your territory or the territory of a Civ/City-State friendly to you. Outside of friendly borders, you'll heal only +10. In a city they'll heal +25 each turn. The unit must not have taken an action during the previous turn to receive this healing, even moving a single hex forfeits the healing. Units with the Medic promotion can help heal adjacent units faster, while Scouts can be upgraded to heal faster specifically when outside your territory - this lets them stay on the move longer, finding more goodie huts, natural wonders, meeting other Civs/City-States, and learning the lay of the land.

Zone of Control Military Units have a Zone of Control that can be used strategically. If a unit moves into it, they'll lose a move point. This zone extends one hext around the unit. You can use all moves when LEAVING the zone, but entering another hex in the zone will consume your move. Use this to protect workers and other units. Place your unit such that the enemy must enter the zone and lose a move, while on their way to, for example, steal your worker. It's helpful to know when waging war and when you cannot protect a unit by directly blocking the enemy's advance.

Fortifying Units When you Fortify a military unit, it goes inactive and proceeds to defend at its current location. The Fortification bonus is 25%, but after a couple turns will rise to 50%. This makes your unit very hard to kill, particularly when they are doing this in a city or Fort tile improvement. There are many other bonuses you can get, but Fortify is one that can give you an edge in combat when you know an attack is coming. Sometimes, it's best to attack first, however, when you know you can weaken the enemy unit enough that it will either back off or do little damage should it attack your unit.

Swapping Units Any time you have two units with moves, and one is up front taking the damage, you can swap them by selecting then moving the injured unit to the tile with the healthy one, or vice versa. Swapping units from the front line and giving injured units a chance to back off can preserve your military, helping you to win wars by preventing the loss of units - particularly powerful units that have had many promotions. You may even keep a unit behind a Fort or Citadel so you can swap them in to relieve a unit from battle.

Siege When a city's defensive strength is more than 50% more of your best units' attack strength, it's necessary to use ranged units to weaken them. Ranged units like archers and composite bowmen work well - the point is that you can weaken them while avoiding counterattacks on all your Melee units until the time is right to move in and take it over. So, use ranged to weaken while melee units like Cavalry can charge in and capture the city when its defense has been reduced to 0 or close enough for the melee to win and take over the City.

Aircraft in Cities: Where to Use Your Bombers To access the list of aircraft in Cities, click the number above a city's defense rating on the map. From there, you'll get a list of all bombers and fighters in that base. You can rebase them to get them closer to intended targets - select rebase and then click a city in which to station them where your airstrikes can reach their targets. Really late game, you may want to leave fighters in cities near the coast to protect from airstrikes from carriers.

Puppeteering You can bribe a Civ or convince a friend to go to war with a target Civ's ally to keep them tangled. If you can maintain your military edge while still advancing science, you will come out far ahead in military power through more advanced units. Civs tied up in war generally focus on Military while neglecting their economic and scientific advancement. You may even do quests or provide gifts of gold to your target's ally to steal their loyalty and take away the strategic and luxury resources available to them, getting them for yourself - but you must go all the way to allies.

Profit from Razing Cities You are able to sell one building per turn in a City that you are razing. To sell a building, simply click it in the building list to the right of the City Management interface. Any time you're not doing this, you're letting potential gold burn to the ground. Start with the most advanced buildings and work your way down as the City's raze timer counts down. This can lead to a lot of extra gold from the razing process, and help you afford to buy buildings of your own or upgrade your units.

Trading Cities Cities you conquer can be sold to other Civilizations for large amounts of Gold or Resources. Consider this instead of Razing or Puppeting a City if you have no need of it, yet needed it out of the hands of the Civ you're attacking. This is commonly used when you have been given a City through a Peace Treaty.

Early to Mid-Game: Barbarians and Barbarian Camps

Encampments Barbarian Encampments are responsible for generating the Barbarians that will harass your city. It is up to all Civilizations to eventually wipe them out and civilize the world. Inevitably, you will need to deal with Barbarians near your borders to prevent harassment of your workers and, later, the plunder of your trade routes.

Fighting Barbarians Often, a Barbarian encampment you are attacking will spawn a new unit. This leaves your unit outnumbered. Since you always have a bonus fighting Barbarians, it's wise to fortify in this situation or any other like it.Your unit stands a good chance of survival, and worst case will do more damage due to it taking more attacks to kill them.

Gradually beat down Barbarians and play it safe when more than one is in the area, possibly even backing off to heal for a few turns. Barbarians don't heal , so you have plenty of time to take them out. Work them down and a lone unit can gain a couple of levels, giving you a strong unit for later. You should almost never use the instant heal upgrade in these situations, rather pull back to a spot where no unit will hit you to fortify and heal. Fortify bonuses do not come into play if a unit has moved during that turn, even if you move only one hex.

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This is from the Great General's Citadel ability, which allows a limited means of stealing land. Placed strategically, they can steal luxuries or fertile lands for your border Cities. They will, of course, anger the Civ you use them against or drop relations with any City-States you steal land from.

Great Artists create Great Works of Art (lLng-term culture+Tourism) or write Political Treatise that generate instant culture, helpful in adopting new Social Policies quickly.


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Research Agreements (vanilla)

  • Author vexing
  • Creation date Nov 6, 2011
  • Tags vanilla
  • Definitions
  • Basics of Research Agreements
  • First Wave - Chemistry
  • Second Wave - Late Renaissance
  • Diplomatic Victory
  • Science Victory
  • RA - Research Agreement
  • Tech - Technology
  • Bulb - A freely granted technology gained by either expending a great scientist, completing Oxford, the Great Library or the Scientific Revolution social policy.
  • Education - 533 beakers
  • Chivalry - 533 beakers
  • Compass - 412 beakers
  • Construction - 115 beakers
  • Bronze Working - 60 beakers
  • Classical - 200
  • Medieval - 250
  • Industrial - 300
  • Modern - 350
  • Metal Casting and Steel
  • Engineering and Physics
  • Gunpowder - Median shifts to between Navigation and Banking
  • Banking and part of Chemistry - Median shifts to Navigation
  • Chemistry and Machinery
  • Scientific Theory
  • Military Science and Archeology with cumulative overflow - Median shifts to between Steam Power and Fertilizer
  • Fertilizer and most of Metallurgy - Median shifts to Steam Power
  • Metallurgy and most of Steam Power
  • Replaceable Parts and Metallurgy
  • Flight and Rifling - Median shifts to Penicillin
  • Dynamite and Railroad
  • Combustion and a chunk of Mass Media
  • Mass Media and most of Telegraph - Median shifts to Ecology
  • Telegraph and Electronics
  • Rifling and Dynamite
  • Railroad - Median shifts to between Refrigeration and Electronics
  • Replaceable Parts and most of Combustion
  • Combustion and most of Flight - Median shifts to Electronics
  • Flight and most of Mass Media
  • Electronics - Median shifts to Computers


More resources from vexing

  • Resource icon The Mechanics of Combat (vanilla) The Mechanics of Combat
  • Resource icon Social Policy: Freedom (vanilla) Social Policy: Freedom
  • Resource icon Social Policy: Patronage (vanilla) Social Policy: Patronage
  • Resource icon Social Policy: Tradition (vanilla) Social Policy: Tradition

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Civilization Wiki

Diplomacy (Civ5)

  • Edit source


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2.1 Embassies
  • 3 City-State Diplomacy
  • 4.1 Levels of Relations
  • 4.2 What Influences Relations
  • 4.3 Diplomatic Incidents
  • 5.1.1 Trading Delegates in the World Congress
  • 5.2 Declaring Friendship
  • 5.3 Demands
  • 5.4 Denouncing
  • 5.5 Declaring War
  • 6.1 Open Borders
  • 6.2 Defensive Pact
  • 6.3 Research Agreement
  • 7 War and Peace
  • 8 World Congress
  • 9 References
  • 10 See also

Introduction [ ]

Diplomacy is the art of making relations with other game entities in Civilization V . The world is huge and filled with other civilizations whose leaders are at least as cunning and determined as you are. Some are honest and others are liars; some are warlike and others prefer peace. But all want to win.

You can accomplish a lot through diplomacy: you can trade to make profit off your civilization's excess production; you can gain allies and isolate your enemies; you can create defensive and offensive pacts; you can advance your technology through cooperative research ventures; you can end wars that are going badly for you; you can bluff the credulous and bully the timid.

And finally, if you make enough allies, you can achieve a diplomatic victory !

Conducting Diplomacy [ ]

Diplomacy may be conducted throughout the game with all entities you've already discovered in the world. Click on the Diplomacy button in the upper right corner of the screen - all civilizations and City-States you know already will appear in the list here. You can initiate contact with each of them at will, simply by clicking on the particular entity.

Diplomatic contacts may be initiated by you, or by the AI (during their turn). You can talk to leaders even if you're at war with them, but only to try to negotiate peace .

Embassies [ ]


Note that Embassies are closed mutually when one civilization denounces or goes to war with another, and must later be reopened with another specific diplomatic action. This can be done on the turn following a denunciation; if at war, you have to negotiate peace first.

City-State Diplomacy [ ]

Influence (Civ5)

Diplomatic Relations with Other Civilizations [ ]

Diplomacy with other civs is not as easy as with City-States, because they don't depend simply on a scale of influence - they have their own agenda. A civilization may decide to attack you without any warning, even though they're friendly with you!

Levels of Relations [ ]

  • Neutral - They are neither friendly, nor hostile. Negotiations will be relatively easy.
  • Friendly - They are well disposed towards you, and you may hope to take advantage of that in negotiations.
  • Guarded - They are wary of you and your intentions and, as such, negotiations will be more difficult.
  • Hostile - They are angry with you, and very willing to declare war on you. Negotiations will be almost impossible.
  • Afraid - They fear your military superiority or your victory progress. They will often comply with anything you want in negotiations.

What Influences Relations [ ]

Relations with a civilization will improve in these cases:

  • Declaring Friendship with a civilization they're friends with
  • Making a Public Declaration of Friendship
  • Fighting a common enemy - Sometimes, they will ask for your cooperation in a war they intend to start. If you agree to fight alongside them, relations will improve. They also improve if you declare war against a foe they're currently fighting.
  • Denouncing a common enemy - You can receive this bonus if you denounce a civilization they have already denounced, or if they denounce a civilization you've already denounced.
  • Fulfilling promises - There are many situations when you will be asked to promise something to another leader. Some of these include: after you settle a city close to their territory (and they ask you to stop settling close to them), when you have troops amassed near their borders (but say you're only passing through), when you spread your religion to their cities (and they ask you to stop), or if they suspect you of spying on them, they will tell you that you're making them feel uncomfortable and request you to stop. If you desist these actions for a certain amount of turns, a notification will appear stating that you have kept your promise.
  • Trading - When you strike a deal with a civilization where they know that they're getting the better half of the deal, relations improve depending on how large of a benefit they get out of it. Comparable to the variability of gifting.
  • Building a Landmark on their territory - You can choose to do this with one of your Archaeologists instead of extracting an Artifact for your own use.  
  • Sharing Religion - If at least half of their cities share your Religion, it has similar effects to the lower spectrum of providing help to them.
  • Common Ideology - If you share a common late-game Ideology , it has similar effects to Declaring Friendship.
  • Having no contested borders
  • Them having an embassy in your capital
  • Forgiving them for spying on you when they get caught in the act
  • Passing the World Congress to their hands (by helping them win the leadership vote)
  • Helping their proposal to the World Congress pass (by voting for it)
  • Liberating their capital (or another of their former cities) after they have been completely removed from play - This is the largest non-variable action you can take in favor of another civilization. They will be extremely grateful for that, as they should! The info tip for that is "Recalled to Life," which is pretty suggestive.

Relations with a civilization will worsen in these cases:

  • Acts of ill will - These include denouncing them, demanding tribute from/attacking City-States they have pledged to protect, getting caught stealing their technologies, and flat-out refusing to comply with their demands (such as to stop spying, not to settle a city near their lands, or not to spread religion to their cities).
  • Coveting land you own - If you settled near land they consider to be theirs (i.e. land they intend to settle in the future), territorial disputes will create tension between you.
  • Stealing their territory with a Great General - Using a Great General to create a Citadel improvement on or adjacent to another civilization's borders will transfer ownership of their territory to you. When they covet lands you own strongly enough, they may also steal territory from you in this manner.
  • Settling cities near other civilizations' territory - They will consider that a provocation, and ask you to stop doing it.
  • Making a Public Declaration of Friendship with a civilization they dislike/have denounced
  • Being denounced by a civilization they like more than you
  • Breaking promises - For example, promising to start a war together, asking for 10 turns to prepare, then saying that you've reconsidered when it comes time to start the war. Or in any other case when you promised something and you didn't wait enough turns.
  • Completing a Wonder they wanted to build/were building
  • Competing for the same City-State's influence
  • Differing Ideology - Following an Ideology different from theirs will result in an effect similar to you denouncing them.
  • Signing a Peace Treaty with a civilization you agreed to go to war with
  • Spreading your religion to their Holy City forcibly
  • Spreading a religion to their city while they are spreading their own religion
  • Denouncing a leader they like more than you
  • Asking them to not settle near your land/spy on you
  • Demanding a trade
  • Digging up Artifacts on their land - This penalty can be turned into an act of goodwill if you turn the site into a Landmark improvement inside their borders.
  • Taking part in causing failure to their proposal to the World Congress (by voting against it)
  • Declaring War on a leader you had made a Declaration of Friendship with - This is one of the most serious offenses, and it will stay on your record for the entire game!
  • Denouncing a leader you had made a Declaration of Friendship with
  • Demanding they cease spying on you after you caught them in the act
  • Nuking them - This is the largest non-variable action you can take against another civilization.
  • Being at War - This causes the civilization to be as aggressive towards you as possible until you make peace.
  • Not denouncing another player when they ask you to - This causes them to think that you put the priorities of the civilization they requested to be denounced above their own, and they will denounce you for it.
  • Warmongering - This term denotes the perceived image of a civilization with imperialistic ambitions which is a threat to the existence of all other civilizations. In short, the more wars you wage and the more cities you capture, the more other civilizations will see you as a Warmonger, which will negatively affect your relations with everybody. For more details on this important factor, check its article .

Diplomatic Incidents [ ]

Sometimes game actions may result in what we call a "Diplomatic Incident" in the real world. They will prompt a confrontation with the other civilization, and you will have a choice to make. If you're the perpetrator, they'll protest, and you can appease them, or defy them. If they're the perpetrator, you may choose to overlook the incident, or promise satisfaction. The outcome for relations in both cases is obvious.

Diplomatic Actions [ ]

You can perform a wide array of diplomatic actions; many of these (like trading) are quite practical, but some (like Declarations, Demands, etc.) are purely diplomatic.

Trading [ ]

One of the most common interactions. You can set up trade agreements with any civilization you're not at war with. All trade agreements last for a period of 30 turns, after which they need to be renewed.


Trading Delegates in the World Congress [ ]

In Brave New World , the World Congress becomes an important tool allowing significant changes to the gameplay environment. Diplomats, assigned into other civilizations' capitals, allow you to attempt a trade of influence during voting. This resembles any other trade - you will need to offer something in exchange for the votes of the other civilization's Delegates in the upcoming Congress session. If they agree, a minimum of three of their Delegates will support whatever you ask them to, thus adding additional weight in the voting. If the civilization has more than three delegates, however, the remainder can vote freely, possibly voting against the proposal. The chances for a successful trade increase with the usual bonuses.

Declaring Friendship [ ]

If you want to get closer with the other civilization, you may invite them to make a joint Declaration of Friendship. Or they may invite you. Such a declaration is obviously only possible if your relations are already at least Neutral, possibly Friendly.

The first result, besides improved relations, will be that other civilizations they're friendly with will draw closer to you, while others they're hostile with will drift apart.

Another benefit is that the other civilization will become more open to satisfying any demands you make of them. Use this to your advantage!

Finally, Research Agreements become possible between you and the other civilization.

Demands [ ]

You may make many demands of another civilization. Whether or not they comply will depend on relations and the AI leader's Boldness :

  • Demand that they stop settling near your territory.
  • Demand that they stop spying on you.
  • Demand that they stop spreading their religion to your cities.
  • Demand that they stop digging for artifacts in your territory.

Other civilizations, on their turn, may also demand stuff from you. If you agree to their demand, know that you will have to spend a certain number of turns (50-100) not engaging in the activity in question. At that point, the promise will be considered fulfilled, and you may go back to doing what you were doing previously. If you break the promise before the required period has expired, relations between you will worsen.

Denouncing [ ]

You may publicly denounce another civilization , stating for the entire diplomatic society to hear that they're a bad person and everyone shouldn't trust them. A denunciation will immediately worsen relations with the civilization you've denounced, and also with their friends. At the same time, it may improve relations with other civilizations that aren't on good terms with the denounced civilization.

When another civilization denounces you, other leaders will become more wary of you for a time. This may result in a drop in relations, although it's usually not enough on its own to lead to such nasty things like wars. However, it will often not change a Friendly civ's view of you. 

Denouncing is often used as a prelude to war - the denouncing party may only gain if they already intend to attack, since civilizations that aren't friends of the denounced will drift apart from them, and may become more amenable to allying with the denouncing party. 

Declaring War [ ]

You can declare war on any civilization you want - an option you have to consider very carefully! Before completing the declaration, the game will prompt you to confirm, also showing the current state of relations with the party, such as active trade deals, trade routes open between you two, other entities allied, treaties signed, and so on. Know that the declaration will immediately cancel all treaties and deals, the allies of each side will automatically declare war on the others (including civilizations which have a Defensive Pact with one of the civilizations), and trade routes will be exposed to attacks.

You can also ask (or be asked by) other civilizations to join a war against a third party - this is called forming an attack alliance. If they agree, you can declare war together and attack at the same time, improving your chances of success. Of course, you will most probably have to divide the spoils as well. Note that when asking another civilization to attack with you, you may use all possible "persuasion" methods, such as bribing.

Signing Treaties [ ]

Open borders [ ].


A very important diplomatic agreement, the Open Borders is actually the most commonly signed treaty in the game.

If war is declared while an Open Borders treaty is in effect, enemy troops are immediately moved to the nearest allowed point outside the border.

Defensive Pact [ ]

You must first research the Chivalry technology before you may sign this pact. When you sign such a pact, the civilization you're making a pact with effectively becomes your ally. Whenever one of the civilizations under a Defensive Pact gets engaged in a defensive war (a war declared by a third party), the other one automatically enters the war as well, on the side of their ally. All City-State allies also enter the war on the relevant sides.

Obviously, signing a Defensive Pact with a powerful civilization can make enemies think twice before attacking you (since this will automatically put them at war with the civilization that signed the treaty with you). However, it's pretty difficult to get a civilization to agree to signing this treaty. Also, be wary when signing one with a civilization that may be attacked during the duration of the treaty. Attacking or declaring war on another civilization will cancel the defensive pact!

Finally, you should be wary of signing Defensive Pacts when you are friendly with several other civilizations. Even if they are friends with you, they may not be friendly toward each other at all. At this point, it becomes dangerous to sign this pact as one of your friends may declare war on the civilizations that you signed the pact with. This causes massive ramifications: if one of your allies attacks an civilization with which you have made a Defensive Pact, you will automatically go to war with the attacker and suffer a diplomacy penalty for declaring war on a civilization that you declared friendship with. Not only will this make you a pariah to the other civilizations, but the civilization that dragged you into the war is bugged to consider you a traitor. Once the war ends, they will have a negative opinion of you even though you helped them.

Research Agreement [ ]

This treaty becomes available after researching Education , and you must also have made a Declaration of Friendship with another civilization. You (or they) can then decide to sign a Research Agreement - a process when scientists from both civilizations get together and start working on a common project, exchanging experience and information.


Research Agreements are a great way to boost your technological advancement, especially if your civilization isn't very good at that. However, be mindful that the other civilization will also get a boost - if they're well on their way to a science victory , entering into a Research Agreement with them might not be such a good idea.

{\displaystyle RAbeakers={\frac {n\%\times \min(a,b)}{3}}}

War and Peace [ ]

War is an integral part of the game, and although it might be fun at first, it quickly turns into a burden for everyone. You just array your troops and fight endlessly. Note that when declaring war, all allies of the sides automatically enter the war as well. Also, if one of the sides makes new allies when the war is already under way, the new allies also enter the war immediately. All trade agreements and treaties between the sides at the time are cancelled automatically.

More interesting is the way you Negotiate Peace , and here are some observations about that.

First of all, peace depends on the two sides' will to continue fighting. If you started the war and decide that you've achieved enough, you may offer peace to your opponent; if they started it and think that they've achieved enough, they may offer you peace. A combatant who thinks the war isn't going well for them may also sue for peace (though this is often an exercise in futility when dealing with AI leaders, who will refuse any attempt at peace negotiations if they're winning the war by a large enough margin or have yet to achieve their goals).

Peace negotiations are a lot like trading, where the two sides attempt to reach an agreement to end the hostilities. The crucial factor is who's winning, and how badly the other side is losing. The worse the situation, the more they'll be prepared to offer you if you're winning and the more they'll demand from you to end the war if they're winning. Cities are often part of peace negotiations, and this is when a civilization is most likely to be willing to part with them.

When a Peace Treaty is signed, all units are immediately expelled from the other civilization's territory (unless an Open Borders agreement is part of the treaty) and any cities that were traded away become part of their new owners' territory. A Peace Treaty lasts for 10 turns, during which the two sides may not Declare War on each other.

World Congress [ ]

In the Brave New World expansion, diplomacy goes to a whole new level: an international multilateral cooperation and contest in which all civilizations and City-States take part together. This is done in a new entity - the World Congress , which is convened once a civilization discovers all other civilizations, and researches Printing Press . Because of the complexity of the new gameplay concept, it is described in other articles.

References [ ]

  • ↑ Brave New World formula for Research Agreements
  • ↑ Original formula for Research Agreements

See also [ ]

  • Espionage (Civ5)
  • Resolutions (Civ5)
  • Diplomacy in other games
[ ]

‡ ‡ ‡

† Only in ‡ Only in and
  • Civilization
  • 1 Leaders (Civ6)
  • 2 Civilizations (Civ6)
  • 3 Civilization VI

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What happens to a research agreement when we go to war in Civ 5?

I formed a research agreement with an AI in Civ 5, and when it was about halfway done he attacked me. Is that money just gone for both of us, or can we resume it somehow once I've taught him a lesson?

  • civilization-5

David Fullerton's user avatar

3 Answers 3

Investments into Research Agreements, if broken, are lost. This is why you should never go to war with your research partners if you can help it -- since you both lose.

Raven Dreamer's user avatar

The money you each put into the agreement is lost. This is not necessarily a bad thing - if you can trick someone into a research agreement before going to war, they will lose that money, which they could have used on defending themselves.

According to Wikipedia , the higher-level computer opponents will sometimes use this strategy.

BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft's user avatar

  • I had a research agreement get broken from me starting an attach, but got the "free" tech anyway. I think I was only a few turns from the end of it. –  Dave Commented Sep 24, 2010 at 16:50
  • 2 @Dave it was a bug in the first (unpatched) version of the game, it's fixed now. –  Oak Commented Oct 27, 2010 at 15:02
  • 3 I just Googled "Research Agreement" "War" and this was the first post that came up. This was my first ever game and Montezuma tricked me into spending all my gold to form a research agreement when he had 5 spearman directly outside my capital. I had no option but to accept incase it annoyed him. Two turns after he decalred war. And all the gold was gone. I then couldn't fast build a horseman to defend and lost. This was on easy difficulty so I can confirm this tactic isn't even used on higher difficulty games. It was my first time playing. –  Layke Commented Sep 10, 2011 at 13:56
  • @BlueRaja, Don't use a research agreement if you are going to break it. Offer the opponent GPT and goods for his treasury gold. The GPT and goods will be returned once you declare war. You'll be at least 500 richer instead of 500 poorer. –  Joshua Shane Liberman Commented Jan 29, 2013 at 17:16

GPT as BlueRaja mentioned is a good exploit for sure. Open borders also is a good trade or pretty much anything that pays out over multiple turns including your excess strategic resources. You'd think it would be a horrible idea to arm the enemy at your gates but once they declare war on you 1 of 2 things will happen:

Let's say you trade iron for gold to Montezuma just before he declares war on you... 1) He already had more reserve iron than swordsman/catapults/etc. on the field, meaning the excess iron you gave him provided no benefit, but he has now financed your defenses/fun budget. 2) Montezuma was actually able to increase his max number of (iron) units via the trade, but now that your supply of iron is cut off Montezuma will have a shortage of iron resulting in all of his swordsmen/catapults/etc. receiving a combat penalty until he is able to get back in the black. Also, he has now financed your defenses/fun budget.

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  • 1 This is a good discussion of trading, but what does it have to do with research agreements, as asked in the original question? (Each answer here should directly address the question. Welcome to Arquade, and check out the faq .) –  PotatoEngineer Commented Jul 11, 2014 at 15:57

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how to make research agreements civ 5


  1. What does the Research Agreements do? :: Sid Meier's Civilization V

    heatson May 17, 2014 @ 7:32pm. You must have a Declaration of Friendship to do this. Once you do, you and another player can "donate" a set amount of gold to a reasearch agreement which takes about 30 turns on standard speed. Once the 30 turns are up, you and that person you have a research agreement with get a tech boost.

  2. Civ 5 Science Guide: Maximizing Research Output

    By understanding how Science is calculated, the knowledge can be used to maximize your Civ's Science output. Population IS Science. Population and Science go hand in hand. With no other buildings involved, one Population equals one Science. Higher Population throughout your Empire, or even in a single City = higher Science output.

  3. So how do research agreements work? : r/civ5

    I believe that in G&K, instead of the lesser of the total science, it uses the average of the total science as the numerator, thus in the above case both you and Civ A would gain 150 science. In Vanilla, you gain science that equals to the median science cost of all your currently researchable techs. 3.

  4. Can someone explain how Research Agreements work? : r/civ5

    Research agreements have a base cost that increases per era. Research agreements can only be signed during a declaration of friendship, but they can continue even if the friendship ends, unless broken by a declaration of war or extinction of the other civ. If you and the AI are in the same era, or even if the AI is ahead of you, the AI will ...

  5. Research agreements : r/civ5

    Loading screen type of pro tip:When you have researched all techs in the game (more likely to happen in scenarios) - do not accept research agreements. They are a very beneficial element of the game. If you know you have enough gold for it, you should always agree them.

  6. Research Agreement

    A Research Agreement is an agreement that can be negotiated through diplomacy in the Civilization games. It gives both of the civilizations that sign it a bonus toward researching one or more technologies. Research Agreement is not present in (or the article has not been created for) the following games : This is a disambiguation page used to differentiate articles on different topics of the ...

  7. How do research agreements work?

    Upon completion, you both get a science boost equal to 50% of the median cost of all techs that you (and only you) can currently research. Scientific Revolution in the Rationalism policy tree and The Porcelain Tower both increase the boost by 50%. They stack additively, so with both you get a 100% increase. It's the side effects that save us.

  8. Research Agreement Mechanics, Civilization V: Brave New World

    Exploring some mechanics in Brave New World with the way Research Agreements work. Also dabbing a little bit into overflow. I wasn't too sure about any of ...

  9. How do the new Civ 5 G&K Research Agreements work?

    4,554. Nov 2, 2012. #2. the sum of you and your partners beaker output per turn is divided by 6, then modified by the 50%+SP/PT bonus. The maximum you get is somewhere in the range of 5-10 turns worth of your own bpt as the output (10 turns = you specifically having SP/PT, 5 turns = not having them). That depends of course on if your partner ...

  10. Research Agreements (BNW)

    Basics of Research Agreements. Research agreements become available to a civilization when it has researched Education. For an investment of gold, an embassy in each capital, and a DOF, two civilizations may agree to sign a research agreement. The length of the research agreement is determined by game speed (30 turns on Standard speed).

  11. How exactly do research agreements work? :: Sid Meier's Civilization V

    When the research is complete they share the results with the 2 funding civs. Thanks! #5. Showing 1 - 5 of 5 comments. Per page: 15 30 50. Sid Meier's Civilization V > General Discussions > Topic Details. When a research agreement is signed, it's almost impossible that the two friendly civs have exactly the same science output as each other. So ...

  12. Civ 5 Tips & Helpful Info

    Trading Posts are more valuable than ever in Civ 5's Brave New World DLC. Whether your goal is to gift to City-States, form Research Agreements, or buy units and buildings outright, there's always a way to spend your Civilization's money. Trading posts give +2 gold to a tile when Economics is researched.

  13. Research Agreements (vanilla)

    Definitions. RA - Research Agreement. Tech - Technology. Bulb - A freely granted technology gained by either expending a great scientist, completing Oxford, the Great Library or the Scientific Revolution social policy. Basics of Research Agreements. Research agreements become available to a civilization when it has researched philosophy.

  14. Can you guys explain the importance of Research Agreements ...

    Put simply: You and a civ you have declared friendship with sign a Research Agreement. It costs you both a fixed value of gold (eg. 250). This value goes up over time. When the agreement concludes (30 turns), both parties gain the last 8 turns of their own science output in one go. Let's say your empire is producing 250 Science per turn.

  15. Civ 5 Let's play: Rome #40 How to get the most out of your research

    How to get the most out of your research agreements.Playing Sid Meier's Civilization V as Rome.Random map typeStandard map sizeEmperorStandard game paceRecor...

  16. Diplomacy (Civ5)

    Back to Civilization V Go to Diplomatic victory (Civ5) Diplomacy is the art of making relations with other game entities in Civilization V. ... In Brave New World, the math behind Research Agreements changes to make them less useful for a more technologically advanced civilization signing an agreement with a technologically backward ...

  17. What happens to a research agreement when we go to war in Civ 5?

    8. The money you each put into the agreement is lost. This is not necessarily a bad thing - if you can trick someone into a research agreement before going to war, they will lose that money, which they could have used on defending themselves. According to Wikipedia, the higher-level computer opponents will sometimes use this strategy.

  18. Can someone explain how research agreements work? : r/civ

    Source: Civ 5 wikia ... Now, the science yield of a research agreement is equal to 1/6th of the total beaker yield over the course of the research agreement of the partner with the LOWER total beaker yield. Which means that to get maximum benefit, sign research agreements with AIs that are producing more science than you.

  19. Are Research Agreements Worth it?

    Yes. #1. airmikee99 Nov 3, 2015 @ 10:09pm. Absolutely, yes. Sometimes when I've been in a space race with another civ I'll fund the entire research agreement with one of the weaker civs, gift them the gold then make the RA. #2. Matthew Nov 3, 2015 @ 10:32pm. Ehh, not so much anymore. They used to be very strong, but have been nerfed several ...

  20. Cannot figure out how to do research agreements : r/civ5

    Nowhere have I ever seen a mention of a research agreement. The only place I see the words "Research agreement" are in the Civlopedia. Edit: I've done this in several games, playing as different civs and tried to start a research agreement with numerous other civs I had a friendship agreement with. I've been tops in research and behind others.

  21. How do I start a research agreement? :: Sid Meier's Civilization VI

    It's an option in the trade menu, although the AI seems very reluctant to accept the offer. You must of course first researched the tech for the research agreement to be possible to do. Then the other nation must have researched the ability to do research agreements as well. Now you're ready to do the agreements ONLY IF you both share the same ...

  22. Can somebody explain Research Agreements to me? : r/civ

    Gaminic. • • Edited. Research Agreements give a one-time boost in research. Two Civs with a Declaration of Friendship have to invest a sum of gold, then wait 30 (Standard) turns for it to complete. If the Civs go to war within that 30turn period, the RA is cancelled completely and there is no refund.